Philip Bond (University of Washington) March 7,...

Failing to forecast rare events James Dow (London Business School) Philip Bond (University of Washington) March 7, 2019 We analyze the allocation of trading talent across different types of assets, taking into account equilibrium considerations in both labor and financial markets. We identify a strong economic force that leads the highest-skill traders to focus on trading “common event” assets that pay off frequently. Less talented traders instead trade “rare event” assets that pay off only rarely, so that short positions pay off with high probability, i.e., “nickels in front of a steamroller” strategies. This allocation of talent leads to higher bid-ask spreads in common event assets, and reduces the ability of financial markets to predict rare events. Author email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]. We thank Christopher Hennessy, Igor Makarov, Stavros Panageas, Edward van Wesep and seminar audiences at Arizona State University, CUHK, the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, HEC Paris, HKU, London Business School, Northeastern University, the University of Washington, the Jackson Hole Finance Conference, the Financial Intermediation Research Society, the Western Finance Association, and the Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of Capital Market Dysfunctionality, for helpful comments. Any errors are our own.

Transcript of Philip Bond (University of Washington) March 7,...

Page 1: Philip Bond (University of Washington) March 7, Bond (University of Washington)∗ March 7, 2019 We analyze the allocation

Failing to forecast rare events

James Dow (London Business School)

Philip Bond (University of Washington)∗

March 7, 2019

We analyze the allocation of trading talent across different types of assets, taking into

account equilibrium considerations in both labor and financial markets. We identify a strong

economic force that leads the highest-skill traders to focus on trading “common event” assets

that pay off frequently. Less talented traders instead trade “rare event” assets that pay off

only rarely, so that short positions pay off with high probability, i.e., “nickels in front of a

steamroller” strategies. This allocation of talent leads to higher bid-ask spreads in common

event assets, and reduces the ability of financial markets to predict rare events.

∗Author email addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]. We thank Christopher Hennessy, IgorMakarov, Stavros Panageas, Edward van Wesep and seminar audiences at Arizona State University, CUHK,the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, HEC Paris, HKU, London Business School, NortheasternUniversity, the University of Washington, the Jackson Hole Finance Conference, the Financial IntermediationResearch Society, the Western Finance Association, and the Paul Woolley Centre for the Study of CapitalMarket Dysfunctionality, for helpful comments. Any errors are our own.

Page 2: Philip Bond (University of Washington) March 7, Bond (University of Washington)∗ March 7, 2019 We analyze the allocation

1 Introduction

One of the main functions performed by the financial sector is to forecast future events.

However, many observers have expressed concern that, as they perceive it, the majority of

forecasting activity is devoted to forecasting frequent but relatively unimportant events. The

financial system has been criticized for its failure to predict the financial crisis of 2007-08.1

Taleb (2007) asks “[w]hy do we keep focusing on the minutiae, not the possible significant

large events, in spite of the obvious evidence of their huge influence?” Relatedly, many

commentators have criticized the “quarterly earnings cycle” and the amount of effort devoted

to forecasting firms’ next earnings announcements (see, e.g., Kay (2012)).2 Relatedly also,

there are concerns that the risk-management departments of financial institutions—which

in principle are concerned with predicting and mitigating large but infrequent events—have

trouble recruiting and retaining high-quality employees (e.g., Palm, 2014).3

This paper analyzes the economic incentives for forecasting events of different frequencies.

Are there systematic economic forces that push people to focus on predicting everyday events

as opposed to rare events? Specifically, since trading is the main way that agents profit from

information in financial markets, are there forces that favor trading securities whose payoffs

depend on frequent events? Do traders of different skills trade different kinds of securities?

Does the aggregate amount of trading skill dedicated to predicting rare and frequent events

differ? And are rare events more or less likely to be predicted as a result?

By analyzing a simple equilibrium model of the financial sector, we identify a strong

economic force that leads individuals to sort into trading different assets depending on their

skill. Traders sort into three groups. Traders with high skill trade an asset that depends on

a common event, those with less skill trade on a rare event, and those with the lowest skill

levels don’t trade at all. This endogenous allocation of talent to the common event asset

1Financial Times, November 25 2008, “The economic forecasters’ failing vision.”2Financial Times, February 29, 2012, “Investors should ignore the rustles in the undergrowth.”3American Banker, September 9, 2014, “Why Banks Face a Risk Management Talent Shortage.”


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results in both a higher bid-ask spread for this asset, and in a reduced ability of financial

markets to predict rare events.

A key feature of our model is that it combines equilibrium analysis of the financial market

(using a standard Glosten and Milgrom (1985) model of bid and ask prices) with equilibrium

analysis of the labor market (using a standard Roy (1951) model). Specifically, individuals

choose between the two “occupations”of trading a binary-payoff asset in which both states

are reasonably likely—a “common event” asset—and trading an alternative “rare event”

asset in which one state is overwhelmingly more likely than the other state. We consider

the limit as the probability of the rare event goes to zero. We assume traders can take both

long and short positions.4 (Since a short position in a rare event asset is equivalent to a long

position in an asset that almost always pays off, our results also apply to nearly safe assets.)

Traders are subject to position limits, on which we impose only minimal assumptions.

To convey the intuition for our results, it is useful to first consider a benchmark in which

we consider only the equilibrium conditions of the labor market, without imposing equilib-

rium in the financial market. Specifically, we consider the benchmark case in which financial

assets trade at prices equal to their unconditional expected payoffs (these prices violate the

equilibrium conditions of the financial market, because they allow informed traders to make

large profits at others’ expense). Under a natural and simple functional form for position

limits (see subsection 3.1), the expected return to skill is equal in the common- and rare-event

assets. However, the trading patterns in the two assets are very different: in the common

event market, skilled traders take moderately sized positions, while in the rare event market

they occasionally take very large positions, but usually hold small short positions.5

With this benchmark in mind, consider how trading profits change when financial asset

prices are determined in equilibrium. Our simple yet central observation is that the rare-

event asset must have a non-neglible bid-ask spread. This is because if the bid-ask spread

4Our model also applies if traders can only long positions in common event and rare event assets. Itapplies too if traders can only take short positions

5Note that a short position in the rare event asset is a bet that the event will not occur.


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were instead very small, trading the rare-event asset would be profitable for even the lowest-

skilled traders. But then substantial trading skill would be devoted to the rare-event asset,

overwhelming the small amount of long liquidity trade, leading to a significant bid-ask spread.

The non-negligible bid-ask spread on the rare-event asset, combined with position limits,

means that traders are unable to adopt very long large positions in the rare-event asset. This

implies that prediction skill has low value when it is devoted to the rare event. Traders will

only very rarely predict that the asset will pay off, and so will very rarely want to adopt a

long position. When they do so, the size of their long position cannot be extremely large,

because of position limits and the non-negligible bid-ask spread. Most of the time traders

will predict that the rare-event asset will not pay off, and accordingly will adopt a short

position (e.g., the carry trade, selling out-of-the-money puts). But this short position is not

very profitable, since the bid price of the asset is very low.

Next we consider financial markets’—as opposed to individuals’—ability to predict future

rare events. How much could be learnt by someone who observes order flow (or, equivalently,

average transaction price)? This depends heavily on the equilibrium distribution of talent

across different assets. The highest skilled agents choose to specialize in predicting the fre-

quent event, while the rare event asset is traded by only relatively unskilled traders. Unless

very few of these highly skilled traders choose to specialise in the common event, and very

many of the lower skill traders choose the rare event asset, there will be more total skill at

work predicting the common event. So in general, aggregate trading activity contains more

information about common events than about rare events, relative to a counterfactual bench-

mark in which the people trading rare and common assets are exogenously interchanged. Our

formal results exhibit sufficient conditions for this implication.

Our prediction on the allocation of skill matches informal perceptions that a lot of fore-

casting “talent” is devoted to forecasting frequent events. It is also consistent with the view

that many standard trading strategies such as the carry trade, selling out-of-the-money put

options, etc., are “nickels in front of steamroller strategies” that are carried out by people


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with mediocre talents. These are short positions on rare events, which our model predicts

will only attract low-skill traders.

In addition to predictions on the allocation of skill to different types of assets, our model

delivers predictions for variation in bid-ask spreads across different assets. The bid-ask

spread predictions are easiest to apply to bonds (or corresponding CDS positions), which

have a payoff structure well-approximated by the binary payoff assumption of our model.6

The rare event asset in our model corresponds to a short position in a high-rated bond, while

the common event asset corresponds to a short position in a low-rated bond. Consequently,

our model predicts that low-rated bonds have larger bid-ask spreads than high-rated bonds.

This is consistent with evidence from both sovereign and corporate bond markets (see Calice

et al (2013) for sovereign and Edwards, Harris, and Piwowar (2007), Goldstein and Hotchkiss

(2011) and Benmelech and Bergman (2018) for corporate).

Related literature: Gandhi and Serrano-Padial (2015) consider a model of heterogeneous

beliefs. They argue that belief heterogeneity can help explain the favorite-longshot bias

in sporting bets, whereby competitors with a low probability of winning (longshots) are

overpriced relative to high probability competitors (favorites). In their model, a small (but

fixed) fraction of gamblers who are overoptimistic about the longshots can afford to place all

their bets on them as their probability of winning converges to zero, which stops the price

of longshot bets converging to zero. They become the marginal buyers of the longshot bets

(short sales are not allowed). The key insight is that because longshots are low probability,

it only takes a few overoptimistic traders to cause this effect. This contrasts with our result

that overpricing of rare-event assets results from private information production. Also, we

allow short positions. Another difference is that our model features a bid-ask spread because

(uninformed) agents wish to learn from the demands of other (informed) agents, while in

Gandhi and Serrano-Padial (2015) prices are set by equating supply and demand of agents

6In the case of zero recovery after default, the payoff structure of a bond exactly matches the binarypayoff assumption.


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with fixed beliefs.

Since Hirshleifer (1971), if not much longer, economists have been aware that the social

value of information generally diverges from the private incentive to produce information.7

There are many reasons why this can happen, and for that reason our paper is not focused on

welfare economics. However, our results do suggest that, unless the social value of forecasting

common events is significantly greater than that of forecasting rare events, there is a basic

force leading to a socially suboptimal undersupply of resources to forecasting rare events.

The existing literature on information acquisition has primarily dealt with how investors

who are ex ante homogeneous divide their information acquisition efforts across different

assets. In contrast, we study the matching between hetorogeneous investors, who differ in

terms of skill, and heterogeneous assets, which differ in terms of payoff frequency. In other

words, we study the inter-personal division of labor in information acquisition, while the

existing literature focuses on the intra-personal allocation of information acquisition.

