Pfaff 259 Instruction Book 2.60



sewing machine owner's manual

Transcript of Pfaff 259 Instruction Book 2.60





Your dreom hos come l rue!

You ore now lhe proud owner of o PFAFF 259 -- fhe sewing mochine wilh countless creotive possibilifies.

This instruclion book will help you underslond the mochine ond give you voluoble tips io moke sewing more fun for you'

Even if you ore on experienced seomslress, you will find this book o voluoble guide to eosy sewing.

Follow these simple inslruclions ond fomiliorize yourself with the exclusive feotures of your mochine. You will find sewing exciiing

on your eosy-lo-operofe PFAFF 259.

lf you hove ony sewing problems, pleose confocl your Pfoff deoler. He will be glod to help you ot ony time'

Pfoff Internot iono I Corporol ion

New York, N.Y.



1 Threqd lqke-uP lever

2 Threqd retoiner s lud

3 Tigzog {inger-l iP conlrol

4 Bobbin winder

5 Slop mol ion knob

6 St i tch length diol







Reverse leed conlrol

Light switch

Drop leed conlrol

Needle plole

Tronsverse rolorY hook

Bed sl ide

13 Needle

14 Aulomot ic needle lhreoder

' | 5 Needle lhreqd fension

16 Sewl ight

17 Sf i tch width diol

18 Needle posi l ion leYer


R8292 |

19 Bolonce wheel

20 Col lopsible spool p ins

21 Top cover

22 Needle lhreoder control


Foce cover

Presser bqr l i f ler

Sewing {ool lhumb screw

Sewing foot

. .,,..... ,:,.. i

Needle sel screw

Bed plole

Spoce for bui l t - in motor

Double receplocle lor speed control ond

power cords








R 8250

7 u o)aunentals o$ TkacAine Qpazation

{ Mqke sure slop motion knob b is lightened before you

begin sewing (clockwise os indicoled by whife orrow).

Whenever you hove lo lurn bolonce wheel o, lurn i t lo-

word you (counler-clockwise os shown by block orrow).

Never run o lhreoded mochine unless you hove fobr ic under lhe presser foot .

The mochine wi l l feed lhe moter iq l under lhe sewing foot oulomol icol ly. Al l you hove to do

is guide lhe work. Never t ry lo hoslen feeding by pushing or pul l ing lhe fobr ic whi le st i tching

becouse lhe needle moy bend or breok.

{ Alwoys lurn lhe bolqnce wheel toword you unl i l toke-up

lever d is ol its highest posifion before you begin ond

of ler you hove completed q seom. Foi lure to observe this

rule moy couse lhe threod lo s l ip oul of the needle eye.

Also, i t is eosier lo remove lhe work wi lh the toke-up

Iever up.

€lecezical I n$ocn ation

Push plug I in lo receptocle 2, ond plug 3

ot ofher end of cord inlo the woll outlet.

The fool or knee conlrol is permonently

connected to lhe mochine.

Knee Conlrol

Press the r ight knee l ighl ly

ogoinst the knee conlrol lever.

The horder you press, the fqsfer

the mochine wi l l run.

Fool Conlrol

Ploce lhe fool conlrol under the

cobinet within eosy reoch of your

fool. Rest the right foot on the

speed conlrol ond press. The

horder you press, the fosler lhe

mcichine wi l l run.


R 7132

StcaigAt Stitchiog

{ For stroight-stitch sewing sel:

Diol A-0

Lever B - I


Diol G regulotes the s i i lch length ( lhe higher the number on the diol , the longer the )

st i fch). To bocklock the end of o seom, s imply depress the f inger- l ip conlrol .




;2igaag $eruing

lf you wont lo sew o few wide zigzog stitches while the mochine is sel for stroighl

stitching (A on 0), merely press down lhe finger-tip conirol. When the lever is

releosed, lhe mochine resumes sfroight stitching outomoticolly,

To sew longer zigzog seoms, lurn diol A to desired stitch width (indicoted by

numbers 1 to 4).

When diol A is set between r /z ond 2, you con double the st i tch width by depress-

ing the f inger- t ip conlrol ( imporfonf for moking bul tonholes ond non-outo-

mof ic embroidery desig ns).

When you push lhe control up, the mochine wi l l sew stroighl , regordless of lhe

stitch widlh sef.

Lever B chonges fhe posi t ion of lhe needle in lhe needle plole s lot . Thus the

stitching con be moved from the cenler to the left or right of lhe slot, os desired.

Diol G lengthens zigzog st i fches or

----,-> pocks lhem more closely fogether

(sotin stitch).

The position ol lever B (left, cenier, right) indi-

cofes lhe posifion of lhe needle in ihe needle

plote slot.








Poss end of lhreod ihrough slot in bobbin, f rom inside. Set bobbin on bobbin winder

spindle so lhot key ot bose of spindle enters s lot in bobbin. Press in lever i .

Hold end of threod ond sfort mochine. Hoving wound o few turns, breok of f end of

threqd ond conl inue winding.

Bobbin winder wi l l s top outomol icol ly when bobbin is fu l l .

l f you don' t wonl o fu l l bobbin, press out lever i when suff ic ienl qmounl of lhreod hqs

been wound.

Ignsezting a jattSo66in ineoVoShin Case

As shown in i l luslrot ion 1, hold bobbin in le{ l hond so lhot lhe ihreod end fol ls

from lhe top down loword you, ond insert bobbin in lo bobbin cose'

( i Hold ihe bobbin f i rmly in the bobbin cose ond pul l the ihreqd into the cose slot .\y

/ i Pul l lhe threqd under lhe lension spr ing unl i l i l emerges from lhe opening ot\g

lheendol lhespr ing.Leoveoboul threeinchesof lhreodhonging{romlhe

bobbin cose.

