Ph Azir Data Management System

PHAZIR Data Management System™ (MG) Instruction Manual Version 3.10 PCX13-94-0003 Rev- PDMS Manual V3.10 Page 1

Transcript of Ph Azir Data Management System

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PHAZIR Data Management System™

(MG) Instruction Manual

Version 3.10

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PHAZIR Data Management System Mainscreen

The PHAZIR Data Management System (PDMS) is a software tool to manage datagenerated from the PHAZIR Analyzer. Record data generated by the PHAZIR analyzer arestored in a local database and then synchronized and transferred to the PDMS’s SQLbased database. PDMS provides data synchronization functions for long-term data storage,management of electronic signatures, audit trails, spectral graphing tools, and reportgeneration functions.

A: Displays a list of all available databases held within PDMS.

B: Shows the table status indicator. This describes the total number of entries contained inthe database, the number of valid record entries, deleted record entries, and backgroundrecord entries.

C: Shows the data table for the selected PDMS database.

D: Spectral graph which displays the spectrum of the selected record(s)

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PHAZIR Data Management System Working With Databases

When databases exceed 500 records, additional record management tools areautomatically enabled. Records are loaded and displayed in sets of 500 records. Ahorizontal record scroll tool is used to select the desired set of 500 records and a verticalrecord scroll tool is used to display and select records within the 500 record set.

The horizontal record scroll select tool is shown below. You can grab the tool with a leftmouse click and drag it along the scroll bar.

Below the horizontal scroll bar you will also notice multiple scroll tick marks. The scroll tickmarks allow you to position the scroll tool to access ranges of 500 records. The number ofscroll tick marks depends on the number of records in a particular database.

For example, suppose a database table with 2679 records that has been selected. Thehorizontal scroll select tool is in the rightmost position which displays the last set of 500records. The last record in this example is the record with measurement number 2679. Thehorizontal record scroll tool can be repositioned to any of the various tick marks to accessvarious sets of 500 records. For example, if the first tick mark (1) is selected records from 1– 500 are accessed, the second tick mark (2) accesses records 251 – 750, the third (3)501 – 1000 and so on.

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If the horizontal record scroll bar is moved to the second tick mark (2), records 251– 750 aredisplayed. The vertical record scroll tool, shown below in red, can be used to accessrecords within this 500 record set. In this example, if the horizontal record scroll tool is in thesecond position (2) , the vertical record scroll tool is in the bottom most position, whichdisplays the last of the 500 records, for our example record number 750.

If the vertical record scroll tool is moved to the uppermost position the first of the 500records will be displayed in the data table, for our example record number 251. Records ofany size database can be easily displayed and accessed by using the horizontal andvertical record scroll tools.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Working with Tables

Clicking on a table column heading will automatically sort the record based on the selectedfield. Table columns may be repositioned by selecting the column and dragging it to thedesired position. PDMS saves your table preferences. If entries are too large to field in thecurrent column settings, PDMS will append the entry display with three periods “…” toindicate that additional information is available.

You can adjust the column width by grabbing and adjusting the position of thecolumn-heading field. Defining which database fields are displayed in the database tablecan be controlled by a right click with the mouse in the database table. This displays acomplete list of all available database fields. You can click Show All to display all availablefields, or select Show Only Time Date and check off the all database fields of interest asshown below.

Table row heights can be adjusted by dragging the row height adjustment control.

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The size of the Spectral Graph can be adjusted either by grabbing the edge of the programand resizing the window, or by grabbing the line that separates the Table Data from theGraph section.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Importing Data

PHAZIR Data Management System imports data from PHAZIR Data Files, which aregenerated by PHAZIR Applications and stored in the PHAZIR’s onboard database.

The filenames and contents of the PHAZIR Data File are controlled by the PHAZIR MethodGenerator which creates applications. With this software the system administrator definesthe PHAZIR Data File and whether spectrum and predicted results(identification/quantitative analysis) values are stored. The image below shows a portion ofPHAZIR Method Generator Software Methods Save screen. In this example the PHAZIRData File is called Application1.

