Phenomena Magazine - July 2011 - Issue 27



Phenomena Magazine is a free monthly E-Zine covering all things strange, profound and unusual. Currently the most recognised magazine of its type and distributed internationally. If your interested in having your article included, please feel free to contact the Managing Editor at: [email protected] Enjoy...

Transcript of Phenomena Magazine - July 2011 - Issue 27

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Over the last few weeks I’ve been sorting out many of the older MAPIT investigations that started in 1974. A number of interesting investigations came to light

which I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading in upcoming issues. Television work continues with Channel 4 and the recent

UFO documentary ‘The Truth May Be Out There - UFOs Over Manchester looks like it’s probably going to air on

Channel M during July. I will be letting people know when exactly on the Phenomena Magazine Facebook

Page. So keep checking... Another exciting issue packed full of articles on various topics. Enjoy...


Oh how the trends of the paranormal world peak and trough. Another month of constant research and visits to

new locations as part of some projects myself and the UPIA are involved in. 20 paranormal, historical and ar-

chaeological locations were visited in 2days, (thank God for work shutdowns) and from this, some new material is

being developed for Phenomena Magazine.

In the August issue, we will hopefully include a rundown of the Big Awakening conference in Manchester. This will be the first confer-ence Phenomena Magazine will cover in a journalistic manner, we are very much looking forward to this event. Behind the scenes at Phenomena Magazine, we are delighted to announce distribution

partnerships in the USA with the countries two leading paranormal related merchandising websites – and, the latter are currently altering their site to include Phenomena Magazine, we now also have a promotional part-

nership with This site created by the former editor of Paranormal magazine, is fast becoming the UK’s leading folklore and ghost related site. As well as some articles from The

magazine appearing on UncannyUK, Richard will also be offering a new monthly column in Phenomena Magazine.

A special thanks to all our contributors. If you would like to

contribute yourself, please contact Phenomena Magazine at: [email protected]

THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS Steve Mera, Dave Sadler, Kirst D’Raven, Colin Veacock, Robert Young BSc.

Fabrizio, Muhammad Irfan, Vincenzo De Gregorio, Oliver Morel, Lucy Pringle, Keith Hibdige, John Montgomery, Steve Alexander, Roy Boschman, Pierluigi C.

Andy Robert, Nick Pope, John Pagan, Norman Rubin, John Prytz, Rowan Hooper, Francis Cronin & Derek Howie



[email protected]


Due to UPIA and MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT / UPIA are not responsible for

articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT / UPIA do everything in their

power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited cor-rectly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copy-right covers only articles wrote by MAPIT & UPIA investigators and

group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of UPIA, MAPIT or

Phenomena Magazine.

Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’.


Page 2: A Haunting in Reddish. A council house in Reddish Stockport has apparently had strange paranormal disturbances for many years. The first reported incidents back in 1978 which continued and led to an investigation during the mid 1990’s. What was responsible for the paranormal incidents that had driven out families? Steve Mera looks back at the numerous re-ports and tries to get to the bottom of it... Page 5: A Pharaoh’s Curse? Lord Carnarvon and his associate Howard Carter achieved the dream that for years had both inspired and haunted them. As they and their dedicated team of Native workers stood surrounded by gold, gem-stones and treasure that far exceeded the dreams of mortal man, one can only imagine the silent awe that descended. Was the tomb of Tutankhamun really cursed? Kirst D’Raven looks into the mystery... Page 9: The Mollie Thompson Story. The UFO scene is vast, and many players have strutted and fretted on its stage since the modern era of the subject began in 1947. Mollie Thompson will be a name unfamiliar to most readers. Unless you knew her, or are a very keen student of ufological history her name will mean little. She is one of the ‘forgotten’ ufologists. Andy Roberts reveals Mollie’s contribution to the subject... Page 17: What are the Odds Beyond Coincidence? A man speeds along a winding road in his red Dodge Viper, as he turns a curve, another car intersects his path and he skids into the car. Luckily, the damage is minimal and neither driver is hurt. That's about when the man notices the car he damaged is a red Dodge Viper like his and both drivers are called John Chance... Almost everyone has experienced strange coincidences. John Pagan looks at the Odds. Page 19: The Screaming Skull of Boscomb Manor. A legend had been told by wandering minstrels about the apparition of a screaming skull seen wafting in the mist at the dark of night above the shadows of the crags and hillocks of the Yorkshire moors. Fearsome as the screaming skull's terrible cry, its relentless horror persisted even when it was silent... There are a number of legends of Screaming Skulls. Norman Rubin looks into one at Boscomb Manor... Page 21: Military Ghosts. People commonly associate ghosts with old houses, castles, pubs and churches, but there are numerous ghost sightings at military bases. Understandably, because the public don't generally have access to such sites, these sightings don't generate much publicity. When I investigated UFO sightings for the Ministry of Defence I got to hear about numerous ghost sightings... Nick Pope discusses one such case. Page 22: Spontaneous Dream Visitation. Spontaneous Dream Visitation is the phenomenon where an alleged spirit of a deceased relative or friend, visits the person whilst they are asleep or in an altered state of consciousness. I myself had a so called SDV quite a few years ago which led me on a path to study parapsy-chology and paranormal investigation scientifically to try and find out whether there really is life after death. Robert Young investigates. Page 23: UFO Censorship & Cover-Ups. As the recent and ongoing WikiLeaks saga has demonstrated, as if any demonstration were really needed, given such well known his-torical instances like ‘Watergate' or ‘the Pentagon Papers', govern-ments, sometimes a whole succession of governments, not only can, but do try to keep secrets from the citizens and taxpayers. What could they be keeping secret and why? John Prytz explains... Page 29: The Life of George Hunt Williamson. Long before the late Milton William Cooper and the turquoise track-suit wearing, self proclaimed son of god, David Icke, began to edu-cate us on the dangers of the new world order; before Erich Von Daniken tried to convince us that our planet had been visited in the distant past by ancient astronauts. There was George Hunt William-son. Colin Veacock reveals his life story... Dave Sadler reveals Harry Potter - UFO Mularky. Latest News Items include: Mystery Mersey Monster Solved, New deadline set for End of the World, First images of the Great Pyramids Chamber of Secrets, A father captures a Spook on Camera, Eygptian Pyramids found by Infra-Red Satellite & A Haunted Pub. Recent Crop Circles of 2011, Book Reviews, Conferences & Events, Advertisements and much much more...

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A Hauning in Reddish By Steve Mera

In 1978 the Hogg family of Reddish, Cheshire experienced some strange goings on. Mandy, Steven Hogg's girl-friend, would often stay over at the house and on one particular morning, she woke to find she could not move. It was as if something had taken over her body. Mandy started to panic as she struggled to open her eyes, but she simply couldn't. She calmed for a few seconds realising that someone was most definitely sat at the bottom of her bed. She felt unnerved at the thought of someone sat there watching her. Then she suddenly felt the bedclothes tighten even more around her. Someone, or something was holding her down. Then suddenly the bedclothes released and at that point she found that she could open her eyes and move. She immediately glanced around the room, but no one was there. Mandy was so upset about her experience she confided in her boy-friend Steve who pretty much shrugged the whole episode off. A few days later, it was all forgotten with... well, that is until the paranormal came a calling again. A number of weeks later Steve and Mandy had decided to save up for their own house. Steve had become tired of living with his parents and wanted to have a new start with his girlfriend Mandy. They slowly started to buy household items and store it in the front bedroom. The very same bedroom where Mandy had had that unusual experience. In the morning of Septem-ber 3rd 1978, Steve woke suddenly from sleep to see a figure sat on top of a large box containing a new washing machine. Steve blinked and tried to focus but it had now disappeared. Steve was adamant that he had seen the solid looking figure. It was there for only a second, but he had seen it. Steve de-scribed the figure as grey in colour, in fact, it was all grey, even the colour of its skin. It also had the appearance of a man that was looking across the room at him. Steve's father Bernard had also experi-enced something odd. He had been interested in Natural History for many years and had purchased a number of items from local fairs. One such item was that of a real skull. Bernard was very fond of the skull and often shown it friends, giving them a bit of a fright. Bernard had decided to make a stand for the skull and sometime later he placed the skull on its stand and stood it on the window-sill of the front bed-room. Again, the very same room Mandy and Steve had experienced something strange. The following after-noon, Bernard had gone upstairs to get the skull.

He had planned on taking it into work to show some of his workmates. But when he opened the bedroom door he was shocked to find the skull missing. The stand was still sat on the window-sill had looked to have not been moved, yet the skull was nowhere to be seen. At first Bernard thought someone must be playing a joke on him. Bernard asked everyone in the family, but they were adamant they had not moved it. Bernard was puzzled. The following day Bernard came in from work and as he headed to the bathroom to clean up, he glanced into the front bedroom and... there it was. The skull was back. Sat on top of its stand as if it had never disap-peared in the first place. As to the miss-ing and reappearing skull, Bernard never did find out how or who had moved it.

It wasn't long afterwards that the Hogg family moved on. Steve and Mandy had got their own place and Bernard had moved to be closer to them. The house was then left for a number of months before Amander Thomas and her two daughter Melanie and Jennifer moved in. It is pretty unclear as to why Aman-der and her daughters only lived in the house for several weeks. Some of the local residents claim that Amander had experienced paranormal phenomena and that she fled the house one particu-lar night after seeing the apparition of a man walking about the property. An attempt to locate Amander came up a blank. The local residents believe the house to be haunted, but most of them had known the Hogg family reasonably well, and rumours of their experiences may have circulated. Was Amander and her daughters forced from their home by paranormal happenings? I guess we'll never know.

In August of 1996 I was surprised to receive a letter from someone claiming to live in the very same property. Was this a hoax or a strange coincidence playing its part. Surely this could not have been the same house. The letter was a detailed account in regards the witnessing of paranormal phenomena.

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The new resident (Simon Walker) had lived at the 4 bedroom council house for a number of years and had much to tell me. He recalled his first experi-ence... 'One of the first things I became aware of was that the box room at the back of the house was kept for the youngest member's of the family. There was a cot in there and one by one the three youngest of my brothers, Andrew, Chris and Alan slept there. During the night, no matter which of them was in there, they would often wake up laughing and giggling. When my mother or father walked into the room, they would im-mediately stop. It was as if they were being tickled or played with'. 'About a week or so later, strange things could be heard during the night. Something could regularly be heard walking up and down the stairs. On investigation in the morning, we often found things to have been moved. My sister Jane (one year younger than I) was stood in front of the fire when she said to me, "Get your cold hands off my back". I was nowhere near her at the time. When she turned a realised she looked puzzled and ran up to her bed-room'. ‘In November of 1983 my mother and father were alone in the living room and my father was wiring up a plug at the time. He had made a witty remark to my mother who started laughing, as she did so, somebody else close to my mother, though no one was visible, also started to laugh. My mother jumped up and asked if my father had heard it, but my father relied "No". My mother ex-plained as to what she had heard but my father thought that she had imag-ined it'. 'A few days later, after everyone had gone to bed, things downstairs could be heard banging about as if being moved about. My father stood on the upstairs landing listening to the commotion. He eventually crept downstairs but found nothing out of place and the noises abruptly stop on entering the living room. Such things happened regularly and when asked I was told "There's nothing hear that can harm us". The following night was not much better. Again strange banging sounds could be heard downstairs. I remember lying in my bed listening to the racket, then all of a sudden quietness befell the house. Just when you thought it had ceased for the night my bedroom door flung vio-lently open and there was a huge flash of light. It seemed to look like lightning as it streaked across the top of my door and ceiling.

Simon Walker recalls his first experience... One of the first things I be-came aware of was that the box room at the back of the house was kept for the young-est member's of the family. There was a cot in there and one by one the three youngest of my brothers, Andrew, Chris and Alan slept there. During the night, no matter which of them was in there, they would often wake up laughing and giggling. When my mother or father walked into the room, they would immediately stop. It was as if they were being tickled or played with'. 'About a week or so later, strange things could be heard during the night. Something could regularly be heard walking up and down the stairs. On investigation in the morning, we often found things to have been moved. My sister Jane (one year younger than I) was stood in front of the fire when she said to me, "Get your cold hands off my back". I was nowhere near her at the time. When she turned a realised she looked puzzled and ran up to her bedroom'. 'In November of 1983 my mother and father were alone in the living room and my father was wiring up a plug at the time. He had made a witty remark to my mother who started laughing, as she did so, somebody else close to my mother, though no one was visible, also started to laugh. My mother jumped up and asked if my father had heard it, but my father relied "No". My mother explained as to what she had heard but my father thought that she had imagined it'.


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A Hauning in Reddish By Steve Mera

At the same time, my built in wardrobe, which had a padlocked top cupboard burst open. On investigation, you could clearly see that the small padlock had been broken off and the wood around the edge was damaged. It seemed as if something had been inside and kicked it open. By this time, I was getting scared'. ‘My sister Jane, now 33 years old had a baby boy which she named Craig. More recently, my father and Craig's father Gary were in the back garden. Craig was looking up at the box room win-dow and was pointing. He said "Who's that man up there, trying to get out?" There was no one there! Yet, there is absolutely no doubt that Craig could see someone, and started to get upset. Craig carried on shouting "Get him out Daddy, he can't get out". Eventually they managed to calm Craig down. Gary even ran upstairs to check the room out. Again... There was no one there'. 'My mother died in 1985 and things seemed to settle down for a while. Eventually my father picked himself up and decided to redecorate the bath-room. He had purchased some bath-room tiles and was dressing the wall. At the end of the day, he had put all his broken tiles in a bucket and placed the bucket in the back bedroom, next to the box room. After mopping the bathroom floor he went downstairs for a cup of tea and a smoke. Then all of a sudden, there was a tremendous crash from upstairs. My father ran up to investi-gate and found a couple of broken tiles on the bathroom floor. They must have come from out of the bucket he kept the broken tiles in. They must have flung themselves out of the bucket and into the open bathroom door as there was clearly an impact mark on the edge of the door and there were no damaged tiles on the bathroom walls. My father was shocked, maybe he had thought that the strange happenings had come to an end... He was wrong'! 'My other sister Susan had also had an upsetting experience. She had been at home alone when she clearly heard someone walking up the stairs. She actually fled the house crying and went to her friends house. Shortly after I got married, I found myself temporarily moving back into that house with my wife. It was not something I wanted to do, but due to financial difficulties I had no option but to grin and bare it. That placed scared me still, I even re-fused for the bedroom lights to go off at night. I would never spend another minute alone in that house ever again.

My previous experiences has left me very wary. Whenever I came down the stairs I always had a feeling that some-one was close behind me and even now at the age of 35, it would take a real lot of persuasion to get me to walk back through that front door'. 'A couple of years ago I decided after reading a book on the paranormal to try to find something out about the area, so I visited our main library. After explaining everything to a librar-ian she said that possibly the best she would be able to come up with, would be something about the history of Red-dish. She soon returned with a number of books. However, the only thing that I found was a mention to previous activ-ity in the house I grew up in. It would seem, things have been going on at that house for quite a long time'... Taking into consideration the amount of information I had obtained, I decided to call on the residents now living at the property. I had met a fellow investiga-tor at the location and walked up the path and knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood a woman in her mid 30's. I explained who I was and that I was conducting some research in regards paranormal disturbances. Be-fore I could get all my words out she said, 'Oh God, How did you know'. She went on to tell us that she had been having strange things happen for quite sometime. She asked us in and she explained in more depth over a cup of coffee. She claimed that on a number of occasions, she had witnessed an appari-tion of a man on what she could only describe as, a cloak and top hat. On all occasions, the figure was seen at the top of the stairs. I asked whether she had experienced anything in the front bed-room or back boxroom. She stared at me for a moment before launching a recount of disturbances that

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would leave them terrified of the back box-room.'

'We have all heard strange sounds com-ing from that room and none of us like to go in there. My youngest son told me that he saw a floating ball of light move towards the boxroom door and disap-pear through it. We just stay out of thee, it has an uneasy feeling'.

It’s unsure how long Janet and her two sons had lived there, but she explained that for the first year of living in the house, nothing much happened. She remembered the first incident being that of someone walking about downstairs during the night. Janet's friend had come to staying over regularly and she to had witnessed some of the strange disturbances. Janet explained that she had contacted the council office, but they did not offer much assistance. They had sent out an officer to the house but he was more interested in convincing Janet she may have had a real intruder as she leaves the small kitchen window open often, so to venti-late the kitchen whilst cooking. Janet was having nine of it, and soon cleared him off. She had considered contacting a priest, but recently things seem to have been quieter. She explained that the last incident was over two weeks ago.

I could not help think that whatever was going on at the property may have been residual in some way. If things were in fact calming down, I did not want to do anything that might cause the phenomena to pick up again. Clearly she was upset and worried. I asked her to keep a diary of events for me and that I would contact her regu-larly for the next month or two, to see how things go. In the meantime, I would have someone look into the background of the house to see if any-thing unusual may have taken place.

