16 Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal 957 Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences PHARMACEUTICAL STANDARDIZATION OF YASTIMADHU SIDDHA TAILA MATRA BASTI IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PARIKARTIKA W.S.R. TO ACUTE FISSURE-IN-ANO 1* Dr. Arif Khan Goran, 2 Dr. Pramod Kumar Mishra, 3 Dr. Mahesh Kumar, 4 Dr. Vijay Jatoliya and 5 Dr. Neha Bhanot 1 Final Year M.D. Scholar (Swasthavritta & Yoga) Pgdye. 2 Professor & H.O.D. (P.G. Dpt. of Swasthavritta & Yoga). 3 Assistant Professor (P.G. Dpt. of Swasthavritta & Yoga). 4 Final Year M.D. Scholar (Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana). 5 Bams, Pgdye, Crav (Kayachikitsa), Srf (Ccras- Ahmedabad). ABSTRACT Ayurveda is the oldest medical science, based on use of processed natural products. But for last few centuries the practice of this medical science become reduced due to allopathic treatment has flourished in various countries due to quick symptomatic relief, easily availability and massive production. For drug efficacy and reproducibility of therapeutic uses, it is essential to standardize the product. The remedy consists in employing a Piccha-Basti with Yashtimadhu and black sesamum pasted together and dissolved in clarified butter and honey. The patient should be laved in cold water and be given his food with milk. Anuvasana-Basti with the cream of clarified butter or with oil cooked with Yashtimadhu should be employed. Medicated oil/ghee is one of the important dosage form widely described in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. Four types of Snehas (Fatty preparation) are described in Ayurvedic literature. These are ghrita, taila, vasa and majja. Among these taila (medicated oil) and ghrita (medicated ghee) are more popular in therapeutic uses. Preparation of medicated oils and ghee is a bit complicated procedure and require special care regarding proportion of ingredients, heating pattern and temperature. Hence in present work an attempt has been made to establish pharmaceutical standardization of Yastimadhu Siddha Taila as per reference of Sushruta Samhita and in this article an attempt has been made to review regarding properties of taila, process of method of WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES SJIF Impact Factor 7.632 Volume 10, Issue 9, 957-972 Review Article ISSN 2278 – 4357 *Corresponding Author Dr. Arif Khan Goran Final Year M.D. Scholar (Swasthavritta & Yoga) Pgdye. Article Received on 05 July 2021, Revised on 26 July 2021, Accepted on 16 August 2021, DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20219-19813

Transcript of PHARMACEUTICAL STANDARDIZATION OF YASTIMADHU … │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences





Dr. Arif Khan Goran, 2Dr. Pramod Kumar Mishra,

3Dr. Mahesh Kumar,

4Dr. Vijay Jatoliya and

5Dr. Neha Bhanot

1Final Year M.D. Scholar (Swasthavritta & Yoga) Pgdye.

2Professor & H.O.D. (P.G. Dpt. of Swasthavritta & Yoga).

3Assistant Professor (P.G. Dpt. of Swasthavritta & Yoga).

4 Final Year M.D. Scholar (Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana).

5Bams, Pgdye, Crav (Kayachikitsa), Srf (Ccras- Ahmedabad).


Ayurveda is the oldest medical science, based on use of processed

natural products. But for last few centuries the practice of this medical

science become reduced due to allopathic treatment has flourished in

various countries due to quick symptomatic relief, easily availability

and massive production. For drug efficacy and reproducibility of

therapeutic uses, it is essential to standardize the product. The remedy

consists in employing a Piccha-Basti with Yashtimadhu and black

sesamum pasted together and dissolved in clarified butter and honey.

The patient should be laved in cold water and be given his food with

milk. Anuvasana-Basti with the cream of clarified butter or with oil

cooked with Yashtimadhu should be employed. Medicated oil/ghee is one of the important

dosage form widely described in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. Four types of Snehas (Fatty

preparation) are described in Ayurvedic literature. These are ghrita, taila, vasa and majja.

Among these taila (medicated oil) and ghrita (medicated ghee) are more popular in

therapeutic uses. Preparation of medicated oils and ghee is a bit complicated procedure and

require special care regarding proportion of ingredients, heating pattern and temperature.

