PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. ·...


Transcript of PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. ·...

Page 1: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage
Page 2: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage


A Group Insurance Scheme developed for membersof the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc and

underwritten by Sun Alliance Insurance Ltd.


Low premiums and excesses.

Caters for motorcycles.

Includes drivers under age of 25.

Cover for post vintage vehicles up to 1960.

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Page 3: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

L- . _

••A •••••••&.New Zealands Veteran and Vintage Motoring Magazine

Beaded Wheels is publishec bi-monthly by Purse Willis &Aiken Ltd, Christchurch for The Vintage Car Club of N.l. (Inc. )Registered at N.l. Post Headquarters Wellington asa magazin e.Annual Subscriptions (6 issues) $18.60. Price includes GST.Australian Subscr iption (6 issues airmailed) $30.00.CLOSING DATE FOR DECEMBER· JANUARY ISSUE:Editorial Copy - November 2Advertisements - Novembe r 10


ADVERTlS/NGClassified and Display Advertising to:Advertising Manager. p.a . Box 13-140. Christchurch.Telephone (03) 667-346Fax (03) 667-345Rate schedule available on request.

COVER PHOTOLacre Bus built between 1908 & 1910. Four cylinder engine.321 cubic inch (5.3 litres). Develops 30 h.p. at 1000 r.p.m.. twincams & cross flow heads. Photo by Peter Faber.

- -


CONTENTSThe Lacre Story 5Goddard Memorial Trophy 7Ryal Bush Road Races 8The " Cro p Duster" - Part two 11Napier Art Deco Rally 14To a "T" 15Technical Hints 1612th National Motorcycle Rally Report 17Pan Pacific Rally Report 18Pictorial Archive 19Mailbox 22Idle Torque 22Marketplace 27

CORRESPONDENCEBeaded Wheels ADVERTISEMENTS and SUBSCRIBERSchange of address to p.a . Box 13-140, Christchurch.Vintage Car Club of N.l. correspondence, includingMEMBERS' CHANGES OF ADDRESS, must be sent to:p.a. Box 2546. Christchurch or Telephone (03) 664-461.Please state 6 figure number from Membe rship Card.


Chairman: Bob Entwistle.Committee: Bruce Pidgeon. Bob Scott , Paul Giesler,Spencer Barnard . Lindsay Wogan. Brian McGillig an.Material for publ icat ion (Report of restorations, events . roadtests, historical and technical articles, etc.) should beforwarded to p.a. Box 2546. Christchurch. typed or neatlyprinted. double spaced on one side of paper only . Nopayment is made to contr ibutors .The opinion s expressed in letters or articles in Beaded Wheelsare the authors' own views and do not necessarily express thepolicy of The Vintage Car Club of N.l. (lnc.)

Vol. XXXVI No. 186ISSN 0113-7506


It was a pleasure to visil th e Cen tra l O tago BranchSwa p Meet a few weeks ago a nd see the progressmade on th e Clu b roo rn s a nd grounds . Local mem­bers had made a search of th e region a nd broughthome eno ug h chassis and axles to s ta r t a fact ory .Prospectors were th ere from a ll ove r. prices were oldfashioned a nd I found a se l of RA F wires to suit theDc la ue . Al l that a nd a clay in fa bulous Cen t ra l - whatbliss .

Th e 1990 Veteran Reliabthty / Econo my run is duenext month from C h rts tc h urch 10 Dunedin return . Ihope thi s even t proves as popul ar and su ccessful asthe last one and th al organiser To m Sl cphens has as pe ll of fine wea ther a rra nged .

Fin ally on a personal not e I wa s delighted to sec.Jim Su lllvan , Lioucl Pricst a nd Norman Dc w h u r s t a tPalmurst 0 1\ Nor th as well as M arte Sk cv in uto n . Thank Iyou all for being th ere . J

From the President

Th e An n ual Co n fere nce was a positive a nd us efulmeeting time. The Manawatu Branch had things wella r ra nged a nd mem bers commented on th e orga n isa ­tion a nd hospitality . We were gra tefu l to Ray South­ward . who s po ke as ou r gu est s pea ke r on Saturday.of rallying in th e Northe rn Hemisphere in a vehicle ace n tu ry old. Another s peaker was from S u n Alliancea nd as As si stant Ge nera l Manager for New Zealand .Alan Bradley was a ble to give u s a n acc ou n t ofcom pany policy while leaming of so me concerns heldby members . We look forward to further di scussionswith ou r insurance com pa ny over th e next few months .

At th e tim e of writing we were still co nce rned forBarry Lovegrove . So u th Ca n terb u ry Branch Chair ­man. a nd his 'Wife . wh o are held hostage in Kuwai t.Barry was in th e next ca bin to me a t th e Rot orua rallyin 1980 a nd as in th ese s ituatio ns we go t happilyac quaint ed . l'rn s u re a ll members would want toex te nd to th e Lovegrove family ou r s u ppor t a nd bestwishes.

Page 4: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

Body Fabricationabout June 1989.

Driven out of Traceu:« shed.One 'Week under J2 months,late] uly 1989.

The completed Lacre Busat the Heritage Park, Ivuiunu ,

Whangarei, March 1990.

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Wh ichever way you look a t it.rebuilding Cl bus is a BIG job.Wh en a s mall team in the

Northland Branch restored th e 77year old Lacre from a few badlycorroded com ponen ts in just 18months . it was nothing s hor t ofincredible. In April 1988 th e Bra nc hwas d on ated th e parts of thec h a rab a nc by Branch m embersPaddy a nd Eleanor Holt. Wh atremained of thi s on ce proud vehiclewere th e chas s is rail s . whi ch hadbeen cu t in half a nd u sed as b ridges t r inge rs. the e ngine. radiator .transmis sion case. s te er ing box .ax les . wheels. one rear spring. theIirewall a nd sundry brackets . e tc .Most of th ese parts had lain in aswa m p on Cl farm a t S prings Flat.Karno . for ove r 40 years a nd becauseof the high mineral con ten t of th ewater. th e effect on the met al hadbeen di sastrous . All th e s tee lhad been reduced to lace anda lloy cas tings were seriouslycorrod ed . Th e Br a n c hes timated that restorationwould take 10-12 years .

The Model '0 ' Lacre waspart o f North lands earlyhis tory. having b een ins ervice from 1920- 1927 withthe Northern Bu s Co . ownedby the late Harry GreenWilkinson. It wa s origina llybuilt by the Long AcreEngineering Co of Long Acre.Co n ve n t Gard en Park.Lond on. between 1908 and1910. Brough t to N.Z. in 1911. itwas used in Auckland by an unknownbus company until 1919 wh en it waspurchased from W.S . Miller. KhyberPass. by th e late Harry Wilkins on.The trip North took Harry and hisSOil Arthur three days . and in cludeda s tin t co nveying rac ego ers fromDev onport to a race m eeting a tTakapuna. th en further North .having to drive along the beach a tOrewa a nd Mangawai .

After its passenger ca rry ing days.the Lacre was bought by Foot c' s Coa lMining Co at Hikurangi whoconver ted it for use as a coal truck .The body was pu t on a 1923Int ernational cha s si s a n ci t h cna ro u nd 1934 was disposed of in adump in Kamo.

The vehicle wa s later purchased

by farmer Ray J ou n neaux who u sedth e rear axl e as a farm tr ailer and th erea r half of th e chassis as a bridgeover a creek. Some 40 years later.a rou nd 1974. V.C .C. en th usia s t a ndformer Wilk inson's em ployee RayMitchell recovered th e rusted a nd

Peter G. Faber

co rroded remains . and s tored th ema way for s a fe-kee ping. Finding th atother proj ects were keeping him busy .Ray handed over the pieces to PaddyHolt who. in due course. recognis edth at restoration was going to be toomuch for one person. a nd donatedth e remains to the Branch.

Work started on the proj ect on th el s t August 1988 with our member.Tra cey McKenzie. taking home th ege arshift a n d gat e change/handbrake assem bly for rebuilding.Reali sing it would be impossible to

The Lacre ill oucmtio» 1nl The Non ltcinB/I ~ Co., Circa 192IJ

restore the La cre in th e Branchworkshop. it was decided to rebuildth e c o m p le te bus in Traceysworkshop at Tamaterau . Tr ac ey' se x pe r ie nce a t e n g inee r ing andcoach b u ild ing together with hi sa mazing drive made him th e naturalleader of th e restoration team whichco ns is ted basi cally . of Wally andLeigh Bulloch , Peter Apeldoorn.Brian Wrack a nd Tracey 's wife Joan .But other people contributed muchtime a nd support. such as BruccSowrv (woodwork), Alan Farrand(ca st lngs). Darry! Cou Its (enginerc condiuontng) . Jim Montgomery(plaques and ('ngraving). a nd BrianC ta nc cy and Paul Ta r r a n t

(upholstery) . Still others gave theirhelp a nd money with the result th atth e final cos t of $20.000 ha s beenfully met with con tr ibu tio ns anddonations . At th e presentation toth e Branch on 10th February e Lacr e was handed over by th eteam com pletely debt free - a pri celessasset for Northland .

Fin ance for th e proj ect was aneffort on its own with th e main partbeing done by Lelgh Bulloch in th eform of a rm-twis ting . The Wilkinsonfamily - ch ild re n a nd grandchildren- were mo st en th usiastic for theproj ect. eventually donating a ro u nd$2500. Five row s of sea ts were sold .th e front on e being for th e Wilkins onfamil y . the res t were s old a t $600each to W. Stevenson and Son s (perLaurie a nd Joyce Ackers), Des a n dAngel a Hutchings. Paddy a n dEleanor Holt and branch members

Berme an d Graham Dawson,Jim Shaw a nd th e late JohnMcDonald . The remainderwas financed th rough th eBranch restoration accou n ta nd of cou rse donations oftime. e tc . from local firms.s uch as th e s u pply ofs pe cia llubricants free of charge byAms oil Oils of N.Z. per Ph ilJ ones (mcmber) a n d RaySicvertsen.

Using t he old chass isfr am e a n d Ii r cwa l l aspatterns. a new chassis wascons truc ted a nd . as with a llof th e rebuild. old methods

of engineering were u sed. There wasno electric welding in 1910. althoughsome was u sed in th e reconstruction.Tapered pins were u s ed on th echas s is ends and the re s t wa s boltedwith reamed holes. The placement ofth e firewall. deduced from th e originalcom po ne n ts . gave th e position forwhat wa s left of th e s tee ring bo x. gatecha nge . handbrake se tu p . clutchthrowout lever and clutch and brakepedals.

St atistically . th e engine is a fourcylinder unit with cylinders arrangedin pairs . It has a 4 "/ ,,;in . bore a nd5 ' I.,in. s troke . develop s 30 h .p. a t1000 r. p.m .. has twin cams ha fts a ndcross 110w. fixed head s . This drivesa three s pe ed gearbox which iscombined with the di fferential in oneunit. Drive is then taken 10 th e rear

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wh eels via chains a nd s proc ke ts .The foot b rake ope rates on a drum a tth e rear of the gea rbo x. Wh enacqu ire d . th e engine was so badlyco rrode d th at th e cran kshaft hadth e end eate n off throu gh elec trolys iSa t th e timing gear. The a lu m in iu mcran kcase was badly a ffec ted bycor rosion on th e s ide whe re it hadlain in th e swa m p for so lon g. si m ilarlyth e gea rbox a nd final drive unit wasso badly corrode d th at a new s tee lcase wa s fabri cat ed to fit inside th eold a lu m iniu m hou sing. About 50 0hours went into repairing this unita lone. The engine required majorrepairs with a ll cran kcase mountsbut one requiring exte nsive repairs .Welding was difflcult owing to th eage of th e aluminium . bute x pe r ime n ti n g a n d u sing n ewa lu m in iu m plat e . argon weld ed toth e old casting pro ved quil es uccessfu l. The same method wasus ed on the timing gear housing onth e fro n t of th e cra nkcase and s u m p.however this wa s not succes sful onth e s tu d hol es on both sides whereth e s u m p join ed th e cra nkcase. Th iswa s rectifi ed by drilling a nd tappingnearly a ll th e brok en holes andbrazin g washers to th e inserted s tuds,In some in stances epoxy mould ingwas used s uccessfu lly wh ere weldingh ad proved impos sibl e. Th ec ra n ks ha ft wa s [(' groun d a n dbal anced and new cen t re mainbearing ca ps a nd s hells made (th eorigina ls had di sappeared) . Th evalv es a nd gUides were made fromCa te rpilla r 08 2 U with new s prings.Th e cracks in th e cylinders weremct alo ckcd , the cylinde rs th en boreda nd s leeves made from wet linersfrom a W07 Ca se tract or and groundto .0 8 0 inch thick and pr ess ed in .Pis tons wer e a lsoVJ07 Case. Grounddown Leyland 400 gudgeons wereu sed which necessitat ed en largingth e s mall end bushes a nd narrowingth e top of th e rod s to get even loading.The ex te rna lly driven oil pump wasmis sing. s o a 4 cylinder List er di es elpump was adapted . Th e same appliedto t h e m a gnet o a n d fan . T hecarb ure t to r a nd gove rno r co n tro lwere mis sing. however a White a ndPoppe ca rb was found a t th e Rot oruaSwap Meet. and a fter modificationproved to be reasonably s uccessfu l.The e ngine rail s were fabricatedb e cau s e th e o r ig ina l s e ctionchan ne lling was no longer a va ilab le.

The once-proud radiat or. with th eLacre em b lem cast in relief. wasbey ond redemption s o a n exac tduplicat e wa s made. Top a nd bottomtanks were cas t in a lloy a nd th etubes . together with 12 .000 fin simport ed from Engl and werethreaded on by Branch members .The final a s sembly was don e by J ackMortimor e Ltd. radiat or s pecia lis ts.Th e oriutnal front axle was u sed a fte r

maclunrng th e s tu b ax les a nd makingnew bronze bushes . thrusts. e tc. Theoriginal king pins a nd bushes werese rvicea ble . Th er e was no brakegear at a ll so new rear brake drumsand s hoes were made. being operatedby th e handbrake. Th e clutch wasrebuilt in cluding th e throwoutassem bly com plete with new drivesha ft.

There were lu ck y di s coveries ­brand new rear. soiid rubber tyreswere p urch a s ed a fter b eingadver tised in Beaded Wh eels . a longwith a used front pair. The rear oneswere fill ed u sing 94. Vernier -ga uged .hardwood wedges a nd Wes tSyste m glue: th e front oneswere pre s s -fill ed a fte rmachining th e wh eels to fitthe rim . Ano ther lu ckvbreak ca me with Ih~discovery of th e hands omebrass front lamps whichca me fr om tw o tot allyunrelat ed sou rces a nd hadto b e painst akinglypanelbeatcn: on c from th ePukekohe Swa p Meet. theother donat ed by BryanBelch er (m ember 01Auckland Branch). a longwith a kerosene tail -light.

Tile Lll cre II~ receil'ed 11 / /ile Branch,1III Ie 1988.[in t /vloll /go ll/erl/ (Public 1~c1111i01l ~ )

I .I{I/ Wrack (f 'n '~idl'll t)

One week under 12 1110nt hs, th echa s si s and e ngine were a lmos tcom pleted a nd th e cha ra banc wasdriven ou t of the workshop a n drevers ed in aga in . (Heel' tim e!) Th eteam th en turned its a tten tion to thebody-work. From this s tage theyworke d to a ph otograph a nd scaledfrom th e known dimensions. T hetimber need ed was acquired fromva rious sou rces and was m ost Iv

---Tlil': DACKF1RE

Page 7: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

Traccu M cKel/zie (L! and 01/ the (R) Rmcc50wr;/ COI/ I/I/CI/ CC work 01/ tlu: hod».Apr i! 1989. .

Australian h a rdwood. cut anddressed by Noe l S impso n of Pa ruaBay. Steel was u sed wh erever it wa sco ns idere d proper. The kauri rooftimber wa s s u p plied by Carter Halta t a reduced cost a nd a lso m achinedby Noel S impson . The bod y is a llg lued a nd scre wed - a bo u t 3000bra s s or b ronze scre ws a nd boltshavin g been u sed . T he handsomenew steer ing wheel was cra fted inEnglish m aple by Brucc Sowry. Theoriginal co lo u r sc he me wa sduplicat ed a ccording to the adv ice ofLeigh l3ull och a nd Bill Reynolds . avetera n engi neer. who remembers

riding on the rear of the ru nningboard - u nbeknown to the drive r ­wh en Bill was a schoolboy.

T he Lacre wa s driven ou t o fTraccy's s hed (the ro of of which ha c!to be ra ised to construct th e roof o fthe veh icle ) a nd road test ed on th e13th Ja n uary 1990. A tot al of 7920hours were spen t on thi s re s to ra tion .ofwh ich 7250 hours we re contribu tedby th e team. th e re st being done byth e m any organi s at ion s an dindividual s who assisted . SOIIlC wivessay they were temporarily "wido wed"during the restoration period whichsometimes involved 12 -1 (3 hou rs aday of co m m itmen t by th e tcn m .Tracey s pe n t 800 hou rs a t hi s lathea lone . ma chining th e hundred s of

worn parts and fabrica ting new ones.The pain ting of the ve hi cle was

done main ly by th e team in oneweek. with Wally Bu lloc h taking aweek's holiday . Then d isaste r struckw he n Tra e ey d eve lo pe d epoxypois oning fro m th e e tc h spite weari ng a ma sk. The la stcoa t wa s applied by Gra n t MeKenzieand s ign -writ ing do ne in script by aprofessiona l. Murray Ross. The pa int.thinncrs a nd sand paper . etc. weredonated by Winstone Aggrega te a longwi th the s ide cu r ta in m ateri al a ndca nvas fo r the roof.

Sincc com pletio n of th e charabanc,S ir Le n Sou th wa r d h a s ki ndlyd onat ed a com ple te transmis s ionunit in infinitely be tter co nd itio n .Att ention is n ow being paid tochanging thi s co mponen t ove r andironing ou t th e minor "bu g s ".Otherwis e the m a chine b e h a ve sex tre mely well a nd on its first m aj orpublic ou ti ng. the Mot or Showon theweeke nd or" the Easter Rall y . s hecarr ied ove r 600 passengers fo r ridesarou nd Kensingt on Park.

Th e No r t hl a nc! B ra nc h isim me nse ly proud of their late stac qu iSit ion a nd. a lt ho ugh they arcthe present cu s tod ia n . steps hav ebeen taken to ensu re tha t . shou ldthe Branch dis perse or go into recess .the bus will be pla ced in th e hand s ofa n appropriate hi s to rical assoc ta t iona nd belong permanently to the Cityof Wh angarc i. .-1


Ti ll' L/\ C /{ E tC111 11 re' /Jo lI,iI1Icfll r tI /i, rcetomt iun avc, IIOWI/ ill the IICCOI/I/II1HI/illg JlllOfogmpll. I1l1d rccog nitiemfor their effort, 11'11 ,

I1ckl/(1(I'!c 'dged 1'.1/ Tl't/cey McKcnzie liCinganordcd thi« ucav's 101111 Coddard Trophy . presellt cd lit the 1990 A nIII 117/ Genera! Med iI/g.

Ttn'y arc> (/(:(/ to r ight)

Tra ccu M ck enzie[oan ;\1cKel/ :;cLeiglr BullochBrian Wra ckPeter Ap e/doomWall y BIII/Oell

TCll III LeaderChicf CookTnitTioi- tcrChid lvlcc/ll111 icChi(/ r o!i, hcr2.1.e.

Page 8: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage


In 19 5 6 p a r t of So u t h la n dsCe n te n n ia l celebrations includeda n a m b itio us motor racing meeting

on public roads. The first circ u its ugges ted was a round Queens Parkin Invercargill , b u t thi s' was notfavo u red by eithe r th e pres s of th etime or th e a u thorit ies . It wa sprom inen t Oreti Beach racer AlexEd wa rds who came up with th e ideaof a tri angular circ u it utili sing partofthe Invercargill - Queens town StateHighway . a long with portion s of th eRy al Bu sh -W all a cetown Ro ad.Breezes Roa d a nd a s hor t length ofCollinson Road . Breezes Road a tth at tim e being gra vel. upon obtai n inga pproval for th e eve n t th e So u th la ndS ports Ca r Clu b co n tr ibu tedmost ofth e cost of se a ling it. A first for thi s

1\1,00'c. The 3 litre Fcrrar!of Petl'/' Wllitc!lead./ 956. Photo (O llrte,I/ of /\ C Carrell.

country was th e clos u re of the S ta teHighwayfor thi s meeting.

The New Zeal and Internation alGrand Prix Asso ciation had beenrunning mot or races s in ce tab lis h ing a series that ca me as fars ou th as Dunedin wh ere th e Festival

Eileen McMillan

Road Races had been held a n n u a llyfrom 195 3 . With th e acceptance ofth e Ryal Bus h as part o f th eIn ternation al s eri es . th e fir stSouthland eve n t on 11 February1956 followed me etings at Ardmore,Ohakea. Wigram , a nd Dunedin.

The 3 .65 mile lon g cou rse was dryand in good cond it ion for th e 41 -lapmain even t. though some corners

Bc!Oil'. ti« B"salti-!as"ar i('ith 1' 011

ROI/a oti , ('(' 11 here ill tlu: Duncdin. . Wharf Circuit pit, ill / 956.

proved s lippery. The race had itsca s ualties . though a ll were minor: ofthe thirteen cars that faced th es tar te r's Oag beside the Ryal Bu shPu blic Hall . nine were to fini sh. PatHoare of Ch ris tc h u rc h h ad beenunlucky e nough to break a piston inhis Maserati in practi ce .

English farmer and former LeMans winner Pet er Whitehead hadrecorded the fa stest lap in practi cea nd ga ine d th e number one gridposition. Whitehead had won th eLady Wigrarn Trophy during his firstvis it to this cou n try in 1954 a ndaga in th e following year. At RyalBush in 1956 he proceed ed to s mashall New Zealand s peed records withhis Fcrrari. covering th e 150 mil es a ta n average speed of a bo u t 95m pha nd reaching nearly 160mph on th es tra igh ts - fa ster than a ny even tpreviously run in thi s co u n try or inAustrali a .

From a good s tart Whitehead ledinto th e first corner a few yards a hea dofformer Australi an fight er pilot TonyGaze . al so driving a Fc rra r i. Racefa vourit e Les l i e Ma rr in hl ss trea m line d Con na ugh t was a closethird until th e thircllap wh en he tookthe sou th- wes t co rne r too fast a nclcrashed backwards throu gh a go rs ehedge a nd int o a ditch . fortunatelywtthout damaging th e Con na ugh t.Tom Cla rk had a few days ea r lieres ta b lis he d a new record for th eMairehau circuit by bealing RonRoycrofts previous best time. a ncl

Page 9: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

1<011 I<ol/crof l i ll distinct irc action ill the/951 V12 Fvrmr), rebuilt 10 origill l/If0 1"ll1/l11/ 0 111 ' ~ll('c!fiCl1lio ll.

1'11010 co/{rle~y C. 1'1/11171'.

wa s now co rn pet in g in o n ly hi s Iou rt hroad ra ce . C la rk was ex t rernely quicka long the s t ra igh ts but then s p u nhi s 25-year-old 8C M Ma serati a n dlost several minut es. Bill C rosb ieshome -b uilt C. J . Sa p p h ire . d es cribedby one writer as "ea sily the bestlooking ca r co m peti ng". overheateda nd retired . Abou t the 16th lapT ucker 's Ransl ey Rilcy s p ra ng a holein it s rad ia to r a nd a lso d ropped o u to f the race .