Van Niewerburgh and Veldkamp (2010) analyze an investor’s choice of which assets to

acquire information about before deciding portfolio holdings. Acquiring information about

an asset helps the investor solve the problem of optimal portfolio choice; such an asset

effectively becomes less risky. They establish conditions under which the investor specializes

and acquires information about just one asset. An important difference between their paper

and ours is that in our analysis asset prices, including the bid-ask spread, are determined


Veldkamp (2006) analyzes a model in which traders buy information from information

providers, and information production enjoys economies of scale. The model is along the

lines of Grossman and Stiglitz (1980) but with multiple assets; the motive for acquiring infor-

mation is to make trading profits at the expense of less informed agents, and to make better

portfolio allocation decisions (e.g. risk-return tradeoffs). She shows that, in equilibrium,

7For instance, predicting an earnings announcement a few days in advance can be profitable but sociallyuseless, while an important invention may not enrich its inventor.


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different traders choose to observe the same signals,8 thereby increasing the comovement of

asset prices.

In Peng and Xiong (2006) the representative investor has a cognitive constraint (which

could also be interpreted as a cost of information production) which leads to choosing sig-

nals that are informative about many assets. The benefit from information is to improve

the consumption-savings decision, unlike our paper where traders benefit from information

because it helps them make money at the expense of uninformed traders.

2 Model

2.1 Assets

There are two financial assets which we call the r-asset and the c-asset (“rare” and “com-

mon”). Each asset pays either 0 or 1 (that is, the price should be understood as the price

per unit of payoff in the event the asset pays off). We model the assets as associated with

two independent random variables, ψr and ψc, each distributed uniformly over [0, 1]. The

r-asset pays 1 if ψr ≤ qr and 0 otherwise, where qr is a constant. Likewise, the c-asset pays 1

if ψc ≤ qc for a constant qc. So the probability that the j-asset pays off is Pr(

ψj ≤ qj)

= qj.

For the most part, we focus on the case in which qr is close to zero, i.e., the r-asset pays off

truely rarely. By focusing on the case of qr close to 0, we are able to obtain results with only

very mild assumptions on position limits (see below), and with arguments that highlight

the economic forces at play. However, in Appendix B.4 we also show that under a leading

specification of position limits our main results hold for any pair of asset payoff probabilities.

8Agents will collect similar signals if there is strategic complementarity in information production, andthe literature has identified a number of reasons why this could arise. In Dow and Gorton (1994) traders hopeto enter positions in an inefficient maket and close them out in an efficient market, there is only one asset,but a trader’s profits from receiving a signal about the asset are higher if other (later) traders receive a signalbecause it means they are able to profitably close out their positions at a price without a waiting for thecash flow to arrive. In Dow and Gorton (1997), Boot and Thakor (1997) and Dow, Goldstein and Guembel(2017) information is also a strategic complement because having many agents collect information makes theprice more informative, which increases the information sensitivity of the asset, which in turn increases thevalue of information. None of these papers analyse which kinds of assets traders should specialize in.


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There is a period in which the assets trade, after which payoffs are realized. A trader

who takes a long position in the j-asset trades at a price P jL (the ask price). Likewise, if

they take a short position, they trade at a price P jS (the bid price). Subsection 2.2 below

details how prices are determined.

2.2 Financial market structure

The r- and c-assets are traded by a mixture of skilled traders, who receive informative signals

about the realizations ψr and ψc, and liquidity traders, who trade for non-informational

reasons. We describe both groups later in this section.

Long and short trades are executed, respectively, at ask and bid prices P jL and P j

S, which

are set are by the zero profit condition of a competitive market maker. The interpretation

is that there are many market makers each posting binding quotes for bid and ask prices.

Traders arrive simultaneously and can fulfil their orders at these prices. Each market maker

takes into account the equilibrium skill and behavior of skilled and liquidity traders when

posting prices:


buys|ψj ≤ qj]


ψj ≤ qj) (

P jL − 1


+ E[

buys|ψj > qj]


ψj > qj)

P jL = 0


sales|ψj ≤ qj]


ψj ≤ qj) (

1− P jS


+ E[

sales|ψj > qj]


ψj > qj) (

−P jS


= 0.

Rearranging and simplifying gives

P jL = qj


buys|ψj ≤ qj]

E [buys](1)

P jS = qj


sales|ψj ≤ qj]

E [sales]. (2)

This price setting mechanism is similar to that in Glosten and Milgrom (1985).9

9Glosten and Milgrom (1985) also contains results on how prices evolve as new orders are processed.


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2.3 Skilled traders

There is a continuum of risk-neutral skilled traders. Each trader observes either an infor-

mative signal or a purely noisy signal. When a trader observes a signal sj ∈ [0, 1] no-one,

including the trader, knows whether the signal is informative or not. However, there is

heterogeneity in the likelihood that a trader will observe an informative signal: each trader

knows their probability α of receiving informative signals. We refer to a trader’s α as their

“skill.” The population distribution of α is given by measure µ; we assume the distribution

admits a density, which we denote by g.

Collecting information takes time. To capture this, we assume that signals have an op-

portunity cost: each trader must choose between receiving signals about ψr or signals about

ψc. A trader with skill α who chooses to observe a signal about ψj observes the true real-

ization with probability α, and otherwise observes the realization of a noise term uniformly

distributed over [0, 1]. This assumption has the natural property that the unconditional

probability distribution of signals is the same for all α.

After observing their signal, a trader chooses whether to trade. They can take either

long or short positions. Let V j (α) denote the expected payoff of a skilled trader with skill α

who specializes in the j-asset. Moreover, we define V 0 (α) ≡ 0 for the payoff of agents who

trade neither asset.

For transparency, we focus on a static version of our environment. In an online appendix

we show that our main results continue to hold in a dynamic setting in which agents learn

about skill from the history of trading outcomes.

2.4 Position limits

Traders face position limits, corresponding to margin constraints and limits on how much

they can borrow to finance their positions. Position limits are important for our analysis

because a potential attraction of trading the r-asset is that its price is low, and so a trader

can buy large amounts; position limits determine how large this position can be. A natural


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case is where traders can take the largest positions that allow them to meet their obligations

in all states. In this case, the largest long position for a trader with initial wealth W is

W/P jL, while the largest short position is W/(1− P j


While this is a natural assumption about position limits, it is not essential for our main

results. For most of our analysis, we allow for a very broad class of position limits, potentially

depending on asset prices, and impose only weak assumptions. We represent the largest

feasible long and short positions by functions hjL(

P jL


and hjS(

P jS


, respectively, where hjL

and hjS satisfy the following mild assumptions (both of which are satisfied by the above

example of riskless margin):

Assumption 1 hjL and hjS are continuous functions over (0,∞) and take strictly positive


Assumption 2 limP→0 PhjS (P ) = 0.

Although Assumption 1 is weak, it is actually slightly stronger than necessary. Specifi-

cally, our analysis requires just one of hjL and hjS to be strictly positive. In particular, our

results are unchanged if short positions are impossible. Assumption 2 ensures that short

positions do not grow too fast as the rare event becomes rarer and its price (presumably)

falls. This is a very weak assumption in the sense that one would expect the short position

limit to decrease in the price, since a lower price corresponds to lower short proceeds to

collateralize future obligations.11 Note that there is no need for an analogous assumption

on long position limits hjL (P ): the reason is that, as we show below, ask prices P jL remain

bounded away from zero in equilibrium (Lemma 2).

10The long position limit follows from the fact that, since the asset may pay 0, leveraged positions areimpossible. The short position limit arises as follows. A trader who short sells x units has total wealthW + xP j

S , which is sufficient collateral for W + xP jS short positions. So the largest feasible short position is

given by the solution to x = W + xP jS .

11FINRA rule 4210 requires hjS (P ) = W/2.5 as P → 0, which satisifes this requirement. (For larger P ,

minimum required margin is a percentage of position value, rather than a fixed $2.50 amount per share.)


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2.5 Liquidity traders

In addition to skilled traders, there is a continuum of uninformed traders who trade for non-

informational reasons. We refer to these traders as “liquidity traders,” and assume they trade

for hedging purposes (Diamond and Verrecchia (1981)). Specifically each liquidity trader

receives an endowment shock that gives them a strong desire for resources in a particular

state. A measure λr of liquidity traders are r-liquidity traders, and each receives a shock

χr ∼ U [0, 1], meaning that they want resources in state ψr = χr. Similarly, a measure λc of

liquidity traders are c-liquidity traders, and each receives a shock χc ∼ U [0, 1], meaning they

want resources in state ψc = χc. Except in Section 6, we make no assumption on whether

and how liquidity shocks are correlated across liquidity traders. We assume that j-liquidity

trader preferences for resources in state χj are lexicographic, so that each j-liquidity trader

takes as large a long position as possible in the j-asset as possible if χj ≤ qj, and as large

a short position as possible if χj > qj.12 The long and short position limits for j-liquidity

traders are the same as for skilled traders, namely hjL and hjS. Given this, j-liquidity traders

each buy hjL(PjL) units of the j-asset if they experience a shock χj ≤ qj , and short sell hjS(P


units of the j-asset if they experience a shock χj > qj .

Consequently, the expected number of buy orders for the j-asset from liquidity traders

equals qjλjhjL(PjL), while the expected number of sell orders is (1− qj)λjhjS(P

jS). In partic-

ular, as the probability qr that the r-asset pays off approaches 0, the expected number of

liquidity traders who place buy orders approaches 0.

The following concrete interpretation may be helpful. As noted in the introduction, a

natural interpretation of the r- and c-assets is as CDS contracts on high- and low-rated

borrowers. Liquidity agents who desire insurance against bad states of the world take long

positions in these CDS contracts. The CDS contract on the high-rated borrower pays off

only in a few states of the world, and so only liquidity traders who need insurance against

12If liquidity trader demand were instead price elastic, this would strengthen our main results, see discuss-sion below.


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this relatively small number of states trade this asset.

Some readers may prefer an alternative interpretation of our formal assumptions in which

“liquidity” traders are instead overconfident traders. Specifically, traders who are unskilled

(α = 0) but who mistakenly believe they are highly skilled (α >> 0) in trading one of the

two assets behave exactly as we have described above.

The volume of liquidity trade affects both equilibrium prices and the trading decisions

of skilled traders. In particular, our analysis requires assumptions on how the volume of

liquidity trade behaves as the rare event probability qr grows small, and the ask price of the

r-asset likewise falls. Our model of liquidity trading behavior has the attractive feature that

if skilled traders were randomly allocated (without regard to talent, but proportionally to

λr and λc) between the r- and c-asset, then an individual skilled trader would find the r-

and c-assets equally attractive to trade, independent of the probability qr, and the bid-ask

spread would likewise be the same. In this sense, our liquidity trader assumptions represent

a natural benchmark. They ensure that we are not making an assumption that directly

implies the r-asset has a low bid-ask spread, which would make it easy for the least-skilled

of the skilled traders to profitably trade it.

