Petition 112

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Transcript of Petition 112

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant to (b)(6),(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)


    Mi nombre es|de Ciudadanfa Colombiana No.)en (a ciudad de Cali - Colom bia. (Anexo 1}Identificada con C&Julaexpedida en Popaya"n y con reskJencia


    Ml proposfto con esta carta es manifestarle mi deseo de INTERPONER ELRECURSO DE APELACION por la inclusion de mi nombre en la Usta OFAQllamada y conodda publicamente como Usta Clinton, emrtfda por fa Agenda queusted dignamente representa.La inclusion de ml n om bre en dicha l ista trae com o consecuencia muchas variablesque afectan la vlda de cualquier ciudadano del mundo, entre ellos nombro tres delas mas importantes:Estar induida en la l ista de los narcotraficantes y terroristas ma's importantes delMUNDO sin serlo ni tene r absolutamente nada que ve r en esas adjvidad es.Bloqueo econdmico tales com o en ios bancos, corporaciones de a horro y vMe nda ,corporaciones financferas, fidudas y en general todos los servitios bancarios.,comerdal y dvf l en el mundo .Congelamiento de bienes y activos personates; casa ubicada en

    U. r?

    Como inform add n adju nto la definidon de Narcotrafico y Lavado de Activos; deacuerdo con el Regimen Penal Cofombiano: ,Narcotra'f ico: El cul&'vo, proceso y comercio de sustandas sucesivamenteprohibidas. .;-:

    7Lavado de Act ivos: El que adquiera, resguarde, invierta, transporte, transforrr^,custodie o administre bienes que tengan su origen mediato b inmediato en


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6),(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    actividades de t i f i c o de m igrantes, trata de personas, extarskSn, enriquecimientoilfcito, secuestro, extorsi6n, rebelidn, trSflco de amnas, delitos contra el sistemafinanciero, ia admlnistradon publica, o vinculados con el producto de tos delitosobjeto de un conderto para dellnquir, relacionada con el trafico de drogas toxicas,estupefadentes o sustancias sicotrdpicas, o les de" a los bienes provenientes dedichas actividades aparienda de legalldad o los legalice, oculte o encubra laverdadera naturaleza, origen, ubicaddn, destino, movimiento o derecho sobre talesbienes o realice cualquier otro a d s para ocultar o encubrir su origen ilidto .

    FUNDAMENTOS DEL RECURSOPresento ante usted mi respetuoso pero completo desacuerdo por la inclusion demi nombre en esta lista. A continuation explico por que:Nunca jamfe en m l s H H H d e vida he cometldo ningun acto delidwo o criminalen contra de ninguna persona nl mucho menos en contra de ninguna instltud6n niColornbiana ni Americana. Mo he sido ni investlgada, ni juzgada ni condenada porningun delfto ni en Colombia ni en Estados Unidos de Norteamerica ni en ningunaotra parte del mundo. Nunca he tenido el mas mfnimo contacto con lo que se)rismo.I (A n ex o 5 ) . C r ee que ,siendo narcotraficante, el DEPARTAMENTO DE 2MMlGftAQ6N DE ESTADOSUNlDOSmeh|j fo|e j3aprob^^H H H H H H H R H H H H H H R I 5 6 ni zo bSsfcamente con el objetivo delograr un mejor futuro, acosados por una grave sttuaci6n de inseguridad queB6 la familla de mi esposo en ese momento,buscando una mejor calidad de vida para mi y rriifamilia. Todos somosconocedores de la critica situad6n economica, social y de inseguridad en la que seencuentra sumerglda Colombia desde hace mudios anos. Todos los sereshumanos tenemos el derecho y la necesidad de labrar un mejor fu turo .Creo en ia justa apllcaddn de las leyes tanto Americanas como Colomblanas, asfcomo tambien soy conocedora de el mas simple de los DERECHOS HUMANOSINTERNACIONALES que dice: TODA PERSONA ES ZNOCENTE HASTA QUEDEMUESTRE LO CONTRA RIO.En ei H H H H H R H H H H H H H H H H H i c u ^ ^ t o d o s y c a ( i a u nde los requisites que debe cumplir un dudadano extranjero en su pals, por lo tantocreo tambien tengo los derechos de cualquier residente. De acuerdo con laConstituddn de los Estados Unidos, quisiera recordar algunas de las enmiendas:

    i *

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    E N M I E N D A X VEl derecho de los habitants de que sus personas, domfcillos,: papeles y efectos se hallen a salvo de pesquisas yP , aprehensiones arbitrarias, seri Inviolable, y no se expedirdn al efecto mandamientos que no se apoyen en un motivo1 verosfmil, esten corroborados mediante juramento o protests ydescrfban con particularidad el lugar que deba ser registrado ylas personas o cosas que nan de ser detenidas o embargadas.E N M I E N D A VN a d f e e s ta r a " o b l lg a d o a r e s p o n d e r d e u n d e l i to c a s t i g a d o c o n lap e n a c a p i t a l o con o t r a i n f a m a n t e si un g r a n j u r a d o no lod e n u n d a o a c u s a , a e x c e p t i o n de los c a s o s que se p r e s e n t e r !e n l a s f u e r z a s de m a r o t i e r r a o e n l a m i l ic l a n a c i o n a l c u a n d o see n c u e n t r e en s e r v i c l o e f e c t f v o en t l e m p o de g u e r r a o p e l i g r of p u b l i c o ; t a m p o c o se p r o n d r a * a p e r s o n a a l g u n a do s v e c e s en; p e l i g r o de p e r d e r la v i d a o a l g u n m i e m b r o con m o t i v o delm i s m o d e l i t o ; ni se le c o m p e l e r a a d e d a r a r c o n t r a sf m i s m a enn i n g u n j u i c i o c r i m i n a l ; NI SE LE P R W A R A DE LA V I D A , LAL J B E R T A D O LA P R O P I E D A D S I N E L D E B I D O P R O C E S O L E G A L ;N I S E O C U P A R A LA P R O P I E D A D P R IV A D A P A R A U S O P U B L I C OS I N U N A J U S T A I N D E M N E A C I O N .