The PHAZIR Data file name is also concatenated with the PHAZIR serial number. In this waythe PDMS can manage data from multiple PHAZIR devices. So in this example, with aPHAZIR serial number of 1234, the final PHAZIR Data File name would be“Application1-1234”.

To import a PHAZIR data table make sure the PHAZIR is turned on and is ready to connectto a PC. When you attach the USB cable, you should see a message on the LCD display“Preparing data ...” followed by “USB cable attached”. This indicates that the PHAZIR isready to transfer data.

Next select Import Data form the PDMS File menu

Open the PHAZIR drive and select the desired PHAZIR Data File. These are stored in theroot directory on the PHAZIR (\PHAZIR\Applications-1234).

Each record contains a unique record identification number, which is used to synchronizethe data and transfer all of the records not already stored. PDMS will present the followingmessage when the data import is successfully completed.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Importing Data

PHAZIR Data Management System imports data from PHAZIR Data Files, which aregenerated by PHAZIR Applications and stored in the PHAZIR’s onboard database.

The filenames and contents of the PHAZIR Data File are controlled by the PHAZIR MethodGenerator which creates applications. With this software the system administrator definesthe PHAZIR Data File and whether spectrum and predicted results(identification/quantitative analysis) values are stored. The image below shows a portion ofPHAZIR Method Generator Software Methods Save screen. In this example the PHAZIRData File is called Application1.

The PHAZIR Data file name is also concatenated with the PHAZIR serial number. In this waythe PDMS can manage data from multiple PHAZIR devices. So in this example, with aPHAZIR serial number of 1234, the final PHAZIR Data File name would be“Application1-1234”.

To import a PHAZIR data table make sure the PHAZIR is turned on and is ready to connectto a PC. When you attach the USB cable, you should see a message on the LCD display“Preparing data ...” followed by “USB cable attached”. This indicates that the PHAZIR isready to transfer data.

Next select Import Data form the PDMS File menu

Open the PHAZIR drive and select the desired PHAZIR Data File. These are stored in theroot directory on the PHAZIR (\PHAZIR\Applications-1234).

Each record contains a unique record identification number, which is used to synchronizethe data and transfer all of the records not already stored. PDMS will present the followingmessage when the data import is successfully completed.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Exporting Tables

It may be necessary to export data to other programs. For example the user may wish to usePHAZIR Data Management System to organize data that will be later processed usingPHAZIR Method Generation Software in order to produce a new PHAZIR Application. In thiscase it is common that the user will acquire calibration data using the Collect-Rx PHAZIRapplication and later transfer the data to the PHAZIR Method Generation Software using theExport Table function.

To export the desired data, first select the database that conatins the data you wish toexport.

Then select the Export Table from the File menu.

A window with Export Data option will appear. These options will allow you to control whichrecords will be exported from the database.

Export Data Types: Allows you to select one or more of the entry types listed for export.

Export Range: Allows you to specify a subset of the table to be exported. Your options areas follows:

Selected Records: allows you to specify that the data you wish to export is currentlyselected. In order to use this option, you must select the desired rows beforeperforming the Eport Table function.

All Records: will cause the entire database to be exported. Date Ranged: this allows you export data that was taken during a selected date

range. This method uses the date associated with the spectra, as defined by thePHAZIR during data collection, to filter the records to export.

After clicking OK, a dialog opens allowing you to select a location and filename you canexport to. You can specify either an unencoded CSV file format, or the encoded PBRformat. Both of these formats are compatible with PHAZIR Method Generator, but only theCSV can be viewed by excel or a text editor.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Deleting Database Tables

Only users with Administrator privileges, as configured in the PHAZIR Setup Utility, candelete database tables.

Warning: Once a database is deleted it cannot be restored, without reloading the originalPHAZIR data file. Use this function carefully.

To delete a database table select Delete Table in the Edit menu.

The operator is prompted to verify the action.