As the ra ce p ro gres s ed Roycroft .who h ad lost a lmos t a lap by a poorst art. s low ly thre ad ed his wayt h ro ugh t he field in hi s e lde r lyJaglla r -e ngined BlIga tt i. Afte r 40mi les Wh ite head began to lap m anyca rs for the second lime. leading toco n fus ion a mo ng th e s pec ta to rs.whil e Roycroft b egan to h ara s sCh rts tc h u rc h 's Fra n k S h u te r in theVS Mo n opost o S pec ia l. YoungAu cklunder Ros s .Jensen in hi s Austinll calcy wa s tangli ng with ve teranAUSl r u l ia n TOll! S ul ma n . whilesomewhere a t Ih e rear Ba r ney Gille r .Aus t in Heal ey . a nd Arthur MolTatt.J a gu ar X1<' I 20. kept trying ou t theesca pe rout es .

ll a v i ru; driv in g fa ultl e s sly .Whit e head wa s in cvit ablv first a c ros sthe fini sh lin e . 40 sccOlids a head o fTo ny Gaze . Two laps back E ngla nd'srac ing gre( ' 1l took third pla ce in th elorm o r f<el-!: Parnell a nd h is As to nMartin. Ron Rovcrolt o r Auc k la nd .I hrcc times Do ill in io ll Cha m p io n .c.unc in fou rt h. wi n n ing a£50 a wardfor be ing t11(' fir s t New Zca l.u Id drive-r

home: a n d fifth was Frank S h u tv r.In giving permission for the second

Ryal Bush meeting in February 19 5 7 .the a u t horit ies m ade it clea r th at itwould be the la st on public roads .The m ain race was s horte ned to 27laps (102 miles) a n d it was b ille d asthe N. Z. Road Ra ce C ham pionship .For the fir st time . mot or cyclcs we rein cluded o n the progranllllc wi th t h oSou thl and G ra nd Prtx .

In practice the first 100mph lapwas s et. a New Zea la nd re cord thatwas to s ta nd for many yea rs . A Ik-Idol't wclv c con teste d the m a in r. u-c . Asit progress ed . both Frank S h u tcr.this year drivin g a Ma s erat i HC I: ]'.a nd Gibbons d ropped ou t wit h engi netrouble . Afte r lying in s ix th pla ce .J aek Brabham in hi s Coope r C limaxhad to pull into the pits in the ninthlap . Whitehead with the S u perS q ua lo Ferrart gained hi s secondvi ctory on the Ryal Bush l rack.cove ring the 102 miles in I hour Iruin 6 .2 seco nd s . His fastest recordedlap wa s 99 .53m ph . The first fiveplaces were in fact Itllcd by Italianca rs. lour of them Fcrraris. Drivingt11(' last race of his 23 -vear careerbefore taking up a posiuon as AstonMart in Team Manager. Reg Parncll,a ls o in a Supcr Squalo. came seconddespite spinning in the elevent h la p:both l lorace Gould . Maserati 250F.a nd Ron Roycroft in a 4 1/2-litreVI 2 Ferrari had fallen victim to thesame co r ner in the fir st lap.

Whitehead WOIl by a good mil ea nd a h alf from Parnell. wit h Gou lclthird abo u t two hundred ya rd sbehind that. Rovcroft was fourth .Ros s .Jcnsc-n wit h a Monzn Fe rrarifin h and Tom C la r k ofAuckland withthe ex- Ho r to n s u pc rc-ha nx-d HWMS pe cia l s ixth .

Of th e su pporting races . the N.Z.Drive rs O n ly Open Scra tch Race was43 .8 miles in length . He re the over150 0 cc cla s s was wo n by C R Gi bbons(Wcll tn gt on] in a Jagua r D-t ype.second R Jensen a nd third T Cla rk .Up to 15 0 0 e(': first lan Mc Kella r(Christ ehu rch) in a Cooper C limax .2 nd T Bat h (Inve reargill) S inge r a ndthird H J Bla ckburri [Chrtstchurch]with a Mis tral. The Sports Car ra ce.a lsoof43 .8 m ilc's . saw J ack Brabha rn(Au st ralia) fin ish firs t in a Coo pe rC li max. s cco n d D E d m is to n(Dunedin) Mo rgan Plus Fo u r . a n dt hlrrl I{os s Jensen in t he MonzaFc r rari. T he Sa loo n Ca r Handica pW <lS s h or te r a t 29 .9 miles . Here Ml la ycs (lnve rca rgill) in a Morris Minort riumphed . followed by F D Can twe ll(Ch r is tc h u rc h ) Jaguar XK 140 a ndM.B . Mill s (Bl enhctrnl w ith a l lurn berHO.

At 43 .H mil es, the fir st Sou th la ndMot or Cycle Gra nd Pr ix 500e(' classw a s t ak en by M ick Il oll and(Christ ehureh) Manx Nort on . secondTornmy Mcl.e ary (Christ church) 7HAJ S . a nd third B Mars den (Dunedin)500 BSA. The 350('c c lass wa s wonby Tom MeL e ary, sec-o nd Co linMarsden (Duncdin) , a nd third OwcnFre w (Duncclin) 350 E3SA.

The huge s uccess of thes e tw om ot or racing m eetings co n tr ib u te ds u bsta n ltall y to th e Sou th la nclS po rtsCa r C lu b's d esi re a nd a b ili ty toestablish a permanent ra cing c i;'eu ita t Sandy Poi n t. named Tcret onga("Swin Sou th ") whe n it opened for itsfirst m eeting la te r ill 19 5 7 .

As part of t he New Zeala n d 19 9 0celeb ra tio ns . the Sou th la nd S portsCa r C lu b d e ci d ed it wo u ld b ea p p ro pria te to revive the Rval 13u shroad racr- s . Aee o rclinglyon i 8 Ma rc h

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1~1111 ~/cIlIWI'.'I ((Oil/piI' ll' u-itl: IIt'((' 1'0/11>111') i ll lire pl1ddo(k 111 1~1f111 L3I1~1r 199(),it' i l lr LycolI/iIlS ./(lIrIl~oll l/lId / sliard ill /JI1CkSrolllld. .

1H~)O some seve n ty cars and twcntv ­s ix m otor cyc les took th e ra r eo p po r t u n i ty t o cx p e rt e n ccco m pe titi o n on th is hi storic circ u it.

Th ose t radit ion al S o u t h la n dgrandstands . sheeptru ck s. had beenpo sitioned d ays beforehand a ro u ndth e circuit. Huge round hayba lcsprotected power po les . a nd orangesafe ty tape indicated no -go a reas(sometimes unava ilingl y) to th es pecta to rs lining the route . The banco fa ll tcrupornry ra ce circ u its is crowdco n tro l. a n d one race was in factSl o p p e d beca use o f s pectato rswanderin g u p th e ce n tre of 1he ro ad .

With re lative ly s ma ll field s in ma nvra ces . o n s uch ' a long circu it therewere t im es when it seemed as thoughyo u were ra c in g a lone wit h no ot herveh icle vis ib le a hea d o r in drivin gmi rrors . The- o nly car to a ppea r a t a llthre e Ry a l B ush m ee tings . th eRansl ey Riley driven in 1990 by Et lee nMcM illan . sad ly d ropped o u t after afe w pra c t ice la ps wit h a b roken du tc ha rm . T h is in fa ct wa s a lmos t a reli ef.s ince a t peak revs in to p OI l th e twolong st ra igh ts . t he Ransl cy 's fronte n d wa s wandering as il s ta r te d tofl oat a t maxlruum s peed , Thes es tra igh ts were a lm os t the m uxim u mlength permitted underin ternaliona lm ot or ra c in g regulatio ns . and tookthe ir loll of ca rs I1Jaint ain ing fu llspeed for p ro longed pcr iocls . O nlvth re e of the s ix s ta rte rs in ti le s i llL( I~'

sea te rs /spo r ts ra cing ca rs g ro n pfin is h ed t h e tr fir s t r n ce , b utIort u na te ly m ost prob lems we reminor. a n d their second race sawthe m back in the fray . Greg DoransJ ohnsun turncd o u t to hav e ac tivatedits e lec tr lcs is o lat or key so that its im ply s to pped . Les s ea s ily c u re dwa s seve re oil los s from Ra lph Smith'sLycom il1g , wh ic-h h ad raced a t RyalBu sh in 195 6. the yea r o ftts c reation .Although problems wit h Rob Boul tsJ2 Allard co u ld no t be fully ove rcome.the firs t ra ce for this class was wo nby the Alla rd, wit h C h ris Hea d 's HCMSpecia l second a nd Bob DunatansVo lkswagen S ports th ird . In the irhand ica p race . Bill Crosb ies CrossieFF was first across thc line . secondand lh ird pla ccget u-r s IWill/.( iden tica lto thos e in t hc first race ,

Saloons too echoed th ose seen inI H56 and 19 5 7 . wi th s ports cars.Aus tin l Ica lcys . ,Jaguar X K 15 0 s ,Morgans. MGs , and TR Triumphsm ak in g th ei r n p p c u r a ucc a n dthrillin g th e c rowds wi th clos cco rupctu ion .

Th« C lass ic Motor Cycles ,~ro u p

sm\' Er ic WilS0I1'S M,1I 1X Nor ton wintile firsl r.u -c-, w i t h J o h n Dawsoll 'sT rn o n s('('ond a nd t I I(' T riu m p h 650or Hay QUt'rl k -r I hird . T hei r handica p

ra ce saw Len M chenztes TriumphTiger 10 0 firs t across the lin e a heado f B. Q u in n on a Manx No r to n . a ndK J cnkins Triumph T ige r 10 0 ,

In cident s d uring the d ay we re m ot or cyclis t b eing carr ied off tohospit al a fte r a fa ll. a Jaguar Saloo nwrapplng tts clf'around a tree. ha ppilyw ithou t dama ge 10 111(' driver. a nd aBMW spccrucu ln r ly leaping bot hroad sid e fence a n d dit ch to end r igh tway u p a nd u nda Illa gt'd in a field butuna b le to rejo in th e ra ce . to theevi dent a nd voca l frustra lio n o f ilsdriver,This h istoric nl('c t ing is u n likely tobe resurrec ted ,l~a in in t h eforeseea b le fu tu re . 'f lIc Sou thl andS p o r t s C a r Clu b 's co urage inundcrtaktug the roc rc at io n or s uc h amajor ci rc u it to e-na bl e specuitors.drivers a nd ve h ic-les to e-x po rte nccaga in this t radit ion -par-kcd tra ckd es erv es ,~ra l it u d e and ad uu rut ion ,Ami to 1he Vin ta ge Ca r C lu b o f NewZea la nd in having 110W cncourauedthe pr escrva uon of hts tortr r:1('ingvehicles twe -whee led a nd fou r form a n v decades, m ust go I1UI ('11 of t hocredit for the ex is lc!H'e tod uv o f ca rs; II H I m o tor cycles that w(']"(: ab le tore -e-nact in cha racter this el a s si ceve nt of vest e rvc-a r. .J

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' ~THE


Lo ng d is tance reli a bility a part wen eed ed more power for s pri nts.By m achining the cylinder barrels

the co m p re ssion ratio was ra isedfrom 5 .2 5 to 6 to I. but we weren'tsa tis fie d. s o it w a s d e cided tos u pe rc harge . A large Arnott eccen tricvane type was fitt ed. driven a tI 1/2 times engine s peed a n d fed bya large 2 1/2" N.F.S . (No Flat Spots)ca r b o Road testing using 7 0 °/(le thanol, 30% wh itc s p ir it fu el s ho wed12 PSI boost a t full th rottle . a m ienough power to break off a ll thero lle rs on the bottom gear cha in . ltwa s with hi gh hopes that I lin ed up a tthe 1955 Ohakea Airfi eld race . buta fte r four laps di s as ter s truck whenthe a lco ho l fu el d is s olved the gluehold ing th e vane gUides on the b lowerdrum a nd the lloa ting vanes b rokethe th ick cas t-a lumi n iu m bl owercase . It wa s a ll put ba ck togetheraft e r mu ch work . but because theessen tia l clos e c lea ra nces co u ld no tbe ach ieve d it neve r h ad as mu chpres sure as when new. The firs tblown s tand ing 1/4 wa s cut ou t in12 .9 6 seco nds o n 590 x 15 Firest oneroad tyres reaching 8 0 m ph in bot tomgear a nd 122 mph in top .

Tim e s we re brou ght d owns u bseq uen tly by u sing locally t readeds moo th s licks which a lso provokedclut ch s lip s o this had to be b ee fedup with ve ry st rongsprings . Becaus eexcessive c ha in pull in bottom gearwa s pulling the s procke ts ou t o f lin ea n d causi ng cha in breakage. a no u t boa r d mount ed radiu s rodr u n n tng on ball bea rings jockey ­wheels was fitted . a nd this workedOK. Fina lly a rea r p itch ing actio n o nta ke ofl'wh ich co u ld not be felt by thedriver but left in termitten t eve n lys paced wheclsp in marks o n the roads u rface was c u re t! by vunsprtnglnu"th e back . u sing angle iron s tru tsfrom the to p of the chassis to thehubs .

Enginc power was Increa s ed agai nby running the bl ow er faster a ndfitting 4 Am al s in stead of the N.F.S.wh ich wa s only us ed for hill c lim bsand ra ces becaus e of eas ie r throttleco n tro l. For all s ta n d ing 1/ 4s wefitt ed back the Morris Minor fronts uspens ion and eve n took olf oncrear brake to save weight. When therear b rakes were m oved o u tboa rd forbet ter cooling in ra ces . o f cou rse weco u ld n 't do that a ny more .

In the rarely h eld stand ing startKilos we kept to the 16" wheels a ndbig brakes beca u s e the s peed co u ldh a ve been too hi gh for the 520 x 14Minor tyres. All th es e s tand ing startswere very h ard on crown wheels a ndpinions a nd the original An saldo one

Maurie Stanton

was an early victim repla ced by as u ccession of Riley 2 1/2 litre ones .Best stand ing 1/4 wa s I 1.72 o nWigrarn Air fie ld a n d in cidentall y myla st co m pe ti tio n drive in the Gypsya n d b est s ta nd ing s ta rt Kilo a tAshburton on the Longbea ch Roadwas 22. 9 5 secon ds .

Flying Kilo speed records arcprobably wha t the Crop -d uster ism ostly rem embered fo r.

From ou r in iti alllying Kilo a t 128mph through improv ement in po wer

ou tp u t. roa dholding a nd stream lin ­ing to a two way average of 173 .8rnph in Oc tobe r 1959.

All ofthcs c even ts were run by theCanter bury Ca r C lub o n the Oxfo rdTram Roa'd which h a d 14ft widecoarse seal c h ip wit h a run in of 2 . Imil es from th e cast a nd 1.6 mil esfrom the west. Alt hough na rrow theroad s u r face was very s moo th andtrue. the bi gges t p ro b lem wa s s helte rbells of tr ees in a djo in ing paddockswhich could s pill edd ies acro s s theroad a n d blow the ca rs a ro u nd . Forthis reason eve n ts were a lways heldas early as po s sible in the morningwhen the a ir wa s hopefully ca lm.

l-Iandlinp;problems s ho wed up firstt im e out in I h e blown form when I

h ad a pretty h ectic rid e at a mi s e rable137 mph.

S ubs equ ently we fitted 145 Ib oflead balla st under the driver's legs . atail fin o n the top re ar of the body a nds paced the front wheels fu rt he r o u tto ge t th e king pin cen t re lineinters e cting the ty re in sid e th econ tact patch . In order to a vo ids teering ove r cor rec tions when thes ide gus ts [ ha ve mentioned hit thecar we lowered the s teer ing gea r rat iofrom I 1/ 2 tu rns lock to lock to2 1/ 2 fi t li ng a s tee ri ng boxco u n te rshaft . All thes e m ods madefor a much caste r drive a nd at 151mph which was the highes t we go twith the old open wheel body. the carbeing rock s teady.

Wc tested these ruod tflca tlons onthe West Coas t Roa d o n the s traightfrom Pa parua Pr is on to West Mellonwhen there wa s a s tro ng North Wes tcross wi nd b lowi ng.

At 14 5 m ph th is roa d gave a lowfreq u en cy pi tching e ffect whi chtogether with the s ide wind gave u sj ust th e right test conditions to proveour th eory . Some m ay think tha ttesung a t hi gh s peeds on public roadsis dangerou s. but on des erted s tra ightCan te rb u ry road s [ fell sa fer than ins u b u r ba n C h r is t c h u rc h traffi c .F ly in g Kilo e ve n t s w ere runinfrequently a n d becau s e of limitedroad clostru; times and a fairly bi gfield of cars in var ious clas s es. it wasessen tia l to go fla t out on the firs trun before th e wind came up o r therewa s a hold up of s ome kind . So torthes e reasons it was hest to h a ve theha nd ling sor te d in adv a nce .

Records are made to be broke n.but not by ou r competi tors. so whenfel low Canterb ury Car Club memberBo b B lackb u r n sta rted m akingMist ral a ll-e nve loping glass-fibrebodies in Chrts tc h u rc h he suggestedtha t we u s e one. Su rpris ingly thewhee lba s e wa s right for the Gypsya nd it was fairly Sim p le to a dd amoulding on the engine in corporatinga tail fin . Carb u re t tor a nd e ng inecoohng a tr wa s led from scoops in thenos e a nd duct ed to the rear. Fuels ta rvatio n problems which h ad beeneviden t on previous runs were c u re dby fitting 2 ex tra electric pumpsfeeding 2 ex tra float chambers.

S peed improvement wa s d ra maticgo i u.~ up to 16 4 mph despit e reve rtingto low blower s peed .

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On a 101 of thest' early morningFlying Start Kilo sprint s we- werepla gued by carb u re t lor il'in,l(,md rawrue! wet ting plu gs. It wa s impossibleto cure the ph u; w ct t inu: we wouldc h a u ge plugs u n t il we ran out ofthem, a n d fin all y in d cspcru t ion takeo ff o n the ve ry high b ot tom gear . 1 12mph at :3000 rpm and hopc t nat theyclcu rc d .

Th ankfully they a lwav s did.Eventually by going ba ck to (h e hi ,ghb oost 1 I PSI at 2700 rpm in Nove m ber19 5H wr-a.-h tcvr-d a 2 way ,Ivc ragc'or17:3.H mph .

Ililklimbs were- what I cnj oyedmost. a s many of the top c ircu itdrivers c n tc rcd thcs .-. Also the Iac-ti h at we were on prett y ge nc ro us fllela n d s p a r k plug con t rac ts was a s p ur10 wi nning .

A fe atu re or thes e htll clnubs wasihc Iru cns c . but Irtcndly r ivalry thatd evel oped be t WCC I1 m e a n d DickCa m p b oll in eithe-r th c ex Pa t I loan'4 C LT Mascrnt i or hi s Cooper 500. AtS o u t h Cu n t c r b u ry v c n u c s inparurular we would ~ I ug it out untilro ad clos u rt - time. As the s u rface gotfaster. time s C,1I11C down so il wasmost cx h i la ra i inu whether vou WO!1

o r we-nt d own righting . The on lv I im«I was g la d Dick didn 't a p pear was acl im b run by the Sout h Cu n tc rb u rvC lu b at C le llu n d s Hill near Cave .Th ere was a sharp right h and benda lter the Itmsh line but with a nice ­urassccl bank a ro u nd th c o uts ide ofth e bend . In pruc-t icc I m ade use orthi s to ,ge t a ro u n d u t s peed . O n thefir st timed run I was cx pcc t iru; to dot111' sn n u- bUI s ome well m eaningmar-shall h ad put a s t ruw bale in t h c

wa v and I roll ed th e ca I'. I wa s takento hospit al with ,I di slocated shoulderwh ich the d octor tried ( 0 reset byputting his foot in my a rm p it andpulliru; 0 11 illy arm .

l lappily n o one beat Iny tim r- o nthe lat e r runs s o I W;IS duly present edwith the wirmcrs laurel wreath illI h c Timaru l lo s p it a l n lt r-r t hcm ee-tin g . a n d I hankfullv di s chargedlat er th ut night. T h e- C r o p -d u s te-rwith it s amp le powcr and goodtra ction wa s m o st s u tt ab le forhilk -limb \TIlUCS which were aboutcvcnlv clivid or! bet wccn IIIis eak-d ;II\ds ca!t'c! su r fnrcs . and the Iormerr-ouldrange from loose dust v ungradedshlnuk- to rasl hard compact ed dampgr it . We u suall v ran abou t a n HO

tvuurcliau 1~ (Il1d 1~ II (c 1955Oil lI /c .;IIII'I, Ic!i Ron 1~ (II I( r(lfi Alfi, I~OIlIt'(I,

riXhl ivuiuri« ~'1 1I 1I 1 0 1I 5 1;/11 10'11 S!'·c( ill l.~1'(Olld ff/ 1I', r~IIY I \ rdli />Illd /IIX" 17I' XKI J().Tlli rd 1'0 (( ' . Fmll k ~/lII l c r Cdl'il>ro(kSpccin], DOli 1~ 1I11..;lcy 1~ I/II "lcll Rilr«.rOllr l/, n' ,I', 1'11 1 I-!' lill ',' !v11l't'm li .JCLrrifi h rOil'. 5 (}(} COO!'('/' driiv r unk noun ).

mph ,L(cm Ior sh in uk - hill climbs a n dSOIlH'thues had a top gca r abou ( 2t('ct h bi ,l'"ger which . to g('t he-r wit h Ihech oice orcit her Ill ,l'"L(c'd o r r.uuu; ly res .ga v(, lour altcrn.utvr-s to s u it th«

(Ile/Oil ') i\ i'il 'i l ' I l ( 11/1' clI..; i lll' , I/Oil'i ll ";' lI j'I'I'( IIiIlSI'I' llI li i 1"lIlIlt, 'iIlS 011 I!}(' •5 1111/11 111 ~!,( '(ill l

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/\/J01'C . Dunedin ROl7d Race\I\Il7l'11cr Ml7l1gcr Icndillg Stun !OIIllSlollc'srcplien Feirari Oillo.l\igl1l . M/wric Stanton raisins; tlu: dust at

CrniSlIlorc Noucmher '/955.

conditions of the road . Correct choiceof tyres was vital for optimumperformance and this was illustratedby two s ucces s ive hill climbs in 1'959 .At Waitati (Dunedin) with its la stopen bends we used treadedtyres forthe first run and could only managesecond to Dick Campbell (Maserati 4CLT). A chan ge to s lic ks on the rearst eadi ed up th e ca r with animprovement of 2 1/2 s eco nds:enough to nail back Dick. A monthlater w c had Ge b b ie s Pas s(Christchurch) which is a verywinding a nd narrow road . After thesuccess of s licks at Waitati we usedthem first but ex ces sive understeerresulted in a run sl ower than PatHoare (V12 Ferrart). After changingto racing tyres wc got the rightamount of ovcrs teer to sa ve 4 1/2seconds and regain first place andwin the NZ 1lillclimb C ha m pions h ip.

For these last hill climbs I hav edescribed. we removed the 2 speedback axle se t u p and fltt cd a Ford VBdifferential with each side sprocketdrivin g the ax le on its s id e and th ecou n te rshaft divided in the ce n t re .Wc had a splmed muff th at could beslipped ac r os s to lo ck up th ecountershaft if necessary .

With thi s setup we had no neutralso the clutch had to be di sengagedwhen s tan d in g with th e enginerunning.

Wh en we sold the Cro p- d u s ter wekept thi s diffand it went into our newcreation the Stanton Co rve tte .

Bu t that's another story!

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Ihave dO~le very lit tie motoring s in cemy shift to Taranak i. then ninemonths a go a liltleJapanes e m ot or

cycle tri ed to kill m e off. My C hevrole tTr u ck "Old Louis" wa s in s to rage inGly n Cle rnc n ts s hed in Napier a n d Ihad mi s s ed th e " 1989 Safa ri". theo n ly o ne si nce it s ' in ception in 1969 .Lu ckily the Kamikaze had fail ed inits mi s si on . which proves that weedsa re ha rd to kill. a n d the BurwooclS p ina l Un it were u p to the cha lle ngewith my chass is .

"Old Louis" wa s uncov ered a n ddusted off then jump lead s ta r ted offLyn 's Au stin 12 vo lt sys tem a n d thats u re whizzed "Old Louts" s ix voltsys te m over and h e p u rred int o life.It was going to be a potluck run as I could notge t underneath to lubca n d c h a n ge th e o i l.a djus t the brakes e tc.

The- rea son for t11('d i p; ,~i n g o u t o f "0 IdLouis" wa s the first ArtDe n) Rallv , being runin conjulJ(~tion with theAr t De co Trus t. Therea r c lot s o f th e s ebuildings in Napic r. a llb u i l t a It c r th edisast rous ea r lhqu akein 19 31. B o t hc o m me rc ia l a ndre s id enti al buildin gsa r e inv olved. b u tn nfort n n a te ly 111 a n yh a ve- been d e m olis hed.wh ile now those left a rcbeing clea ned . repa ire da n d pa inted and n owlook reall y s ma rt.