    E N M X E N D A V It ^y En t o d a c a u s a c r i m i n a l , el a c u s a d o g o z a r a del d e r e c h o de ser' j u z g a d o r a p i d a m e n t e y en p u b l i c o por un j u r a d o i m p a r c i a l del; i d i s t r i t o y E s t a d o e n q u e el d e l i t o s e h a y a c o m e t i d o , D l s t r i t o q u e[ . d e b e ra " h a b e r s i d o d e t e r r n in a d o p r e v i a m e n t e por la ley; asfc o m o de que se le h a g a s a b e r la n a t u r a l e z a y c a u s a de la a c u s a c i d n , de q ue se le c a r e e con los t e s t i g o s que d e p o n g a ne n 5U c o n t r a , de que se o b l i g u e a c o m p a r e c e r a los t e s t i g o sq u e le t a v o r e z c a n y de c o n t a r c o n la a y u d a de un a b o g a d o queto d e f i e n d a .E N M 1 E N D A I X

    I \l No por el hecho de que la Constitucion enumera ctertosI l i derechos ha de entenderse que niega o menosprecia otros queretiene el pueblo.* ?>En mi caso particular yo no tuve la oportynidad de adarar, ni explicar, ni muchomenos presentar pruebas para comprobar mi ZNOCENCZA. Cree usted esto un


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    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    hecho justo basa"ndonos en los DERECHOS HUMANOS INTERNACIONALES?Derechos que Estados Unidos cumple a cabalidad y no se cansa de predicar.Cree la OFAC que es jus to desbaratar la vida d e una fam ilia completa (incluyo hijomenor de edad) solo porque algunas autoridades en Estados Unidos creen quepertenezco a la red narcotraficante mas grande del Mundo? Yo creo que estaacusaddn es muy grave y dolorosa, mas aun cuando lo unico que he hecho en mlvida es reglrme por las leyes y trabajar limpiamente para tener algun b'po deestabilidad econdmlca y social. Con el bloqueo economico, social, civil y comerdalal cual soy sujeta en este momento, de que manera puedo ser una personaproductiva econdmicamente para el bien propio y de mi famliia?Yo creo que la unica raz6n por la cual la OFAC Induye mi nombre en la lista es

    Dicha empresa fue fundada en el afio 2.001 (Anexo 6) con el unico proposito decomprar attfculos meclicos (Tenslometros) en USA y traerfos a Colombia para sucomerdalizacidn (Anexo 7). Esta transaccidn comercial se hizo solamente una vezdurante 2 anos, lo que llevo la compafiia a su derre en D idembre 31 del 2,002 porfatta de objeto social y de acuerdo con las leyes de Estados Unidos (Anexo 8).Esta transaction fu e l unico movimiento comercial que tuvo ia compafiia; toda lacontabilidad fue llevada de acuerdo con las normas americanas y presentadas anteiaentjdadcompetente en su momento (Anexo 9). En ningun momento YO, o H HH H H H f o i m o s partidpes de ningun tipo de negocio de traTico de drogas olavado de activos. Adjunto contabilidad.Apesar de q u e ^ ^ H H f u e C r r a d ^ n J H J H H H H | H , ml nombre fueincluido en lei Ijsta de la OFAC el H H H H H H H H > 3 S o a a y las companfascon las cualesBBKUvorelacidncomerdal alguna, aparecen reglstradas en la listade la OFAC e n | ^ B H H B H H H e s d e c i r 2 rneses despues de q ue jes cerrada y mucho despues de haber hecho las transacciones.Mi pregunta es: porque la OFAC reladona mi nombre en su lista, si todas lareladones comerdales que existieron se dieron ANTES de que la OFAC nosincluyera? Segun entjendo el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos prohibe

    ? ;i:



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    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    realizar algun tipo de transaction comerdal con todas aquellas personas oentidades una vez aparecen reladonadas en la llsta de fa OFAC.Porque si todas Jas transacdones fueron legates y Ifdtas me bidan deNarcotraficante perjudicandome moral y sodalmente?El unico objeovo que motiv6 ml vinculaddrt con esta empresa, fue el tener laposibilldad en un futuro de que H H H H H H H H H H H i H 1 Para Pc'ertrabajar legalmente dentro de los Estados Unidos. Como profesional preparado,mis deseos eran hacer empresa en los Estados Unidos y de esta manera lograralgun desarrollo comerdal entre Colombia y Estados Unidos y l

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    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    Recibire comunicaciones en la siguiente directionPETICION ESPECIAL

    Les ruego Mr. Richard Newoomb y demfe ftincfonarios de OFFICE OF FOREINGASSETS CONTROL, tengan como pruebas todos los anexos que he enunciado yacepten este recurso de APELACION, haciendo la nota correctiva en la Ifsta OFACrecurrida y descongelen nuestra unica vivienda y nuestra cuenta corrlente.

    De ustedes atentam ente,r" DILIGENC1A DE PRES ENTA CION PERSON ALY R E C O N O C M I E N T OEn Santiago de Coll o: H-&MAR ? " " * -IEONOR AMPARO CAROONA M .. NoKHia Velntlu ita (EJael ciiculo de Santiago da Coll. hoce cont im : que iescrlto q-ia tarrn tue oreiafHodo penonolmentapor.Ident l t l codo con lQCjCN'

    ! DeclO(6 que su contenid o e cleilo v veidodero V que totirma y la huello due en 61 apoiecen ton tuyoii y

    fltmo Dectaia _ > > *

    ; t :i U1 . .


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    Withheld in full pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)





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    v I 000957

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    Withheld in full pursuant to exemptions(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

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    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

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    Withheld in full pursuant to exemptions (b)(6),(b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)




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    ANEXO 4 t zun

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    Withheld in full pursuant to exemptions (b)(6),(b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)


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    Withheld in full pursuant to exem ptions(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F) r:ra CTX

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    l!>0>407-6013 00/10/01 07:51 Fl Dept OX State p2 II

    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and(b)(7)(F)

    FLORIDA DEPA RTMENT OF STA TEKathei-ine HarrisSecretary of StateAugust 10, 2001

    Jfiled onPlease referIncorporation for|and assigned document numberto this number whenever corresponding with this office.'

    Enclosed is the certification requested. To be official, thecertification for a certified copy be attached to this originaldocument that was electronically submitted and filed under FAX auditnumber H H H H H H I H 1A corporation annual report/uniform business report will lie due thisoffice between January 1 !.nd Ma}' 1 of the year following the calendar yearof the file date year. A Federal Employer Identification (PEI) numberwill be required before this report can be filed. Please apply NOW withthe Internal Revenue Service by calli-.ig 1-800-829-367 6 and requesting formSS-4.Please be aware if the corporate addr.sss changes, it is the responsibilityof the corporation to,notify this off.Ice.Should you have questions regarding corporations, please contact thisoffice at the address giv^n below.

    p .LiPV.

    Corporate SpecialistNew Filings SectionDivision of Corporations Letter Number:

    nDivisio n o f C o r p o ra t io n s - P. O. BOX 6 3 2 7 -T allah a s se e , F lo r id a 3 23 14


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)0/10/01 07:bl Kl Dept or StIJO) 407-0013

    + e of j f r nr*

    Dpfrartmpnt of &1ntpI certify the att aoh edi sat rue ati d correct copy of the Articles ofIncorporation of m m B H W B i , a Florida corporation, filed onas shown by the records of this office.I. further certify the document was electronically received under FAX audit*number H H H H H H I T h i s certificate is issued in accordance withsection 15.16, Florida Statutes, and authenticated by the code noted belowjThe document number of this corporation is

    Given under my hand and theGreat Seal of the State of Florida.,at Tallahassee, the Capital, this theTenth day of Aiiguet, 2001Authentication Code;

    rt, .

    HL i

    l ifarm?

