PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture...

Radiation Physics Lecture 1 Background and Fundamentals The Discovery of Radiation X-rays Radioactivity Classification of Radiation Types of Ionising Radiation Radiation Units and Properties Dose in Water Atomic Physics and Radiation The Rutherford-Bohr Model Multi-Electron Atoms Production of Radiation Characteristic Radiation Characteristic X-rays Auger Electrons Continuous Radiation Bremsstrahlung Radiation Synchrotron Radiation Particle Accelerators X-ray Tubes Cyclotrons Linear Accelerators PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry Lecture 1 Tuesday 3 March 2009

Transcript of PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture...

Page 1: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

PHYS 5012Radiation Physics and Dosimetry

Lecture 1

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Page 2: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Background and Fundamentals

Cleaning up Chernobyl: workers are advised to limit exposure to no more than15 mins at a time (National Geographic Magazine, April 2006).

Page 3: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

The Discovery of Radiation

Three main discoveries of radiation made at the turn ofthe 19th century, together with several major advances intheoretical physics, including quantum mechanics andspecial relativity, signalled the birth of Radiation Physics.The subsequent realisation that radiation can be harmfulto humans led to the the rapid development of radiationdosage measurements and quantification and commonlyaccepted standards for tolerable levels of radiation inhumans.

Page 4: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators


X-rays are photons (i.e. electromagnetic radiation) withenergies typically above 1 keV. They were discovered byWilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895.

Roentgen discovered X-rays inadvertedly whilst studying fluoresenceusing a cathode ray tube. He explored the absorption properties of therays in soft tissue and bone using his wife’s hand (note the ring).

Page 5: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators


Natural radioactivity is the spontaneous emission ofradiation by a material. It was discovered by AntoineHenri Becquerel in 1896.

Whilst Roentgen’s X-raysneeded to be induced bycathode rays (electrons),Becquerel found that somematerials, notably uranium ore,possessed their own source ofradiation energy. He discoveredthis after placing some uraniummineral on a photographic platewrapped in black paper into adark drawer, finding afterwardsthat the uranium had indeedleft an image on the plate.

Page 6: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

RadioactivityMarie Curie coined the term "radioactivity" for thephenomenon Becquerel found associated with uraniumore. Together with her husband Pierre, they beganinvestigating radioactivity. Marie found that afterextracting pure uranium from ore, the residual materialwas even more radioactive than the uranium. She haddiscovered polonium and radium.

Page 7: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Classification of Radiation

Radiation can be broadly classified into two maincategories, based on its ability to ionise matter:

I Non-ionising radiation cannot ionise matter becauseits energy is lower than the ionisation potential of thematter.

I Ionising radiation has sufficient energy to ionisematter either directly or indirectly.

Although non-ionising radiation can transfer some of itsenergy to matter, the low energies involved result innegligible effects compared to those of ionising radiation.Henceforth, only ionising radiation will be considered.

Page 8: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Types of Ionising Radiation

Ionising radiation can be further subdivided into twoclasses:

I Directly ionising - charged particles (electrons,protons, α particles, heavy ions); deposits energy inmatter directly through Coulomb collisions withorbital electrons.

I Indirectly ionising - neutral particles (photons,neutrons); deposit energy indiectly through atwo-step process: 1. release of charged particlesand 2. charged particle energy deposition throughColoumb interactions.

Page 9: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Types of Directly Ionising Radiation

Charged particles are described as light (electrons andpositrons), heavy (protons, deutrons, α particles) orheavier (e.g. carbon-12). Some of the commonnomenclature is as follows:

Light charged particlesI photoelectrons – produced by photoelectric effectI recoil electrons – produced by Compton effectI delta rays – electrons produced by charged particle

collisionsI beta particles – electrons or positrons emitted from

nuclei by β− or β+ decay:10n−→1

1 p + 0−1 e or 1

1p−→10 n + 0

+1 e+ ν

Page 10: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Types of Directly Ionising Radiation

Heavy charged particlesI protons – nucleus of hydrogen-1 (1

1H) atomI deutron – nucleus of deuterium (2

1H) atomI triton – nucleus of tritium (3

1H) atomI helium-3 – nucleus of helium-3 (3

2He) atomI α particle – nucleus of helium-4 (4

2He) atom

Heavier charged particles include nuclei or ions ofheavier atoms such as carbon-12 (12

6 C), nitrogen-14 (147 N),

or neon-20 (2010Ne).