If a table is deleted and the PHAZIR data file is still loaded on the PHAZIR or storedelsewhere, it can be re-imported.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Deleting Records

All records in the PDMS are permanent and cannot be deleted. There may be occasionswhere certain records are invalid and it may be desirable to separate them from otherrecords. For example, perhaps data was acquired without the sample being present. Whilerecords cannot be deleted they can be marked as Deleted. The delete marking allows thedatabase to be filtered so that records marked Deleted can be ignored.

To mark a record as deleted simply select a record from the database table and click onthe Delete Selected button.

The operator is then prompted to provide some optional text information to describe thereason for marking the scan as Deleted which is saved in the comments field.

Notice in this example that the record with RowID 850 was marked as deleted (A). After theDeletion process was executed the record is deleted from the displayed database tableand the database table status now indicates that there is 1 deleted record (B).

Note: Records may also be marked for removal directly from the PHAZIR Analyzer using the

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Scan Marking function. The Scan Marking allows operators a method to indicate when badscans have been measured. For example the operator may accidentally pull the triggerbefore the sample was ready for measurement. In this case the operator can use the ScanMarking function by pressing the down arrow button immediately after a scan is acquiredand selecting a scan marking from the list. If the selected scan marking was defined as Mark for Removal it will be filtered by PHAZIR Data Management System on import.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Adding a Comment

PHAZIR Data Management System provides a function to allow users to add comments torecords. To add a comment, select a record from the Database Table. Click on the Add Commentsbutton and add the desired comments.

When you are finished click OK and the comment will be added to the record in the COMMENTS column.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Adding a Comment

PHAZIR Data Management System provides a function to allow users to add comments torecords. To add a comment, select a record from the Database Table. Click on the Add Commentsbutton and add the desired comments.

When you are finished click OK and the comment will be added to the record in the COMMENTS column.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Electronic Signatures

The PHAZIR Data Management System is used to apply and record electronic signatures.PHAZIR Data Management System incorporates four different signing levels called L1, L2,L3, and L4. The configuration of electronic signatures and signing levels is managed by thePHAZIR Setup Utility.

To apply an electronic signature, select the desired record(s) from the table. The selectedrecord(s) are highlighted in blue. Now click on the Sign Selected button.

The operator will be prompted to reenter the User ID and password

Now the electronic signature has been applied to the record. In this case the Admin userwas configured in PHAZIR Setup Utility with L4 or the highest level of signature.

You may select one record to apply a single electronics signature or batch mode byselecting multiple records.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Field Definitions

The following is a partial listing of the Fields which may be found in any Database withinPHAZIR Data Management System. Not all of these fields will appear in all databases, andother fields are possible as well.

With only a few notable exceptions, all columns that PHAZIR Data Management Systemrecognizes as protected, will not be editable. Aditionally, any unrecognized columns areassumed to be editable.

Editable columns will have the column header written in Italics to help the user easily identifythem.

Entry TypeThis is a field used todefine the type ofelectronic recordcontained in the PDMS.

B=Background ScanS=Sample Scan

Time This is the event time GMT or local timedepending on the settingin the PHAZIR SetupUtility

Date This is the event dateGMT or local timedepending on the settingin the PHAZIR SetupUtility


This is a serializationnumber associated withthe spectrum

The number incrementswith each spectrum(sample or background)with each trigger pull, untilreset.

User ID This is the user FirstName and Last Name

These fields are definedin PHAZIR Setup Utility

Scans The Number of samplescan(s) Any whole number

NotesA field created by theapplication, usually itdescribes the type of thespectra

Any alphanumericcharacter string

Record ID

This is a uniqueidentifier for eachsample record, no tworecords can have thesame record ID

The syntax is time/datestamp+device serialnumber

Audit Trail This is an audit trail forthe electronic record.

The syntax is time/datestamp + User First Name+ User Last Name+PHAZIR application

FPGA versionThis is the versionnumber of the drivers forthe PHAZIR system.

