Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st...

PÉTALE 1 Pétale Odile Decq

Transcript of Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st...

Page 1: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella


PétaleOdile Decq

Page 2: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella


PétaleOdile Decq


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Light andacoustic comfortAll-in-one solutionTechnical and acoustic specificationsProjects The Cargo Confluence GL Events Shopify Artopex EatalyPétale applicationsTechnical data






Page 4: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella


Light and acoustic comfort

EN Sust ainability and wellbeing are crucial fact ors for techno-logical and design innovation based on genuine environmental resp onsibility. In particular, in shared sp aces for work, st udy, dining or free time, noise pollution caused by excessive propa-gation of dist urbing sounds threatens to have a negative impact on physical and psychological wellbeing. To address this problem, Luceplan has inserted a sp ecial sound-absorbing panel inside a lamp, to improve acoust ic comfort in the sur-rounding area. The result is Pétale, a versatile and elegant susp ension lamp designed by French architect Odile Decq. The body of the lamp, covered in white fl ameproof fabric, st ands out for its fl uid, ethe-real organic design. With this creation, Luceplan consolidates its commitment in the areas of sust ainability and wellness.

IT Sost enibilità e benessere rappresentano fatt ori cruciali nel contest o di un’innovazione progett uale e tecnologica che possa dirsi autenticamente ecoresp onsabile. In particolare, negli sp azi collett ivi - dedicati al lavoro, allo st udio, alla rist orazione, al tempo libero - l’inquinamento acust ico, causato da un’eccessiva propagazione di rumori e suoni molesti, rischia di incidere negativamente sull’equilibrio psicofi sico dell’uomo. Per ovviare a quest o problema, Luceplan ha pensato di racchiudere all’interno di una lampada uno sp eciale pannello fonoassor-bente che consente di migliorare il comfort acust ico nello sp azio circost ante. È nata così Pétale, versatile ed elegante lampada a sosp ensione progett ata dall’architett o francese Odile Décq, il cui corpo, rive-st ito in tessuto bianco ignifugo, è caratt erizzato da una fl uida ed aerea forma organica. Con quest a creazione, Luceplan riconferma il proprio impegno sul duplice versante della sost eni-bilità e del benessere.

DE Nachhaltigkeit und Komfort sind grundlegende konzeptuelle Faktoren von im wahrst en Sinne des Worts umweltverantwortli-cher planerischer und technologischer Innovation. Insbeson-dere dort, wo Menschen zusammen kommen - in der Arbeit, beim Unterricht, in Lokalen und Freizeiteinrichtungen – kann das menschliche psychophysische Gleichgewicht durch akust i-sche Verschmutzung aufgrund zu st arken Nachhalls von Lärm und st örenden Geräuschen beeinträchtigt werden. Um dieses

Problem anzugehen, hat Luceplan eine sp ezielle schallabsor-bierende Platt e innerhalb einer Leuchte eingesetzt, um den akust ischen Komfort in der Umgebung zu verbessern. So ent-st and Pétale, eine vielseitige und elegante Pendelleuchte, entworfen von der französischen Architektin Odile Décq. Der Lampenkörper hat eine fl uide, organische, schwerelose Form und ist mit feuerfest em weißem Stoff bezogen. Eine Kre-ation, mit der Luceplan ein weiteres Mal sein Engagement unter Beweis st ellt.

FR Durabilité et bien-être sont essentiels en vue d’une innovation conceptuelle et technologique véritablement éco-resp onsable. En ce qui concerne en particulier les esp aces collect ifs - réser-vés au travail, à l’étude, à la rest auration ou aux loisirs - la pollution acoust ique entraînée par une propagation excessive des sons gênants risque de se répercuter négativement sur notre équi-libre psychophysique. Pour résoudre ce problème, Luceplan a eu l’idée de renfermer dans une lampe un panneau phono-absorbant qui permet d’améliorer le confort acoust ique de l’esp ace ambiant. L’architect e française Odile Décq a ainsi créé Pétale, une lampe à susp ension adaptable et élégante dont le corps revêtu de tissu blanc ignifugé se caract érise par une forme organique, fl uide et aérienne. Avec cett e création, Luceplan confi rme à nouveau son engagement.

ES Sost enibilidad y bienest ar const ituyen fact ores cruciales en el contexto de una innovación creativa y tecnológica que pueda considerarse auténticamente ecorresp onsable. En particular, en los esp acios colect ivos – dedicados al trabajo, al est udio, a la rest auración y al tiempo libre – la contaminación acúst ica, causada por una excesiva propagación de ruidos y sonidos molest os, puede incidir negativamente en el equilibrio psico-físico del hombre. Para resolver est e problema, Luceplan ha ideado una lámpara en cuyo interior se encuentra un esp ecial panel fonoabsorbente que permite mejorar el confort acúst ico en el esp acio de alrededor. Así nace Pétale, una lámpara versátil y elegante de susp ensión, proyect ada por el arquitect o francés Odile Décq, cuyo cuerpo, revest ido de tejido blanco ignífugo, se caract eriza por una forma orgánica fl uida y aérea. Con est a creación, Luceplan vuelve a confi rmar el compromiso adquirido.

