PHP e a Geoweb

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Esta palestra pretende dar uma geral sobre Geoweb e mostrar o que um desenvolvedor php precisa saber para trabalhar com aplicativos que utilizam recursos de geolocalização.

Transcript of PHP e a Geoweb

  • 1. PHP e a Geoweb Alex Piaz Novembro 2009

2. TheGeospatial WeborGeowebis a relatively new term that implies the merging of geographical (location-based) information with the abstract information that currently dominates the Internet. This would create an environment where one could search for things based on location instead of by keyword only. 3. ? 4. 5. Geoweb ... 6. + O que ? Onde ? 7. oportunidadespara desenvolvedores web! 8. 9. Palavras, palavras, palavras

  • SIG / GIS:Sistemas de Informao Geogrfica / Geographical Information System

10. WMS: Web Map Service 11. WFS: Web Feature Service 12. KML: Keyhole Markup Language 13. GeoRSS 14. POSTGIS 15. GeoIP 16. Geocoding 17. Geotagging 18. LBS: Location based services 19. Web Mapping Services

  • Google Maps

20. Yahoo! Maps 21. Bing Maps 22. Cartagen 23. Exemplos de Geoweb Google search: Restaurantes SP 24. Dvidas?

  • [email_address]

25. 26. 27. 28. Avalie esta palestra em: The truth is out there...