@ Hold the cose by i ts open lotch, so thol the bobbin connol fo l l out ' V

R 8001

ftemooin g eheV o6 6 in Ca se

Roise needle to i ts highesi point ond open bed sl ide, so you

con see sewing hook.

Reoch under the mochine wi lh your le{ t hond ond l i f t lotch k

wi lh your foref inger. Pul l oul bobbin cose wi lh bobbin by

holding the lo ich. When you releose lq lch k the empiy bobbin

drops oul .


fuppee cf.Acea)ing

Ploce spool o{ threod on spool pin 3 ond leod threod end through both

lhreod retoiner openings 4 (see illustrotion opposite).

Leod threqd clockwise oround tension qnd pull it belween ony lwo oi

lhe tension discs 5.

Br ing loke-up lever 6 os high os i i wi l l go ond poss ihreod l rom r ight

fo lelt fhrough one ol the holes ol ils end. Pull threod inlo slots ol left

of threqd guides 7 ond 8 ond then into the s lof o l lef f of needle c lomp 9.

Then threod needle, fronl lo bock.

do this {or you eosi lY ond quicklY.

The oulomol ic needle lhreoder wi l l



t t .

lrii11i i



Q yncatio g eAe /{ ed te cf.Azea)ez

{ B"fo." you begin, moke sure thol lhe needle is of i ls h ighesl posi t ion, i .e. thot the lower hole of the

oscending toke-up lever d is in line wilh fhe bottom edge of fhe iop cover.

Now lower lhe sewing foot ond

O Wiih your lef t hond push needle threoder conirol down uni i l lhreoder prong w (see opposi fe

poge) penetrotes needle eye. Keep control in lhis position.

6x Hold threod loosely ond leod i f f rom lef t oround lhe smol l p in, fhen ploce i t behind hool<

of lhreoder prong.

Releose control s l ight ly unl i l prong w reverses ond pul ls ihreod through needle eye.

Jerk confrol down ogoin so the threod loop wi l l fq l l of f the prong. Pul l threod lhrough needle

eye ond releose conlrol.


@R 7068

R 801'l

When you hove hod suff ic ient needle lhreoding procf ice, you moy

shorten the procedure qs fo l lows:

Push needle threoder control down. Ploce lhreqd behind hook of prong

w so thol i ls end is obout r /z inch to the r ight of lhe prong. Slowly re-

leose control . Prong w now pul ls end of the threod -- insteod of the

loop -- ihrough needle eye.

Since loke-up lever d is nof ot i ts h ighest point when you lhreod the

needle, pul l obout four inches of threod through lhe needle eye before

you begin sewing.


Durcing ilp the?o66tncf.Azea)

Hold needle threod l ight ly in your lef l hqnd. Turn bolqnce wheel tbword you unt i l the

needle moves down ond up qgoin ond toke-up lever reoches i ts highesf posi l ion.

Light ly pul l needle ihreod lo drow bobbin threod up through needle plote s lot . Ploce

both threods bock under sewing fool before you pui fobric into mqchine.


Coueet (f,en s io n ft'eg u latio n

Bolonced lensions ore essent io l for sewing. l f your lension is correcf , you wi l l

hove per{ect seoms os skelched below ( l l l ) .

Skeich | - The lhreods inter lock on ihe underside of lhe fobr ic '

Co use: Upper lension loo loose or lower ienqion too t ight '

Sketch l l - The threods inter lock on the surfqce of the fobr ic '

Co use : Upper tension loo t ight or lower tension loo loose'


ATo check whether ihe lensions ore correcl ly bolonced, loke

o closely woven piece of fqbric ond sew o few slroighl

ond zigzog seqms. l l fhe stroight st i tches ore l ight ly drown

in on both s ides of fhe {obr ic (see seom sketch l l l ) ' the

lensions ore correcl . The surest woy lo double-check this

is by exomining o z igzog seom. l f the z igzog seom is

equol ly wide on surfoce ond underside of ihe fobr ic, thot

is. i f the threods ore locked exocl ly ol ihe z igs ond zogs

o{ lhe seom, lhe lension odiustmenl is correcf .


- - ' ' - - , ' . - . " , .4

R 8004

i::n6ti'{*r'FttiaE-:l-5iFffiffi" -

| .*

/?eg a tating the n fued nen s io nThe bobbin threod lension rorely needs odiust ing, excepf for embroidery when i l

should be o l i f l le t ighler ihqn for ordinory sewing. Adiustmenl is mode by o

smol l knur led screwon the bobbin cose which cqn be lurned wi ih thethumb t ip.

Turn i t lef t g(K lor looser tension.

Turn i i r ighi F1 for l ighter tension.

Delermine correcl bobbin tension by holding the lhreod end between fhumb

ond foref inger ond let t ing the bobbin cose hong freely. The lension should be

slrong enough to keep the bobbin cose from being pul led down by i fs own

weight. However, qs you ierk your hond sl ight ly, the bobbin cose should grod-

uol ly s l ide down.




The f inqlsf i tch oppeoronce con be reguloled by the upper

tension diol , os fo l lows:

Turn left y{( for looser tension.

Turn righf >>-\ for tighler tension.

The upper tension is so designed thqt ol l grodes of ien-

sion -- loose to tight -- con be covered wifh one complete

turn o{ the tension diql . The numbers on the tension diql

indicote di f ferent degrees of tension. The higher fhe num-

ber, the greofer the lension. For ordinory sewing, the

upper lension should be set between 3 ond 5.

