Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate...

Peter Golding Peter Golding Managing Managing Director Director
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Transcript of Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate...

Page 1: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Peter GoldingPeter GoldingManaging DirectorManaging Director

Page 2: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Presentation will coverPresentation will cover

The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management

Establishing your business’s current level of compliance Reducing the risk and understanding the cost of road accidents Methods to reduce and control maintenance costs Risks associated with ‘Grey Fleet’ issues Building a robust audit trail Solutions available

Page 3: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

The factsThe facts

It has been estimated that up to a third of all road traffic accidents involve somebody who is at work at the time. This may account for over 20* fatalities and 250* serious injuries every week.

* Department for Transport figures

Page 4: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

The consequences of an investigation into a serious accident The consequences of an investigation into a serious accident under the Corporate Manslaughter Act can be catastrophicunder the Corporate Manslaughter Act can be catastrophic

Cases can take several years to come to courtCases can take several years to come to court

Negative publicityNegative publicity

Financial lossesFinancial losses

Major impact on all staffMajor impact on all staff

Personal trauma for those specifically involvedPersonal trauma for those specifically involved

Extreme stress and anxiety for senior managementExtreme stress and anxiety for senior management

Don’t ignore your corporate responsibilities…Don’t ignore your corporate responsibilities…

Review your Work Related Road RisksReview your Work Related Road Risks

Page 5: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

They are carrying out more and more follow-up investigations with companies after collisions to ensure that work-related road safety is embedded within company policy.

The Metropolitan Police is one of several forces who are seriously investigating the safety of driving in company vehicles. 

Police VisitsPolice Visits

Page 6: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Legislation affecting Fleet ManagementLegislation affecting Fleet Management

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

The Road Vehicle (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986

The Road Traffic Act 2006

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

The Corporate Manslaughter & Corporate Homicide Act 2007

Page 7: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

The total cost of an accidentThe total cost of an accident

Insurance premiums can be significantly reduced by demonstrating an effective risk reduction program

Average direct cost: £700* per vehicle

Total £2,800* when considering lost output, salaries, administration, legal fees and business interruption

*Institute of Advanced Motorists study

Page 8: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Do your existing health and safety policies cover work-related road safety?


Responsibility Company needs to commit to work-related road safety at senior management level first and effectively communicate to your drivers

Policies and Procedures Carry out a review of your current policies, procedures and documentation

Systems Adequate system to ensure your vehicles are regularly inspected and serviced in accordance with manufacturers recommendations

Monitoring Collect sufficient information to allow you to make effective decisions about existing policy and the need for change

Page 9: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Risk AssessmentRisk Assessment Failure to properly manage work-related road safety is more likely to endanger other people than a failure to manage risks in the workplace

Identify the risks – carry out driver risk profile

Decide who might be harmed - who is at most risk

Evaluate the risk - consider how likely and what is acceptable

Record your findings - evidence that a correct check was made; you consulted theses who might be affected; you dealt with all the obvious hazards

Review your assessment and revise if required - details of incidents, driver details and vehicle history and review from time to time

Page 10: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Staff using their own car for work -Staff using their own car for work -

A recent survey showed that… More than 33%* fail to check that grey fleet drivers have a driving licence Over 50%* do not check if their grey fleet vehicles have adequate business insurance Over 75%* do not ask to see valid MOT certificates for grey fleet vehicles Over 80%* fail to check whether grey fleet vehicles are regularly serviced

‘A Health and Safety time bomb’

If an employee drives for business purposes, the legal Duty of Care regarding the driver’s welfare falls to the Employer – regardless of vehicle ownership

*Arval report 2007

are you at risk?are you at risk?

Page 11: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Competency - are you satisfied that your drivers are competent and capable of doing their work in a way that is safe for them and others

Training – are you satisfied that your drivers are properly trained in all areas of responsibility

Fitness and Health - are you satisfied that you drivers are sufficiently fit and healthy to drive safely and not put themselves or others at risk

Drivers handbook - effectively communicate company policies and ensure complete understanding

Licence inspections – complete and document regular licence inspections for all drivers

The DriverThe Driver

Page 12: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Drivers’ licence inspectionsDrivers’ licence inspections

There are approximately 472,000 unlicenced drivers on the UK’s roads

Of this total 17,200 drivers have been banned under the points system, but continue to drive without a valid licence.

(Source: DfT Research into unlicenced driving – final report road safety research report 48).

Page 13: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

It is estimated that driver fatigue accounts for up to 20% It is estimated that driver fatigue accounts for up to 20% of fatal and serious crashes on motorways in the UK.of fatal and serious crashes on motorways in the UK.

Identify the drivers that create the risk for your organisationIdentify the drivers that create the risk for your organisation

Companies which turn a blind eye to driver fatigue are at risk. Policies governing how long staff are allowed to work, which includes time spent behind the wheel, and how many miles they are allowed to drive should be put in place

Driver FatigueDriver Fatigue

Page 14: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

It is an offence to smoke or to permit smoking in enclosed public spaces and workplaces in England.

This law includes vehicles used for work purposes

The penalties for non-compliance are severe. Make sure your vehicles become (and remain) smoke free.

Legislation ChangesLegislation Changes

Page 15: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Mobile Phone DangerMobile Phone Danger

Drivers who use a hand-held or hands-free mobile phone whilst driving are four times more likely to crash – injuring or killing themselves and/or other people.