HHApp version This is the version of the

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display and predictionengine.

Device SerialNumber

This is the serial numberfor the PHAZIR device

Group ID

Is a field of informationused to identify thesample beingmeasured.This field is used byPHAZIR MethodGenerator to set thegroup setting forqualitative analysisapplications. This fieldcan be edited usingPHAZIR setup Utility.

Any alphanumericcharacter string


This field indicates theoperational qualificationstatus (OQ) of thePHAZIR when data wascollect.

GOOD = OQ passedBAD = OQ failed orexpiredOFF = OQ and PQ weredisabled in the PHAZIRSetup Utility


This field indicates theoperational qualificationstatus (PQ) of thePHAZIR when data wascollect.

GOOD = PQ passedBAD = PQ failed orexpiredOFF = PQ and PQ weredisabled in the PHAZIRSetup Utility

SampleInformation (SI)

This field containsaddition informationrelated to the sample.

These fields areconfigured using PHAZIRMethod Generator

Check SumSpecial code used toprotect records andprevent illegally altereddata.

Row IDIndicates the row withinthe PDMS database fora particular record

Row DeletedIndicates whether a rowhas been marked asdeleted.

“X” is visible whenviewing deleted spectra.“U” is visible if spectrahas been un-deleted


This field is an audit trailfor the PDMS. PDMSallows certain fields tobe modified. When afield is modified an audittrail entry isautomatically producedin the Change Log


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Comments This is a field to provideadditional comments Alphanumeric characters.


These are the fields thatindicate electronicsignatures.

The user First Name andLast Name are entered inthe L1-L4 fieldsdepending on how theuser permissions areconfigured in the PHAZIRSetup Utility software.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Working with Tables

Clicking on a table column heading will automatically sort the record based on the selectedfield. Table columns may be repositioned by selecting the column and dragging it to thedesired position. PDMS saves your table preferences. If entries are too large to field in thecurrent column settings, PDMS will append the entry display with three periods “…” toindicate that additional information is available.

You can adjust the column width by grabbing and adjusting the position of thecolumn-heading field. Defining which database fields are displayed in the database tablecan be controlled by a right click with the mouse in the database table. This displays acomplete list of all available database fields. You can click Show All to display all availablefields, or select Show Only Time Date and check off the all database fields of interest asshown below.

Table row heights can be adjusted by dragging the row height adjustment control.

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The size of the Spectral Graph can be adjusted either by grabbing the edge of the programand resizing the window, or by grabbing the line that separates the Table Data from theGraph section.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Selecting Records

To select a record, simply select and highlight the table row containing the desiredrecord(s). You will see the spectrum in the graph for each record. You may select multiplerecords by using the windows ctrl and shift conventions.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Graph Tool

The PHAZIR Data Management System graphs the selected spectra. Other data types donot graph.

Clicking and dragging within the graph pane allows zooming into the range selected.Control-click and drag allows panning.

If you select a record in Database Table and right click with the cursor in the spectral grapharea the following menu items will appear

Copy: Copies the spectral graph to the windows clipboard

Save Image As: Saves the spectral graph in EMF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIF, and BMPimaging formats.

Page Setup: Page configuration options.

Print: Print current spectral graph

Un-Zoom: Un-zooms the last zoom

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Undo All Zoom/Pan: Un-zooms all zooms

Set Scale to Default: Rescales spectral display to pre-set coordinates

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PHAZIR Data Management System Color Coded Displays

PHAZIR Data Management System provides a function to color code the displayed resultsfor visualizing spectral data. Color-coding can be based on various criteria including UserID, Group ID, and Sample Information fields.

Select the Color By item in the View menu and the criteria field.

Then select the records of interest from the database table. You will see that the databaserecord and spectral plots are color coded as shown below.

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PHAZIR Data Management System View Filter

All records in PDMS are permanent and cannot be deleted. When a record is marked asDeleted is simply filtered out of the current database table. To view deleted records adjustthe Filter function by selecting Filter By in the View Menu. Then select View DeletedEntries.

