Phone: (07) 3400 9333 Student Absences Text only ... · Website: 38-64 High Street Russell Island...

Friday 12th June2020 Tuesday 16thJune KindyLinQ 9am-12pm Thursday 18th June KindyLinQ 9am-12pm Please Note the Following There is an assortment of lost property located under the Heritage building. It has all been washed and sorted. There will be NO assemblies until further notice Tuck shop is CLOSED until further notice New 2020 Uniform price list and opening hours included in this newsletter shop is closed until further notice Phone: (07) 3400 9333 Student Absences Text only: 0429395360 Website: 38-64 High Street Russell Island QLD 4184 PO Box 62 Russell Island QLD 4184 Help reduce paper waste and download the QSchool app for access to website and newsleers. Its free! From the Principals desk: We acknowledge the Quandamooka people, the Aboriginal Owners of the land where we gather today and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We recognise their connection to Country and their role in caring for and maintaining Country over thousands of years. May their strength and wisdom be with us today”. Quote Some people want it to happen; some wish it would happen; others make it happen. Michael Jordan Thanks to all our families for supporting the return to regular schooling. Your continued support with pickups and drop offs and your monitoring of adult social distancing is greatly appreciated. Can I remind people that we are still exempt from congregating in groups especially at the school gates and pick up areas? Thank you. Virtual Assembly On Monday we held our first virtual parade. The excitement was real for students as they got to see how our staff have communicated with Skype for business in the first 5 weeks of this term. From the studentsreactions, there sure is something exciting about seeing yourself on a TV screen. It was great to see the students getting their awards. It feels like it has been so long since we have celebrated these achievements. I am looking forward to our next virtual parade on Monday. Semester 1 Assessment and Reporting We will be providing a report card to all parents this semester.

Transcript of Phone: (07) 3400 9333 Student Absences Text only ... · Website: 38-64 High Street Russell Island...

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Friday 12th June2020

Tuesday 16thJune

KindyLinQ 9am-12pm

Thursday 18th June

KindyLinQ 9am-12pm

Please Note the Following

There is an assortment of lost property located under the Heritage building. It has all been washed and sorted.

There will be NO assemblies until further notice

Tuck shop is CLOSED until further notice

New 2020 Uniform price list and opening hours included in this newsletter shop

is closed until further notice

Phone: (07) 3400 9333 Student Absences Text only: 0429395360


38-64 High Street Russell Island QLD 4184 PO Box 62 Russell Island QLD 4184

Help reduce paper waste

and download the

QSchool app for access

to website and

newsletters. It’s free!

From the Principal’s desk:

“We acknowledge the Quandamooka people, the

Aboriginal Owners of the land where we gather today and pay our respects to Elders past, present and

emerging. We recognise their connection to Country and their role in caring for and maintaining Country

over thousands of years. May their strength and wisdom be with us today”.


Some people want it to happen; some wish it

would happen; others make it happen.

Michael Jordan

Thanks to all our families for supporting the return to regular schooling. Your continued support with pickups and drop offs and your monitoring of adult social distancing is greatly appreciated. Can I remind people that we are still exempt from congregating in groups especially at the school gates and pick up areas? Thank you.

Virtual Assembly

On Monday we held our first virtual parade. The excitement was real for students as they got to see how our staff have communicated with Skype for business in the first 5 weeks of this term. From the students’ reactions, there sure is something exciting about seeing yourself on a TV screen. It was great to see the students getting their awards. It feels like it has been so long since we have celebrated these achievements. I am looking forward to our next virtual parade on Monday.

Semester 1 Assessment and Reporting

We will be providing a report card to all parents

this semester.

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The report will be modified to reflect the nature of learning that has occurred this term and last term. (Learning at school and

Learning@Home. The report will look a little different this semester to previous reports.

All state schools are required to report on four (4) areas this semester. Three of these will be the same in all schools and then

the fourth area will be determined by the school.

English, Mathematics and Science will be compulsory across the state and at Russell Island; the fourth area will be different

depending on the year level of the student.

Students in year Prep to Year 2 will receive a report in Health. Years 3 to 6 students will receive a report in HASS.