Hence in present work an attempt has been made to establish pharmaceutical standardization

of Yastimadhu Siddha Taila as per reference of Sushruta Samhita and in this article an

attempt has been made to review regarding properties of taila, process of method of


SJIF Impact Factor 7.632

Volume 10, Issue 9, 957-972 Review Article ISSN 2278 – 4357

*Corresponding Author

Dr. Arif Khan Goran

Final Year M.D. Scholar

(Swasthavritta & Yoga)


Article Received on

05 July 2021,

Revised on 26 July 2021,

Accepted on 16 August 2021,

DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20219-19813 │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

preparations of drugs, stages of paka (preparation) and its various therapeutic and analytical


KEYWORDS: Yastimadhu Siddha Taila, Pharmaceutical standardization, Murchhana, Taila

Paka Karma, Matra Basti, Parikartika.


Ayurveda is one of the oldest traditional systems of medicine of India in the world. Its history

of origin started almost from Vedic period. So many types of Ayurvedic formulations are

found in different classical books of Ayurveda, which have been used by the

ancient acharyas for the treatment of diseases. Sneha kalpana (medicated oil) is one of the

important dosage form widely described in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics.

Swarasa (Juice), Kalka (Paste), Kwatha (decoction), hima (cold infusion) and phanta (hot

infusion), are the basic pharmaceutical procedures of Indian system of medicine.

The remedy consists in employing a Piccha-Basti with Yashtimadhu and black sesamum

pasted together and dissolved in clarified butter and honey. The patient should be laved in

cold water and be given his food with milk. Anuvasana-Basti with the cream of clarified

butter or with oil cooked with Yashtimadhu should be employed.[1]

Ayurveda is the oldest medical science, based on use of processed natural products. But for

last few centuries the practice of this medical science become reduced due to allopathic

treatment has flourished in various countries due to quick symptomatic relief, easily

availability and massive production. Sneha Kalpana may be defined as - ‘A pharmaceutical

process to prepare oleaginous medicaments from the substances like Kalka, Kwatha and

Drava dravyas, in specific proportions by subjecting to a unique heating pattern and duration

to full-fill certain pharmaceutical parameters, according to the need of therapeutics’. It is one

of the eye-catching techniques in Ayurvedic drug industry to achieve both fat soluble and

water soluble extractives into the oil media which acts on liposomal level. In this study were

prepared Medicated Yastimadhu Siddha Taila and Analyses its Physical parameter and

Chemical parameters.


Pharmaceutical study of Yastimadhu Siddha Taila │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Analytical study of Yastimadhu Siddha Taila

- To evaluate the organoleptic characters of the test drug.

- To carry out the physicochemical parameters of the Yastimadhu Siddha Taila.

Types of Sneha

Four types of Snehas are described in Ayurvedic literature. These are ghrita, taila, vasa &

majja. Among the four Sneha ghrita is regarded as best one.[2]


Tail alleviates vata and does not aggravate kapha. It promotes body strength. It is beneficial

for the skin. It is ushna, provide firmness and cleans female genital passage. Taila means oily

portion extracted from the drugs. Acharya Charak mentioned that Tila taila is best one for

strength and unction and considered best for pacification of Vata. Taila assimilates the

properties of other drugs added to it during the paka of Sneha without losing its own

properties. This radical transformation of property is not possible in ghee (Harita).

Madhuka (Yastimadhu)[4]

Yastimadhu being Vata- Pitta Shamaka helped to relieve both these symptoms. In the patients

Yastimadhu also has Vrana Shodhana (wound cleansing) and Vrana Ropana (wound healing)

properties that helped for healing of fissure wound.

Til Taila[5]

Til Taila (Sesamum indicum) similarly has a soothning property. It form a thin film layer on

the fissure bed and that allows early epithelization of wound. It also protects wound from

invasion of any microbes. Taila also reduce the Rukshata of Vayu and maintain the normal

tone of smooth internal sphincters which result into good blood circulations & helped in

healing process.


Material Use

Yastimadhu Siddha Taila is prepared by Sneha kalpana procedure as per mention in

Shadhandhar Samhita Madhyamkhand.[6] │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Method of Preparation of Shatpushpa taila

The drug was prepared by Snehapaka method in pharmacy of Dr. S.R. Rajasthan Ayurved

University Pharmacy, Jodhpur by adopting classical method.

Method of Preparation: (Sharangadhar Madhyam Khand 9/1).

Table 1: Ingredients of Yashtimadhu Siddha Taila.