Is your home Haunted?

Without a doubt the one question that we are asked

more than any other is “how can I tell if my house is

haunted”. Believe it or not, it can actually be hard to tell

for sure whether or not your home is haunted. Haunting’s

are almost never like what you see in the movies. Most of the time, paranormal activity

tends to be subtle; so much so, that it is often overlooked. There are some tell tale signs that you can look for though.

Unusual sounds that are not normal to the environment as well as subtle odours such as perfumes and tobacco smells.

Things going missing and turning up in unusual or the

most obvious of places. Electrical appliances regu-

larly faulting could also be an indicator along with in-

creased electrical usage. Of course, sighting something like an apparition is a big

give away, but occasionally people report small dark

shadows, balls or flashes of light.

Take notes, a diary of events and if your sure something’s going on contact a reputable

organisation that will offer you confidentiality is re-


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A Hauning in Reddish By Steve Mera

An examination of the earliest available facsimile maps shows that there was nothing built there between 1892 and 1948. The location was only named in 1949. There was no evidence of any older road or any construction at all on the same site prior to this date. Deduc-tions based on the Voters list shows that the road was built between October 1948 and June 1949. The even numbers were built first and were occupied dur-ing 1949. The odd numbers, including Janet's house were finished by Novem-ber 1950. The first occupants of the house was the Lamon family; James Lamon (the only registered voter, hence presumably the father), Rose and Mary Lamon (neither of them old enough to vote) and Victor and Vincent Lamon. The same family was in residence in 1955, although only Mary remained from the original group. A Denis La-mon was the only other occupant, probably up to when the Hogg family moved in. I visited the local church and talked with the vicar who knew nothing of the family's disturbances. He was helpful and offered to talk with Janet. Over the next two months I talked with Janet of several occasions and told her the local vicar was happy to talk with her about her problems in the house, however Janet said that no other incidents have taken place yet and was reluctant to have the vicar in her home in fear of the paranormal retaliating. As time passed and the absence of paranormal distur-bances noted, I eventually told Janet she no longer needed to diary any events and gave her my contact details in case she ever need to contact me. She never did. Unsure as to the phe-nomena really stopping or Janet just saying so. We decided to leave her in peace. Since then, I have had no further reports, but often wonder if the mystery figure and the audible disturbances will return once someone else moves into that house... The haunting phenomena is probably the most reported of all paranormal incidents throughout the UK. On close examination of this particular phenome-non you discover a number of different types of disturbances. In some case the sighting of ghostly figures (often re-ferred to as apparitions) are allegedly seen and sometimes heard in associa-tion to an event that once took place at that location. Such incidents are often referred to as residual and when they take place in old large buildings they are often attributed to what is known as 'The Stone Tape Theory'. This is a the-ory that certain building constructed from stone or built upon stone, such as Granite can be

responsible for the phenomena. It is thought that certain events, often trau-matic or at times of enjoyment can somehow be recorded and leach into the very fabric of the foundation, and at certain times the stone itself can give off a low electrical field thus build up and cause the playback of events once recorded in the past. In other cases we have what is referred to as non-interactive phenomena where the al-leged apparition does not seem to be aware of their current surroundings and do not interact with witnesses, such as the alleged sighting of a mink walking through a wall where a door once stood. Of course the most popular and proba-bly the most disturbing forms of haunt-ing's are those that are referred to as interactive.

In such cases the apparition or phenom-ena itself can allegedly be responsible for the movement of objects and items in the current environment and that they seem to have the ability to touch or communicate with the witnesses. Apart from these three forms of haunting's we occasionally find evidence that the alleged apparition is somehow associ-ated to the location. Such evidence is often found via means of research. When investigators find no evidence of an association is it simply referred to as a translocational haunting as appose to localised haunting's where we find the evidence. So... to simply characterise the haunting phenomena, we initially break it down into the three forms...

Residual Phenomena, Localised Phe-nomena and Translocational Phenom-ena. We also use such terms as 'interactive' and 'non-interactive' de-pending on what type of incidents are reported. So... when investigating haunting's its best to document as much as possible.

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Sometimes determining the type of activity can sometimes assist in regards the obtaining of evidence. Just a quick note. Such methodology in categorising is not wrote in stone. Remember, we are still dealing with the unknown and there may be much more to discover...

The Stone Tape Theory is based on the possibility that buildings, the rocks or the earth are able to absorb energy from living beings who inhabit them. Later, under certain conditions, that energy or signal can be replayed, rather like a video tape. Most typical hauntings have a very emotion laden scene such as a murder, or could have a very important scene from the point of view of the participants. It is this scene that has somehow become imprinted or re-corded in the environment (this may not necessarily be a house, it could be out-side). This could potentially be caused as the energy liberated at the point of a sequence of dramatic events is trans-mitted or expelled onto the surrounding material and stored. Once recorded, the scene becomes much like a ‘psychic video’. This recording is then triggered by a person who has the correct attrib-utes, and the scene can also be seen by those around them. The replay can take a form as a full manifestation or even sounds such as voices or footsteps and may even be repeated. The scene that is replayed has nothing to do with the people who were originally there, as they are no longer alive or associated with the location, it is simply a record of what took place. The reason the the-ory is called ‘stone tape’ is because it is thought that it is the materials in stone or brick (such as quartz, etc) may have the correct properties for recording such events. Where does the term ‘stone tape theory’ come from? It seems to be a generally accepted idea that the theory derives from the story-line of the 1972 BBC dramatisation of Kneale’s play ‘The Stone Tape’. The story follows scientists who theorise that a room’s fabric ‘stores’ the visual and auditory impression of a ghost that replays inside the heads of certain sen-sitive individuals. It would, however, be unfair to the proponents of the the-ory to suggest that it was a theory ac-cepted wholesale as the result of a work of fiction. Early proponents also seem to have been inspired by Robin’s ‘Secret Language of Stone’, a non-fiction book which links psychic phe-nomena with the properties of stones such as quartz. So why do paranormal-ists use the stone tape theory? Stone tape apparitions often appear in crude categorisations of the ‘types’ of ghost one may encounter along with polter-geist, crisis apparitions and apparitions of the living etc.

Stone Tape Theory. Amongst some investigators the concept of ‘stone tape’ is often seen as interchangeable with related concepts such as ‘residual hauntings’ and ‘imprints’ (a form of North American version of stone tape). Most investigators, however, apply the concept ‘correctly’ – in a logical sense – as an explanation for the phenomena of ‘residual haunt-ing’ itself rather than a de-scription of it. This brings us to the probable reason for the popularity of the term; it is a shorthand explanation for established phenomena. These phenomena of ‘residual haunt-ings’ are certainly as estab-lished as they could be. A large proportion of tradi-tional centuries-old hauntings can fall under the banner of residual: the lady in grey who is ‘still sometimes seen walk-ing the path’, the headless horseman that appears at midnight or the apparition that appears on the anniversary of its death. The concept of ‘stone tape theory’ is a neat way of explaining these phenomena. The primary problem of many researchers seems to be whether stone tape theory is a valid explanation, or whether it is a scientific theory? The problem often rests with the ‘method of recording’. Despite loose theoretical links between physic phenomena and stones there remains no evidence for the theory. It fails to be a scientific theory as the process is not properly explained and the theory is not testable. Under the scientific method the stone tape theory offers no explanation, merely a descrip-tion. The question remains as to whether stone tape theory has a place in the dictionary of a paranormal investigator. One’s beliefs, assumptions and method of investigating dictate the answer. For many such individuals the theory is a valid one. Spiritualism can be a faith and assumption driven way of life; if one has a faith-based assumption that there is a connection between psychic events and stones and crystals then stone tape theory is a natural progression and requires no scientific justifica-tion. Other investigators, however, self-define as scien-tific researchers. For such investigators stone tape theory has no sound theoretical or evidential basis and should be discarded from their diction-ary of paranormal terminol-ogy. The theory certainly explains many of the sightings and incidents that occur, however no one knows for sure exactly what the recorded energy really is. The possibil-ity that it could be our natural electric and magnetic fields seems remote but could it be another undiscovered en-ergy?...

Special Thanks to Peter Hough, Mervyn Gale & HauntedWeekend.Com

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A Pharaoh’s Curse? By Kirst D’Raven

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George Edward Stan-hope Molyneux Her-bert, 5th Earl of Car-narvon.

(26 June 1866 – 5 April 1923) was an English aristocrat best known as the financial backer of the search for and the exca-vation of Tutankhamun's tomb in Valley of the Kings.

Born at the family home, High-clere Castle, in Hampshire on 26 June 1866, George Herbert was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, succeeding to the Carnarvon title in 1890. On 26 June 1895, at St. Margaret's Church, Carnarvon married Almina Victoria Maria Alexandra Wombwell, daughter of Marie Boyer, the wife of Captain Frederick Charles Wombwell, but her real father was be-lieved to be Alfred de Roths-child, the unmarried member of the prominent Rothschild banking family of England who made Lady Carnarvon his heiress.

Exceedingly wealthy, Lord Carnarvon was at first best known as an owner of race-horses and as a reckless driver of early automobiles, suffering - in 1901 - a serious motoring accident near Bad Schwalbach in Germany which left him significantly disabled.

In 1902, the 5th Earl estab-lished Highclere Stud to breed thoroughbred racehorses. In 1905, he was appointed one of the Stewards at the new New-bury Racecourse. His family has maintained the connection ever since. His grandson, Henry George Reginald Moly-neux Herbert, 7th Earl of Carnarvon, was racing man-ager to Queen Elizabeth II from 1969, and one of Her Majesty's closest friends.

But shortly after the untimely and tragic demise of the English Lord, Death again visited the Hotel Continental… A leading member of the Tutankhamun expedition and archaeologist, American born Arthur Mace complained of tired-ness and suddenly sank into a coma. He was dead before the doctors even had time to establish what was wrong with him. A close friend of Lord Carnarvon, George Gould rushed to Egypt when he heard of his friend’s death. He was shown the Pharaohs tomb by the re-maining members of the expedition. He collapsed with a fever the very next day, and within twelve hours, he too was dead. Radiologist Archibald Reid who per-formed X-rays on the mummified body of the Boy King was sent home to Eng-land complaining of exhaustion. He died shortly afterwards. And so the body count continues…Richard Bethall, Carnarvons personal secretary during the expedition was found dead in his bed from heart fail-ure. Joel Wool, British Industrialist

Two months later, far away in a country mansion in Hampshire, UK, a dog be-gan to howl. So mournful were its plaintive cries that it roused the entire household from their midnight slumber and no matter how they tried to comfort it the poor thing was inconsolable. Thousands of miles away in his room at the Hotel Continental in Cairo, the now celebrated Lord Carnarvon awoke in his room and said ‘I feel like Hell....’ His companions called for his son, but by the time he arrived, Carnarvon was unconscious. Carnarvons son would later recall ‘… the lights went out all over Cairo… we lit candles, and we prayed…’ Thousands of miles away in England, Lord Carnarvons faithful dog, finally exhausted, lay down and die – and in Cairo so too died Lord Carnarvon. The cause of death was recorded as pneu-monia, caused by an infected mosquito bite. Cairo was unlikely to have been a particularly hygienic place at the time of Carnarvons visit, and death from infected wounds may not have been as uncommon as they are today.

On the 17th February, Lord Carnarvon and his American associate Howard Carter achieved the dream that for years had both inspired and haunted them. As they and their dedicated team of Na-tive workers stood surrounded by gold, gemstones and treasure that far exceeded the dreams of mortal man, one can only imagine the silent awe that descended… Or so Hollywood would have you be-lieve. In reality, things were probably not nearly so silent and awe inspiring. Things were probably dusty, dirty and danger-ous, and most likely involved spiders. Lord Carnarvon had planned this expedi-tion for years. A fanatical Egyptologist and amateur archaeologist, he had the heard the tales of the treasure laden tombs of the Pharaohs, and as the years advanced, the 57 year old planned his biggest expedition to date – to seek the fabled tomb of the Boy King, Tutankha-mun. During the frantic days in the lead up to his departure for Luxor, Lord Car-narvon received a message from one of the most revered mystics of the time, Count Hamon. This message was not one of best wishes or Godspeed as you would expect prior to the embarkation of such an endeavour. It was a cryptic warning which read; ‘Lord Carnarvon not to en-ter tomb. Disobey at peril. If ignored will suffer sickness. Will not recover. Death will claim him in Egypt.’ Lord Carnarvon knew all about the leg-endary curse of the Pharaohs, and was in fact so concerned about the warning that he solicited the services of a fortune teller on at least two occasions. Each time he received the same message – the news that he faced impending death in circumstances described as ‘mysterious’… yet here he stood in the Boy Kings tomb, surrounded by untold wealth (and several nervous native work-ers). As he raised his eyes above the solid gold coffin that cradled the remains of the King, he spied an inscription in the hieroglyphic script of the ancient and powerful Egyptian race… It is said that the inscription was deciphered later, in private so that it didn’t alarm the local workforce that Carnarvon had employed to excavate the tomb. Never the less, his heart must have skipped a beat at the words: ‘Death Will Come To Those That Disturb the Sleep of the Pharaohs’

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A Pharaoh’s Curse? By Kirst D’Raven

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– one of the first people outside of the expedition to be invited to view the tomb – died shortly afterwards, also from a mysterious fever. Within six years of the discovery and excavation of Tutankhamun’s Tomb, twelve of the original team of excava-tors present on the 17th February 1923 had perished. At least twenty two peo-ple connected to the expedition in some way had died prematurely including Lady Carnarvon, and the Earls half brother, who committed suicide whilst temporarily insane. So was it ‘The Curse’? And if so, just how powerful was it? With such a high body count, it seems wrong somehow to blame mere coinci-dence for the many deaths associated with the opening of Egypt’s most cele-brated tomb, and over the years many learned men and women have studied each individual case. Theories, as al-ways, abound. The ancient Egyptians were indeed adept at many things, and their knowl-edge of the use of poisons was ad-vanced. Could the team of archaeolo-gists have inhaled poison used in the wall paintings of the tomb? Or maybe the tomb itself was a breeding ground for bacteria which infected the team and then dispersed? A rather more elaborate theory states that Uranium was used in the construc-tion of the tomb, and that the excava-tors suffered some form of radiation poisoning. Ultimately, belief is a curi-ous and powerful thing. It is the basis of religion, of superstition and phobia. It governs our everyday life, influences our behaviour and is the fundamental basis of our very survival. It is the un-breakable Kevlar-like fibre of our very existence which makes us all unique. It is also the basis of all magical practice. The two factors of successful hexing or cursing are simple – the intent or ‘will’ of the person casting, and the belief or even gullibility of the victim. In effect, the person originating the effect – be it a curse, spell or hex, call it what you will – must believe in the reality that they will achieve their aim. Likewise, the victim must have knowledge of the effect, be that consciously or uncon-sciously knowing the will of the person wishing to cause the effect to do them harm. After this point, when the rules (or belief) is set or in place, a chain of events is set in motion within the vic-tims sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which in extreme cases can cause death. Lord Carnarvon is believed to have died from an infected insect bite – this much we know. As stated before, this may have not been unusual in 1920’s

Egypt, the complications may even have been aggravated by exposure to poisons or bacteria within the tomb, but that doesn’t explain the fate of the other unfortunate expedition members, or others who later became involved with the relics.


An Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (ruled c.1333 BC – 1323 BC in the conventional chronology), during the period

of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom. His original

name, Tutankhaten, means "Living Image of Aten", while Tutankhamun means "Living

Image of Amun". In hiero-glyphs, the name Tutankhamun was typically written Amen-tut

-ankh, because of a scribal custom that placed a divine name at the beginning of a

phrase to show appropriate reverence.

He is possibly also the Nibhur-rereya of the Amarna letters,

and likely the 18th dynasty king 'Rathotis' who, according to Manetho, an ancient histo-

rian, had reigned for nine years — a figure which con-

forms with Flavius Josephus's version of Manetho's Epitome.

The 1922, discovery by How-ard Carter and George Her-

bert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon of Tutankhamun's nearly intact

tomb received worldwide press coverage. It sparked a re-

newed public interest in an-cient Egypt, for which Tutank-hamun's burial mask remains

the popular symbol. Exhibits of artifacts from his tomb have

toured the world...