(In contrast, alternative assumptions on liquidity traders deliver precisely these implica-

tions. For example, if the number of liquidity traders trading the r-asset is independent of

the probability qr, then as the rare event becomes rare, a market-maker will interpret a buy

order as being very likely to stem from a liquidity trader. So the ask price P rL of the r-asset

will be very close to the “fair” price qr, and even skilled traders with little skill will be able

to profitably trade it. In other words, in this alternative case one of our central results on

skill allocation arises almost by assumption. See Appendix B.2 for a brief formal analysis of

this case. Similar implications would also follow if we instead assumed that liquidity traders

respond less aggressively than skilled traders to a low ask price for the r-asset.)


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2.6 Minimum skill levels for profitable trading

Consider a skilled trader of skill α who specializes in the j-asset. If the trader observes a

signal sj ∈ [0, 1] and takes a long position at the ask price P jL, the expected profits on each

unit bought are


ψj ≤ qj|sj)

− P jL, (3)

while if the trader takes a short position at the bid price P jS, the expected profits on each

unit sold short are

P jS − Pr


ψj ≤ qj|sj)

. (4)



ψj ≤ qj |sj)

= α1sj≤qj + (1− α) Pr(

ψj ≤ qj)

= α1sj≤qj + (1− α) qj , (5)

since the asset pays off either if the signal is informative (probability α) and indicates the

asset will valuable (sj ≤ qj); or, if it is uninformative, with the unconditional payoff proba-

bility qj. Consequently, a skilled trader buys13 after seeing signal sj ≤ qj if and only if his

skill α exceeds

P jL − qj

1− qj. (6)

Likewise, a skilled trader sells after seeing signal sj > qj if and only if his skill exceeds

1−P jS

qj. (7)

13It is straightforward to verify that if P jS ≤ qr then a skilled trader would never sell after observing

sj ≤ qj . Similarly, if P jL ≥ qr then a skilled trader would never buy after observing sj > qj . We verify below

that P jL ≥ qj ≥ P j

S indeed holds in equilibrium.


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3 Equilibrium in financial and labour markets

3.1 Benchmark: No financial market equilibrium

As a benchmark we start by considering how traders would allocate themselves if assets

were simply priced at their expected values (with no bid-ask spread), instead of satisfying

the equilibrium property that prices reflect the amount of informed trading. That is, traders

in the j-asset can buy or sell as much as they want at the unconditional expected value:

P jL = P j

S = qj . (8)

For this benchmark we explicitly calculate profits, so we need specific functional forms for

position limits. As discussed above, a natural specification for position limits is hjL (P ) =WP

and hjS (P ) =W

1−P(the largest riskless positions associated with initial wealth W ).

As we show immediately below, in this benchmark case traders are indifferent between the

two assets, regardless of their skill level. So among other things, this benchmark illustrates

that our model treats the two assets in a neutral way, and does not include ingredients that

directly imply that one of the assets is more profitable to trade than the other.

To evaluate trading profits, note that a trader of skill α receives an uninformative signal

with probability 1−α and makes zero profits; and with probability α, receives an informative

signal, and has expected profits of


P jL

(1− P jL) + (1− qj)


1− P jS

P jS = qj


qj(1− qj) + (1− qj)


1− qjqj = W.

Hence a trader of skill α specializing in the j-asset makes expected profits αW, which is the

same for both assets. So in this benchmark, with a very natural specification of position

limits, skilled traders are indifferent between trading the two assets regardless of their skill.

Notice that this conclusion depends on traders being able to take both long and short

positions. As the asset becomes rarer, long positions become more profitable while short


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positions become less profitable. If they are restricted to long positions only, the expected

payoff to specializing in the j-asset is


P jL

(1− P jL) = αqj


qj(1− qj) = αW (1− qj)

so they prefer the rare asset. In line with this, one might suppose that rare event assets are

attractive because they are so cheap that investors can take very big positions in them. As

we will argue below, this supposition is fallacious because it fails to recognize that equilibrium

prices respond to the level of informed trading activity.

3.2 Equilibrium in both financial and labor markets

Clearly, the assumption in (8) that traders can both buy and sell the asset at its unconditional

expected value is flawed in any economy with a positive measure of skilled traders. With

skilled traders present, assets do not trade at their unconditional expected value; they trade

at prices that reflect the incidence of informed trading.

In contrast, our goal is to jointly characterize traders’ choices of which assets to trade

and the prices of those assets. Equilibrium in financial markets requires that prices reflect

the level of informed trade. Equilibrium in labor markets requires that traders make optimal

choices about which asset to specialize in, given financial asset prices.

Given our previous discussion of the minimum skill required to trade in light of the bid-

ask spread, some agents will have a skill level that is too low to trade in either asset, so they

will choose to do nothing. Others will specialize in trading the r-asset or the c-asset.

Definition 1 An equilibrium consists of prices (P rL, P

rS, P

cL, P

cS) and an allocation of skilled

traders (µr, µc, µ0) across the r-asset, the c-asset and doing nothing, such that:

1. Labor market equilibrium:

(a) Optimal choice of asset: For almost all skill levels α and for all i ∈ {r, c, 0} such that

µi (α) > 0, V i (α) ≥ V j (α) for all j ∈ {r, c, 0}.


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(b) Labour markets clear: µr (α) + µc (α) + µ0 (α) = µ (α) for almost all skill levels α.

2. Financial market equilibrium: Given profit-maximizing trading by skilled traders, prices

satisfy (1) and (2).

Proposition 1 below establishes equilibrium existence by standard continuity arguments.

4 Prices conditional on skill allocation

In this section we solve for the financial market equilibrium given the allocation of skill.

Given a labour market allocation (µr, µc, µ0), write Aj for the aggregate skill in asset j, i.e.,

Aj ≡


αµj (dα) , (9)

and N j for the mass (“number”) of skilled traders in asset j, i.e.,

N j ≡


µj (dα) . (10)


Xj ≡Aj

λj +N j. (11)

Intuitively, a market maker who fills a buy or sell order is concerned about the informational

advantage of the counterparty, which in our setting amounts to the probability the order

comes from a skilled trader as opposed to a liquidity trader, multiplied by the expected

amount of skill given that the trader is skilled. This is

N j

λj +N j.Aj

N j=


λj +N j= Xj,

so the bid and ask prices for the asset should reflect Xj. In addition, a trader who considers

specializing in an asset will also care about Xj; if it is too high in relation to his skill we

would expect that it may not be profitable to enter that market. The intuition (familiar from


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Glosten and Milgrom (1985) and the microstructure literature) is that the bid-ask spread

is a measure of the amount of skilled trading. But the more skilled trading there is, the

larger the bid-ask spread, and the harder it is for low-skill traders to make profits, hence the

higher the threshold level of skill required to trade profitably. So we should expect Xj to be

related to both the bid-ask spread and the minimum skill required to profitably trade the

asset. This intuition can be made precise:

Lemma 1 Given (Ar, N r, Ac, N c), prices for assets j = r, c are:

P jL = qj +


1− qj)

Xj (12)

P jS = qj − qjXj, (13)

and the minimum skill required both to profitably buy the j-asset after observing signal sj ≤ qj

and to profitably sell the j-asset after observing signal sj > qj is Xj.

It is immediate from (12) and (13) that the bid-ask spread is

P jL − P j

S = Xj. (14)

Note that Aj ≤ N j , so

Xj ∈



1 + λj


. (15)

5 Equilibrium analysis

5.1 Equilibrium existence

To establish equilibrium existence, we construct a correspondence from bid-ask spreads

(Xr, Xc) into themselves: first, given bid-ask spreads, we use the labor market equilibrium

condition to determine which asset a trader with skill α specializes in, and second, given


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the allocation of traders across assets, we use the financial market equilibrium conditions

(12) and (13) to determine the bid-ask spread. Since the bid-ask spread Xj is continuous

in the aggregate skill measures Aj and N j , Kakutani’s fixed point theorem implies that the

correspondence described has a fixed point, at which both labor and financial markets are

in equilibrium.

Proposition 1 An equilibrium exists.

The remainder of this section characterizes equilibrium properties.

5.2 The bid-ask spread in the r-asset is bounded away from zero

We start by showing that the combination of equilibrium in financial and labor markets

implies that both the bid-ask spread (Xr) in the r-asset, and the minimum skill level required

to trade it (also Xr), are bounded away from 0, even as the r-event grows very rare (qr → 0).

Although relatively simple, this result is central to our analysis.

To build intuition, suppose there is just one asset in the economy, and the probability

that it pays off approaches zero. One might conjecture that the ask price of this asset would

also approach zero, because that is the expected value of the payoff. For example a fixed

percentage markup over the expected value would imply that the price converges to zero in

the limit. Then, all agents, however low their chance of receiving an informative signal about

the asset payoff, would start to trade and buy the asset when they receive a buy signal, i.e.,

sr ≤ qr. But given a positive measure of skilled traders buy the asset after observing sr ≤ qr,

the ask price is informative and cannot be close to zero. This is a contradiction, so in the

limit the ask price would must be bounded away from zero. Hence, a zero ask price in the

limit would violate a very basic equilibrium condition.

More constructively, we can see what will happen in the limit: as the payoff probability

approaches zero, the price approaches a limit that is higher than zero. At this price, higher-

skilled traders trade while lower-skilled traders do not trade. In between, there is a marginal


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type of trader whose skill is just high enough to be indifferent between trading and not

trading. Given this, the ask price is higher than the expected value by a premium that

reflects the average informativeness of signals of all types that are higher than this marginal

type. Informally, this premium reflects the cumulative “brainpower” of traders who buy

when they receive a positive signal. In equilibrium, the premium in turn implies that the

marginal type is indeed indifferent between trading and not trading.

We have explained the intuition in terms of an economy where the rare event asset is the

only asset, but the reasoning in the economy where there is also a common asset is similar.

Lemma 2 formalizes this argument, and accounts for the fact that skilled traders choose

between the r-asset and c-asset:

Lemma 2 Both the bid-ask spread for the r-asset and the minimum skill level required to

trade the r-asset remain bounded away from 0 as qr → 0, i.e., there exists x such that Xr ≥ x

for all qr small.

An immediate but important consequence is:

Corollary 1 The ask price P rL is bounded away from 0 as the unconditional expected value

of the r-asset qr approaches 0.