Sr. No. Ingredients Latin Name Part Used Quantity

1. Tila Taila Sesamum Indicum Beeja Taila 6 litters

2. Madhuka

(Yastimadhu) Glycyrrhiza Glabra Moola 1.5 Kg

3. Manjishta Rubia Cordifolia Moola 360 gm

4. Haridra Curcuma Longa Moola Kanda 60 gm

5. Lodhra Symplocos Racemosa Twak 60 gm

6. Musta Cyperus Rotandus Moola Kanda 60 gm

7. Amalaki Emblica Officinalis Phala 60 gm

8. Vibhitka Terminalia Belerica Phala 60 gm

9. Haritaki Terminalia Chebula Phala 60 gm

10. Jal (Water) Aqua - 24 litters

Taila Murchhana


Tila Taila : 1 Part

Madhuka (Yastimadhu) : 1/16th


Manjishta : 1/64th


Haridra : 1/64th


Lodhra : 1/64th


Musta : 1/64th


Amalaki : 1/64th


Vibhitka : 1/64th


Haritaki : 1/64th


Jal (Water) : Four time quantity as Taila


Step 1: The uncooked ‘tila taila’ is taken in a vassel which is strong and clean. The vessel is

placed over mild fire and heted until foam starts to appear. Soon the fire is lit off and waited

for nisphena-bhava and saityabhava of the oil. │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Step 2: The oil is now placed again over mild fire and desired quantity of water is added to it.

Meanwhile the fine power of manjistha and other ausadha dravyas is mixed with little

quantity of water to prepare kalka.

Step 3: This kalka is added to vessel and the boiling is continued with frequent stirring.

Boiling is continued until all snehasiddha lakshana are attained. The oil retains (Aruna Varna)

reddish colour after the process.

Step 4: Yashtimadhu kalka (paste) was made into a small bolus and poured into the Taila and

fried for few minutes. 16 parts of water was then added into the mixture for preparation of the

Yashtimadhu Siddha Taila by Sneha Paka procedure.

Step 5: The whole content was heated for three days consecutively to evaporate the whole

water content and leave behind only the Oil (Taila) portion. As soon as all the ‘Sneha siddha

lakshana’ are attained.

Step 6: The received Oil was then filtered by a thin cotton cloth and the final Yashtimadhu

Siddha Taila was obtained. The prepared Taila was stored in clean air tight container for

further therapeutic use.

Taila Paka Karma


Siddha Taila


Murchhana Drvyas

mix with Ushna


Tila Taila

Ushna Karma

Tila Taila, Yastimadhu

Yava Churna and

Murchhana Drvyas Yava


Prepared Yashtimadhu

Siddha Taila │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Figure 1: Yashtimadhu Siddha Taila (Medicine) Preparation Procedure.

Table 2: Sneha Siddha Lakshana.[7]

1. ofrZor~ LusgdYd% Sneha kalka attains ‘perfect wick shape’ when rolled

between thumb and index finger.

2. ;nkaxqY;k foefnZr% If a part of Sneha kalka is put into the fire no sound is

produced indicating the loss of moisture in it.

3. Qsuksn~xeLrSys

Qsu’kkfUr’p lfiZ”k%

Foam appears in ‘taila paka’ and it disappears in ‘ghrta

paka’ during completion of preparation.

4. xU/ko.kZjlksRifÙk% Desired colour, odor and taste of the ingredients become

appreciable as the preparation is properly done.


Tailas are preserved in glass, or Plastic containers.

Shelf Life Period of Taila

According to Govt. of India notification life period of Taila is three years.



Pharmaceutical analysis helps to confirm the quality of finished drug forms. Though

principles of drug standardization at different stages of pharmaceutics (process and finished

Yashtimadhu Yava Churna

Kalka mix with Taila

Prepared Yashtimadhu

Siddha Taila Chhanan kriya Four time Water mix

for Taila Paka Karma

Taila Paka Karma Second and Third day

Taila Paka Karma │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

product) have been highlighted at many instances in Ayurvedic treatises it is well known fact

that there has been unprecedented technological advancement. It becomes our duty to utilize

the same and bring more objectivity to the standardization of Ayurvedic formulations. In

present study certain parameters of finished drug that is Yastimadhu Siddha Taila was studied

to ascertain the qualities.


- To evaluate the organoleptic characters of the test drug.

- To carry out the physic-chemical parameters of the Yastimadhu Siddha Taila.


1. The drug was prepared by Snehapaka method in pharmacy of Dr. S.R. Rajasthan Ayurved

University Pharmacy, Jodhpur by adopting classical method.