In 1966, Mohammed Ibriham, Egypt’s director of antiquities was asked by his government to prepare the Tutankha-mun treasures for an exhibition in Paris, France. Ibriham, seemingly a suspi-cious man was not enamoured by the idea. In fact he is said to have dreamed that if the Pharaohs treasures left the shores of Egypt he would suffer some personal tragedy. Mr Ibriham is said to have been knocked over and killed by a car after an unsuccessful meeting with government officials to try to postpone the Paris exhibition. Three years later, Richard Adamson, Lord Carnarvons security guard during the expedition, and the last living mem-ber of the expedition appeared on Brit-ish television to explode the myth of the Pharaohs Curse. It was his third attempt to dispel the legend. The first time, his wife had died within twenty four hours, the second, his son broke his back in a plane crash. Adamson, addressing the British viewers said “ I don’t believe the myth for one mo-ment.” At a later interview from his hospital bed, recovering from head injuries sus-tained when he was thrown from his taxi during the car crash which oc-curred as he left the television studios (a swerving lorry managed to avoid crushing his head by mere inches as he lay in the road), Mr Adamson said “Until now I refused to believe that my families misfortunes had anything to do with the curse. Now I’m not so sure.” In 1972, King Tut claimed another victim. Dr Gamal Mehrez, director of

antiquities at Cairo Museum, and suc-cessor of the ill-fated Mohammet Ibri-ham, was in charge of crating the golden ‘Death Mask’ for an exhibition at London’s British Museum. Dr Me-hrez was a staunch disbeliever in such superstitious nonsense as curses. “I more than anyone in the world have been involved with the tombs and mum-mies of the pharaohs, yet I’m still alive.” He said. “I am the living proof that all the tragedies associated with the pharaohs have been pure coinci-dence”. Then he added, quoting Rich-ard Adamson almost word for word – “I don’t believe in the curse for one minute.” Dr Mehrez successfully or-ganized the removal of the priceless treasures onto Lorries to begin the long journey to London, and that evening he died. He was 52. The cause of death was recorded as circulatory collapse. The organizers of the exhibition de-cided to proceed with the arrangements regardless, and so the relics were loaded onto an RAF transport com-mand aircraft and shipped to the UK. Within five years, six of the crew had either suffered ill fortune, or were dead. Chief Pilot, Flight Lieutenant Rick Laine and Flight Engineer Ken Parkin-son were both fit men. Parkinson is said to have suffered several heart attacks after the flight, each one at the same time of the year. Finally in 1978 he suffered a fatal one. He was 45. Laine had died two years before him, also of a heart attack. He was 40. Chief Technical Officer Ian Lands-downe jokingly (and very disrespect-fully) kicked the crate

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A Pharaoh’s Curse? By Kirst D’Raven

The kings burial was not, as is commonly believed, intact when it was found. Howard Carter who discovered the tomb believed it had been robbed twice shortly after the funeral. Only the burial cham-ber itself was untouched. Most of the small portable items included in the burial had been removed in antiquity. This included most of the jewelry and all of the essential oils. The large quantity of jewelry presently on display in the Cairo museum was mostly found on the mummy itself.

events occurred where the connection between the event and the relics was not made, and have therefore not been recorded – we will never know.

To declare everyone involved in the excavation of King Tuts tomb suffered some serious calamity or death would be both short-sighted and untrue. The whole tale could in fact be a series of half truths and rumours stitched to-gether for publicity purposes.

After all, the co-leader of the expedi-tion, Howard Carter died of natural causes in 1939, and as far as I can find suffered no hardships at all. Of course he may not have believed that little bit more...

over the next four years – he was 35. Such cases are infamous purely because the tomb was said to be cursed, and as such appeal to our superstitious nature and beliefs as ‘proof’ that curses really do exist. The reality is that the examples above illustrate probably a very small percent-age of the thousands of people who have been involved with the tomb and its contents over the many years since its discovery - we don’t know what fate befell every individual, every workman or examiner. Some of the cases cited here defy research as to whether or not they actually occurred or are mere ru-mours or half truths. It’s also possible that other ‘unusual’

containing the death mask during the flight. He joked “I’ve just kicked the most expensive thing in the world!” Five months later a ladder inexplicably col-lapsed underneath him, and his severely broken leg was in plaster for months. Aircraft Navigator Flight Lieutenant Jim Webb’s house was destroyed by fire and he lost all his possessions. A girl also aboard the plane during the flight had to leave the RAF after undergoing a very serious operation. Steward Brian Rounsfell disclosed how the crew had played cards on the coffin crate, and had dared each other to sit on it. Rounsfell suffered two heart attacks

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Page 9: Phenomena Magazine - July 2011 - Issue 27


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Page 9 Phenomena Magazine: July 2011 - issue 27:

From World’s Afar: The Mollie Thompson Story By Andy Roberts


Mollie Thompson will be a name un-

familiar to most readers. Unless you knew her, or are a very keen

student of ufologi-cal history her name will mean

little. She is one of the ‘forgotten’



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The story of the discovery of a long-lost British UFO contactee and song writer. The UFO scene is vast, and many play-ers have strutted and fretted on its stage since the modern era of the subject began in 1947. Books, magazines and TV documentaries are as yet our only, if fragmented, history of the subject but they feature only those individuals who have become ‘famous’ in some way, either as witnesses or as UFO researchers. This skewed version of ufological history is one written by the participants themselves and doesn’t necessarily reflect the grass roots of the subject, doesn’t reflect the involvement and aspirations of those who just wanted to pursue their interest and weren’t unduly bothered about leaving their mark. Yet it is precisely these individuals who are the truly important people within ufology, people with no axe to grind or belief to push. Mollie Thompson will be a name unfa-miliar to most readers. Unless you knew her, or are a very keen student of ufological history her name will mean little. She is one of the ‘forgotten’ ufologists. She shouldn’t be because she contributed much to some of the more obscure corners of the subject and was responsible for enhancing people’s lives as well as in transporting idea and philosophies within the subject. This is a short insight into her story. Mollie’s interest in UFOs began, as did many people’s, in the early 1950s after read-ing Leslie and Adamski’s Flying Sau-cers Have Landed, “It spoke to me, it tweaked a nerve that I couldn’t resist” she said. This remarkable book set her off on a journey of discovery which she is still pursuing to this day. Her interest in flying saucers grew rapidly and she started to read more, initially looking into the subject on her own. From the beginning her insights into the problem of contact with aliens were thoughtful and well in advance of much of the ‘nuts and bolts’ thinking of the era. She believed, “You can’t expect what will be a superior intelligence to be under-standable to you….you expand yourself to meet whatever is to come.”. It was this point of view, which Mollie held from the start of her UFO studies, which would eventually lead her away from the ‘nuts and bolts’ certainties of the 1950s into the wilder fringes of the flying saucer movement and beyond, into the burgeoning new age move-ments of the 1960s and 70s. Initially Mollie joined the Manchester UFO Research Society, run by Harry Bunting and mixed her growing interest in flying saucers with her studies at a teacher training college, where she met another woman with whom she shared an interest in reincarnation. In the spirit

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From World’s Afar: The Mollie Thompson Story By Andy Roberts

George Adamski.

George Adamski was the first of the New Age UFO prophets, and just as the prophets of old went out into the desert to receive their revelations directly from God or the angels, Adamski went out into the night near Desert Center,

California, on November 20, 1952, and received his first revelatory encounter with Orthon, a Venusian space brother. Through telepathic transfer, Adamski learned that the space traveler was benign and greatly con-cerned with the spiritual growth of humankind. Adamski's desert encounter with a Venusian and Robert Wise's motion picture The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951), with its warning that Earth had better clean up its act delivered by an alien messenger, were probably the two most contributive factors in birthing the UFO contactee movement in the United States.

After Adamski published Flying Saucers Have Landed (1953), coauthored with Desmond Leslie, he became popular as a lec-turer and had little difficulty establishing himself as the best known of all the contac-tees, who were now spring-ing up around the world. Flying saucer mania was rampant in the early 1950s with a cautious public wanting to know who was piloting the mysterious craft in the sky, where they were from, and what they looked like. Adamski had the an-swers. Orthon, the Venu-sian, was smooth-skinned, beardless, with shoulder-length blond hair, stood about five feet six inches tall, and wore what ap-peared to be some kind of jumpsuitlike apparel. Or-thon had come in peace, eager to warn earthlings about radiation from the nuclear tests that were being conducted. A message that Adamski was to deliver to humanity...

specifically asked her to speak to him in the kitchen, where he told her that he and Desmond Leslie were going to visit someone who had seen a UFO and would she come too? During the course of the journey Adamski expounded his philosophy to Mollie and eventually asked her if she would go and work in the states with him. Unfortunately Mollie had only recently taken up her first teaching post so she regretfully declined the offer. Mollie isn’t entirely sure who they went to visit and it’s here that the plot thickens and where we see how two people at the same event can recall things completely differently. Her friend, Emily Crewe, is absolutely certain that Lord Louis Mountbatten and Lord Dowding, both flying saucer aficionados were at the meeting and went in the car with Adamski and Les-lie. Mollie, however, is adamant that neither of those two were present in the flat. By 1963 Mountbatten was playing down his earlier public interest in flying saucers so it would have been odd for him to have been mixing with people who could have exposed him. How-ever, a clue may lie in a letter which Adamski subsequently wrote to Mollie in which he says, “…on the trip we took with Desmond to hear Mt. Batton (sic) story…”. It seems probable that Mollie was taken to see a bricklayer named Briggs, who claimed to have been zapped by a flying saucer at Mountbat-ten’s Broadlands estate in Hampshire on in February 1955. Adamski also told Mollie, somewhat mysteriously, “The Brothers have work for you”. Besides being interested in flying sau-cers Mollie was also a music lover and a guitarist but not formerly trained. But in 1965 she recalls that, “words and music dropped into my mind. At first I thought it was my imagination, but I did begin to write them down. They fit together…I somehow knew they were going to be a song.” And “It was as a result of these thoughts that were com-ing into my head, because I thought I’ve got to do something, they’re not

of experimentation, they explored the ouija board together, making it ‘work’.. Mollie is keen to stress that she pref-aced her ouija sessions by “bringing in the light”, but it was via the ouija board that she “Contacted something that I thought was a space entity…It had a name, it called itself Ornoor (stress on the first and last r) and it later had a friend called Lon.”. She soon realised these contacts were not space people but spirits, of a sort. These contacts were followed by others with an entity called Philemon. These were telepathic contacts which enabled Mollie to ask questions and receive answers. At first she was confused as the answers didn’t seem to make sense, but she slowly realised she was being ‘taught’, after which she was happy to accept the teachings. A four part series of her dialogues with Philemon appeared in an early flying saucer magazine. These contacts left Mollie wondering just what it was that people were con-tacting when they claimed to be con-tacting space people. She freely told her friends in the Manchester UFO Society of these contact and they, steeped in the nuts and bolts saucer lore of the 1950s thought her a little “odd”. But as she says, “I was not trying to wean them away from nuts and bolts but trying to present a different picture they could take hold of if they wished.” Mollie and her friend Emily Crewe, who she met through the Manchester group, were lucky enough to meet George Adamski in person on his final visit to the UK. Hearing rumours that Adamski was staying with Desmond Leslie at his St John’s Wood flat they travelled down to London on the over-night train on June 1st 1963, caught a taxi and, “I just went up and banged on the door and said we know he’s here, we’ve come a long way and could we possibly see him?”. There were several people waiting to meet Adamski at the flat but he was sequestered in another room, out of sight. Mollie recalls that Adamski

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From World’s Afar: The Mollie Thompson Story By Andy Roberts

Adamski’s Saucer.

George Adamski is the definitive example of the

1950's Contactee movement, a random group of early

experiencers that sprang up after the Kenneth Arnold-Roswell flap of 1947 and

lasted through the early 60's.

The contactees were charac-terized by a sort of art-deco

50's ambiance and made claims of meeting their

'space-brothers', being taken for rides in flying saucers and spending time in the

company of well developed female human looking alien

spaceship commanders in tight suits.

Over time, the contactee

movement withered under the weight of their outra-

geous claims and now are seen largely as a group of

delusional wanna-be's dealing with the cold-war

induced paranoia about nuclear annihilation by

inventing fictitious space friends who, through the

contactees, delivered a message to humanity to stop

fooling around with the atom bomb.

And George Adamski was

the most fictitious wing-nut of them all.

His stories of meeting a human looking alien in the

desert east of Palm Springs, his oddly sharp or unusually blurry photographs of a bell shaped saucer (now known

as an Adamski-type craft) with three balls on the

underside, his sometimes outlandish remarks and his

penchant for affecting a college degree he did not

have, combined with a healthy dose of rumor mon-

gering, added up to a per-ception that Adamski was a

fraud, a hoax of the close encounter kind.

Adamski, for whatever reason, did not help his own case. In 1962, he claimed to be attending a secret confer-ence on Saturn. This kind of

statement caused TIME magazine to label Adamski the 'crackpot from Califor-


But however staged his photos appeared and how-

ever unbelievable his stories, there was always the film

taken in Maryland, which, although seldom seen, would

never be forgotten.

The debate of the movie authenticity continues...

just given to me to play with, I’ve got to use them somehow, but how?”. One of the many people who got to hear Mollie’s songs was Anthony Brooke. Brooke had been the last Raja of Sarawak and closely involved in the ‘new age’ side of the flying saucer movement in the 1960s. He crops up in several UFO books of the period, most notably Arthur Shuttlewood’s books about the Warminster ‘thing’ and was a frequent visitor to the early Findhorn community. He had several of Mollie’s songs on a tape recorder and played them to UFO groups across the world. Brooke decided that Mollie’s songs needed a wider audience and arranged for her to make an lp. They approached Nield & Hardy Ltd of Stockport, Cheshire, who ran a small record label called Asteroid Records. The lp was duly recorded and was titled From Worlds Afar. The lp cover, as can be seen from the photo here, consisted of three distinctly Adamski-like saucers against an abstract backdrop of space. The rear of the sleeve had an introduc-tion from Mollie plus brief notes for each of the ten songs. Some of the songs were about flying saucers; others had a more ‘new age’ tinge. All were thoughtful, heartfelt simple tunes with just Mollie and her acoustic guitar as backing and whilst Mollie tells me a session musician filled in on some of the difficult bits you wouldn’t notice. One of her earliest songs, and the first on the LP, was The Cockeyed Ballad, which contained these lyrics: “Those flying saucers whisking through our skies Must take some power to make the rise But government departments just hide their eyes And call them meteors, Got brothers on Venus and Saturn it seems, fly their ships on magnetic beams They wear one-piece suits and you can’t see any seams But apart from that they’re just like us.” One night Mollie wrote three songs, complete with music, in hour and a half. This, she says, convinced her that they were not of her own doing. The lp was sold through the close knit network of flying saucer conventions, clubs and magazines. These days it is extremely rare and whilst it’s occasionally possi-ble to buy a copy for £30 or so I have seen it change hands on ebay for up to £200. Private pressings of 1960s musi-cians are highly sought after by collec-tors and From Worlds Afar, with it’s sincere but slightly naïve flying saucer/new age ambience makes it especially collectible. Mollie made a backing track of herself singing harmony so that this could enhance her performance and a ten second video snippet of her sing-ing Cockeyed Ballad at an American UFO conference exists to prove just what an accomplished performer she was. Mollie seems to

‘The third wise man is a baby, the fu-ture looks bright to his eyes For his brothers will be from the planets, and his teachers will drop from the skies’; And Mollie believed that ‘something’ was going to happen soon, ‘this will all be revealed to all in 1967’. Universal Link teachings inferred that something was going to reveal itself via nuclear activity on or by Christmas Day 1967. Exactly what this revelation would be was unclear but it would be significant and world shattering. Mainstream ufol-ogy has always been wary of prophe-cies but where it interacted with contac-tees or the elements of the early new age prophecy abounded, and often re-volved round a major earth change taking place. When she returned from the USA in January 1967, back to life, back to reality Mollie began to be disil-lusioned with flying saucers. There was no major world upheaval – no more than normal anyway -and Mollie began to slowly drifted away from the saucer scene. However 1967 was a significant year for ufology though with the UK having possibly its biggest sighting wave ever and in the US the events which John Keel wrote up as the Moth-man Prophecies in which 38 people died when the Silver Bridge collapsed on December 15th. But for Mollie, active participation in ufology was over. Instead she intensi-fied her work with the Universal Link and since then has worked ‘behind the scenes’ as she puts it in a number of new age organisations, eschewing pub-licity for the simple joys of service. When I first became aware of Mollie Thompson there was little information about her. The internet had no informa-tion about her at all and, other than the short paragraph in Arthur Shuttle-wood’s book, she had to all intents and purposes, been written out of UFO history. I was determined to find out more about her so that her imprint on ufology wasn’t lost forever and I was assisted enormously by her old friend Emily Crewe. However, Emily hadn’t seen her for almost forty years and no-one had the faintest idea where she was or even if she was still alive. Among the many theories as to her whereabouts it was thought that she had emigrated to America. I asked questions, wrote let-ters to newspapers and trawled the internet for months, but with no luck. Eventually, one night in May 2005, I followed up a hunch based on some-thing I’d seen on a web site unrelated to saucers or the new age. A tentative reply from the site owner gave me hope and said he would ask ‘his’ Mollie if she were the Mollie. Amazingly she was, still alive and healthy, and living in a town in the north of England. Within a couple of weeks we had spo-ken by telephone and I had interviewed her, the rest was history...