Corollary 2 Aggregate skill in the r-asset, Ar, is bounded away from 0 even as qr approaches


5.3 Skill allocation across assets

A skilled trader (specialized in the j-asset) observes a buy signal sj ≤ qj with probability qj,

and a sell signal sj > qj with probability 1 − qj. By Lemma 1, combined with (3), (4) and

(5), the expected payoff of a skilled trader with skill α ≥ Xj who specializes in the j-asset is


P jL

) (

α + (1− α) qj − P jL



1− qj)


P jS

) (

P jS − (1− α) qj


. (16)


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The first term corresponds to long positions, and the second term to short positions. In the

first term, qj is the probability of taking a long position, hjL(

P jL


is the size of the position,

and the profit on each unit of the asset is the expected payoff (which is the probability the

payoff equals 1) minus the price paid. In the second term, (1− qj) is the probability of

taking a short position, hjS(

P jS


is the size of the position, and the profit on each unit of

the position is the price received minus the expected payoff (which is the probability that

the payoff equals 1). Substituting in for the bid and ask prices using (12) and (13), this

payoff can be expressed in terms of Xj . Combined with that fact that a trader always has

the option of not trading, the expected payoff is

V j (α) = max{0, qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj)) (


}. (17)

The value given in this expression is the expected payoff for a trader who can trade both

long and short positions. By setting hjS = 0 or hjL = 0 we can see the value if a trader can

take only long positions or only short positions. The latter case is of interest because a

short position in the rare event asset is equivalent to a long position in an asset that nearly

always pays off a small return, but occasionally loses all the capital. Our main results go

through for both these cases.

We now consider the marginal value of an extra increment of skill in trading an asset.

From (17), for α > Xj,

∂V j (α)

∂α= qj


1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj))

. (18)

From this expression, and using Corollary 1 and Assumption 2, the marginal value of skill

is very low in the r-asset because qj is low. Formally:

Lemma 3 As qr → 0, the marginal value of skill in the r-asset (18) approaches 0.

To understand Lemma 3, notice from (17) that for a skilled trader who chooses to trade,


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profits as a function of α are a straight line. The slope of this line is the marginal value of

skill. Therefore, to show the marginal value of skill goes to zero as qr → 0, we can show

that trading profits go to zero. There are two economic effects underlying this. First, as

qr → 0, traders only rarely buy the r-asset. Consequently, the expected profit from long

positions also becomes small unless traders are able to make enormous profits from long

positions—which could only happen if they took enormous long positions, as they do in the

benchmark model of Section 3 without financial market equilibrium. But by Corollary 1,

the dual requirement of equilibrium in financial and labor markets means that the ask price

of the r-asset stays bounded away from 0. The lower bound on the price implies an upper

bound on the size of the positions, so traders’ long positions cannot grow arbitrarily large,

implying that the expected profit from long positions indeed approaches 0.

Second, turning to short positions, as qr → 0 traders specializing in the r-asset nearly

always adopt short positions. Traders with skill α have an expected profit on each short

position of P jS − (1− α) qj = qj (α−Xj), which converges to 0 as qr → 0. So it would only

be possible for traders to make non-negligible expected profits on the short position if they

could take large enough short positions, but Assumption 2 stops the short position from

growing large (as noted above, it is natural for position limits on short positions to decrease

as price falls, so this is a very weak assumption).

In contrast, the marginal value of skill in the common asset does not go to zero (this

is shown in the proof of Proposition 2). The higher marginal value of skill in the common

asset implies that high skill workers have a comparative advantage in the common asset and

hence specialize in that asset. High skill workers are better at trading both assets, i.e., they

have an absolute advantage compared to low skill workers. But an additional unit of skill

is more valuable in the common asset, giving higher skilled agents a comparative advantage

in that asset. Hence in equilibrium there is a threshold skill level so that agents with skill

below the threshold choose the r-asset while those with skill above the threshold choose the



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Trader skill α






α, marginal skill level for trading c-asset

Figure 1: Equilibrium allocation of traders

Proposition 2 For all qr sufficiently small, the minimum skill required to profitably trade

the r-asset is below the minimum skill to profitably trade the c-asset, i.e., Xr < Xc. More-

over, there exists α > Xc such that traders with skill α ∈ (Xr, α) trade the r-asset and

traders with skill α > α trade the c-asset.

Proposition 2 is illustrated by Figure 1, which shows how expected profits from special-

izing in each asset depend on the trader’s skill level.

Proposition 2 predicts that (among active traders) the least-skilled traders specialize in

the r-asset. As noted, most of the time, they take a short position in this asset. The short

position nets a small immediate profit, but exposes the trader to a small risk of a much

larger loss in the future if the rare event is realized. Hence, our model predicts that the

least skilled traders pursue what are often described as “picking-up nickels in front of a

steamroller” strategies, such as the carry trade in currency markets, or writing out-of-the-

money puts.

Our result depends on a natural assumption about liquidity traders, and holds for a wide

class of position limits. However, if we specialise to the particular position limits used as


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a benchmark in subsection 3.1, the result holds more broadly. We show in Appendix B.2

that in this case, a version of Proposition 2 holds even when liquidity trade does not tend

to zero with the probability of the rare event. In Appendix B.4 we show that (reverting to

our main assumption on liquidity trade), Proposition 2 holds away from the limit for the

position limits of subsection 3.1.

Because traders in the r-asset are relatively unskilled, only a few of them manage to

successfully predict the rare event when it actually occurs. Hence our model rationalizes

the fact that rare events are foreseen by few people, even though the payoff to successfully

forecasting such events might seem very large. Nonetheless, a few traders do successfully

predict the rare event. As we show in an online appendix, the posterior estimate of these

traders’ skill is very high.

5.4 Bid-ask spreads

As discussed in the introduction, in addition to our model’s implication that skill is concen-

trated on forecasting common rather than rare events (Proposition 2), our analysis delivers

the following prediction for bid-ask spreads:

Corollary 3 For all qr sufficiently small, the bid-ask price is smaller for the r-asset than

the c-asset, P rL − P r

S < P cL − P c


Corollary 3 follows immediately from Lemma 1 and Proposition 2.

Again as discussed in the introduction, this prediction is easiest to interpret for bonds,

where our binary-payoff assumption is a good approximation to reality. The r-asset corre-

sponds to a short position in a highly-rated bond, so that the payoff state corresponds to

bond default (a rare event for highly-rated bonds). Similarly, the c-asset corresponds to a

short position in a lower-rated bond, where the payoff state of bond default is more likely.14

14For completeness, Appendix B.3 contains an explicit demonstration that, given microfounded positionlimits, the expected profit of an informed trader is the same from trading the j-asset, and from trading abond (a combination of a risk free asset a short position in the j-asset).


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So Corollary 3 predicts that the bid-ask spread for bonds is lower for highly-rated bonds.

This is consistent with empirical evidence from both corporate and sovereign debt markets

(see references in the introduction). Closely related, one should also see wider bid-ask spreads

on CDS contracts for which the reference asset carries more default risk.

5.5 Absolute versus proportional bid-ask spreads

The above discussion concerns absolute bid-ask spreads. It is important to note, however,

that our analysis implies that while the r-asset will have a smaller absolute bid-ask spread

than the c-asset, its absolute bid-ask spread is bounded away from zero so it will have a very

large proportional bid-ask spread.

Specifically, we calculate the proportional bid-ask spread as the ratio between the absolute

bid-ask spread, P rL − P r

S, and the mid-point quote, 12


P jL + P j



. Note that the proportional

bid-ask spread has a maximum possible value of 2 (corresponding to P jS = 0).

Corollary 4 The proportional bid-ask spreadP rL−P



2(P rL+P r

S)of the r-asset approaches the maxi-

mum value of 2 as qr approaches 0.

Corollary 4 is an immediate consequence of Lemma 2, which states that Xr remains

bounded away from 0 even as qr approaches 0, coupled with the basic fact (see Lemma 1)

that the bid price P rS is bounded above by the unconditional expected payoff qr.

Economically, Corollary 4 follows from the fact that although, in equilibrium, less skill is

devoted to the r-asset than to the c-asset, some skill is nonetheless devoted to the r-asset—

and in particular, the amount of skill devoted to the r-asset remains bounded away from


Very closely related to Corollary 4 is:

Corollary 5 The unconditional expected gross return from a long position in the r-asset,


P rL, approaches 0 as qr approaches 0.


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Hence the expected return for buying assets with a very small chance of payoff is very

low. This is consistent with low returns to wagers on extreme underdogs in betting markets

(the “longshot-favorite bias”), and with low returns to buying out-of-money puts and calls

in option markets (the “smile” in implied volatilities).

6 Predictions from the market

Thus far, we have focused on the ability of individual traders to forecast rare events. In this

section, we instead consider the information content of aggregate trading activity.

In our setting, bid and ask prices arise as in Glosten and Milgrom (1985), and as such,

are independent of the true state and hence uninformative. In contrast, the aggregate order

flow is informative. Accordingly, we consider what an outside observer who observes the

total numbers of buy and sell orders for asset j can infer about the likelihood of the j-event.

(ψj ≤ qj). To aid interpretation, note that the total numbers of buy and sell orders can,

alternatively, be inferred from seeing a combination of any two of: (i) the average transaction

price (in addition to posted bid and ask prices), (ii) aggregate volume, and (iii) order flow


Write Lj and Sj for total buy (long) and sell (short) orders for asset j. Write λjL and λjS

for the mass of liquidity traders who buy and sell asset j. Write N jL and N j

S for the mass of

skilled traders who buy and sell asset j. Hence

Lj =(

λjL +N jL



P jL


Sj =(

λjS +N jS



P jS



Recall that both liquidity traders and active skilled traders always trade in one direction

or the other. Consequently, λjL + λjS = λj and N jL + N j

S = N j . Hence observing the total

number of buy and sell orders (Lj , Sj) has the same information content as simply observing

the total number of buy orders, Lj .


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The information content of the aggregate order flow depends critically on the correlation

among liquidity traders, and similarly, on the correlation among skilled traders. For example,

if liquidity trades are uncorrelated, and if skilled trades are uncorrelated conditional on the

realization of ψj (a natural assumption), then by the law of large numbers Lj will perfectly

reveal whether or not ψj ≤ qj. In the literature, it is assumed liquidity trades are correlated

so as to prevent full revelation (e.g., Grossman and Stiglitz 1980, Hellwig 1980, Kyle 1985).

In this section, we assume they are perfectly correlated for simplicity while skilled trades are

uncorrelated conditional on ψj (see, e.g., Grossman 1976, Hellwig 1980), so that

N jL = Aj1ψj≤qj +


N j − Aj)

qj. (19)

(We obtain similar results if we allow for correlation among skilled trades; notes are available

from the authors upon request.)

