
In this Presentation, You are going to learn about Photosynthesis

Transcript of Photosynthesis

In this Presentation, You are

going to learn about


What Is

• Photosynthesis is a process of plants to make their own Food and then toproduce Oxygen by using Light Energy, Carbon Dioxide, Water, & Nutrients from the soil

How do Plants capture Sun’s Energy

Chloroplasts are the plastids that

chlorophyll, and chlorophyll is the

green pigment present in the plant

that help it for the process of


•Photosynthesis is a chemical process whereby plants and algae that contain chlorophyll capture radiant energy from the sun, and use carbon dioxide and water from the environment to then convert the sunlight to food (glucose), while at the same time creating oxygen and water as byproducts.

Three factors can limit the speed of photosynthesis

• Light intensity. Without enough light, a plant cannot photosynthesize very quickly, even if there is plenty of water and carbon dioxide. ...

• Carbon dioxide concentration. ...

• Temperature.