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have visited almost every flying saucer group, cult or major event during the 1960s. She went to visit contactee Cyn-thia Appleton in Birmingham, chanted on hills with the Aetherius Society and meditated at Findhorn. Among the many ufological adventures Mollie had was a visit to Warminster at the height of ‘The Thing’ phenomenon. She spent an evening on Cley Hill, met Arthur Shuttlewood but saw no UFOs and was slightly disappointment there was no warm soup left for her! One visit or not she made sufficient impression on Ar-thur Shuttlewood to merit him giving her a short paragraph in 1968’s Warn-ings From Flying Friends: Molly Thompson is another person gifted in her liaison with space friends, in the musical sense. She has sung her space songs by popular request in many sec-trors of the world, inspired by melodies lazily drifting through the ether and captured by her ready consensus of their presence. Her memories of these meetings are slowly fading now and as Mollie said, much of it didn’t really interest her and if she didn’t like any aspect of saucer culture she wouldn’t engage with it again. The area she was most drawn to was the new age side of things and she became increasingly involved with Liebe Pugh’s Universal Link, based in the north west of England. When Anthony Brooke visited America in early 1966 he played Mollie’s songs to the president of the Amalgamated Flying saucers Clubs of America, in Los Angeles and they knew immedi-ately that they wanted her to sing at their convention on 8th 9th and 10th of July. Universal Link paid for Mollie to fly to America in July and at lunchtime and in the evening on each of the three days she played a ten minute slot of her songs. Although she was due back in the UK shortly after the Convention there was a major air strike and she couldn’t return. Seizing the opportunity she resigned from her job and spent several months travelling around the USA, literally singing for her supper. A Brit in the U.S. was still a bit of a nov-elty in the mid 60s and more so on the saucer scene. As such she was treated very well by American ufologists who gave her board and lodging as she trav-elled from one UFO group or conven-tion to another, giving lectures and singing songs as she went. During her American sojourn Mollie was lucky enough to hang out with many famous ufologists and contactees such as Mel Noel, Gabriel Green, Howard Menger and Dan Fry among a host of others. In one interview whilst in the USA Mollie spoke about the prophecies people which those involved in the Universal Link believed. Some of this was en-shrined in her song Three Wise Men:

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Recent crop circles 2011

Hannington, nr Cricklade, Wiltshire, UK.

Reported 9th May 2011.

Pitt, nr Winchester, Hamp-shire, UK. Re-ported 16th May 2011.

Pitt, nr Winchester, Hamp-shire, UK. Re-ported 17th May 2011.

Burderop Down, nr Wroughton, Wiltshire UK. Reported 22nd May 2011.

The Sanctuary, nr Ave-bury, Wiltshire, UK. Re-ported 28th May 2011.

Hackpen Hill, nr Wroug-ton, Wiltshire, UK. Re-ported 30th May 2011.

Wilton Windmill, nr Wil-ton, Wiltshire, UK. Re-ported 1st June 2011.

Kingstone Coombes, nr Ashbury, Oxfordshire, UK.

Reported 9th June 2011.

Braccagni (Grosseto), It-aly.

Reported 4th June 2011.

Stavropol, Novoaleksan-drovsk, Russia. Reported

30th May 2011.

Nature Reserve, Hoeven, Holland.

Reported 20th May 2011.

Etten-Leur, Holland. Re-ported 23rd May 2011.

Savarna (Ravenna), Italy.

Reported 1st June 2011.

Jesi (Ancona) Marche, It-aly.

Reported 2nd June 2011.

Cikarang, Indonesia. Con-cluded as a Hoax. Re-ported 4th May 2011.

Oudenbosch, Holland.

Reported 12th May 2011.

Page 14: Phenomena Magazine - July 2011 - Issue 27

First images from Great Pyramid's chamber of secrets. By Rowan Hooper.

They might be ancient graffiti tags left by a worker or symbols of religious significance. A robot has sent back the first images of markings on the wall of a tiny chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt that have not been seen for 4500 years. It has also helped settle the controversy about the only metal known to exist in the pyramid, and shows a "door" that could lead to an-other hidden chamber. The pyramid is thought to have been built as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu, and is the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world still standing.

It contains three main chambers: the Queen's Chamber, the Grand Gallery and the King's Chamber, which has two air shafts connecting it with the outside world. Strangely, though, there are two tunnels, about 20 centimetres by 20 centimetres, that extend from the north and south walls of the Queen's Chamber and stop at stone doors before they reach the outside of the pyramid. The function of these tunnels and doors is unknown, but some be-lieve that one or both could lead to a secret chamber. Zahi Ha-wass, Egypt's Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs, describes the doors as the last great mystery of the pyramid. Several at-tempts have been made to explore the tunnels using robots. In 1993, a robot crawled some 63 metres up the tunnel in the south wall and discovered what appeared to be a small stone door set with metal pins. Metal is not part of any other known structure in the pyramid, and the discovery ignited speculation that the pins were door handles, keys or even parts of a power supply con-structed by aliens.

Then in 2002 another robot drilled through the stone block and filmed a small chamber backed by a large blocking stone, but little else. Now a robot designed by engineer Rob Richardson from the University of Leeds, UK, and colleagues, and named Djedi after the magician that Khufu consulted when he planned his tomb, has crawled up the tunnel carrying a bendy "micro snake" camera that can see around corners. Images sent back by the camera have revealed hieroglyphs written in red paint and lines in the stone that could be marks left by stone masons when the chamber was being carved (Annales Du Service des Antiquités De L'Égypte, vol 84, ISBN: 978-977-704-184-3). "If these hieroglyphs could be deciphered they could help Egyptologists work out why these mysterious shafts were built," says Richardson. "Red-painted numbers and graffiti are very common around Giza," says Peter Der Manuelian, an Egyptologist at Harvard Univer-sity and director of the Giza Archives at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. "They are often masons' or work-gangs' marks, denoting numbers, dates or even the names of the gangs."

As the camera can see around corners, the back of the stone door has been observed for the first time, scotching the more fanciful theories about the metal pins, says camera-designer Shaun Whitehead of the exploration company Scoutek, based in Melton Mowbray, UK. "Our new pictures from behind the pins show that they end in small, beauti-fully made loops, indicating that they were more likely ornamental rather than electrical connections." Whitehead, who worked in collabo-ration with Dassault Systèmes in Vélizy-Villacoublay, France, adds: "Also, the back of the 'door' is polished so it must have been important. It doesn't look like it was a rough piece of stone used to stop debris

getting into the shaft." Kate Spence, an Egyptologist at the University of Cambridge who was not involved in the study, suspects that since the narrow tunnels can serve no practical purpose, they are almost certainly symbolic. "The metal pins look like symbolic door handles, and the shafts from the Queen's Chamber are oriented north-south, not east-west, so I strongly suspect that their function is symbolic and relates to the stars, not the sun," she says. While the King's Chamber originally contained Khufu's sarcophagus and possi-bly his mummy, the Queen's Chamber probably didn't contain the remains of a queen: Khufu's wives were interred in three smaller pyramids of their own. Instead, Spence speculates that the Queen's Chamber may have contained a "ka" statue of the pharaoh. In this interpretation the shafts were built to allow Khufu's ka, or spirit, to cross to the afterlife. As for the second "door" at the rear of the chamber, which is rough and unfinished, Spence thinks it is simply the end of the shaft. "It's most likely to be a backing stone - there won't be another chamber behind it, it makes no sense," she says. "However, it's fascinating from a sym-bolic point of view, and this sort of work will allow us to get at the intention behind the construction of the pyramid." Hawass, director of the Djedi project, says that no other pyramid is known to have a tunnel and doorway like this, which, he says, suggests there could be a hidden room. "The King's Chamber may have been a dummy room, since the most important thing in the mind of the ancient Egyptians was to hide the burial chamber," he says. "We have a story that the magician Djedi met Khufu, who was searching for the god Thoth so he could find the secret of hiding his pyramid. Based on that maybe there is something hidden in the pyramid." The Mystery Continues...

Mystery of Mersey Monster Solved!

Marine experts think they have the answer to an unexplained sighting of a "Mersey monster". It was spotted by keen photogra-

pher Mark Harrison on Monday, May 23rd, surfacing just off Seacombe Ferry, Wirral, at around 9.00am.

He told the ECHO Newspaper:

"At first, I thought it was a seal. "I couldn't make it out, though. Then it disappeared under the water for a few minutes, coming

back up further upstream (against the tide) and quite a bit closer. "It was quite long, and looked to be moving around slowly. "There

was only a few other people around, most of them in a hurry. I wasn't about to stop anyone to point it out, because I didn't want to be ‘that bloke’, who's convinced he's seen Nessie only for someone

to point out it's a big length of rope or something."

He put the photographs online as a joke, and added: "Now look – I'm that bloke who thinks he's seen Nessie."

Danielle Gibas, sightings officer, Sea Watch Foundation, believes it was a rare sighting of a harbour porpoise in the Mersey. She said:

"Harbour porpoises are notoriously difficult to spot. They surface fleetingly and have such a small dorsal fin that it is often confused

with ripples or waves in the water. Contrarily to dolphins, por-poises rarely leap out of the water so you have to be very lucky to notice them at a glance. "All this means that they are seldom seen

even though they are actually common in waters around Liverpool. "The peak numbers will be occurring from now until October so

keep an eye out and don’t forget to report any sightings to the Sea Watch Foundation website."

The 10th National Whale and Dolphin Watch is on August 5-7 2011; for details see

New Deadline set for End of the World!

Evangelical priest Harold Camping has set a new date for the world’s end as he backtracked from a prediction that ‘Judgement

Day’ was supposed to come on Saturday, May 21st 2011. The U.S. Christian, who made headlines for his outlandish claim that a selected 200 million of the world’s population would be

raptured, has now marked 21 October 2011 in his calendar as the real date for the apocalypse. The 89-year-old had previously stated that an earthquake – bigger than anything ever felt before - would strike each corner of the planet by 6.00pm local time on Saturday May 21st But according to Camping’s new end of world forecast, the globe will actually be engulfed by a huge fireball - exactly five

months after the botched doomsday prediction. Speaking of the failed ‘Judgement Day’ on his radio show last night, he claimed

that May 21st 2011 was just an ‘invisible judgement day’ and that he understood it as a spiritual, rather than physical event.

After hiding in a motel for two days, the Californian preacher admitted his Bible-based calculations were incorrect. He said he

believed rapture didn’t come because God decided to spare human-ity five months of “hell on earth.” During his hour-and-a-half radio broadcast, he said: “It won’t be spiritual on 21 October. The world

is going to be destroyed all together, but it will be very quick.” Unfortunately for some doomsday believers, who had spent their time preparing for Saturday’s cataclysmic event by selling their

homes and assets, Camping showed no signs of remorse.

One naive follower Robert Fitzpatrick, a retired transport worker put all his faith into Camping’s claims and had spent as much as

$140,000 (£86,000) to advertise the doomsday prediction. Camping told his listeners: “We just had a great recession. There's lots of people who lost their jobs, lots of people who lost their houses...

and somehow they all survived.” “They should have relied on God and not me ... Family Radio is not in the business of financial

advice”. Camping also inaccurately prophesied that the end of the world would occur back in 1994.He reportedly got the date wrong

then due to a ‘mathematical error’.

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Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images. By Francis Cronin: BBC News.

Seventeen lost pyramids are among the buildings identified in a new satellite survey of Egypt. More than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements were also revealed by looking at infra-red images which show up underground buildings. Initial excavations have already confirmed some of the findings, including two sus-pected pyramids. The work has been pioneered at the University of Alabama at Birmingham by US Egyp-tologist Dr Sarah Parcak. An infra-red satellite image shows a buried pyramid, located in the centre of the highlight box.

She says she was amazed at how much she and her team has found. "We were very intensely doing this re-search for over a year. I could see the data as it was emerging, but for me the "Aha!" moment was when I could step back and look at everything that we'd found and I couldn't believe we could locate so many sites all over Egypt. "To excavate a pyramid is the dream of every archaeologist," she said. The team analysed images from satellites orbiting 700km above the earth, equipped with cameras so powerful they can pin-point objects less than 1m in diameter on the earth's surface. Infra-red imaging was used to highlight differ-ent materials under the surface.

Test excavations: Ancient Egyptians built their houses and structures out of mud brick, which is much denser than the soil that surrounds it, so the shapes of houses, temples and tombs can be seen. "It just shows us how easy it is to underes-timate both the size and scale of past human settlements," says Dr Parcak; And she believes there are more antiquities to be discovered: "These are just the sites [close to] the surface. There are many thousands of additional sites that the Nile has covered over with silt.

This is just the beginning of this kind of work." BBC cameras followed Dr Parcak on her "nervous" journey when she travelled to Egypt to see if excavations could back up what her technology could see under the surface. In the BBC documentary Egypt's Lost Cities, they visit an area of Saqqara (Sakkara) where the authorities were not initially interested in her findings. But after being told by Dr Parcak that she had seen two potential pyramids, they made test excavations, and they now believe it is one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt. An infra-red satellite image reveals the city of Tanis; But Dr Parcak said the most exciting moment was visiting the excavations at Tanis. "They'd excavated a 3,000-year-old house that the satellite imagery had shown and the outline of the structure matched the satellite imagery almost per-fectly. That was real validation of the technology." The Egyptian authorities plan to use the technology to help - among other things - protect the country's antiquities in the future. During the recent revolution, loot-ers accessed some well-known archaeological sites. Indiana Jones is old school, we've moved on from Indy, sorry Harrison Ford. ” Dr Sarah Parcak Space Archaeologist: "We can tell from the imagery a tomb was looted from a particular period of time and we can alert Interpol to watch out for antiquities from that time that may be offered for sale." She also hopes the new technology will help engage young people in science and will be a major help for archaeologists around the world. "It allows us to be more focused and selective in the work we do. Faced with a massive site, you don't know where to start. "It's an important tool to focus where we're excavating. It gives us a much bigger perspective on archaeological sites. We have to think bigger and that's what the satellites allow us to do." "Indiana Jones is old school, we've moved on from Indy. Sorry, Harrison Ford."

Is this a squadron of UFOs flying over California? By David Gardner.

The Internet is abuzz over an alleged UFO sighting in the night sky over Oakland, California. Three fast-moving dots of light can be seen travelling close together in a video posted on YouTube by a KevinMC360. The 'UFO squadron' shows the three lights in a triangular pattern spotted on May 26 2011. Spotted: Three fast-moving dots of light can be seen travelling close together. Cynics claim the cameraman has merely captured a flock of birds, but Kevin insists the sighting was genuine. In the film, he follows a plane as a point of reference. 'For all you bird lovers out there you can call them geese, if you like, but I will only laugh at you,' he said. The UFO video has already attracted more than 2,500 viewings. He posted it a year after claiming to have filmed 'a group of spacecraft' over Oakland. 'I got them. There was a squadron of space-craft,' he claimed in the video, which shows five lights in a V-formation. That video has been viewed more than 23,780 times. (Check it out at...

Father captures a spook on camera.

By Derek Howie.

A STUNNED dad is seeking a CHAIR-voyant - after a GHOST appeared in a photo of his sofa.

Alex Hogg, 36, spotted the spooky image as he looked at a pic of himself playing with his toddler son Aaron.

The warehouse worker couldn't believe his eyes when the snap - taken by

his wife Lynne, 34 - showed what looked like a man's face on their arm-

chair. Last night Alex said they and their kids Aaron,

22 months, and Declan, 14, were trying to come to

terms with their ghoulish find.

He said: "I was lying on the carpet playing with our youngest child when Lynne started taking photos of us with her camera. "It wasn't

until later when we were looking at her pics on the computer screen that we spotted the man's face on the chair. "I wasn't very

sure about ghosts until I saw the photo but it is obviously so clear." But Alex insisted the visitor is WELCOME at the family's Falkirk

home - so long as he doesn't interfere with their lives. He said: "You get a bit scared when you see ghosts in films like Paranormal

Activity; "And there is a worry when you hear about haunted homes and poltergeists. But as long as he is not going to harm us we're not that bothered and are happy enough for him to stay." He added: "We don't recognise the ghost. We asked our parents if they

thought it looked like anyone else, but they'd no idea."

[email protected]

We’re lock-in for the spirits.

SPOOKED pub staff are set to call in an exorcist - after ghostbusters warned their boozer may be HAUNTED. Paranormal

experts were drafted into The Court Bar in Paisley after several sightings of a spook floating around. The team spent a night

barricaded inside looking for evidence of ghoulish goings-on; And they say their initial findings indicate SPIRITS could be at work.