Given (19), the information content of the aggregate order flows in asset j is the same as

the information content of

Lj ≡Lj


P jL

) −(

N j − Aj)

qj = Aj1ψj≤qj + λjL. (20)

From (20), one can see that the aggregate skill Aj deployed to asset j is the key factor in

determining the information content of the aggregate order flow. Informally this corresponds

to adding up the IQ of the traders in each asset.

So far we have shown (Proposition 2) that all traders in the r-asset have skill below a

certain threshold α while all traders in the c-asset have skill higher than that threshold.

Among other things, this implies that the average skill of people trading the r-asset is lower

than that of people trading the c-asset, i.e., Ar

Nr <Ac

Nc , and relatedly, that the bid-ask spread is

smaller for the r-asset than for the c-asset, i.e., Ar

λr+Nr <Ac

λc+Nc . We now investigate whether

aggregate skill is likewise lower, i.e., Ar < Ac.


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6.1 Lower aggregate skill in the r-asset

Clearly, a sufficient condition for aggregate skill devoted to the r-asset to be lower is that

fewer people trade it, N r ≤ N c. More generally, aggregate skill devoted to the r-asset is

lower provided that N r does not exceed N c by too much. But if there are a very large

number of low-skill traders in the r-asset, and not many high-skill traders in the c-asset, it

appears that aggregate skill in the r-asset could be higher.

Intuitively, N r can only exceed N c by a large amount if the density function g of the skill

distribution declines rapidly in skill α. Our next result formalizes this intuition, and gives a

simple sufficient condition on the slope of the density function g that guarantees that N r is

not too large relative to N c, and hence in turn that less aggregate skill is indeed deployed

to the r-asset than to the c-asset. Let α denote the maximum of the support of g.

Proposition 3 If there are equal numbers of liquidity traders in the two assets,

λr = λc (21)

and the density of skill g satisfies


ˆ x


αg (α) dα > z2g (z) (x− z) for all z < x ≤ α, (22)

then for any qr sufficiently small, less aggregate skill is deployed to the r-asset, i.e., Ar < Ac.

Condition (22) of Proposition 3 holds trivially if the density function is weakly increas-

ing in skill. In particular, condition (22) holds if skill α is distributed uniformly over any

subinterval of [0, 1]. A class of distributions for which condition (22) is violated is the set

of triangular distributions defined by g (α) = 2α2 (α− α) . But even for this case, less aggre-

gate skill is deployed to the r-asset unless the mass of liquidity traders is extremely small.

Specifically (and for any value of maximal skill α), it can be shown that there is less ag-

gregate skill in the r-asset so long as liquidity traders are more than 0.8% of skilled traders


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(λr = λc > 0.008, where the total mass of skilled traders is normalized to 1).

More generally, the conclusion of Proposition 3 holds for any distribution of skill provided

that the mass of liquidity traders is sufficiently large.15

6.2 Market predictions from the r-asset are less informative

Our main result of this section uses results from the theory of information orderings (see

Blackwell 1953, Lehmann 1988). It requires the mild assumption that the density of λrL is

log-concave. Recall that, as discussed in subsection 6.1, the condition Ac > Ar is typically

satisfied in equilibrium. There is more aggregate IQ deployed in the c-asset. We can use this

to compare the accuracy of learning in the two assets. We consider the impact of exogenously

interchanging the sets of investors trading the two asset types, i.e., Ar trade the c-asset while

Ac trade the r-asset. We show that this switch increases the informativeness of the aggregate

order flow in the r-asset.

To say that one information structure is more Blackwell-informative than another is a

strong statement. It means that any agent who needs to take any decision would prefer to

have the former information structure. It is only a partial ordering of information structures.

However in this case the event agents are trying to predict (the asset pays off) is binary,

which as Jewitt (2007) observes, simplifies the application of Blackwell’s theorem.

Proposition 4 Suppose the density of λrL is log-concave. If there are equal numbers of

liquidity traders in the two assets ((21) holds), and Ac > Ar, then the aggregate order flow

of the r-asset would be more Blackwell informative if the sets of people trading the r-asset

and c-asset were exogenously switched.

By exogenously switching the sets of people who trade the r-asset and c-asset, we mean

15In brief, the argument is as follows. As in Proposition 3, we assume that λc = λr. As λc = λr → ∞, itis straightforward to show that N c + N r is bounded away from 0. (Intuitively, if there are many liquiditytraders then it is easy for skilled traders to profitably trade.) If N r → 0 but N c 6→ 0, it is immediate thatAr < Ac. If instead N r 6→ 0, then Xr

Xcis bounded away from 1 (from above). We know Ar

Ac= Xr





Since N c and N r are both bounded, we know λc


λr+Nr→ 1 as λc = λr → ∞. It follows that Ar

Ac< 1 for

λc = λr large enough.


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that everyone who used to trade the c-asset (i.e., with skill α exceeding the threshold level α)

is now restricted to either trading the r-asset or doing nothing, and similarly, that everyone

who used to trade the r-asset (skill α ∈ [Xr, α]) is now restricted to either trading the

c-asset or doing nothing. The option of doing nothing potentially matters because after

the people trading the two assets are switched, asset prices change, and consequently it is

possible that not everyone who previously traded the c-asset wants to trade the r-asset at

its new equilibrium prices. The role of condition (21) is to ensure that profitably trading the

r-asset is not much more difficult than trading the c-asset solely because of a lack of liquidity

traders; if instead λr were much lower than λc, it is possible that many traders who used to

trade the c-asset drop out of trading after they are exogenously switched to the r-asset.

Proposition 4 implies a welfare statement if the expected social value of predicting the

rare event is sufficiently large compared to the social value of predicting common event. In

particular, if it is socially more important to predict the rare event than the common event

then information is under-produced.

7 Conclusion

One of the main functions performed by the financial sector is to forecast future events.

However, many observers have expressed concern that, as they perceive it, the majority of

forecasting activity is devoted to forecasting frequent but relatively unimportant events. In

this paper we analyze a simple equilibrium model of the number and skill of financial sector

participants who are allocated to predict different types of events. The key feature of our

model is that it combines equilibrium analysis of the financial market (using a standard

Glosten and Milgrom (1985) model of bid and ask prices) with equilibrium analysis of the

labor market (using a standard Roy (1951) model).

Our main result is that this simple equilibrium model delivers the following strong pre-

diction: Individuals with more skill trade the common event asset, while individuals with


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less skill trade the rare event asset. Moreover, because this leads to more informed trading

in the common event asset, the bid-ask spread for this asset is higher. In other words, there

is more information produced about the frequent event.

Our prediction on the allocation of skill matches perceptions that a lot of forecasting

“talent”is devoted to forecasting frequent events. It is also consistent with the view that

many standard trading strategies (e.g., the carry trade, selling out-of-the-money put options,

etc.) are “nickels in front of steamroller strategies” that are carried out by people with

mediocre talents.

The bid-ask spread predictions are easiest to apply to bonds (or corresponding CDS

positions), which have a payoff structure well-approximated by the binary payoff assumption

of our model. Our model predicts that low-rated bonds have larger bid-ask spreads than

high-rated bonds. This is consistent with evidence from both sovereign and corporate bond

markets (see Calice et al (2013) for sovereign and Edwards, Harris, and Piwowar (2007),

Goldstein and Hotchkiss (2011) and Benmelech and Bergman (2018) for corporate).

Finally, we show that the endogenous distribution of talent across different types of assets

reduces financial markets’—as opposed to individuals’—ability to predict future rare events.

Specifically, we show that financial markets generally produce less information about rare

events relative to information production in a counterfactual benchmark in which the people

trading rare and common assets are exogenously interchanged.


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Jewitt, 2007, “Information order in decision and agency problems,” Working Paper.


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Kyle, Albert S., 1985, “Continuous auctions and insider trading,” Econometrica.

Lehmann, Erich, 1988, “Comparing location experiments,” Annals of Statistics.

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A Proofs of results stated in main text

Proof of Lemma 1: We first compute prices under the conjecture that any skilled trader

who trades j-asset takes both long and short positions; and then confirm this conjecture.

Under this conjecture:



= qjλjhjL(

P jL





α1ψj≤qj + (1− α) qj)

µj (dα)hjL(

P jL



qjλj + Aj(

1ψj≤qj − qj)

+ qjN j)


P jL





1− qj)


P jL





α1ψj>qj + (1− α)(

1− qj))

µj (dα)hjS(

P jS




1− qj)

λj + Aj(

1ψj>qj −(

1− qj))


1− qj)

N j)


P jS



Hence from (1) and (2),

P jL = qj

qjλj + Aj (1− qj) + qjN j

qjλj + qjN j= qj


1 +Aj

λj +N j

1− qj




P jS = qj

(1− qj) λj − Aj (1− qj) + (1− qj)N j

(1− q)j λj + (1− qj)N j= qj



λj +N j


. (A-2)


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Substituting for Xj in expressions (A-1) and (A-2) yields prices (12) and (13).

Given prices (12) and (13), from (6) the minimum skill level required to profitably buy the

j-asset after observing signal sj ≤ qj isqj+(1−qj)Xj−qj

1−qj= Xj , while from (7) the minimum skill

level required to profitably sell the j-asset after observing signal sj > qj isqj−(qj−qjXj)

qj= Xj.

Hence any skilled trader who trades the j-asset takes both long and short positions. QED

Proof of Proposition 1: We construct a correspondence ξ : [0, 1]2 → [0, 1]2 as follows.

For any (Xr, Xc) ∈ [0, 1]2, construct bid and ask prices according to (12) and (13). Given

prices, allocate skilled traders to the asset where their expected profit is higher. For the case

of indifference, allow for all randomizations between the two assets. More formally: Let M

be the set of measures µ on [0, 1] that satisfy µ (α) ≤ µ (α) for all α ∈ [0, 1]; then define the

correspondence φ : [0, 1]2 → M3 by

φ (Xr, Xc) ={(

µr, µc, µ0)

∈M3 : equilibrium conditions 1.(a) and 1.(b) hold}


Next, given the allocation of skilled traders, evaluate new values of (Xr, Xc) according to

(11). That is, define the correspondence ξ : [0, 1]2 → [0, 1]2 by

ξ (Xr, Xc) =



Xr, Xc)

: ∃(

µr, µc, µ0)

∈ φ (Xr, Xc) such that Xj =


αµj (dα)

λj +´

µj (dα)for j = r, c



From (17), the expected profit function V j, which determines the equilibrium condition 1.(a),

is continuous in α; equals 0 over [0, Xj]; and the slope to the right of Xj is constant, and

a continuous function of Xj. These properties imply that the correspondence ξ is upper-

hemicontinuous, and closed- and compact valued. By Kakutani’s fixed point theorem it has

a fixed point, which corresponds to an equilibrium of the economy. QED

Proof of Lemma 2: Suppose to the contrary that there exists some sequence {qr} such

that qr → 0 and the associated Xr → 0.