2. Complete study was carried out in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab, Dr. S.R. Rajasthan

Ayurved University, Jodhpur. Suitable method was adopted for the study of following

parameters as per CCRAS recommendation.


Organoleptic parameters

The organoleptic character of Ayurvedic drug is very important and give the general idea

regarding the genuineness of the sample.

Besides quality control measures Rupa (colour), Rasa (taste), Gandha (odour) and Sparsha

(texture) pertaining to Panchagyanendriya Pariksha are noted. These primary parameters are

important, the verification of which generates confidence in patient as well as in the


Table 3: Organoleptic Parameters of Yashtimadhu.

Sr. No. Parameters Yashtimadhu

1. Roop (Colour) Brownish Yellow

2. Rasa (Taste) Sweet

3. Gandha (Smell) Aromatic

4. Sparsha (Touch) Rough │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Table 4: Organoleptic Parameters of Yashtimadhu Siddha Taila.

Sr. No. Parameters Yastimadhu Siddha Taila

1. Colour Reddish

2. Odour Like Taila

3. Taste Tasteless

4. Texture Liquid

5. Touch Smooth, Oily

Physico-chemical Parameters

Following parameters were required to develop standards for the reproducibility of

Yastimadhu Siddha Taila. The sample was analysed with appropriate protocols for standard

physicochemical parameters such as.

1. Weight / ml

2. Viscosity (at room Temperature)

3. Saponification Value

4. Acid Value

5. Peroxide Value

6. Detection of Mineral Oil (Holde’s Test)

7. Rancidity Test (Kreis Test)

1. Uniformity of Weight[8]

This test is applicable to tablets that contain less than 10 mg or less than 10% w/w of active

ingredient. For tablets containing more than one active ingredient carry out the test for each

active ingredient that corresponds to the aforementioned conditions.

The test for Uniformity of content should be carried out only after the content of active

ingredient (s) in pooled sample of the tablets has been shown to be within accepted limits of

the stated content.

The test for Uniformity of content is not applicable to tablets containing trace elements.

2. Determination of Viscosity[9]

Viscosity is a property of a liquid, which is closely related to the resistance to flow.

In C.G.S. system, the dynamic viscosity (n) of a liquid is the tangential force in dryness per

square centimeter exerted in either of the two parallel planes placed, 1 cm apart when the

space between them is filled with the fluid and one of the plane is moving in its own plane │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

with a velocity of 1 cm per second relatively to the other. The unit of dynamic viscosity is the

poise (abbreviated p). The centi. poise (abbreviated cp) is 1/100th of one poise.

While on the absolute scale, viscosity is measured in poise or centi poise, it is most

convenient to use the kinematic scale in which the units are stokes (abbreviated S) and centi-

stokes (abbreviated CS). The centistokes is 1/100th of one stoke. The kinematic viscosity of a

liquid is equal to the quotient of the dynamic viscosity and the density of the liquid at the

same temperature, thus.

Dynamic Viscosity

Kinematic Viscosity = ——————————


Viscosity of liquid may be determined by any method that will measure the resistance to

shear offered by the liquid.

Absolute viscosity can be measured directly if accurate dimensions of the measuring

instruments are known but it is more common practice to calibrate the instrument with a

liquid of known viscosity and to determine the viscosity of the unknown fluid by comparison

with that of the known.

3. Determination Of Saponification Value[10]

The saponification value is the number of mg of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize

the fatty acids, resulting from the complete hydrolysis of 1 g of the oil or fat, when

determined by the following method.

Dissolve 35 to 40 g of potassium hydroxide in 20 ml water, and add sufficient alcohol to

make 1,000 ml. Allow it to stand overnight, and pour off the clear liquor. Weigh accurately

about 2 g of the substance in a tared 250 ml flask, add 25 ml of the alcoholic solution of

potassium hydroxide, attach a reflux condenser and boil on a water-bath for one hour,

frequently rotating the contents of the flask cool and add 1 ml of solution of phenolphthalein

and titrate the excess of alkali with 0.5 N hydrochloric acid. Note the number of ml required

(a) Repeat the experiment with the same quantities of the same reagents in the manner

omitting the substance. Note the number of ml required (b) Calculate the saponification value

from the following formula.

(b–a) × 0.02805 × 1.000

Saponification Value = ——————————————

W │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Where ‘W’ is the weight in g of the substance taken.

4. Determination of Acid Value[11]

The acid value is the number of mg potassium hydroxide required to neutralize the free acid

in 1 g of the substance, when determined by the following method.

