
Edited the people on the picture to make them stand out more over the background by, increasing the brightness and vibrance.

Transcript of Photoshop

Page 1: Photoshop

Edited the people on the

picture to make them stand

out more over the background

by, increasing the brightness

and vibrance.

Page 2: Photoshop

Used the quick selection tool and magic wand tool to get rid of the top of the background so that the heads of the image can be overlapping the magazine title.

Page 3: Photoshop

Cut and pasted the background and made it so that the layer was beneath the magazine title.

Used ‘blending options’ to edit the title so that it is fading from red to orange and used drop shadow.

Page 4: Photoshop

Used shape tools to make grey boxes for text and the line tool to make the red lines to separate it from the main image more.

Page 5: Photoshop

Made boxes to go behind the texts. On the band name’s box, the opacity was made lower so it is less intense and is enough to make the band name on the masthead to stand out. Used ‘bevel and emboss’ on the yellow box to make the box stand out more over the dark background.

Downloaded specific font for the band to make it unique. Used blending options to add drop shadows to the text. And I have made a black outline on the band’s name using a little ‘stroke’ on blending options.

Page 6: Photoshop

All text for cover-lines, date and puffs added using the text tool and blending options to add mainly drop shadow on all cover-lines.

Page 7: Photoshop

Barcode added at the bottom right corner along with the price (in different currencies too) and website address.