First, consider the case in which Xc stays bounded away from 0, by xc say. But then


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Xr → 0 implies that skilled traders in the skill interval [Xr, xc] certainly trade the rare asset.

But then from (11), Xr 6→ 0, a contradiction.

Second, consider the case in which Xc → 0 for some subsequence. So all skilled traders

trade something. But by (11), this contradicts Xc +Xr → 0, completing the proof. QED

Proof of Corollary 2: From Lemma 2, there exists x > 0 such that Xr ≥ x even as as

qr → 0. Since Ar ≤ N r, it follows that Ar

λr+Ar ≥ Ar

λr+Nr ≥ x, and hence that there exists A

such that Ar ≥ A even as as qr → 0. QED

Proof of Lemma 3: By Lemma 2, as qr → 0, the term qr (1− qr)hrL (qr + (1− qr)Xr) in

equation (18) approaches 0. The remaining term qr (1− qr) hrS (qr − qrXr) can be written


1−Xr qr (1−Xr)hrS (q

r (1−Xr)), of which qr (1−Xr)hrS (qr (1−Xr)) approaches 0 as qr →

0 by Assumption 2 while 1−qr

1−Xr is bounded above (from (15)). QED

Proof of Proposition 2: Note first that, for all qr, by (18) the marginal value of skill in

the c-asset is bounded below by

qc (1− qc) minX∈[0, 1

1+λc ]hcL


qc + (1− qc) X)

> 0.

In contrast, from Lemma 3 we know the marginal value of skill in the r-asset approaches 0.

To establish Xr < Xc when qr is small, suppose to the contrary that Xr ≥ Xc even as

qr grows small. From the above comparison of the marginal value of skill, it follows that

no-one trades the r-asset for qr sufficiently small (since the payoff functions are linear and

upward sloping, and the payoff for the r-asset has a larger intercept and a smaller slope).

But then Xr = 0, which contradicts Lemma 2 and so establishes that Xr < Xc.

Given Xr < Xc and the comparison of the marginal value of skill, the existence of a

cutoff skill level α is immediate.

Finally, α > Xc because at α = Xc, the r-asset has a strictly positive payoff while the

c-asset has a zero payoff. QED


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Proof of Proposition 3: Write λ for the common value of λr and λc. For any x ∈ (0, α],

define f (x) as the unique solution in (0, x) to

f (x)



ˆ x


g (α) dα


ˆ x


αg (α) dα = 0.

The existence of f (x) follows from the fact that




ˆ x


g (α) dα


ˆ x


αg (α) dα

is strictly negative at z = 0 and strictly positive at z = x. Uniqueness follows from the fact

that differentiation implies that this same function is strictly increasing in z. Moreover, and

for use below, note that

f ′ (x)



ˆ x


g (α) dα


+f (x) g (x)−f (x) f ′ (x) g (f (x))−xg (x)+f ′ (x) f (x) g (f (x)) = 0,

and hence

f ′ (x) =g (x) (x− f (x))

λ+´ x

f(x)g (α) dα

=f (x) g (x) (x− f (x))´ x

f(x)αg (α) dα



Xc = f (α)

Xr = f(



so that

Xc =

´ α

Xc αg (α) dα

λ+´ α

Xc g (α) dα

Xr =

´ Xc

Xr αg (α) dα

λ+´ Xc

Xr g (α) dα.

From the observations about the marginal value of skill in the proof of Proposition 2, we


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know that as qr → 0, Xc → Xc and Xr → Xr. So to establish the result, we show

ˆ α


αg (α) dα >

ˆ Xc


αg (α) dα,

or equivalently,ˆ α


αg (α) dα >

ˆ Xc

f(Xc)αg (α) dα.

Since α > f (α) = Xc, it suffices to show that´ x

f(x)αg (α) dα is increasing in x, or equiva-


xg (x)− f ′ (x) f (x) g (f (x)) > 0,

which substituting in the earlier expression for f ′ (x) is equivalent to

xg (x) >f (x) g (x) (x− f (x))´ x

f(x)αg (α) dα

f (x) g (f (x)) ,



ˆ x


αg (α) dα > f (x)2 g (f (x)) (x− f (x)) .

This inequality is implied by (22), completing the proof. QED

Proof of Proposition 4: First note that when traders who trade the c-asset in equilibrium

are exogenously reallocated to trading the r-asset, they are happy to actively trade the r-

asset. This follows because (by (21)), the minimum skill required to profitably trade the

r-asset after the exogenous switch coincides with the minimum skill required to profitably

trade the c-asset before the switch.

The result then follows from the following claim:

Claim: The Blackwell informativeness of the aggregate order flow in the r-asset is increasing

in the aggregate skill A of the people actively trading the r-asset.

Proof of claim: Let ωr0 and ωr1 respectively denote the events that the r-asset does not pay

off, ψr > qr and that it does pay off, ψr ≤ qr. Let H denote the distribution function of


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λrL. As discussed in the main text, if aggregate skill A actively trades the r-asset, then the

information content of the aggregate order flow of the r-asset with respect to ω ∈ {ωr0, ωr1} is

the same as the information content of A1ω=ωr1+ λrL. Let F (·;ω,A) denote the distribution

function of A1ω=ωr1+ λrL.

Evaluating, F (y;ω,A) = H(

y −A1ω=ωr1


and F−1 (t;ω,A) = H−1 (t) + A1ω=ωr1.

Consider any pair of aggregate skill levels A and A > A. Hence


F (y;ω,A) ;ω, A)

= H−1(


y − A1ω=ωr1


+ A1ω=ωr1= y +


A− A)


Consequently, for any y,


F (y;ωr1, A) ;ωr1, A)

≥ F−1(

F (y;ωr0, A) ;ωr0, A)


i.e., the r-asset order flow is more informative in the Lehmann sense (Lehmann 1988) if it is

actively traded by a set of people with aggregrate skill A rather than A. Since the density

of λrL is log-concave, the distribution function F (y;ω,A) has the monotone likelihood ratio

property. Since {ωr0, ωr1} is a binary set, it follows from Proposition 1 in Jewitt (2007) that an

increase in aggregate skill A makes the r-asset order flow more informative in the Blackwell

sense (Blackwell 1953), completing the proof of the claim, and hence the proof. QED


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B Liquidity trader assumptions

In this appendix we show that our main result—that in equilibrium, lower skill agents trade

the rare event asset—holds under alternative and weaker assumptions if we impose a specific

functional form for the position limits. This functional form is the simple rule given as a

benchmark in subsection 3.1, i.e., the largest position with no risk of default.

Below, we omit j superscripts whenever it is possible to do so without confusion.

B.1 Specific position limits

Consider specific position limits hL(PL) =WPL

and hS(PS) =W

1−PS. Informed trading profits


V (α) = qW

PLmax {α + (1− α) q − PL, 0}+ (1− q)


1− PSmax {PS − (1− α) q, 0} .

We denote the minimum skill required for long and short positions by αL and αS. These

minimum skill levels are determined by

αL + (1− αL) q = q + (1− q)αL = PL

(1− αS) q = PS.

Hence profits are

V (α) = qWmax {(1− q) (α-αL) , 0}

q + (1− q)αL+ (1− q)W

max {q (α− αS) , 0}

1− q + qαS

= q (1− q)Wmax {α-αL, 0}

q + (1− q)αL+ q (1− q)W

max {α− αS, 0}

1− q + qαS. (B-1)


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B.2 Probability-invariant liquidity trade

In our main model, we assume liquidity trade is proportional to the probability of the rare

event. As discussed in the main text, we consider this to be the most natural specification.

Here, we consider an alternative specification in which liquidity trade is independent of the

event probability. We continue to assume that, conditional on trading in a given direction,

liquidity trader positions are proportional to skilled trader positions.

Specifically, let the masses of long and short liquidity traders be fixed at λL and λS. By

(1) and (2):

PL = qλL + (1− q)A + qN

λL + qN= q + q (1− q)


λL + qN

PS = qλS + (1− q) (N −A)

λS + (1− q)N= q − q (1− q)


λS + (1− q)N.


αL = qA

λL + qN

αS = (1− q)A

λS + (1− q)N.

By (B-1), informed profits are

V (α) = (1− q)Wmax


α-q AλL+qN

, 0}

1 + (1− q) AλL+qN

+ qWmax


α− (1− q) AλS+(1−q)N

, 0}

1 + q AλS+(1−q)N


An important property to note is that, as q → 0, this expression approaches αW

1+ AλL

, which

is strictly less than αW (expected profits under “fair” prices). This arises even though the

minimum skill required to trade the asset converges to 0. Economically, the ask price PL has

an absolute mark-up over the fair price of q (1− q) AλL+qN

, which converges to 0; but it has a

percentage mark-up over the the fair price q of (1− q) AλL+qN

, which remains bounded away

from 0. The percentage mark-up means that the trade size is scaled down by a fraction that


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is bounded away from 0.

Proposition B-1 For qr sufficiently small, there exists α such that traders with skill in

(αrL, α) trade the r-asset and traders with skill above α trade the c-asset. Moreover, αrL

approaches 0 as qr approaches 0, while α remains bounded away from 0.

Proof of Proposition B-1:

Claim 1: Ar is bounded away from 0.

Proof of claim 1: Suppose to contrary that Ar → 0. It cannot be the case that either αcL → 0

or αcS → 0, since this would contradict the minimum skill level expressions. So both αcL and

αcS must stay bounded away from 0. By supposition, αrL and αrS both approach 0. But this

contradicts the supposition that Ar approaches 0.

Claim 2: Ac is bounded away from 0.

Proof of claim 2: Suppose to contrary that Ac → 0. So V c (α) → αW . Note that V j is

bounded above by

V j (α) = αW


1− qj

1 + (1− qj) Aj


+ qj



Since Ar is bounded away from 0, it follows that as qr approaches 0 the fraction of skilled

traders who prefer to trade the c-asset over the alternatives of doing nothing, and trading

the r-asset, approaches 1. But this contradicts the supposition that Ac → 0.

Claim 3: αcL, αcS and αrS are bounded away from 0, while αrL → 0.

Proof of claim 3: Immediate from Claims 1 and 2.

Completing the proof: As qr → 0, V r (α) → αW



. Since Ac is bounded away from 0 (Claim

2), and V c is equal to 0 over the interval [0,min {αcL, αcS}], where min {αcL, α

cS} is bounded

away from 0 (Claim 3), it follows that the maximum slope of V c must both exceed and be

bounded away from W



. This completes the proof. QED


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B.3 Explicit calculation of payoffs from trading bonds

As we note in the main text, our model applies to bonds: specifically, a bond should be

thought of as a combination of a long position in a risk free asset combined with a short

position in the j-asset of our analysis.

