
Hamster Sometimes called "pocket pets" because of their size, hamsters have pet appeal in triplicate: They're cute, furry and oh-so-friendly. People began keeping hamsters as pets in the 1930s, and this easy-to-care-for pet has grown in popularity ever since. The most common hamster breeds include the Syrian hamster (also known as the golden hamster), which can grow up to 7 inches (17 centimeters) in length. The Roborovski dwarf hamster, on the other hand, is only 2 inches (7 centimeters) in length. Life Span: Two or three years Best For: Children 8 and older; hamsters are nocturnal -- unlike young kids Feeding: Commercial pellets, fresh water; occasional treats of fresh fruits and vegetables, and cheese Housing and Exercise: Wire hamster cages with a solid bottom; hamster wheels, tubes and other toys. Shredded paper or tissue makes good bedding. Most hamsters don't mind living alone. In fact, they tend to be aggressive in same-sex pairs. Good to know: If you adopt two hamsters of the opposite sex, you may soon have a bevy of baby hamsters. That's because a hamster pregnancy only takes about two weeks, from start to finish. Why the rush? It's all part of nature's grand design to keep the breed alive. Rabbits



Transcript of Pets


Sometimes called "pocket pets" because of their size, hamsters have pet appeal in triplicate: They're cute, furry and oh-so-friendly. People began keeping hamsters as pets in the 1930s, and this easy-to-care-for pet has grown in popularity ever since. The most common hamster breeds include the Syrian hamster (also known as the golden hamster), which can grow up to 7 inches (17 centimeters) in length. The Roborovski dwarf hamster, on the other hand, is only 2 inches (7 centimeters) in length.

Life Span:Two or three years

Best For:Children 8 and older; hamsters are nocturnal -- unlike young kids

Feeding:Commercial pellets, fresh water; occasional treats of fresh fruits and vegetables, and cheese

Housing and Exercise:Wire hamster cages with a solid bottom; hamster wheels, tubes and other toys. Shredded paper or tissue makes good bedding. Most hamsters don't mind living alone. In fact, they tend to be aggressive in same-sex pairs.

Good to know:If you adopt two hamsters of the opposite sex, you may soon have a bevy of baby hamsters. That's because a hamster pregnancy only takes about two weeks, from start to finish. Why the rush? It's all part of nature's grand design to keep the breed alive.


They can come when called, use a litter box and exercise on a leash. Sounds like a strange mix of cat- and dog-like qualities, but for this household pet, it's all in a day's work. There are more than 60 breeds of rabbits in the United States, so you can choose from a variety of sizes, colors and ear lengths. Even weight is an option, because rabbits can range from 2 to 13 pounds.

Life Span:Five to 10 years

Best For:Children 8 and older

Feeding:Commercial pellets, fresh vegetables for a treat, fresh water

Housing and Exercise:Indoor-only rabbit cage with a solid floor. Rabbits need lots of exercise; specially made enclosures can provide a safe outdoor environment for hopping, as can an enclosed indoor space. Some rabbits can be trained to exercise outdoors with a collar and leash.


Parrots are colorful, lively and playful pets. There are more than 350 different types of parrots; they range in color from vibrant red and green to stately gray and black, and can be quite small (about 3 inches or almost 8 centimeters) or quite large (up to 40 inches or more than 100 centimeters). When given plenty of living space, exercise and positive attention, these extremely intelligent birds are very affectionate toward their owners. Most parrots have an uncanny ability to mimic human voices, as well as other sounds. Don't be surprised if your parrot begins to imitate a barking dog, a mewing cat or even your cell phone's distinctive ring.

Life Span:Up to 80 years

Best For:Any age, but better for teenagers and adults

Feeding:Commercial seed mixes, fresh water; fresh vegetables and fruit

Housing and Exercise:Cage should be large enough for bird to fly short distances and should be cleaned every other day. Lining the cage with a thin layer of gravel will aid in the cleaning process -- and the parrot's digestion. That's because ingesting an occasional piece of gravel helps a bird grind seeds in its belly.


Not just any ol' fish will do for a pet. We need an easy-to-manage breed with an equally manageable tank. So, we're opting for a betta fish. These vibrantly colored fish come in shades of green, red, violet and orange; sometimes the shades seem to blend into each other like an Impressionist painting. Aside from the big visual impression they make, bettas are quite small. Most are only a couple of inches in length.

Life Span:Up to 3 years

Best For:Any age

Feeding:Commercial betta food

Housing and Exercise:You can skip the complicated aquariums and filter. Just keep your betta's fish bowl water clean and warm. They do best in water that's 78 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 26 degrees Celsius), probably because they originated in the tropical waters of Southeast Asia.


It's nice to have a small pet that can't outrun you, and a turtle certainly fits that bill. They're happy to set up camp in your home and are always ready for an adoring audience. Box turtles are a popular choice, with their colorfully patterned shells and winsome good looks, but they are picky eaters. Red-eared sliders are more aerodynamic, sport distinctive red marks on each side of the head and aren't so fussy.

Life Span:Up to 40 years

Best For:Children 8 or older

Feeding:Earthworms, insects, and fruits and vegetables; or commercial pellets, depending on turtle breed.

Housing and Exercise:Turtles require a terrarium or aquarium that's roomy enough for a few rocks large enough to perch upon, as well as dry areas in which they can burrow and shallow water in which they can rehydrate. They don't need a lot of exercise.