Page 11: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Types of Indirectly Ionising Radiation

Ionising photons can be classified into four groups:I characteristic X-rays – due to electronic transitions

between discrete atomic energy levelsI bremsstrahlung emission – due to electron-nucleus

Coulomb interactionsI gamma rays – resulting from nuclear decaysI annihilation radiation – resulting from

electron-positron pair annihilation

Page 12: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Radiation Units and Properties

Accurate measurement of radiation is critical to anyindustry or profession that involves regular use ofradiation. Several units have been defined to quantifydifferent types of radiation measurements. These aresummarised in the following table.

Page 13: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Quantity Definition SI unit

Exposure X = ∆Q/∆mair 2.58× 10−4C kg−1

Dose D = ∆Eab/∆m 1 Gy = 1 J kg−1

Equivalent dose H = DwR 1 SvActivity A = λN 1 Bq = 1 s−1

I Exposure measures the ability of photons to ioniseair (its original unit of measurement was theroentgen, R); ∆Q is the collected charge.

I Dose is the energy absorbed per mass of matter; itsunit is the gray (Gy); ∆Eab is the energy absorbed ina medium.

I Equivalent dose is the dose mulitplied by a radiationweighting factor wR for different types of radiation(wR = 1 for photons and electrons); its unit ofmeasurement is the sievert (Sv).

I Activity is the number of decays per unit time of aradioactive substance; λ is the decay constant and Nis the number of radioactive atoms.

Page 14: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Dose in Water for Different Radiation Beams

Dose deposition in water is extremely important becausesoft tissue is mostly made up of water. Different types ofradiation deposit their energy at different depths in water.In general, indirectly ionising radiation deposits energy inan exponential-like fashion, while directly ionisingradiation deposits virtually all its energy in a localisedregion, as is evident in the figure below.

Page 15: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Depth dose curves for different radiation beams in water and for different ener-gies, normalised to 100% at depth dose maximum (reproduced from Podgoršak,Fig. 1.2).

Page 16: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Dose in Water for Different Radiation Beams

Dose distributions for photon beams:I build-up region from surface to depth dose maximum

zmax followed by approximate exponential attenuationI dose deposition determined by secondary electrons;

zmax proportional to beam energyI skin sparing effect: low surface dose for high energy


Dose distributions for neutron beams:I similar to photon case, but dose deposition due to

secondary protons or heavier nuclei

Page 17: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Dose in Water for Different Radiation Beams

Dose distributions for electron beams:I high surface dose and build-up to zmax, followed by

rapid fall-off to a low-level dose bremsstrahlung taildue to radiative losses of the beam

I zmax does not depend on beam energy, but beampenetration depends on beam energy

Dose distributions for heavy charged particle beams:I exhibit a range in distance traversed before very

localised energy deposition; this is because ofnegligible changes in heavy particle trajectoriesresulting from Coulomb interactions with orbitalelectrons in absorber

I maximum dose is called Bragg peak

Page 18: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Atomic Physics and Radiation

With the discovery of electrons as well as alpha, beta andgamma rays by 1900 came their use as probes to studythe atomic structure of matter. In 1911, Ernest Rutherfordproposed the atomic model that we retain today, in whichall positive charge is concentrated in a small massivenucleus, with the electrons orbiting around. This modelwas vindicated in 1913 by Rutherford’s students, Geigerand Marsden, in their famous alpha particle scatteringexperiment (now known as "Rutherford scattering").

Page 19: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

The Rutherford-Bohr ModelNeils Bohr further postulated that electrons only exist incertain fixed orbits that were related to the quantisation ofelectromagnetic radiation shown by Planck. Bohr’s atomicmodel successfully explains single-electron atoms.