To make this interpretation completely explicit, here we verify that profits from trading

a bond coincide with profits from trading the j-asset in our analysis.

Recall that we denote the ask and the bid prices for the j-asset by PL and PS respectively.

Since a bond is a long position in the risk free asset, which has a price of 1, combined with

a short position in the j-asset, its ask and bid prices are 1− PS and 1− PL respectively.

Using the motiviation for specific position limits as we adopted in subsection 3.1, the

maximum long position in the bond is


1− PS

and the maximum short position is determined by the solution to W + x (1− PL) = x,

leading to a short position limit of



We now compute the expected payoff of a skilled trader with skill α who buys the bond (i.e.,

shorts the underlying risky asset) when he observes a signal s > q and sells the bond (i.e.,

is long the underlying risky asset) when he observes a signal s ≤ q. Conditional on signal

s > q, the bond defaults with probability (1− α) q. Conditional on signal s ≤ q, the bond

defaults with probability α + (1− α) q. So the trader’s expected payoff from is

(1− q)W

1− PS((1− (1− α) q)− (1− PS)) + q


PL((1− PL)− (1− (α + (1− α) q)))

= (1− q)W

1− PS(PS − (1− α) q) + q


PL(α + (1− α) q − PL) .

This expression exactly coincides with expression (16) if one substitutes in the same micro-


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foundation for position limits.

B.4 Non-limit analysis for specific position limits

For the specific position limits hL(PL) =WPL

and hS(PS) =W

1−PS, we can establish our main

results away from the limit.

As a first step, note that since it is equivalent to consider long and short positions in

an asset that pays off if ψj ≤ qj, and short and long positions in an asset that pays off if

ψj > qj (see subsection B.3), it is without loss to assume that

qr < qc ≤1


From (17), a skilled trader with skill α who trades asset j has expected profits of

V j (α) = qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj)) (



We first establish:

Claim 1: The expression


1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj))


is strictly decreasing in Xj and strictly increasing in qj for qj ≤ 12.

Proof of Claim 1: The fact that (B-2) is decreasing in Xj is immediate from the fact that

hjL is a decreasing function and hjS is an increasing function.

To show that (B-2) is increasing in qj , note that (B-2) equals



+(1− qj)W1−qj


=(1 +Xj)W







) =(1 +Xj)W


1 + (Xj)2 +(


1−qj+ 1−qj




) .


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Hence it suffices to show that qj

1−qj+ 1−qj

qjis decreasing in qj. This is indeed the case since


1− qj+

1− qj


(qj)2+ (1− qj)


qj (1− qj)=

1− 2qj (1− qj)

qj (1− qj)=


qj (1− qj)− 2,

and qj (1− qj) is increasing in qj for qj ≤ 12, completing the proof of the claim.

Given Claim 1, it follows that:

Claim 2: In any equilibrium, Xr < Xc.

Proof of Claim 2: Suppose to the contrary that Xc ≤ Xr. So by Claim 1, (B-2) evaluated for

the c-asset is strictly greater than (B-2) evaluated for the r-asset. Combined with Xc ≤ Xr,

it follows that V c (α) > V r (α) for any skill level α > Xc. But then the measure of skilled

traders trading the r-asset is 0, implying Xr = 0, and hence Xc = 0. But Xc = 0 implies

the measure of agents who trade the c-asset is 0; in contrast, the arguments above imply

that almost all skilled agents trade the c-asset. The contradiction completes the proof.


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C Online Appendix: Career concerns

Trading on rare and common events may also differ because of learning effects. Agents may

be unsure about their underlying ability to predict trading outcomes, and the dynamics of

learning may be different for rare and common events.16 Although this is not the main focus

of our paper, we consider a variant of our model in which agents work for more than one

period (specifically, two periods), allowing for updating about skill levels.

To summarize the analysis of this appendix:

Successful prediction of a rare event is a very strong indicator of skill, and leads to a

very favorable posterior on skill. Consequently the people with the highest perceived skill

in the economy trade are to be found trading the rare event asset. As such, traders who

have successfully executed successful long trades in the r-asset will be held in very high

regard—as is indeed the case, for example, for people who correctly predicted the collapse

in house prices in 2007-2008.

Nonetheless, because the rare event is unusual, learning about skill plays only a very small

role in the market for the rare event asset, in a sense that we formalize below. Moreover,

learning about skill is less important for the rare event asset than for the common event asset

in the following sense: in equilibrium, an agent who is indifferent between specializing in

each of the two assets and then chooses the rare event asset will trade in the first period, but

if they instead choose the common event asset they will trade only after a positive updating

of skill following a prior successful prediction.

C.1 Dynamic model

To analyze career concerns, we need a model of traders who operate in multiple periods. To

keep the analysis as transparent as possible, we assume that each skilled trader has a career

16There is a literature that explores agents’ incentives to take risks because of the contracts they havesigned with principals, or because of career concerns (Trueman (1988), Dow and Gorton (1997)). Thepredictions of such models can be quite sensitive to the assumed functional forms of contracts or of thecontracting environment. These considerations are beyond the scope of this paper. In this paper agents donot distort their decisions in order to manipulate other agents.


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lasting two periods. The decision of which type of asset to specialize in over the trader’s

entire career is made prior to the first period, and affects both periods. In each period, a

trader has the option of making a prediction without trading. This could be interpreted

as making only a very small investment. To keep the economy stationary, we assume that

each period a new generation of skilled traders enters the economy, with skill distributed

according to the measure µ


Also to ensure stationarity, we assume there are a continuum of r-assets, and a contin-

uum of c-assets, and traders who specialize in r-assets (respectively, c-assets) are randomly

allocated across the continuum of different r-assets (respectively, c-assets) at the start of

each period. Thus, each market we study has both young and old traders, and while the old

traders have previous experience, the outcomes of that experience are independent.

Career concerns only arise in our framework if predictive ability (skill) is persistent. To

keep the exposition as transparent as possible, we focus on the case in which predictive

ability is as persistent as possible: specifically, if a trader receives an informative signal

in one period, he does so in all periods. In addition to aiding exposition, this assumption

also makes the learning channel as strong as possible. As noted, our results below show

that learning plays a limited role; as such, reducing the degree of persistence would only

strengthen the results.

To avoid confusion as agents live for two periods, an agent of skill α should be interpreted

to mean “an agent whose prior probability in the first period of receiving an informative

signal is α.” This means that in the first period, the agent will receive an informative signal

with probability α and an uninformative signal with probability 1 − α. The agent knows

this probability. Such an agent trading in the second period is still “an agent of skill α,”

but because they will receive an informative signal if and only if they previously received an

informative signal, the probability of receiving an informative signal is updated by Bayes’

rule. The updating is different for the r-asset and the c-event.


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C.2 Learning

To aid exposition, we denote by ωj1 the event ψj ≤ qj in which asset j pays off, and similarly,

ωj0 the is event ψj > qj in which asset j pays 0. For conciseness, we assume qc ≤ 12but the

other case is also straightforward to handle. The unconditional probabilities that a trader

with skill α successfully predicts states ωj1 and ωj0 respectively are denoted pj1 (α) and p

j0 (α):

pj1 (α) = qj(

(1− α)qj + α)

= qj(

qj + α(

1− qj))

pj0 (α) =(

1− qj) (

(1− α)(

1− qj)

+ α)


1− qj) (

1− qj + αqj)


Consequently, the posteriors that a trader receives an informative signal—henceforth, simply

“posterior skill”—given successful prediction of ωj1 and ωj0 are respectively

αj′1 (α) =αqj

pj1 (α)=


qj + α (1− qj).

αj′0 (α) =α (1− qj)

pj0 (α)=


1− qj + αqj.

Notice that as qj → 0, the posterior αj′1 (α) approaches 1: a trader who has successfully

predicted an extremely unlikely event has almost certainly done so because of skill, not by

chance. This formalizes our observation above that traders who have successfully executed

successful long trades in the r-asset will be held in very high regard.

Our assumption that skill is completely persistent means that the posterior skill level of

a trader who failed to correctly predict the state is 0, since this failure reveals the trader did

not receive an informative signal. This assumption considerably simplifies the exposition,

but does not qualitatively affect our results.

Below, we make use of the inverses of the updating functions αj′1 and αj′0 :



(α) =αqj

1− α (1− qj)(C-1)



(α) =α (1− qj)

1− αqj. (C-2)


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Note that αj′1 (α) ≥ αj′0 (α) ≥ α and(


(α) ≤(


(α) ≤ α, as qj ≤ 12. In other

words, successful prediction that the event ωj1 occurs leads to more updating than successful

prediction that ωj0 does not occur.

C.3 Expected profits from specializing in the j-asset

A skilled trader’s decision to specialize in one asset over another reflects expected lifetime

trading profits in each asset. From (17), expected lifetime trading profits in the j-asset are

V j (α) = qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj))



0, α−Xj}

+ pj1 (α)max{

0, αj′1 (α)−Xj}

+ pj0 (α)max{

0, αj′0 (α)−Xj})


Here, the last two terms in parentheses correspond to an experienced trader’s profits after,

respectively, successfully predicting ωj1 and ωj0.

When traders live two periods, the payoff function V j is convex, and piecewise linear with

three kinks, at(


(Xj), then(


(Xj), and then Xj. Economically, for skill levels



(Xj), even the posterior assessment of skill after successful prediction of ωj1 is

too low to justify trading. For skill levels in(



(Xj) ,(



a trader trades only

after successful prediction of ωj1 when young. For skill levels in(



(Xj) , Xj)

a trader

trades after both successful prediction of ωj1 and ωj0 when young, but not after unsuccessful

prediction. Finally, for skill levels above Xj, a trader traders when young, and continues

trading when old provided he made profits (i.e., predicted successfully) when young.

C.4 Basic equilibrium analysis

We start by reproducing several results from the one-period economy. First, and as in Lemma

2, the minimum skill required to profitably trade the r-asset is bounded away from zero. The

basic economic force is the same as before. The only new elements in the proof are associated

with the need to handle updating about skill levels.


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Lemma C-1 There exists some x > 0 such that Xr ≥ x for all qr small.

As before, an immediate but important corollary of Lemma C-1 is that the ask price

remains bounded away from the fair price qj.

Next, we reproduce Lemma 3 from the one-period economy: even taking the value of

learning into account, the marginal value of skill in the r-asset still approaches 0.

Lemma C-2 As qr → 0, the marginal value of skill in the r-asset approaches 0.

