Personal Interview Questions

POSSIBLE GENERIC INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Take us through your resume 2. Why this Company? 3. Why this role 4. Self assessment of your strengths & weaknesses 5. If you are given an opportunity to change one thing about you, what would that be and why? 6. What do you think is missing in your resume? 7. In what way has your special personal interest been a value- add to your personality and development? 8. So, what is your story / Tell me about yourself 9. One thing you liked about your old company and one thing you would like to change there 10. Briefly introduce yourself 11. How did the students find the pre-placement talk? 12. What was the most challenging task that you faced? 13. What is NOT there on your resume? 14. What’s the recent development in respect of our company or industry between PPT and now? 15. Why did you join this Institute, what were the drivers?


Personal Interview Questions

Transcript of Personal Interview Questions

Page 1: Personal Interview Questions


1. Take us through your resume

2. Why this Company?

3. Why this role

4. Self assessment of your strengths & weaknesses

5. If you are given an opportunity to change one thing about you, what would that be and why?

6. What do you think is missing in your resume?

7. In what way has your special personal interest been a value-add to your personality and development?

8. So, what is your story / Tell me about yourself

9. One thing you liked about your old company and one thing you would like to change there

10. Briefly introduce yourself

11. How did the students find the pre-placement talk?

12. What was the most challenging task that you faced?

13.What is NOT there on your resume?

14. What’s the recent development in respect of our company or industry between PPT and now?

15. Why did you join this Institute, what were the drivers?

16. What are the major relationships you have handled?

17. Why did you leave your previous job?

18. Show me you are passionate about this job without referring to your past work experience

19. Talk to me....about anything you want

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20.Questions about extracurricular – how much you know about the domain and what have you really done there

21.What is your favorite subject (Expect follow up questions to this)

22.Did you attend my presentation?

23.What do you want to do post MBA?

24.Why our company?

25.Location preferences?

26.Which other jobs are you applying to?

27.How would you describe your role? (earlier job)

28.How was your experience at undergrad?

29.How has MBA been so far?

30. What would you like me to know about you that is not on your resume?

31.What are the three most important events of your life?

32.What are your three major accomplishments?

33.What was an experience in your life that you would want to go back and change?

34. How would your friends describe you?

35. Give me three words to describe YOU?

36. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

37.What new goals have you established for yourself recently?

38. What are your five to ten year career goals?

39. What are your career and educational goals?

40. What are your personal plans?

41. Why are you pursuing this field?

42. What would you like your lasting impression to be?

43. What do you get passionate about?

44. What does “success” mean to you?

45. What does “failure” mean to you?

46. What are the values you stand by? Give an example when you stood by these values even in the face of adversity. (Name 3 values & prepare 2 situations each)

47. Who do you admire? Why?

48. Who is your idol, and why? Identify one of his/her weakness.

49. How important are ethics compared to getting the job done?

50. How do you think a former supervisor would describe your work?

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51. What did you enjoy most about your last employment? Least?

52. Describe the job or the activity that has had the greatest impact on your career goals

53. Define leadership.

54. Tell me about a time when you successfully resolved a conflict.

55.Give me an example of a leadership role you have held when not everything went as planned.

56. Tell me about a decision you have made that you later regretted

57. Is it important to lead or be a team player?

58. What have you done that you consider creative?

59. Why should we hire you?

60. How do your skills relate to our needs? What can you offer us?

61. What have you disliked in your past jobs?

62. What are your hobbies, interests? How do you plan to pursue them?

63. How competitive are you?

64. How do you work under pressure?

65. Describe the course that has had the greatest impact on your thinking.

66. What is your favorite book/movie/song/painting-or author/actor/singer/artist?

67. Which magazines/newspapers do you read regularly? Which books have you read recently?

68. Have you ever done volunteer activities?

69. How have you balanced academics and extracurricular?

70. Tell me a joke.

71. Given you have no background in this field, why the interest?

72. What do you know about our company / industry

73. What is management to you?

74. How would you define your management style?

75. What do you like to see in a manager?

76. How do you resolve differences of opinion between yourself and others? Between others as a third party?

77. How do you manage a non performer in your team?

78. Can a person be a leader and a follower at the same time?

79. Tell me about a time that you decided to do something that others were avoiding.

80. Tell me of a time when you last took a decision with insufficient information? What did you consider? What was the outcome? What worked? What didn’t?

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81. What do you hope to learn on the job?

82. Would you consider yourself more strategic or more tactical?

83. What do you think this job requires? How do you fit in?

84. Where do you think the industry will be in 5 years?

85. What interests you about this position?

86. What part of this job you think you will not be fully satisfied with?

87. If you were the CEO of this company what would you do differently?

88.What are the biggest short term / long term opportunities in this industry?

89. What are the biggest threats to this industry / company?

90. Are there any location or family constraints?

91. How much did you make in your previous job?

92. What are you looking to make in your next job? Your expectation?

93. How did you prepare for this interview?

94.Questions to check out your ethical values.