Sat u rd uv morninge, lr ly, with th e kids inthe back , .Jo ccly n in then avigator's sca t a nd 11lC'

drtvina we headed outt o th e I3r an chC lu b roo m s. The n ove rto Ahu rir i a t th e o ldll u s h e c r s Na t lo n a lTo bacco Co m pa ny fro mwhere Cl parade' through the cit~,

s ta r ted a t 10 am , It was fitting thatLes Lemons' bi g S tudebaker PierceArro w . ex Husheer. W ClS in th e para dea n d that Rot hmans rnninta in th e Ar tDcco Icat urcs of the building,

As "O ld Louis" wa s hig and red wewere g ive n the h onour to lead thepa rade o f thirt y C lu b ca rs th rough

Napier. It was great to see MainS tree t full ofp ro per cars for a cha nge ,Severa l cars had c re ws in perioddres s a n d many o f th ese w erephotographed ou ts ide th e Rothrnans'b u ild ing , Some of th e ca rs reallylooked the parI. I did n oti ce seve ral

Hank Hurley

personnel in full top -h alf re galia a n ds ho rts n ncl janda ls which yo u di d n otsee while they were car bound .Perhaps this was the right move as itwa s a warmish day .

We were fir st a way, al ong theparade a nd o n to Clive then to pas sTuki Tuki Homestead over the r iver

I.» 11 /I ~ I II'l'/' SI /ldd ll1kl'l' Pi/Tee / \ /'n1il '.

ouucr I.,,~ 1.1'1/1(1/1 (1/1/ .-:i",' ,\la/ i" /l ll lT(1h7 CC,' C(H/I!'au l/ .

from Tc Mal a Peak , Many happyh ours h av e been s pe n t in thishomest ead , Ihen to th e morning teas top at E ls thorpe s chool. Awav auain

a t 12 noon. th rough Pai angata a ndon to St ate Highway 2 a t Ota ne whereI b ought pe tro l as the carb u re t te rneedle had n ot been sea ti ng. Wepa s s ed Te Aute College then a longTe O ne p u Road . the s cene of m anyhill c lim bs by the local ca r cl u b.

A real tea m aking clim b up h ere inthe h eat of the early a fte rnoon. Then ext in struction sa id som e t h inga bo u t a s ig n reading "Ta up o zRot orua " so we knew th at someonewas wrong. A word with Dic k Goodallwho had foll owed u s in hi s Po rnC hevro le t tru ckett e. s o r ry Di ck.Bedford Tru ck. With a littl eknowl edge we were s oon ba ck o n theright road , thanks to Dick .

Pa s s ed th e dra gs t r ip . throu ghFernhill a n d a lo ngS w a m p Road a n danother tea m akin gc l im b t o S e a fi eldRoa d. an d a s leepg r in d ing . grow lingd es cent. ou r brakesaren't the best a t themoment would yo ubelieve . fade is ' tilt'word for il. ThenNo r t h on S.11. 2 to(urn at that "Ta u po z'Rotorua " s ign ( 0 thefinal c heck at localm embers Pet er a n d.J a c k ic Ki r k la n d s 'residence . Lunch washere a nd it' s 2 .30 pm ,

The eveIling In no ­tion s ta r te d a t th eNupier Cosm opolita nC l u b w h e rc D aveRob crt son kept a n eyeon the vehicles, Afte rhappy hour t h c re ­sults of th e clays ' rimwere a n no u nced . \I,/cwere awardc-d the fi rstVin ta,~e Overa ll and ave rv n ic e I rophyprcseut cd by Alla na nd Dot Il arris . a n d

a n Ar t Deco book a bou t Na p ier.We we re one mi serable minute

ca rlv at th e l'inish a fte r a bou t I 14l11il f:s ofmot orma. mi ssing two silen tchec ks . and our s peedo is not muchgood .

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TO a "T"

Brian Hight 's first associationwith the 191 I Ford T that hewould ultimately completely

restore , occurred in the early yearsof hi s friendship with the then ownerBill (al so known a s " H oss ") Olson ofPalmerston No r th, A large figure ofrepu te. the lengt h a nd breadth of ourcountry,

Bria n had purcha sed a 1926 NewBeauty Tourer that required total

1\·11' C1111 r!<,~ / \ rmll'. taken about 1937/38 01" I ( i/l( r('~I " lillll illl! /( 'III(', Pahianut .

restoration, and it went without s a v­ing to a ny one wit hin a wide radius ~}fl'alnH'rsion Nort h that if yo u wish toget things "rig h t" with a Ford T youbec -ame acquaint ed with Bill whoW,lS a n a c knowledged expert on Fordsduring his life .

Ilill O ls o n wa s truly one of ltlc'sehara('[ e!-s. but th en that' s a no t he rstory . However. Hria n who is a n "A"grad e nJ('e ha n lc: bv or-cu pa t ion ,form ed a mut unllv cujoyablc andhelpful relationship with Bill thatdeveloped into a Ilrru friend sh ip last ­in ,L( m any years until l3ill's u nt lmelydeath in 19R6 a ,L(cd 6 0 years .

At thi s point it was re vealedamongst Bill 's la st wishes that Brian1)(' cxcr-u tor of what transpired to bea vast es ta te . ev entu ally comprtstnus ome 1500 lot s a t a uc tio n, plus s ixca rs . One of thes e vehicles was the" 19 1 1" (as Hill roIorrt-d to it) a nd Billa lso ex p re s s ed h is desire that l i r iu nbe give n till' op port uuitv to ob ta inthis vehicle ,

Now the " 19 1 1" was . 10 a brgt>c-xt cn t I D! I in n ame o n ly as al ­t houuh it was tn d cr -d still "i tse l f" it

had had various, no doubt ex ped ie n tforeign transplants ou t of Bill's co l­lection over the years a nd the ori gi ­nal parts , m otor, diff. wheels a nd 8

Byron Husband

h ost of other parts plus obtainedex tras were care fu lly stored away forreeonditioningat some lat er d ate . Ofcou rse this is wi thout go ing into the

pros and co ns of t he b odyo r s ho u ld [ say lack of itas photo indicates ,

So it will be realis edthat it wa s indeed a d eci ­s io n to be pondered overa t s o m e lengt h a s apartfrom t he c hass is whichBill h ad m et k -ulously re ­s to re d s ho r tIy before hi sd eath , it wa s a major jobto undertake , and thc ~ Ie ­e is io n wa s m ade S O I1IC ­

what morc d tfft r-ult by thefa ct that Brl an had a l­ready done o nc car a ndthere it wa s s it t ing wait ­ing to be driven - do I starta ll over aga in?

As ev ide nced bv thi s ar t ic-le the" 19 1 1" ar-q u ts tt ton wa s n egotiat ed ,th e "26" s old , a n d "caution thrown toth e wind" , Away down the rest ora ­tion road aga in. a fte r a ll Brians wifeJea n is very undcrst audtnu. isn 'ts he '

At this point [ think it appropriat ethat we look a t the hi st ory of thisve h ic le . Its working life began in NewZea la nd a n d when it was purcha s edbv one C ha r le-s Arrow Esquire, al~;rmer whos e holding was in th eMakairo clis ­t ri ct soru e

I 0 III i le s t:'.~!!i:~ ~"'::::!Iln ort h east ofP u h i a t u a .Mr Arrowa n d falllilyresided in afin e g('I u lr­m an's rc-sld euc-e. s itu - .••"'-_--~ ......u tr-d o n a hillove r loo k ingI' ahiatll a ,a n d it is s aidhe t raw'liedto the lunu1l10s1 clays .Th e story

goes that Mr Arrow a lways droveplumb ce n tre of the winding co u n tryroads o fte n to hi s d etriment. a s hewas never in the wrong, a nd wouldcom pla in should s o m eo ne be in theway. Ill' was King of the Road a ndthat wa s that! H e d rove the car until193 9 by which lime he was 9 2 ye a rsof age a nd a notable personage o f t h ed istrict.

The o ld ca r was then sold to s om eMa s s ev s t udcrn s who h ad it until194 6, when it became th e prope rty ofa Mr Wollerman of'Pal rncr s ton North .This gentleman u s ed it until 19 65when Bill Ols on purcha s ed it. Thepoor o ld gir l being in a prct ty s ads ta te a t that stage. Bill s et about tom ake t11(' ca r respect able a nd m otor­able ,1I1d that co ndi tio n wa s m ain ­tamed throughout a ll the yea rs hedrove h er. Nolwithsl andill,l( th e fa ctth e car com p rised a mult tplk -uy ofveal' s . she motored lik e a dream. and~'Ollld " .~o lik e t he wind " as I h e sayin,l(go cs ,

Brian , aft er a ll his effo r t . hasa chieved thc same feeling on theroad which is no doubt due to thecare a n d a t te n t io n to dewil a p p liedto th e re storati on throughout.Com pa ra bl e to th r-pains taki ng s tan ­dard th at Bill O lson souglll to a c ­co m plis h in n il 11<' did . TI1<'re is nopoint in go ing through a ll th e pha sesof Brians task as vou h av e heard itall before . other th ,;n to m ention thathe did cve ry rh mu po ssible hims el finduding fin al p;linting. S u ffice tos ay an exce lle n t re s u lt ha s In-en

J\:1r WO!/t'I'IIII1Jl (;11 dr{'~ " iIlS S Oil "I ) 1III lit'till lCll( li i ll ( J/'O l l \ /' lIrl"i lil" ' !%.1 .

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obtain ed a n d a fin e memorial to ou rlate frie nd who in tercepted old "19 1I"in 1965.

So me ackno wledgemen ts wouldbe in order to rou n d off this narra­tive. Thanks a nd a pprecia t ion to th efollowin g:-

Bria n Co u lte r for th e loan of bodyco m po nen ts to enab le copying . KeithStaples for magnifi cently crea ting th eupholstery in the origina l fold fas h ­ion a nd (a n Bon ny for making doorhandles a ncl mechanisms of excel­lent s ta ndard . CJ

Bill (Hoss) OISOIl , taken 11 01 lOllS beforehis death. /-le had stopueafor a rest 011 a

I rip lip 10 Hmokc'« Bay.


Wire WheelsThe bas ic design of wire wheels

was originally envisaged as a meansof pr oviding:

(a) a resil ient wheel ;(b) ex tra coo ling facilities :(c) quick-change equipmentTheoreti cally the id eal desi gn

would incorporate a spoking sys temprovid ing a spoke tri angulation equala bo ut th e wh eel cen tre lin e a n dhavin g its a pex in th e ce n tre of th erim a nd th e spoke in th e base (hubcen tre) fairly wid e. Original wir ewh eels in th e lat e 1920 's wer e bas edon th is syste m .a lthough limi tation sdue to developments of vehicle s us­pensi ons a nd braking sy s te ms be­ga n to di c tat e to a large exte nt th epattern of wheel u s ed in th e late1920' s a nd 1930·s .

Th is resulted in the mod ern de­signs wh er e wh eels have a fairl y largein s et. demanding differential s ofnu mbers of spo ke s front and reara nd di ffering a ngles abou t th e wh eelce n tre lin e .

The centre locking hub typ e ofwh eel. known as th e Rudge Whi­tworth . was a dopted almost univer­sally in th e 1920·s. a n d con tin u es tobe us ecl on modern cars eve n in the1970·s .

Maintenance of this type of eq u ip­ment is a must. th e s plines both inth e wheel a nd on the hub must bemaintained in good order to a voidincorrect fitting. wh eel loosenes s a ndwheel knock when splines a re badlyworn . a llowing relative movementbetween th e mating parts.

The ea rly Rudge hubs were iden­tified as 42W. 52W. 62W. nw. 80W.90W. 100W and120W. Th e numberidentifies th e metric siz e of th e larg­es t bearing u sed in a particular hub .the letter "W" identifies th e particu ­lar s hape of th e hub pressing. a nd

mor e mo de rn cent res are known as42V. etc . Numbers of splines varyaccord ing to th e centre shell s ize .e .g .. a 120 old type would have 168serra tions . a 42 more modern typ ewould hav e 88 serrations.

The differ ent typ es of s he ll ca n no tbe int erch anged. Le.. a 42V will notcha ngewitha42W or 52Vor W. Hu blengths a nd consequen t ly s p linelengths va ry . depending on th e di ­a meter of th e cen tre s hell. but a llhubs of th e same s ize design ati onwill be th e same.

Tape r seatings both for th e wh eelto hub location a nd hub to nut a rea n d a lways have been generally to acom mon s ta ndard universally. Th ehub/wheel taper is 60° includ eda ngle. a nd th e hub znut cone 10°included a ngle .

Other types of wire wh eels includeth e bo lt det a ch able known as th eMagn a type. th e ce n tre lock incorpo­ra ting a hub cen tre com pris ing a ninner a nd ou te r s he ll with a woodenspacer bet ween th e flanges . Thesewere used for s ing le or twin mo u n t­ing. with a triple s po king pattern.during 1914/15. Th e bolt on magn atype used a large hollow cen tre s hellwith a bridge piece ac ross th e fron tfor cover cap fitting. As a wh eelfitme n t th ese were perfectly sa tis fac­tory bu t rather expensive.

In th e early days th e design s ofhub a nd locking nuts utilis ed aWhitworth thread. usually 8 TPI. bu tmor e mod ern types s ince 193 5 hav eadop ted 12 TPI Whit form. There a re .however. still a rg u me n ts for a ndaga ins t both s ta ndards. Cone a ngles.locking nut thread s izes . s poke a ndnipple th reads have generally re­tained a measure of s ta ndard isa tio ninternationally.

Manufact urers ou ts ide Grea t Brit ­a in . Le .. Borrani in Italy. a lso re ta inth e gene ra l standards a nd physi calfeatures in terms of cone a ngles .threads and shell si zes. a lt houghmore recently th ey have in trodu ceda 3 2 type shell for u se on so me sma llCon tinen ta l vehicles .

Spo king patterns gener ally fa ll int o

two categories . The typ e u sed onwheels of say 19 in. or 21 in. diame­ter on ea rly vehicles which fitt ed th ela rger typ e shell s uch as th e 120wo u ld be of double or triple s poklng.ha vin g probably 84 or 112 s po kes.The second type covers more mod­ern vehicles wh ere limitation s on th evehicle such as ou tboard mounteddi s c b rakes and s maller diamet erwh eels ha ve restrict ed th e design .Most mod ern wheels wo u ld ge ner­a lly have twice th e number of s po kesrea r to fro n t. th e number being lim ­ited by th e s ize of th e ce n tre s hell.a lso making it impossible to incorpo­rate triple spoking.

Of a ll th e typ es of spoking or the triple type is by far th es tro nges t design in terms of fa tigu eresi stance .

Many types of spoke design hav ebeen us ed over th e years. th e s tra igh ts po ke . th e type us ed by Ford wh ichwas welded at the rim end . a nd th ebent end s poke which is more s u it­a b le for th e pr ess ed typ e ce n tre .Without doubt th e ideal is th e s traigh ttyp e . wh ich incidentall y has beenado pted in th e last few yea rs oncer ta in vehicles where failu res wereocc u rring in se rvice wi th th e be nttyp e .

Bu tted spokes refers to s pokes oftwo diameters wh ere the init ia l wires ize is drawn clown to a smaller di­a me te r to produce a more flexibles poke (Fig. I) a nd a lso reduce th elevel of stress in th e s po ke head a rea .which is usually th e a rea of ultimatefailure.

~.-.~-~The ma in reason for adopting bent

end s po kes a ppears to be due to th eu se of thin ga uge s he ll cen tres wh ereth e countersinking for the s po ke a t acompound angle in th e s hell with as tra igh t spoke would inevit ably breakthrough the materi al. wh ereas a bentc n d spoke is m o r e a d a p ta b le .Straight spokes a re generally usedwith forged typ e cent res wh ere mate-

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tion with the Motor Cycle Show. Greatdi scu s s ions hav e taken place on th iseve nt as to wh ether we would havesponsors a nd th erefore make it ahigh key eve nt a nd a decision hasbeen made th a t a ltho ugh th e publicmay a ttend we have op ted for a lowprofile so that it can enable everyoneto enjoy it.

Everythi ng pos sible is be ing cloneto make s u re th at every en tran t andsu pporters can have th e maximumenjoyme n t plus wh en you leave yo u rma chines in ou r ca re the best s ec u­rity poss ib le.

whi ch it is fitted. Again. ex pe rt adviceis need ed.

Application of loads in excess ofth ose for which the wheel is de signeda re not to be recommended. Al­th ou gh generally th ere is a reason­a ble safety facto r buil t in to the wheel.excessive overload ing will lead in i­tially to spok e failure . a nd ultima telyto failure in the rim bulges .

The offs et s of wire wh eels shouldnever be a lte red from their originaldimensions. o therw ise the wholes po king sys te m. which will al so a f­fec t th e load-carrying capacity. willbe affected.

Ch ro me pla ted wire wh eel s a reu s ed on many cars . and it must beremembered tha t this type can bemore s usceptib le to fatigue failu redu e to hydrogen e m bri t tleme n tcaused by th e n ick el coa ting .

This is more eviden t on the spok es :the rim a nd ce ntre a re les s a ffec ted.In recent years s po ke sizes have beenin creased to offse t this los s in fati gueprop erties. S ta in less s tee l s po keshave been used in limited numbers.a nd whils t this is a n improvementover the chrome version . th e paintedwh eel. and straigh t spok es . give th ebes t results in terms of fatigu e life .

On e very importan t factor is co n ­s ta n t main tenance a n d periodicchecking of s po ke torqu es to ensuresatisfac to ry ope ra tion . a nd removalof co rros ion a t a n early stage.

Agood preventative to co rrosion isa good coverage of pain t. but th eemphasis must always be placed onensuring perfectl y clean parts priorto painting. S hot blasting is ge ner­a lly a sa tisfac to ry means of initialcleaning.

GE ADAMS (Dunlop Lld).Acknowledgement VintageSportsCarClubBulletin No. 110 1971

Garry Bourke.

join t. Th is e nsu res th a t the depres ­s ions will not occu r at th e we lde dj oint. Bulges on this jo in t will inevi­tably result in s p litt ing of th e we ld.

There is a trend to th e fitm ent ofwid er rims a nd tyres . u sually forim proved road holding a nd handling.a nd whils t th e normal d isc typ e wh eelis ada ptab le, the wire wheel is aproblem. If th e ex tra wid th. becauseof foul co nditions inboard. is adde dto the outside of th e wh eel assem bly .this will alter the spoke a ngles. whi cha re a lways cri tical on each design ofwheel. lt mus t be re me mbe red thatevery wire wh eel has its own peculi ­a ri tie s dependent on th e vehicle to

Ra lly preparati on is ga ini ngmomentum with en tries being re­ce ived daily a nd being processed . ltis now only th ree months to closingelate for entries so please post yo u rsnow.

We have received a gene rou s offerof assis ta nce from A.A. Ca n te rbu rywh o will be doing a lot of th e back -u pwork for the Ra lly a nd Tour.

The Rally programme is in th e finetuning stage a nd in some cas es th eva rious even ts a re being scaled up orclown as pri orities emerge. Con ­co u rs judging for instance will takeplace on Frid ay even ing in conj u nc -

FI G. 2

it is ess en tial. th erefore . to keep therim depressi ons a nd nipple headswith a dimensi on 01'0.70 in. from thevertica l fla nge wall to th e extre m ityof th e bulge in th e rim . Th is ensu resth at th e tyre bead com plete ly coversth e n ipple heads . Failure to do thiscan re sul t in tu be chafing and u lti­mate del1ation.

S poke lacing a nd patterns mayhave to change because of the re po­s itioning of the bulges in th e rim .a nd in th ese cas es it is advisable toob ta in the advice of a re cognisedwire/ wh eel ex pe r t. The bulges inthe rim mus t be of s uch a form a nddepth as to a llow th e nipple heads tos it l1ush or below th e tyr e seat. whilstth ose in the well of th e rim mayprotrude s ligh tly s ince a rim bandnormally covers th es e . Ca re s ho u lda lso be taken to ensu re that s po keends do not protrude ou ts ide th enipple.

Limits a n d tolerances on wh eelsa re normally to exi s ting BSI s ta n­dards which cover th e rim profile .permis sible tyre Ittrnen ts, a ncl co r­rec t valv e fitt ings . Normal s tanda rdsof wheel truth relate to to rad ial a ndlateral variation. and cu rren t stan­dards vary from 0.040 in . to 0 .060in . for both conclitio ns. The radialrun-out or lift is measured on thece ntre of th e taper bead sea t. whilstth e la teral variation (wobble) is meas ­ured on th e ver tic a l l1angewa ll of th er im : wire wheels ge nerally fa ll wi thi n0 .060 in.

lt is al so important to ensu re th atth e circ u mfere nce of th e be ad seatmeasured at a dis tance of 0.28 5 in .from the flange is maintained to th e

rial ca n be ob ta ined in s pec ific a reas . recognised stan da rds (BSI) . Fail ureSpoke patterns inevitably change to maintain th is s ize can involve tyre

from wheel to wheel. dependent on bead failu re if it is ove rs ize. a ndmany factors . A few of th ese a re excess ive tyre s lip if undersize .in se t of wheel. si ze of centre hub Us e of badly damaged and cor-co n tro lling th e number of s po ke s . rod ed or pi tted wheels is not recom-wh eel diameter. a nd position of the mended . a nd wh ils t reclamation bybrake caliper or drum in relation to means of s ho t blasting a nd removalthe wheel , which can a ls o di ctate of rim damage by mechanical meanswhether a wheel should have si ngle. is a lways pos sible . it is a lways advts ­double or triple lacing (Le .. s po ke able to consu lt an expert. Severecross ove r) (Fig. 2). corrosion in high s tressed a reas s uch

Wh en cons idering co nvers ions of as th e corner radius of the rim canwire wheels , particularly on th e olde r reduce fati gu e s trength to unaccept­typ e of vehicle . Le. from beade d edge able levels. Badly corrode d or pittedty pe rim to th e mod ern op en bead s po kes s ho u ld a lways be replacedwell bas e type. th ere a re many fac- a n d in cases where corrosion is of ato rs to consider. ge ne ral nature repl a ce a ll s pokes. A

On a beaded edge type a rim band point that ofte n escapes noti ce whenwill cover a ll the nipple heads . On re placi ng a rim is th e location of thethe well bas e ty pe this ca nno t be va lve hol e. whi ch should a lways beaccom plis hed on th e front be ad seat: drilled or pierced on .the rim weld ed

c,&~~~t7LY'- ~k~ixR~" '> \ '~ '\. . 17 '--" -r , ;-{ r '~..::;:; 1 (~/ I I 0'-.... i',-:7'""'~"'-~ - _ . ~---...+ -.. >"... ~ . +" <,---.... ,

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a lso ha s a few double rooms in th em a gnificent ol d h omestead a n dMa ss ey has a few do u ble rooms b u tsca ttere d through its variou s accom ­modation houses .

The Rally Co mm it tee is co m m it ­ted to making th e Rally Ca m p a tAwapuni as comfortable and co n ­venient as possi bl e without costingth e user too mu ch . There will benon-powered s ites (tents?). powered ­s ites (cara vans?) a nd on-site cara­va ns for hire. a ll a t different rates ofcourse. Present plans are that fa cili­ties will include toilet s. hot wat ers ho we rs a n d hand basins . laundry .rubbish co llec tio n a nd a s hor t walkto a kit chen with hot points . Zipheat ers a nd sinks u nder a nearbygrands ta nd . Th e ca m p a rea will bedem arked from public areas by afence . The Racing Clu b have a lsooffered us the u se of a former tot ebuilding. which being a djacen t toth e prop osed rall y ca m p . would eas ­ily co nvert to a bo u t 20 Singl e ordou ble cu bieles wi th toilets underth e same roof. May we s ugges t a non -s ite ca rava n or a cu bicle in thedormitory a s a n a lte rna tive to touristflats or cab ins. or two or more cou plesca n e ffec t worthwhile s avings bys har ing a unit a t many of the m ot elsadve r tised in th e en try booklet.


EntriesAt th e time of writi ng. 24 August.

we hav e a little over 130 ent ries withabout I6°/<> of th ose from outsi de NewZea la nd plu s a few oversea s su p­porte rs . We a re thu s well on th e wayto the m agical 1000 en tr ies . Withoverseas interest running hi g h.nearly 400 exis ting enqui ries andpositive enquiries co m ing in a t th erate of a bou t 5 per week. we ca nex pect a truly international rall y .Wh o knows . we m ay exceed th e 168overseas en tran ts ach ieve d a t Nel­son in 1972 .