Alan Few said: "If it turns out the pub is haunted then an exorcism could be on the cards." Alan ... called in expertsThe drama follows a string of bizarre events at the busy bar. They include pint glasses

seen HOVERING in mid-air, smashing or disappearing com-pletely; And a pub cleaner was left petrified after spotting a spec-

tre out the corner of her eye. It is rumoured the ghoul could be that of a young lad who died in the building's lift shaft.

Alan, 35, said: "Eventually we decided that something had to be done so we called in the experts." The boffins spent more than four

hours filming inside, monitoring temperatures and measuring electro-magnetic fields; And Alan added: "They said they'd found

interesting results. We're waiting for them to tell us what they mean."

[email protected]

Page 14 Phenomena Magazine: July 2011 - issue 27:

Page 16: Phenomena Magazine - July 2011 - Issue 27

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Beyond Best Evidence: The UFO Enigma is a feature-length documentary that will take the cases shown in Best Evidence, as well as a couple of new ones that highlight what appear to be some of the more "high strangeness" aspects of the phenomenon, and explore with the three key possible explanations with world's leading experts on the subject, as follows:

1. Extraterrestrial Hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO sightings represent proof of visitation to Earth by advanced extraterrestrials from another world, most likely within what propo-nents term of "local galactic neighbourhood."

2. Interdimensional Hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO sightings involve visitations from other "realities" or "dimensions" that co-exist alongside our own. It also holds that UFOs are a modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred throughout recorded human history, which in prior ages were ascribed to mythological or supernatural forces and creatures.

3. Psychosocial hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO Sightings can be explained by psychological or social means, examples of which include wishful thinking, hallucinations, hoaxes, and misidentification of prosaic objects, such as satellites, aircraft, or natural phenomena.

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Page 17: Phenomena Magazine - July 2011 - Issue 27


PRESS RELEASE TomsGadgets launches six new Paranormal Investigation Kits - 18.05.11 Are you looking to buy your own equipment in time for a paranormal investigation or ghost hunt? Well you’re in luck as TomsGadgets have launched six new and improved kits, ideal if you are just starting out or are already an experienced investigator. Containing the most popular equipment in the paranormal market today, the new kit names have been unveiled as; The Essential Paranormal Starter Kit, Para-Classic, Para-Normal, Para-Advanced, Para-Group and Para-Pro. The Paranormal Kits include a variety of equipment including EMF Meters, Motion Detectors, Thermometers and Torches and are presented in a hard wearing carrying case with cut foam, making them great for carrying to and from investigations and group events. Tom Cook, Managing Director of TomsGadgets says; “Our paranormal kits have been designed to cater for all levels of experience and budget to make it easier than ever to choose the right equipment.” The Essential Paranormal Starter Kit priced at £99.99 is ideal for the paranormal enthusi-ast and contains the absolute essentials to conduct your own investigations and makes a great gift.

On the other end of the scale, The Para-Pro Kit is designed as the holy grail of investigation kits, featur-ing a selection of the highest quality equipment in-cluding Two-Way Radios and a Digital Recorder with a Boundary Microphone and is priced at £349.99. Prices of paranormal investigation kits range from £99.99 to £349.99 and are available to order online at

TomsGadgets is your Paranormal One Stop Shop supplying a full range of quality equip-ment all under one roof.

For further press information, please contact: Alexandra Woodfield

TomsGadgets 0845 456 2370 [email protected]

The Fatima Trilogy. Heavenly Lights, Celestial Secrets & Fatima revisited. 1917, three Portuguese children encountered a radiant woman who told them three secrets about the fate of the Earth. The apparitions of Fátima became a legend. In 1978, historians Joaquim Fernandes and Fina d' Ar-mada were given access to the original records of the Fátima incident that had been kept at the Sanctuary of Fátima since 1917. The celestial secrets they found within held what religion could not admit and what science could not explain. I received the trilogy and half expected the usual tripe of barmpottery, make believe, written to make money from the believer sects. How wrong I was, Its taken me a while to get through the three books, but having intro-duced me to the events and philosophies, I was also offered theories, facts and, especially in the last book, a fantastic collation of psychological and scientific papers explaining how the events can be rationalised. The inclu-sion of some leading figures in the scientific community had me glued to the pages. The Fatima trilogy does what I’ve not seen before, it offers folklore, my-thology, rationality, science, facts and perhaps fiction to events, which as yet are still unexplained. Some of the chapters I must admit, have led me to research certain paranormal subjects in a totally new way. A fantastic and must have trilogy... Dave Sadler: Phenomena Magazine.


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What are the odds beyond coincidence? By John Pagan

randomly is well against the odds. Yet, what if we were to use the skeptical approach above, of assessing unusual coincidences by calculating probabili-ties, and the calculation reveals coinci-dences at a level higher than chance is occurring, with no fraud or error to attribute to it, what are we to make of it then?

I was in my living room about to adjust the wooden blinds when I noticed sunlight was passing through a separate smaller square window in such a way it created three odd-looking bright spots on the carpet. It captured my attention because it appeared to be a kind of smiley face with two off-shaped spots (the "eyes") above a slightly wide curv-ing shape of light beneath it (a wide "smile"). I was aware the sunlight was passing through the artificial tree near the entertainment system, but couldn't figure out how only three spots of sunlight formed that way on the floor. Well, I had writing to do, so I left the room mumbling, "Weird."

The following day while checking my email I was stunned to read a certain Daily Herald link and immediately clicked it to see the bold black head-line; Could Elgin man's death be work of 'Smiley Face' killer? I immediately recalled the "smiley face" I saw the previous day. If the realization that I happen to live very near Elgin wasn't creepy enough, I stumbled across an-other article almost a month later via AOL news: Do 'Smiley Face Killers' Hunt Students? This article has four photos of the smiley faces painted by the psycho(s?) and three of them are eerily similar to the "face" I saw on the carpet. The smiling face has not reap-peared since, by the way. The calcula-tion of probabilities offers little assis-tance in individual cases like this. Moreover, there are cases in which there isn't a chance expectation on which a calculation can be based and the probability is infinitesimally small.

For instance, if one in a billion suicides were by two strangers of the same name, of the same occupation, and under the same circumstances, we must still consider the date at which the oc-currence is likely to, or has, occurred. How is that taken into calculation? It could occur literally at anytime.

The improbability of the coincidence therefore has no effect against its occur-ring. Is there a good example of

this level of "coincidence"? On March 31, 1930, Frederick Henry Butler and David Henry Butler, both shot them-selves with pistols by the side of their cars. They were both butchers and un-related strangers. The London newspa-pers reported the men were found shot in separate areas; one near London, the other in Nottingham shire.

I have a black cap with amber stitching on it that reads "11:11 it's no coinci-dence." I was wearing it while eating at a certain crowded fast food restaurant with my wife and daughter. About an hour later, we were behind several cars at a traffic light about to leave the park-ing lot area when I noticed (and ad-mired) a shiny black Mercedes waiting to enter the line of traffic from the right. Because I didn't want my wife to think I was admiring the very attractive woman behind the wheel, I feigned diverting my attention elsewhere as the Mercedes entered the traffic directly in front of us. A moment later, my wife says, "Look at that." and points to the license plate of the Mercedes. It's then I see 1111 (and two letters).

Perhaps you have had the experience of thinking of someone and that person suddenly calls you on the phone, or as you read a certain word from a book, it is simultaneously said on television at that exact moment. Or how about when you are sitting in your car at the mall parking lot and at the moment you de-cide to back out of the parking space, that's when someone behind you de-cides to do the same or a car is passing behind at that moment. Yet, before the decision to move was made, no moving cars were around. I cannot tell you how many times these coincidences have happened to us.

I could possibly write a book on the theories alone as to why these bizarre coincidences happen. Many of the fa-mous individuals of The Secret DVD say there is no such thing as "coincidence" and that we are ulti-mately responsible for all the things that occur to us in our life. The Secret is the Law of Attraction, which seems to be validated by the holographic uni-verse paradigm made popular by the late Michael Talbot's book The Holo-graphic Universe. Could these exam-ples provide a possible connection to those moments of odd synchronicity or bizarre serendipity? The answer may very well forever remain debatable and uncertain...

A man speeds along a winding road in his red Dodge Viper, as he turns a curve, another car intersects his path and he skids into the car. Luckily, the damage is minimal and neither driver is hurt. That's about when the man notices the car he damaged is a red Dodge Vi-per like his. He shakes his head and tells the other driver he should have expected such an odd coincidence with a name like John Chance. The other driver appears surprised and tells him his name is also John Chance.

Although the details of the story above have been updated, the incident is an actual event. What are the odds? A sceptical approach would be to argue that the answer is just that, the probabil-ity and mathematical naivety of assum-ing a coincidence is anything unique. According to the hypothesis that with billions of people on the planet, strange coincidences are likely to occur fre-quently, coincidences are thus com-monplace events occurring more often than we think.

Because psychologists believe that people have an uncanny ability of find-ing meaningful connections between things that may not have any, it there-fore increases the likelihood most peo-ple will experience meaningful coinci-dences. Because of the billions of peo-ple and the number of meaningful coin-cidences is millions of billions, it is inevitable that people will experience bizarre coincidences every day.

This is the argument used to explain the phenomenon thousands have experi-enced globally, of constantly seeing the number 1111, which is explained in detail in my 11:11 Coincidence or Des-tiny? article. Those that believe the eleven-eleven phenomena is more than coincidence, explain that when we are looking for proof of things intangible or the fingerprints of greater intelligence, we can decipher it via patterns. If out of the chaos appears a pattern, there is an intelligence behind it. Thus, the chance of facilitatory events occurring

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John Pagan.

Writer, author, profes-sional sketch-artist with graphic design skills, born and raised in Chi-cago, Illinois. Author of the novel Fury in the Garden (2003), Fury in the Garden: Dream Version (2010), Sketch-master: A Step By Step Drawing Guide (2010), and Poltergeist: Human-Electromagnetic Fear, via the February 2011 issue of Phenomena Magazine (See page 28).

Mr. Pagan's artwork can be found in the book Ten Pounds Of Gold by Dick Bourne & Dave Millican, and in The Art of Close Encounters by Kim Carls-berg.

Fury in the Garden - Was originally written as "The Trailblazer" while John was stationed at The Presidio in San Fran-cisco, CA. in 1986. His intention was to create a "family" semi-autobiographical book for relatives using a fictional background yet based it on actual events. The original Fury in the Garden was published raw with little to no editing in 2003 through Infinity Publishing. Later, John revised and com-pletely edited FURY IN THE GARDEN: Dream Version an updated, fully polished, paranormal Sci-Fi thriller with new scenes and a new twist. It is truly an engaging page turner, experience it for yourself, order your copy today.

After you've experienced FURY IN THE GARDEN: Dream Version, Mr. Pagan would love to know what you think. Your comments and suggestions may be used for future novels. Thank You for your support!


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A legend had been told by wandering minstrels about the apparition of a screaming skull seen wafting in the mist at the dark of night above the shadows of the crags and hillocks of the Yorkshire moors. Fearsome as the screaming skull's terrible cry, its relent-less horror persisted even when it was silent. The dome's apparition, grinning and hollowed eyed, had in the past years taken its grim toll from mortal beings it shared in death and in life. The tales spun into the minds of the avid listeners the sight of images and faces from the depth of a grave, from the deep gulf things that might have been....

Far be it from me to ascertain that what tellers of tales had told in their ballads must be true. Everybody was, often, as likely to be wrong as right. Such was the lore pertaining to the wish of a cer-tain Lady Alica Boscomb of Yorkshire, which could be believed or not. It was related that on her deathbed she man-aged to blurt out her dying, yet strange wish. Lady Boscomb, near her last breath, exacted a promise from her two spinsterish sisters to sever her head from her remains; then to keep the fleshless skull in the Boscomb Manor where she lived through the years. The Boscomb Manor, now in ruins, was an secluded building located on the rocky mooorland in the county of Yorkshire. It was a house constructed about the time of Mad King George, stiff and formal in the mood and in the bad taste of the times. The manor was a stone two story edifice of twelve rooms with a moss-covered tiled roof. The house and its grounds were so solitary and isolated - a weathered dark edifice that seemed to be shunned by the nearest village.

It was set in a spread of a half acre or so with the grim view of the stark and bleak moors. A high wall of black ba-salt, topped with broken glass, enclosed the sadly neglected grounds that was strewn with the debris of nature. Two stunted oaks, struggling for life on the stone strewn ground, guarded the manor with their waving branches. The interior of the manor was equally re-mote in fashion; so quiet, yet when a voice was raised or a door

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The Screaming Skull of Boscomb Manor By Norman Rubin

Documented Facts:

The case of the ‘Drummer of Tedworth’ is one of the most famous episodes in the history of witchcraft. It involved a poltergeist which, in the early sixteen-sixties, haunted the house of John Mompesson, a land-owner, excise officer and commission officer in the militia, who lived at North

slammed the sounds echoed through the dark corridors and empty rooms. Light was grudingly allowed into the rooms through the thick panes covered by heavy damask curtains. The ground floor rooms were of thick oak that were overlaid with thread worn carpets that silenced the tread of footsteps. Its ceil-ings were of worm-eaten beams of greyish whitewash, discoloured to the sight; and the high walls were of pol-ished panelled wood of dark maple. The sturdy floors of the large salon and dining hall shelved downward to great stone hearths with feeble flames on pine logs. The library alongside, rank with the smell of old volumes, was cold and uninviting to a visitor.

The high-panelled walls of the salon, dining room and corridors were affixed with oils of grim faced ancestors that stared malevolently at those who dared to look at them. Here and there were banners of heraldy and arms of steel showing their hereditary power. The varied artefacts faced the furnishings of dark mahogany, heavy in weight, yet serviceable in their need.

The bedrooms on the upper storey was equally gloomy and dark that offered rest on curtained four poster beds. Thickly woven drapes covered the lead-lined windows that was rarely opened to the dismal sight of the bleak moors. The cloth closed the haunting sounds when the winds were blowing, shrill and shrewd, upon the setting of the blurred sun. Yet the heavy shades didn't close the damp air that invaded the chambers with the icy fingers of storm.

The life of Lady Alica Boscomb, from her childhood to the very door to death itself, was centred in this gloomy at-mosphere of the manor. She never knew the love of a man, nor did she ever hear the cry of a mewling child. Her acquaintances were few in number and their visits were equally few in number. Only at rare occasions would there be a festive celebration that would lighten the dark and dismal interior and liven the mood of Lady Boscomb . The sombre black of her dress, trailing on the floors and swishing through the manor was fitting to the harsh mood of the manor. Her angular features was

stamped with sternness, a gift of her late mother a former consort to the queen of the realm. Her regal snobbish manner, taught with the rod and shout by her father, a lamented squire of the royal court, added to the dismal atmos-phere.

Boscomb Manor was the only home the dear lady knew; she rarely left the dreariness of its bounds to more pleas-ant climes. Lady Alica Boscomb, being the elder of the children, inherited the property and she shared it with her two unmarried sisters grudgingly. Both charming ladies were wooed by courtly gentlemen, but denied marriage by their elder sister's refusal to offer them am-ple dowries. At the end of her days her macabre dying wish was to have her skull to enshrined in the manor where she spent her entire life. A wish cast aside when the grim reaper called. But her close kin had little time for quiet mourning after the sombre funeral at-tended by a few close relatives and loyal servants. Several days after the internment of Lady Alica's remains in the stone vault, the sisters awoke in terror as a ghoulish whispering was heard at the late hours of darkness throughout the manor; mirth and grief intermingled with sighs rang from every corner. They shivered in cold flesh as the eerie sounds rang though the dark corridors. Only at the light of early dawn they were able to

The Screaming Skull of Higher Farm, Chilton Cantilo.

Another screaming skull at Higher Farm is said to be that of Theophilus Broome, who died in 1670. Before he passed away he left instruc-tions for his skull to be kept at the farmhouse, and at-tempts to remove it are said to have resulted in polter-geist activity. The haunting is well documented; a manu-script at the farm has written account from a number of people who attested to the phenomena resulting in the attempted interment of the grisly item. The tale was committed to paper in 1791 by John Collinson in his History and Antiquities of Somerset, and the tomb of Theophilus can be found in St James's Church...

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fulfilment and, with fear of the sacred word, removed the skull from the cof-fin. After the tomb was resealed and the bronze to the vault locked once again, the skull was taken to the manor house. The boned dome was encased in glass and placed as a ghoulish centrepiece in the centre of a side table in the salon... and Boscomb Manor was quiet that night and every following night for many years to come.

Yet, at the toll of midnight, a glow of brilliance was emitted from the glass case on the salon table till the final stroke of the chimes...

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The Screaming Skull of Boscomb Manor By Norman Rubin

The Screaming Skull.

