Persuasion Paper Final

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  • 8/4/2019 Persuasion Paper Final


    Josh Kane

    Josh Kane

    COMM 355: Persuasion

    Dr. Diane Nathaniel

    Opinion Piece Analysis paper

    Mar 22, 2010

  • 8/4/2019 Persuasion Paper Final


    Josh Kane

    When the United States was founded and the U.S constitution was written

    our founding fathers agreed upon the belief that everyone should be treated

    equally. This belief throughout history has continuously fallen short, and is

    seldom enforced by our government and society. Todays American citizens, in

    one form or another, are being deprived of their given rights. In February 2010,

    an editor for the Miami Herald, Casey Woods, further examined parental leave

    and how it deprives women of their natural right of being a parent . When Woods

    article is examined through a cultural premise, there are different theories within

    the premise that can be directly related to the article. Theories such as Eternal

    return, Reichs cultural parables such as; Mob at the Gates, can used to relate

    directly to the article.

    Casey Woods, Miami Herald, decided to take a look closer on the United

    States and its attitudes toward parental leave. Woods argues women in the

    workforce are deprived from being a parent and time for political pitch. Woods

    found a recent study by Harvard and McGill University researchers that

    concluded compared to some of the worlds most economically successful

    countries, the United States is dead last when it comes to providing supportive

    work conditions such as parental leave. The study also shows even up and

    coming countries grant their citizens with supportive work conditions. Woods,

    shows how whats a given protection to some countries the United States cringe

    at the thought of providing such conditions. The United States has created a

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    Josh Kane

    workaholic culture (Woods, pg.1) and when taking a leave, its frowned upon

    and people develop a sense of self-debt to the kindness of their employer.

    Woods quotes Joan Bloch, assistant professor at Drexel University, Women

    today dont even expect to be able to make choices. Woods believes women

    should be given the opportunity to spend time with their children and not have to

    worry about being laid off. Woods exploits the cultural attitude of the United

    States and wonders why we as citizens accept and allow such deprivation to take


    Culture is a set of material practices used to demonstrate ones self. For

    example culture is someones beliefs or languages. Culture may be regional or

    generational. When culture is used as a proposition in which arguments are

    based, the individual is depicting the arguments through cultural premise. Within

    Make paid parental leave a priority Cultural premises such as Reichs cultural

    parables and Eternal Return are represented throughout.

    Eternal Return is the cultural myth or theory that society has been

    corrupted throughout time and that society needs to return to the way it used to

    be. Also within Eternal Return there is a notion that we have lost sight of our

    beginnings and we need to rid ourselves or corruption and confusion. (Larson,

    238). Within Make paid parental leave a priority, examples of Eternal Return

    can be found throughout. Jody Heymann, co-author of the Harvard study citied

    within Make paid parental leave a priority, stated A lot of people in the U.S.

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    Josh Kane

    dont realize that most of the world has a right to these things . This quotation

    relates to that there is a notion that we have lost sight our beginnings . Our

    country promises us everyone would be equally treated from the beginning but

    today these women are deprived of this right and people lose sight of the current

    wrong doing.

    Mob at the Gates creates an us vs. them mentality. The mob may also

    be the greedy corporate executives who exploit workers and this theory states

    the deprivation may be acceptable for one side but not for the other. (Larson,

    242) Mob at the Gates, falls under Reichs Cultural Parables. Reichs Cultural

    Parables contend there are Rising expectations for prosperity throughout the

    world. (Reich 241) Within Make paid parental leave a priority Reichs Cultural

    Parable Mob at the Gates examples from the editorial can be taken an

    interrupted culturally with the use of this parable. In Make paid parental leave a

    priority, John Bloch, assistant professor at Drexel University, states, Women

    today dont even expect to be able to make choices. Women today have a

    mentality as if it is they vs. the oppressing parties. Women are being exploited

    and to them it is not acceptable but to others it is accepted and at times

    considered a non-issue. Another example from the editorial on how the cultural

    premise is represented is when Woods states, Other countries, both wealthy

    and poor, have not flinched at funding parental leave, but any suggestion that

    our government subsidize these family-friendly policies inevitably draws shrill

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    Josh Kane

    complaints of big government or new entitlement. (Woods, pg.2) When

    organizations mention the United States government should support financially

    family friendly polices our government and they choose to overlook and brush off

    the possible policies it gives further background to womens arguments that they

    stand alone. The women have no choices but to develop the us vs. them

    mentality as described in The Mob at the gates.

    The United States was founded on the beliefs that everyone should be

    treated equally. The United States though when examined further is not

    practicing what they preach. The equality that its promised to every citizen of

    the United States is daily deprived in our citizens workforce. Americans society

    through the centuries has constantly debated the subjects of slavery,

    desegregation, and womens suffrage. In todays workforce, some of these

    issues are still present. American society has conformed to the norms

    established through generations and ignorantly participating in its own modern

    day suffrage. It is someones natural right to be a parent and these natural rights

    should not be deprived or dictated by our government or accepted by our society .

    Society when decoded culturally allows one to look further into the culture of their

    associated organization and how culture impacts ones beliefs and attitudes.Through the cultural interpretation of medicated forms of communication, society

    will become aware of issues in todays society and why in our culture we allowed

    ourselves to conform to such negative norms. Cultural premises interpret for

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    Josh Kane

    society the issue, allow one to develop reasoning, show how the culture was

    formed, and how the culture can be changed.

  • 8/4/2019 Persuasion Paper Final


    Josh Kane

    Works Citied

    Charles U. Larson, . (2010). Persuasion: reception and

    responsibil i ty. Boston, MA: Wadsworth

    Casey Woods, Init ials. (2010, February 28). Make Paid parentalleave a priority . Miami Herald,