Completion of EntryFormsTo assis t ou r volu n ta ry helper who

is proces sing yo u r en tr ies. w henco m ple ting yo u r en try form pleasetake a litlle time to read it rightthrou gh and co mplete all of page I .excep t where you a re la cking par­ticu lars wh en a ve h icle is underres toration . We will ca tc h u p withth e mi ssing det ail s later. Don't for­ge t to nominat e yo u r Monte Carlos ta r ts in order of choice . Also it isa mazing how many en trants haveneglect ed to sign th eir en try form onpa ge 2 or to fill in th eir name a ndadd ress on page 3 when requiringinformation abou t the s team tr aintrips . This requires extra needl esswork. a nd oft en a n extra letter. a tou r e nd .

11 is perhaps worth mentioning avalid co m men t fro m the 199 0 con ­fe ren ce . Rest orers s hou ld co nsiderinsurmg th eir unfinished vehicle withSu n Alliance wh o have good rates fors uc h circ u ms ta nces . A fire or othe rloss of a n uninsured partially co m ­plet e vehicle would be tragi«.

Accommodation.Th ere was a n initial ru sh on cab­

in s a nd tourist flat s a t Palmerst onNOr! h Holiday Park. S ue Ea dcs . th ebooking office r of Palmerston Nor thPromoti on Hoard report s th at bo tha rc now oversubscribed a nd thatcarava n sites a n d tent sites a t th eHoliday Park a re ge tting very low .Likewise Reb eeca Lodge. Prin ce Mot ela nd Pa rk Inn a re fully booked excep tfor a few single rooms while on ly afew double rooms remain a t Pionee ra nd Un ited Mot els .

We a re conscious of a perceivedla ck of accom moda tion remaining inthe lower pri ce range . However th ereis u n lim ited s ing le room accom mo ­dation at Mass cy Un ive rs ity or th enow priva tely owned. forme;' pri estsse mina ry . lIi gh den which is abo u t15 to 20 kms from Awapuni. Iiighden


have a s u ita b le veh icle of a s im ila rtype they a re not using for the Rall ya nd would lik e to make a va ilab le toanyon e of these peopl e. If so I. orVisitor's Host Roger White . wouldlike to kn ow plea se . Most of thesepe ople indicat e a long-term interes ta nd expe rience in driving a nd m a in­taining old vehicles so would natu­rally treat your vehicle with th e ca rea nd respect is deserves. Besides. a tlittle cos t to you . you just migh tmake a life lon g friend who will recip­rocate yo u r ho spitality in future ?And th at's wor th having these days .

GeneralAs indicat ed in my a n n ua l rep ort

to the AGM the co m m it tee is noweoncentratingon det ail planning wi ththe object of produ cin g a rally thatwe believe you will enj oy. S pe cific jobappointments a re s ti ll being madebu t we ne ed lot s of marshal s for rallyroutes a nd other duties . If you don 'twish to en te r how a bo u t join ing thefun a nd giving us a hclp? Rememberth ere is no en try fee involved but wedo need a n en try form .

In th e Manawatu Branch not es.Beaded Wh eels 185 . Dall a s Denbys peeu la tcd on th e va rious possibleu ses. mush room growing or s to ringold cars. for the abandoned railwaytunnel at Mangaweka . I a m ple asedto say that yo u will a ll be a ble toenj oy it as Herita ge Manga wekareported today that pa rt of th e oldrailway. including two tunnels a nd apowder m a gazine. a rc to be incorpo­rated in a new short walkway whichwill be ope ned before 199 2 . Alongwith the recently op ened walkway toa n ear ly power s ta tion s ite th e pro ­posed railway walkway will give addedinterest to Mangawek a a s a lunchvenue . The y also sa id th at they arcplanning Cl co u n try fair with lots ofgood things to ea t for th e benefit ofrall yists on each of th e five hub-rall ydays . 1 a m a ssu red t ha t plenty ofexcitemen ts a nd good food will a lsobe offered a t the other lunch venues .

A hi gh pro por tio n of en tra n ts a reop ting for Lowe r HUll or Taupo as aMon te Ca rlo s ta r t. Without deni ­gra ting th e tremendous effort boththose ve n u e com m it tees a re doing tomake your weekend enj oya b le . Is u ggest yo u spare a th ou ght for NewPlymouth or Hastings whos e com ­mittees a re working just as hard .hav e so me good thi ngs to offer a ndwhere you just might see a bit of newcount ryside? And it co u ld help toease a ny co nges tion for u s ?

It would be a pprecia ted by the PanPa cific Com m itt ee if a ny of the clubmembers who a re not go ing to keepth eir rall y b roc hu re a nd en try form.would be so kind as to return them torall y headquarters for add itiona l u se .

Rob Knight

Page 19: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

Picture Puzzle.Can a nyon e identify th e car.The photograph (a!Jove) is taken in Ch rts tch urch a longs ide the Avon rive-r. a bo u t 191 0 .


Kirwee's First CarMy,grea t gran d fa ther "Joh n Niche­

la s Lawrey" had the first car in theKirw cc di strict nea r Ch r ts tc h u rc h.The car wa s a 1906 Humber a nd I'mtol d h e had a lot of tro u b le making itwo rk . The photo (above) s ho ws thelocal s patiently wailing for som e­thing to happen: l ie would get it outon Sundays for a d rive and was quite

regula rly tow ed home by a horse .Th e garage had doors a t both ends sothat if s to pping was not ach ieved onth e first a t te m pt h e would do Cl cir ­cuit and h a ve a no th er go! Th e familywho we re the local s to re keepe rssubsequently had a succes si on ofFord T s . Mod el A. and VS va ns.

Cl'orgl' Caldcr.

Carter's GarageCart c rs Ga rage . (O[lcr/cqf) (nkcII in

the early 1900·s.The lor -a t ion of thi s garage u sed to

be at the co rne r of S t Asaph a n dMontreal St ree t . ill Ch r is tch u reh.

Th r- phot ograph is int c rcst iru;whe-n yo u look a t the rang" of ma ­chinery in th e works h op . including aband saw. In t11(' fa r corner then' is agas engill<' to drive the workshopequ ipmen t. The lathes s till hav e th etrr-adk- .gea r as a backup. and theco m p le te la ck of .gu a rd ing on any oft he machinery . or a ng le rrst on t h r­grind e rs. is worth noting. No clctt ri c­lights. only a gas light signifies howea r ly th e phot ograph is. Perhapssomeone wil l be a b le to identify th ecars a n d the m ot or cycle in th e ba ck ­gro u nd. The one in 'th e fore-groundis a FI N four. Th e position of th e toolba g is interesting. The cen tre carlooks like a 191 0 Darracq a nd sodo es the ot her one on the right h a ndside of th e phot o.

I1CkIlOil'1cdS"I IIC I11,tln: / \ /{'.Yl11lda Turub ul! Libraru.

Vl/cll i llSlolI , 1111 .1 atso t» Col in Dick i ll~ (l ; 1.

Page 20: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage
Page 21: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage
Page 22: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

SirI thou ght vo u might l i k c t h i-,

p ho togr,lph (t//'o, ','/ fo r " ou r PiLlori ,ll Anh iv«sec tio n 0 1 111l' Bl',llkd WI1('l' !.' :'-.,I,lg ,lZin(' ,

Thi , cMi ' ,l Wil ll ', Kn igh t II'hi ch 1I',1SOll' lll' do rig in,l ll\' b v \l r ;\11"11 II'ho 11',1' th(' 1,1,tp o lic('m ,in ,1t C h ,H Ie', lon , 111(' , tOrl ', th .it 11\''' 'told hy m v g r,1I1d L,llll'r , i-, that M rA lk -n \I '" ,,,kee-n ,1I1d , uc«'" fu l op' h ,um hunte-r ,111d th.itIll' ho u g h t th« C,H out of hi , "f'O"llll1 -k in1110 ]1(' \ "

lhi -, ~V ill \' , Kni ght I\' ,h th« 11l',l, ' i,'sl l c vvr',111' , I think [llI'oul d lw .ibo ut a 192 Hmod el. Ith,ld till' h l'", 'I' s ix ,'" lil1lk r motor ,1I1d Iu l!vf1 o" ting ,ixk sh ,ifh, ,1I1d I ,1111 s url' it h,ldtill' limken hl',l r ing , ill till' k in g p in -, li ke t ill',\ 5,\ e,l d ill,1(, h.u l .

Du ring Ih(' \I 'M 111l' C"" \I'.1S d b lll .1 n lk d h, '11 1<' \I'hl' ll I fit!L'd tl1l' ,'n d ,1'''' 111 11 1, ' to ',I

l lupmohil« tru.k ,1I1d ",Id till' rl"t to ' I\U tOl" lrh , Ch ri,ldll lr, 'h , 1\11 I h,II '" I('fl o f il i, 111l'S im p le', h ' '<1I 'I' duI " r,lld1('1 j,I"\':' I\'h ich I s l i ll\I ~L' OCl",bioll ,d h ' '

I I\(' photog".1f,h I\' ,b I" k,'n "I w",tpl,rl in" ho u t 19-1(1 - th ,'I ' , nll ' s t,1I1d in g o n II\(' Id t frontmud gu ,lrd ,

rl1l'oUI-ol -,h.1pl' r ig h l l ro n l m ud g u Md 1\',1'dut' ttl ,1 11. in l(' r"'l 'cti(Hl ( ()Ili... iun \\"dh ,1 I LJ ~ 7

tvvo -doo:: Morri « K - which 1\',1S rl'p,li n 'd ,1I1d\ \' (1 ~ none th e wor-«: fo r the .lcc idt'nt.

A F :'-.k l)on" lel

S irrl1(' c,l p lion fo r th r- middk- ph o togr"ph on

p ,lgt' -1 01 Ill'"d('d Wh l,, ' I,; lH:i (/\ug/S,'pl)d ,'''Ti h,' , till' gl' n l' r,l l sl o r(' .rt Rock vill c. It i,,ll'IU.1II\' ,11 B,linh ,1111 ,1 fl' 1\' kilo m et ro-, so u th o fRock, 'iH,' o n the- ro ,ld that k ,ld s 10 tlu - no r th ­, ' 1'11 , 'n l r.1 nCt' 10 till' I k "I,iw Tr.rck. Fight'VI,1I1,111' ,ltU num lu-r-, I\' l'r l' II\('n' o n S"f""i inFl'hnl ,'rI' , IVl' lI' (' r(' told th .it t ill' - to r« i-. Ih l'oldl' :-- t gl' ll t'r ,l l ~ l () rl'_ in co n ti nu ou -,Opl 'f,l tiu l1 in\; l'lI' I'.l' .1 1,1I1d ) Un to rl l lll,l !L' II' ou r , ' isi t 11',,, o n.1 Su nd. iv ,1n,1Cl)(lS" tj lll' n tly " '" lI'(' rl' onll ' ,1 hlt,to , ' il' \\ " the f,l:--cin.ltin g 1\1'1\1\ ' of old tinlL"itl'J11 :-­Ih n1u gh Ih l' w ind o \l " ,1I1d 10 I"kl' ,1 pholo­g r,lp h o r 1" '0 0 1o u r c" r, lil1l'd up, 'lIhid l' , l'lll'f,h ol O, ,ho\l" I('ft to ri ~ht, Kl1i Sh l ' ~ Ilu ic k,I.ockt' , I'o rd A, BI,II,c1wt l s ,\ I, ' IS,Scotl ,lhllck ,Pdtigr,'\\" s h )rd ,\ , \l lp ld ,, 's h>nl. 1'1.1 \,co , 'k 'sC11<' ITPld , '

Rnb Klli hhtA IlI,n Il U I)

SirIk ing d I'.K k,H d e n th us ia s t, o wner ,1I1d

member o f tw o American I' ,KkMd c lu b«. thu sh,win g ,KCL'SS to u l' 10 d,lte Iitcrarurc ,1I1d pMtS,1I'<1 i1 " l~ i1 itv , I wo uld l ike to for mulate ,1 N ZPack ard rl'gis l,' r for tlu - be nefi t o f ot he r Pack ­ard o w ne rs, he thev VC C I11 L'l11bl' rs o r no t.C o ns c q uon tlv. if ,111)' m ember o wn s o r kn o w so f ,1 P,le kMd owne-r w o u ld th ,' y piL',lSl' co n tac tm e w ith rel e v ant d ct a i!«.

se (C coff ) R,llb-1 1 1I,11111 0 r,11 'In', Ot u rnoc t.i :Lllll"lng ,l ei tv 11H) I

S irI th in k it tu l", in h,ld t,l ,t" th e '-'l p tio n on till'

co ver ol tlu -1,1st Bl' ,ld l'd WI1l'l'is 1\:0 , IK-1 , n,'I11,'II '' Kin g Dick wi th tend er be h ind ' , ,

TIll' f.le l tha t King Dick d id h.iv« ,1 ' ''' n d l' rbehind ' is " ra tlu-r p .-r-on .il Lll'l ,1I1d , l",u ld I

f", 'I, bee n [w tlt' r k-tt l lllS"i d in till' inlc' I'l's ts o fb(l ~i ( d ecorum .

\l1.1 yb(' ,1 fo rm ,ll .1 t' ol o g v w ill I", f, 'r lhn 1l11­in g to ,111 till' Dieks illl o l\'(' lI wi th thi s f'n'di l"'­nu-n t.

Afl ,'r .111, II'l' " lI l' nd lip in thi -,po s ili o n w ithou r dcrric-re a t 0 11<' s l.1gl' o r a no the- r d u rin g Iif<',1I1d hr in g in g it tp puhli ,: .rt tc nt ion is p iling iton d h it I 1'",,1.

I I. ikt 'itSl'Crt' t ,lr \ 'lc-nd c-r heh ind mo ve- m en !W ,limd k<1l' ir i Counl"

It.aB,.•••••Reports from theV.C.C. Branches

Aucklandll u -rc h.i-, h", 'n v. -t .1I Hltlll' r "d d itioll lp 111<'

/\lI l'kl ,1I1d , ,'k r,1I1 r.i nk-, witl: th" <1I'ri " ,11 o f tl1('l' \ \ 1LIIT,II' :'-.kK il' , Cl l' nll 'nl B,w ,l rd , I Ill' reW,b d gpoll tu rn o ul for o ur COl11hll1('d rUIl w ilhN or lh Sh o n ' IIr,1I1ch , ,' lth p u gh so nlt' h ,ld diffi­Cl" !" wilh our ,i,"' r b r,1nt'1w , ,i l,'nt c lw ,'ks ,r l1<'\ ' in t,l g" \ 1L" tn "ttr,ll'I ,'d ,In l'nt rl ' o t for t"four " l' h i,:h 's , ,1I1d lopk in ,,) l11 l' " "I'\ ,'plt',b,lI;1,,', '11('1'\' in S" u lh /\ u ,' k l,lIld ,1I1d \fo rl h IVd i­kdl o , 111(' run W,lS q ll il,' Ir i,'k,' ,1I1d C " lin 1Il'11l <'r t" il111 ' d"'l'I 'I l'd hi " ",',' r,, 11 wi n , rJw /\ u ­g lls t l'i l ih ru n , t<1l' k d ,1t Il o \\' i,'k C o lon i,, 1 Vil­l.,g" ,In d w , ' n l t hr" ug h 1\>1.1I',1l'l,l i ,1Ild1I<"IChl,1I1 d s Ip tin i,h ,11 c'It" T d o n , l:n tr ,1I1 hh,ld Ip h, ' c"" ,.'fll l no t 10 bl ' ,'o nfu ,,'d Iw ,1 ,\-lo d l' 1,\ C luh ru n goi n g ill the oP f""itl' d ir ('-ct ion ,111(' tw ,'nl \' t\" " s l<1l' ll' r, ind u, kd ,111 /\ l" l r,,"li,1I 1 , 'n tr,lI;l , d n, ' in g C,'" ff ,1I1d d " 1" ',11 "l)' I\,:n ' , nl'w l ~ ' ,Il'l/u irl'd S, ' I' il" I:: \ ·IP I.,-is,

'r (H Il" ..... l'l"lb l ' Id::' b L' l 'l1 l) b ~ l' n 'ln g t h l '

Il1drkdpl,ll' " ,Ho u nd /\ u l'k l,1I1 d ,m d !hillg ' ,H"dl',ld'" q u iet tp ',ly 111l' It',l ' t. !\ n ,Hlc tio n , o nw1l10nth s ,1g" h ro ugh t "ul ,m O, lk l,1I1 d L,lIld ,llI,1I1 d ,1 r,lI'< ' I'i-l il Fprd VH p ick u l" rh l'l ,ln,LllI11l' \'l' r g p ! IW <1l' n 'Sl'I'I' l' , .1nd the \, i,'ku p d id n' thet :--p l' l "tcl c lI l,lr 1l1P)lC V . A l]uKk y C(l~ n l l\ t lCl \d

Ill' S" lo K rl',l t'11<'d m 'l'r S\OOO ,1 1 T u rn,' r,,HletiPll , '111<' s" n,,' fin ll s" ld ,1 I')2H p r 2')Ru g h , ' fp r S7,7IH), 111(' ('-,11' W,l,'; rl' ,1Sp n ,l bll' t idvbut b\ ' Il O nl l'll n~ inll l1 l1l"l d tl tl' clnd t1 1l..' (H I~- t i {l rl ­

",' r w 'prkl 'd fo r h i' It',,, ;\ I'J.'HV,1\l\ h,III I-1 \\' ,hp,hSl'd in ,11 Sl ,()(}(}, \ k ,lIl\\ 'hil ',' ill1<lt lw r fi rmh (1:-> bl'l' tl huldin g , ' ll C t i ( ll1~ of I11<lil1lv l Ll ,,-, ~ il '

,ll1d thnn 1u>.;hhr"d ,'.11' , in tlw c it l' So nl" v,ce ,l' liglbl , ' \'(,I, ic l, ', .H" inc lll, h-, r in Ih " , l' ,]uc ­tin ns , h ut ,' it lll' r thl' (1\\,nl ' r, n r th l' ,1llcli ' l!1 l'l' r"l' \ p ... .c{ tL'll' p h l ll l l ' 1111l11b l' r pr i ( L' ~ <1nd nl P~t l- <l~ · :-'

.Ht' ~1 11"'~l' ll in . 1\ Il)2 S l\ l ig t' in l'\ ll'11 l'l1t or d l'f

Page 23: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

was pas sed in at $12 ,000, ,1I1d a very s tra ig h t 37Austin 7 Sa loo n in need of a repaint, passed inat $3, 500 in Jul y . Late August saw a Vau xha ll14 p assed in at two th ou sand d o llars and athir ty e ig h t Morris Eight nego tia ted for AT53,YOO. So perh afs th e a lleged ly recoveringprov incia ls sh o u lc v isit the reces sed dep ressedQueens Ci ty an d g rab o u r bargains bef o re thePo rns do. Spea king o f Po rus So thcb ys arrive tohold an auc tio n in Nove mber , and Chri stiesh av e put an ad for their Melbou rn e sale in the" H e ra ld ", rumours a nd specula tion ar e r ife>wi thin th e branch . As ,1 par ting sho t yo u rsc ribe a ttended a n auctio n of Rcnc Laliq u eradiator m as co ts . A t bids of 54,000 p lus for"smal) one or SIO,OOO plus for a bi g o ne , thema scots Me se lling for more tha n so m e road­wor th y v in tage ca rs!



G ree ti ng s' New Bl' Bra nch Offic ials in­c lud e Fra nk Ronwick as Cha irma n, replacingBruce Bar t lc t t and T im Palme r as BranchC a p ta in , taking ov er fro m M ike Pidgcon .

The first even t si nc« o ur AG M w as th eC o m b ined Speed D"y w hich W,lS il li ttl ec racker! So m e 56 vehicles compet ed, a nd itw as grea t to sec To m C loudslcy 's vete ra n Twin­Six I',Kk"rd co me o u t to play wl'M ing ,1 "V,1nden Plv " ra ci ng body . It wl'll t reall v well too .Lin dsay Wogan had il good day w ith hi s C hc vVS singlesea tc r winn ing a five lap handicaprace on lap seven '" I th in k till' Clerk o f theCo u rse W,1S on his side!

O n Sa turday, A ugust 18th we hel d our" Wl' lsh T ria l" , w hi ch ta kes the fo rm of a m ud ­p lu g, an d some tl'n CMS ,1I1d tw o moto rcy cleshad a day's good gr ubbv fu n in var ious bog­hol es a nd sa nd -t raps, the sp ec ta to rs did n ' tget of f scot -free c ithc r bl'i ngprl'ssga ng l'd intom ,111ha nd ling ve h icles o u t o t th e s lip pe rv b its .

Com ing even ts includ e th e As h lcy ForestH ilklim b; C ha rnpag n« Breakfast a nd O pe n­ing Run, ,lnd o u r West Coas t tr ip a t LabourWt'e kend .

O n the Gossip Be"t :- lJoug B,1rnard isp l,m ning ,1 tr ip dow n to till' fami ly s tor,1geva u lt l1l'ilr Waima tl' to hoo k the m ot o r fro m his1930 Riley Merl in to a llow work to bl' s ta rtl' d .H is aim is the IlJ')2 Pan I'arific.

T im I'.ll nll' r h,l S so ld h is A ust in Sevl'nC h u m m y to a lad y a nd is eilge rly ilw a iting thedl'i ivc'rv of an Aus tin 12 /4 .

I.ind say Wog,1I1 has his 14/40 Va u xha llmotor apar t a t lils t an d till' bot to m end a p peMsto be in re "l1y good sh ,' p l' and can go s tr"igh tb,Kk to gl,th e r ilftpr a good cleanou t o f till' o ilp,l ss"ges.

J'K k & Lei th Nl'w e ll MC biK k hom e a fter agrl'a t t im l' in th l' U. K. during which theymotored "O ld Blue " the ir ve teril n Vilu xhil ll,fo r so m l' 0,000 m iles ... s to ut e ffo r t!

Well, th ilt " ,111 for th is timp.IVO R MACVELO.

Bay of Plenty1{~l Y C r,lfts spoke d u ring the Ma)' m eet in g .

Rill' IS one o t th ose r,HP sl'if- tilugh t men whoexcel s in h is intL'rl' s ts of ve rv fin e handi w o rkincl uding ca rv ing, calligril~,hy , cils t ing ,1Ildengra v ing . Uis ~, I,1V ,lr tic1l's o f Celt ic a nd p ipeb,ll1d regalia te st d i,'d to h is g re<1t sk ill andd edica ted patit'nce.

Two w el' ks I"tl' r o n 27 Mav , th e T ria l Tro­p hy Ru n, organised by C eo ii Rai ls l' ndl'd <1tth e A w " ke ri Springs near Whaka tilIle. Pd e rand De bb ie Ho p kins gililll'd 1st over,l ll pl ac­ing in their IY29 Dl' So to .

A t our A .C .M. of 1 1 lune, ou t.~o i ng l' n ',i -

d en t and Se cre tary, Fr ank and [ u lie Ward w er etha nked for a ll the ir e ffo rts an d the res pectivenew officers, Ray Sing leton a nd Kat hy [on eswelco m ed .

The Best Lad y Naviga tor Run of 24 Ju newas o rga nised by o ur lad y C lu b Cap ta in Loi sFoyle, Seen o n its ina ugu ra l o u ting af te r res to ­ra tion wa s th e 1':130 A us tin 16 / 6 H a rr ow Road­s ter o f Frank and j u lie Ward .

A very well a tte nded G,lrage Ru n hel d 22July drew 27 ca rload s. Five di ffe ren t gM"gesrevea led over tw ent y di fferen t veh icles vary­ing from " bo nes" to fu ll re s to ra tio ns . Theo ldest w er e two vete ra ns , the 191 1 Su nbeam o fBill jan es an d th e 1913 Wolse lcv Land au oflvan A lie n. Both were in mi d s ta ge of what isbe tte r described as a semi- rernanufac tu re d ueto the' en orm o us ex te n t of the rest o rati on s.

Fasc i na t i ng a n d u n u s u a l was Mi keO 'Rei lly 's 1')28 Rcn a u lt Six Seda n Ieaturinj;th e d ash boa rd radiator and th e coa l scu tt lebon net - .1 m ajo r res tora t ion jus t be ing s tarted.Some of th e o ther ve h icles v iewed were 1932MC , 1954 l.agonda, 1928 Na sh, 1Y30 Roll s,1Y33 A us tin 10, 1923 Mo rr is Bu lln ose, 1931Sinr;e r Sports and, o f cou rse , a Model A Ford ,w hi ch fea tured am o ngst Bill Dav ios vehicle s .

Afternoon tea was hel d a t th e las t s topbei ng th at of th e organiser, Ceoff Ralls, wherehe s ho wed hi s Packard s. ,1 '3Yer, a 19-11\ C lip ­pl'r and il 1956 4002 d oor hard top .

