Pharo Hands-On: 04 image-runtime

Runtime & changes S. Ducasse

Transcript of Pharo Hands-On: 04 image-runtime

Runtime & changes S. Ducasse

Execution model

Virtual machine

Bytecode -> C-interpreter -> assembleur generated on the fly


VM (platform dependent)

.sources (all the sources of a distribution)

.changes (all your changes - a tape)

.image (all your binary objects)


an image is a heap-dump

contains all the objects = all the system at a point in time

nice and handy ***system cache***

Generally not a deployement artefact (advanced users)


Change1/Image1, ChangeX/ImageX

The system keeps them in sync

NB: VM can run without sources and changes (but you will not be able to recognise your code :)


“changes” is a logging tape and cheap emergency tape

commit your changes to SmalltalkHub or (Git for advanced users)

Development process

Define packages

Define project dependencies (Metacello configuration)

Save packages

Save project configurations

Define a CI job that automatically loads and verifies everything