Pharm Quiz 1

Your quiz has been submitted successfully. 1 / 1 point A 70-year-old woman is starting on an acidic drug. The nurse is aware that food and nutrient intake can affect drug excretion by changing the urinary pH. About which of the following will the nurse question the patient concerning her diet? Question options: a) The intake of foods high in protein b) The use of grapefruit c) The amount of meat and vegetables d) The intake of sodium Chapter 10: C. A diet that is rich in meat or vegetables can affect pH. Thus, the patient needs to keep this in check. (pg. 133). Question 2 0.75 / 1 point What types of medication can pass through the blood–brain barrier or the placenta? Select all that apply. Question options:


pharm quiz

Transcript of Pharm Quiz 1

Page 1: Pharm Quiz 1

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1 / 1 point

A 70-year-old woman is starting on an acidic drug. The nurse is aware that food and nutrient intake can affect drug excretion by changing the urinary pH. About which of the following will the nurse question the patient concerning her diet?

Question options:

a)  The intake of foods high in protein

b)  The use of grapefruit

c)  The amount of meat and vegetables

d)  The intake of sodium

Chapter 10:

C. A diet that is rich in meat or vegetables can affect pH. Thus, the patient needs to keep this in check.(pg. 133).

Question 2 0.75 / 1 point

What types of medication can pass through the blood–brain barrier or the placenta? Select all that apply.

Question options:

a)  Water-soluble medications

b)  Medications unbound to protein

c)  Ionized medications

d)  Lipophilic medications

Page 2: Pharm Quiz 1

A, B. D. Only drugs that are lipophilic, unbound to protein, and water-soluble are able to cross the placenta and blood-brain barrier. Drugs can't be ionized, not protein bound, and lipophilic in order to cross the placenta (pg. 46)

Question 3

0 / 1 point

The process that largely determines serum drug levels, adverse effects, and other important aspects of drug therapy is known as:

Question options:

a)  Systemic effect

b)  Drug distribution

c)  Drug clearance

d)  Bioavailability

B. Drug distribution can determine serum drug levels, adverse effects, and other important aspect of drug therapy because it is how much of the drug is in your system.

Question 41 / 1 point

Which of the following is a key process with drug excretion?

Question options:

a)  Active transport

Page 3: Pharm Quiz 1

b)  Passive diffusion

c)  Protein binding

d)  Filtration

A. Key Process in drug excretion is active transport as it goes through the renal system for drugs to be excreted. (pg. 50)

Question 5 0.5 / 1 point

Which factors will decrease the rate of drug absorption? Select all that apply.

Question options:

a)  Higher drug concentration in the circulatory system

b)  Increased blood flow rate

c)  A disease that alters the stomach and small intestine lining

d)  Drug given by a subcutaneous route versus an intramuscular route

C,D. There are several factors that can affect drug absorption. If the stomach and small intestine lining is affected then it will cause a decrease in drug absorption because those are the areas where a lot of absorption takes place. Increased blood flow will increase drug absorption. A higher concentration can increase absorption but intramuscular absorption is actually more rapid than subcutaneous absorption (pg. 43).

Question 6

1 / 1 point

Page 4: Pharm Quiz 1

The most serious allergic response is called anaphylaxis. Which of the following patients exhibit possible symptoms of anaphylaxis? Select all that apply.

Question options:

a)  Teresa has laryngeal edema and pale, cool skin

b)  Mr. Dev has redness all over his body

c)  Mrs. Vilma has marked hypotension and experiences convulsions

d)  Mr. John has been showing signs of acute respiratory distress

A, C, D. All the signs of anaphylaxis include hypotension, convulsions, constriction of bronchial smooth muscles, vasodilation, increased vascular permeability, acute respiratory distress, laryngeal edema, and pale, cool skin but redness all over is not commonly seen (pg. 60).

Question 7 0 / 1 point

What does the lipid solubility of the drug influence?

Question options:

a)  Schedule of dosing

b)  Dosage of the drug

c)  Absorption of the drug

d)  Distribution of the drug

C. Lipid solubility affects absorption but altering absorption. Drugs that are more lipid soluble are absorbed more rapidly than others (pg. 43).

Question 8 0 / 1 point

How would the dosage of a partly protein-bound drug be altered if another drug having a higher attraction to albumin than the first drug is administered?

Question options:

Page 5: Pharm Quiz 1

a)  The dosage of the first drug may have to be increased

b)  The dosage of the first drug may have to be decreased

c)  The dosage of the second drug may have to be increased

d) The dosages of both the first and the second drugs should be reduced equally

#8. B. The dosage of the first drug will need to be decreased because unbound forms of the drug are more active and thus will need to be decreased since the second drug has a greater affinity (pg. 98).

Question 9


One reason it is important for your physician to know what drugs you are taking is that during a phase of pharmacokinetics a significant drug-drug interaction can occur resulting in one drug stimulating or blocking the metabolism of the other drug. What phase can this occur in?

Question options:

a)  Biotransformation

b)  Distribution

c)  Absorption

d)  Excretion

A. Biotransformation is also called metabolism and this is the phase where drugs are metabolized so it is also when there is drug to drug interaction (pg. 46).

Question 10 1 / 1 point

As the nurse caring for a patient who has been diagnosed with hypoalbuminemia, which effect do you know will occur if you administer a drug that is highly protein bound?

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Question options:

a)  Increased rate of excretion of the drug, causing the drug to be less effective

b)  Increased rate of distribution of the drug, leading to toxicity

c)  Decreased rate of metabolism, which will delay the onset of the drug

d)  Increased rate of absorption of the drug, leading to toxicity

B. Increased rate of distribution of the drug because you are making the drug able to bind to protein allowing them to be more easily distributed throughout the body. If there was no protein, then it would be slower rate of absorption and distribution.