Fi ftv five attend ed th e An n ua l Socia l andPrii.:eg l\ ·ing Dinner he ld -I Aug us t. Kee nes tmembe rs awa rd w en t to Ray a nd Zoe Ken­nedv. Bes t Lad y N a viga to r w as Ul'V Sm ith .

A local vin tage firearms enth usias t, Pet erFo x, kept th e A ug us t m eeti ng intrigu ed when,1S g uest speaker Ill' was mos t informative an dhan d ed ro und seve ra l antique Briti sh firea rmsof the IH()()'s fo r a ll to see - marvello us work­m an ship of the tim es .

The Mat am at a Tower M usc u rn in theWa ika to W,1S th e converg ing poin t of -l0 vi n­tage vehic les fro m Ta u r" nga, Rot orua andHamilton o n th is scri be 's ha lf d. i v run of 26Au gust. Par ricip ati o n by the Viniage f\ usti nRl'g ister was m ost welco me w ith two Aust insfrom Roto ru a and six Aust in 7's fro m Ho m il­to n g u id l'd bv Bo b Sim ms . The local h ist or yintereste d ,, 11 and m ost enjoyed till' af ternoontea o n th e Homest ead ve ran d .ih maki ng fo r am ost successful day .

IOSEI'HUS Ni\{ ;E[.5.

CanterburyI will StiHt thi s rl'port by te ll ing yo u w h,1t ,1

g rea t n ight we h" d on Sa tu rd"y , 7th Ju ly whenwe hel d a 'T ra m ps Ball' . It WilS am a zing to Sl'enil the peop le d ressl'd ' d o w n ' an d till' tim e a ndeffort p u t into th e o utfits re illl \' sd the m oodfor " fu n filk'd ni gh t. '

Approxim ,' te ly 50 cars and b ikes turnedo u t to [{lh1pu na R,K ew,lV fo r the co m b ilw dSpel'd Day o n Sunday, f5th .Iu ly . Af ter th eprac tice 1"pS cars were grou ped into th e a p­prop riiltl' s l'c tio ns, ilnd t lw r,K in g was vprydose. Th e hi ghlight was th e Sils h Dash \vhichinvolved s ix tL'ams co m pe ting in il Re lav Race.For the lilst even t of the d ily th e ga unt let w asth ro wn d own and a n in tl' r-tri b ,l l rel ay washeld ,v ith the Hill Tr ibe be,' ting th e Swa mpDwelle rs by 50 y" rd s .

The fo llowi ng Su ndilV Wl' Ill'ld ou r Coun­try Nilv ig iltio n Ru n w h'ich reillly tes tecl th es k ills o f all p<1l' tic ipan ts. We h"d to cope w ithTu lip and Striligh tlinl' Nav ig iltio n, e ven sn iff­ing a t pos ts to t ind w h ich WilY to tu rn. Somem ot orist s found th a t th eir tru st y comp as sl'sw er en' t \ 'e ry reli"b le when tilk in &. a rea d inginside till' CM. The w l", ther W,1S bn lli'lIl t, crispan d clea r w hich add l'd to till' en joy m en t of thisco u n trv run to the Glen tui Do mi1in .

On 'our month ly Frid"y Family Cl ub N il;h twe had a g rea t turnout of parents and k idsw ho Wl're l'ntert" im'd lw our res id l'nt clo wn'S,l wdust ' ,1l1d hi s Ill'lpel:s . It is good tll f" s k rthe inten's ts of th e \'oung fo lk in till' Bmnch ,1Sth pse ,Hl' our memb er s o f th e fu tu re .

The I'ol vt ech A uto Res to r,l tio n Wood work·in g C" u rs l: l1l'ing h l' ld thi s year h"s ,1ttrac ted ,1

lo t o f V.c.c. members who are lea rn ing th etrick s of the trad e as well as the use o f a TI th emac hinerv .. O n the res torati on scene, Ccorge Lind sa yIS m ak ing gllOd progress o n his 1934 Mc l.a ch­lin Buick: la n Johnston ha s just fitted newm ud g ua rd s to h is 192'J Ford Picku p: DesFowle r ha s the rn echa n ica ls nea rly fin ished o nthe 1908 Be lsize: Bria n H a rtl ey 's Au st in 8 isprogressin g well ; A lla n Kellvs Ru gby C o u peis ne a r ly fin ished

Dav id Cable, who has th ree fir e engineswhic h a re roa d worth y. has a nother ve ry rare1925 Ron.iult fire pn gine a t the pointed chassisSt,1 gl'; and Ben Par r is jus t s tar ting a co m p le teres torati o n by turn ing h is prize find (a t rail e rload of rus ty ju nk hi s wife calls it ) int o a 1927Au sti n 7.

Ti 11 next ti m e.JIM PATERSON .

Central OtagoPolar Sw ap Meet ing

N o r-wes t w ind s in w in ter thi s is how th ewea ther gree ted us as m y wife and I hea dedd o w n to th e Centra l O ta go Bra nc h C1ubroomsin C ro m w e ll a t 7 .45 a m and yes the re werealrea dy a numbe r o f eager bargain hun tersWR iting at th e ga te . Theswap m eet eventua te dfro m a few Keen m em be rs wa n t ing to trysome thi ng differen t. So th e id ea W<1 S to have awin ter ge t togethe r in the form of ,1SWill' m eet .ju st to see w ha t inte resting CM~ and PMt5 m aybe h idi ng he re in Cen tra l.

Orga n ise r Ba rry , Ross ,1I1d he lpers d id afair a moun t of travell in g th e C en tra l O tagodi s tr ict. fo llowi ng up re p lies to '111 ad w h ichwe had pl aced in th e local p,'per s .

TIll' C lu brooms s ite soon filled u f' w ithtrai ler s full o f r ust y gold o n Su nd ay , fo lo w edclosel y by till' publ ic w h ich mai n lv co ns is tedo f m embers fro m fM o u tlving Bran ch es; In­vercarg ill. C h ris tch u rch, T irnaru . Ash b urto nand even N el so n , a ll of w ho left w ith so m e­thi ng sma ll or large in their hand s. Thi s id eaha-, no w proved to be ,1 success fu l ev en t, andwi ll be hel d eve ry tw o vca rs , to g ive us tim e tobuild up a co lll'ct io n of good ies for you ilg ai n .

() the r itl' n1Sof i nt l' rl'~t o n th e Cl' n tra l O t,1g0Hra nch 's Cillend ar " rl' the just co m p le tL'd Blos­som Fes tiva l in Alex,md r,1 a nd till' G o ld l'nTi m l's A u tum n restiv~ l lw ld in A r!'owtown inApri l. As well as o the r s ma ller runs to p lacesof int er es t th rough out the year .

O ur m em ber ship h,lS grown ,1 t a reil so n­ab le ra te recentl y ilnd llle ml1l'rs ,He a hilppyan d co n te n tl'd b u nc h o f widel y exp ('ril'ncedm ot ori s ts . The cross sl'ct io n is o t o ld ,1 ndyo ung members, ilS wl'i l as a wi de range o fveh ic)es both o ld ,1I1d young.

Wp have builtClub ro oms w h ich ar l' a cred itto thl' ll r,m ch and wi th ,1 fu rtlwr ,ld di tion o f atoil et b lock w ill m ilke the m as good ,1S SOlll l' o fth e b igger Br~ nclll's . A t preseIl t we arl' in­vol ved w ith lRnd scilpi ng the grounds to be asma int enilnce free ilS possi ble so melllbe rs C,1nge t on wi th th l' job o f rest oring vehic k's .

Hope to c,1tch up wi th rl'~d l' rs in th e nl'Mfutu re on some o f you r own Bra nc h l'ventsuntil th en.

Yours in ra lly ing.JOH N MA RTIN

GisborneO ur 1\nnu,l l Dinner, he ld th is vea l' a t th e

loll v Stockman hot el. was w ell illtl'lldl'd ilnd agOlid social n igh t. Jo hn Sm yth, our host , is avee Illember ilIld in ,lddi tio n to tl1(' d e lic iousml'a l. we were trl'a le d to v iewing hi s n ice lyrest o red ' N l'w Bl'aut v ' Mote l T Ford .

O tlll'r reCl'Ilt ad lf itions to ou r Eas t CO,lStfled Me a ILJ2H De So to which Russl' lI C regg

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d rove home from Wood ville, and a 1929 Che v­role t w hich Ra y Sq ui res acq u ired in Welling­ton .

Th e usual G isbo rne co n tingen t visit ed th eRo torua Sw ap Meet, w hich happene d to be afine day for once. Two tra ile r load s o f pa rtsta ken fro m Gisborne a ppeared to be ha vingreasonable trad e - ev en fro m our own mem­bers !

O ur Spare Parts committee are busy so r t­ing o u t a m ultit ude o f spares - in fact far toomany! So if yo u are looking fo r a part, pleasewrite a not e to P 0 Box 307, Gis borne, givingdetai ls of the req uired items and we shall hu ntth rough the collection and hop efull y find yo u rve hicle' s m iss ing or replacem ent part. Themore we can d ispose of(at reasonab le prices)the soone r th e p ar ts ca n be displ ayed in o rderand " treasu re hunting " will become a 5 mi n­u te job - no t 5 d ays .

Th e good o ld days were brought ba ck toG lads tone Road on a recent Sa tu rd ay m orningwhen m any se nio r ci tize ns , a ttired in fas h ionsof yesteryear, were p assen gers in v int agevehicles and cus to m cars fo r a parad e to raisemoney for Telethon. Local Rest Homes ' resi­d ents and s taff were d eli ghted with the 5600raised and the photos even mad e th e fro n tpage o f the local ne wspaper.

The re w ill be a few workin g bees ah ead formember s as it ha s been d ecid ed to install e lec­tric p ow er to o u r Cl ubrooms. This enta ils1,1y ing undergr ound ca b le a conside rable d is­tance.

The Jul y Shed Raid was on a beau tifu l d a yan d the well displayed , clean sheds and ve­h icles were a delig h t to view .

Several members a tte nded the Nat io nalAG M a t Pa lrnerston North. Despi te the d is­mal w eat he r it was good to see th e p la nnedvenues for th e 1992 Pan Pacific Rall y . Rugbyfever hi t G isborne the las t w eek in Augus t ,1S aRanf urly Shie ld mat ch was playe d here for thefir st time. No show wi thou t vin tage cars, so afe w joined in the parade.


GoreO u r Annual Dinner and Tro p hy N igh t w as

well su ppo rted and a vt'r y enjoya b le eve ni ngan d lovely meal .

C lub member s w er e award ed with var io ustrophies for th ei r efforts in branch activitiesove r th e pas t ye ar ,

Rav Trcss ler wa s awarded,, Mos l Rallied Villlage

[{olldee Reslortl lioll Tr0I'''.I/1\ lII l11al Nigh l Trial .

Ray McCorm ack ,• 1~lIl1l1er "l' Mosl Rallied Villlllge

Ell d of 5easoll RIIIIBill SheddonBt'S1 Prcscntn ! I'V or I'WVDave C hi llockBesl I'resellled Velertlll or Vi ll lal;eCordon Dia ck 'ClII/> Cal'laill 's TI'l'I ,II.I/Alis ter C raeveMosl Rallied I'V or I'WV.With th e fine wea the r in th e deep so u th it's

g re"t to see sume of uur ml'mbl'rs h,\\'e givl'nthe "old girls" a dust off a nd ar l' 15l'lt ing rl'a d~'

for th t, Centra l O tag(l Bran ch 's Festi\ 'dl Rdllyin September and So u th Ot,'g0 Branch in eMlyNnve m ber.

O u r bus trip to In ve n:argill for th l' ir An­nu,11Auction nn Thu rsd ay 30th Augus t Inu ksas th nugh it co u ld be nn e n f ou r best , ,llwdys agr ea t night out ,

We Inok fu rwa rd tn nu r uw n n p eni ng runin eMly Oc tube r ill1d seeing u nl' (lr twu Ilewrl'st orati (1I1S out for th eir fir st run .

Also cu m ing up in Octo bl'r is o u r Ann ua lAu cti on N igh t, ,1 g re,l t n ight 's fu n.

Good mo to ring .GE RRY.

Hawkes BayO kay, okay, so I did not ge t around to no tes

last iss ue , gell ing a b it s low of lat e, apolog ies .The HB A.G .M. is now h is to ry an d a smal­

lish turnou t pu t Cavin Ha rr is 'in the chai r,Dermis M itch ell as C lub Ca p tai n, Ross [on es isSecretary, Colin Comp ton is handl ing theFina nce portfo lio .

The commi ttee elected is Wayne Richar d s,Wavne C la rk , Hank H u rlev, Rob in Strachan,a nd it is good to see o ne of our Fo u nda tionmembers w ho hasa lwavs had the Bran ch int er­es ts a t hea rt back on the Co mmittee. Good onyo u r O live Kilbey and I'll be t yo u w ill no tice afew cha nges in th e size a nd workload of th epresen t day Bran ch . The Librar ians, Sp ares,Mag Edi tor, an d a ll the o ther less not iceab le,but s till ve ry important positi ons were filledw ith good keen mem ber s and it look s like wear e se t for an other good e njoy db le ye a r Bran ch­w ise.

Th e C lub rooms ar e w ell se t up and pa id fornow, thanks aga in to so me hard work bymember s and eve ry thing is ' under o ne roo f' ,1S

th e say ing goes. Th e Bran ch Roll er is in rea­so nably good health d ue to th e tender lovingca re the Dyer Boys lavish ed upon her and isavailable to Branch Me m be rs to use. Eve nth ough the o ld g ir l is ,1 thi rs ty lady, s he is am ag nificen t machi ne to p ilot and a thrill tod rive .

Safa ri in October is a day run to Tu ra ngi onthe Sa tu rd ay, fro m Na p ie r an d over the Ge n tleAn nie to Has t i n~s on the Sunday. O the r Bran chmembers may like to s tar t in Turan g i to save ad a y's accom m odat ion and tra vel , no doub tthe organiser wi ll assist in this as we all knowRobi n S. is an obl i~i ng fellow?? Vetera n Ra llyand Homest ead Visi t w ill be 17 /1 8t h overn­be r thi s vear and a good weekend is p lannedonce aga'in. Motor Cycle Rally is 2nd February1991 a nd th e 2n d A rt Deco Ra llv is 9th Feb ru­a ry 1991. 60 years fro m th e big Shake of '31.

The Lady Drivers ru n was a ' Po t-u-soupru n ' to Wai m ar am a Beach (in th e midd le ofw in terl! ') b u t due to verv inclement wea therwas poorly attended . Infact it ra ined a b it!!!!Seve ra l cars and a co u p le o f trucks headed o ffon a lon g da y tr ip to Mt Bruce Bird Sa nctuarynear Ma stert on a nd a par t fro m a certa inCo m m ittee member s tru ck runn ing o u t o fd iese l and il Pomrnv C hev pl,w ing up it was ago od tim e had bv a n . Fourteen cars turned o u tfor th e End o f t~egi str,'tion Run, which is ,1traditional run that rnav be hard to kill off evenw ith th is an ytime registra tion sche me that wehav e at pr esent. let 's hope we can keep italive. 1\ good night WilS had soci a lly at th eInaugu ral H .B.V.C.C. Joc key Cl ub meet ing.Nobody lost o r mad e a fo rtu ne, bu t lau gh saplenty. so perhaps it W<1S jus t a tccn vween ylittle bit illeg,lP?J

I m us t apolog ise, I hav e not v isited an yres to ra tio ns recc ntlv b ut will upda te thesenex t time. But w ith the Pan I',l( ific gl' ttingcloser ag ai n A rabs w illing , there s ho u ld be ,1fel\' about . Don't forge t we a re a sta rt po int forthi s and it sounds like a good t im e will he hadhe re, so th in k "bou t Haw kes B,l)' ,lS vour s tar tpoi n t for th is not to be missed cven i,

Even though I h,l \'l' no t seen much of HankI" te l)' I see hi m w a lking s tronge r so hopefull vhe w ill give rne a bi t of till' necessary a nd gl'lnw o n th l' SafMi this Vl',1r.

Ca tch vou nlllt o rii,g so nw tinw.- Oll) 1.0 1.: IS.

HorowhenuaTh e ;\ l\nu,l l Celll' ra l Ml'e ting w,' s 1ll'ld at

the C lub roo ms in Jlll v. Offi cl'r s l'!L'cted fo rI 'N O-LJ I I\'l'n' : C h,l irri" m, L,lllri,' J"l\son , re­e lcc ll'd fo r ,1 s('cu nd tl'rm; Secr l't MV, Gr,lhaml aw ton ; Tn',lSu rl'r , R,l y Boswl' lI; C lub C lp­t"i n, 13 ill bit's;C " IlL'r,,1Co nlln itt"l': Pt'l l'r R,lIlg i,M,lrg ,Hl'l I.awton, () ,)\'e Munn , Fred C,lrrick,

who is the newslette r edi tor ; C eo ff Fo x, Alis­ta i r [ones , Merv Cr iffi ths , arid Warwi ckDoreen.

The A.C.M. wa s fo llowed by the mon thl ymee ting, durin g which p rogress o n th eC1ubroom ex tensions was noted . Th e p la nshave been approved by the loca l body , an dnow fundraising begins in ea rnest. Businesswas fo llo wed by a ta lk on a recent tr ip toEngland b y member Pet e r Nightingale.

The August meeting discussed a deben­tu re issue to assist fu nd ra is ing fo r the exten ­sion s. A s u gg es t io n by member De nni sNicholson, a well thought o u t vege tab le sa le,which la ter ra ised over 51,200, was p u t int ogear. Dermis then p ut o n his video of th e tripto th e Eas ter Ra lly at Whangarei and the trip toCape Rein ga, in w hic h eigh t Horowhenua ca rstoo k part in a fort night of ex ha usting bu twonderful d rivi ng .

Th e Au gust Su nday drive took ca rs tose ve ra l IOC,11 beach es and a m useu m for th ea fte rnoon, foll ow ed by a s morgasbo rd di n nerat a n Otaki hot el.

Upcom ing com m u n ity even ts inclu d e ca rstaking part in local ' Red Nose Day' co t d eatha p pe a l process ion, s ta tic displays <It th e o pe n­ing o f the Levin s w im m ing p ool. O taki 'sAnn ua l Market Day, transporting senio r citi­ze ns o n Teleth on da y, as w ell as club acti viti es.

New C lub Capta in Bill Isles ma y s ta rt ane w vi n tage CM activi ty ... wa lk ing all rallycourses! Now his newl y restored Morris 8 ISchamping a t the bit, w ith his jeep ever ready inthe co m me rc ia l sec tio n, Bill may be busy trot ­ting backwa rds a nd for wards be tween ve­hicles sectio n b v section! I am to ld tha t Bill ' snavigator, Lynn, has al read y made it q uiteclear th at s he will no t rely o n foo t pow er tona viga te two e n tries a t on ce!'


King CountryH ere we a re once ag,lin, s ma ll in numbe r, in

fac t the sma lles t Bra nc h in the coun tr y, but w esee m abl e to co me together o n many o u tingsand also to en te r tain visi ting Bra nches w henth e occ as ion arises, Duri ng Oc tobe r, a numbero f o ur ve h icles lin ed up for th e "E nd of a n Era"Parade th rough Taurnarnunui d ep icting manyye ar s o f Borough act ivi ty . Thi s was a verymov ing spec tacle and brought l11,m y visitorshere .

November w as the month o f our Rally toOw hango which W,lS mor e of ,1 sce n ic run overba ck road s an d lunching at th e O w ha ngoDom ain . Many of the back roads b ro ugh t ba ckmemor ies of o u r co u rting days -- must sayso me of th em s ti ll ha ve th e sa me n um be r ofpo tholes . Ma ny clu b ne w slet ter s have me n­tion cd the Januar y Veterans Rall y and w ewerv ho nou red to be able tu host these vis ito rsfo r a night of the ir wonderfu l trip . Fel lowmem bers. Jud ith a nd Co lin Ma nning followedthes e car s fo r much of their King Count ry ­Taranaki section and are now the proud ownersof ,1 lo vely video co mp le te wi th ,'as )' lis te ningmusic ,1I1d th e call s of nat ive birds. [anua rv" Isn saw Clyd e Forlong 's C,H on the road aftl:rm ,111 V vears of res tora tio n. Mo re of th is lat er.

(j uring February Cowan too k off to takepM t in th,' C lub Captain 's Rallv and \ ,111 Wl'nto ff to till' Mot o r CVell' 1~ ,ll1 v . )vlMc h W,lS till'1110nthof our Swap'Med ,1I1d pron'd to ,111 tl1.1tWl' h,1I'l' "lmos t l'xhausll'd th l' suppl y of 1'in­t,lg(' par ts In o ur dl stnct, ,lIld till' 10c,11 r,ldlOst ,ltiun h,,,.. put p"id to our host ing of o the rs ta llho ld l' rs bv putt ing on " frl'l' for ,,11 on th e",l l11e d, ,)' . Wt' sh,lll con tin ul' tnt,lkl' goods too thl' r s w ap nlL'l'ls a round the No r th Isl ,1I1d.

Tlw Whang,lIlHlInona Run in April s tartl'doff in I', 'rv w d w" ,lthl'l' but on till' rl'tum tripthl' su n s hone br ill i,lI1tlv and w e Wl'rl' ,1b lt, tus kirt a ro u nd th l' 111 ,111 )' 's m,, 11 s lips with l',lSl'.Fo r thosl' tr ilvelle rs interestl'd in tral 'l'lIing theWh ,1I1g,1I1Hlmona Go rge the holt'1 tlwre willsuppl~' ,1 lo vely IlIn ch ,m d th l' shor t tr ip to· L) ngiHa k ~H I M ll~l' lI n ) i ~ .1 tnll st.

Now ,1 litt k morl' ab out C lydl' Forlong's

Page 25: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

res torat io n as I am su re many people th rough­o u t th e co u n try have been wonder i n~ w ha trea lly hap p ened to th is fast deterio ra ting o ldcar previous ly owned by Harry Houpapa ofManu n u i, To dav. it is owned bv Clvde andhas ta ken h im five pa ins ta ki ng vea rs' to full yrestore till' 1931 Mod el A For d Spor ts Coupe.Fro m th e o ld rus ty grey th at it was it is noli' ,1g lea ming maroon w ith a crea m fabric to p.W h ile under th e ownersh ip o f \1 1' Hou pap ath is CM featured in th e D u nlop advert ise mentfo r tyres on T.V. and I am s u re manv peo pl ethought th is car was d estined for th e scrapheap . Not so . Mr Ho upapa offered th e ca r toMr Furlong to rest or e and unfortunately hed ied a few weeks be fore th e car w as roa d ­worthy and d id not get the t,wm ised firs t ride .

Another rcccn tlv co m p etcd res to ra tio n ino ur Branch is Dav id Bleasel's 1948 Wo lse lev18.85 5,1100n . Th is car has recen tly had allex tensive bo d y and pa in t job and in te rio r res ­to rat ion and look s superb in its g le,lm ing black .


North ShoreHell o for the firs t tim e from ,1 new scr ibe.

TIll' Bra nch goes from s trength to s tre ngthw ith Bob Balantyne as Cha irma n an d a co upleof ne w faces on the Co m m ittee. Sa tu rd av 18thA ugust sa w OVL'r 80 m embe rs a nd friend senjoy a lo vel y meal a t the clubruorus to ce le­bra te the mortgage free dom subs id ised forme mbers fro m Branch fu nds .

Pe te r Dunn, a p ast C ha irm an and mem be rof N or th Shore Bra nch si nce its incep tio n islea vi ng us to tak e up resi dence in Cisborno .VVe wish Pet e r and [can a ll th e bes t for th efuture , o ur loss is C isborru- Bra nch 's gai n .

The Bra nc h m,ln 'l ged to sccu n - a motel inPa lrners ton N o rth fur till' 1'i921'an l' ac itic - ,111units a re now booked. A Winter Wa nder toth e wintcrl ess No rt h is in th e p lanning s t,lgesa nd w ill hopefu lly be ,1S suc cessfu l ilS theyhave been in th e p ast ,

Augus t Brunc h ru n was a t tended bv 20ve hicles. An enjo yab le d ay ' s d riv ing end ing a t,1 n L'W motor museum a t Monterey Park Hob­so n ville. as yl't not open to th e p ub lic, bu tth,lIl ks to o u r C lub C.lp ta in en t ry for us W,l Sob tilined . To see thrl'l' E Typl'S and ,1n SS ins uch close prox imity was a bi t m uc h for th isav id Jagu a r fa n. The ex Brya n Jackson Pa ck Mda lo ng wi th '1 beaut iful Cnev Road s ter, Mod ell's and somL' other fi.l mOLIS n1 i:1rques havefound a lw autiful ho me .

