Personal Spirituality - With HimFor...

CONVENTION 2015 Experience His Power Personal Spirituality - With Him...For Him... How to Abide in Jesus and Bear Much Fruit - Martin Kim Jesus said, “By this My Father is gloried, when we bear much fruit” (John 15:8). To bear fruit means two things that are inseparably linked: to reveal Christ and to win souls to Christ. Too many people focus their energy on bearing fruit when the focus should be on abiding in Christ. In this workshop, you will learn how to have an abiding relationship that will result in much fruit bearing for God’s glory. How to Abide in Jesus and Bear Much Fruit - Martin Kim Jesus said, “By this My Father is gloried, when we bear much fruit” (John 15:8). To bear fruit means two things that are inseparably linked: to reveal Christ and to win souls to Christ. Too many people focus their energy on bearing fruit when the focus should be on abiding in Christ. In this workshop, you will learn how to have an abiding relationship that will result in much fruit bearing for God’s glory. Tilbake til Røttene Del I og II - Daniel Pel Hvordan kan vi ha en levende tro? Et modig bønneliv? Et dynamisk fellesskap? Bli med på oppdagelsesferden idet vi ser på hva som motiverte og beveget de første kristne!

Transcript of Personal Spirituality - With HimFor...

Page 1: Personal Spirituality - With HimFor Hans B. Juneby is an expert on medicinal plants, and has written

CONVENTION 2015 Experience

His Power

Personal Spirituality - With Him...For Him...

How to Abide in Jesus and Bear Much Fruit - Martin KimJesus said, “By this My Father is glori�ed, when we bear much fruit” (John 15:8). To bear fruit means two things that are inseparably linked: to reveal Christ and to win souls to Christ. Too many people focus their energy on bearing fruit when the focus should be on abiding in Christ. In this workshop, you will learn how to have an abiding relationship that will result in much fruit bearing for God’s glory.

How to Abide in Jesus and Bear Much Fruit - Martin KimJesus said, “By this My Father is glori�ed, when we bear much fruit” (John 15:8). To bear fruit means two things that are inseparably linked: to reveal Christ and to win souls to Christ. Too many people focus their energy on bearing fruit when the focus should be on abiding in Christ. In this workshop, you will learn how to have an abiding relationship that will result in much fruit bearing for God’s glory.

Tilbake til Røttene Del I og II - Daniel PelHvordan kan vi ha en levende tro? Et modig bønneliv? Et dynamisk fellesskap? Bli med på oppdagelsesferden idet vi ser på hva som motiverte og beveget de første kristne!

Page 2: Personal Spirituality - With HimFor Hans B. Juneby is an expert on medicinal plants, and has written

CONVENTION 2015 Experience

His Power

Leadership - Keys for powerful leadership

Startups 101: Basic tools for bringing your ideas into reality - Jonathan OstrowskiWhat is the difference between a startup and business?A brilliant product idea, how can I know if is it viable?How do you discern the difference between data and insight?We’ll share simple tools to help answer these questions and more to help you along your way to turn your ideas to reality.

Young Medical Career Beginners - Viriato FerreiraCalled to be different or one more of the same?

Adventists health professionals and students are called to work and minister in a different manner than their peers. Often, we do not realize our calling or, lose it as we move along our training. But God wants to change this for you. An effective ministry can start right where you are - your school, hospital, health practice or mission hospital. This seminar will be a step towards that change, to unleash the potential God has placed in you.

A Leader after God’s Heart Part I and II - Paul RatsaraJoin Elder Paul Ratsara, President of the Southern Africa - Indian Ocean Division and discover the secrets of leadership he has learned from 35 years of Bible study and prayer. In these seminars you will learn the biblical principles of Godly leadership. When appropriately applied, these principles will empower pastors and lay members, revitalize your local church and bring revival, reformation and an explosion of growth.

Page 3: Personal Spirituality - With HimFor Hans B. Juneby is an expert on medicinal plants, and has written

CONVENTION 2015 Experience

His Power

Lifestyle - Practical tools for health and family

Relationships 101: Finding Your True Love / The Lost Art of Courtship - Claus & Theresa Nybo / Daniel & Antonella PedleyIs it possible to be single and happy? Is there a right and wrong way to �nd your soul mate? Is courtship still relevant? Should I announce my relationship on Facebook? Get the answers before your next move! You will LOVE this seminar.