Page 5: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella


All-in-one solution

EN Pétale could be defi ned as a gracefully susp ended petal that sp reads soft , smooth white light. But the truly extraordinary feature of this object with an organic form is the way it absorbs sound. The body of the lamp, covered with white fabric, is made with a sound-absorbing panel. The dome that supports the optic is in polycarbonate. While it is ideal for use in composi-tions of multiple ‘light petals’ in large sp aces for hosp itality and socializing, Pétale also performs its multiple funct ions perfect ly as a ‘soloist ’ in any inhabited context.

IT Pétale si potrebbe defi nire un petalo sosp eso con grazia che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria prerogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella sua capacità di assorbire il rumore. Il corpo lampada, rivest ito con un tessuto bianco, è cost ituito da un pannello fonoassorbente. La cupola che contiene l'ott ica è in policarbona-to. Particolarmente indicata per composizioni in grandi sp azi d’accoglienza e convivialità, Pétale svolge la sua molteplice fun-zione anche “singolarmente”, in ogni contest o abitativo.

DE Pétale ließe sich als anmutig schwebendes Blütenblatt defi -nieren, das blendfreies, weiches Licht abgibt. Das Besondere an dieser organisch geformten Leuchte ist aber ihre Fähigkeit, Schall zu schlucken. Der Leuchtenkörper best eht aus einem schallabsorbierenden Paneel und ist mit einem weißen textilen Überzug besp annt. Die Kuppel für die Optik best eht aus Poly-carbonat. Pétale eignet sich für Beleuchtungskombinationen in einer Umgebung mit großen Menschenansammlungen, lässt sich mit ihrer vielseitigen Funktion aber auch einzeln einsetzen in Wohnräumen.

FR Pétale: une lampe-pétale susp endue avec grâce qui diff use une lumière blanche tamisée et ouatée. Mais la caract é-rist ique extraordinaire de cett e lampe de forme organique réside en sa capacité d'absorber le bruit. Le corps de la lampe, revêtu d'un tissu blanc, est const itué d'un panneau phono-absorbant. La coupole qui en soutient l'optique est en polycar-bonate. Particulièrement indiquée pour des compositions valo-risant de grands esp aces d’accueil et de convivialité, Pétale remplit ses multiples fonct ions également en solo, dans le contexte d’un logement.

ES Pétale se podría defi nir como un pétalo susp endido con gracia que difunde una luz blanca velada y tenue. Pero la ex-traordinaria prerrogativa de est a lámpara de forma orgánica reside en su capacidad de absorber el ruido. El cuerpo de la lámpara, revest ido con un tejido blanco, se compone de un panel fonoabsorbente. La cúpula que sujeta su óptica es de policarbonato. Particularmente indicada para composiciones en grandes esp acios de acogida y convivencia, Pétale también lleva a cabo su función múltiple de manera «individual», en cada contexto habitacional.

Page 6: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella

Sound-absorbing panel

Extruded aluminum profile

Elastic fabric

The tecnology of Pétale is based on free susp ended sound-absorbing units. Sound waves propagate through the fabric and penetrate inside the sound absorbing material, where their energy is reduced.With Pétale, the sound waves are not just absorbed by the bott om surface but also by the top, which intercepts sound refl ect ed by walls and ceilings.

without Pétale

with Pétale

Sound absorbing panelEnvironmental infl uence.Granted the Nordic Swan eco-label. Fully recyclable.Soundproof test are performed in compliance with EN ISO 354:2003

Fire safety The glass wool core of the tiles is test ed and classifi ed as non-combust ible according to EN ISO 1182.


















nt a



n pe

r uni

t (m

2 )

125 250 500 1000 2000 4000

Frequency (Hz )

Pétale D71P1 petal-shaped

Pétale D71C round

Pétale D71P petal-shaped


Technical and acoustic specifications

EN Background noise – particularly in modern buildings – can oft en be uncomfortably loud, due to the predominance of sound-refl ect ing materials. The design of the room (shape, furnishings, surface fi nishes, etc.) infl uences the extent to which the sound level decreases in relation to dist ance. An unfurnished room with sound refl ect ive surfaces, such as a church, is perceived as being more reverberant than a well-furnished living room. The materials used in Pétale provide sound absorption and prevent acoust ic overlap, particularly in the case of human sp eech, which lies in the frequency range between 200 and over 3000 hertz (Hz). In this area the lamp achieves its best results thanks to its st ruct ure, which makes the sound waves “bounce” inside it. A conversation taking place immediately below the lamp benefi ts from a high level of sp eech clarity, and general comfort is guaranteed.