Comi ng l've n ts arl' our Ve ter,l n Rall v an dd inner on th e 25th Nove mbl'r. En trv d et ai lsw ill be in o u r Bra nc h maga zine ,1 nd illDl'Cl'm­be l' our 3 n1 All Am eri can Car Show; m oreabout th ,lt in d ue co u rse .

Happy mo toring ,IA N SKINNER.

ManawatuApproxim,l tl'1y 60 mem bers (somc a rriv ­

ing in vi n t'lge cars) ,1tte nded ,1bir thday lunch­eon a t "T he 13,lI'n" Lllll' Road, Op iki on Su n­day 8th Ju ly . Ma ny of the "Far North Tour"and "T in u i w eekend " members were th ereand th e host s had problems getting th is ve ryta lka tivL'c ro w d to le,)\'e the prem ises by 3 p mw he n th e next patrons w ere due.

T he Natio n al AGM W,lS h l'l d at th eAw apu n i racecou rse on a co ld, wet Sa tu rday .O n th e Su nday th ere W,lS a shed raid for some,w hil e o the rs a ttend ed ,1 socia l gat he ring at th eclu b roo ms w he re the la rge o~wn fire w as ve l')'welcome. The u pd<1ted parts s hl'd w as off i­cially ope ned th at d ay and some p u rchases\vere 1l1 tld e by thOSl' brave enotl~h to Vl\n tun~

across th e wa te r logged g ro u nds.Several m embers ' cars tra nsporte d s ports

p er sonaliti es to the new Downto wn th eatreco mp lex openi ng on the 16th August. Ch risArnon arriving in Murray Martins 1929 Stude­baker. Cars were ,11s0 requi red to transpo rtexhibito rs a nd frien ds fro m m o tel s to th eCamellia sh ow at the Stad iu m one Su ndayrecen tl y. .

Barrv Hoffrn an o rga nised a Wa irarapa ru non the 19t h Augus t. Sev e n cars left Pa hia tuaand w ent, v ia b ac k roads to Eke tahuna. toMaur iccville an d on to Masterton . T he re,H OWMd Sim ms ' co llec tio n of v in tage cars andmot or cycles w ere in spected . Lunch a t Ma s­tcrt on cl u b rooms and th en to Fran cis Pointonsimmaculate co llectio n of CMS and car pa rts .W hil e th e men were admir ing and p u rchasi ngCM par ts, th e women w e re adm iri ng andpurchasin g d ried flowers th at w er e a lso a va il­ab le at th e Po int ons . O n th e w ay ho me so memembe rs called into the Mt Bruce m useu m .


Marlborough;\ t the Branch A.C .M. ,1 s ho rt tim e 'lgOTon)'

Hanscn W,lS elected Chairman, repla ci ng BarrvWilso n, who has done an cxccllcru job over th elast 2 yea rs in off ice. Barrv ret a ine d h is post asBra nc h del t'g iltL' to the Na tio na l Execu tivealthou gh a few o the r pos it ion s al so cha ngedhand s. The mee ting W,lS "l'ry we ll a ttended.

The Cha irman 's To ur brought o u t 11 ve­h icles o n a ni ce s u nny aft ernoon all loo kin g forclues invo lvi ng 10c,,1gtlroges and servio- sta­tions . That eve ning th e Ann ual Din ner andpresen ta tion of tro p hies took p lace and wasenjo yed by all.

Jul y meet ing n ight WdS mad e very in terest­in g by ,1 di spl ,ly of match box mo d el ve hic lesbv Da vid Mck.el vcv. Da vid has been co llec t­illg these for some ):ears an d w as ab le to te ll usth ei r h istory th rough m,l ny cha nges of man u­fac turcrs. A H'ry co mprehensive disp lay andfull of in teres t.

Severa l mem bers atten d ed th e Rot o ru aBran ch Sw ap Meet in Ju ly ,at least o ne arrivi ngback home wi th ,1 bargain .

Those present at o u r Augus t mem bers'n ight s tood for a moment 's silence in memoryof Ikrt C,l m ble w ho p,l ssed aw ay ,1short w hill'ago. Ht, had no t long finis hed res tor ing a fordNl'w 13e<l u ty To ure r, which he brough t on 2ru ns before ill he ,llth stopped h im d riv ing .B,Hr\' \"' ilson ,1I1 d Ton v H,lnsen , who ,1 ttendedth e N'l tiond l AC M, p'ls sed on th t' hi~h l ig ht s ofthi s mel'ti ng dfter w hich ,1 Sh inv I ,uts Auc ­tio n, o ur IMges t yet, di sposed llf over 90 ar ­ticl es , by no means ,111 o f w hich w ould ha \' efitt ed ,1 vint,lge C,lI'. A really good night andsome mone\, tor the Brilnch ,1Iso.

Paul Kendrick ha s just n'cen tly acqu ired aVin tage Fia t Tourl'r while WL' ho pe to say mor elat e r abou t var ious o ther res to rati on s w hic harl' progress ing .



I am sure a ll Vint,lge CM Cl ub membe rs ofNe w Zea b nd wish Barrv an d Anne Love­grove, our Branch Chair'man a nd his w ife,caugh t u p in th e a trocitie s in Kuw ait, a safeand s pl'edv ret u rn to New Zealand.

O n the 7th of Ju ly our An nua l N igh t RunW,lS held in wea the r th ilt could ha ve beenbette r. The co u rse w as a lte rl'd due to r;;inw hich made a riH'r fo rd imp,ls sa ble.

PI,mn ing for th e Mo u nt Cook Rdlly dtLabou r Weeken d thi s veM is w ell in hand .Th is year's o rg a niser is l 'ony Hobbsso it prom-

ises to be a no the r exce llen t rall y. Anyonewish ing to co mpete in thi s event ca n con tactTony by phoning (0)) 688-4641, Tirnaru .

Another Garage Raid was held on July11 th. Firs t ca ll was to Ron Ca rra n 's to view h is1928 Dodge Fas t 4. Chass is, w hee ls, tyr es, diffetc all d one . Bod y pa ne lbea ted and p ri med ,requ ires pa in t and u phol st er y . Sti ll a lot ofwork h ere. Next was Da ve War lo w 's to lookover his 1921' Hup rnobile Sed ,1I1 . Th is is to bea g ro und u p rest o ra tion . S tripp ing d ow n ofthe ca r has s ta rted . The th ird g ar age w as thatof fa ther and son, Les and Wayne Trying . Losis res to ring a 1928 Ford A Tudor. The bodyneed s ,1 lo t of w ork, thi s is com ing o n slow ly .Wayn e has a 1939 Chcv Wl'lI s id e Pick-u p; a llthat is required to finish th is ex ce lle n t res tora­tion is the pa in tin g . Las t ca ll fo r the eveningwas Ash ley Milliken 's g<1l'age. Ashley is re­s tor ing a 1926 Buick Mast e r Six 45x To ure rwi th a 120 inc h whee l-base. The chass is is a llb u t comp lete, but th e body wi ll req uire a lot ofwork. It w ill be some time ve t before th is ca ris mobi le bu t it wi ll be a m ag nificen t ca r whenco m p le ted .

Un ti l ne xt time keep worki ng o n yo urve hicles beca use th e motori ng season wi ll soonbe wi th u s.


SouthlandWe ha ve a ne w Secre tary in Nevil lc Rid d ,

a nd a new C lub Cap ta in in Ro n lrwin, ,1S w e llas so me new faces on the vari o us co mmittees,The less s,l id abo u t the new Beade d Wheelsscribe th e better, as he s tarted bv mi ssi ng thed eadline for Aug us t-Septemb er. I su ppose Ican on lv im p ro ve!

[irn Tav lor o rgan ised ,1Garage To u r, whicha ttracted abou t 45 people. Firs t stop w as toins pect progress on Eric H aw kc 's 1928 C he vSedan . Sedans a re al w .ivs mo re d ifficu lt tores to re . a nd Eric has dO;le a g rl'a t job on ,1vehi cle that W,lS pre tty d esp erat e when heacq ui red it. a ltho ugh basica lly co m plete . A f­ter s topping a t Bria n Au lds to v iew the '29N as h resto rat ion. the tour party mo ved to RayCar ter 's co llection, of which the h ig h light forrnanv, was th e vd er an Mod el "T" (l9 1I Ith ink). th,l t ha s lain dormant for qu ill' <l fewyears no\-\', bu t \-\'(')s prom ine nt in th e l'arlv:l c tiv ities of o u r Branch. Members ' eyes wereopened by the s ights on view w hen the ystop ped a t To m McK en zie's . In To m 's va stco llect ion, the item cu rrl'n tly rl'cl'iving a tten­tion is a C. 19 I I Ren ault.

Barry Leitch is milk in g a n<l m e io r hi msel fas a build e r of Lo tus 7's w h ich m ad e a visit toh is g<l rage, or sh ould I s,ly factory, an in terest ­ing experience. A lot of members obviouslycoveted o nc o f th t'sl' q uick little cars, ,1 nd il lleast one is doing somethi ng ,1bo u t it. More onth is a no the r t im e. Fin,l l s to p was ;)t Jim Tay­10 1" 5 to vi ew th e Nash co llection, incl ud ing the'39 Am bassador Jim is curren tly workin g o n .

A Du nch of So u th la nders a ttended th eCwmwell Swap Meet, and my s pies tell me itwas a prdty s uccessfu l day. One of th e ma intalking points was th e re markab le s ta te o fprl'servation of mud gua rd s, pand s, e tc w hichhad o bv io us ly lain o u ts ide for ve MS. Yo u can ' tbt'a t a hot , d'ry clima te. [n the mor e co ashllparts of So uth l,lnd , things start to rus t th L'mo ment you turn yo ur bac k, if yo u le<we th emou ts ide.

On th e motor cycle front, Steve Rogers is re­co m me nci ng work on his '38 ES2 Norto n 500cc,'lCqu ired som etime ago ,1S a ba sk et cast' fromlocal Norton en th us iiist Me rv Cou tts . Bv thewav, Steve wou ld like to hear from a n"yonew it)l a bo tto m section for the rea r mudgua I'dthat is, tht' b it below the tail-ligh t . We loo kforw a rd to th e appearance of thi s very rideabl epost v in tage bi ke , to swell tht, al rea d y cons id ­erable numbers of the local tw o-wheeled set.


Page 26: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

TaupoO ur Annual Cencral Mee tin g \\'a~ hel d in

June and To m Biggar ca r ries o n fo r hi s secondvcar as C ha irman. John Ma ze v has acceptedihe ccretarv 's job aga in and Brian G race hastak n on th e Cl u b Cap tain 's por tfolio. Th er eWilS no d ifficulty in t indi ng ,1 co m mi ttee 01four a nd ll aro ld Watk llls h as remained ,1Sed itor.

The firs t club n ig ht for the Vl'M \\'dS a potlu ck dinner held in the c lubrooms in [ul v. Thisi~ one of th e first Bran ch fu nct ions to be held inth e clubrooms now th at thev M " Iull v fu nc­tion al, i\:eed ll's s to S,ly it \\"1-~ ,1 total s uc cess.Wl' s t ill h.ive major work to do on rcsitiru; theki tchen, and th is w ork ha s been sta rted , aswel l as n -lini ng some o f th e interior \\' .1lis.

Als o in [ul v w e had o u r Ann ual i\:,wig,l torsTrophy Run ,lnd Conrou rs E\'L'nL The Navi­g ,ltors Trophy W,lS instituted so me yeMs agobv Pe te r and Elizabeth Attwood w hen th cvd ona ted th e tro phy to till' Bran ch . I tookA list ,lir, their SOil,1S my l1,wig,ltor thi s ye,lI"bu tit \\',lS ,1 pity th,lt Pet er cou ld no t part icipa tedUl' to ill h",llth .

TIll' run W,lS WOI1 b\' Ma~ C ibbs with hi sson 1,111 fh\\'ig,lting. .

Ou r Co nc ou rs Tro phy W,lS w on by Ro nand Cl di r An derson , w ith the ir rl'cl'n tlv re ­s tor,'d Model 1\ R("ld stl' r. As wi th mos t 'p ro j­l'Cts Ron inn,l \,es himsl'if with , he m ,lk"s a\'L'ry good job of it, ,m d he h,b to be co ng rd tu ­latl'd o n thi s l'~cl'i kn t rl'sto r,ltion . I W,lS par­ticul Ml v in tl'r,'s te d in h is H vo lt b,lltl'rv whichprmid':'s till' ,'~ tr,l kick in th l' eiL'ctric;.

Augus t d ub night W,b ,1 , ' isi l to ,lir MCw,'ldi ng sv"tl'ms. Fo r th os,' members \\'ho,1ttl'nded " '" h,ld ,I most inll'r,'s ting ,ln d infor­m,lti\'L' d" I111llb trdt ion of ,l ir ,HC pl,lsm,l cul­l ing as .Hr,l n g ,'d b~' R,ly II M\\' lH)d l,l Std u bn ig h L T he (',,,,,, with wh ich one c,m cu tmd,ll h,b to Lw,' \!wri('n n 'd to Lw L",lie\'('d! Isuggl's l thdl "'ll' o f o u r l111'm ber s purd l'ls" "o ne (If th l'St' un its . Ic.l n g u,lr"n t,,(, tha t I \\ 'o uldborrow ,m d use it o ftl'n!

O ur m on th l, ' rUI1 in A ugus t took us int otl1l'fo r"" t I,mds e ,ls t o f T,1('po ,m d il W,b l1 in ' totr .n 'prsc ~ll n l l\ ll( the h.lfl\ ~t rO\hJs \ \ 'h l' rl ' \\'l'

d Ol1 't USlhlllv m ,m,lge to gd int (). Th " K,l­in,lg,H'(},\ PI,l"ins ,\ re :, fl '(ltll'rl' ot"OUl" ,1fL I , \ th,)tW(' t('nd 10 forget. bL'c,,,,,,,' of fOrL'st ,'d 11 ,1tur ,' o ftill' I,md ,1I1d its rl'strictl'd ,KC"SS, I hi s rUI1 w ,'"org"misL'd LwWl'ndy ,m d Ilron\\' ~'n , two of (.,ur1,1d,,' s , dbl v ,1ss ls ted bv Club <. ,Ip t,u n Iln ,lnC r.K" . I h,; w il1l11' rs for 'tlll' , ' \'( 'n t W"rL'jo,' ,m dB" I"\'I Rid ko,·.

I 11I:\:IlESS,

WaikatoAt ou r :\,C ,\ 1. in \1.1\' l'.IlI I,1 :\1<'\\'h ,1 \\ "IS

rl'-e lecl,'d I'r,'s id ,'nt dl1d ),111 !)(',l r!(I\'l ' t,)"k " ntill' joh ,IS Ed itu r uf o ur 1; 'C.11 m, lg ,l/ ln,' " \'e n­tu n ," . 1h i ~ i~ .1 H' I"\ im po rt ,lIlt I',,,it ion th,ll\\' l' h.1H' h,ld diftind t\ · tillinh t lll'~l' p,bt 1,,\\ ·vl·,lr.... .. I h" n un till' Dth VI,1\', 21ludd '''1,"" tunll'du p fur thl' C lub I{u n org,ini~,'d bv C ,I\'nur ,lIldC r,' g Terrill. l hi" ru n W,lS ,k"iglll'd ,b "r","n'" lll'r Clll lr,,' p rior 10 u ur Duubll' :;1l 1{,l l1 y,,lIl d I ,1m s u n' d id 11" ,Ill goud , It \\"" ,11'''''' ' ,1111ru n from I I.lmilton , th rough s(' ,,, r,ll , u bu rb"finall l' l' lldi l1g,l t u u r C luhwoms in C,Hllhrid h, '\\'hl'rl' ll nicl' (l ft l' r Il OU Il tt ',) h,ld bl'l'n llrr,lllgl 'd .

,1ftl'r ,1 11 , it W,l<; \'l u t h l' r ' ~ 1),1:," It W,I ~ p i<-,hi n)..;tu ~" " Lin d ,l ,m d C h ri" I\I'< )wn u u t intlll'lr I' n "Austin 10, th e C,H' \\ 'i th which tlll'l' h,ld \\ u nI{l'st o r,lti un u f lh", Yl' ,\I" XCi / ' )Il.

OUl'('n 'S Birth ,!.1\' \Vl'l' k" I,d \\' ,h , , h U ~1I ,1I ,

il bu~ l' Ulll' Ipr till' \\'"ik.1ln \\'ith our I)o u b l(' 'inI{"II / OIl Cl',l g ,lin it \\ "1 ~ \\l'11 ,1 I1l'l1dl'd h"lo,',1Inll'mlwrs .1" \\'l'1I ,IS m e l11 b, 'r" Inull m .1nl' 0 111\'1'br ,m rJH's . rill' tll!' hlln lHlr, \\'" nt 10 ,\ \co li"" ,,lJld C eu ft Qu,lrri,', ,111 the \\ .1\ ' 11'< 1111 1I,l\d" ',,13,ly , well dunl'. Th" plu tl ill)..; ih i, " " ,\I" \\ ',h ill

till' capa ble hands o f[an and R'l.y Officer. i\:l'~ t

ve ar th e enviable task o f plott ing goes to [anilll d Cordon Dearl ov e. ,1 S the v were the firstWai ka to ca r. Th is vears Double 50 wos par­ticular lv ple,lsing fro m vVa ikat o 's poin tof v rcw,as w e ri" m,lged to ta ke ,1\V,1\' fro m Auck landthl' De rm is Belch Teams Troph y. As thi sma gnificent trophy w as d onat ed to the I;\'ai ­ka to C lu b ,1 few yeilrs ,1go, it is a bo u t tim e itspent so me time in thl' di s trict - in fact , wed o n 't in tend to Id it go north ,'gain!

On [u lv ts r. 22 CMS assembled at o urClubroorns in Cambridge for a n enjovabl«Sundav afternoon C,lr,'gl' Ra id . We sta rted offa t Kelvin r-.k W h,, 's collec tion of m od el s teamtra in s and t ract ors , ,, 11 made in h is \\'00'11eq u ip ped workshop fu ll of lath es, ~i r i ll pressesetc. K,,'h'1I1's a lso 111 th e process o t rest onng dILJ2-t Colu mbia . Th en ' H ' w ent ac ro ss th ep lains tm"Mds ,Te A\\' ,H~lUtu a nd StOFp,'d in toSl'l' John WMd s collect ion of Mud" A Fords.H e h" s ,1 ILJ29 -l-door Seda n, 192LJ Pic k-up,1<)30 Tudor and is in till' carl v ~ t,l ges of restor­ing .1 192HRoadst cr. , ,,\\' it ( ,I n be no s u rp risethat Jo hn s pl'c ia lisl's in till' repair and over­haul of Mod el 1\ Ze n ith curbs . He h,lS ,111 th eg",H ther e for d (lil1g it, " 1" ',11 pro I w ou ld say ,so if you have curb tro,ub.i<- , g~'t in tuuch \\' it l,:John , A mongs t all John s h,rd bllsand ~Il'n's

' H' ,l lSlI spotll'd .1 1927 ({ugb y l'ngilll' .1 Th ethird s top \\'as in Te 1\ w ,mllltu ,It Juli l' ,1nd KenJo hn,ltho n 's p l,Ke , Ken h"s go t l11 0st of th l'bod l' fr,lnll' flni"lll'd o n h is ILJ22 \)lld ge a nd itis lo"o king gllod , bu t s till ,1 lot to d u , ,m d l" 'l' nmorl' to dll o n the tot ,ll1v s tri p pl' d Ch,lss is K,'nhad o n di splay. It is o f il 1920 [)odhe \\'h ich isrl' portl'd to or igi n"l1l' 11.1" " b" ,'n a ll dmbu ­lalKL' for the "l'bon r10sp it,l 1 Ilo ,Hd ,md a boWib in "\ ,l p il' r during the C rl',l l L 1r thq'''lkl',Amongs t ,1 11 till' I ~udg,' p M ls ~ t d ckl'd d ee p unthe slll'l\'('s 111 Kl'n s shed , ISalso the rl' ma1l1s of.1 1915 [)odgl" ' H ' bl' lil'\'l' yo u Kl'n ' Anu tlll'rproj,'c t gui ngon ,It till' J,u hnat hun 's p lace IS till'll, t,l l r,'stur, ltl lln uf tl1\'lr cu lunl,l l home. lu h,'\\' ill ingh' "IHl\\'ed us ,11'<1lmd ,m d told u" of till'tr ia ls ,1Iid tr ibu l,lt io l1s o f the flJ"( )jl'CI. w" ,111C,lllll' ,1 W,1\' \\' u nd l' ring hu \\' t l l'l' fo u nd tillll'fllr ,111 thl:Sl' p ro ject s , ur m,lyb,; ~oml' of usd u n ' t 111.lIl,lg" ou r tinll' ",'1"\' \\' l' IP Our I.lsts to p of th,' d,1\' W,lS ,1t Pr, 'si ,l l'nt P,llIl ,l's pl .K('\\'h l'rl' ,1 \\"l'I C0I11l ' ClI p p,l \\'(1 ~ I,l id Oil ,l ll d ," lthough hu sb ,md Rob l'rt \\' ,IS in bl'd \\'ithb,Kk tm u b ll' , w ,' .111h,ld .1 good loo k dt till' \\ '(,11,Id " ,1 IK,'d 1",'s tor,l tio n (It'h is l ' iY) :\'I(lrri " 2:; ,m dI do Lwli l' \,(' vo u will g,' t it fin islll'd fIll" tl1\' P,mP,Kifi c, Robl'rt. I !L' is ,1ls(l looki ng o u t for p,lrt sto go w ith h is ILJI3Phol'ni \ motor,md till' fewot lll'r bit s Ill' h,l " for it.

'I h is \'( 'dr 's L,ldi ,'s R,ll1v, 1ll'ld o n -tth Au ­gu st , h,ll! 22 Cd r~ s tM li ng , ,, 'ith ~' n t r i l's from ,1"tM d\\' ,)\''\ ~ till' i\ o rth Sh(ln', 'r Ill l r",l IIL ' h ,l\'('to L1(' pl:('s('nt to " \' f',rel"i'l tl' ,lII till' troub l".t l1l'1,ld lL'" go to With , 1'l '~"lI1g up for till' OCC.lSlL lIl .rh i ~ \'l' M \\' " h ,ld "\'(' ITthi ng , 1I'<\m [ \\'O , 'M

l' l,l, k of wi tdll''', c(lmpllot" \\' ith bl'<l( 1l11~ t icb,

to the 1"'Mly king ,lIl d <j u""Il , llur",'m,li d~ . ete."tr. I hi~ i ~ ,m """11 1 tlh1t I C,1I1 s tHlI1 g IL' I'<'Clllll­me lld t(l ,11 11,ld,' l111'mber~ , , I H',II fu n d .H· ,mdl'\-l'll ill g . I he \ \ :i lll H..'r ;-:. \" l' n ' Sll~,l n ,l nd 'onll,l\I M,dl' ll ill tlll' ir Il)!:; :\ u" tin 12I-t .

:\ :-. ( :,n "in Bird \, ' ,l ~ ", \\ ' l' r~ l' , l ~ ,I t th l ' ti nll' of(lur :\ n llu ,11 I'ri/"gh'ing, \\' " incl ud ed him illthe Pri/ l'g i, ' illh 01 till' I . , l d i , '~ 1{"l1y, by I'r"~,' nt­

in.. him w ith ,I \\"l' 1I de'l'n l'd "C lu bm ,m 0 1theY'~l r" tr0l'h~ ,

rhl'n' i... ,11\' ·.1\ ·... ,1 \" ,l r ll l \\' l' IO ~nl l' in thl'\\' ,l ik,l tO.