Your upper lension hos o third disc for two-neddle work.

;jtitcfi Aength fteg alatio n

Turn diol unt i l lhe number indicot ing the desired sf i tch length is opposi te the

mork on the diol housing (see stroighi orrow). Or sew q few st i lches ond regu-

lote st i tch length os required.

To foci l i fote sol in s l i iching, the 0-1 ronge on the scole is iust os Iorge os ihe

1-4 sect ion. The sett ing depends on lhe type of fobr ic ond lhreod size used'

For normol sol in sf i lching, set d io l on 0.2.

fteoeue $ercing

To bockfockthe beginning or end of o seom, s imply press ihe f ingerJip control

down. When the confrol is re leosed, lhe mqchine resumes forword sewing

outomol icol ly. This feolure is ideol for dorning r ips wi th fhe ordinory sewing


To do lh is, operole ihe conlrol in rhythm qnd move lhe fobr ic s l ight ly s idewoys.

In lh is woy, one seom is ploced neol ly beside ihe olher.

The reverse sf i tches wi l l be obout lhe some length os forword s l i lches'

{ ,

, l


Vcepping the /hachine jaaV

The mqchine feed is dropped for dorning, hoop embroidery ond but lon sew-


To lower feed below the needle plote, lurn drop feed confrol v c lock-

wise. Fqbr ic wi l l ceose feedino.

( When conlrol v is lurned to the r ight os for qs i t wi l l go, feeding o{ lhe\y

fobr ic resumes outomot icol ly when you stor l sewing.

CAanging eAe $eruing joot

Lif t both needle ond presser bors to iheir h ighest posi l ions

o nd lu rn lhe sewing fool ih u m b screwlo the lef f . Ti l t the foot

s idewoys ond pul l i l down. Sl ip on new fool ond l ighten

lhe screw securely.

R 8012





n heTazningloot

Remove the sewing foot. Al toch dorning fool f rom lhe reor '

Hold spr ing c l ip n so lhot i t is behind the needle c lomp

screw, ond l ighlen screw c. Al loch dorning hook d os i l lus-

l roted so thot when you lower presser bo r l i f ter e, the do rn-

ing foot wi l l s toy in posi t ion. Remember to lower presser

bor l i f ter e so ihol lhe upper tension is oct ivoted.

Caze an) /Llaintenance

Longevi ty ond smoolh mochine performonce ore dependenl on regulor ond

proper c leoning ond oi l ing.

Use Pfof f sewing mochine oi l only. Never lubr icote mochine wi ih onimol or

vegetoble oi ls. Remove ol l l int before oi l ing.

Al l moving ond rofol ing ports require regulor lubr icot ion. l t is odvisqble lo

eslobl ish q pqttern when oi l ing your mochine. Begin under the bedplote. The

pr incipol o i l ing points ore morked by orrows.


AThe rocewoy in fhe sewing hook is the most imporlonl

oi l ing poinl . Puf one drop of o i l into the rocewoy eoch

doy you sew. A dry rocewoy wi l l couse ropid weor.

Don' f forget lo oi l lhe beor ings ond bevel geors of lhe

short hook shoff.



The 15-wott sewl ight is recessed under the mochine orm ond con be

swung ouf by pul l ing down the gr i l le.

To chonge the l ight bulb: Push bulb info sockel , iurn lef l ' ond pul l

ouf .

When insert ing new PFAFF l ight bulb, be sure lo s l ide bulb pins

into boyonet socket slots.

Press bulb in ond furn r ight . Close gr i l le ' Nole vol toge of e leclr ic

ci rcui t .


R 8067 AR 8066 A

Press lhis butfon to switch

sewl ight on ond of f .


cf,zoahte $Aooeing

l . Mochine Skips St i tches


Needle incorrecl ly inserted.

Wrong needle.

Needle benh

Mochine threoded improper ly.

Needle ioo f ine or ioo th ick for the threod.

2. Needle Threod Breoks

Cq use:

The obove menf ioned moy couse threod breokoge.

Threqd lension loo tight.

Poor or knoily threod used.

Hook rocewoy is iommed wirh ' ihreod or needs

oi l ing.

Burrs or shorp edges on needle plote s lot .

lit t l:ll




Push needle up os for os i l wi l l go ond be sure thot the long groovefoces toword you, ond flot side of shonk owoy from you.

The correct needle system is slomped on bed slide.

(For ordinory sewing, use Sysfem 130 R needles.)

lnserf new needle.

Check ond correcl threoding os instrucfed on poges 14 qnd 15.

Use correcf needle ond lhreod.


See remedies l is ted under 1. obove.

Adiusl tensions os instructed.

Use good quolity threods only.

Cleon ond oil hook rocewoy.

Polish needle plote slot wilh fine emery clolh.


3. Needle Brecks

Cq use:

Benl needle strikes poinl of sewing hook.

Needle loo lhin or lhreod loo heovy.

Fobric pulls needle so it bends ond strikes needle


Bobbin cose inserled incorreclly.

4. Foulty Slilch Formolion

Co use:

lmproper tension.

Threod too heovy, knotty or hord.

Bobbin unevenly wound.

Pieces of lhreod between tension discs.

5. Mochine Feeds lmProPerlY

Co use:

Feed dog selloo low, does nol rise up enough obove

needle plofe level.

Accumulofions of lint pocked between feed leeth.


Reploce needle ol once lo prevent furlher domoge.

Use correct needle qnd threod sizes.