Weigh accurately about 10 g of the substance (1 to 5) in the case of a resin into a 250 ml flask

and add 50 ml of a mixture of equal volumes of alcohol and solvent ether, which has been

neutralized after the addition of 1 ml of solution of phenolphthalein. Heat gently on a water-

bath, if necessary until the substance has completely melted, titrate with 0.1 N potassium

hydroxide, shaking constantly until a pink color which persists for fifteen seconds is

obtained. Note the number of ml required.

Calculate the acid value from the following formula.

a × 0.00561 × 1000

Acid Value = ———————————


Where ‘a’ is the number of ml. of 0.1 N potassium hydroxide required and ‘w’ is the weight

in g of the substance taken.

5. Determination of Peroxide Value[12]

The peroxide value is the number of milliequivalents of active oxygen that expresses the

amount of peroxide contained in 1000 g of the substance.


Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, weigh 5 g of the substance being

examined, accurately weighed, into a 250-ml glass-stoppered conical flask, add 30 ml of a

mixture of 3 volumes of glacial acetic acid and 2 volumes of chloroform, swirl until dissolved

and add 0.5ml volumes of saturated potassium iodide soluton. Allow to stand for exactly 1

minute, with occasional shaking, add 30 ml of water and titrate gradually, with continuous

and vigorous shaking, with 0.01M sodium thiosulphate until the yellow colour almost

disappears. Add 0.5 ml of starch solution and continue the titration, shaking vigorously until

the blue colour just disappears (a ml). Repeat the operation omitting the substance being

examined (b ml). The volume of 0.01M sodium thiosulphate in the blank determination must

not exceed 0.1 ml. │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Calculate the peroxide value from the expression

Peroxide value = 10 (a – b)/w

Where w = weight, in g, of the substance.

6. Detection Of Mineral Oil (Holde’s Test)[13]

Take 22ml of the Alcoholic KOH solution in a conical flask and add 1ml of the sample of oil

to be tested. Boil in a water bath using an air or water cooled condenser till the solution

becomes clear and no oily drops are found on the sides of the flask. Take out the flask from

the water bath, transfer the contents to a wide mouthed warm test tube and carefully add 25ml

of boiling distilled water along the side of the test tube. Continue shaking the tube lightly

from side to side during the addition. The turbidity indicates presence of mineral oil, the

depth of turbidity depends on the percentage of mineral oil present

7. Rancidity Test (Kreis Test)[14]

The test depends upon the formation of a red colour when oxidized fat is treated with conc.

HCl and a solution of phloroglucinol in ether.

The compound in rancid fats responsible for the colour reaction is epihydrin aldehyde. All

oxidized fats respond to the Kreis test and the intensity of the colour produced is roughly

proportional to the degree of oxidative rancidity.


Mix 1 ml of melted fat and 1 ml of conc. HCl in a test tube. Add 1 ml of a 1 % solution of

phloroglucinol in diethyl ether and mix thoroughly with the fat-acid mixture. A pink colour

formation indicates that the fat is slightly oxidized while a red colour indicates that the fat is

definitely oxidized.

Table 5: Physico-chemical Parameters.

Sr.No. Tests (Method as per API & CCRAS Guidelines) OBSERVATION

1. Weight / ml 0.885 gm / ml

2. Viscosity (at room Temperature) 37.503 centipoise

3. Saponification Value 178.117

4. Acid Value 9.368

5. Peroxide Value 5.421

6. Detection of Mineral Oil (Holde’s Test) Negative

7. Rancidity Test (Kreis Test) Negative │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Figure 2 : Report of Physico - Chemical Parameters by Quality Control Laboratory,

P.G. Dept. of RSBK, UCA, DSRRAU, Jodhpur.


Taila kalpana may be defined as a process, where ingredients like-Taila, Kalka, Kwatha

dravyas are used for the preparation of medicaments.

Fat / water soluble active principles of drugs are extracted into Taila in this method.

During the preparation extra benefits of Taila are added in formulations as their qualities

are also mixed in drugs. │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Cooking should be done on medium temperature. Special emphasis should be given on

Stage detection during preparation as therapeutic indications changes with the stages.

Medicated Taila are having more extra power and shelf life than unmediated one.

The organoleptic character of Ayurvedic drug is very important and give the general idea

regarding the genuineness of the sample.