Ki\ L"I ) :\:11'1SE:\:,

Wairarapa,\ Ith(lug h ,\'(' no\\' hd'" ,1 1l1"ll1bl'l""hiJ' (It

,lr<"lIld 1111 , J',lI'ti' ·lp" ti. ' ll ill r" lli,', ,1J ld ,lt clu b11igh ts hd ' b('( '1l d ,1\\ 11 t. I till' h,ll'd, ' ,', lrl' th r, " lh l1till ' Illid - \, 'illll'r 1l1Pll th ... . \\ 'ry d i.... ,l ppn i ll tiJlgfo r orgtllli"'L'r ... \\,hell "'lI d , d 1\11 nl thll Ugh t (.1'"\\"l ·1I .h li ll ll ' ,111...1 IllPllL'\ 'j gOl' ''' ill lo lli .... i Jl ~

...lId 1 \ · \t· IlI... . . "

! (lur t," '1l"b ih. IL" " " Ill" ", 'd 1111 ' \ \ lll lt'r \ 1.11111'

C vc le Ca rn po u t a t o u r C lu b roorns. Sa tu rday 'srun too k th e bi kes plus th eir pill ion and s id e­ca r passengers no rth-west th ro ug h Maur icev­ille, Kaiparora. Hu k.m u i to Pa h ia tua for lunch,th e n back sou th-eas t to Alfred to n a nd o nth rough Drye rs Rock to th e c1ubrooms where,1 hot m eal W,lS served . Su nd ay 's " po ke r ru n "was o n sca led road s taking in the ou ts kir ts ofMast ert on. The wea ther was mostlv fine fo rthe weekend with the ra in se tting in o n thehomeward s tretch o n Su nday afternoon ,

It w as evcrvonc's turn in lune wi th o u r" W in te r Wander". Unfo rtuna tely the weatherWdS no t kind leading u p to th e Sun da y ,1I1dthat m,ly ha ve put m ember s o ff, wi th onl}:' 7vin tage ve h icles se tt ing o lf for the d a y, Withstra igh t lin e, questions and ,1 s ho rt timed sec­tion, th e re W.1Sso meth ing for a ll. After dr iv­ing eas t fro m Mast erton throug h \V,l in u io rua nd N ga u m u fOl'<'st it w as down the Ka iw ha taI lill to the B,mn ister 's residence w here a roar­ing fire and ,1 warm welcome awa ited us .After lunch we travell ed via th e Kaiw ha taRiver road th ro ugh Horn ewood , Whareamaand o n to till' o rg,m ise rs' (Peter and NolaG ro ves) hom o for afte rnoon tea. A most cnjov­ab le dav w ith road condi tion s surp risinglygood for till' tim e of yl',l r (in f,Kt better thansu m n1l'r dust ), Two wi n ne rs Wl'rl' ,lL-c1ilH' J ­Sh irll' y S t C I" ir, b,'st Il,w igiltor ,1I1d DavidBre llkley , best d ri, 'er.

TIll' Idst rUIl on o ur 191!l)-l)() ca lend iH W,lS ,1(-dSll,,1rUI1 ,1t th e l' lld of Jul v . i\g,li n all ,'nd,m cew as d o wn, butthose th,lt j(lill l'li in w er e tredl l'dto ,1 Wl,lI p l'1/1I1l'd ru n fro m C,1rlL'rton , throughlJal l'f il'id ,m d PiHk\'a l(' to i\h iMu he , The runstMt,'d afkr .1 tour of the P.n "l SI1l'1I F,Ktor\' inC H t,' rlo n ,m d ('ndl'd .1 t ,1 pri ' ''l11' colll'ctioj, of, ' in t,l ge ml'nlllr,lbili ,l \\' h ich incl ud,'d tl'!L'­phone l'<J uipll1l'n t, d o m""tic ,' p p li,lIK l'S ,1S w,,1I,1S ~ t(' ti(l lh1 r\" n1otor~ ,l lld \ 'int ,l g l ' t r(ll" to r~ . It\\ "ls goou It' Sl'l' \:" , 'ill<' Warrl'n out on hisl1<'wl y tlcq ui rl'd H Mll'y Dav id son ,1S well ,ISne w l11l'm lwr A li" tl'r W righ t in hi s E-t yp"j,' gUM. Fr,mcis l,<lint o n \\ 'o n lh l' co m pd itio l1for till' d,l y by n,lmi ng the most Al11eric,1I1 C,l rso f th" 'J lls s tarling w ith the Id tl'rs C ,m d D.

C lu bn ig h ts h ,1\'l' h,ld mi~,:d ,1 tt,'nd ,mcl'~

wit h ,I , ' i" it to ,1 !< lC,l l coIl l'cl o rol nHld( ' ''' (tr,l in"(ll1d l" ,lr~), ,111 indoor bo\\'l ing l '\ 'l 'ning ll nd "\ ·id l.'p scrcl'ning.

W ilh o ur A(; i\,l tlll' firs t Vlond d" in A ug u" t\\ '(' look fo r\\', lr d 10 ,1I111 tlw r y" M ()f " Vil1 t,lg":\10tor in g " .

C AYE 1'01i\!TO i\ ,

Wanganui!-in, ll " IV,lI1g .m ui Br,m ch r i sl'~ to 11ll' "or­

f,K" ,Iftl' r .1 riv,' r flood \\' h ich 1110,,1 of \:l'WZ" ,ll.111d wo u ld h ,1\'" Iw,1I"d about.

()ur Clubroom s \\' ,' n ' f1 oo ,h'd , bu t fortu­n,l t,' ly tlll' rl' W.1S ,'nLlllgh ti l11 e tll c1l'M till'Ilr,lll ch '" C h,'" I"ruck, <m d m,)\ ', ' "onll' s l' ,ln'pM tS.

,\-I,m y nlL'mbl'r" p itclll'd in ,lI1d I're\"('nt,'d~Ub"l ,lJ1ti,l l Illss 10 lh" Ilr,mch,

TIll' floor r,'qu ired n 'build ing ,md thi"nll',mt no nll'dings, 11< 1\\"(" ''' 1', th,mks to till'10,-'11 "peed w ,ly ci u b it W,b ,l rr.lJ1ged t(l holdOUI' ml " ,t ing" o n ,llt,' m ,l te n ihht, tll th" irs .Ittlll' ir c lu b.

"'n' l in t('I"C lu b ~p i r i l )..; n "ll ! 'Il ll\"l'\ ,,'r dl·...; pitl· I"clin in r....cord ,l ll lounh,

"o m",'njo\'" b l" rUI1' h,I\" , ..; till bl ','n 111 .1\1<-. rill'An nll ,1 1 (~,'n"r" l ,\ ho" ting ~,H" ,I ch.lJ1gt' in<.'h,lirl11 ,m . I t ll1 h st.lJlding Ch,lin11,lll J a~ I IMt\\ ,b hMd \\ 'o rk ing ,m d f' 0 I'IJl .1 r. Il is I' " " ition\\',h It1kl 'J1 lip b\" B cHb.U t1 <. ~n l Il 1 ,lr l \' , cl kl'l'ncl u b 111\'111 bl'r.

:\ I.m ( )' l11 d l1 [(lllk ,1\'('1' tl'<ll11 Bru cl' ,\ rd e ll,h ( 'Iul' C" l' t,li n . Ilru,'" m,ll ll' " Ul'" tl1dt ,1 1 1110~ 1

l" " 1"\' 11Hln lh IIll'rl" \\',1 ' ,I r,l lIL to kl'(V tho", '' lil t,))..;" \\,11\''' ''' IlIrn in h , .

Il l l \\' l·u ... r ch Spring hl' hill :"'o h l l' llh' r}~l' In ,l n~ '

111" I11 b"r" r" ,ll i/" tl", 1')1I2 1'.111 l'.l C1fic 1\,1 IlL' i"Pll h ·.l blin k <1 \ , ",1\ - ...o ll'h ItH')..;, fnr\"dn l to ~ (l l n l'

lung .... lllllll ll·r 11I~ht ... ,C :\R I :\:\: I) St\lJ\:D EI\S.

Page 27: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

WellingtonOur Lad ies Rallv which had p revious ly

been postponed due to adverse w eat he r WJSheld o n J clea r su n nv \""l' lIingt o n dJy 10 till'ch'l ighl of organise r,. She ila MJII1l'rs , Threesheetsof in structi on s, one co ns is ting of s t rJ i~ht

lin e n,wig,ltion g u id ed us through the hi llvnorthe-rns uburbs of [ohnson ville .Khanda llahand N gJ io , Need less 10 SJV, the lad v driver swv ro kep t b usv wit h pl en ty of d ou ble d e­clutching and rso- tu rn s and bra ki ng , whil s tthe ma le navigators had th ei r work cu t o u twith e ig h t si len t chec ks ver v s t rJ tl' g ic,l llypos itio ned by Shl'i l,l' s husband Terr y . ,1 ke enrall ies] .

On arrival ba ck J I the Bra nch room s. thejudgi ng of th e cakes which had been baked bythe m ale n,lI' ig,l to rs, took p lac« befo re beingd evou red for af te rnoon tea . W inI1l'rs Wl' rl'd l'cick d wi th Sh irlev Hod ge in Ihl' A7 Chummyt,lki ng the I'JIll McLcan Memoria l T roph y a ndo ur I'unior member. Br,ldl l'y Whin- winni ngth e 1l's l COl kt' JWM d , Sh irll'v now hJS Ihl'hon o u r of se tt ing Ihe "I ', 'nt nl:x t YC'M ,

An interes tin g no n cOl1lp el it il ' l' l' l'l'n tfiddl'd ,1 group of sOl1l l' -th nWl1lb l' rs w ho ,lfll'ra ci tv ,m d s u bu rbs d riv l' iHri " l'd ,1t :'vi r Jo hnB,' II's I11 US" UI1l im d 11ll' ,ll rl' , Till' IllUSl'umco ntJins ,1 I'J sI co llect io n of l'vl'rvd,1\' co lll'l' l­Jb ll's w l' lI s t,lCkl'd in to till' spacl' ,i",li l,lb ll' Jndm ,llit' ink'resling l' i"l \'ing , T he tlll' ,ltrl' h,l Ss tl'ppl'd 5(',l ting , 01 p rojl' c lion roo m ,lnd ,1 s t,lgl'~XPl' s ~:rl'l'n , Wl' , Wl'rl' s ho w n 11ll' g ,'nuinl'

fl ICks Wllh J 11lIxtu rl' of s ill' n l ,lIl d sound11l00'i,'s , firs t sc r,'c'n l'd in Ihc' ,'r,l of our CMS, A~'l'ry i ntl'n's t il1~ l' \ ' l' n t org,lnisl' d by ou r SUCi Cl ICo n l'l' lll' r, Li/, T,w lor , ,lnd ,1 ch,lIlgl' fromco m}w li tivl' m otoring,

Our rl'cl'nl Branch nll'l'tin g fl'a lurl'd ,1" \,."h" l' ls" l'l ', 'n ing w lll'I'l'by u nd l'r Ihl' sUfw r­I'isi o n of ou r SpMl'S ivl,m ,lgl'r Jnh n VVilk ins ,snml' 200 w hl" 'ls ,md rims Wl'r l' lr ,m s fc> rr l'dfrom the Spal'l 's Dl'partnll'n t in to the Br,lIlchrooms, Ihis W,lSd Olll' prinr to IIll' nll'c,ti ng ,1ndnn llr,lnch ni g h t, ,1 record crll w d tu rn ed up 10,15sis t in icit'n li fving th e w lll'l' ls fo r 1" bl'lIi ng ,

A sn l.l llnuni lw r ch ,mgl'd h,mds w h ils t t) ll'rl' l11 ,li ndl'r w,' r,' rel u nll'd t(1 IIll' s p,l r,'s de l") rt­nll' n l. II ,111 so unds r"tlll' r uni n ll'r l'sling, bu tfo r thns<' in l' ol l'l 'd , it W,lS bo th l'n ll'r t,l in ing,1I1d l'l'I\ 'M ding , Now for till' fo lk Mound theco u n In ', if it 's wlll'l'ls vo u ' r, ' ,1ftl'r, 111l'1'l" S ,1 f,)iI'

ch,m(l: We (,m gl ' t vo'u mobi ll' ,I h,ld ,1 p r,'\ 'i, '\1' of ,1 Il)~7 I\ us t in AS((1t

Light 12 /-t Sl'dim whi ch is 11l',H ing co m p lc'­t ion , Th is ( ,H whic h is bl'ing tUlall y rc's lorc'dbv Do ug ll,mks, 11,15bl','n in th e 1l,1nks f"m ilvfor ,1 lmost ils ,'nt irl' li"' , 'I hi s is ,ml'xCl'p tio ll,l lrl'sl o r"ti on of ,1 no t too popu l,H m odl'l ,md tog,llIgl' Ihl' cl,lSS o f work , r<'ll'r b ,K k 10 IIll' CO\'l'rp ho ll l ,m d in s id ,' s tory of Ik ad,'d W Ill'l' lsDl'n'm lw r IlJH7 / },mu M V ]lJHH issu,' w hichtl v ifil's l)oug 's " 'I'l'l of rl'st o r,ltion , DlHlg h ,ldIlll' goo d fortun e to pi ck u p ,1 ge nuinl' w lll'e lfo r Ih is UnUSli<ll ,-.u .lt our " VVhe"'s " nll'" ti ng ,

VV" ,1I'l' ,1g,)in "':ld in g u p to th e ~1U~Y r,)Ile­SC',lsnn \\ 'l lh n ul' i\ lg h t 11'1 ,11 ,m d Son,l l ,lIldCou n lr\, run now h,w ing t,lh'n p l'K l" TIll'A n nu,l[ N m 'em b,' r R,lIlV,md Dilll1l'r is sd 1l'd ­u ll'd for ~rd N'l\',' m lw r' ,1Ild we loo k forwMdto rl' cl'il 'ing l'nlr il' s frum o llll'r Br,lIlch nll' m­lw rs ,

RO il II O DC E,

WellsfordTW""'l' nwn t h ~ ,)go o u r Ilr,lIlc h ce"'br,)tl'd

o u r 10th Bir lhd,w w ith ,) 1',1 1" ', d inne r ,mdshed r,l id till' follow ing d ,,)' , 'Th is occ.1Sio ll\Y <I S () te rr ific SLI(' Cl'S~ \\ ' i th 111<11 1\ ' lnl'n) bl'r~

frum u ther brilll chl's ,lt l,' nd ing, ;0 m uch 50

th,lt it W,lS d,'cid,'d tom,lke il ,m ,lI1n u,)I c,l len­d,lr even t, in till' fo rm l,f ,) \-\ ' in ll' r VVoo llil'sWJnd l'r ,

This vear ,1 go od must e r o f car, o f variousl 'int J ges' assembled in the car park of SheepWorld abou t J km north o f WJrKworlh , Thosewho h,ld travelled anv dis tance wer e able 10purch ase ve ry we lcome refr esh m en ts beforese tt ing o u t o n the mll)' , TIll' car s " up-an­choro d " in a bsolute a trocious co ndi tion s wi thteem ing rai n a nd h igh wind s a nd m ad e the irWJy I' ia till' m ain ro ad on 01 co u rse Mo u nd theWar kw o rth area then ou t to th e coasta l to w n­sh ip o f Sne lls Beach . TIll' g a lla n l local pressarri ved bu t found grea t diffi cu lty Iak in j; p ho ­tos from th ei r veh ic le JS th« cars se t o ff, Theverv int eresti ng exh ib its we re v iew ed ,1 1 th eWJ'rk\\'orth Museum during the lu nch-b reak.Af ter lu nch w« head ed o u t o ver th e KaiparaH ills , Up narrow wind ing metal roads. insu rp ris ing !« good condit io n consid e ring theweather a nd that the Inte rnati onal CM Rallvhad covered some o f th e rou te the w eek endpreviously. Mo s t of the v in tage cars tack ledth is rou te a lthou g l: an eas ie r alt e rna tive w ovwas ava ilab l«. TIll' ra llv e nded In Wells for d .

An exce llen t d inner '\\',lS se rved in th e ev e­ning by th e St Joh n 's Ambu lance lad k-s fo l-


Non M embe r: S12,(}Ofur firs t 40 words or pMtth l' I'l' o f. th e rl',l ft, ' r III cl'n ls pe r word tu ,1m a xim u m uf h3 word s pc'r ,l lil'e rtisl' nll' n l.

Membe r of Vintage Ca r C lu b In c: 5 IlI,1I0 forfir st -to w ords or pM t tlll' rl'of , tlw l'l',lfkr 10Cl'nts pe r word to ,1 m,1ximum of h5 \\'ord s p, ' r<1C"', 'rti s,' nll'nl. :Vll' m lll' rs Illus t Ill' fin ,m ci,ll,1I1d s t,l k' tlwi r bra nc h,

BOX AD: $H,O(} ,'xtr,l to th e abo\'(' r" I,'s ,

FOR S A LE A USTI N I.I CIIT 12 / -t IlJ,, 2RO<1(lsl e r. C u rr l' ntl \' registered ,lft,'r r,'s tor ,ll ion2 yea rs ,1go bullll' l'cis u plH>b krv to I", fin ished ,n U Ilh.'I"lHIS ~p(lrl's , 1I1H1S l hll ,1 1ld r ,lrl' (,(1r, o ffl' rsOl'l' r SH~OO, OO , !'h 0 Ill' Br ucl' (O-t) :n 1:'il)("Ml'mbL'r.

SWA!' OR SEl.L. l lJ2lJ AU ST IN 16 / 6 S,l loo n,(iO";, rc's torl'd, Engi n,', runn ing gl'M, body ,111dOlll' , S-t300, OO, 1\ lso IY2l Bu llnos(' Mor ris , nobod y, bUI lllos l ot hc'r p Mls , need s rl's loringS I2 00 ,Oll, A lso 2 A u sli n Sl' \'el1 s , 1 '! ~ 7 ,

Co m p lete, J'('sto r,llion s tMll'd o n l1l11', lo ls ofSpMl' S(f" " ,b,l b l\' eno ug h for th ird C,H) S 1200 ,1I0lot or \\'i ll SW,lp fo r Vl'tl'ra n bOlll'S, par ts , or,1ny th ing c<ms id,'r,'d , plus h ei tlll'r \\,,1)' ifrl'<]u ir ed , !'ho n l' [)o n !'r,l lt (OlJ) -t7l 01 4lJ,Mem bl' r,

WA NTED, HE AD A N D BARR EL fo rIlJOl) Q u,ld r,lIl t Mo to rcycl e , !'k',l5<' he lp\\'i lh the bS I miss ing I'Mt for Ih is unusu,)i\ '\'I er<1I1 , Ilu \' "r S\\',l p , Co n l,K I L\' nd ,liv1.1d d oc k, l<'lip<1l",' Flills ROMI, RDI ,V\' ,1rk1I'0 rth, !' ho lll' (OH-tb)2:'i7 1-t, Ml'1111wr.

lo w cd by th e presentation of rall y prizes andclub awards for the vear. As usual the cx pcri­ences of th e da v ,,"e rl' di scussed wi th h ig hhum o ur ove r J ft;\\, d rin ks , A sh ed rJid held ontill' Sund a v in c lud ed a visi f to N orm a nd Lind aMaddock . of Kaipara Fla ts , w ho hJ I'" a IMgecollection of resto red m ot o r-cvcles o f variousl'i n lJges and m akes. A barbec ue- lu nch at ameru bers ho m e concluded ,1 vc rv 5 11l'CI'SSfu Iweek end . '

Our A,G ,M, W,lS w ell a ttend ed a nd so mem anagcrnent ch ,mgl's ha ve been made. Weh,1I'e hJ d J go od m us te r o n cl u b n ig h ts , Wehel d ,1 CM di splav eveni ng w hen J nll'mb,l'rb ro ugh t ,llong h is car, gJI 'C' an accoun t 0 1 Itsh ist o ry and e veryone co u ld view and rema rkon the vehicle. We p la n to hol d sim i lar l' l'<'­nings in th e fu ture w ith va rio us m a kes o f cars ,W e al so ha v, other e n te r ta in ing mee ti ngspl anned , to keep our members in terested . 'l lo ngwi th ru ns and vis its,

G ood I'int ,lg p m ot or ing 10 ,111 u nt il nexttime ,


PHOTO AD IN BO X: 515,00 l'x lr,l to ,lbol'l'r,l tc's , Encll)sl' good bl ,K k ,m d w hi tl' o r co l­ou r p ho log raph ,

Abun ' rates apply fur eaeb ad \ er tiseJllent.

il dl 'l'ni"' Illl'nh l11 us l hl' Iyped o r dearl y prillll'd,


Sl'ml 10: T he i\ d\'l' r1 i sill~ Malla~l' r. 1',0, Bo xl.'I -tO ,C1 IRISTC I Il :RC ll.llol lale r lha IlIOthorIllon th prel'l'din~ puh lica tioll ,

I NDI A N PARTS FO R S A LEEngi n,' p,H ts- Cvdc' f1Mt S' N ,O, S, lg n ilio nSwitdll' s ,m d 1'ili l ights , !' ,l r ts to s u it7-t I B, Sco u ts , C h ief s ,lnd some H a rl ,' vp,H ts. Co n t,K t !',l ld 11,1nl's , I' () Box 4,Ilorot iu , !' ho ne (ll7 1) 2lJ'!7-t I Il onw , (071)2-tH2lJB Bus , (071) 2lJ%71 !' ,l X, Ml' lllbl'r.

FOR SALE, A la rge r,lIlgl' o f Mo del T &A p,uts, SUIlll' us c,d MOlh,1A, L<'lus kil O\\'vu ur rl'qu irl' nll'nts, V<'ll'r,lll & Vint ,lgl'C MS Ltd ,l' 0 Box -tl -(lIl'J, M,lIl g, ' rl', !' ho nl'(OlJ) 27S5~ 16, F,lX (OlJ) 2756HH2,


ColensoStreet, Kamo,

Postal: 47 Great North Road,Kamo. Whangarei,




FAXAND PHONE:(089) 4351950 (BUS)PHONE : (089) 4350470 (A/H)

Page 28: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage





LAGONDA 1951 SALOON. Un iq uevehi cle . Aluminium bod y . Aston Marten2.h m o to r. Good inv estment. SJ()OOO.Further information Phone (089) 434341 2o r write C A Cibbs, Tutukak.i , 1\:0 . _, RD,Wh,lngMei .

A N TI Q U E A 1\:[) C l. A SS IC C A RREST( )RArJO NS.Co m plet c restorat ion se rv ice a va ila b lefrom a t rad c s man wi th 34 vva rsexperience in enginecring and sher-trnctaltrade. Th is se rv ice includes m echanica l,al lo y w eldi ng , pa inting, woodwork andbody s kin ing , ne w g UMd s de. All w o rkto co nco u rs s ta nda rd at a re asonabl ehourlv rate, and a ll work b'hlr'lntl'l'd . Alll\n q ui r il' s \Vl' !cOT1H', C u n tar t C ,l r ryI urn o r , 26 11.1It y s Roa d , Hlcn Iw im .Member . '

ALL IiN()[;Ii(J-:S TO :

I!OX 16·J92Cl II(I STCII U!(C11

1'1I0 NIi : (OJ) 496-752


DECE MB ER 29 1990 - JAt , UARY 4 I~~l

,\0 v,~ l..\ J IIL~I,\~ T :.11\)[11 j) ,\ Il:-:'~ 1111....,\ IIGI! 1'1 L\ ' L~ I

() \ ' I,H !OlJ C: \ HS t\I J<F.Al)y ( U ,"" ·IHMED

,.OIU) v-' rOWJ ~ r oun I""rom ~'1 r oeu ra FViUJ Va' H)/IJ) .11 f"0I<J) v,,"

FOR SALE 1932 FOR D ROADSTER VSDELUXE. l.e Baron hood, k',ltl 1<'rse a ts . .:; Yl'M ion to h ig h s tand a rd . 1\ve rv f,lSt, ra rv ,1Ild d,'sir,lbil' vehi c le .S,' r lo us c nq ui ri cs Phone (04) 79 (,844 .M,'mb,'r.


WA NT ElJ , Rigid F-B Fa lco n parts . ReM guard ,too lbo x. C a rri r-r, footrests. Speedo Drive.Sta nds e tc . Pho ne (03) 885.,42, l l-J RookwoodAn', C h ris tc h u rc h. Member.

Your Hosts:Ses & Bcvcr ly England

Special oil season rates toV.c.c. members,

WANTED BY ENTHUSI ASTA ny v eh.iele 1900 through to ]940 OpenlConve rtib le / Se d a n.Restored or need in g restoration. restoringto be dune in N.Z.Detai ls w ith phot os to: HJTCc/ - Bead ed WheelsI' 0 Box 13 140C h r is tc h u rc ho n beha lf o f: H)TC1400 Cove 11 Pla ceI\ Pt. 62ll.Sa ras o ta, Florida 34242 US A


On ly 500 Metres from FerryTermina l but away from the

hustle & bustle of town traffic.