IT I rumori di sott ofondo, sopratt utt o nelle architett ure contem-poranee, possono essere molto fast idiosi a causa della predo-minanza di materiali e superfi ci che rifl ett ono i suoni. La progett azione degli ambienti (forme, arredi, fi niture delle superfi ci, ecc.) infl uenza la misura in cui il livello acust ico decresce in rapporto alla dist anza. Un locale non arredato e con superfi ci di scarso assorbimento acust ico, come ad esempio una chiesa, viene percepito con maggior riverbero risp ett o a un ambiente arredato.I materiali utilizzati per le lampade Pétale garantiscono un elevato assorbimento acust ico e diminuiscono il riverbero sonoro, in particolare collegato alla voce umana che ha un range di frequenza che varia tra 200 e 3000 Herts (Hz). In quest o range le lampade Silenzio sono molto effi caci grazie alla loro st rutt ura che catt ura le onde sonore. Le sosp ensioni Pétale producono una elevata chiarezza del parlato e generano un comfort acust ico diff uso.

DE Hintergrundlärm, insbesondere in modernen, funktionalen Gebäudebereichen, kann aufgrund der Schallrefl ektion durch die verwendeten Materialen häufi g unangenehm laut sein. Der Raumentwurf (seine Form, die Ausst att ung, die Art der Oberfl ächen usw.) hat Einfl uss darauf, ab welcher Entf ernung der Lärmpegel geringer wird. Ein leerer Raum mit harten Flä-chen, beisp ielsweise eine Kirche, wird als st ärker hallend wahrgenommen als ein gut eingerichtetes Wohnzimmer. Die Materialien, aus denen Pétale best eht, sorgen für Schallab-sorption und Überschneidung der Schallwellen, insbesondere der menschlichen Stimme, die in einem Frequenzbereich zwischen 200 bis etwas mehr als 3000 Hertz (Hz) liegt. Ihre best e Leist ung erzielt die Lampe dank ihrer Struktur, an der die Schallwellen innen abprallen, in diesem Bereich. Gesp räche, die direkt unter der Lampe st att fi nden, zeichnen sich durch die gute Sprachverst ändlichkeit und allgemeinen Hörkomfort aus.

FR Les bruits de fond, surtout dans les architect ures contempo-raines, peuvent résulter très gênantes à cause de l'abondancede matériaux et de superfi cies sur lesquels les sons rebon-dissent. La conception des locaux (les formes, la décoration, les fi nitions des surfaces, etc.) infl ue sur la décroissance du niveau acoust ique par rapport à la dist ance. Un local presque vide et avec des superfi cies qui absorbent peu les sons, comme par exemple une église, fonct ionnera plus comme caisse de résonance qu'un esp ace meublé et décoré.Les matériaux utilisés pour les lampes Pétale garantissent une absorption acoust ique élevée et limitent le résonnement sonore, en particulier celui qui est généré par la voix humaine dont la fréquence varie de 200 à 3000 Hertz (Hz). Pour cet écart de fréquence, les lampes Silenzio sont particulièrement effi caces grâce à leur st ruct ure qui capture les ondes sonores. Les susp ensions Pétale confèrent une clarté élevée aux conver-sations et génèrent un confort acoust ique diff us.

ES Los ruidos de fondo, sobre todo en la arquitect ura contempo-ránea, pueden ser muy molest os a causa del predominio demateriales y superfi cies que refl ejan los sonidos. La planifi ca-ción de los ambientes (formas, decoraciones, acabadosde las superfi cies, etc.) infl uye en la medida en que el nivel acúst ico decrece en relación a la dist ancia. En un local no de-corado y con superfi cies de escasa absorción acúst ica, como por ejemplo una iglesia, se percibe una mayor reverberaciónque en un ambiente decorado. Los materiales utilizados para las lámparas Pétale garantizan una elevada absorción acúst ica y disminuyen la resonancia sonora, en esp ecial en relación con la voz humana, que tiene un rango de frecuencias que varía en-tre los 200 y los 3.000 Hz. En est e rango, las lámparas Pétale son muy efi caces gracias a su est ruct ura, que captura las on-das sonoras. Las susp ensiones Pétale producen una elevada claridad del habla y generan una comodidad acúst ica difusa.