The legend of the screaming skull seems to be peculiar to Britain. Although the stories

regarding the origin of the skulls varies, the problems

that follow when the haunted skull is moved have much in common. This includes 'bad

luck', poltergeist activity and blood-curdling screams.

At least one of the skulls has been professionally exam-

ined and it was found to be considerably older than

legend suggests. So maybe, the stories of most if not all

of the screaming skulls were made up to explain an other-

wise inexplicable phenom-ena...

withered flowers from the recent burial. The shrivelled blooms were swept aside as one of the sisters made her way to its massive door, and placed the iron key in the lock. Upon the turn of the key the candle-bearing kin, together with a trusty servant, opened the bronze portal and descended into the vault's fetid atmosphere.

When they pushed aside the lid of the stone sarcophagus they saw that the vicar's sound advice was correct in its wording. The horrific sight of the re-mains of Lady Alice Boscomb reflected her dying wish. The withered corpse was somehow not decayed with the odour of death, but the head of the re-mains was bare of flesh and mysteri-ously severed from her shroud dressed body. The grinning skull rested on the corpse's chest with shadows dancing in it's empty sockets. The sight of the remains in such a state caused shivers of fear through the bodies of the sisters. Yet, despite the horror of the terrible vision, the kinsfolk's course was clear in their minds. They decided to follow Lady Alica's wish to

put their fears aside and rest their weary bodies.

The force of the winds added to the weird noises; the gust that blew from open windows slammed doors and caused the sighing of the wood panels and staircase. Curtains and cloth hang-ings were shadowed in a dance of the macabre in their frightening move-ments.

The following night hours released the misty shadows that gathered like mus-tering swarms of spirits that stole from their hidden retreats in the likeness of forms. Then the sight of a screaming skull rose above in phantom illusions and added to the misery of the night hours; it plagued the manor house with strange and gory guttural sounds. The haunting of the boned apparition with its unearthly screams and groans came on the heavy toll of midnight and fell silent on the twelfth stroke.

At various times stalwart young men, guests of the sisters, prowled the corri-dors with the light of candlesticks, upon the gory sight; and they tried to follow the eerie sounds echoing throughout the manor. Nightshirt clad and with dag-gers in their hands, the brave gentlemen searched out every space from the cel-lar to the attic, but the source of the strange sighting and the weird sounds eluded them.

Night after night the noisy commotion of the skull upon the toll of the nightly hour continued in all its terror. The cursed shrieks faded with the shining dome in a final ending of gibbering sounds and lamenting sighs of dying. But if the sisters had put aside their fright they would of heard the dying wish of their late lamented kin. The two sister's proud bearing faded slowly from their stance and their once hand-some features were lined with haggard signs of weariness.

Then, in desperation, the sisters decided to seek the council and advice from the parish vicar. The entire story was the revealed without omitting anything. They told of the dying wish of Lady Boscomb, which in their insight was most strange. After a moment's pause, the elder cleric reminded them that the wish of the Lady Alicia Boscomb must be adhered to in all its forms or the screaming skull will appear on the chiming hour; it would call upon the sister to abide by her request before her last breath. Upon this note, he sug-gested that they open her tomb and fulfil the request.

The sisters went on the following day to the ornate vault with trepidation in their steps. The stone-faced tomb was set back on the grounds of the cemetery to the village church; The wide stone step to its entrance was strewn with

The Screaming Skull : 1958 Movie

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Military Ghosts By Nick Pope.

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He was sponsored by many of his col-leagues and his ghostwatch raised sev-eral hundred pounds for charity. Nu-merous ghost sightings came to light as a result of a letter published in Focus (MoD's in-house magazine) in October 2003. An MoD Police officer described a ghost he'd witnessed while on a night patrol at St. Luke's church at Haslar Hospital. He'd seen an elderly woman walking towards the church, but when he returned less than a minute later, she had disappeared.

There was nowhere she could have gone. An hour later, the hospital morti-cian told him about the body he'd dealt with earlier that day. The description exactly matched that of the woman the police officer had seen. The editor of Focus asked for other stories and over the following months further letters were published detailing sightings of ghosts at locations including RAF Ely, RAF Wittering,

People commonly associate ghosts with old houses, castles, pubs and churches, but there are numerous ghost sightings at military bases. Understandably, be-cause the public don't generally have access to such sites, these sightings don't generate much publicity. When I investigated UFO sightings for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) I was drawn into other mysteries and got to hear about numerous ghost sightings. Ghosts have been seen at numerous current or former military bases, with three of the most haunted sites being Devonport Naval Base, Priddy's Hard Armaments Depot in Gosport and Coal-house Fort in East Tilbury, which was used as a wartime Royal Navy base. There are very detailed stories sur-rounding many of the ghost sightings, often linking them with executions, or violent deaths in munitions explosions and aircraft crashes. Many classic signs associated with hauntings were present in these cases, including unexplained cold spots and guard dogs growling - with their hackles rising - at the loca-tions concerned. Perhaps the oddest report I received was an animal ghost story. During the Second World War, Wing Commander Guy Gibson (who led the famous Damn Busters raid) had a dog that was knocked down by a car and killed, shortly before the raid. The ghost of this dog has been seen several times at RAF Scampton. From time to time the MoD and the military have co-operated with organi-sations such as the Ghost Club of Great Britain, allowing access to sites such as Coalhouse Fort and the Master Rope-maker's House in Plymouth, with inves-tigators using equipment such as infra-red camcorders, motion detectors and electro-magnetic field meters to try and find evidence of hauntings. On occa-sion the military themselves have been involved. In 2002, following his in-volvement in the Ceremony of the Keys, a sergeant in the RAF Regiment spent the night in the Salt Tower in the Tower of London, armed with a video camera, a torch and a book about ghosts. This is reputedly the most haunted area in the Tower of London, where several ghosts have been seen. The sergeant had a sleepless night but saw no ghosts himself.

and two bases in Germany: RAF Laar-bruch and RAF Bruggen. The latter story involved the ghost of a headless airman seen by an armourer who was so traumatised that he had to be sent home to the UK. "The story was hushed up", the letter concluded.

It's not just military bases. Ghosts have also been seen in MoD buildings in London. The sixth floor of Metropole Building (a former hotel requisitioned by the Ministry of Munitions in 1916) is reputedly haunted by the ghost of a chambermaid who was murdered in the hotel and whose body was hidden in a cupboard. Even MoD Main Building is supposedly haunted. Built on the site of the old Whitehall Palace, which dates from the 12th century, the basement still contains an old Tudor wine cellar dating from 1529.

The wine cellar is now used for social functions, but I've spoken to some of the security guards who patrol the building at night, and they tell me they've seen ghosts in that area of the building. One guard told me that he'd seen what he presumed to be an in-truder walk across the corridor from one room to another.

He issued a challenge but on reaching the spot where the figure had been seen, found there were no doors - the figure had apparently walked through the walls. It seems there have been many reported incidents of ghostly sightings of soldiers throughout the UK, the lat-ter, adding yet another stone to an al-ready mountain of alleged reported incidents...

Nick Pope.

Author, journalist and TV personality Nick Pope used to run the British Government's UFO project at the Ministry of Defence.

Initially sceptical, his research and investigation into the UFO phenomenon and access to classified government files on the subject soon convinced him that the phenomenon raised important defence and national security issues, especially when the witnesses were military pilots, or where UFOs were tracked on radar. While working on the MoD's UFO project Nick Pope also looked into alien abductions, crop circles, animal mutila-tions, remote viewing and ghosts.

He is now recognised as a leading authority on UFOs, the unexplained and conspiracy theories. He does extensive media work, lectures all around the world and has acted as presenter, consultant or con-tributor on numerous TV and radio shows...

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Spontaneous Dream VisitationBy Robert Young BSc.

processes of information: sight, sound, touch, taste and hearing) has been sub-dued in the hypnogogic (sleep stage) altered state of consciousness, our al-leged sixth sense or ESP is activated which has been known to promote ex-periences such as telepathy, clairvoy-ance, remote viewing, precognition and apparitional experiences.

Which has been successfully tested and recorded in the laboratory but with just above average results such as the Gan-zfeld testing procedure which is an experiment where the subjects proc-esses of information are artificially subdued in a chamber to promote psy-chic abilities.

So was my personal experience, just a very vivid dream? (as I was asleep!) Or a hallucination from my guilt infested conscious? Or the spirit of my father coming to say goodbye for the final time? I’m not sure, as a sceptical para-psychologist I like to look for hard evidence. Currently I think that well I was asleep when it was experienced and we all have very vivid dreams, but I’m swaying more towards a possible paranormal origin as I have not had a dream before or since such as the night of that experience.

But wouldn’t it be nice to think that perhaps it was the spirit of my father coming to say his final goodbye and that there was life after death? The experiments and debates continue...

Robert Young BSc.

Rob Young is a Parapsy-chologist based in Mans-

field, Nottinghamshire, UK and is the founder of the non

-profit scientific organisa-tion, TOPs (The Office of

Parapsychological Studies). For any information, investi-gations and research, please

contact Rob directly at [email protected] or

alternatively via his website at:

mechanism being triggered? Either way it was an experience that pushed me into studying parapsychology and life after death experiences. After the experience I began some re-searching to see if people had reported similar experiences as I did, and to my surprise they did, although some but not all of the experiences reported the same features. The phenomenological characteristics of Spontaneous Dream Visitations are: 1.) Brightness and clear strong colour unlike a normal dream. 2.) Knowing that the dream that the visitor is no longer alive in our realm. 3.) Sometimes music. 4.) Waking up afterwards with a clear recollection of the experience. 5.) Remembering the experience many years later as if it had just happened. 6.) Simple messages being passed on such as, ‘goodbye’ ‘I love you’ ‘I’m fine’ etc. 7.) Symbolism is common such as meeting on a staircase to indicate the difference between the spirit realm such as the landing in the house, and the staircase which is the way down from the spirit realm to the bottom of the stairs which is the earthly realm. 8.) Sometimes the surrounding is very simple such as two empty chairs in the middle of an empty room. 9.) that inner knowing that the experi-ence was not a normal dream. Some parapsychologists and research-ers suggest that when we are asleep and all external stimuli, (the five

Spontaneous Dream Visitation is the phenomenon where an alleged spirit of a deceased relative or friend, visits the person whilst they are asleep or in an altered state of consciousness. I myself had a so called SDV quite a few years ago which led me on a path to study parapsychology and paranormal inves-tigation scientifically to try and find out whether there really is life after death. Although I had always been fascinated by paranormal phenomena and UFOl-ogy, the experience would push me on a path on which I am still following. This is the first time my personal ex-perience has become public knowledge. In 1998, I lost my father (Terry) to the dreaded cancer and we were always pretty close. Unfortunately I was not there when he died as my parents lived in Bedford and I was living up here in the Nottinghamshire area, as I am now. For about a year or so, I felt really guilty about not being there when he died, as I didn’t know that he was going to die. Although I did know that he had had several bouts of cancer over a six year period. Then one night a year or so after (I cannot recall the exact date), I went to bed as usual and dropped to sleep. Dur-ing the sleep I was having a normal dream about something or other and then all of a sudden I was in a house, I do not know who’s house it was, but it was just a house. I was upstairs on the landing when suddenly a door opened on the landing and out stepped a man. At this point in time I could not make out who the man was as he had his back turned to me so that I could not see his face. He went down the stairs so I fol-lowed. As we both got down to the bottom of the stairs, he turned around and it was my father, Terry. He hugged me and then said goodbye. Then all of a sudden I woke up! When a person wakes up from a dream, a person knows that it was just that, a dream! But on this oc-casion it felt completely different, it felt real. What quite shocked me was that after I woke up the guilt I had felt had Gone! The dream was so vivid that it felt as if the dream had burnt itself into my memory which I will never forget. After the experience I began to think well, was it just a vivid dream or some-thing paranormal? Was it actually my deceased father’s spirit or my subcon-scious dealing with the guilt I had felt of not being there when he died? Like a subconscious self defence

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UFO Censorship & Cover-Ups By John Prytz

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UFO Censorship & Cover-Ups.

As the recent and ongoing WikiLeaks saga has demonstrated, as if any dem-onstration were really needed, given such well known historical instances like ‘Watergate' or ‘the Pentagon Pa-pers', governments and government officials, sometimes a whole succession of governments and government offi-cials, not only can, but do try to keep secrets from the citizens and taxpayers that ultimately elected those govern-ments and those officials and paid for all those activities now kept secret. And what leaks is probably the tip of the iceberg. There are probably more se-crets than declassified or leaked se-crets!

Now of course there are some things that need to be kept secret – at least for a time – things central to national de-fence and security are obvious exam-ples. But some as yet undisclosed se-crets of that nature have probably ex-ceeded their usefulness use-by date, but it's too much effort to release now – who, despite some stuffy academic historians of no consequence cares what was what from years gone by anyway? – and anyway who wants to take unwanted and unnecessary respon-sibility declassifying stuff?

But, way too many secrets are secret just because they are, if made public, reveal an embarrassing skeleton in the closet or would reveal a black sheep in the ‘family' or it's just a plain diplo-matic ‘oops'. I'm sure even ordinary families can relate to those sorts of issues. Once you dig yourself a non-disclosure hole, it's not always easy to climb out again, but if you're comfort-able in your self-dug hole, why bother trying?

So, on to the issue of UFOs – are UFOs an ever ongoing necessary thing to censure; a classified topic that passed its use-by date a long time ago; or just one of those ‘black sheep' skeletons-in-the-closet?

I received an email from a SETI (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelli-gence) scientist along the line that cover-ups are the usual excuse for the claim there's no obvious public evi-dence for the UFO ETH

(ExtraTerrestrial Hypothesis), and that's an argument from ignorance, so it has no force. It's also implausible that every government in the world is par-ticipating in a cover-up. I'm guessing here, but I'd wager that scientist hasn't ever been in the military (I have) or worked for any defence, security or diplomatic related agencies. Well, any time the powers-that-be classify, con-ceal, deny, cover-up things, you're in the dark so obviously any debate or argument to the contrary by you is an argument or debate from your relative ignorance because you don't have all of the facts.

1.) Disclosures vs. Cover-Ups: There is intense interest in the question of whether or not we are alone in the cos-mos. It has been one of the biggest philosophical, cum scientific questions ever. To date, all discussions revolving around the existence of life on other worlds, be it layman, academic, phi-losophical, political, etc. have remained if not idle speculation, at least educated speculation. The Big Question comes about when life on other worlds is actu-ally discovered. What do those in the know tell those not in the know? To cover-up, or not to cover-up, that is the question.

#Microbial Life on Mars: Viking and/or the Mars Rock (ALH84001): No Cover-up. In fact, the powers that be, scien-tific and governmental, have been very open about presenting analysis from, for example, the 1976 Viking space probes that landed on the surface of Mars and initially give positives results for current microbial life on the Red Planet. Ditto the possible discovery of fossil microbes in a Martian meteorite than landed in the Antarctic – with the rather dull name of ALH84001. The jury may be still out on Viking and ALH84001, but it was all open and aboveboard. Maybe that's because Mar-tian microbes, past fossil, or alive in the present, however interesting, aren't going to cause any revolutions, apart from scientific ones off course.

#ETI at A Distance: SETI: No Cover-up. Since positive SETI results can be verified across international boundaries, no one country can control disclosure that a radio (or optical or IR signal – leakage of beacon) has been detected. SETI scientists have various protocols in place regarding the announcement of discovering the existence of an ETI civilization that's somewhere ‘out there', millions if not trillions of miles away. It will be up to the scientists

concerned to make the announcement. Replying however, will probably have to take in political realities and will be up to the United Nations.

#ETI Here but not Now: Ancient Astro-nauts: No Cover-up. The ‘Face on Mars', spires photographed by the Lu-nar Orbiter spacecraft on the surface of the Moon, the avalanche of tomes and documentaries on ‘ancient astronauts', while interesting, probably didn't alter any voting patterns, effect the stock market, or increase the price of your shopping. Even if some prominent scholar proved the concept of ‘ancient astronauts' to the satisfaction of, and with the full backing of, the entire aca-demic community and scholarly society in general, it wouldn't cause any change, even minor, in the day-to-day affairs of the world and her citizens. The powers-that-be would have little, if even that, control over the pronounce-ments of private academics in any event, at least in most countries.

#ETI Here and Now: UFOs: Cover-up. If alien beings land on the White House lawn with a traditional ‘take me to your leader' spiel, or start zapping us with photon torpedoes, or if they're forced to land, or crash-land, in a densely popu-lated area where there are lots of wit-nesses and cameras, then the question of a cover-up, the need for the powers-that-be to reveal all, is moot and of only academic interest.

Apart from that scenario, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that some nations and their governments have actual physical evidence, hence knowl-edge of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence(s) on Earth in the here and now.

