Photo Story By Sam By Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson.

Photo Story By Sam By Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson

Transcript of Photo Story By Sam By Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson.

Photo Story By Sam

By Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson

It’s hard to be brave and stand up for what is right.

“Well,” said Peter, “what if I ask the captain?”

That struck Hungry Bob as even funnier than the request for spoons.

“Ask the captain?” he roared, almost choking. “Ask the captain? Yes! You do that! You ask Captain Pembridge for a nice dinner!”

“All right, then,” Peter repeated. “I’ll be back.” (40)

“I saw you,” said Peter.

“Saw me what?” asked Molly. She kept her voice calm, but Peter could tell he’d surprised her.

“You were talking to that fish.” (93)

“I thought about that,” Peter said. “I have a plan to get past the guard.”

“Do you now, little friend?”

“I do,” said Peter. “But I need a helper.”

“I see. And you were thinking old Alf would be your helper?” (105)

Now it was Peter’s turn to scramble backward, with the thing turning in his direction, coming after him…coming, coming…its glowing eyes strangely dispassionate, a hungry beast about to do its work. As Peter backed away, he simultaneously crouched and felt around his feet for another bone…for anything…He touched nothing but hard ground. He backed up some more. Hit something hard.

The wall.

He was trapped in the corner. (313)