Don' t force the feeding mol ion. Guide the moter io l l ight ly.

Push bobbin cqse unf i l you heor i t snop in io ploce.


Adjust tensions qs instructed.

Use only f i rs l - rote fhreod -- lhe correct s ize for lhe needle ond {obr ic '

Don' l run threod over f inger when winding the bobbin, bui leod i t

oround lhreod reloiner stud on lop cover.

Roise presser bor lifler ond. remove threod.


Hove your Pfof f deoler moke the necessory odiusimeni.

Toke off needle plole ond remove lint with o sli{f brush.






6. Mochine Works Heovi ly

Co use:

Motor belf hos shrunk ond cquses excessive pres-

sure on beor ings.

Hook rocewoy locks oil or is obstrucied by pieces

of threqd.

Mechqnism clogged by infer ior o i l .

Bobbin winder working whi le sewing (when o

bobbin is not being f i l led).


Hove your Pfoff deoler odlusl lhe belt tension.

Cleon ond oil hook rocewoy.

Use only Pfof f sewing mochine oi l - - never solod oi l or g lycer ine.

Stop bobbin winder.

Threod Jomming

The new PFAFF rolory hook wi l l nol normol ly iom, even i f the mochine should be hondled improper ly.

lf threqd should ho ppen lo io m in lhe rocewoy of lhe sewing hook, lhe power of lhe molor will be sufficienl lo overcomehord working of lhe mechqnism.

Threod iomming con be ovoided, howeyer, by lo l lowing lhe insfrucl ions on poge 4.

Tipper Inserlion

Mochine Sei t ing: A-0


Pin or bosle c losed zipper on wrong side

of fobr ic. Posi f ion of z ipper depends on

whether or not you wonl the edge of the

fqbr ic to over lop the z ipper ' Turn {obr ic

fo r ighf s ide. Run o s l ro ight seom close to

le{t edge of zipper, slitch ocross end ond

up ihe olher s ide in one cont inuous oPer-

ol ion. Use r ight edge of foot os o guide'

For oiher types o{ zipper insertion, follow

direct ions in your z ipper pockoge' V

R 7153

Edge St i tching

Mochine Set l ing: A-0 fo 4 (opl ionol)

B- +

Sew porollel rows of siroighl or zigzog

st i lches ot vor ious dis lonces from the

fobr ic edge by using odiustoble seom

guide No' 53077 ond lhe edge st i tcher

(wi thout qui l t ing gouge) ' The seom

guide is fostened lo the mochine bed

wifh lhe long thumb screw' For wider

morginol st i tching, lurn edge guide

hol f o lurn ond use low end os o guide'

Glui l t ing

Mochine Set i ing: A - 0 or 2 (opt ionol)

B- *

Edge st i lcher No. 41 350 used with the

qui l t ing gouge sews porol le l rows ol

st i tching over lhe ent i re sur{oce of the

fobr ic. Alwoys guide the gouge f inger

olong the preceding row o{ s i i lches'

At l roct ive teo cosies, s l ippers, seol pods

ond covers con be qui l ted



R 8032


lEl tpW

Ftot Fetled Seoms

Mochine Sett ing: A-0 or 2 (opt ionol) B- t

Flqt fe l led seoms ore used lo durobly io in two pieces of fobr ic. They qre mode in two

operol ions.

- Flot fe l led seoms usuol ly ore sfroighl-sf i iched. Norrow zigzog st i fches ore used for{fe l l ing on elost ic ized fobr ics only.

Firs i Seom

Loy pieces fogether wi th the wrong sides focing ond lhe bol fom piece prolrudingr/e inch. Feed bofh pieces in lo fe l l ing foot , os i l luslroled, so thoi the bol tom fqbr ic is

folded over edge of lop piece ond

st i tched down. Moke sure fhol

protruding seom ol lowonce is nol

folded twice.

Second Seo m

Open the lwo pieces, ploce fhem under lhe needle r ight s ide up, inser l seom r idge

into fe l l ing foot opening, ond sl i lch down io ihe lef l . Moke sure lhol second seom is

ploced close to ihe edge buf nof beyond i t .

The fel l ing foot hos o needle s lof , rother thon o needle hole, to permi l z igzog fel l ing.

R 7154



f,n 16261

thi mr'->,-il

q'' Rolled Hems

ll-n d 248lHl Ftfrrlml lprW Hemmins

Mochine Set i ing: A-2to 4 B- +

Rol led hems ore used to f in ish sheer or del icqte fqbr ics.

For o smooth, unpuckered hem, eose threod tension

sl ighf ly ond sef diol A on 2 or 3. To hem tr icot fobr ics,

increose lhe tension ond use the widest z igzog sf i ich so

the hem hos o rol led shel l ef fecl .


Mochine Sett ing: A-0or 2 to4 (opt ionol)

B- +

The hemmer foot is indispensoble i f you

woni to sew o uni form hem. You con hem

wilh stroighi or z igzog sl i tches, depending

on the iype of fobr ic you qre using. Cl ip of f

the corner of the fobr ic to foci l i lo ie inser l ion

inio the hemmer foot. Feed fobr ic so ihot

the row edge is in l ine wi th ihe lef t edge

of the hemmer foof opening. l f you feed less,

the fobr ic wi l l nof be folded lwice ond ihe

row edge wi l l show. Avoid ugly ends by

slowing down feeding. To do this, press lhe

fobr ic ogoinst lhe needle plote on ihe lef t

side of ihe fooi before you come to the end

of lhe hem.