Roswell comes to mind as an obvious example. Why would a UFO cover-up exist? And why wouldn't a UFO cover-up ever be negated at a later date? Okay, let's assume that you are The Big Cheese, the one who knows that UFOs are here and are spacecraft from an advanced extraterrestrial civilization.

It's in your power to reveal or censor that information vis-à-vis the rest of the world. What would you do?

Wikileaks to re-lease UFO data... I Don’t Think So..!

For years everyone has been waiting for that moment that one way or another we finally receive evidence of the govern-ment’s knowledge of UFO’s and their extrater-restrial nature in some cases. In fact, even in cases where it’s more than likely a terrestrial object, the government still seems to have a bit of an ambiguous stance on the situation which can drive people even more mad. So when Julian Assange and his band of misfits started spouting off about cables they were going to release that proved once and for all that the government was fully involved in all the UFO activity, all of us salivated. To our dismay, we got a dud.

It was like lighting that grand finale firework on the 4th of July and having nothing happen. Utter disappointment took everyone by surprise when we all thought that the veil would be pulled and what we got was a simple statement that the Russian government no longer investigates UFO reports... That it! The wait continues...

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UFO Censorship & Cover-Ups By John Prytz

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Perhaps incoming administrations aren't ever briefed or told. The old ‘if they don't ask, don't tell', what they don't know won't ever come back to haunt them philosophy, also translated as the less in the loop, the better, could be one reason.

Perhaps everyone in the know, includ-ing incoming administrations who are briefed and who have the power to show-and-tell and reveal all, have been convinced of the need for ongoing secrecy (i.e. a cover-up). What might such reasons be?

Well, it's hard to say you're sorry for the past actions of others, and it's hard to own up to having done something that has caused others injustice, and it's hard to admit to lying and deceiving your citizens and doing things that just appear outright wrong. Why spoil your lilywhite image – and re-election chances – or your nation's and prede-cessor's reputation.

Well, no government is going to share that sort of knowledge with any other nation, for obvious national security and military advantage reasons. Thus, you don't tell anyone, be they your allies or your citizens. As time goes by, it becomes even harder to admit to having done this.

No government is going to admit to its citizens (and thus to the rest of the world) that it has no control over its airspace and territory. They may know they don't, but you're not ever going to hear them broadcast that fact.

Any government admitting to its popu-lace and the rest of the world that an advanced ETI civilization is in close proximity to ours with unknown mo-tives is adding one hell of a knuckle-ball into a game situation that's already close to the brink. There's enough major political and economic uncer-tainty and trauma in the world without introducing another loose cannon such as extraterrestrials-in-our-backyard if this can be avoided.

2.) The Official UFO Cover-Up: It might be somewhat possible for one country's government to keep one or a few UFO incidents (crashes, etc.) that by chance fell into their laps first un-der wraps and hence keep their citizens in the dark as to the reality of ETI. And the motive, as hinted above, is with respect to the utilization of ac-quired alien technology. However, in the broader context, it staggers the imagination to suggest or believe that

every government, and subsequent change of government, elected or other-wise, including every knowledgeable government official over 60 years, in every country in the world, would or could conspire collectively to do the same. The odds that every nation would pursue that same policy independently are so greatly against as to also stretch credibility.

Since it all boils down to individuals. Over the years one would have to be-lieve that thousands to tens of thou-sands of those in-the-know wouldn't blow the biggest story of the millen-nium, especially when on their death beds via death-bed confessions. If just one current (or ex) prime minister/president/premier/king, etc. in just one country changed sides and spilled the beans…

In any event, no individual, no govern-ment, no country has any control over that ETI may, or may not, do. If Ros-well had been Central Park in New York City in broad daylight, who could cover it up? If UFOs choose to hover over major inhabited locations, ala "Independence Day", what official, government or country could prevent their citizens from knowing about it?

There are several solutions to the cover-up scenario. Firstly, there are no ETI; therefore no cover-ups were ever neces-sary. Secondly, ETI might be here, but there have been no UFO incidents, no acquired alien technology that have required the perceived need for an offi-cial cover-up. Thirdly, there have been UFO incidents, but so few and far be-tween that a long term cover-up was possible. Lastly, there is a global con-spiracy policy, a co-operation carried out by every nation in the world since day one to prevent the great unwashed from learning about the existence of ETI (for whatever reason – prevent panic, etc.), and there have been no deviations from that policy ever and no rouge individuals bucking the system for fame or fortune or because it was the right thing to do.

While one of the first two alternatives seems most probable, I think there is enough evidence to make the third al-ternative the most credible. Certainly the last one is so far out in left field that in fact it's right out of the ball park.

Regarding the question of censorship and cover-ups over things alien in na-ture, as noted above, things like Mar-tian microbes are too

inconsequential to try to hide; ‘ancient astronauts' are too old for a government to worry about; SETI aliens (if SETI succeeds) are too far away to worry about; but UFOs are a different kettle of fish.

The possibility that highly advanced aliens with unknown motives might be present here and now – well can you imagine any government admitting to the great unwashed that they really have no control over their airspace! Any government that had, by accident, obtained alien technology would cer-tainly not share that information with anyone, including allies, and thus wouldn't admit same to their citizens. Of course not all countries and their respective governments may even have the appropriate data which to cover-up. You can't hide what you don't know about in the first place.

3.) Freedom of Information (FOI): Why is it, if UFOs are total pseudoscience nonsense, that so many individuals have had to resort to Freedom of Infor-mation Act actions (in the United States in particular) in order to get official UFO related government documents, many of which, if released, have large portions and chunks blacked out? Fur-ther, not all FOI requests succeed. Why indeed if UFOs are just ‘silly season' fodder claimed by the sceptics?

4.) Case History: Area 51, etc: If a gov-ernment, any government of any coun-try, had possession of alien technology, say the remains of a crashed flying saucer, there is little doubt that the powers-that-be would try to 1) figure it all out and b) keep it secret from other foreign powers-that-be. That would be the case as well if say the Americans were to obtain terrestrial technology with military applications from cap-tured Russian or

Dr. Steven Greer.

Allegations of a SETI cover up have been made

on the fringe-friendly Coast to Coast radio

show. During the broad-cast, professional SETI

watcher Dr. Steven Greer, the CEO of Space

Energy Access Systems, claimed that insiders told him that SETI discovered

a high concentration of signals from space, and

that another organization stepped in to block those signals. SETI, however, maintains that it has not seen any signals of note.

According to Greer, the space communications

have caused a major stir at SETI, which hunts for

intelligent life in outer space.

"They have had numerous extraterrestrial signals,"

Greer said, during the radio broadcast. "They

were apparently search-ing in a spectrum or in an

area . . . where they hit the mother lode. The

signals were so numerous that they began to have their systems externally jammed by some sort of human agency that did

not want them to continue receiving those signals."

And where did Greer get this fantastic informa-

tion? Apparently, from a well-known source within


"This person, if I were to say who he is, almost

every one your listeners would probably know the

name," Greer said...

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UFO Censorship & Cover-Ups By John Prytz

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Chinese or for that matter even Austra-lian hardware. Thus, it would come as no real surprise that such a government would have one or more top secret sites where such back engineering would be done, and secrets kept. However, even if no government had any alien technol-ogy, they still would have top secret sites for producing, testing, and etc. terrestrial technology vital to national security. Thus, the existence of Area 51 (also known as Dreamland for some reason) does not of necessity prove that the United States (in this example) has alien technology in its possession. But, if you accept Roswell (and/or other tales of captured alien technology), then Area 51 (or akin) follows of necessity.

Take Area 51 (Groom Lake, Nevada). Even assuming that the location has bugger-all to do with UFOs doesn't negate secrecy going on. There's no denying the place exists.

That's on the public record. Satellite and ground photographs exist. There's no getting around the fact that signs are posted around the site that there will be ‘no trespassing' and that if you do, ‘use of deadly force is authorised' to keep you out. [That includes SETI scien-tists!] That too is on the public record, filmed and documented. Translated, there are things going on at Area 51 the American government doesn't want anyone to know about. Pine Gap in Central Australia is another such loca-tion. Many more exist throughout the world.

You want cover-ups, censorship and related – call it what you will. Well, something that immediately comes to mind was the Manhattan Project. Then there's that U-2 spy plane (and a whole range of stealth military aircraft that remained top secret while in develop-ment). Likewise, the Project Mogul package designed to detect foreign nuclear weapons testing, launched to high altitudes by balloon, as beloved as an explanation for Roswell. (I'm sure Project Mogul

existed, whether it really explains Ros-well is quite another matter).

Nobody can deny that the military has levels of classified security ratings ranging from confidential through to secret and top secret. Anyone suggest-ing that the Americans (or British, Aus-tralians, Chinese, Russians, etc.) don't have skeletons in their respective clos-ets are in serious denial or in delusion mode. A UFO case might even be clas-sified not so much because it's a UFO, but because the surveillance equipment, type of radar or spy satellite, etc. might be classified.

The number of classified confidential / secret / top secret projects worldwide must number in the tens of thousands. The total number of classified confi-dential / secret / top secret documents (plus photos and films and related) must be in the millions, probably multi-millions if not more. The number of multi-decades old classified projects and documents are unknown, but some surely exist. Something old by itself doesn't equal declassified. And it's not just the military – all sorts of govern-ment civilian and diplomatic projects and decisions remain under wraps for a whole variety of reasons.

There's no doubt in my mind that UFOs could be one of hundreds to thousands or more topics somewhat too-hot-to-handle and pretty much under classified wraps. That's a conclusion that's fairly obvious to me when it came to light, after much denial by the CIA, but pres-sured via Freedom-of-Information re-quests, that the CIA had some quite considerable interest in UFOs. Alas, FOI not withstanding, a vast percentage of the text from those released docu-ments are blacked out. And that too is on the public record.

When it comes down to all things clas-sified (a fancy word for cover-up be-cause classified things are covered-up and tucked away out of sight) there is a phrase called ‘need to know'. If you don't need to know, and you want to, that's a cover-up as far as you're con-cerned. Now Australia had a very long serving Prime Minister (John Howard) who was finally defeated in a 2007 general election, and left politics. I'm sure he knows many secrets – military and diplomatic – from his years in the top job. But, like all good citizens, he's not telling tales out of class. Ditto all American ex-presidents and Common-wealth PM's and all other manner of retired statesmen.

There's also the aspect or concept of ‘the superiority complex'. The ‘I know something that you don't know' – ha, ha, ha – that helps feed our egos. Maybe someone does have THE knowledge and THE proof positive of what UFOs are, but why should they share it with you hence share the Nobel Prize? Or, maybe they are just inter-nally satisfied that they alone are blessed with THE answer and that's the be-all-and-end-all of the matter.

5.) Case History: Washington, D.C. 1952: In July 1952, on two separate occasions, separated by one week, UFOs buzzed America's National Capi-tol, making long term incursions over restricted air space.

They were tracked, independently, by various civilian and military radars. Military jet fighters were scrambled to intercept and identify the UFOs, but were outmatched and didn't succeed, although they were witnessed by the pilots. The objects were also witnessed from the ground. USAF Major-General John A. Samford, at the largest Penta-gon press conference ever held since WWII, in late July 1952, made the statement with respect to the recent Washington D.C. UFO flap that these sightings were made by "credible ob-servers of relatively incredible things". It's on the public record.

Now of course these sightings had to be explained by any means necessary since you just cannot admit to having unknown aerial objects fly over re-stricted air space. So the idea of ‘temperature inversions' explained all - hogwash. It's amazing that the common occurrence of ‘temperature inversions' had never before, and never since, caused such commotion.

One other point, SETI scientists poo-poo the UFO extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) saying there's no PHYSICAL evidence. Eye witness testimony counts for absolutely nothing. Well of course there is PHYSICAL evidence for the UFO ETH of the exact same nature as that would satisfy a SETI scientist of

Area 51.

Area 51 shares a border with the Yucca Flat region of the Nevada Test Site (NTS), the location of 739 of the 928 nuclear tests conducted by the United States Department of Energy at NTS. The Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository is 44 miles (71 km) southwest of Groom Lake.

The original rectangular base of 6 by 10 miles (9.7 by 16 km) is now part of the so-called "Groom box", a rectangular area measuring 23 by 25 miles (37 by 40 km), of re-stricted airspace. The area is connected to the internal NTS road net-work, with paved roads leading south to Mercury and west to Yucca Flat. Leading northeast from the lake, the wide and well-maintained Groom Lake Road runs through a pass in the Jumbled Hills. The road formerly led to mines in the Groom basin, but has been improved since their closure. Its winding course runs past a secu-rity checkpoint, but the restricted area around the base extends further east. After leaving the restricted area, Groom Lake Road descends eastward to the floor of the Tikaboo Valley, passing the dirt-road entrances to several small ranches, before converg-ing with State Route 375, the "Extraterrestrial Highway",[16] south of Rachel...

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UFO Censorship & Cover-Ups By John Prytz

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E.T. – after all SETI scientists look for a PHYSICAL signal which they can study at their leisure, not an actual E.T. in the flesh. Well, UFOs have pro-duced PHYSICAL evidence because they too can, and have, produced a PHYSICAL signal – radar returns, and there exist a fair few bona-fide radar returns of UFO events that have, after due investigation, remained unidenti-fied.

Now the PHYSICAL evidence left behind by bona-fide UFO radar cases, those unexplained radar cases, deserve intense respect, and the operators that interpret those radar returns. If radar operators can be trusted to distinguish a flock of birds from an incoming ICBM or foreign miliary bombers intent on doing us a mischief, the rea-son the radar DEW line was estab-lished and manned during the Cold War; if radar operators can have en-trusted to them the lives of military and commercial pilots, crew and pas-sengers, then they must have the abil-ity to distinguish a radar echo from a temperature inversion from a solid object – in this case the aircraft. If you fly, you entrust your very life to the ability of those radar operators to tell who's who; distinguish what's what. Sorry, but UFO radar returns are solid PHYSICAL evidence for the reality of unidentified flying objects.

6.) Stargate: SG-1 / USAF / UFO Con-nection: Considering the number of movies and TV shows (not to mention documentaries) that accent UFO cen-sorship or cover-ups or disinformation, etc. well the idea has obviously struck a responsive chord. That so much has

been made of this via motion pictures and TV shows is suggestive that either the public don't

trust the government to tell the truth, and/or that the governments (way more than one government since the begin-ning of the modern UFO era) have failed pretty miserably in convincing the public it has disclosed all and has nothing to hide. Anyway, we've had blockbuster movies like "Close En-counters of the Third Kind" and "Independence Day" which highlighted the issues, and wasn't "E.T." treated pretty badly by those government types? On the TV front we've had "Dark Skies", "Taken", "Roswell" and "The Invaders". Then we had "Stargate: SG-1".

"Stargate: SG-1" was a TV spin-off of the feature film "Stargate" that ran for ten seasons and featured several alien races that in the main had links to an-cient terrestrial mythology.

One such race was the Asgards, and as the name suggests had connection with our Old Norse mythology. The interest-ing bit was that in appearance, the As-gards just happen to look exactly like the standard ‘greys' of modern UFO (Roswell and abduction, etc.) lore.

This was I'm sure quite by design and no coincidence. This fictional show also confirmed several times over that Area 51 both housed and studied alien/extraterrestrial technology. And so, the fact that both ‘greys' and Area 51 fea-ture on the show makes one other ob-servation and interesting observation.

That other interesting bit is that the stargate in "Stargate: SG-1" was a (fictional) USAF top secret enterprise. The TV show featuring the stargate had the endorsement and cooperation of the actual USAF, probably because the TV show portrayed the USAF in a positive light. In fact, two actual then currently serving USAF Chiefs of Staff (4-star generals) appeared in the actual TV

show as themselves! How's that for endorsement? So, we have the actual USAF assisting (by providing an advi-sory role, aircraft and personnel to the show) and endorsing a TV show that prominently featured UFO ‘greys'. Okay, I'm probably reading way to much into that. In all probability the USAF connection probably had no actual relevance to any indirect ap-proval of the UFO ‘greys' in the show by the USAF. That ‘endorsement' is just pure speculation on my part. So I do have to admit that there's probably no deep meaning underlying this con-nection, but I still find it interesting...

Recommended Reading.

