Phrases To Describe Emotion

Phrases to Describe Emotions Rage/Fury/ Anger Her face was contorted with rage and fury. A wave of futile rage swept over him. Venom spewed from his lips as he cursed belligerently and he was like an angry bull ready to charge . Seething with anger Sadness Tears welled up in his eyes and began rolling down her cheeks like rivulets. He felt the whole world collapsing upon him. Dark clouds seemed to constantly loom over her head. She felt as if her heart had been ripped from her body. She fell to her knees, clutching her head in despair. Shock Panic engulfed him and pierced his very bones


A word doc I did on phrases on emotions.

Transcript of Phrases To Describe Emotion

Page 1: Phrases To Describe Emotion

Phrases to Describe Emotions

Rage/Fury/ Anger Her face was contorted with rage and fury. A wave of futile rage swept over him. Venom spewed from his lips as he cursed belligerently and he was like

an angry bull ready to charge .

Seething with anger


Tears welled up in his eyes and began rolling down her cheeks like rivulets.

He felt the whole world collapsing upon him. Dark clouds seemed to constantly loom over her head. She felt as if her heart had been ripped from her body. She fell to her knees, clutching her head in despair.

Shock Panic engulfed him and pierced his very bones Paralyzed with fear, he could not command his legs to run. The blood drained from his face when he heard the tragic news. Overcome with fright, she lost her balance and fell down in a swoon. A haze of fear surrounded her and her face was a mask of horror Dread snaked into him, chilling his spine and robbing him of the ability

to speak An uncomfortable premonition of fear pervaded his senses.

Happy• He was over the moon when he heard the good news.

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•She laughed blithely with a big smile plastered on her face, which was lit up like sun rays shining down

• Her eyes glittered with tears of joy.• Exhilarated by the good news, the man pranced around the room like a little boy with a lollipop• They were saturated with happiness.• She felt as if the whole world was on her side.• He nearly fell over in elation after learning that he had won the prize.• Her bright smile was infectious, lighting up the room.

• Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks. Sounds of childish laughter rang in the wind


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Robberyo Snatch Thief

The thief grabbed my bag and dashed across the road, running like a mad horse on steroids. I immediately pelted towards the thief before pouncing on him and giving him my signature punch on his face that made him cry out in pain.

The snatch thief skedaddled away and disappeared round the corner. Upon seeing that, I immediately gave chase and scooted around the corner at the speed of the light. Soon, I narrowed the gap between the thief and me. Taking the opportunity, I sprinted towards him and threw myself on him.

o Pickpocket Fight

o Their heated argument turned into violence. The two men exchanged blows. Bystanders cowered in fear and leapt out of their seats to escape from any fury that might come from either of the two men.

Incidents Lift breakdown Minor injury Getting Lost

o In mall Dewi frantically looked around for her parents. Tears welled

up in her eyes as she walked aimlessly around the crowded shopping centre. This was her first time getting separated from her parents and she did not know what to do. Though she felt like wailing, she remembered her father telling her that she was now 'a big girl' and she continued walking bravely.

Retraced her steps Drowning

o The water pushed down on him from all sides. His lungs burned for more air and even though he knew he would get none, but his body still took a breath. Cold water filled his lungs and blood pounded behind his eyes.the darkness engulfed him and he had nothing left in him to fight

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anymore. He gave into the darkness and let the water take him.

Blackouto MRT

Without warning, the MRT train jerked to a halt and everything turned pitch dark. Panic invaded the carriage I was in. Some of the commuters screamed at the top of their voice and burst into tears. Fear ripped into my lungs, robbing me off all oxygen. I could hear my own pulses and my heart palpitating with the chilling fear that was setting in. The carriage was soon abuzz with nervous chatters and some lights from mobile phones illuminated the carriage.

Late for schoolo It was eight in the morning. I slowly woke up and found that even

the two alarm clocks ringing loudly did not wake me up. It was already eight in the morning! I jumped out of bed and quickly washed my face. Then slipping into my school uniform, I ran out of the flat.

Accidentso Car

A deafening blast rose into the air. The car had crashed into a tree. The windscreen shattered into smithereens. Thick layers of burnt dust puffed out of the rattling engine. Traffic came into an immediate total standstill.

o Fire

• Pandemonium broke out, people dashed off in fear, hoping to escape from the clutches of the raging fire. The howling wind fed the raging flames and the fire sang a grim tune triumphantly as it burnt. The repugnant burning scent filled the air as the ravenous orange flames swallowed up the building.

The sharp shrill of alarm reverberated through the whole building.