The view filter setting will be remebered when PDMS is exited and restarted. To checkwhich type of records are being viewed, take note of the "Currently Viewing" line locatedalong the top of the program, next to the file menu.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Generating and Printing Reports

PHAZIR Data Management System provides tools to generate and print reports. Togenerate a report first select the Report Setting item in the Reports menu. This will displaya list box with the available reports. You can select the report from the list. In this exampleReport 1 was shown.

To generate a report first select a record from the database table. Then select the RunReports item from the Reports menu. A report preview will be displayed. You can Savethe report as a JPEG file (image file format) or Print the report. Reports can be saved in anon-editable PDF file format if you have Adobe Distiller (or equivalent) program installed.

If you select multiple records you can choose to Save All or Print All. If you select Save All formultiple reports you will be prompted for a base filename for the report. PDMS willautomatically increment the base filename by 1 and save the reports in consecutive filenames (i.e. report1, report2, etc.) You can view multiple reports by selecting the Previewand Next buttons.

To cancel this window simply close the window.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Generating and Printing Reports

PHAZIR Data Management System provides tools to generate and print reports. Togenerate a report first select the Report Setting item in the Reports menu. This will displaya list box with the available reports. You can select the report from the list. In this exampleReport 1 was shown.

To generate a report first select a record from the database table. Then select the RunReports item from the Reports menu. A report preview will be displayed. You can Savethe report as a JPEG file (image file format) or Print the report. Reports can be saved in anon-editable PDF file format if you have Adobe Distiller (or equivalent) program installed.

If you select multiple records you can choose to Save All or Print All. If you select Save All formultiple reports you will be prompted for a base filename for the report. PDMS willautomatically increment the base filename by 1 and save the reports in consecutive filenames (i.e. report1, report2, etc.) You can view multiple reports by selecting the Previewand Next buttons.

To cancel this window simply close the window.

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PHAZIR Data Management System Custom Reports

PHAZIR Data Management System (PDMS) reports are saved in a HTML report template.Custom reports can be generated using appropriate third party software. PDMS databaseheadings can be inserted into HTML documents by inserting the heading in between #$delimiting characters. For example to include the PHAZIR Device Serial Number into areport insert:


It is important to note that the entire keyword should be typed as it is displayed in the headerof the desired column, including spaces. Additionally, the entire keyword must appear on asingle line in the HTML source.

The following is an example of a basic report.

<html><head><title>PHAZIR Data Management System Custom Reports</title></head><body><div align="center"> <h1>Company Name</h1><p><img src="companylogo.gif" width="362" height="106"></p><table width="80%" border="0"><tr><td>PHAZIR Serial Number:</td> <td>#$DEVICE SERIAL NUMBER$#</td></tr><tr><td>Application:</td><td>#$SCRIPT NAME$#</td></tr><tr><td>Identification:</td><td>#$PROCESS RESULT$#</td></tr><tr><td>Measurement:</td><td>#$MEASUREMENT NUMBER$#</td></tr><tr><td>GroupID:</td><td>#$GROUP ID$#</td></tr><tr><td>Sample Info:</td><td>#$SI,1$# #$SI,2$# #$SI,3$#</td></tr><tr><td>Scan Date:</td><td>#$DATE$#</td></tr><tr><td>Scan Time:</td><td>#$TIME$#</td></tr><tr><td>User ID:</td><td>#$USER ID$#</td></tr><tr><td>Signed by</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>Level 1:</td><td>#$L1 SIGN$#</td></tr><tr><td>Level 2:</td><td>#$L2 SIGN$#</td></tr><tr><td>Level 3:</td><td>#$L3 SIGN$#</td></tr><tr><td>Level 4:</td><td>#$L4 SIGN$#</td></tr><tr><td>Record ID:</td><td>#$RECORD ID$#</td></tr></table></div><p align="center">#$GRAPH,600,450$#</p></body></html>

The above report would result in the following.

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