Page 20: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Multi-Electron Atoms

Bohr’s model breaks down for multi-electron atomsbecause it does not take into account the repulsiveCoulomb interactions between electrons. DouglasHartree proposed an approximation that adequatelypredicts the energy levels En and radii rn of atomic orbitsin multi-electron systems:

En = −ER




, rn =a0n2


where n is the principal quantum number, ER = 13.61 eVis the Rydberg energy, Zeff is the effective atomic numberand a0 = 5.292× 10−11 m is the Bohr radius of asingle-electron atom.

Page 21: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Energy level diagram for lead (Z = 82). The n = 1, 2, 3, 4... shells inmulti-electron atoms are referred to as the K, L, M, N... shells.

Page 22: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Production of RadiationRadiation is produced in a variety of different ways byboth natural and man-made processes. Atoms in anexcited state de-excite by emitting electromagneticradiation at discrete energies. For high-Z atoms, this lineemission typically occurs at X-ray energies and is referredto as characteristic radiation. Under some conditions, anexcited atom can also de-excite by emitting an Augerelectron, which is analogous to a photoelectron.Continuous emission of electromagnetic radiation isproduced by charged particle (usually electron)acceleration, either by an electrostatic (Coulomb) field,resulting in bremsstrahlung radiation, or by a magneticfield, resulting in synchrotron radiation. Radiation canalso be produced by naturally radioactive sources. Thiswill not be covered here. Finally, man-made acceleratormachines are designed to produce radiation with specificdesired properties.

Page 23: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Characteristic RadiationA vacancy in an atomic shell occurs as a result of severaldifferent processes (e.g. photoelectric effect, Coulombinteractions – to be discussed later in the course). Whenit occurs in an inner shell, the atom is in a highly excitedstate and returns to its ground state through electronictransitions which are usually accompanied bycharacteristic X-ray emission (formerly also referred to asfluorescent emission). Some transitions result in theejection of other orbital electrons. This is the Auger effect.

Page 24: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Characteristic X-rays

Electronic transitions that result in electromagneticradiation are fully described using spectroscopic notationfor the electronic configurations, which take the form nljwritten in terms of the quantum numbers:

I n = principal quantum number , or shell:n = 1, 2, 3, ...

I l = azimuthal quantum number , or subshell(specifying an electron’s orbital angular momentum):l = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., n− 1 (corresponding to s, p, d, f orbitalstates)

I s = spin quantum number : s = 12

I mj = total (orbital+spin) angular momentum quantumnumber: mj = −j,−j + 1,−j + 2, ...j − 2, j − 1, j, wherej = |l − s|, |l − s+ 1|, ...|l + s|

Page 25: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Radiative transitions can only proceed between adjacentangular momentum states:

∆l = ±1 , ∆j = 0or 1 (2)

but not j = 0→ j = 0. These are referred to as theselection rules for allowed transitions and are based onthe condition that electrostatic interactions alwaysdominate. Forbidden transitions are those which occur asa result of other interactions, the most important beingspin-orbit (or L−S) coupling. Forbidden transitions violatethe selection rules. For example, the Kα3 transition2s1/2 −→ 1s1/2 is forbidden because ∆l = 0 and ∆j = 0.The Kα1 transition 2p3/2 −→ 1s1/2 is allowed because∆l = 1 and ∆j = 1.

Page 26: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Typical energy level diagram for a high-Z atom showing sub-shell structure forK, L and M shells. Allowed (solid lines) and forbidden (dashed lines) Kα and Kβ

transitions are also shown. Numbers in parentheses indicate maximum numberof electrons in that sub-shell, 2j + 1. (From Podgoršak, Fig. 3.1.)

Page 27: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Characteristic X-ray SpectraCharacteristic emission produces line spectra at discreteenergies corresponding to the difference between energystates. The strongest lines are usually the Kα

(n = 2→ n = 1) and Kβ (n = 3→ n = 1) transitions.