In addition, two specialist-teaching areas of the Arts (Mrs Flynn-Clark) and PE (Mr. Weller) will be reported on for all classes

from Prep to Year 6, as well as Health (Mrs Cormack) in years 3 and 4

The report will have a rating for these Key learning Areas and a statement of the learning content for each area, which is

being reported on. There will be no rating for Effort or Behaviour for Semester 1 Report Cards. One highly individualised

student comment will be at the end of your child’s report

These reports will be sent out to parents and carers in the week 3 of Term 3.

A parent teacher interview is being tentatively scheduled for week 10 of Term 3. More information will be in our newsletter, as

we are informed of the health situation and guidelines.

Why talking about school is hard ‘How was school?’ is a big question. To answer, your child has to sum up a whole day, and that’s hard for children (and even adults!) to do. A child might really want to say, ‘My day was so jam-packed with ideas and classes and social stuff that I don’t know where to start’. So it’s easier just to say, ‘OK’. Some children feel their school experiences are private, so they might not want to share them. This is a normal part of school-age development as children start to shape their own identities and social worlds. But your child still needs to know you ’re there when they’re ready to talk. Why talking about school is important Talking with your child about the school day shows you’re interested in what’s going on in his life. This interest boosts his mental health, happiness and wellbeing. It can also have a very positive effect on your child’s behaviour and achievement. It shows your child that you value school and education, which encourages him to value it too.

Talking together about school also helps you get to know more about what’s expected of your child at school, how she learns and how she handles challenges. It can help you understand when they feeling less interested in school or having problems. When you’re in touch with your child’s feelings about school, you’re more likely to see problems before they get too big. This way you can work on overcoming challenges together.

And talking about school issues – like school projects or friendship problems – is also a great chance for you to express your family values about things like teamwork, respect for self and others, friendships, relationships, problem-solving and so on.

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The Importance of Reading

Improving the reading and comprehension of children is a high priority across the state. A continuing regional priority is the focus on quality reading strategies.

A presentation from Professor Doug Fisher on how reading frequency and the development of stamina has a high correlation and impact on success, looks at the importance of home reading as well as the work done at school.

From a worldwide study of students undertaking standardised reading tests, Professor Fisher’s team concluded the following results:

Student A reads for 20 minutes a day, a total of 1 800 000 words in a year and achieves in the 90th percentile ranking on a standardised test. Student B reads for 5 minutes a day, a total of 28 200 words in a year and achieves in the 50th percentile ranking on a standardised test. Student C reads for 1 minute a day, a total of 8 000 words in a year and achieves in the 10th percentile ranking on a standardised test.

Supporting your child with home reading for 20 minutes a day, as you can see, gives them ‘the edge’. Improved reading lifts comprehension, vocabulary and reading stamina. This enables students to engage with complex and varied texts and ultimate success both in and outside of school.

Thank you for continued support and cooperation in making Russell Island State School

a great school!

Warmest regards


Soccer News

For Saturday 13th June Junior training, please read post on BayIslandsUnitedfc on Face

book for all information.

Mick Marriott 0401 483 079

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Term 2, Week 8

Each morning, I am reminding students how important it is to be at school every day. I realise the weather is getting cooler

and it is easy to sleep in. Please try and maintain consistent routines at home to support your children getting up in the morn-

ing and getting to school.

PBL: Term 2 week 8 and 9: Be Respectful Use kinds words

Play safe: hands feet objects Allow Teachers to teach and Students to learn.

Uniform Reminder - Jewellery etc.

Acceptable · 1 only plain discreet stud or small sleeper (not hoops) in the earlobe

· A religious symbol – must be tucked in under shirt · Watch

· Medical Alerts (parent notification required) · Stickers or stamps as rewarded by teachers

Not Acceptable

· Necklaces

· No piercings will be permitted at school other than in the earlobe · Bracelets and bangles

· Makeup or colours on the face · Nail polish or artificial nails

· Visible permanent or temporary tattoos

· Visible writing or drawing on body or uniform

BIMSARA Blankets

Please don’t forget to grab a blanket to keep yourselves warm this winter. Pick up from BIMSARA Wednesday 17th and 24


June 12pm -2pm.

