Personal Development Planning and Career Planning Final

Person al development planning and career planning. Louise Frith Curriculum and Educational Developer Nicola Urquhart Employability Adviser, Careers and Employability Service.

Transcript of Personal Development Planning and Career Planning Final

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Personal development planning and careerplanning.

Louise FrithCurriculum and Educational Developer

Nicola UrquhartEmployability Adviser, Careers andEmployability Service.

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hat is !D!"

• ‘A structured and supported process to developstudents' capacity to reflect on their learning andachievement’ (Dearing, 1997)

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hat s#ills are you developin$"

• Communication skills• Interpersonal skills & team work• IT skills•

Decision making skills• Independent working• Critical thinking• Research skills• Re lecti!e learning techni"ues

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%o& can ' re(lect on my learnin$ and e)periences"

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Speci(ic Is #our goal well$de ined% !oid setting unclear or !agueo' ecti!es instead 'e as precise as possi'le*

*easurable +e clear how will #ou know when #ou ha!e achie!ed #ourgoal* sing num'ers, dates and times is one wa# torepresent clear o' ecti!es*

Attainable -etting #oursel impossi'le goals will onl# end indisappointment* .ake #our goals challenging, 'ut realistic

+elevant Tr# and step 'ack and get an o!er!iew o all the di erentareas o #our li e/ cademic, 0ersonal and Career*Consider how rele!ant each o' ecti!e is to the o!erallpicture*

ime-bound -et a time scale or completion o each goal* !en i #ouha!e to re!iew this as #ou progress, it will help to keep #oumoti!ated*

ournal/ Action plan

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Critical incidents

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0ene(its o( !D! and re(lective learnin$

• “It makes you think about what you’re doingand how other people see your work.”

• “It has enabled me to plan better andorganise my thoughts. It gives you the time to

say what you truly feel about a particular pro ect or e!perience.”

• “"riting a reflective ournal has enabled me tochannel my thoughts further# I have been

motivated to break$out of the usual mould andreally think about ways in which my actionscould lead to more success.”

0age 3

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hat helps you $et &or# in the arts industry"

• 4atch inter!iew with 5ingston ni!ersit#graduate, nna* 6ow man# times are the

ollowing terms mentioned% http/www*kingston utures*com inde2*php page stor#

erms imes mentionedInternship

8ree lance



C: co!ering letter



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How you can use MyFolio to enhanceyour employability.

• Record your thoughts,feelings and reactions whencarrying out a task – Did youenjoy doing it?https: myf

olio • !se "y#olio as a space to

re$ect on your values – whatis important to you salary,

status, working hours,location etc?• !se "y#olio to learn to write

re$ectively. Record what youhave learned, activities

undertaken, what would youdo di%erently ne&t time?

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What I will cover during this 15minute session ollowing on rom!ouise.

; 4ow personal development planning-pdp can help you to 5ecome ane%ective career planner and enhanceyour employa5ility.

; 4ow to make a good career decision.

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What employers say"

• 6#ew students area5le to articulatewhat they havegained from theire&perience in higher

education.6- (ssociation of7raduate Recruiters,1889

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#teps to ma$ing a good career decision.

• nowing yourself looking at your skills,values andpersonality (nalysing where your

strengths andweaknesses lie.

• ;&ploringopportunities7athering informationon the opportunitiesopen to you.

<aking action.

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% ten students spend

• =ots of time onopportunityawareness gatheringinformation.

• =ots of time trying toimplement thedecision.

>ot enough time onpersonal developmentplanning and selfawareness.

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Careers and Employability Service.

; ces <elephone: 2133 @3A388


; Cpening hours: "ondayto #riday 8 to 9 includingvacations

; Drop in times -noappointment needed :12.A2 to 13.A2 3 to 9pm

; !ndertake the 'areers;mploya5ility "odule on"oodle

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Spea# to an Adviser/

• <uick "uer#, drop inand speak to an

d!iser 1=*>=am$1?*>=pm and ?pm$

@pm .onda# to 8rida#*• mail Acareerhelp

and an d!iser willrespond to #our "uer#*

• Bou can also 'ook alonger career guidanceappointment o!er thephone or pop in*

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Use(ul contacts

• Careers and mplo#a'ilit# -er!ice we'sitewww*kent*ac*uk careers

• Choosing a career http/www*kent*ac*uk careers sitesmedia*htm

• I want to work inhttp/ www*kent*ac*uk careers sitesmedia*htm

• :acanc# data'ase http/www*kent*ac*uk ces !acancies*html

• uardian o's (arts and heritage)

http/ o's*guardian*co*uk o's arts$and$heritage • .useum ssociation o's site

http/ www*museumsassociation*org careers

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&ny 'uestions(