pg_proctab: Accessing System Stats in PostgreSQL

pg proctab Accessing System Stats in PostgreSQL Mark Wong [email protected] PostgreSQL Conference East 2010 March 25-28, 2010


Mark Wongpg_proctab is a collection of PostgreSQL stored functions that provide access to the operating system process table using SQL. We'll show you which functions are available and where they collect the data, and give examples of their use to collect processor and I/O statistics on SQL queries.

Transcript of pg_proctab: Accessing System Stats in PostgreSQL

pg proctabAccessing System Stats in PostgreSQL

Mark [email protected]

PostgreSQL Conference East 2010

March 25-28, 2010

Slides available on slideshare


◮ Brief review of what PostgreSQL stats are available

◮ How pg proctab may help


Some of the PostgreSQL system catalog tables:

◮ pg stat activity

◮ pg stat database

◮ pg stat all tables

◮ pg stat all indexes

◮ pg statio all tables

◮ pg statio all indexes

Example: pg stat activity

SELECT datname, procpid, usename, current_query

FROM pg_stat_activity

WHERE current_query <> ’<IDLE>’;

datname dbt5

procpid 3260

usename postgres

current_query SELECT * FROM TradeLookupFrame3(

’2006-2-27 9:15:0’,43000050000,20,

’2005-11-23 12:6:8’,’ENGAPRB’)


Example: pg stat database

SELECT datname, numbackends, xact_commit, xact_rollback

FROM pg_stat_database

ORDER BY datname;

datname dbt5

numbackends 11

xact_commit 228458

xact_rollback 320

Example: pg stat all tables

SELECT seq_scan, idx_scan, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd,


FROM pg_stat_all_tables

WHERE relname = ’customer’;

seq_scan 10

idx_scan 152795

n_tup_ins 5000

n_tup_upd 0

n_tup_del 0

Example: pg statio all tables

SELECT heap_blks_read, heap_blks_hit, idx_blks_read,


FROM pg_statio_all_tables

WHERE relname = ’customer’;

heap_blks_read 26897

heap_blks_hit 141581

idx_blks_read 5577

idx_blks_hit 328770

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What about operating system statistics?

◮ I/O? — iostat

◮ Processor Utilization? — mpstat

◮ Per Process Statistics? — pidstat

◮ Other system activity? — sar

◮ and so on...

Introducing pg proctab

pg proctab is a collection of four C stored functions:

◮ pg cputime

◮ pg loadavg

◮ pg memusage

◮ pg proctab

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Some of the things pg proctab should help with

◮ Query operating system process table

◮ Query operating system statistics◮ Processor time◮ Load averages◮ Memory usage

◮ Without escaping out to a shell!

◮ generate reports about timeslices

Note: Following examples are from Linux based systems.

pg cputime() Example


FROM pg_cputime();

user 31529387

nice 76

system 6865679

idle 574707718

iowait 1985455

pg cputime() Column Description

From Linux kernel source code atDocumentation/filesystems/proc.txt:user: normal processes executing in user modenice: niced processes executing in user modesystem: processes executing in kernel modeidle: processes twiddling thumbsiowait: waiting for I/O to complete

pg loadavg() Example


FROM pg_loadavg();

load1 7.71

load5 7.73

load15 7.62

last_pid 4623

pg loadavg() Column Description

load1: load average of last minuteload5: load average of last 5 minutesload15: load average of last 15 minuteslast pid: last pid running

pg memusage() Example


FROM pg_memusage();

memused 32793836

memfree 157704

memshared 0

membuffers 94216

memcached 31749292

swapused 13960

swapfree 3986216

swapcached 1264

pg memusage() Column Description

Paraphrased from Linux kernel source code atDocumentation/filesystems/proc.txt:memused: Total physical RAM usedmemfree: Total physical RAM not usedmemshared: Not used, always 0. (For Solaris.)membuffers: Temporary storage for raw disk blocksmemcached: In-memory cache for files read from diskswapused: Total swap space usedswapfree: Memory evicted from RAM that is now temporary ondiskswapcached: Memory that was swapped out, now swapped in butstill in swap

pg proctab() Partial Column Description

Everything from the operating system such as /proc/<pid>/stat,/proc/<pid>/io and /proc/<pid>/cmdline as well as datafrom PostgreSQL system catalog such as pg stat activity tableare available but we’ll only cover some of the fields here:Informative:

◮ pid

◮ comm - filename of the executable

◮ fullcomm (/proc/<pid>/cmdline)

◮ uid

◮ username


◮ utime - user mode jiffies

◮ stime - kernel mode jiffies

. . .

pg proctab() Partial Column Description (cont.)