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and(b)(7)(F)A R TI C L ES O F I N C O R PO RA T I ON

    The Undersigned incorparc itorfs), for the purpose o/Jbrminga corporation under th e Floridafiusiness Corporation Act, hereby adopifs) the fallowing Articles of Incorporation.M

    r-A R T I C L E 1 N A M E

    The n ame o f the cor poration shall be:I

    A R T I C L E I I P R N C I P A L O F F I C EThe principal place aC busine shall be:

    A R T I C L E I I I S H A R E S

    PI ;

    The nu mber o f shares o f stock that this cor poration is aulhor izctl to htivc milslamling m a n y o n elime is: lOOSInircsof SI .00

    A R T I C LE I V I N I TI A L R E G IST E R E D A G E N T A N D S TR E E T A D D R E SSThe name and address of the initial registered agent is:



  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and(b)(7)(F)

    A R T I C L E V I N C O R P O R A T O R f S lThe nnme(s) and street addresses) nl'the inco /poinro(s)to these Articles ofliK-o qw ration is(lire):i .


    The name(s) ami street adtlrosstts) of the

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    Ail redactions m ade pursuantto exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C),and (b)(7)(F)

    C E R T I F I C A T E O F D E S I G N A T I O NK E C I S T E R E S A C i E N T / R E G I S T E R E D O F F I C Er Pursuant 10 the provisions of seetion s 607,0501 or 617 .05 01 , Florida Sin I ul u s, ihe , n ipm i/vd un der the l:lw^ of the Slide ol" Florida, su bm its the fn llowin g statem ent inlifM gM iiling thu tu jiisiered ijJTicc/rL'iii^lijreil agen t,, in the Sla te of F lorida .

    1. The iKim cof ihc corporation is:l2. The n am e nn d iicklrcss of the registered ngeni and o lllce is:


    ( C I T Y /S T A T E / ZI P)

    I lA V I N C J OH F.N N A M F.I ) A S R I - G I ST fU ir .D A G II "N T A N D T O A C C E PT S E R V I C E O FPR OC E S S I-'OR T l I I- A B O V I - : S TA T 1 - I ) C O R PO R A T I O N A T T H E PLA C E D E S I G N A T E D I NI IM S CE R T I FI C A T E . I H E R E BY A C CE P T T H E A P PO I N T M E N T A S R E G I ST E RE D A G E N TA N D A G R I .h I 'O A C 1 I N T H I S C A PA C I T Y . I I TI I V I 1 1 1 -R A t lR K I - T O C O M PL Y W IT H T H EPR O V I S I O N S O F A l . l . S T A T U T l iS R I - l .A U N G T O T i l l - PR OPE R A N D C O M I ' L I - T i :P E R FO RM A N C E O F M Y D U TI E S . A N D I A M F A M I LI A R W I TH A N D A C CE P T T H EO B LI G A T I O N S O F M Y P OSI TK JN A S R E GI S I E R E O A G E N T .

    L i


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant to exem ptions(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)App lication for Employer Identif ication Number

    (For use by employers, corporations, partnerships, trusts, estates, churches,government agencies, certain individuals, ana others. See instructions.) Keep a copy for your records.

    SS-4o rm EINI'Pffi Apnl 2000)Oi-piMimiHoi iht T'ttuirytt*rnal ft*vtr*i SefVM OMB No IM S 0003

    1 N m of Applicanl (1QI | M ) ( nUWltllWl*)3 Eisuilor Trutrea Care of Namn/a2 Iradt Niwn of Buurwu (il drtiVtnl from rama on line I)N/A5 A Bu um t Add/eti (it dtfttteni trout ftddr* on bn*t * and b)

    SAME AS 4Anl, Of wt number)

    i5 b u y

    SAME AS 4BS i i l t T u ' ru k

    7 Hanw ol Principal Ollicw G tiw al Partna Osmlor CMim Troilor - SSN a 1TIN iniy b* it>rd (! nnlnicW m)

    8a Type of entity (Check only one box) (see instructions)Caution, II applicant is o limited liability company, see the instructions for line 8a

    Estate (SSN ot decedent)Plan administrator (SS N)Other corporation (specify) TrustFederal government/military

    (enter G EN il app licable)

    Sole proprietor (SSN)PartnershipPCMlC n Personal service corpM National GuardState/local government |_J Farmers ' cooperaliveChurch or church controlled organizationOiher nonprolit organization (specify)*-Other (specify) * NEW CO RP OR AT ION SUIa

    FLORIDAForc^ ii CouAlryUS A8b H a corporation, name me state or lore ign cou it iy( i f applicable) where incorporated

    Banking purpose (specify purpose) QonqpL type of uganiza tioii (specify new type) sPuicttased going businessCioled a liusl (specify type)

    9 BtDSon la jpplytng (Qiec li only orw boi .) (see insltuctioiis)g ] Stated new business (specify type} IMPOST t EXPORT

    P ) Hired einpkiyees (ChtcV the box ant sea line 12.)i l fr eaied J ptnsion plan (specily type) _ n OttetawfyV

    10 Date business started or acquired (mo nth, day, year) (see instructions)08/01/01 11 Closing month of accounting year (see instructions)DECEMBER12 First date wages or annuities were p aid or will be paid (month, day, year) Note: II applicant is_ IJ withholding agent enter dale income wilt first be paid /o nonresident alien (month day year) N/Ar Noflftgriaillural Agricultural13 i-trghfcM number ot employees expecte d in the next 12 monlhs No te: If the applicantiioes not expect lo have ony einptoyaes diniiiQ me peimt enlei 0' (see mstnielions)14 P)weia3ljiiint>(;eeinshuelnif>) IM P O R T & EXPORT15 Is me principal business activity manufacturing?

    lf_Vea. portapal product and raw mdlenai usi-ri N /A16 '. wiiun oro most ol the producl& ur burvii-ujM\ dJ P\eaw cJicck u nrj DOX

    [~1 Public (retail) f~| Other (specify) *

    F [ J Y I Nosiness (wholesale)

    HI ALjYes7 a has fi e applicant ever applied for an employer identification number for this or any other business7Note If Yes ' please complete lines 17b an d 17c

    I No17b U you checked 'Yes on line 17a, give applicant's legal name & trade nam e shown on prior application, if different from line1 or Z above

    Legal name N /A Trade n am e" N /A17 c Appio/imata date wh en and city and $tate where thp application was filed Enter previous employer identification number if known

    AE0r>*in DA M Wh tn Ftted (inanUi day yar)

    N/ACity and Slali Wrmt Fled


    N/Annilv o-rnn*4 1' mriury I OK tti* n al I hav oa iw m l tm% aptlUamn and B * in\ ol niy knomUi) and blMl il. Im* conui andcompkU | apjli_ TtUpholji Niitnbil

    Mumb>r (indudiinn * a'wl Iit (Piatg iyp w pfmL daariy) "

    ' ' ' ' j m t k i r ' r

    rl^ass leavebisnf .Note: Do nof wr/fe betow Ibis line Fo r official us e onlyC o Ind C l > u S i u

    BAA For Privacy and Paperwork Redu ction Act Notice, see separatelnstruc tions. fDizwoi M/IS/OO

    Reason (or Applying

    Form SS-4 (Rav 4 2000)000975

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and(b)(7)(F)-2O02 UNIFORM BUSINESS REPORT (UBR)



    r8, TNI ovanamed orally imtwmlB thin statraiwrn lor llui purpnra ol rivinfjinrj ur. rflijistimx) ofllcu or n>ulstred agnnt,or bold, in IHB Solo ofBarilla

    SIGNATl RE S iwjilw. ytsml w ar*Na nniMl JvptMMtf I Q M I #ldw*tt-ia0ta3MMfc INOfE PHTtfiwUJMiam KrM**f^OuiNMItthwrMl*rt|it, This ijorporoiion It digibte 10 atdy hi lo do 10. a

    10. Eteclion Campaign Flnancbig $5 .l >"Taiil Fund Contribution O Aildi.f!:x fi ing rMgufrvneni 1(See :rHoria on Sack)


    Ddie lllLfwaif.siniirNionfSSr.nv-si-wP O IKWe mtiKAMEMMXTMWIES5illEETUD *S5

    OTT'ST-WDlVllcK n u vmi



    KlIltflWIIHtSSotvsi ?

