Personal reflection and learning


Transcript of Personal reflection and learning

Page 1: Personal reflection and learning
Page 2: Personal reflection and learning

This front cover, I felt targeted its audience well. The

colour scheme is conventional for a male audience

which I will take into account when designing my

magazine. The font sizes change which is a good

way at bring emphasis onto certain points and I think

this grabs the audience’s attention well. The colours

are bright and all link together which does grab

attention and makes the magazine look professional

and eye catching. The main image is the focal point

of this front cover because all text is around or

behind the image which creates a big impact over

the artist on the front and shows them as important

and that the audience should know more about it.

The mast head for the magazine is conventional and

the magazine here have used this well because the

colours of the mast head reflect those on the

magazine and the font type shows that it is for a

modern male audience because it is sharp and bold

but curved. The colours on the magazine bring

emphasis on certain parts of text with the use of

colours so black and red are used more for emphasis

and the grey is used for extra information, the use of

these three colours over the page makes the text

stand out well and is effective at making everything

stand out and showing a lot of information and I will

keep this in mind when creating my front page. The

magazine have used the page to show the other

artists that are in the magazine to attract fans of the

artists in case they do not like the cover artist which is

an effective idea to get more readers. The magazine

have targeted their audience well because the

artists on the front are all male which means that

males will be more interested in reading about them

because they can relate which is what I will use when

targeting the audience.

Page 3: Personal reflection and learning

This contents page follows conventions well and so I

want to use this as inspiration for my contents page.

The heading is clear and gives extra information to

the reader which is useful to attract the audience to

what the brand offers. I like how the magazine has

broken up the contents into sections which I think is

effective for the audience to navigate through

what the audience like best. The colours, font sizes

and the use of bold makes the important parts

stand out and is a good way at grabbing the

audiences attention. The main image is good at

getting the audience to turn to the cover story. A

convention of magazines is to have the page

numbers in bold and therefore I will aim to do this for

my contents page. The colours on the contents

page all fit in well and the bright red brings contrast

against the black and white to bring emphasis to

important things and I will try to achieve a similar

look with my magazine. I like how at the bottom

there is a picture and a grey background to

emphasis the ‘Review’ and this bring a lot of

attention to this piece and copies the same theme

as the mast head. Every month is a good way to

keep the audience coming back because they

know what to expect and this is a good way to

keep the magazine consistent and I may use this in

my magazine. The layout is conventional of

magazines and looks professional but easy and

simple to read and gives a lot of information.

Page 4: Personal reflection and learning

This double page spread is really interesting and I want to use some of the ideas from here for my double page

spread. I like the pictures in black and white which help break up the page and make it interesting because most

double pages only have one main image whereas this is much different. I like how the main image is in colour and

really stands out on the page, the images allow the audience to see the different sides and personality of the artist

and it makes the article more appealing. The quote is conventional for magazines and I like how they have used black to highlight its importance and it still links in with the page. The introduction is the largest font on this page

and draws the readers attention and the use of highlight makes her name stand out on the page which is a really

good effect. The green writing for the article really does break conventions and I like this effect, it makes the page

look more interesting and fun and makes it look really interesting and I will use this in my magazine to appeal to my


Page 5: Personal reflection and learning

With the use of analysing magazines and my audience research I have found many ways to target the

correct audience. My audience sample was of 16-18 year olds who were at college. Monthly magazines

were seen as the best type to go for and therefore I will release a monthly magazine. Double page

spreads are important and my analysis showed that big, interesting images caught their attention as well

as catchy headlines and interesting information which I found was a convention of most magazine’s

double page spreads.

Colour is a useful tool in grabbing the reader’s attention as I found out in my magazine analysis, the

magazines aimed at a male audience were seen to mostly use red, black and white or yellow, black and

white and these were conventions of many of the magazines which showed they worked.

My audience chose ‘Pop’ as their favourite genre of music and R’n’B came second and I have chosen to

combine these for my magazine because they were most popular and the ‘Top 40 chart’ is filled with this

type of music and therefore is very popular. I assumed my audience were female because they like ‘Pop’

and has helped me to decided to create a female magazine. As I was analysing I saw that the music

magazines were mostly aimed at males and I didn’t find a music magazine that directly targeted females

and my magazine will offer something new.

The audience were interested in gigs and festivals and the most popular was ‘Reading festival’ which has

helped me in featuring festivals and live shows in my magazine to make the audience interested and show

that the magazine has ‘exclusive content’

Another way that the Audience helped was that they said they would be encouraged to buy a magazine

if it had features about up and coming artists or free CDs or music downloads which is beneficial for me

because I can target them well.