Philosophy: Revising for Core

Core Revision: Philosophical Issue and Approaches While you are dealing with one issue you must consider two approaches to that issue. I would avoid three or more as this will limit your analysis and evaluation of the two. For Example: I’ve offered three approaches in this example of how Issues and Approaches fit together, but you can add more approaches. Then choose the ones that you feel best able to discuss. Key Skills you are trying to demonstrate: Description and Explanation of the Issue and Approaches: [Criterion B] o What are the key terms that the Issue and Approaches use, and what are their definitions? o If you could give a one sentence précis of the Issue and an Approach what would it be? o What are the questions the theory is meant to engage with and offer answers to? Analysis the Issue and Approaches (being able to explain how the theory works: [Criterion C] o How does the issue fit with other theories (similarities/comparisons/contrasts) o What is the evidence for the Approaches – why might they be correct? o What are the main arguments in favour of the Approaches’ responses to a particular issue? How do those arguments work? What are the main arguments against the Approach? Evaluate the Approaches and Issue (add your own comments about the approaches): [Criterion D] o How well do you think the Approach answers the issues raised? o Do you think this Approach is better at answering the questions raised by the issue? (you cannot leave this question unanswered. THIS is what the examination is all about – seeing what you, as a young philosopher, actually thinks about the material) o What reasons can you give for your thinking the Approach is better or worse than an alternative?


Core Revision for IB Philosophy exam

Transcript of Philosophy: Revising for Core

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Core Revision: Philosophical Issue and Approaches

While you are dealing with one issue you must consider two approaches to that issue. I would avoid three or more as this will limit your analysis and evaluation of the two.

For Example:Ive offered three approaches in this example of how Issues and Approaches fit together, but you can add more approaches. Then choose the ones that you feel best able to discuss.

Key Skills you are trying to demonstrate:

Description and Explanation of the Issue and Approaches: [Criterion B]o What are the key terms that the Issue and Approaches use, and what are their definitions?o If you could give a one sentence prcis of the Issue and an Approach what would it be?o What are the questions the theory is meant to engage with and offer answers to?

Analysis the Issue and Approaches (being able to explain how the theory works: [Criterion C]o How does the issue fit with other theories (similarities/comparisons/contrasts)o What is the evidence for the Approaches why might they be correct?o What are the main arguments in favour of the Approaches responses to a particular issue? How do those arguments work? What are the main arguments against the Approach?

Evaluate the Approaches and Issue (add your own comments about the approaches): [Criterion D]o How well do you think the Approach answers the issues raised?o Do you think this Approach is better at answering the questions raised by the issue? (you cannot leave this question unanswered. THIS is what the examination is all about seeing what you, as a young philosopher, actually thinks about the material)o What reasons can you give for your thinking the Approach is better or worse than an alternative?

Describe the TheoryKey Terms and Concepts:Ive started off a list of Key terms. Add your own at the bottom. For each, offer a definition and a sentence or two about its connection to the philosophical issue. If you are using a source, give a citation, create a hyperlink to it, or add the URL.

One sentence prcis:What would your One Sentence Precis of the issue be? How many different ways of characterizing the issue can we come up with? Choose the one you think is best, or the one you think shows the best understanding of the issue.

Questions the theory is meant to engage with and offer answers to?In this section: try to write out a sentence or two about what you see the whole issue is about. What is the issue meant to offer answers to? What Questions can you think of which the theories try to answer? How many can we come up with.

Analyse the TheoryHow does the theory work? What links or ideas are shared with other philosophical concepts or ideas?How does the issue fit with other theories (similarities/comparisons/contrasts)?

What is the evidence and arguments for one of the approaches to the issue? What would you say are the reasons for accepting one particular approach, what are the arguments in favour of the approach? Why would a reasonable person accept the theory?

What are the main arguments against the theory? What are the arguments against the theory? What reasons would we have for not accepting it?

Evaluate the ApproachesThese are a series of questions designed to lead you towards your own evaluation of the approaches. You neednt slavishly answer each of them as it may be repetitive. Your own comment/evaluation should come out by considering them together. This is where you step up to the plate and make decisions about the theories and issues you should not be wondering what your own attitudes during the exam know what you think about them beforehand!

What do you think are the strengths of the Approaches? How well do you think the Approach answers the issues raised? Do you think this Approach is better at answering the questions raised by the issue? (you cannot leave this question unanswered. THIS is what the examination is all about seeing what you, as a young philosopher, actually thinks about the material) What reasons can you give for your thinking the Approach is better or worse than an alternative? If you were King of the World which approach would you implement and why?