    G nittic OtiTl/nrMAMtsit*nnff3sorr-sr-n

    tniENU4CSM*(TA00rS5CilY SI- *

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    Docwt Q OwtifimifKiMEsi ittr Aootesscur-si-n


    13. I hoi iby iiertily thcl iho mlormsilon supplied with Irus libno ooai r u nunlify Im iht oxemplion staled in Saclion 119.07|3)(l). FloridB iSlslules. I lurlhcr cen.iy :rio! p*- Indlc Had on nils report orsupplement rnpeft is Irua ana socurats and Ilial my sianalura cfiall hove (he earns legal e'leci as Ifmads under oaUi: llut I sin m 1.,;.'.(ofUv: crypocfilion or llw receivar or Irusloo enipnwered lo execulci Uih> laporl s ruqulfsd by Chnptv 607 , FkirirUi SlMules: tuxi that my namo BIHWIUE in I'M*:-.; 1.; cl-wi port, ofon a rt etiachmanl with an address, wffli an other Mts ampow/ariid.OI|K)|03.IGNATURE:


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    ANEXO 7


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    omRon, OMRON HEALTHCARE. INC.1 300 L ak evlew Paritway V arnon Hills, I llinois 60 06 1 PLEASE B lti T TOO M R O N H E A L TH C A RE . I N C .P . O . BO X 7 3 4 9 6C H I C A G O I L 6 0 6 7 3 - 7 4 S 6tMw P h o n e 84 7 - 6 8 0 - 6 2 0 0 F a x 8 0 0 - 6 3 7 - 5 7 6 3INVOICE

    ll redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)

    P a g e H u H b e r -I i v o i c eD a t eC u s t o H e r -D r o i S h i p -D H B T Hkr -

    4040609 7 U

    rShip To:o l i Jo:

    U n i t e d S t a t e s

    T ix ID*Tax Cert: DEA Kun ber : 240571 P r o. H o: 0 0 4 1 4 7 8 < 4 0 4 2 0 0 8 ? 4 i. - R e q u e s t D a t e C u s t o n t r F.D. F . D . D . S k i t : PLS SHIP flSA P!

    03 /1 1 /02 . 031402-C L PPO/DEST lu s t :p L o / R q Dt D e s c r i p t i o n I t e n K u n ber Ult S b i p / B ic t c /C i R c e P r i c e E x t t t i e i l P r i c e'"" BK Il ftL THCRH - IKTCRKftTIDKftL H C-1 20 EA S 500 2 . 4 8 0 0 1 , 2 4 0 . 0 0DIGITAL THERIt - IHTERKATIDKftL Per EftSELF-TAKIHC DP KIT - I H T L H EH - 18I K1 IH S 1300 1 1 . 5 0 0 0 M . M O .O OPer EA


    Total Dr^er1 6 , 1 ? 0 . 0 0-UB " C R E D I T C A R D N e t D u e D a t e 0 4 / 0 7 / 0 2 I n v o i c e - 4 0 4 0 2 8 )

    n4 By; 5*

    C L A IM S F O R S H 0 R T A Q E 8 M U S T 8 6 M A D E W T TH W T E N D A Y S F R O M I N V O I C E D A T E .N O M E A C H A N C X S E M AY B E S P U R N E D W I T H O U T O U R P E R M I S S I O H .W E H E f E B V C E R T I F Y T H A T T H E S E G O O D S W E R E P R O D U C E D tH C O M P L I A N C E W I TH A L LA P P L IC A B L E R E O U I R E M E m S O F O E C TI O Hfl.7 A N D I S O F T H E F A I R L A O O B S T A N D A R D S A C T .A S A M E N O E O , A M > O f R E O U L A T l O N S A N D O F I D E R 5 Of T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S D E F A H T U E H T O FL A B O R I S S U E D U N D E R S E C T I O N U T H E R E O F . 000978 .,

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redact ions made pursuant to exempt ions(b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)MR-29-02 FR1 O3:2B PH OttROH HEALTHCARE INC FAXMO. 84716806504 P. 03


    Picker Packer # LQ__Order# (b'7C>p>2, j

    C o m pa n y N a m e ;Date -ft / 3&/

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F) I n v o i c eD a t e Invoice #

    4/3/2002 10003

    f "Bill Torii ;VICIOS1TDA: A L I - WAI'COLOMBIA

    P .O . N u m b er Rep ; Ship4/5/2002

    T e rm s Via FO.B. ProjectPREPAID j A B E C A R G O .

    Descriptionn Quantity I t em C ode Price E ach A m o u n t1. 300 T EN SI OM ET R OS j H E M - 18500 T ER MOM ET R OS M C - I 20 11.99 '2.62 I 15,587.00U 1 0 . 0 0



    Total $16,897.00


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112



    ANEXO 8L 25 :UP



  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    I All redactions m ade pursuant toexemptions (b)(6). (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)C los in g o r Sale of B u s in e s s o r C h ang e of L e gal E ntity,

    I D J- _. If y o u c hange your le gal e n t i t y and ara c o n t i n u i n g t o d o b u s i n e s s I n F lo r i da , y o u m u a th e l e g al e n tit y c h a n g e d o n .register o n - li n e o r c o m p l e t e a n d m a l l a n e w Application to Cdlaet and/or Report 76x In Florida ( F o r m DR-1).[ y i l w b u s in e s s w a s d o s e d p e rm an e n t ly o n \SL I.?} \ I O ^ (T he De partme n t will can ce l yo u r s ale s tax co r t tf ico fe n u mbe r as o l this dale . )D N o{/\ A re yo u a co rpo raUo n /psr tn e re hlp re q u i re d to ilec o r p o r a t e I n c o m e t ax o r c o r p o r a t e I n t a n g ib le t a x r e t u r n s ?S a l e s a n d U s e Ta x I ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B | pECertificate N um ber

    TTiayM ronlyI 1*D The business will close/was cl os w temporarily on IForwarding Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^City: ! S t a t a : _ . . I plantoeopen or_. Z I P : .1 Jh e bu s i n e s s w a s s o ld o n .

