Personal Statement

Personal Statement The role of an educational leader / consultant proposes the most terrific expectation placed upon one’s self and it is important to remember what the office represents when making decisions about school development and teaching and learning. In this area I lead through example. I believe if the school leadership is strong, motivated and a good manager who clearly outlines expectations for staff and students, then the school tends to make progress. In this way my communication skills through engagement, building teams and setting clear roles and responsibilities alongside a balanced sense of humour will help develop excellent results and standards. I am a ‘hands on’ leader who sets weekly times for regular contact meetings with the students, teachers and support staff. The needs to be fair, understanding and motivated are important features of my own personality and are very evident in my everyday management style. In order to create teams that can drive the school forward in both educational and social terms a Headmaster has to have a personality that understands people and a vision that can inspire teachers and the school community to work together and create educational approaches that are both realistic and can meet the challenges of internationalism.

Transcript of Personal Statement

Personal Statement The role of an educational leader / consultant proposes the most terrific expectation placed upon one’s self and it is important to remember what the office represents when making decisions about school development and teaching and learning. In this area I lead through example. I believe if the school leadership is strong, motivated and a good manager who clearly outlines expectations for staff and students, then the school tends to make progress. In this way my communication skills through engagement, building teams and setting clear roles and responsibilities alongside a balanced sense of humour will help develop excellent results and standards. I am a ‘hands on’ leader who sets weekly times for regular contact meetings with the students, teachers and support staff. The needs to be fair, understanding and motivated are important features of my own personality and are very evident in my everyday management style. In order to create teams that can drive the school forward in both educational and social terms a Headmaster has to have a personality that understands people and a vision that can inspire teachers and the school community to work together and create educational approaches that are both realistic and can meet the challenges of internationalism.