Photography Research

+ Photography Research

Transcript of Photography Research

Page 1: Photography Research


Photography Research

Page 2: Photography Research

+Photography Research

In my photography research I have looked at four pictures and

described techniques they have used and how they are effective.

I have also done this so that I can get ideas for when I do my own

photo shoot for my own magazine.

Page 3: Photography Research

The colour of his top is white which represents

innocence and purity which contrasts with the black

leather jacket which represents rebelliousness. Justin

Bieber is wearing a chain with the jacket slanted off his

shoulder which again emphasis that he is being

portrayed as rebellious.

This is a medium close up shot of Justin Bieber

which allows the reader to see the emotions and

facial expressions of Justin Bieber. Justin is making

eye contact the with the reader which will draw the

reader in.

Justin’s hair in this shot is all messy and looks as if

it has been jelled up in preparation for the shot. This

adds to the fact of him being portrayed as


This type of shot would be suitable for a magazine

because it has quite a bit of space at the sides of

his head for sell lines.

Page 4: Photography Research

This is a medium shot of Katy Perry on her side but she is facing

the camera. This allows the reader to see her facial expression

which seems quite sexual which might be deliberately done so

that it will catch the readers eye. Katy Perry is also making eye

contact with the reader which also draws the reader in.

In this image Katy Perry is wearing quite erotic clothing which

will grab the readers attention. The fact the clothes are shiny

silver make the image stand out and try to give the picture a

sexy edge. Also the colour of her lipstick is pick which

represents being girly.

This image would be suitable for a front cover because there

is a lot of space for sell lines to be placed around the image.

Also because of the eye contact with the reader it will grab

their attention.

Page 5: Photography Research

This is a medium close up shot of Cher Lloyd.

This shot allows the audience to see the

emotion and facial expressions. She has

quite a mischievous look on her face which

adds to the way in which she is being

portrayed in the image.

Her eye line is in the top third of the rule of

thirds and she is looking directly at the

audience which immediately draws them in.

In the picture she is wearing a ring which

says ‘rebel’ which connotes because she is

young she is rebellious and is seen as a

typical teenager. Also the black top could also

represent her rebelliousness but could also

contrast as the colour black also represents

sophistication. Also the pink watch contrasts

with the way in which she is being portrayed

in the image as the colour pink is to be quite


Page 6: Photography Research

This a wide shot of Rihanna which

allows the audience to see the whole

of her body.

Rihanna’s eye line is in the top third of

the rule of thirds and she is making

eye contact with the audience with a

seductive look which immediately

draws in the audience.

The pose Rihanna is doing makes her

look vulnerable as she is crouched up

but yet the facial expression is sensual

and seductive which combines with

the colour of her hair being red which

represents lust and romance.

The colour of Rihanna’s hair is red

which represents danger and lust but

the clothing she is wearing is white

which contrasts with the colour of her

hair because white represents

innocence and purity.