    N a m e o l N e w O w n e r .. . T h e n e w o w n e r I n to r m a ti o n IK

    T e l e p h o n e N u m b e r o f N e w O w n a r : (_Mailing Address of Nsw Ow nerCity: '

    r S i g n a t u r e o f T a x p a y e r ( R e q u i r e dStela: ZIP:



    \ :m m mfflJ^ JM000982I

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112




    CUT ALONG DOTTED LINEClosing or Sale of Business or Change of Legal E ntity


    T no le ga l e ntity c ha ng ed o n . ^ _ _ _ _CORPORATION 15 REGISTERED FOR SALES AND U5 E/ TA X . /O U M UST COMPLETE A N EW Applicat ion la Collect and Report Tax in Florida (FORM DR-1) ,The business was closed permanently on (XJ'Jl/DZ. . (The Department will remove your corporate Income tax and corporate intangible laobligation as of this date.)Are you a corporation/partnership required to file sales and use tax returns?

    Salos and Use TaxCertificate Number

    The business was sold on . The new owner Information Is:FEIND Telephone numbe r of new owne rame of new owner:

    Mailing address of new owner:City: County: State: ZIP:

    Signature of officer (REQUIR ED) Date Telephone number


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112



    All redactions made pursuant toexem ptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and(b)(7)(F)2003 FOR PROFIT CORPORATIONUNIFORM BUSINESS REPORT (UBR)

    7. Nama and AddrenB of Nw Ragtatarad *gaot. Name and Addra ot Current Registered AgantNameStreet Address (P.O. Box Number hi Not Accsplable)I


    Cy Zip CodaFL8. Tha ab ove na med antMy sutvnim this statement lor (he purpose of changing Us registered oHico or registered Bgenl. or both, in the Stale of Florida I am famaia! with, and ac

    (he obligation* of raflitterad agent.SIGNATURE . INOTe Rftohlnrad A0(K4*piMt*Mnqu 51-?fr jHUE _ 1fUMfW tt l WKWSSOK 5T-B ,tmr


    niuI W J iHIHEEIAROBErSr.iry-5i B FmtFHAUC . i na i M xw r jIIY-Sl-Jlf

    O FFI CERS AND DI RECTO RS^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ DIM*

    ^ i " " DDee


    D DfWe

    1 1 .T m fN A M E .SIKEFUXIMSS



    9. Election Campaign Financing $5 .0 0 WayTrust Fund Conlrtouiioo D Added to F


    TT c? / i ntng D *

    I D ChJme D A9 Tola). Ad d lines 1 through 8. See page 16 of Instructions for limitation

    10 Dividends from domestic corporations received by a sma ll busine ss Investmentcompany operating under the Small Business Investment Act of 1958

    1 1 Dividend* from certain FSC thai wa subject to Uw 100 % deduction (section 245(c)(1)>12 Dividends from uffffl*td group mambars iub|ecl lo the 100% deduction (ucjk m 243(a){3 . . . .13 Other div idends from foreign corporat ions not Included on Hnes 3 ,6 ,7 ,8 , or 1114 income from controlled foreign corporations under sub par tF (attach Form(s) 54 71 ) . . .15 Foreign dividend gross-up (section 78 )16 IC-DISC and former DI SC div idends not Included on l ines 1 ,2 . or 3 (section 246{d )) . . .17 Other dividends . . . I18 Deduction for dividends paid on certain preferred stock of public utilities16 Total dividends Add lines 1 through 17 . Enter here and on Rne 4, page 1

    ' 2 0 Total SDecia l deductions. Ad d l ines 3 .1 0. 11 .1 2 . and 16. Enter here and on l ine 29b. pane 1

    (a) Dividendsreceived

    w i m m m m m

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)IIIIIIIfIIIIIII


    Pa.Form 1120(2001)SchedulB J Tax Com putation (See page 16 of instructions.) > heck If the corporation is a fnember of a controlled group (see sections 1561 an d 15 63)Important: Members of a controlled grou p, see instructions on pa ge 16.If the box on line 1 is checke d, enter the corporation's share of the $5 0,000, S25 .000, and $9,825 ,000taxable income brackets (in that orde r):2a {2) (3}1) (D(2 ) Additional 5% tax (not more than $11,750)Additional 3% tax (not more than $100,000)b Enter the corporation's share of: * ncome tax. Check if a qualif ied personal service corporation under section 448(d)(2)Alternative minimum tax (attach Form 4626)Add lines 3 and 4 . , :34S6a 6aoreign tax credit (attach Form 111B) . .b Possessions tax credit (attach Form 5735)C Check: QNonconventional source fuel credit P i QEV credit (attach Form 6834)d General business credit. Check box(es) and indicate which forms are attached .QF om i3 80 0 OForm(sS(specify) ._ . 6b6c6dCredit for prior year min imum tax (attach Form 8827) .Qualified zone academy bo,nd credit (attach Form 6 860)Total credits. Add lines 6a through 6fSubtract l ine 7 from line 5Personal holding companyjtax (attach Schedule PH (Form 1120))O th er ta xe s. C he ck if fro m: [ j F o r m 4 2 5 5 Q R > r m 8 6 1 1 F o r m 8 69 7

    F o r m e e e e Q O the r ( at tach schedule) . . .Total tax. Add lines 8 through 10. Enter here and on line 31 , page 1



    1011Schedule K Other information (See pflB 19 of Instructions.)1 Check method or accounting: [XJCashb Accrual c Other (specify)2 See page 2 1 of the Instructions and enter the:a Business activity code no. . . . 4 2 1 9 9 0 _ _

    b Business activity . General MerchandjC Product or service ' . j =&o jV l jnpor t3 At the end of the tax year, did the corporation

    o w n , directly or indirectly, 50% or more of thevoting stock of a domestic corboration? (For rulesof attribution, s ee section 267(c).)If Yes," attach a cclwduls ctiowipg: (a) r um * andemployer Idantlflcalion number (EIN), (b) percentageowned, and (c) laxabia Income or (Io n) before N OLand special deduction* at cuch dwporalion tor thelax year ending with or within your tax yea r.

    4 is the corporation a subsidiary in an affiliatedgroup or a parent-subsidiary controlled group?H "Va," enter min e and EIN ot Iho parentcorporation ' . . .

    5 At the end oHhe to year" did any Individual,partner- ship, corporation, estate, or trusto w n , directly or Indirectly, 50% or more of thecorporation's voting stock? (For rules ofattribution, see section 287 (c). )If "Yes," attach a schedule showing name andIdentifying numb er. (Do not indw la a ny liiluinuitianalieady entered In 4 ebon.) EnWr percentageo w n e d 1 C K J ; 0 p % _

    6 During this tax year, did t h e ' corporationpay dividends (other than stock dividendsand distributions in exchange for stock)in excess of the corporation's currentand accumulated earnings land profits?(See sections 3 01 and 31 R)If *Yes," file Form 5452, Corporate Report ofNondMdend Distributions.