R 5912

. | 5t378

IFINMv \Jt tr&A> overcosling Edges


MochineSelt ing: A-2to4(opt ionol) B- +

overcosi ing prevents f royed edges. Use o long, wide zigzog st i lch ond sew edge with

ihe needle foking one st i lch into ihe fobr ic ond the olher over i ts edge. You moy

{ overcost edges of ier fobr ic is cuf ond before lhe pieces ore io ined.


'l 5t378

ln l "mBull Seomins U!l pttl

<@MqchineSet i inq: A-3or4 B-+ v '

Two simi lor p ieces of fqbr ic which do not rovel eosi ly moy be but led iogelher ond

joined with z igzog sl i lches. Worn bed sheels moy be mended this woy. cut oul worn

cenfer s l r ip. Ploce the selvoged edges of the remoining pieces of sheet under lhe

sewing fooi so ihol lhe obutted edges ore cenlered under the needle. Join ihem with

c|ose,widezigzogst i lches.Hemrqwedgesofshee|.>

Attoching Loce

Mochine Sett ing: A-1 to 3 (opt ionol)

il s,rzs


Inserling Loce

Mochine Sett ing: A-1 to3 (opf ionol)

B- t

Pin or bosle loce on fobr ic. Sew logether

with needle loking one st i tch into fobr ic

olone ond one in io the loce. Coreful ly t r im

excess fo bric underneoth.

B- .}

R 7161

You cqn qf foch lqce edging in one simple operot ion.

Overlop loce on row edge. Sew fo fobric with nqrrow

zigzog slitches, toking one stilch into loce ond fobric

ond fhe olher in lo loce only.




lrr-1 | ArhLn il llllZ+P Inserrins Potches

Mochine Sett ing: A- 2 to 4 (opt ionol) B- t

Lorge holes con be polched quickly. The fol lowing melhod moy be used for iersey

fobr ics. cut poich so thof i ls groin wi l l motch lhe resf of lhe fqbr ic. Ploce ihe potch

over ihe domoged oreo. Sew i l down wi lh o wide zigzog st i tch o{ medium lenglh.

For oddi l ionol strength st i tch over corners twice. Turn over ond i r im close lo seqms.

35 R7157

Single-Needle Cording

MochineSett ing: A-2 B-+

Set st i tch length between 1/z ond 1. Troce pottern on

fobr ic qnd ploceo f i l ler threod underthe groove in lhe

sole of lhe cording foot. Fol low lhe pot lern ond hold the

f i l ler threod l ight ly.

Shirr ing

Mochine Set l ing: A - 2 to 21/z (opt ionol)

B- I

Fol low qbove direcl ions for shirr ing, bul

ploce f i l ler lhreod under rother fhqn on

loo of the fqbr ic. Fobr ic ond f i l ler threod

both ore guided in lhe groove of the fool .

Width of z igzog depends on thickness of

f i l ler fhreod used.

When you hove f in ished the zigzog seom,

sl ide moter io l o long lhe f i l ler ihreod to

distr ibute f u l lness. Finish the shirr inq wi th o

l ine of stroight st i tching.

Leqve f i l ler threod in the shirr ing or pul l i l

out , p iece by piece, os you stroight-st i tch, de-

pending on fhe sl ress io which lhe shirr ing

wi l l be exoosed.

wR 7162


R7159 36 R 7152

ruruqV Applique Work

Mochine Sett ing: A-1r/zto 3 B- +

Pin or boste oppl ique on fobr ic ond overcqsl edges. Appl iques olso con be ot toched

with o sot in st i fch or ony embroidery design.

46t21w Openwork Embroidery

Mochine Seft ing: A-0ond 2r/z B- +

There ore hundreds of pot terns excel lent for openwork embroidery. Al though simi lor

in oppeoronce to oppl ique, openwork embroidery is much simpler. Let 's embroider

ihe 25-squore box i l luslrqied. First , sew over ol l l roced l ines twice, using shor l s l ro ighl

s l i lches. Then sew over s l ro ighf-s i i lch l ines wi ih o medium-wide sof in st i ich. Moke sure

lhoi your rows of sot in st i lching ore even so lhe corners of your squores look neot.

{ When you f in ish sewing, cut out every olher squore. Be coreful lhot you don' t in jure

the seoms.

To moke on ol i rqct ive modern design, oul l ine f lowers or f ree forms with on embroidery

design insieod of sot in st i tching.

R 7179



ls l f f iL// \ l l lF,( lJE/ \I-J IT

<:#) Moking Sluffed Animols WP scrorwork

MochineSetf ing: A-2112 B- +

Stuffed onimqls ore wonder{ul loys for the little

folk ond fhey ore so eosy to moke. Some scrops of

mofer io l or o i lc loth ond o piece of cordboord is

ol l you need for lh is elephont, for inslonce.

Oul l ine pol lern on mofer io l ond cut oul p ieces

without o seqm ol lowonce. Inser l some cotton

wodding into lhe eors before you fold ond close

ihem with o z igzog seom. Attoch eors ond io in

pieces by overcost ing edges with o medium-wide

sof in sf i tch, leoving openings for fhe lusks. Sel in

fusks, g lue on eyes ond tock on toi l . Sfuf f e lephont

wi lh coi lon, insert ing wodding through open soles

ond t ip of t runk. Close openings with cordboord

covered with oi lc loth.

Mochine Sett ing: A-2 to 4 (opt ionol) B- +

Drow design on fobr ic. Clomp work in lo embroi-

dery hoops. As you ore fo l lowing lhe scrol lwork

ouf l ine wi fh o wide soi in st i tch, move hoops r ight ,

lhen lef f , o l lernot ing the rhylhm ond the direct ion

of your movements. An exciling note moy be odded

by using vor iegofed threod.