Dolan, Richard M.; UFOs and the Na-tional Security State: The Cover-up Exposed 1973-1991; Keyhole Publish-ing, Rochester, New York; 2009:

Friedman, Stanton T.; Top Secret / MAJIC; Marlow & Company, New York; 1996:

Good, Timothy; Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence; Sidgwick & Jackson, London; 2006:

Kean, Leslie; UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record; Harmony Books, New York; 2010:

Maccabee, Bruce; UFO FBI Connec-tion: The Secret History of the Govern-ment's Cover-Up; Llewellyn Publica-tions, St. Paul, Minnesota; 2000:

Patton, Phil; Travels in Dreamland: The Secret History of Area 51; Orion Me-dia, London; 1997:

Randle, Kevin D.; Project Bluebook Exposed; Marlowe & Company, New York; 1997:

Redfern, Nicholas; A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed; Simon & Schuster, London; 1997:

Steiger, Brad (Editor); Project Blue Book: The Top Secret UFO Findings Revealed; Ballantine Books, New York; 1976:

John Prytz has been an investigator, researcher and author of Ufological subjects for many years and is recog-nised throughout the world as one of the leading contributors to the subject...

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell.

Edgar Mitchell stunned British radio listeners by

claiming aliens exist in outer space - and that

they've made contact with Earth several times.

The ex-NASA scientist - whose 9hr 17min walk on the Moon during the 1971

Apollo 14 mission is still the longest - said UFO

visits to us had been covered up for 60 years.

Dr Mitchell, 77, told Kerrang! Radio that sources at the space

agency, who had contact with aliens, described

them as little people with large heads and eyes. But

they were not hostile, he told host Nick Margerri-son. "If they were, we'd

be gone by now," Dr Mitchell said. "Our

technology is not nearly as sophisticated".

He added: "I've been in military and intelligence

circles who know we have been visited." And mate-rial famously recovered

at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 was from a UFO,

he claimed.

Margerrison said yester-day: "It was a shock to

hear this coming from a respected scientist."

But a NASA spokesman said: "We do not share

Dr Mitchell's opinions on this."

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Harry Potter - UFO Mularky By Dave Sadler

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Harry Potter - UFO Mularky By Dave Sadler

So the Sun newspaper have been at it again. Spreading their stupidity with tales of Harry Potteresque flying Ford Anglia’s.

AMAZING footage appears to show a FLYING CAR zooming through the night sky.

The amateur clip, posted on YouTube, shows a full moon looming over the skyline of Wichita, Kansas, USA. But look in the top-right corner and you will see what appears to be a set of HEADLIGHTS zipping into the frame.

Ah Wichita, a state made up of numer-ous aviation facilities, from Boeing, Raytheon and many more.

Members of online UFO groups have speculated whether it could be the enchanted Ford Anglia featured in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Se-crets.

The boy wizard and his pal Ron Weasley use the classic vehicle to get to Hogwarts — before they crash it into a giant magical tree.

Members of which online UFO groups exactly? Or are they talking out of your a**e, cos I can’t find any signifi-cant mention of this case anywhere, and I’m struggling on YouTube to find a mention of it as well. Allegedly the original story appears on CNBC. Guess what, I cant find that either...!

And may I add, J.K. Rowling’s tales of Harry Potter are English and set in England, before they decide to put Hogwarts somewhere in Nebraska.

Others say it might be time-travelling scientist Doc Brown reaching 88mph in his famous flying DeLorean. That iconic car featured in all three Back to the Future movies, with the flight ca-pability added during a trip to 2015 in the second flick.

Your lying again aren’t you, nobody said that did they...

One UFO spotter, Jason Simms, wrote online: “This could be the prototype flying car we have all been waiting for, undergoing secret tests. Here’s hop-ing.”

Oddly if you view the footage com-pletely and don’t concentrate on the ‘car’ you may notice that the moon moves too. It looks like the footage has been sped up. I’d suggest its only an aircraft, nothing more, with a bit of computer basic wizardry thrown in.

(Author edit. Thanks to Bob Dezon for his analysis of the clip – ) I would say it looks like a small commercial type plane, like a Cessna. The lights appear to be landing lights used on approach or takeoff.

What is misleading here, is the footage is timelapse, so it looks like its moving really fast. You can see the moon rise like 5 degrees over the duration of this clip. As its only the Sun newspaper that seems to have this story available, and you cant acquire images or footage

from their site. Here’s the link with the footage...

Surely, isn’t it more feasible to suggest the headlights might just be aircraft lights...? Really... I’m slowly running out of people to be sorry for! For more tongue in cheek reviews, visit The UPIA Files at:

Hovering Car?

By Stephen Hutcheon.

The hovering car of Bicton.

Eagle eyed users of the satellite imaging service Google Earth have spot-ted what appears to be a

car hovering above the ground in a suburban

Perth car park in Austra-lia.

The photo is of a car park just off Honour Avenue at Point Walter in the afflu-ent south western suburb

of Bicton. The spot is a popular picnic location

on the banks of the Swan River.

A number of cars are shown in parking bays

and the vehicle in ques-tion appears to hovering

above the ground nearby, its shadow clearly visible


Google Earth images are mostly taken by satellites

- and sometimes by air-craft - within the past

three years and there are no "live" images on the


The intriguing image was reported by the British IT news website, The Regis-


One of the website's readers subsequently

visited the very spot and sent in photos showing that there were no un-usual structures there that could explain the


Other sceptical readers wrote in insisting the image was an optical

illusion and was either a bus shelter, a pergola, a hole in the ground. One

said it was obviously "Harry Potter and his friends on vacation".

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The Bizarre Walter Mitty Life Story Of The Original Conspiracy Theorist And UFO Contactee, George Hunt Williamson. By Colin Veacock

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The Bizarre Walter Mitty Life Story Of The Original Conspiracy Theorist And UFO Contactee,

Long before the late Milton William Cooper and the turquoise tracksuit wearing, self proclaimed son of god, David Icke, began to educate us on the dangers of the new world order, the shadowy elite who hide in the dark corners of governments manipulating history to bring about a one world-one ruler system of rule; before Erich Von Daniken tried to convince us that our planet had been visited in the distant past by ancient astronauts, there was a highly controversial individual who caused outrage by weaving UFOs, aliens, NWO conspiracies and mysti-cism into a pseudo philosophical stew which although it bordered on being racist and obscene, attracted many fol-lowers and made him an overnight superstar. George Hunt Williamson managed to take his fans unlimited passion for all things paranormal and mystical and mix them together in such a way that it legitimised and reflected his own anti Jewish sentiments… George Hunt Williamson was born on 9th December 1926 in Chicago, Illinois, and seems to have had a difficult and strange childhood. In his youth he had many psychic experiences which ap-pear to have made him something of a recluse and loner. As a result his educa-tion ground to a halt causing him to later romance about his academic cre-dentials. He claimed that he had de-grees in anthropology and even the Who’s Who In American Men Of Sci-ence listed him as a leading anthropolo-gist and authority on Hopi and Zuni Indians yet Williamson had in fact been thrown out of college for his poor scholarship and some pretty bizarre beliefs. In 1947 he told his classmates and Pro-fessor in organic evolution, Dr James Martin of Eastern New Mexico Univer-sity, that dinosaurs would be found alive and flourishing in at least two places on earth, and in 1949 stunned his tutors by claiming that the ancient Japa-nese had successfully reached and ex-tensively explored south America. He also thought the thousand of years old Jomon Dogu figures were in fact dressed in space suits and were evi-dence of alien intervention with ancient civilisations. He was also the first to claim that the Nazca lines were landing strips for UFOs. It was after leaving university that the young and impressionable Williamson read Donald Keyhoes, Flying Saucers Are Real, and with that book he seems to have found his calling!

It was also about this time that he took up with a rather nefarious and despica-ble character named William Dudley Pelley, an American born fascist and Nazi sympathiser who had just been released from prison after serving eight years for opposing President Roosevelt during the WWII. He was also the brains behind the fascist Silver Shirt movement. Pelley undoubtedly had a startling ef-fect on Williamson as it was he, and later the author, John McCoy, who introduced him to the concept that a secret Jewish cabal in the pay of world bankers were earths true rulers.

He also went on to stress the point that a huge world wide cover up was in place which had for centuries hidden the existence of aliens and their secret agenda, that world history was being manipulated, and that huge swaths of the Holy Bible had been rewritten and in some cases, removed entirely… Their beliefs soon took on racist over-tones! Williamson and Pelley devel-oped a shared paranoid delusional ha-tred of Jewish international bankers such as Bernard Baruch, Herbert Leh-man, Felix Frankfurter and the War-burg’s. It’s a hatred that their modern day counterparts such as Icke and Coo-per shared and aimed at such people as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Wil-liam Coopers hostility towards Jewish bankers went to the

next level as he stated that a document, The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, which first appeared in Russia in the early 1900s, launched in a secret ses-sion of the first world Zionists congress at Basle in 1897, proved beyond doubt (to him at least) that there was a inter-national Jewish plot to achieve world domination and enslave mankind.

The fact that Williamson shared so many of Pelleys covertly antisemetic views almost certainly helped him gain a lofty position on Pelleys publication, Valor, in which he made the startling revelation that he had made contact, via

Ouija boards and automatic writing, with highly advanced alien intelligen-ces. It was also Pelley who introduced Wil-liamson to one George Adamski. In fact, Williamson became a regular at Adamski’s Palomar Gardens and be-came a member of his theosophy cult spin off. This was an interesting and often hilarious time for those neutrals observing the UFO contactees and mys-tics as it seems it was now that spiritu-alism and the antics best at home in the Victorian séance parlour collided spec-tacularly with new age sci-fi mysticism. Those who once went into a trance like state and spoke with the spirits now spoke with the aliens and

George Hunt Williamson (December 9, 1926 - January 1986), aka Michael d'Obrenovic and Brother Philip, was one of the "four guys named George" among the mid-1950s contactees. The others were George Adamski, George King, and George Van Tassel.

Some Of Williamsons Alien Contacts… Actar of Mercury. Adu of Hatoon in Andro-meda. Ayfa Affa from Uranus. Ankar-22 of Jupiter. Artok of Pluto. Awa from Outer Space! Garr from Pluto. Kadarr Locu from Saturn. Karas the space brother. Lomec of Venus. Nah-9 from Neptune. Noro of the saucer fleet. Oara of Saturn. Pannar of Hatoon. Regga of Mars. Ro of Torresoton. Seadl of Hatoon. Suttku of Saturn. Terra of Venus. Wan-14 of the Safanian planets. Zago of Mars. Zo of Neptune.

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The Bizarre Walter Mitty Life Story Of The Original Conspiracy Theorist And UFO Contactee, George Hunt Williamson. By Colin Veacock

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passed on messages from beyond the stars, or from are neighbouring plan-ets, depending on who you decided to listen to…

For instance, Ruth E. Norman passed on messages from URIEL ( Universal Radiant Infinite Eternal Light) who spoke from a spacecraft manned by the 33 members of the interplanetary con-federation, who would land in 2001 to usher in 1,000 years of peace. Then there was the British Colombian, Robin McPherson, aka Estelle, who contacted Ox Ho (the alien not the stock cube!) who predicted that world wide devastating disasters would begin on the 22nd November 1969. So con-vincing was Estelle that a whole cult following was created around her mes-sages named The Light Affiliates, or as they were better known, The Cho-sen. The California based, One World Family, led by Allen Michael Noonan and his alien contact, Ashtar, claimed that they would take over the govern-ment and the United Nations before they would ultimately go on to elimi-nate all Christians. However, all this pales in comparison with the Aetherius Society, created by western master of yoga, Sir George King, and his Venu-sian alien friend, Aetherius, who be-came the voice on earth for the inter-planetary parliament. Ordinary people disillusioned by normality and religion lapped it up! Although they hailed from near (well relatively near) and far their message was consistent. If we earthlings carried on abusing nuclear energy and contin-ued to produce atomic weapons, we would sooner or later use them and bring imbalance to the universe. While some alien races stopped at simply giving us a warning others threatened to invade to halt a nuclear holocaust. Another constant which arose in many of the channeled messages told of a hostile race of aliens who were head-ing our way from Orion who were hell bent on conquering the planet. Williamson’s unbridled passion for all things alien was getting the better of his common sense. He created the notion of “walk-ins”, ordinary people who unknown to themselves were reincarnated aliens. It is interesting to note that all of the early contacted aliens were human like, some called them Nordics, and that the almond eyed, frail, grey alien, or the shape shifting reptile of popular modern day culture never entered the equation. All these aliens and there wasn’t an anal probe in sight!

It may have been the untimely and some say, mysterious, deaths of some of his colleagues within the Adamski/Williamson channeling circles which brought about the next increasingly bizarre chapter in his life story. Wilbur Wilkinson and Karl Hunrath disappeared without trace while travel-ing in a small hired plane after taking off from Gardena Airport in Los Ange-les on route to investigate a downed UFO somewhere in the desert. No trace of the men or their plane was ever found leading some to theorise that they had been abducted by the aliens. D J Detwiler of Carlsbad, California who famously processed the Adamski Venu-sian scout ship UFO pictures, and Lyman Streeter, a ham radio operator who claimed to be an alien contactee, both died of heart attacks while Hal Nelson mysteriously drowned. Whatever the reason Williamson sud-denly and without warning packed up his belongings and moved to Peru where he founded the Brotherhood Of The Seven Rays under his new name, Brother Philip, and became a prolific writer of books on mysticism and UFOs including, Secret Of The Andes (1958), Secret Places Of The Lion (1958), UFOs Confidential, with John McCoy (1958), and The Road In The Sky (1959). Everything seemed to be going well for him. Like his modern day counterpart, David Icke, throughout 1958 he toured the world taking his messages from his alien friends to his followers who con-sidered him a superstar. Just as he was becoming a cult figure on the lecture tour circuit he suddenly vanished from the face of the earth! Of course, predictably some theorised that he had been abducted by aliens, or was a secret government agent, while some of his more naïve followers pon-dered on whether or not he was human at all, and wasn’t in fact a spaceman sent to earth to educate us unruly hu-mans. Others entertained the notion that he had accidentally found the long lost British explorer, Colonel P H Fawcett, deep in the jungles of Brazil and had turned his back on reality to spend his remaining days in some long lost city. Some even said he had retreated to Shangri-la deep in the Andes. In fact, Williamson had simply changed his name to Michael D’Obrenovic, claim-ing it was his Serbian families name before his family had relocated to the USA. In one instance he used the title, HRH Prince Michael D’Obrenovic Von Lazar, Duke Of Sumadya, and went about introducing himself as The Pro-fessor!

It could be argued that Williamson/ D’Obrenovic’s fragile grip on reality had finally broken yet in 1971 he once again reinvented himself, gave up his unshakable belief in space aliens and replaced it with an equally unshakable belief in god! In 1971 he was ordained as a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church by Archbishop Gerrit Munik and took over the church in Cornville, California. In 1974 he was consecrated as a bishop in the Orthodox Church Of The East, and then in 1977 was conse-crated a second time by Albert R. Co-ady of the Eastern Catholic Syro-Chaldean Arch Diocese of North Amer-ica. While seemingly turning his back on his friendly space aliens and mysti-cism he didn’t quite manage to walk away from the paranormal completely as both of his churches believed in the process of speaking in tongues, or glos-solalia, a process whereby a person reaches such states of hysteria and reli-gious ecstasy that they involuntarily speak in a known or unknown foreign language.


nally, after years of in fighting within the church he moved to the Holy Apos-tolic Catholic Church Syro-Chaldean diocese of Santa Barbara, Central Cali-fornia, where he retreated into obscu-rity, only rarely acknowledging his past association with conspiracies, aliens and mysticism by giving lectures to the few who still hung on his every word. By the time he died in January 1986 this contentious space age mystic and messiah had largely been forgotten about, however his importance in his-tory should not be over looked or down played as without him such notable figures within the conspiracy field, such as David Icke, Alex Jones, Jesse Ven-tura, Jim Marrs and Richard C Hoagland wouldn’t have an audience to preach to or peddle their DVDs to. Fantasist or visionary, objectionable racist or heroic whistle blower, George Hunt Williamson deserves his place in the Who’s Who of conspiracy theorists and a seat at the table of most influen-tial UFO, new age mystics of all time...

Dr. George King, Dr. George King was

born in Shropshire, England on January 23,

1919. Early in life his deep spiritual interests

found expression in traditional Christianity,

but he soon learned there was more to life than the

orthodox could show him. First turning to psychic phenomena, he quickly

became an adept of this research, delving beneath

the superficial nature of things to their causes. Dr. King became a Master of

Raja, Gnani, and Kun-dalini Yoga - able to

attain the elevated state of conciousness known as

Samadhi. It was for this reason that the Cosmic

Masters of the Solar System began to use him as "Primary Terrestrial

Mental Channel", in order to give their mes-

sage to Earth. Dr. George King was the Founder of the Aetherius Society. A

worldwide spiritual organisation dedicated to

help heal and uplift humanity. Founded in

1955 by the late Western Master Dr. George King,

The Aetherius Society practices a powerful new

form of Karma yoga. This new yoga is based on the

wisdom of the spiritual traditions of old as well as new wisdom released

by advanced spiritual masters in response to

humanity's scientific advancement and its dire


Page 32: Phenomena Magazine - July 2011 - Issue 27