    Yes N o if this Is a consolidated return, answer here for the parentcorporation and on Form 8 5 1 , Affiliations Schedule, foreach subsidiary.At any time during the tax year, did one foreign persono w n , directly or indirectly, at least 25% of (a) the totalvoting power of ail class es of stock of the corporationentitled to vote or (b) the total value or all classes of stockof the corporation?ir "Yes," enter, (a) Percentage ownedand (b) Owner's country _ ___

    C The corporation may have to file Form 5472, InformationReturn of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or aForeign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business.Enter number of Forms 5472 attached 1i m m B Check this box if the corporatton Issued pubUdy offereddebt instruments with orlfiinal issue discount . . . ,f |If checked, the corporation may have to He Form B 2 6 1 ,Information Return for Publicly Offered Original IssueDiscount instruments.Enter the amount of tax-exempt Interest received oraccrued during the lax year $

    10 Enter the number of shareholders at the end of the taxyear (If 75 or fewer)11 If the corporation has an NOL for the tax year and Is

    electing to forego the carryback period, check here j IIf the corporation is ilinga consolidated return, thestatement required by Regulations section1 .(502 -21 (bM3)(() or (11) must be attached or the electionwill not be valid.Enter the available NOL carryover from prior tax years(Do not reduce It by any deduction o n line23a.) 1

    1 2Note: If the corporation, at any time during the tax year,, h a d assets or operated a business In a foreign country or U.S. po ss< fiB Q?8 ay berequired to attach Schedule N (f orm 1120V Foreign Operations of U.S. Corporations, to this return. See Schedule ^ ^ "l -J rJ b. 1 1- - ' ' . - ^ _ _ _ ^ 000992 j Form 11

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), and (b)(7)(F)tIIIIIIII1I1I1IIIII

    F o r m 1 1 2 0 ( 2 0 0 1 )Schedule L Balance Sheets per BooksAssetsCash .

    T r a d e n o t e s and a c c o u n t s r e c e i v a b l e .b L e s s a l l o w a n c e for bad d e b t s J . . .3 I n v e n t o r i e s . . .

    U. S. g o v e r n m e n t o b l i g a t i o n s . . . .T a x - e x e m p t s e c u r i t i e s ( s e e i n s t r u c t i o n s )O t h e r c u r r e n t a s s e t s ( a t t a c h s c h e d u l e ) .L o a n s to s h a r e h o l d e r s . . . . . . .M o r t g a g e and r e a l e s t a t e l o a n s . . . .O t h e r i n v e s t m e n t s ( a t t a c h s c h e d u l e ) .B u ildin gs and o t h e r d e p r e c i ab l e a s s e t s

    b L e s s a c c u m u l a t e d d e p r e c i a ti o n . . .11a Depletable assets

    b Less accumulated depletion' . . . . ,12 Land (net of any amortization) . . . .13a Intangible assets (amortizable only) . .

    b Less accumulated amprtization . . .14 Other assets (attach schedule) . . .15 Total assets



    Liabilitiesand Shareholders' EquityA c c o u n t s p a y a b l e !Mortgages, no tes , bon ds payable In less than 1 yearO t h e r c u r r e n t l i a b i l i t i e s ( a t t a c h s c h e d u l e ) .L o a n s fr o m s h a r e h o l d e r sMortgages, no tes , bon ds payable in 1 lyear or moreO t h e r l i a b i l i t i e s ( a t t a c h s c h e d u l e ) . . . .C a p i t a l s t o c k : a P r e f e r r e d s t o c k . . .

    b C o m m o n s to c k . . .A dditio n al paid-in capi talRetained e arnin gs - Appropriated (attach schedu le)R e t a i n e d e a r n i n g s - U n a p p r o p r i a t e d . . .A djustments to shareholders ' eq uity (attach schedu le)Less cost of treasury stockTotal liabilities and shareholders' equity . .

    16171 819202 1222 32 42 52 62 72 9

    Note: The corporation is no t requ ired to co mple te S che du le s M-1 an d M-2 H the total asse ts on line 15. col , (d) of Schedule L are less than $25.000.Schedule M-1 Reconciliation of Income (Loss) per Books With Income per Return | X Ictw* i7Net income (loss) per booksFederal income tax per books ^E x c e s s of c a p i t a l l o s s e s o v e r c a p i t a l g a i n s . . . .I n c o m e s u b j e c t to tax not r e c o r d e d on b o o k s t h isy e a r ( i t e m i z e ) : R o y p d i O S . .-?.E x p e n s e s r e c o r d e d on b o o k s t r i j s y e a r notd e d u c t e d on t h i s r e t u r n ( i t e m i z e ) :

    a D e p r e c i a t i o n $b C h a r i ta b l e c o n t r i bu t i o n s . . . . 5 0_c T r a v e l and e n t e r t a i n m e n t . . . . 5 0b"

    I n c o m e r e c o r d e d on b o o k s t hi s y e a r n o ti n c l u d e d on t h i s r e t u r n ( i t e m i z e ) :T a x - e x e m p t I n t e r e s t $

    D e d u c t i o n s on t h i s r e t u r n n o t c h a r g e da g a i n s t b o o k I n c o m e t h i s y e a r ( i te m i z e ) :

    D e p r e c i a t i o n . . . . $ _b C h a r it a bl e c o n t r i b u t i o n s * 0

    " " 0" " " " " " " " " "." "".9.a

    9 Add lines 7 and B-203110 Income (line 26, page 1)-llne 6 less line 9Add lines 1 through 5 -203

    Schedule M-2 Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings per Books (Line 25, Schedule L)5 Distributions: a Cash . . . .

    b Stock . . . .c Property . . .

    6 Other decreases (itemize):7 Add'llnes*5a'rid"6"".".'"."."""."!8 Balance at end of year [line 4 less flftOS9:

    1 Balance at beginning of year2 Net income (loss) per books3 Other increases (itemize):

    4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 -202- pn al l2Djt2{Kn )000993

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    11Una26 {Form 1120) - Other Deductions1 Bank chargesi Delivery3 Qffice tugplies and expense4 Total other deductions


    3 015315198


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112



    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F) 65-H2B351H TRADING INCLine 6, Sch K (Form 1120) - Additional Information

    If in Individual, partnership, corporation, estate or trust at the en d of the tax year ow n , directly or In directly,iOVt or m or e ol t he c or por ation's vot ing s t oc k, en t e r n am e an d ide nt if ying n u m be rNAMEN A M E:



  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112




    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    Balance Shee tAs of December 2002

    6/18/200311:41:51AMAssets iLiabilitiesEquity

    Owner/Shareholder's EquityOwner/Sharehldr InvestmentTotal Owner/Shareholder's EquityRetained EarningsCurrent Year EarningsTotal Equity

    Total Liability & Equity

    $ 4 8 0 . 0 0 $ 4 8 0 . 0 0( $ 2 0 2 . 7 5 )( $ 2 7 7 . 2 5 ) $ 0 . 0 0$ 0 . 0 0

    0 0 0 9 9 6

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    Profit & Loss Statement1/1/2002 through 12/31/2002