" . : , "" ;


ffi* 39 R 7150

MI mi io l ion Hemsl i lching

Mochine Sel t ing: A - 2t lz St i tch Length: 1-1112

B-+ lncreoseTension

Beouliful hemstilching effecls on hondkerchiefs, blouses, dresses ond so forth, con be mode

with Pfoff's System 130 (wing) needle ovoilqble ot Pfqff stores oi exlro cosf. Loosely woven

fobr ics, such os bot iste, orgondy, georgefte, etc. , ore wel l sui ted to hemst i tching whi le wool ly

fobrics ore not recommended becouse needle penelrolions close up. Since the hemstitching

needle hos o s l ighf ly th icker shonk, the needle set screw musi be turned oul for enough for

insert ion. The hemst i tching needle cqnnol be fhreoded with the oulomol ic needle threoder.

)a '>D\,

\7 >@l r




Hemstilching is very simple (see skeich).

I Sew {irsl row on ihe left of the oreq lo be hemstitched.

Stop mochine when needle is in fobr ic on the r ight .

Lift sewing fooi, turn fqbric in the direcfion of orrow, ond lower fool ogoin.

Siw second row, os shown in sketch, guiding moler io l porol le l to f i rsf row so lhol needle

penefrotes needle holes of previous zigzog stilches os it descends on lhe right.

l { you ore moking more thqn two l ines of hemst i fching, ol iernotely leove needle in fobr ic

on ihe lefl ond righl ol lurning points, pivot fobric on needle, ond proceed os directed



R 7173




2i lNZ


{ Hemst i tching

Hemsl i lching is successful on l inen ond twi l led fobr ics. For th is type of work useon ordinory needle.

Drow severql threods our o{ rhe fobr ic. Set mqchine for o medium-wide zigzogst i tch qnd sew olong borh edges of the sfr ip, moking sure rhqr. .z igs" ond"zogs" in bolh rows ore exoctly opposife eoch other. set sritch lengrh occordingto lhreod bor width you desire.

Drow threods from the edge until your fringe is lhe length you wonl. Zigzogolong this l ine -- ond you wi l l hove picof edging.

Bl indst i tching

MochineSett ing; A-1 to2(opt ionol) B_+

St i tch Lengfh: Moximum

Hemming dresses ond skir is by hond is o robor ious tosk. you con do i f eosiryon your PFAFF on medium ond heovy fobr ics. use zigzog foor No.51 37g wi ihblindsiitch guide No. 46669, which you con buy ot your pfoff store. Attoch fheguide so thot i ls verr icol f longe goes through rhe sewing foof s lot . Use o No.70needle, o loose upper fension, ond thin lhreod in the needle.

Nexl , fo l low lh is procedure:

Turn fobr ic wrong side up. Fold selvoged moler iq l once (Fig. 1) , unselvogedfqbr ic lwice (Fig.2). l t is odvisoble lo press or bosle hem. Guide work evenly,holding lop hem edge ogoinsr verf icol f ronge of br indst i rch guide. set d io l Aso lhol needle tokes lefr stitch exocrly in fhe folded edge ond right siirch up toor over lhe hem edge. When hem is f in ished, sr i tches wi i l not be v is ibre on tooside.

R 7139

R 8046

Sewing Bul lonholes

. / ' r r , 'Mochine Setting: *=:4, . B-a. i+f: lt*e'v',tt F, _J'a#Rrc:S

Srirch Lensrh:- o+.,, i -f i - ".X E - Ll. 3

Attoch buttonhole foot No.51 016 dnd sel s l ide on but lonhole gouge lo bul tonhole

lenglh desired. The buttonhole is ihe r ight lenglh when beginning of f i rst seom reoches

red end of slide indicotor (see orrow).

The bosic mochine sett ings need not be chonged in sewing o butfonhole. Al l speciol

sei f ings ore mode by s imply pushing lever F up ( for ty ing of f ) or down ( for borfocking) '


lf you prefer more prominent but-

tonholes, pul l o f i l ler cord through

the hole in left loe of foot. To get

lhe correcl stilch length, sew on q

piece of scrop moler io l . In moking but lonholes in sof t or loosely woven fqbr ics, i l is

odvisoble fo ploce o piece of t issue poper under the moler iq l . To sirengthen bul-

tonholes in l r icot ond kni t fobr ics, insert o piece of f i rmly woven coi lon moier io l

befween fhe fobric loyers.





Ei5 @@@@o


Inslrucf ions for Bul ionhol ing

Sew f i rs i s ide over q f i l ler cord. When beginning of

seom reoches sl ide indicotor on butfonhole gouge, i l is

the r ight length. Leove needle in fobr ic on r ighf s ide of

ils lhrow.

Li f t foof , furn fobr ic oround clockwise, using needle os

o pivof . Lower{oot, toke one st i tch lo the le{ t , pul l f i l ler

cord fquf ond loy i t porol le l fo compleled l ine of st i tch-


Press lever F down. Moke 4lo 5 bortock st i tches, s l ight-

ly closing logelher buitonhole end lo reduce length of


4 Releqse lever F. Tr im f i l ler cord of end of f i rst st i lch row. Sew second

row ond stop oboui 4 fo 5 stitches {rom end of {irst row.

5 Press lever F down. Moke second tqck. os insfructed obove.

5 Push lever F up ond moke 3 to 4 ty ing s i i fches.

7 Tr im both lhe sewing ond f i l ler threods. Open the buttonhole wi th

your seqm r ipper, Be cqreful not io in jure the bqr lqcks.

