Pesticide Safety Education Program University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

Jeopardy PSEP Game Pesticide Safety Education Program University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Transcript of Pesticide Safety Education Program University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

  • Slide 1
  • Pesticide Safety Education Program University of Nebraska - Lincoln
  • Slide 2
  • Notice to PSEP Educators 1. Keep this Slide Number 2 as hidden so that it will not be seen during your presentation. 2. After each question is addressed with your audience during the Jeopardy Game, click on the tree graphic in the lower right hand corner in order to return back to the Jeopardy game board rather than using the typical slide advance method. 3. The color of the point numbers on the Jeopardy game board (Slide 3) will be subdued after completing each question. Then, youll know which question/answer combinations have already been played. 4. To reset the colors for all point numbers, just exit the PowerPoint file and re-open it. 5. To Calibraineous -- 50 Points slide refers to the DRIFTSIM software that was distributed to you for the 2006 PSEP. You have the option to use this slide to introduce and demonstrate DRIFTSIM. Then, return back to the PowerPoint presentation by X-ing out of DRIFTSIM. a. A green Start DRIFTSIM button is at the bottom of this PowerPoint slide. Placing your cursor over this button and left-clicking will boot the DRIFTSIM program on your computer. b. Procedure: Copy all DRIFTSIM files from the DRIFTSIM CD into a created folder on your hard disk. I suggest creating a DRIFTSIM subdirectory under Program Files and copy all DRIFTSIM files and folders to this location. c. IMPORTANT: In this slide, edit the Start DRIFTSIM button hyperlink in PowerPoint to locate the DRIFTSIM.EXE file on your hard disk. This button is currently hyperlinked to the DRIFTSIM.EXE file as found on my computer. It will need to be changed to locate this file on your computer. 6. Edit the questions/answers in this PowerPoint file as you wish to localize your PSEP program. 7. Adapt this PowerPoint Jeopardy Game for other Extension programs and audiences. 8. Enjoy this Extension delivery method. - Larry Schulze, Professor Emeritus
  • Slide 3
  • Jeopardy PSEP Game Laws and Regs WPSPesticidesEnvironmentEquipment and Application Calibration 10 20 30 40 50
  • Slide 4
  • PSEP University of Nebraska - Lincoln
  • Slide 5
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Laws and Regs -- 10 Points What state agency oversees pesticide registration and applicator certification and licensing? Nebraska Dept. of Agriculture
  • Slide 6
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Laws and Regs -- 20 Points Records on pesticide applications must be kept for how many years? 3 years
  • Slide 7
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Laws and Regs -- 30 Points Private applicators must be certified and licensed to apply which type of pesticides? Restricted Use Pesticides
  • Slide 8
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Laws and Regs -- 40 Points What are 2 ways that someone may become certified to apply pesticides? Pass an exam by NDA, attend an approved Extension course, take an on- line course, take a home-study course Pass an exam by NDA, attend an approved Extension course, take an on- line course, take a home-study course
  • Slide 9
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Laws and Regs -- 50 Points What handy tool will help keep track of pesticide applications? Extension Recordkeeping book or the Green book
  • Slide 10
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program WPS -- 10 Points What is the most popular pesticide formulation for consumers? RTU (Ready-to-use)
  • Slide 11
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program WPS -- 20 Points What nozzle tip materials are highly resistant to abrasion and corrosion? Tungsten Carbide and Ceramic
  • Slide 12
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program WPS -- 30 Points What is an adjuvant? Added to a pesticide formulation to improve mixing or application, or to increase its effectiveness
  • Slide 13
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program WPS -- 40 Points What does a drift retardant or a drift control additive do? Added to a pesticide formulation to minimize offsite spray deposits
  • Slide 14
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program WPS -- 50 Points What are 3 characteristics of a wettable powder? Easy to store, transport, handle, measure, mix, low phytotoxicity and dermal adsorption rates, forms a suspension
  • Slide 15
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Pesticides -- 10 Points Gas formation, precipitate formation, and color changes are examples of what? Pesticide incompatibility
  • Slide 16
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Pesticides -- 20 Points Surfactants, spreaders, and crop oil are examples of pesticide _________. additives
  • Slide 17
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Pesticides -- 30 Points EC, WDG, G, and DF are examples of what? Pesticide formulations
  • Slide 18
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Pesticides -- 40 Points This occurs when a chemical is added to a pesticide to enhance the pesticides effectiveness. Synergism
  • Slide 19
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Pesticides -- 50 Points What can occur with repeated use of the same pesticide, or use of pesticides with the same mode of action? Pesticide resistance
  • Slide 20
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Environment -- 10 Points What is the name of the online mapping tool that allows you to find local sensitive sites? driftwatch
  • Slide 21
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Environment -- 20 Points What is the #1 pesticide factor contributing to drift? Spray droplet size
  • Slide 22
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Environment -- 30 Points What is the website you must visit to find out if there are endangered species in your area? EPA Bulletins Live!
  • Slide 23
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Environment -- 40 Points What occurs when warm air rises upward into the atmosphere and cool air settles near the ground, making the air stable? Temperature inversion.
  • Slide 24
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Environment -- 50 Points What are the 4 pesticide characteristics that influence movement into the environment? Solubility, Volitilization, Adsorbtion, Persistance
  • Slide 25
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Equipment & Application - 10 Pts What component of the tank provides continuous mixing of the pesticide and liquid carrier? Agitator
  • Slide 26
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Equipment & Application - 20 Pts What is spray applied to leaves of a crop called? Foliar application
  • Slide 27
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Equipment & Application - 30 Pts What happens to your application rate if you decrease your speed? Application rate increases
  • Slide 28
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Equipment & Application - 40 Pts For TeeJet Nozzle tip 11004VS, according to the manufacturer, what is the spray angle and output in gallons per minute at 40psi? 110 degrees and 0.4 gpm
  • Slide 29
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Equipment & Application - 50 Pts What are 2 characteristics to consider when purchasing a spray tank? Ease in cleaning, ease in loading, compatible with spray material
  • Slide 30
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Calibration -- 10 Points How often should you calibrate your equipment? List 1 of the following: Whenever you have a change in equipment set up, change product, periodically, often.
  • Slide 31
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Calibration -- 20 Points Give 2 reasons why it is important to calibrate so that you dont apply more pesticides than allowed by the label Illegal; May harm crop, environment, human health; May exceed crop tolerance levels, Wastes money
  • Slide 32
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Calibration -- 30 Points You followed the steps for the Ounce Calibration Method and collected 15 ounces in the required time period. What is your application rate? 15 gallons per minute
  • Slide 33
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Calibration -- 40 Points To double nozzle output, how much would you have to increase pressure? 4 times
  • Slide 34
  • UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program Calibration -- 50 Points What are 3 ways you can change spray application rates? Adjust pressure Adjust speed Change Nozzles
  • Slide 35
  • PSEP University of Nebraska - Lincoln
  • Slide 36
  • Acknowledgments: Adapted for use by permission into UNL Pesticide Safety Education Programs Source: Jerry L. Goodspeed Utah State University Extension Weber County