◮ vsize - virtual memory size

◮ rss - resident set memory size


◮ syscr - number of read I/O operations

◮ syscw - number of write I/O operations

◮ reads - number of bytes which this process really did cause tobe fetched from the storage layer

◮ writes - number of bytes which this process really did cause tobe sent from the storage layer

◮ cwrites - number of bytes which this process caused to nothappen, by truncating pagecache

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pg proctab() Example

SELECT datname, procpid, processor, state, fullcomm

FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_proctab()

WHERE procpid = pid;

datname dbt5

procpid 3260

processor 6

state R

fullcomm postgres: postgres dbt5


datname dbt5

procpid 3261

processor 1

state R

fullcomm postgres: postgres dbt5


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/ \~~~/ \ . o O | Measuring performance |

,----( oo ) | of a query. |

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You can find the following helper scripts in the pg proctab

contrib directory.

Create snapshot tables

Create a set of tables to hold all of the information returned bythese 4 stored functions. Also creates a table to timestamp when asnapshot of data is taken.

psql -f create-ps_procstat-tables.sql

Identify yourself.

dbt3=# SELECT *

FROM pg_backend_pid();




(1 row)

Take a snapshot before running the query

dbt3=# \i ps_procstat-snap.sql





(1 row)


Execute an SQL statement

Don’t focus too much on the actual query, the idea is that is youwant to collect statistics for a single query:

SELECT nation,


Sum(amount) AS sum_profit

FROM (SELECT n_name AS nation,

Extract(YEAR FROM o_orderdate) AS o_year,

l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity AS amount

FROM part,






WHERE s_suppkey = l_suppkey

AND ps_suppkey = l_suppkey

AND ps_partkey = l_partkey

AND p_partkey = l_partkey

AND o_orderkey = l_orderkey

AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey

AND p_name LIKE ’%white%’) AS profit

GROUP BY nation,


ORDER BY nation,

o_year DESC;

Take a snapshot after running the query

dbt3=# \i ps_procstat-snap.sql





(1 row)


Calculate Processor Utilization

$ ./ [pid] [before] [after]

$ ./ 4590 1 2

Processor Utilization = 1.00 %

What the script does (partially) should be the same as top:

SELECT stime, utime, stime + utime AS total,

extract(epoch FROM time)

FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b

WHERE pid = ${PID}

AND a.snap = b.snap

AND a.snap = ${SNAP1}

Calculate Disk Utilization

$ ./ 4590 1 2

Reads = 276981

Writes = 63803

Reads (Bytes) = 2164604928

Writes (Bytes) = 508166144

Cancelled (Bytes) = 36880384

SELECT syscr, syscw, reads, writes, cwrites

FROM ps_snaps a, ps_procstat b

WHERE pid = ${PID}

AND a.snap = b.snap

AND a.snap = ${SNAP1}

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/ \~~~/ \ . o O | Warning! Too much data |

,----( oo ) | to fit on screen! |

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Creating Reports: Section 1

Database : dbt5

Snapshot Start : 2010-03-26 15:24:51.516226-07

Snapshot End : 2010-03-26 15:25:51.57661-07


Database Statistics


Commits : 421

Rollbacks : 2

Blocks Read : 13919368

Blocks Hit : 7876506

Creating Reports: Section 2


Table Statistics


------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------

Schema.Relation Seq Scan Seq Tup Read Idx Scan Idx Tup Fetch N Tup Ins N Tup Upd

------------------------------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ------------- --------- ---------

. . .

public.account_permission 0 0 3 3 0

public.address 0 0 488 732 0 169 8067 259 259 0 39

public.cash_transaction 0 0 952 928 37 77

public.charge 39 585 0 0 0

public.commission_rate 60 9820 18 44 0 2 5000 1496 1496 0

public.company_competitor 0 0 61 183 0

public.customer 0 0 375 375 0

public.customer_account 0 0 690 968 0 37

public.customer_taxrate 20 200000 40 40 0

public.daily_market 0 0 4322 4962 0

. . .

Creating Reports: Section 2 - Falling off the right side...

◮ N Tup Upd

◮ N Tup Del

◮ Last Vacuum

◮ Last Autovacuum

◮ Last Analyze

◮ Last Autoanalyze

Creating Reports: Section 3


Index Statistics


--------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------ -------------

Schema.Relation.Index Idx Scan Idx Tup Read Idx Tup Fetch

--------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------ -------------

. . .

public.account_permission.pk_account_permission 3 3 3

public.address.pk_address 488 732 732 259 259 259

public.cash_transaction.pk_cash_transaction 952 998 928

public.charge.pk_charge 0 0 0

public.commission_rate.pk_commission_rate 18 44 0 14 14 14 1482 1482 1482

public.company_competitor.pk_company_competitor 61 183 183

public.customer.i_c_tax_id 27 27 27

public.customer.pk_customer 348 348 348

public.customer_account.i_ca_c_id 198 477 476

. . .

What else can we do with pg proctab?

Enable pg top to monitor remote databases by providing access tothe database system’s operating system process table.

pg top

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. . . the fine print . . .



◮ git clone

git:// proctab.git


Haley Jane Wakenshaw

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