(RoSPA report 2007 )

Now a 3-Point PenaltyNow a 3-Point Penalty

Page 16: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Driver TrainingDriver Training

Safer driving means: Less injuries and fatalities on our roads Less accident damage to vehicles Less unproductive downtime for vehicle repair The potential for reduced insurance premiums

Fuel efficiency means: Lower costs Increased profits Reduced emissions Improved environmental impact

Government Funding for SAFED for Vans has been extended

Page 17: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.


Condition – ensure your vehicles are correctly maintained and effectively managed, build a robust audit trail

Inspections – carry out regular routine vehicle inspections and record findings

Recommendations – ensure garage and drivers recommendations are actioned

Safety – consideration to factory fitted safety features and NCAP rating

Suitability - are you satisfied that vehicles are fit for the purpose for which they are used


Page 18: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Regular, scheduled tyre inspections are a Regular, scheduled tyre inspections are a fundamental health and safety requirementfundamental health and safety requirement

Tyres ManagementTyres Management

According to a report from Hertfordshire police, defective tyres are one of the top five causes of death and injury on Hertfordshire roads


*12% of cars and vans on the road have at least one defective tyre, a further 12% of cars and vans have a tyres just legal.

Page 19: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Extended service intervals!Extended service intervals!

Reduced safety inspections during servicingReduced safety inspections during servicing

MOT inspections are MOT inspections are notnot a guarantee of safety a guarantee of safety

It is essential that regular vehicle checks are It is essential that regular vehicle checks are completed, recorded and filed completed, recorded and filed

Effective MaintenanceEffective Maintenance

Page 20: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.


Garage RecommendationsGarage Recommendations

Failing to act on garages’ advisory repairs within the Failing to act on garages’ advisory repairs within the specified time/mileage can be highly dangerous and costlyspecified time/mileage can be highly dangerous and costly

On average, the cost of the repair will increase by three times

More importantly, your oversight More importantly, your oversight could cause accidents and cost livescould cause accidents and cost lives

Page 21: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Vehicle maintenanceVehicle maintenance

It is essential that…

Scheduled maintenance is carried out within correct date and mileage

MOT inspections are completed in time

Recommendations from garages are actioned when specified

Regular safety inspections are completed between services

‘Grey fleet’ vehicles are subject to the same rules

Drivers are educated regarding their responsibilities

Time and budget is allocated to make it happen

Vehicle maintenanceVehicle maintenance

Page 22: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Scheduling - are work schedules realistic - are you satisfied that sufficient time is allowed to complete journeys safely

Time – The highway code recommends a 15 minute break after two hours of driving are your drivers aware of your policy

Distance - are you satisfied that drivers will not be put at risk from fatigue caused by excessive distances without breaks

Weather - is sufficient consideration given to travelling in adverse weather conditions

Routes - do you plan routes thoroughly

The JourneyThe Journey

Page 23: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Vehicle TelematicsVehicle Telematics

Productivity - where the vehicle is, how long on site, directions to nextjob, how long parked, route taken.

Health & Safety – vehicle speed, length of time driving, when last break was taken, time of day of journey

Investigation – previous location vehicle, valid mileage claims,visits to unauthorised locations.

Crash Investigation – time and location of crash, vehicle speed, how long driving prior to impact.

Discipline – unauthorised journeys or breaks, instance of speeding,driving without a break.

Page 24: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

FleetCheck working with youFleetCheck working with you

FleetCheck are currently working with Housing Associations

Fleet review, identifying potential cost savings

Ongoing development of FleetCheck software to meet your needs

Review of Grey Fleet issues and communication with drivers

Establishing a clear understanding of fleet management concerns specific to DLO’s

Creating a bespoke risk management report

Page 25: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

How FleetCheck can help youHow FleetCheck can help you

‘‘Risk Assist’ A detailed questionnaire to help you establish your current level of legal compliance A bespoke compliance action plan with online support services A generic drivers’ handbook and driving assessment questionnaire

‘My Fleetcheck’ software Unique online vehicle management software designed for even the smallest fleet

Page 26: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.
Page 27: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

‘‘Risk Assist’ A detailed questionnaire to help you establish your current level of legal compliance A bespoke compliance action plan with online support services A generic drivers’ handbook and driving assessment questionnaire

‘My Fleetcheck’ software Unique online vehicle management software designed for even the smallest fleet Visual alerts & email’s to remind you in advance of key tasks and renewals Functionality to help you control and analyse costs

Online drivers’ licence inspections A robust method of ensuring licences are valid and of appropriate type, and monitoring


Online driver risk assessments Identify drivers presenting your Company with risks, and act accordingly

How FleetCheck can help youHow FleetCheck can help you

Page 28: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.


FleetCheck will work with you to…

Enable you to effectively control and monitor your costs Provide you with a Robust Audit Trail Reduce your risk and claim potential Insurance savings Reduce your legal exposure Save you valuable time and reduce vehicle down time Alert you to changes in legislation and road safety issues Give you peace of mind

Page 29: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

Constructor’s TestimonialConstructor’s Testimonial

“I have been aware of the mounting changes to driver and vehicle legislation for some time, but like many others who have busy and varied roles, could not find the time to address the issues. FleetCheck arrived at the right time for me, enabling me to manage the fleet and the Duty of Care responsibilities more effectively with robust and simple to use software. In addition the professional advice received and the technical support available means that I am saving money and have more time to spend in other areas.”

Neil Golding – Finance Director, RJ Leighfield Ltd.

Page 30: Peter Golding Managing Director. Presentation will cover The significance of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act in fleet management.

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