Have a wonderful week.

Leanne McMahon

Acting Principal Onsite


Would you like some extra food on the table during these cooler months?

BICS (Bay Islands Community Services) - Ph 3409 1177 or 3409 2390 - 9 am to 12 noon Monday to Friday

Recreational Hall - Every 2nd Wednesday 3:30 to 4:30 pm (Recycle bin week) or call Todd Hagan Ph 0421 744 296

Safe Harbour Family Church and Global Care – Ph 0418 182 648

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Award Photos Week 8

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Award Photos Week 8

Award Photos Week 7

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Arts News This term students are exploring photography in Media Arts. Today Years 4, 5 and 6 learnt

about using Lighting when taking photos to 'tell a story' or create a mood. We used natural and artificial light and directional and back lighting to take photos of objects. Two

students in Year 5 took exceptional photos- Ryda and Kadence. They were composed beautifully and both took advantage of different types of lighting to create impact in their

photos. Well done!! There was such a high standard of work produced this week in Media Arts across all year

levels. I'm encouraging students to post any photos they take at home to our Art Class Dojo to share with me and other students. Ask your child what they know about Shot

Types and Camera Angles! Congratulations to all Russell Island Students from Prep to Year 6 for their hard work and

great behaviour in the Arts program this week. Yours in Art,

Mrs Flynn-Clarke

Kaydence, Year 5

Ryda, Year 5

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Talking Families June 2020

Seeing the world through the eyes of our kids

Have you ever done something with the kids you thought was ordinary, only to find they were wide-eyed with amazement? When our kids are little, they can stare for hours at fish swimming, planes passing by, or big kids playing soccer. They can find joy in simple things like the feeling of spaghetti between their fingers… and on the walls and floors. Or bricks falling down… and us picking them up again! Then they grow older and there’s new excitement over simple things like seeing a movie. Making a new friend. Learning a different subject at school. The everyday things like running until they’re breathless. Getting confident with a new hobby. As adults, we can lose sight of how amazing these moments are. Then we look at our kids and are reminded of all the wonder and magic.

When our kids are little, we raise them with our own values. Sometimes accidentally – monkey see,

monkey do! And over time they take the values we’ve taught them, remould them, and make them their

own. Based on the lives they’ve lived, the people they’ve met, and the lessons they’ve learned. That’s

why it’s so important to listen to our kids and to learn from them. And if we teach them that it’s okay for

them to have their own opinions, then they won’t be afraid to share their perspectives. They learn what’s

important fast. And they voice what’s important without all the fuzziness that adult life brings.

They may be younger than us, but they still have this way of reminding us of what’s important. From time to time, they might even remind us of some hard truths. Like the importance of spending time with family. The need for more green and safe spaces to spend time with friends. The value in music, art, and other creative activities. The impact of bullying, and mental health challenges. Or their right to feel safe every day. The importance of having a safe place to go home to. And do express the things that are on our minds.

So how can we listen to our kids better? Making sure they know they can say what they think without

being told they are wrong sets you up for good connection. Even when our kids’ opinions might surprise

us, taking time to think through what they’ve said can make our conversations with them more comforta-

ble. And instead of thinking we always know exactly what they mean, asking lots of questions, and

checking we really do get what they are saying can help make their opinions clearer to us.

And during those times when we’re really finding it tough to connect with our kids, there’s heaps we can do. We can browse for local services, or we can give the guys at Parentline a call and talk through some ideas.

Making regular time and space to let our kids express their opinions is important too. Whether it’s simply having a chat or helping them share their views with governments through surveys, sharing art, or writ-ing down what we think about certain issues. This stuff helps our kids see that we’ve got their backs, we value their opinions, and that we know they have it in them to make a difference.

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5 cent




0.05 cents every Friday starting next

Friday, 29th May.

Every classroom will be provided with

a donation tin with all donations going

directly to the school.

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Uniform Shop

Opening hours


9am—2:30 pm


9am—2:30 pm





9am—2:30 pm

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