Given Lemma C-2, similar arguments as in the one-period economy imply that it is the

lowest skill traders who actively trade who specialize in the r-asset (see Proposition 2). As

with other results, the only new elements in the proof are those associated with learning

about a trader’s skill:

Proposition C-1 For all qr small enough, 0 < (αr′1 )−1 (Xr) < (αc′1 )

−1 (Xc).

Finally, the bid-ask spread is larger for the c-asset, just as in the one-period economy:

Proposition C-2 For all qr small enough, the bid-ask spread in the c-asset is larger, Xc >


C.5 Career concerns

With the above results in hand, we next analyze the role of learning.

First, although Proposition C-1 shows that the lowest skill traders who actively trade

specialize in the r-asset, it is nonetheless the case that the traders in the economy with the

highest identified skill trade the r-asset. This is a consequence of the power of updating from

successfully predicting event ωr1:

Corollary 6 As qr → 0, the posterior skill of some people who trade the r-asset approaches

1, i.e., there exists some α who trades the r-asset such that αr′1 (α) → 1.


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Somewhat anecdotally, this is consistent with the descriptions in Lewis (2011), in which

the fund managers who predicted the housing crisis were unheralded prior to the crisis, but

attracted large fund inflows after the crisis.

At the same time, in spite of this powerful updating, in the aggregate there is only limited

updating from successful prediction of the rare event, in the following sense. For j = r, c,

define ALj as the aggregate skill trading asset j that previously successfully predicted the

event that asset j paid off. Define µjy as the measure of young traders who trade asset j.


ALj =


pj1 (α)αj′1 (α)µjy (dα) . (C-3)

Proposition C-3 Learning from successful prediction of ωr1 plays a very small role in total

trade in the r-asset: ALr/Ar → 0 as qr → 0.

In other words, most traders who trade the r-asset are either young traders, or expe-

rienced traders who successfully predicted the non-occurrence of a rare event (ωr0) when


From Proposition C-1, it is the least skilled traders who trade the r-asset. Just as

in the one-period economy, there is a marginal skill level at which traders are indifferent

between specializing in the two assets. A distinct sense in which learning plays only a

limited role in the r-asset is that these marginal traders behave very differently in each of

these alternative tracks. If they specialize in the c-asset, they trade only after they have first

made a successful prediction. The reason is that the bid-ask spread is relatively high in the

c-asset (see Proposition C-2), and so only relatively skilled traders can profitably trade this

asset. In contrast, if they specialize in the r-asset, they trades the asset right from the very

start of his career, because the bid-ask spread is lower, and hence less skill is required for

profitable trading.

Proposition C-4 For qr sufficiently small, there is a skill level α ∈ (Xr, Xc) such that all

traders with initial skill in[

(αr′1 )−1 (Xr) , α


specialize in the r-asset, and all traders with


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initial skill above α specialize in the c-asset. The marginal-skill trader α faces a choice

between: trading the r-asset immediately, and trading the c-asset only in the second period,

after successful prediction in the first period.

C.6 Proofs for results on career concerns

Proof of Lemma C-1: Suppose to the contrary that there exists some sequence {qr} such

that qr → 0 and the associated Xr → 0.

First, consider the case in which (αc′1 )−1 (Xc) stays bounded away from 0, by α say. But

then Xr → 0 implies that traders will skill in the interval [Xr, α] trade the r-asset when

young. But then Xr9 0, contradicting the original supposition.

Second, consider the case in which (αc′1 )−1 (Xc) → 0 for some subsequence. From (C-1),

Xc → 0. Hence the total skill Ac in the c-asset must approach 0. Likewise, by supposition,

Xr → 0, so the total skill Ar in the r-asset must approach 0. But the combination of

these two statements is impossible, since because both Xc and Xr → 0, the fraction of

skilled traders that trades at least one of the two assets when young approaches 1. The

contradiction completes the proof. QED

Proof of Lemma C-2: By the same argument as in the proof of Lemma 3, the two-period

profit function V r (1) → 0, even when evaluated at the maximum skill level α = 1. Since

V r is weakly increasing and convex, and using the fact that Xr ≤ 11+λr

, it follows that the

slope of V r must approach 0 at all skill levels. QED

Lemma C-3 The righthand derivatives of the two-period profit function V j, denoted by V j+,


V j+(


αj′1)−1 (




qj)2 (

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj)) (


1− qj))

V j+(


= 2qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj)) (


1− qj))



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Proof of Lemma C-3: Note that

dpj1 (α)


dpj0 (α)

dα= qj


1− qj)


dααj′1 (α) pj1 (α) = 1−


dααj′0 (α) pj2 (α) = qj.


V j+(


αj′1)−1 (



= qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj))



dpj1 (α0)αj′1 (α)

dα−Xj dp

j1 (α)


= qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj)) (

qj −Xjqj(

1− qj))


qj)2 (

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj)) (


1− qj))



V j+ (X) = qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj))



1 +d(

pj1 (α)αj′1 (α) + pj0 (α)α

j′2 (α)




pj1 (α) + pj0 (α))


= qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj)) (

1 + 1− 2Xjqj(

1− qj))

= 2qj(

1− qj) (


qj +(

1− qj)


+ hjS(

qj − qjXj)) (


1− qj))



Proof of Proposition C-1: First, we show (αr′1 )−1 (Xr) < (αc′1 )

−1 (Xc). Suppose to the

contrary that (αr′1 )−1 (Xr) ≥ (αc′1 )

−1 (Xc) even as qr grows small. From Lemma C-3, the

righthand derivative V c+(

(αc′1 )−1 (Xc)


is bounded away from 0. In contrast, from Lemma

C-2 we know V r+ (Xr) → 0. It follows that no-one trades the r-asset for qr sufficiently

small. But then Xr = 0. If (αc′1 )−1 (Xc) > 0 this gives a contradiction, since traders with

skill in the interval[

0, (αc′1 )−1 (Xc)


would trade the r-asset in the first period. If instead


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(αc′1 )−1 (Xc) = 0, then on the one hand, Xc = 0 by (C-1); but on the other hand, since

Xc = Xr = 0, we must have trade in at least one of the assets, implying Xr +Xc > 0, and

contradicting Xr +Xc = 0. This completes the proof of (αr′1 )−1 (Xr) < (αc′1 )

−1 (Xc).

Given (αr′1 )−1 (Xr) < (αc′1 )

−1 (Xc), we show (αr′1 )−1 (Xr) > 0. Suppose to the contrary

that (αr′1 )−1 (Xr) = 0. So by (C-1), Xr = 0. But then traders with skill in


0, (αc′1 )−1 (Xc)


trade the r-asset immediately, contradicting Xr = 0. QED

Lemma C-4 For all qr small enough, some people trade the r-asset when young.

Proof of Lemma C-4: Suppose otherwise. Then the only people trading the r-asset are

traders who successfully predicted either ωr1 or ωr0 when young. It is immediate from (C-3)

that ALr → 0 as qr → 0. In addition, (αr′0 )−1 (Xr) → Xr, so the interval of skill types


(αr′0 )−1 (Xr) , Xr


who trade when old after successful prediction of ωr0 when young, grows

arbitrarily small. Hence aggregate skill Ar trading the r-asset approaches 0, so that Xr → 0,

contradicting Lemma C-1, and completing the proof. QED

Proof of Proposition C-2: First, note from (11) that Xr ≤ 1λj+1

since Ar ≤ N r, and

hence Xr stays bounded away from 1.17

Second, note that Xc stays bounded away from 0, as follows. Suppose to the contrary

that Xc → 0. From Lemma C-3, the slope of V c is bounded away from 0 for all skill values

above (αc′1 )−1 (Xc). In contrast, from Lemma C-2 the slope of V r approaches 0 as qr → 0.

Hence skill in the c-asset, Ac, is bounded away from 0 as qr → 0, contradicting Xc → 0.

Suppose that, contrary to the claimed result, Xc ≤ Xr even as qr → 0. So by above, Xc

is bounded away from both 0 and 1. Hence

Xc − (αc′1 )−1

(Xc) = Xc −Xcqc

1−Xc (1− qc)=

(1−Xc (1− qc))Xc − qcXc

1−Xc (1− qc)

=(1− qc)Xc − (1− qc) (Xc)2

1−Xc (1− qc)=

(1− qc)Xc (1−Xc)

1−Xc (1− qc). (C-4)

17An alternative argument for why Xr is bounded away from 1 is as follows. Suppose instead that Xr → 1as qr → 0. Then the fraction of skilled traders who can trade approaches 0, implying Ar → 0, contradictingXr → 1.


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is bounded away from 0. By Lemma C-2, the slope of V r approaches 0 at all skill levels.

On the other hand, from Lemma C-3, the slope of V c is bounded away from 0 for all skill

values above (αc′1 )−1 (Xc). Since Xc − (αc′1 )

−1 (Xc) is bounded away from 0, it follows that

V c (Xc) > maxα Vr (α). So no-one with initial skill above Xc specializes in the r-asset.

By the supposition Xc ≤ Xr, a fortiori no-one with initial skill above Xc specializes in

the r-asset. Hence no-one trades the r-asset when young, contradicting Lemma C-4 and

completing the proof. QED

Proof of Corollary 6: Immediate from the fact that Lemma C-1 implies that Ar is bounded

away from 0. QED

Proof of Proposition C-3: It is immediate from (C-3) that ALr → 0 as qr → 0. From

Lemma C-1, Xr remains bounded away from 0. Hence Ar remains bounded away from 0,

completing the proof. QED

Proof of Proposition C-4: First, note from (11) that Xc ≤ 1λc+1

since Ac ≤ N c, and

hence Xc stays bounded away from 1.18

By Proposition C-2 and Lemma C-1, Xc must also remain bounded away from 0.

Given that Xc is bounded away from both 0 and 1, the same argument as in the proof

of Proposition C-2 implies that V c (Xc) > maxα Vr (α). So V c (α) > V r (α) for all α ≥ Xc.

Since some skilled traders trade the r-asset (Lemma C-4), the curves V c and V r must

intersect at a skill level strictly below Xc. Moreover, from Lemma C-3 and Lemma C-2, for

qr small the slope of V c is steeper than the slope of V r for all skill levels above (αc′1 )−1 (Xc).

Hence V c and V r intersect exactly once above minj=r,c





, and the intersection

point is belowXc. Finally, by Lemma C-4, the intersection point is aboveXr. This completes

the proof. QED

18An alternative argument for why Xc is bounded away from 1 is as follows. Suppose instead that Xc → 1as qr → 0. Then (by (C-1)) (αc′

1 )−1

(Xc) → 1, but then no-one trades the c-asset, contradicting Xc → 1.


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