Philosophy of parent education


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Philosophy of Parent education

Transcript of Philosophy of parent education

Page 1: Philosophy of parent education

Running Head: Philosophy of Parent Education

Philosophy of Parent Education

Teresa Puga

Fresno Pacific University

Page 2: Philosophy of parent education

Philosophy of Parent Education

Philosophy of Parent Education

Parent education is very important in an early education classroom. In Early

Childhood classrooms play is an essential part of the day, if the parent does not

understand how important this is for the child’s learning process, all could be lost.

Parents may back away from the school, becoming uninvolved or want to pull their child

out of the program. Children really need that time with parents also parent involvement is

huge in a child’s life. Children look up to their parents for everything the person that they

are modeling themselves after. If teachers get parents involved, interested, and

understanding of their children’s learning process, their children will be more likely to

accept and excel in school. The parents can also bring some of the techniques that the

teacher is doing in her classroom into the home this enforces these rules and behaviors

greatly. I feel it is so great to get parents involved now there really are great parents out

there and we all just want what is best for the child. Sending projects home is also great

for those parents who are unable to make it into the classroom on a regular basis doing

these assignments at home enforces the importance of school also in children.