Personnel Planning & Recruiting - - Managing Human... · “ the mailroom supervisor...


Transcript of Personnel Planning & Recruiting - - Managing Human... · “ the mailroom supervisor...

Describe the basic

methods of

collecting job

analysis information

Conduct job analysis

Explain the process

of forecasting



Compare eight

methods for

recruiting job


Explain how to use application forms to

predict job


The procedure to determine the duties

and skills requirements of a job and the

kind of person who should be hired

The interview



Participant Diary/



1. Decide how you will use the information,

data collection technique

2. Review background information i.e

organisation charts, process charts, job


3. Select representative positions i.e.

sample of 10 out of 200 workers

4. Analyze the job – job activities,

employee behavior, working conditions,

human trait, abilities

5. Verify the job analysis information-

worker and immediate supervisor

6. Develop job description & job


A list of a job’s duties, responsibilities,

reporting relationships, working

conditions and supervisory

responsibilities-one product of a job


Job identification

Job summary

Responsibilities and


Authority of incumbent

Standards of


Working conditions

Job specifications

The Job Identification section is:- The job title

Name of the job

i.e. marketing manager, inventory clerk, data

processing supervisor

The Job Summary describe:- The general nature (i.e. major functions and

activities) of the job

Summarise the essence of the job

“ the mailroom supervisor receives, sorts and

deliver incoming mail properly, and he/she

handles outgoing mail including the accurate

and timely posting of such mail”

General statement “perform other assignment

as required”

Relationships statement may show the jobholder’s relationship with others inside and outside the organisation and may include the following sections:

i.e. Human Resource Manager Report to: Vice president of employee relations

Supervises: human resource clerk, test administrator, secretary

Works with: all department managers, executive management

Outside the company: employment agencies, union representative, state and federal employment offices, various vendor

Responsibilities and Duties The heart of the job description

Detailed list of the job’s responsibilities and


i.e. “achieve quantitative sales goal…..,

determine sales priorities……, repairing

production line tools and equipment”


Define limit of authority, decision making

authority, budgetary authority

Standards of Performance

List the standards the employee is to achieve

in each of the job description’s main duties and responsibilities

Working condition and Physical


List the general working conditions of the job

and may include noise level, hazardous conditions, heat, cold, etc

A list of a job’s “human requirement,”

that is the requisite education, skills,

personality and so on- another product

of a job analysis

“What human traits and experience are

required to do this job well”

Trained employees:- Length of previous service, quality of relevant

training, previous of job performance

Untrained employees:- Specifies qualities – physical traits, personality,

interest, sensory skills

A job is more than a set of closely related

activities carried out of pay

Globalization influences:-

Broadly define job description

Create flexible employee

Multi-skilled job assignments

Participative decision making

Working with team

Job enrichment: redesigning in a way that

increases the opportunities for the worker to

experience feeling of responsibility,

achievement, growth and recognition

Let the employee plan and control own job

instead controlled by outsider

Employee do job well because they wanted to

Dejobbing: broadening the responsibilities

of the company’s jobs, and encouraging

employees not to limit themselves to what is

on their job description

Challenge: technology change, global

competition, deregulation, political instability,

demographic change

Company need to be responsive, flexible, more


Competencies are demonstrable characteristics

of a person that enables performance

Job competencies are observable and

measurable knowledge, skills and behavior

making up the job

Traditional analysis: job centered, focus on


Competency-based analysis: focuses on “how”

1. Decide what position to fill, through personnel planning and forecasting

2. Build a pool of candidates for the job, by recruiting internal or external candidates

3. Have candidates complete application forms and undergo initial prescreening interview

4. Use selection tools like tests, background

investigations, physical exams to identify

viable candidates

5. Decide who to make an offer to by

having the supervisor and other

interview the candidates

The process of deciding what positions

the firm will have to fill, and how to fill


Trend Analysis: studying variations in your firm’s employment levels over the past few years, historical trends

Ratio Analysis: forecast data based on the ratio between two causal factors, ex. Sales volume and number of employee needed

Scatter plot: show graphically how two variables are related, ex. Sales and staffing levels

Determination of future staff needs by

projecting sales, volume of production,

and personnel required to maintain this

volume of output, using software


Projected turnover

Quality & skills of


Strategic decisions to

upgrade quality or

enter new markets

Technological resulting in increased


Finance resources

available to the


Qualification inventories: facilitate internal candidate by providing data on

employees’ performance records, educational background, promotability; manual or computerized