God's Healing Herbs - Dr. Hans Bertil Juneby“God has caused to grow out of the ground herbs for the use of man, and if we understand the nature of these roots and herbs, and make a right use of them, there would not be a necessity of running for the doctor so frequently, and people would be in much better health than they are today” (Medical Ministry, p. 230). Ellen G. White clearly recommends the use of simple herbs in the prevention and treatment of disease, but this counsel has been largely neglected by most Adventist health professionals.

In this workshop you will get some basic information on how to start using God's healing herbs. Dr. Hans B. Juneby is an expert on medicinal plants, and has written several books on the subject. His academic quali�cations include master's degrees in education, medical science, clinical nutrition, public health, and a doctoral degree in health science.

Navigera genom en digital värld - Jonathan KarlssonUnder några få decennier har vårt samhälle förvandlats från en mekanisk till en digital värld. Media, i alla dess former, är nu en nödvändig del av det mesta av vårt vardagliga liv. Precis som vilket som helst verktyg kan det användas för gott eller ont; det kan bygga upp oss eller riva ner oss. I den här workshopen kommer vi att upptäcka några bibliska principer som kan hjälpa oss att navigera genom en medialabyrint.

Page 4: Personal Spirituality - With HimFor Hans B. Juneby is an expert on medicinal plants, and has written

CONVENTION 2015 Experience

His Power

Evangelism - Tips for reaching out with power

Just say yes - Joanne RatsaraGod has chosen great as well as ordinary men and women to serve. Joanne Ratsara has been in ministry since 1993 and has lived the principles of saying YES, whenever asked. God’s biddings are our enablings, no matter how unquali�ed we may feel. In this seminar Joanne Ratsara shares stories of amazing answers to prayer that have built her faith to try bigger things for God, including an eight year project in India which now impacts 500 children. Be inspired to Just Say YES and live the life of service God has planned for your life.

Hunt down that lion - Joanne RatsaraWhat is holding you back from fully serving God? Is it a failure of the past? Lack of faith? Negative self image?

In this seminar, Joanne Ratsara explores how to overcome these issues and move forward in fullness to ful�ll the Gospel Commission. Be inspired to trust God to forgive, mould and use you for greater and greater projects in the future. The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. Every child of God is needed!

Lys og salt i en omskiftelig verden - Gry HaugenOm ADRAs arbeid og hvordan du kan være en del av det.

Strategic Evangelism Planning - Claus Nybo & Reidar KvingeLearn how to develop a strategic plan for your church or ministry that maximises your resource mix to make a powerful impact in your community. You will also learn how to avoid disasters that can undo much of what you have build up.

Page 5: Personal Spirituality - With HimFor Hans B. Juneby is an expert on medicinal plants, and has written

CONVENTION 2015 Experience

His Power

Present Truth - God’s message for this time

A Prophet for This Generation - Joakim Hjortland“As the end draws near and the work of giving the last warning to the world extends, it becomes more important for those who accept present truth to have a clear understanding of the nature and in�uence of the testimonies.”(5T, 654)

In connection with the centennial of Ellen White’s death, join Joakim Hjortland, author of recently published “A Prophet for This Generation,”in considering the vital question: Why?Why should we care about Ellen White? Why did God raise her up? What role did God intend for her to play in our time and in our lives?

Revelation 13 - The World has Started to Wonder - Christian HjortlandA Jesuit Pope, ecumenism, changes in American politics, Protestants and Catholics joining hands 500 years after the Reformation… The ful�lment of the prophecies in Revelation 13 are unfolding before our eyes. Are you ready for the last con�ict?

Vart är världen på väg? - Joel MellinGlobal uppvärmning, naturkatastrofer, miljö och Bibeln - Vad är vetenskapligt bekräftat och vad stämmer med Bibeln? Är dessa frågor viktiga? I den här workshopen läggs ventenskapliga bevis fram för att något ovanligt, förfärligt och till viss del oförståeligt håller på att hända med vår värld. Dessa vetenskapliga bevis jämförs sedan med Bibeln och EGW. Tid för frågor ges i slutet av workshopen.

Where is the world heading? - Joel MellinGlobal warming, natural disasters, the environment and the Bible - What is scienti�cally con�rmed and what agrees with the Bible? Are these issues important? In this workshop scienti�c proof is given for that something unusual, terrible and somewhat incomprehensible is happening in our world. This scienti�c evidence is then compared with the Bible and EGW. Time for questions is given at the end of the workshop.