Page 28: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Auger ElectronsWhen forbidden transitions occur, sometimes it results inthe ejection of an electron, called an Auger electron,instead of characteristic X-rays. The energy differencebetween the two shells is thus transferred to the Augerelectron, which is ejected with kinetic energy equal to thedifference between its binding energy and the energyreleased in the electronic transition. In the exampleshown below, for instance, the Auger electron’s kineticenergy is: Ekin = (EK − EL2)− EL2

Page 29: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

The Auger effect usually occurs between L and K shellsand is more common in low-Z atoms, which tend to havea lower fluorescence yield (number of characteristicphotons emitted per vacancy) than high-Z atoms. Thissuggests the effect cannot be simply explained in termsof the photoelectric effect and photon reabsorption. Insome cases, a cascade effect occurs, whereby inner shellvacancies are successively filled by the Auger process,with ejections of more loosely bound electrons. Atomswhich produce mulitple Auger electrons are referred to asAuger emitters.

Page 30: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Continuous Radiation

Unbound charged particles that are accelerated emitelectromagnetic radiation. The emitted photons can haveany energy up to the kinetic energy of the radiatingcharged particle. Thus, the emission is continuous, ratherthan discrete as occurs for characteristic radiation.Emission of electromagnetic radiation is most efficient forelectrons. The most common form of continous emissionoccurs when an electron is deaccelerated by theCoulomb field of a nearby atomic nucleus. This is calledbremsstrahlung radiation. The radiation emitted by anelectron accelerated by an external magnetic field iscalled synchrotron radiation. Radiative losses ofhigh-energy particles are typically <∼ 10%.

Page 31: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

The emission of electromagnetic radiation represents anirreversible flow of energy from a source (acceleratedelectron) to infinity. This is possible only because theelectromagnetic fields associated with acceleratingcharges fall off as 1/r, instead of 1/r2, as is the case forcharges at rest or charges moving uniformly. Thisproduces a finite total electromagnetic power (∝ r2E2) atarbitrarily far distances r. The 1/r dependence arisesbecause electromagnetic waves have a finite propagationtime to reach a field point P from a source point S, so theradiation field measured at P at time t depends on thetime at emission, called the retarded time: t′ = t −∆r/c.

Page 32: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

The radiation field produced by an accelerated,nonrelativistic charge q is:

Erad =q



[r × (r × v)



Brad =1c

r × Erad (4)

where v is the particle’s acceleration and r is thedisplacement vector from the charged particle at time t′ tothe field point at which the radiation is being measured attime t. Note that Erad , Brad and r are mutuallyperpendicular.

Page 33: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

The total electromagnetic power P radiated is obtained byintegrating the Poynting flux, S= EradBrad/µ0, over asurface area in all directions: P =

∫Sr2dΩ. This gives the


P =µ0q2a2

6πcLarmor formula (5)

This famous result shows that the total power emitted intoelectromagnetic radiation is directly proportional to thesquare of a charged particle’s acceleration a and chargeq.

Page 34: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Bremsstrahlung RadiationWhen charged particles of mass m and charge e areincident on a target material, they experience inelasticCoulomb interactions with the orbital electrons and withthe nuclei (charge Ze) of the target. Coulomb collisionswith the orbital electrons usually results in ionisationlosses. Coulomb encounters with nuclei results inradiative bremsstrahlung losses. The acceleration aexperienced by an incident charge in the vicinity of anucleus is obtained from

ma=e Ze

4πε0r2 =⇒ a∝ Ze2


The Larmor formula then implies that radiative losses forincident electrons will be more efficient, by a factor(mp/me)2 ' 4× 106, than for protons, which will lose theirkinetic energy more quickly via collisional ionisationlosses.

Page 35: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

The emission spectrum for bremsstrahlung radiation iscontinuous up to the kinetic energy of the emittingelectrons. The spectrum peaks near the maximum kineticenergy, above which it declines rapidly.