Personnel replacement charts: Company records showing present performance &

promotability for the most important position, internal candidates

Computerized Information System: Link between HR, annual performance appraisal,

training; automatically updated

Employees, supervisor or HR professional

enter information via company intranet

Information: employee background,

working experience, skills, education level

Managers can retrieve data immediate if

they require a person for a position

1. Background checks on staff going to access the HR system

2. Do not hire a temporary employee, bring other trusted employee from another department

3. Random background check, ex. Drug test

4. Limit access to information such as SSN, health information, sensitive data

Job posting


Succession Planning

Publicizing an open job to employees

(often by literally posting it on bulletin


It depends….

Advantage: familiar with company culture, style, ways of doing things

Disadvantage: less-than-positive attitudes, influence current employees

How to reduce adverse reactions:-

Give credit

Inquiry on what they did during layoff, how they feel return to company

Details the company’s long-range plan

to fill its most key positions by making sure

a qualified supply of successors exist &

employee careers can be optimally


Identifying & analyzing key job Firm strategic goal, formulate job description &


Creating & assessing candidates Identify potential internal/ external candidates

future positions

Provide developmental experience, training, cross-functional experiences, job rotation, global/regional assignments

Selecting who will fill the position

Talent management involves identifying,

recruiting, hiring and developing high

potential employees

Recruiting via the





Temp Agencies &

Alternative Staffing


ng White-Collar &

other jobs

On Demand

Recruiting Services

College Recruiting

Referral & Walk-Ins

User-friendly company websites can be used as an efficient recruiting tools if:

Potential employees able to easily access &

view current opening from homepage

Pre-employment screening assessment simple

Users are allowed to apply online, fax, e-mail

Virtual job fair or posting on networking sites


Free or low cost

Longer lifespan than

traditional medium

Fast-can start

receiving application



Too much response

Legal pitfall




EEOC compliance is

difficult to prove

An Applicant Tracking System: software purchased & installed to track

applicants & perform other services such as

pre-screening & scheduling interview

Compile a searchable database for employer


Application Service Provider(ASPs): contracted by employers for whatever reason to

process applicant tracking work off site

Select the best medium for the specific

position. i.e local newspaper, magazine

Experienced advertisers construct ads

based on a four-point guide labeled

AIDA(Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

Three types: 1. Public agencies operated by federal, state, local

government. Ex National Job Bank

2. Agencies associated with non profit organisation

3. Privately owned agencies: “fee paid jobs”


Does not have HR department

Has found generating an applicant pools is difficult in the past or must fill in the post urgently

Wants to attract minority group

Want to reach employed individuals who might be more comfortable dealing with agency than competitor

The role of temporary workers:

Supplements regular workforce

Fills –in for vacationing or sick employees

Cost effective

Allows employer to expand & contract with changes in demand

Allows employers to try-out an employee before hiring them as a regular employee

In-house temporary employees: short

term basis

Contract technical employees: highly

skills workers, long term project, contract


Executive recruiter = “headhunters”

A special employment agencies

retained by employers to seek out top

management talent and can be useful

in making contact


Have many contact

Future employee qualified

Target employed candidate who are not actively looking to change jobs

Keep firm name confidential

Save time, save cost


more interest in persuade than finding appropriate candidates

Always claim client say but actually not really


cultural misunderstanding (customers &

employees abroad)

Security & privacy concern

Foreign contract

Legal systems

A service that provides short-term

specialized recruiting to support specific

projects without the expense of retaining

traditional search firm

Paid by hour or project

Handle recruiting, analysis, pre-screening,

left client with short list candidates

Sending an employer’s representative to college campuses to prescreen candidates – graduating class

Can be problematic:- › Can be expensive & time consuming

› Recruiter ineffective: do not screen effectively, unprepared, show little interest and act superior

› Training to recruiter

On-site Visit:

Employer invite good candidates to office

or plant for site visit


Win-win situation

Allow employer to test, try out candidate

Allow student to sharpen up business skills,

any skills

Referral campaign

“you’ve got friends, we want to meet them”

Prizes, rewards offered for referral

Quality people know quality people


Direct application to employers

In office, hotel, convention centre