    6/18/200311:42:51 A M _IncomeSalestot a l IncomeCos t of SalesPurchases

    $18,203.50$18,203.50l$17,168.49.I $17,168.49otal Cost of Sales

    Gross P rofitExpensesGeneral & Administrative ExpLegal & Professional FeesBank ChargesOutside ServicesOffice SuppliesRenewal CorporationLicense & TaxesTotal Gen eral & Administrative ExpTotal ExpensesOperating Profit


    Other Income jOther Expenses 'Net Prof i t / (Loss)


    S500.00$64.64$380.63$211.99$150.00$5.00 $1,312.26."_$J ,31 2,2 6.[$277,251



  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    yI -

    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    Detail Trial Balance1/1/2002 To 12/31/2002

    f /18/200311:44:11 AMID# Src Date Memo1-1110 Checking Accountbeginning Balanca:QJ000012 GJOJ000015 GJ1003 CDGJ000016 GJGJ000017 GJGJ000014 GJOJ000013 GJ1004 CDOJ000018 GJ1006 CDGJ000019 GJ1007 CDGJ00O020 GJGJ000021 GJ1008 CD1008 CD

    $3.948891/7/2002 Deposit3/5/2002 Prestige Distributors3/21/2002 Cash3/22/2002 Off iceMax3/28/2002 Omron Healthcare3 /29/2002 Bank Charges3 /31/200 2 Deposits March 20024/11 /2002 Department of State4/30/?00 2 Bank Charges5/13 /2002 LSP Associates5/31 /2002 Bank Charges6/27/ 2002 Florida Department of Rev6/2672002 Bank Charges7/1/2002 Deposit39/2002 ^ MWHHMM9/16/2002 | | | ^ H ^ H | ^ HI Total:

    11300 Merchandise Inventory IBeginning Balanca:GJ000022 GJ S930.5612/3 1/200 2 Relocate InventoryTotal:

    3-2300 Loin Ftom StockholderNglnning Balance:1003 CD1008 CD1009 CD

    $4,600.00 cr3/21/2002 Cash32002 H |HHaH^HH9/16/2002H I H H L H HTotal:

    M0 00 Retained EarningsSpinning Balanca:OJ000000 GJ 50.001/1/2002 End o f Year Adjustment. Total:

    >-MO0 Current Year Earnings ]tegltwlno Balanca:OJ000000 GJ

    4.1600 SatotItttjflntng Balance:OJ000012 GJOJ000013 GJOJ000021 GJ

    $20275,1/1/2002 End of Year AdjustmentI Total:

    $0.001/7/2002 Deposit3 /31/200 2 Deposits March 20027/1/2002 DepositTotal:








    $202 75$202.75



    Crejlit Job

    $47.S3$200.00$211.99$16,190.00$ 1 5 0 0$150.00$ 1 9 6 4$500.00$15.00$5.00$15.00







    Net Activity







    P a g e iEnding Balance

    $5,253.19$5,205 26$5,005.26$4,793.27$11,396.73 cr$11,411.73 cr$1,488.27$1,338.27$1,318.63$818.63$803.63$798.63$783 63$4,78063$3,080.63$ 0 0 0

    cr $000

    $0.00cr $0.00

    $4,400.00 cr$2,700.00 cr$0.00$0.00


    $0.00cr $0.00

    $1,306.50 cr$14,206.50 cr$18,203.50 crcr $18,203 .50 cr

    ft. 1000 Purchase*ivfmntng BalanceOJ000018 GJ000998$0003 /6/200 2 Prestige Distributors $47.9347.93

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112



    All redactions made pursuantto exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C),(b)(7)(F)Detail Trial B alance

    1/1/2002 To 12/31/2002 Page 2Credit Job Net Act ivi ty Ending Balance

    8/18/200311:44:12 AMID# Src Debitate Memo5-1000 PurchasesBeginning Balance: $0.0 0GJ000017 GJ 3/28/2002 Omron HealthcareGJ000022 GJ 12/31/2002 Relocate Inventory $16,190.00$930.56


    $17,168.49 $17,168.49otal: $0.006-1100 Legal & Professional FeesBeginning Balance: $0 .001005 CD 5/13/2002 LSP Associates $500.00

    $500.00$500.00$500.00otal: $0.00 $500,00

    ft-1200 Bank ChargesBeginning Balance: 50. 00GJ000014 GJ 3/29/2002 Bank ChargesGJ000018 GJ 4/30/2002 Bank ChargesGJ000019 GJ 5/31/2002 Bank ChargesGJ000020 GJ 6/28/2002 Bank Charges


    $15.00$34.64$49.64$64.64$64.64otal: $64.640.00

    8-1350 Outside ServicesBeginning Balance:1009 CD 9/16/20021 $380.63$380.63









    Total: $0.00 $380.630-1500 Office SuppliesBagtnmng Balance: SO.00G J 0 0 0 0 1 6 GJ 3 / 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 O f f i c e M a x

    Total: $211,990,006-1010 Renewal CorporationBeginning Balance: $0. 001004 CD 4/11/2002 Department of State

    Total:6' 1920 License & Taxe s((pinning Balance: $0.001007 CD 6/27/2002 Florida Department of Rev


    $0.00 $150.00

    $0.00 $5.00

    $41,487.00rand Total:


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    [All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)


    inr a personalnitrvice corp (asdtt

    rmed *tnHnuumlont section1

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112



    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)l-ormi120-A(2002) Page 2iLarti, Tax Computation (see page 17 o( Inslrucllons)1 Income tax. If the corporation is a qualified personal service corporation (see page 17). check here > Q2 n General business credit. Check box(es) and indicate which forms are attached.Q Form 3800 QFor m(s ) (specify) *b Credit for prior year minimum tax (attach Form 8827)3 TOTAL CREDITS. Add lines 2a and 2b4 Subtract line 3 from line 15 Other taxes. Check if f rom: [ZJ Form 4255 Q F o r m 8611 Q F o m i 8697 I I Form 8866Q Other (attach schedule)ft TOTAL TAX, Add lines 4- and 5. Enter here and on line 27, page 1


    |Pt r t l l ' In! Other Information (see page 19 o f nstructions)5 aoe page 21 and enter the:a Business activity code no.

    b Business activity IM PO RT /E XP OR Tc Product ot service * GE NE RA L MERC HA ND ISE

    II an amount is entered on line 2, page 1, enter romwortisheet on D3oe 14 insir(1 )(2 )(3 )

    421990 16.237urc ha s e sAddit ional 263A costs (attach schedule)Othe r costs (at tach schedule) . . . .