Page 36: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Synchrotron Radiation

Synchrotron radiation is electromagnetic radiation emittedby charged particles accelerated by a magnetic field thatmaintains a circular particle trajectory, so there is acentripetal acceleration perpendicular to theinstantaneous particle momentum. Because particles canbe accelerated to very high energies, it is necessary toconsider the relativistic generalisation of the Larmorformula:

P =µ0q2


‖+a2⊥) relativistic Larmor formula (6)

where γ = (1− β2)−1/2 is the particle’s Lorentz factor,corresponding to its energy E = γmc2, and where a‖ anda⊥ are the components of the particle’s accelerationparallel and perpendicular to its velocity βc.

Page 37: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

For synchrotron radiation, a‖ = 0 and a⊥ = v2/R, where Ris the fixed radius of the synchrotron accelerating device.The Larmor formula then implies

P =µ0q2c3β4γ4

6πR2 (7)

For a fixed magnetic field strength B, the particlemomentum attained is γmv= eBR.The radiation intensity pattern emitted by relativisticcharged particles is highly directional and is beamedtowards the direction of motion of the particles in aforward beam. This effect, called relativistic beaming,results from relativistic aberration.

dipole emission (particle rest frame)P(θ) ∝ sin2 θ

forward beaming (observer rest frame)P(θ) ∝ (1− β cosϑ)−4

Page 38: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Because P∝ R−2 (c.f. eqn. 7), particle accelerators suchas CERN’s Large Hadronic Collider (LHC) and theAustralian synchrotron (shown below) have to be builtwith a large radius of curvature in order to minimisesynchrotron losses by the particles being accelerated.

Page 39: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Particle Accelerators

Various types of particle accelerator machines have beenbuilt for basic research in nuclear and high-energyphysics. Most of them have been modified for medicalapplication. All particle accelerators require an electricfield to accelerate charged particles. There are 2 types ofelectric field specifications:

1. electrostatic accelerators – particles accelerated by astatic electric field; maximum energy limited byvoltage drop; examples: superficial and orthovoltageX-ray tubes.

2. cyclic accelerators – particles accelerated by timevarying electric field and trajectories curved byassociated magnetic field; multiple crossings ofvoltage drop allows high energies to be attained;examples: cyclotrons, linear accelerators.

Page 40: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

X-ray Tubes

I electrons produced in heated filament (cathode)accelerated in vacuum tube toward target (anode)across electrostatic potential

I bremsstrahlung X-rays produced at high-Z target(∼ 1% efficiency typically)

I kinetic energy deposited in target mostly as heat;requires cooling

Page 41: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

I resulting X-ray beam energy determined by peakenergy of electron beam (voltage drop), often givenas peak voltage in kilovolts, kVp

Typical X-ray spectra produced by an X-ray tube. Left: bremsstrahlung only;

Right: bremsstrahlung plus characteristic emission. (1Å≈ 12.4 keV)

Page 42: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators


I particles accelerated by crossing a radiofrequency(RF) voltage multiple times

I uniform B-field confines particle trajectories to spiralmotion

I proton cyclotrons used to produce fluorine-18radionuclide used in Positron Emission Tomography(PET)

Page 43: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Linear Accelerators (linacs)

I used for radiotherapy treatment of cancer (externalbeam therapy)

I acceleration of electrons by pulsed, high power RFfields in an accelerating waveguide

I linear trajectories, multiple voltage crossingsI peak electron beam energies in range 4− 25 MeV

I high energy (5− 20 MeV) photon beams alsoproduced with retractable thick X-ray target

I multiple configurations possible

Page 44: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators

Schematic of a medical linac (from Podgoršak, Fig. 3.10).

Page 45: PHYS 5012 Radiation Physics and Dosimetry - Lecture · radiation by a material. It was discovered by Antoine Henri

Radiation PhysicsLecture 1

Background andFundamentalsThe Discovery of Radiation



Classification of Radiation

Types of Ionising Radiation

Radiation Units andProperties

Dose in Water

Atomic Physics andRadiation

The Rutherford-BohrModel

Multi-Electron Atoms

Production ofRadiationCharacteristic Radiation

Characteristic X-rays

Auger Electrons

Continuous Radiation

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

Synchrotron Radiation

Particle Accelerators

X-ray Tubes


Linear Accelerators