R 7160

F|$mI ( | tPi l l

WI Bulton Sewins

Don'l be ofroid io sew on butfons, hooks, eyes or rings with your PFAFF. Atloch

button sewing fool No. 46120 ond drop mochine feed.

MqchineSet i ing: A-0 B- t

Ploce but lon under buf lon sewing fool ond ol ign so lhol needle wi l l enter lef t hole. Let needle st i tch fhrough hole qnd moke

one or two ty ing st i tches. Roise needle. Turn diol A to the r ighf , usuol ly to 3, unt i l needle on ihe r ighf of i ls lhrow is cenfered

over r ighl hole. Stort mochine ond sew os mony zigzog st i tches os you deem necessory io foslen bufton securely. Push lever F

up ond moke lwo or three ty ing st i fches.

When sewing on four-hole butlons, lift foot, reposition butfon ond repeol the obove process, stitching through the second poir

of holes.

Hooks, eyes or r ings ore qt toched in fhe some monner.

j : -

- : - . ' ' - - :__"



MochineSet l ing: A-0 B-+

Prepore your mochine for dorning os fo l lows:

Remove presser fool qnd drop mochine feed. Use feed cover plote No. 4'i'251 lo

increose toutness of fobric in hoops ond permil free movement. To fqslen the feed

cover plote to fhe mochine, s l ip i ts f inger into the hole of the needle plole, os i l lustrofed,

lurn, ond fosten in position with bed slide (see illuslrolion below).

R 59i4

Attoch dorning foot os instructed on poge 22, and suspend presser bor f rom fhe reor

of the foce cover wi ih dorning hook No. 46128. Even though the Presser bqr is sus-

pended, the presser bqr l i f ler musl be lowered to oci ivole lhe fension, or lhe upper

lhreqd lension wi l l be releosed -- ond you connof sew wi lhoul i t .

Ploce fobr ic in lo dorning hoops.

R 5918



" , i

R 5913

Th in S pots

Remember f hol "o s i i lch in t ime soves nine"

qnd reinforce spois thol hove worn lhin

with short stitches mode lengthwise ond

ocross worn secl ion. Clomp fobr ic into

dorning hoops ond move i t f reely under

lhe needle.

Long r ips moy be dorned with the normol

sewing fool ond wilhoul hoops. Roise mo-

chine feed ond use forword-reverse slitch


R 5916

Trio ng u lq r Teo rs

Tr iongulor leors ore besf dorned by ploc-

ing the lorn section between hoops ond

moking close sl i lches ocross ond length-

wise. Move work under ihe needle wi th

bolh honds.

Smol l Holes

Dorn smql l ond medium-size holes by

tr imming rogged edges with the fobr ic

groin. Firs l st i tch bock ond for ih ocross the

hole f rom one side io the olher wi fh the

mochine running ot h igh speed. Then iurn

the fobr ic ot r ight ongles ond sew bock

ond forth over preceding work wi th short

s i i tches. This onchors lhreqds in lhe unworn

oreo qround lhe hole.


Monogrom Embroidery

Mochine Sett ing: A - occording to desired width B - +

{ Script lelfers ore besl for monogrom embroidery withoul o sewing fooi. lt requires o

little proclice. You will soon enioy creotive embroidery once you hove leorned lo

move lhe mofer io l o l o uni form rofe. The fobr ic should be held lout in fhe hoops,

lhe presser bor suspended ond lhe presser bor l i f ter lowered. Drop mochine feed,

Lower needle info fobr ic ol fhe beginning of your design ond drow bobbin fhreod

up through lhe fobr ic. Hold both ihreqd ends ond sew over out l ine, moving hoops

slowly ond evenly. To give your monogrom dimensionol quol i ty, embroider ouf l ine

twice. Be sure st i lches ore c losely spoced.

w Sewing Monogroms

MochineSett ino: A-21 lzto3 B-. l

The procedure below is pr imori ly used for block let ters. Roise mochine feed ond set )

mochine for sot in st i tch. At toch cord s l i tcher ond sew oul l ines of monogrom. Wotch

thot seoms do nof over lop of io ints of le l ters. To roise monogrqm, inserf o f i l ler lhreod.

Ask your Pfof f deoler lo show you P FAF F's Orncmentogroph, lhe ingeniously

designed monogrom ond ornomentol s l i tch ol lochmenl. You wi l l morvel o l

i ts versol i l i ty ond del ight in i ls counl less creol ive possibi l i l ies.

, : : : : .. .a

' - ' :I . - , - . ,i , ,I i : : : :

47 R 7165


To cord on your PFAFF 259, use Cording

Kit No. 50176 which is ovqi loble ot extrd


The Cording Ki l comprises:

4 double-needle holders for needle dis-

tonces of t l rc, sfaa,3/rz ond Tloe inch;

3 cording feet;3 cording plotes (2 wi fh

cord ducis ond 1 wi th cenler c low);

1 pockoge of System 130B needles ; ond

1 screwdriver. Addi t ionol por ls for

heovier cording ore ovoi loble ot exlro


The interchongeoble double-needle

holder is ei :sy lo ot toch.

Chonging the Needle Holder

Br ing toke-up lever lo highest point , loosen smol l set screw ond chonge needle

holders. Tighfen set screw securely. The lorge needle set screw must olwoys poinl

foword the right.

Use Syslem 130B round-shonk needles in r / rc ond s/or- inch double-needle holders,

ond System 130R f lot-shonk needles in 3/sz ond Tloa' inch needle holders.