Page 7: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella


ProjectsThe Cargo

PLACE Paris, France ARCHITECT Studio Odile DecqLIGHTING DESIGNER Studio Odile DecqPHOTO Roland Halbe

read more: acoust ic.luceplan.com/

Page 8: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella



PLACE Lyon, France ARCHITECT Studio Odile DecqLIGHTING DESIGNER Studio Odile DecqPHOTO Roland Halbe

read more: acoust ic.luceplan.com/

Page 9: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella


ProjectsGL Events

PLACE Lyon, FrancePROJECT Studio Odile DecqLIGHTING DESIGNER Studio Odile DecqPHOTO Studio Odile Decq

read more: acoust ic.luceplan.com/

Page 10: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella



PLACE Ottawa, Canada ARCHITECT Line Box Studio, Andrew ReevesLIGHTING DESIGNER Dark Tools TorontoPHOTO Younes Bounhar

read more: acoust ic.luceplan.com/

Page 11: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella



PLACE Montreal, CanadaPROJECT Lemay Studio MontrealPHOTO Langloisp hoto

read more: acoust ic.luceplan.com/

Page 12: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella



PLACE Rome, Italy LIGHTING DESIGNER Philips and LuceplanPHOTO Ivan Sarfatti

read more: acoust ic.luceplan.com/

Page 13: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella


F 2

,1 m

Model of application: offi ce

Location analysis: a pleasant worksp ace must guarantee a perfect balance between correct , uniform lighting of worksurfaces and a com-fortable acoust ic “situation” in which the noise produced inside the sp ace is reduced to a minimum level. Solution: Pétale susp ensions combine the technology of a fi berglass panel that absorbs the sound waves refl ect ed by the room’s sur-faces with an integrated high-performance lighting module. The result is a comfortable lightscape and a pleasing acoust ic sensation.

Room dataL = 6 mW= 6 mH= 4 m

Fixtures inst allation1 fi xture every 2 worksp ace AFF 2,1 m

Lighting source usedFluo 40W+22WLedst rip 18W

Illuminance averageWorksp aces 304 lx

Before: Time of reverberation* 2,35 sAft er: (+ 2 Pétale D71P) Time of reverberation 1,86 sDecrease of reverberation: about 21%* *

Measuring reverberation time allows to calculate total sound absorption. Reverberation time varies according to the frequency. If reverberation time is too long, the sp ace can have echoes and rumbles. The data is always approximate: the soft ware doesn’t take in consideration the position of the sp eaker and the position of absorbent surfaces.



1 2




Page 14: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella

Technical data

Light source


136 cm






6 c


max 1 18”

max 300 cm


6 c


max 1 18”

max 300 cm


154,5 cm








weight 13,0 Kg


D71/2 - D71/2D (DALI)

for D71P - D71P1 - D71C

• 22W A




• 40W A



D71/2L - D71/2DL (DALI)

for D71PL - D71 P1L - D71 CL

• 22W A




• 40W A




• LED strip 18W (**) A


for D71P - D71P1 - D71C

• 55W A




• LED 12W A

~ 2700K

D71/6 DL

for D71PL - D71 P1L - D71 CL

• LED 42W (*) A



LED strip 18W (**) A


for D71P - D71P1 - D71C

• 40W A




• LED 12W A







6 c

m max 1 18”

max 300 cm




Insulation class

white elastic tissue

(*) Power consumption by device

(**) with not dimmable LED low power strip on inside for light accent



weight 14,10 Kg



weight 16,50 Kg


sound-absorbing panel

Page 15: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella



ItalyVia E.T. Moneta 4020161 MilanoT +39 02 66 242 1F +39 02 66 203 400N. verde 800 800 [email protected]

DenmarkKlubiensvej 22Pakhus 48 - FrihavnenDK-2150 NordhavnT +45 36 13 21 00F +45 36 13 21 [email protected]

USA14 Wooster StreetNew York, NY 10013T +1 212 334 1809F +1 212 334 [email protected]



CologneDesign Post KölnDeutz-Mülheimer Straße 22a50679 Köln

CopenhagenKlubiensvej 22Pakhus 48 - FrihavnenDK-2150 NordhavnT +45 36 13 21 00F +45 36 13 21 [email protected]

MilanCorso Monforte 720122 MilanoT +39 02 76 015 760F +39 02 78 [email protected]

New York14 Wooster StreetNew York, NY 10013T +1 212 966 1399F +1 212 334 [email protected]

© Luceplan 2016

Art directionStudio CCRZBalerna

PhotographyStudio 9010, 4Markus Deutschmann, 5

Project coordinationPaola BalordiRosi Guadagno

Graphic designAlessandro Benini

Print Geca srlS. Giuliano Milanese

Page 16: Pétale Odile Decq - luceplan.com · che diff onde una luce bianca soff usa e ovatt ata. Ma la st raordi-naria pr erogativa di quest a lampada dalla forma organica, risiede nella


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www.luceplan.comLuceplan. Made in Light.