    If property is produced or acquired lor re s a le , do the rules of sectio n2B3A apply to the corporation? [ Z ] Y e s [E3 N oAt any time during Ihe 2002 calendar year, did the corporation havean interest in or a signature or other authority over a financial account(such as a bank account, securities account, or other financialaccount) in a foreign country? L j Y e s L H J N OIf "Yes," the corporation may have to file Form TD F 90-22.1.If "Yes," enter Ihe name of the foreign country in

    At the end of the tax year, did any individual, partnership,oslate, or trust own, directly or indirectly, 50% or more of thecorporation's voting stock? (For rules of attribution, see section?r.7(c).) [KlYes dJNoIt "Yos." atlach a schedule showing name and Identifying number.I mei the amount of lax-exempt interest received or accruedduring Ihe tax year 1$ |_ Are the corporation's lotal receipts (line 1a plus lines 4 through 10

    on page 1) for the tax year AND its lotal assets at the end of the taxyear less than 5250,000? QTJYes Q N O "Yes.* the corporation is NOT required to complete Parts lit and IV below

    4 I ninr total amount of cash distributions and ihe book valueni property distributions (other than cash) made during the tax. . MSH"U...|*rtj Balance Sheets per Books (a) Beginning of tax year (b) End of lax year

    3,947Cash2 a Trade notes and accounts receivable . . . .b Less allowance for bad debts3 Inventories4 U.S. government obligations5 Tax-exempt securities (see instructions) . .8 Other current assets (attach schedule) . . .7 Loans to shareholders8 Mortgage and real estate loans0 n Depreciable, depletable, and Intangible assets . .

    b Less accumulated depredation, depletion, and amortization10 Land (net of any amortization)11 Other assets (attach schedule)I ? Total assets




    4,878Accounts payable14 Other current liabil ities (attach schedule) . . .15 Loans from shareholders16 Mortgages, notes, bonds payable . . . . . .17 Other liabilit ies (attach schedule)IB Capital stock (preferred and common stock) . .10 Additional paid-in capital70 Retained earningsIf > Adjustments to shareholders' equity (attach schedule)72 le ss cost of treasury stock73 Total liabilities and shareho lders' equity



    4.87BJ Reconciliation of Income (Loss) per Books With Income per Return I Check to complete Part IV-277 6 Income recorded on books this year not included

    on this return (itemize)h#t htM-iin |i(ifij) por books

    '% fort***! utenmn lux per booksI Mt* rt (miUfli losses over capital gains .

    4 H t f i o ili|nct It) lax not recorded on bookspM t#' (HB";r)

    7 Deductions on this return not charged againstbook income this year (itemize)oiwm 8 Income (line 24, page 1). Enter the sum of lines 1through 5 less the sum of lines 6 and 7

    :.'> f. tt i Mk i*< ("iimi on books this year not$ pit tin* return (ilemize) 001(Xb1m 1120-A (2002


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6),(b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F) 65-1128331,Un?. 22.{Form.112.0-Ai - Other Deductions.


    1 Bank charges. 1' .Qu.'?'.d.6 J?fW?SS. - 2' .9!'i??.s. liPP!'?l. s.?Pit??PA 1se __ 3* .^K'G.s.S'PIial.feJIs '. 4> Total other deductions 5_

    6538 021 25 001.157

    Line 2, Part II (Form 1120-A) - Additional InformationII pn individual, partnership, corporation , estate or trust at the end of the tax y ear o wn , directly or indirectly,50% or more of the corporation's vo ting stock, enter name and Identifying number.NAMENAME



  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112



    Florida C orporate Short FormIncome Tax R eturnAll redactions made pursuantto exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    A T X 1F-1120AFt 01/03

    Mah* checks payable and m ai l to :n ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVE NUE, 5050 W TENNESSEE STREET, TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-0135. . . . , . , C u t a long dptteaMJne . . . . . . .F io f fdaCorpo ra teSKor t l ormTncome fax" Return "ATXVF-VI2OAUmhw (wnollios ol penury. I declare that I ha ve exam ined (his return and to the best of m y knowledg e and be lief, it is true, correc t, and com - R 01/03i t t M . II pmHtrad bv a person other than the taxpaye r, the declaration Is based on all Information of which the preoa rer has any kno wledge.


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    i All redactions fnade pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)Reconciliation Report

    Payee Deposit5/22/20031:00:22 PM PageiWithdrawalD# Date

    C h e ck i n g A c c o u n t :Dale of Bank Statement:Last Reconciled:Last Reconciled Balance:

    1-1110 Checking Account1/31/200212/31/2001$ 3 , 9 4 6 . 6 9

    Cleared OeposKsGJ000012 1/7/2002 Deposit $1,306.50

    $1,306.50otal: $0.00Reconciliation

    MYOB Plus Balance on 1/31/2002:Add: Outstanding Checks:

    Subtotal:Ded uct Outstanding Deposits:

    Expected Balance on Statement





    m..0 0 10 0 4

  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    All redactions made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)

    SsiBS an d USA Tsx iV iturnFlorida I I .Gros* SalesA. Satof .Q ^ gB"fittsrt PuchH H||H|^H^|HilC. SwvtaM0. 1hnalenrRntBli

    1 TVuulwt ftonau Ratt: . 0 6 0 0 S u tt xR a t*

    Duo: QCT1 2002UtaAfter. OCT 212002

    2 . Exsmpt Sales

    ^ 0 0 0 0 1 Oatadton PtedH | 1JUL-SEPH ^ 1 20021j ^^ IltorUM20th, H *kntnidfana,LJnta 11-13


    3. Taxabta Amo.untO .?

    Total Amount of Tax CollectedLess Lawful DeductionsTotal Tax DueLets Eat Tax Prid/ DOR MemoPlus EstTax Due Currart MonthAmount DueL M Collectlen AHowanea

    ^Plu s PenaltyPhis InterestAmount Do * with Raturn

    DF^-15 R. 01/024.TxCoacted

    Q O . "


    . 202122232425262728293031

    HDI Do Not Write In This SpaceI Electronic FundsTransfer.Check here ifI [ payment was transmitted electronically. 0Q7fi 1101Q2 3103Q1 lt>34?flMQl


  • 8/14/2019 Petition 112


    J*mtn$e of Address or Business Name-* fet e Hit* Inrm, sign it, and mail it with your tax return rt:\ M M U H I I balow is not correct tha business location changesi fta*ti nome changes within the same countyI ntfrvt your business location to another county or you have af# ef Icpcl intlty, you must register online or complete and mallt Appttattlon to Collect and/or Report Te x In Florida (Form DR-1) .' tt>. ie Resources in the instructions, contact your local[ ol Revenue Service Center, or call Taxpayer Services (see (MM* cover) I t you are closing or se ll ing your business or havei In lpl entity, complete the form on the reverse side.

    FEIN of Entity

    DDD-DD-DDDDDDD-DD-DDDDSSNOwrwSSN SpoutsBusiness location .LouUsnC d y. _S l l . . Z IP .

    County .


    OwrtriToKptiofn (. County .

    All redactions made pursuant toexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C), (b)(7)(F)20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 HO

    4. Tux Collected. Taxable Amount ~cr&Cn*3Total Amount of Tax CollectedLess Lawful Deductions ( U M M >Total Tax D ueLees EstTax Paid/ DOR MemoPlus Est. Tax Due Current MonthAmount DueLess Collection AllowancePlus PenaltyPlus Interest 5 Smount Due wttb Return4.

    0Q7fl 110302 310301 lb347BM01

    1007nnt* Q /ffy/OJ- 6 3 - 4 / 6 3 0 ft

    Ordernf "^OsJa Tkj^tXf^r^ fQp. Quxa J$ 50SrtJ-./t3 .Dollars S Sbi.Bank of Am erica.