Besides quality control measures Rupa (colour), Rasa (taste), Gandha (odour) and

Sparsha (texture) pertaining to Panchagyanendriya Pariksha are noted. These primary

parameters are important, the verification of which generates confidence in patient as well

as in the physician.

There is cutting and burning pain in ano predominantly present in a pattern in Parikartika

as the disease is Vata- Pitta predominant. Yastimadhu being Vata- Pitta Shamaka helped

to relieve both these symptoms. In the patients Yastimadhu also has Vrana Shodhana

(wound cleansing) and Vrana Ropana (wound healing) properties that helped for healing

of fissure wound.

Til Taila (Sesamum indicum) similarly has a soothning property. It form a thin film layer

on the fissure bed and that allows early epithelization of wound. It also protects wound

from invasion of any microbes. Taila also reduce the Rukshata of Vayu and maintain the

normal tone of smooth internal sphincters which result into good blood circulations &

helped in healing process.

In fissure in ano, the ulcer is at muco-cutaneous junction and it heals as Yastimadhu

Siddha Taila having healing potency in mucosal inflammation and ulcer.

The underlying pathology in Parikartika is spasm of the sphincter muscle and slight

narrowing of the anal canal. This phenomenon is due to the formation of ulceration in

anal mucosa. During the act of defecation when the anal canal is stretched the pain will

aggravate which will in turn cause spasm of the sphincter muscle. Thus the vicious cycle

is formed.

The Yastimadhu Siddha Taila will break this vicious cycle. The gradual process of

analgesia gradually relaxes the anal canal. The relaxed anal canal will reduce the

sphincter spasm, which will in turn allow the ulcer to heal. Relaxed anal canal will

accommodate hard stools minimizing trauma over the anal canal and allows the ulcer to


One research study shows the Post-radiation mucosal complications were reduced with


has Madhura Rasa, Sheeta Virya, Madhura Vipaka. │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

It is Vata-Pitta Shamaka. Moreover, studies conducted on modern scientific parameters

have proved the healing, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and skin regeneration activity of


Sodium, glycyrrhizate possessed anti-ulcer activity and stimulation of

regeneration of skin.

Yashtimadhu contains glycyrrhizin acid and ammonium salt [GA] which has proven

activity of ulcer healing according to some pharmacological articles[17]

it reduces number

of inflammatory cells, and enhanced fibroblasts maturation and tissue alignment and on

ulcer healing show increase in the percentage of ulcer contraction and epithelization.[18]


Formulations prepared from the Taila enhance life, complexion, strength and anabolism

of body.

The water soluble as well as fat soluble active principles can be transformed into Taila

media and this addition of properties of material made the formulation more potent and


Shelf life period of Taila kalpana is three years.

Formulations should be analysed with all the parameters laid down in ancient and modern

texts to standardize them.

This Taila Kalpana is Madhyam Paka Process, a part of Sneha kalka is put into the fire

no sound is produced indicating the loss of moisture in it.

The organoleptic character of Ayurvedic drug is very important and give the general idea

regarding the genuineness of the sample.

Medicated Taila are having more extra power and shelf life than unmediated one.

Yastimadhu being Vata- Pitta Shamaka helped to relieve both these symptoms. In the

patients Yastimadhu also has Vrana Shodhana (wound cleansing) and Vrana Ropana

(wound healing) properties that helped for healing of fissure wound.

Tila Taila (Sesamum indicum) similarly has a soothning property. It form a thin film

layer on the fissure bed and that allows early epithelization of wound. It also protects

wound from invasion of any microbes. Taila also reduce the Rukshata of Vayu and

maintain the normal tone of smooth internal sphincters which result into good blood

circulations & helped in healing process.

In fissure in ano, the ulcer is at muco-cutaneous junction and it heals as Yastimadhu

Siddha Taila having healing potency in mucosal inflammation and ulcer. │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


1. Bhaisajya Kalpana Vijnanam, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan publication Varanasi,

Edition: Reprint 2009, Writer Dr. K. Rama Chandra Reddy, 246

2. Krisna Murthy MS etall, M.D. thesis, RSBK, IPGT&R, Jamnagar, 2002.

3. Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Acharya Charaka’s Charaka Samhita, Part I,Chaukhamba Sanskrit

Samsthana, 8th Edition Page No. 258.

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Govt. of India Department of AYUSH, Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicines,




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Ghaziabad. │ Vol 10, Issue 9, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │


Goran et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences



Govt. of India Department of AYUSH, Pharmacopoeial Laboratory for Indian Medicines,



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