To ottoch cording plote, refer io inslruclions on poge 45 for mounting feed cover plole.



lncreose the bobbin lhreod lension sl ight ly for cording. Pfof f recommends you f i l l your

cording so i f keeps i fs shope in the loundry. Fi l ler cord th ickness depends on cording

size you wont. To sew filled cording, use fhe two cording plofes with cord ducls'

Only very norrow lucks ore mqde wilhouf filler cord'

MochineSett ing: A-0 B-+

Addit ionol Informol ion on Cording

ordinory cording in medium-heovy {obr ic is mode with cording foot No. 41791 ond

cording plote No. 41 842.

For thicker cording use fool No.41 790 with cording plote No' 105995'

R 8291

Upper Threoding for Two-Needle Work

cording foot No. 41792 qnd plote No. 41842 (wilh center clqw, but withoul cord duct)

serve lo moke norrow qir tucks in l ightweight moler io l '

pin tucks olso ore mode wifh cording foot No. 41792, bul withoul cording Pldle.

Cording plqte No. 41 845 with high cenler c lqw is used chief ly {or cording in th ick fe l f '

Cording height ondwidth ore deiermined byihe distonce between |he lwo need|es,

the cord diomefer ond the height of the r idge on ihe cording plole. Threod lensions

qlso inf luence cording size. For uni lorm spocing of porol le l tucks, ot toch on odiusloble

g uide lo f he cord ing foot. when spoce between lucks is very no rrow, ploce the preceding

seom inlo one o{ lhe grooves of the foot ond use i f os o guide. This procedure insures

uni form ond porol le l rows of cording.


l lililtlt

,'F{ "'er+,,i , , , "*

&o,| r:71s'3ze

LF]ME/ El I:-?S\ Ornomenlol Sewing

You con moke exciling foshion siilch designs by olternoling

stifching, vorying siitch length' stitch width or needle position'

lever F in rhythm' Some of these designs ore illustroled below'

Surely you wi l l be pleosed to know lhot your PFAFF 259 con be conver led into o

PFAFF 260 Automot ic ol ony l ime' Just see your Pfo{f deoler who wi l l be glod to do

this iob for you. With the PFAFF Automol ic you con sew on endless vor iety o{ beoui i fu l

decorqt ive designs comPlelely ouiomot icol ly ond os s imply os ony ploin seom'



stroighl cind zigzog

To do this, dePress

R 5414

The PFAFF 260 Automoti" A

Operotion o{ this versoti le mochine is surprisingly simple ond does noi require ony

speciol ski l l ' : , r . . - r -^+i^h\ +ha mdchine con

With the oid of the embroidery design diol (see obove i l lustrot ion) the mochin

be set {or ony desired stitch in o mqtler of seconds'

Pic lured on both s ides of ihe diol ore only the pr imory designs the mochine con clo '

ln oddi f ion, count less vor io l ions ore possible by chonging the lengih o{ ihe poi tern or

using one or lwo needles' The ronge of possible combinql ions is stogger ing even ro



The Trqnsverse Spool Holder

To ensure thol ihe lhreod wi l l unwind evenly f rom o cross-wound spool , use the

tronsverse spool holder which is port of the s londord equipment of your mo-


To qffoch the spool holder, slip posilion spring I over lhe verficol spool pin,

the bent portion o{ the spring pointing towqrd you. Push fhe spool ol lhreod on

spool p in 2. Press lhe posi t ion spr ing togelher, ond push pin 2 in lo the spr ing

slof. With the spring pressed logelher, odiust its posiiion on the verficol spool

pin, os required. When you releose lhe spr ing, lhe l ronsverse pin wi l l be held

in ploce f i rmly. Poss the lhreod lhrough eyelei 3, ond lhreod fhe mochine os






Foreword . . 1

operot ion. . : . iEleclricol lnformotion.

Essenliol Ports of Mochine

Fundomenfols of Mochine

Stroighf Sfitching

Zigzog Sewing

Winding the Bobbin

RemovingfheBobbinCose. . : : . . . .Inserling o Full Bobbin inlo Bobbin Cose .Inserting the Bobbin Cose

Recommended Needle ond Threod Sizes .

lmporloni Focts obout Needles .Chonging the Needle

Upper Threoding .

Operoling lhe Needle ThreoderDrowing Up the Bobbin Threod

Correcl Tension Regulofion .

Regulot ing the Threod Tension .

Sfitch Length Regulolion .

Reverse Sewing

Dropping lhe Mochine Feed.

Chonging lhe Sewing Fool

The Dorning Fool .

Core ond Moinfenonce

Regulor Mochine Core

Sewlight Focts .

Trouble Shooting

Zipper Insert ion


Edge Stilching . 30

Qui l t ing. . . . :

Flot Fel led Seoms . 31

Rolled Hems 32

Hemming 32

Overcosfing Edges 33

Butl Seoming 33

Attoching Loce 34

lnserting Loce . 34

lnserting Polches 35

Single-Needle Cording 36

Shirr ing. . 36

Appfique Work 37

Openwork Embroidery 38

Moking Siuffed Animols 39

Scrollwork . 39

fmilofion Hemslitching 40

Hemslilching 41

Blindslilching 41




Sewing Buttonholes

Butlon Sewing .


Monogrom EmbroiderySewing MonogromsCordingOrnomenlol SewingThe PFAFF 250 AuiomoticThe Trqnsverse Spool Holder


Sto*-;,*ffi.L.','4 '' l k: ' G4t

"s -. li"ttP-''n

\ 'No. 10371 {USA) Schn. 260