Both fami ly units and smalldouble units ava ilable. Plenty

of parking space .

Boat cruises or scenic toursarranged .

33 Devon Stree t,Picton

Phone 36-784

M A G N ET O ' S SER V ICED, Co il srewound . All types ca te red for . Enq u irc isto Coil Winding Se rvices, Hu pcnui Road ,G rey town , Ph one (0553) 49466. Member.

PISTONS, Valves ,G u id es, Shell Bearings,Timing Gears , Sp ro c kets a nd C h a in sava ilab le for m ,ln y Vint age and C lass icEng ines . Co n tac t Ceo rgc Ca ld cr, 307H oon Ha y Road , C h ris tch u rc h . Ph one(ll3) 33853'72. Member.

$25,50 each plus pack & pm l $2..20.'55.00 refundable upon receip t orusable upper plate.


j2I:Poffl'1t lidt :cg~

(rtittf MODEIl'>; HlIlIJ ,\

l l'.'EIlIIIS·lll lIIl'-IOR1'.0 . Box -I3-(xN, Mengcrc PLATEPhone: 0'1-2755316. ~

::': ~ ::~-.I~::~~ JlT ~~-, ./~<,CO '>; I>E'>;SO IlS Jl

In.... lalh just the ~ ~sa me as the o ld one! 0 ~_ .J U.'i1 uuach pigtail (mm , / ,.the 1 00~ :cr plate 10the pouu-. ~-.. . \ \Sel pouu gap 10 ,0 IX . ,022, . "cb .l ~ \ \and time as you nonnally would . ~~ .:~:\ ',

WA NT ED for 1923 Will vs Knight Ro,ldslL'rMod e l 6-1, C hass is fr,lI11l:, AxIL'S, VVheels 24"S p r in g s . C o n tac t Bi ll S kL'ggs. Ph one (IU )2 1287 86 o r wri te 6 1 Su ir SI, mu ff. Membe r.

BUY DODGE DD IlJ" Wire wheel s andhubcaps. Con tac t la n La m b, 2lJ God m a nSt, C h ris tch u rch 6, Phone (03 ) 8560<)8.

. Established 1950 -


Pistons, Bearing Valves. Oil Pumps. Gaskets.

We are linked to several overseas new partssuppliers.

If YOU have anynew parts surplus to yourrequirements, wewill lis! them for you,

Approved AA RepairerPHONE(03) 667-463

Fax (03) 667-462344 St Asaph StreetChristchurch

SELL CHEVROLET CONFEDERATEB.A . 1932. Faith full y rest ored desirabletou ring Sedan Fishe; body . Reg . W.O .F.So me spares. Ccnu inc enq u irics to : O wenPr end e rgast . RD3, Ranfurly . Ph on e (03)4444 664 .

SELL 1926 C HR YS LE R PHA ET ON .C o m p rises o f C hass is, Engine , Gearbox .D iff. (H yd rau lic Brake Model). C o w l andW in d scr een Post s, 4 G ua rd s, 2 Va lances .1 Door, Ta n k, Headl ight Sh ell s, Stee r ingC o lu m n , 2 Re ar Wheel s . Id e a l forSpe eds ter orSpecia l. Co n tac t Les Pearson ,P 0 Box 970, C h ris tch u rch . Phone (01 )8813 16.

FOR SALE. Bonnet Webbing se ve ra ls izes, authentic wiring, high ten sion lead7m m & lJm m , fabri c wire covering m,1I1Ys izes , s ta in les s s tee l co nd u it, C as TankScaler, Silico ne Brake Flu id , Whitewallclean er, all th ese items available fromVeteran & Vintage Cars Ltd , P 0 Bo x4300 lJ, Mangcr e . Phone (09 ) 275 53 16. F,lX(lllJ) 27568 82 .


WRECKERSN.Z. Major Distributor of:

Old Auto Rubber +Peter Jackson Replacement

panels - Australia• Body Hardware• Specialised Rubber Products• Body Weather Seals• Rust Repair Panels


Catalogues available $7.00Address: Private Bag, Raetihi

Phone (0658) 54151Showroom: Horopito,N.Z.

Page 29: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

·11.1.PRiers I'Cl o.s .r

BLn 'Of ' ·REI<;tf l'


SPECIFICATIONS IB E 4 Plye E 4 Ply[J E 4 1'IyB E 6P~1

B E 6 Pr/13 E 6 PlyB E 6 PlyrJE 6 PlyII E 4 1'Iy


'710 ;(oo760 , 90730 , 1 08 15 < 05875 .,105820 < 120880, 120A'S , 135

30 , 3' ,





Crankshaft Counterbalanced

And Fully Ground.....$445 .00


your CRANKSHAFT...... $360.00


Engine Vibration





BC ICK Worbhop M.1l1U<1b fors.IiL' \lJ]lJ - IlJ2h-l .m d h cv lind c-rs . Phone (0:;:;] ) hLJ l2 1.

W/\ N 1EL)V[I.OCE I I E Rigid V·I.lL l '.nh . RL'.1I'fr ,1 I11L', tin«. Pn-<.) 1) rear \\'hL'L'\. /\nl' othe -rit. -rn -, ,m,, 11 111' I.n g" . !':I'L'11 lIl m p lctL' \ 1;\<.; /,vl<' lV .111\' I L'oH 11.1 1'L' ,;· 1.1I1k to r ';""11""IWIT<' (irn SS'i ]-l 2, I S Rl1ok \\' l1l1d Av« .C hr i,;td Hl rch. Me-111bc r.

• Restorations to the higheststandards

• All work by qualified enthusiasttradesmen

• Progress reports and photorecord of your restoration

• 1year mechanical and6 year body warranty

• Panelling handcrafted insteel or alum inium

• Bare metal respraying toconcours standards

• Accident repairs, rust removal

F() I~ Si\ LE DUDeE Bro tlwrs, St.1I1d .u d Si\Sed .m ,SL'r iL's I -lO. Rt.'st"re'd . C""d run ne-r. \\,,,11,;hlld , u n ru a rk vd interior. l1l'l 'lb 1' ,'p.1int in g.Monc v l1l'l 'lh'd for othe-r 1' l' , tOI'.>t i lln,;. S:;:;OIluno . S·po1l'l''; . C o n t.i rt U III' Lavth.i rn .Pho n« (Il.l )-l7h-lHI6. Mc-mlx -r.

[)U ~VEC t\j',; RA LLYUT;\CO BRA N CH ;Vl l1torcvc l" R.111vI l)l j iJ ve-nu e is /\ L1, XAN D R';\ .1-\' '' L'kL'nd hth - 7th Udl1llL'r Jljl)()En trv lo r rn-, tro rn R.1111' Sc'crL'toH l' [o hn;\ l lu'm , :;O I I.l\\'I ho l'lll' A n 'lHl L', D linL'din .

• Bead blast ing and metalpolishing service

• Engine, transmission,suspension recondition ingClassic car racing preparationWOF issued. Tune-ups,mechanicaland electrical repairs

• Detailing and valet. Lubesand tyres

• Importers of classic car parts• Agents for Koni shocks, Lovell

springs• Mobil 1 synthetic oil, trans oils,

grease, racing fue ls

THE SPORTS AND CLASSIC CAR GARAGEWe have moved to our brand new workshop at 28 Manuka Street Taupo. If you owna classic, vintage or sports car, please call on us. No job is too big or too small.

PHONE PETER OR KEVIN WALL, 074 857278 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday

8 a.m. - Noon SaturdaysAfter Hours : 074 82386 or 074 86338

Page 30: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

WANTED for Su nbea m Mot o rcycle 1925. 26"x 2 1/2" beaded ed ge tyr es . Ace ty lene lightingse t or parts o f especia lly head lam p , Pet roltank a nd petrol ta nk ca p 1 7/ S" di a . Any otherSu nbea m parts or in for m a tion . Please co n tactC lifto n Whall , 151 Kid so n Tee, C h ristch u rch 2.Phone (03) 3370792.

W ANTED for Whi ppet 96A To u rer: " finger tipcon tro l" unit and linkag es for adva nce /re ta rdete. radia tor cap, hea dl ightlen se, inst ruments,fro n t bumper , hood bo ws, tourer panels a nda ny oth er 90A par ts. Please con tac t Ste p he nBu tche r, Kat atane Co ttag e, RD9, Mast erton .

SU RP LUS VEH IC LES: Ha ving mo ved fro mtwo acr es to 1/ 4 ac re so me th ing has to go : 1928C hev ro let tru ck , 4 s peed , 4 wheel b ra kes ,rest ored ten yea rs ,lg0 but not used fo r last fiveyea rs. This is s to red a t Me thven 52000 - 1949!{ove r 75 o rig ina l cond ition in regul M r,1l1 yuse R & W 55000 - 195] Rove r 75 Repli ca o f [el1 Sport R & W $2000. Co n tact W Sco tt. Phon e380S] Picton . Me mber.

FO RD 1')70 Tran sit Ca m pa-Va n Vo mot or.La rge aluminium bod y. Cam p ing fu rn itu reC,1I1 easi ly be removed . Id eal for takingmotorcvcles to Ra llv-, ,m d th en ca m p ing in.Power, Fro n t d isc b ra kes, well shod, full ycarp e ted . s te reo casset te R & W S35110. Phon e3808 1 Picton. Me mbe r.

INANT ED Rc,ir br a ke dru ms for 1% 0 DodgePion ee r. Dru ms are 11" d ia . 5 s tud in 4 1/ 2"P.C.D. I.att cr n . W heel bea ring in d rum . Dod ge .De So to, l'l vmout h 5')-02 s ho u ld be th e sa me.Con tac t [{ ' McCo nl1l'11, 3') Oku ra Rive r Rd .RU2, Alb.inv. Ph o ne (04) 4047445. Mem ber.

AUST IN : Wirin g loom ki ts ma d « fo r ,111 IlJ.14­47 mo d els . co tton b rai ded fin ish ; se nd S.,l .l' .for lis t-, o f o the r IWW Sp Ml'S - pi st on s, va lves ,g" s keh, sl'.l ls, lin ings , e lec tr ica l. e tc. s ta tl'mod e l; h.m dh ook» and pilrts lish c,1t.l log ul';fresh in fro m U.K. h\' I2/ 4 & lo/ f> fabri c /rubber u / j's at SlJll.OO l';Kh pl us p&f" 1'.w.s.. I'o Bo x 157, Tak .m in i. Auc kland . Iv embe r.

FO R SA LE MO DEL 1\ l UDO R Il)2lJ nio-l vres to red, ge nu ine reas o n for rel ucta n t s.l ll,.Phon e- (1l4) 764235 cv cn ing- ,

W I\ NT EI) "vl C TC, MC[[) m MC 1"1' 1\ 1l\'

co nd itio n . l'hone To n \-ludig , (04) 1>84838. .

" l) UN EU!:V S 4XO A UTO SPEC I N .: ULA Rw ill be held on 8th Dl'cl'm bl' r, IlJl)O a t Forl'l's tl' rI'M k s tdl'tinelu.un . Vis itor s fro m th e i\o rth,turn left ,11 tow (;,nd l'lb, trave-la bo u t 5km .indf<, lIow till' s ign . So u thern vi si tor- fo llovv tl1l'o ru- \\ '<w stree t 10 th e C .lrdl'ns .i nd go s tr" ight,111l'a d .· For fu r the r in fo r rn.u ion o n th isSW,1p ml' et /Ca r Show . W rite to I' 0 Bo x IOLJ! ,Dune-d in."

FOR S A LE 1925 DODGE S EDAN.[{est or l'd to mo tnr ing co nd ition, so mew ork to be co mpleted . 58000 o no . I'mfurther informa tio n co n tdct And v Wi lk il' ,Ph on e 0,l m Mu 43456 11 m A.I I '434lJ7lJ1

FOR SA LE 1938 HUDSON 112 Sedan .Fu lly rl'st ored ill immacul ,ltl' con d ition .Reg isll' rcd . W .0 . fo . 500 m il l'S si ncefin is hed . "ViII d rive an ywher e. C,'n u ilwreason for s,l le . I'h illl " (02H4) 79 IIWestpo r t. Mem ber .

M O NSTER SALEBOO KS & LITERAT UREO LD MOTO R BOOK S wi ll be a t Mcl.eansIsland ]990 aga in thi s ye ar w ith lOO's ofo ld a nd rar e Boo ks cove ring mos t ma kesa nd m od el s , in cludin g" Po sters &co llectab les , See vo u at Sitc ] 13. Anyenqu iries Ph on e (Oi 5 ) 6624lJ, Ray Trca no ro r 284 O tu moctai Rd . Tnuranga . NewZea la nd .

W I\ NTED URC ENTLY. 1\ co mp lete Nacellefor a ] ')50-58 Tri u m p h T h und e r b i rdm ot o rc ycl e . Co n tac t David Sp a r row . 35Deha villa nd St, C h ris tch u rch 4. Pho ne (03)495H70. Membe r.

FOR SA LE 1')23 FORD T TO U RERS (2). O nefull y res to red ,m d in e xce llen t co nd itio n w ithRegn a nd W.O .F. The o the r is an o lde rrestorat ion a nd requi res a littl e wor k. Enq u iriesPh one (09) 4105LJ86. Mem be r.

FOR SALE. A IMgl' ra ng e of v in t,1g"tyr es & tu bes av.u lab lc no w fro m Ve tera n&: Vintage CMS Ltd . I' 0 Bo x 430()l),Man gcrc. I'h one (OLJ ) 27553 16. L1X (OlJ)2756882.

FUI{ SA l. E IY36 I\UST IN 7 IWIlY . fo u llyrvst ured to origin,l l co nd ition . Lots of sp ,ucp,1rh includ ed . Fo r mo re d l'la ib con tac t A CBlack . hH b ,lb ell,l St. In\'l 'rcMg il!. Phone (02 1)7311<). Mcruhcr.

BEDFORD C.A . POP TOPCAMPERVAN . Eng lis h ,lSsl'mb k'd firs tN.7.. 1%8 . W.O T R l'g i ~t l' rl'd . I:.,s\'s t,Htl' r. \Vircd for power. Sll'l'PS fou r.C;,lS s lo \'l ' e tc. C I,lS~ iL Offers Co u lbcck.TU,l Ma rin .i. Hk-nlu -irn . 1'11ll1ll' (05 7)2'i'>38.


A UTO CO LLECT O R A UCTIONSu nd ,l\' 14th OctoL1L' r Il)l)O ,It 2p l11Il l'ld ,1t till' Q Ul'l'ns town Mo tor ~vlu,, 'u nl

25 13rl'co n 51. Q Ul'l'ns to\\·n .Entn' to Au ction bv C" t,110gul' lHl lv.C l ta log ul's ,1\'<1il,1b l" ,1t S'i .OO l'.lCh .I'h ollt' o r F.lx lo hn T,w lnr 10.'\) 442H7TiQ.:vl.r-...t .(1'.5. Q Ul'l'ns to \\' n Stn 'l'l [{,It'l' S,ltu rd,l \'13th Ck tobl' I· .)

FO RSAL E AUST IN 7 ]lJ.'\O.Co rn p let« car . rea rpa rt o f bo d y mi ssin g . Su itab le rl~sto r .l t i on orspec ia l. ~ 1e,1pSo fSPMl' part- ,~ .lOOO o no . I'h. IIW

Ilill Dur ling , (067) 84244. Ne w I'lym ou th .

"vl0 TO RCYC I.ES WA N lE D. Post Vint ,lgl' /C I.lss ic Ilri tish Mot o rr vcle o r Vint,1ge / Vete ra nAm e ric an . Shou ld be co m p le te Co nco u rsp rc fcr rcd . C l' n u in ,' Bu vv r. Sou th Isl ,1I1d"v1,lChi lll's c,m Lw v ie w e-d. W ri tl' to Ala nCood \\i ll, I' 0 Box 1012.l, ll' Rap " , l l.imil ton .

FO R SA l.E Il!3lJ :v1 0RI{IS 14/ 6 Sl' ril'S III O H VS,l loo n. Rl'COllditi ol1l'd e ng inl' .m d clu tch," tll i ll l ll ,,~ l' Xhll l1st svs tc-m. s un xhinc rp of,g,'n u inl' h:;:;OO m ik-.. Attr .uti ve. qu,1lity l·M.Reg ,1I1d WOI'. Dri\'l 's c.iu tifu llv. I{ Ed ruonds.St And rcw« , RD4.Bll'nlwi m.l'h oll t'(O';7l8504.'\.Mem ber.

FOR Sf\I .E IlY [E~[)E1{ : DKW A ut o Un io nC lI·. [lJhO ,l f1 p ro x. Juni or , 7'iOcc two ~ t ro kl'

l' l1gin l' , u lIn p lv tl', 2. d uor. SOIlH' rl' ~t t )J\lt i lln

- t.ntcd . rcqu irv-,fini ~h ing or ,1 ss<'mbl v.C·, -nt.icti \ T ('0 11 ins . 282 I{d , K"i .' po i. I'hon « (0.1)2789')lJ.

\-V A Nll:! ) to ", ' m p ll'l l' 1<)2LJ "vl lO J\ I ~ ; :;00f'r ,1Il1L' , Rl'.lr Wh l,,'1 ,lIld ,'ngill l' p l., tl'S. l'k',ls"con t,ld I'e rc\' Ru 111 bil' , I Bel ~l.' .l \ ·i s l'I,ll'l' .() pu tiki . .

!\lJ .A I{ I> I",rh ",.mkd. Il)47 tu 19:;3: C rilll' ,Hubc"pS , Bumpl'r,; et e. 1\ lsu bUlh , s ll'c'ringtlnd s ll~pl'n~ i l) n p ~Hb , C Ol1sidl\r (lHn p ll' tl' ( IH

(lny condi tion. ,\ Iso llpprccillh: info fl ll.l tilll l on(li P': cars, (111 \ ' cunditioll su h isto r.v (.111 beCllill pilL'd. 1\ II<11'd C lr C lu b, .~8 Furd ycl' A\'c ,I'a kur .mg" , I\ uckl,m d . I'hullt' (OLJ) :;/17:;118.

Page 31: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage


r .o. Box 970, Chris tchurch

Brand new $199.00 eachshocks avai lab le

T RAV EL AND HOLI D AY SC o in g to Eng la nd ) Camper V,lIl S .mdMotor Hom es ,1t vcrv I'l\l~t.Hl"blL' {'" tes.Sm.ill friend ly A ng lo Kiw i Business. Kiw ill i rc . Th e Llun g,l low , Ro tlu-rwa s ,I lcreford . Eng l,lIl d H IGhlY . Forbrochun­Chol1L' Hug h Andl'rs"n , Ham ilton (117 1)IJo50 .


MOTELS105 Roydvale Avenue,

ChristchurchPhone 585-119

Spacious family units . quie tse lli ng, nex t cloor

to Russley Hot el and

Golf Cou rse.Onl y 2km from

Airport.Nea rest motel co mplex

la Mclea ns Island .Specia l off sea son

rates to V.C.C.

members.Proprietors: Errol and

Kathryn Smith.Member V.e.e.

FOR SA LE Two Bris tol 20 C raw ler T rac to rs145 0 's . Two I riurnph Renown Sa lo (J11S ]950.TW(J F(Jrd ['rl'fe cIs . II L',l pS of Sp ,HL'S 1950 's .All is Ch.i lm ors T r.i c tor 19 411 And c rso nSt,l tio n<1ry Eng ine. Tw o VW 1200c L' Motors ,U OOcc Engi n e pa rt s . Morri s Minor Blo ck LHll1udf,u'lfd head lamp. radi.ito r, s u r ro u n d ,sc u t t c , t,lIlk , inst rurucnt t'lnl'l. J9JO. Ji l11Anriorxon : Phone (07 ) HH.'K . 4.1. Member.

W A NTED for 1929 C r.i ha rn 1'.1ig L'. Radi.itor.ex te rio r door h a nd I" ,.;, SpMl' w heel ca r' ,l rbox . ot h,'r ";f<1r,'s cons id L' rL'd. Con tac t Mi kc(0.') :J51HH J2 . Iv ember.

W ;\ N TE!) - Corg i. p lus W l' lIb ikl' or parts .Also dos<' ratio g l' ,lfbox for H3 1 .ind petrolta n k for 1l)54 -SR Ariel Sq u ML' Fo ur. l' hnn e (0.\)HJI9 72 . N ic k Dawb er, 54 C h .H tw L' 11 S t ,Christchu rch. 9.

S100.00 set

$48.00 each


Shock link kits

Arms fron tand rear

C ;\ RBU R ETT O R RECl ) N DI TI O i'siI N CSE RVIC ECa rb ure tto rs - Fuel Pum ps- Autov.ic Un its- Cl'nl' r ,l t" rs and S tarter Mo tor» d e.reco nd itio ned . Also manut.utu rc of KingPins .ind Bushl's - Sh ,lCklL' p ins .in d bushesd e. ,l n d o th e-r \1.Ht S.Merv W ,ll'lll'i' , 10,1 C 1l'stl'r I{O,ld , r,lW,l .Phone (04) .' 2HH57 Bus . J25 5J2 ;\. 1-1.Me-mber.

If yo ur old shocks appear to berestorable. send them in to LIS forrestorat ion .


FORD PARTSFalkners Garage

(Since 1956)Brian Falkner, Prop.

Large stocks of new, rebuilt , sec­andhand parts for Ford V8's up to1977. Please send S.A.E. for yourrequirements to 184 Clyde Street.

Island Bay, Wgtn.

Telephone 837-558


W i\ i\:T ED TO BUY for 19., 7 Morr is . 12 / 4s id elig h ts, t,li1l ight and in tc-n -st ed in a ll in terio rparts. Wc :ild consid er co m p lete l',H with g oodbodv - 1l1 l'Ch,l n iL-'l ls incicil-nt ,l l- ,1 lso intL'rL'st,'dill 1029 DC' So to Tourer bod v pMls. I' h"IlL' (Ob)Hb7S05:1 . C " llc'c t. Member

DODC E BRO I H ERS IL)20 Tourer For S,llL' .Tw o L' h,lss is, onL' in comp letc bod v b L', 'ntru cked . Both wood and di sc \\'lwl'ls wit h ,1lotof spdrl's . vVis h to sel l dS "ne lot S1200. I'h"I1L'l Io rlnr (09 ) 4 I()9.J3H i\ uckl,md . Member.


'28-'48~. . ::;:..~. I

: . . .)

I W A N T TO BUY a Twin Cvl ind er llMWMotorcycle' - p n ' 1940 - tobe ridden inVin t,lgl' Even ts. Pn-Ie r res tored o r goodoriginal co n d itio n . Con tact C. De langl'n ,RD J , N ga ru a w a h i,l . Phone (07 1) 24H677C o llec t.


Hoc Riccarton Road.Chrisichurch

Telep hone «()J) J4 H-42J 7

'OLD AUTO RUBBER'Plus a ful l range

of accesso ries

1954 C HEV ROLET 210 M O D EL. BlueF1 ,1I11l' moto r. tid v co n d it io n. C OL'S IVL'II.Trail er loa d o f Sri .Hl's. Service man ual .Book o n ModeI I. D.,1I1d s pecifica tio ns o n,111 Il)54 Models, Rl'gd and W ,irr ,lnt. S:;OOOono. rOJ11 Criffen , .' J Pi tl St. Run,lnga ,\"h'st CO,lSt, So uth Is la nd . Phone 27HJOC rev rn u u th. Member.

WA NTED Engine for ,1 V o locct tv L Emoto rc y c le or co m p le te bike. Also anyinformation on Pierce Arrow and Hend crson4 cyl. vet era n moto rcycles. Hans Com p ter. I' 0llox40n , K,lJ110. I' ho n l'{OH9)4 J 5260H. Member .

FO R SALE - Motorr vc los . ' :;2 500c c C l)M" tc hkss tw in . l { l~ s t l l r L' d n L'.H como ur s.reg istL-rL'd . ~4000. '5 1 J5 0cc ,vl 16S ;\ IS s ing lL'rc.idv for ,1sSCl11 b lv . $20()(). Pl u s SOI11l' /\ MCSp.Ht,s . Writ L' toJ25 Main Ro,id . fl o p" , Nelson .

WA N l ED W illv 's Kn igh t s k'L" ', ' -",l"'L'l'n gill L'for [927 / 2H F,l lco n Knig ht. H,m s C Ol11 p tL- r , I'o Box 402.1, K,1I11l1 . I'hom- (OH9) 4J 5200H.



Telephone M. O'Neill 892-407 Bus. 798-653 A.H.

For every aspect of wire wheel repair



We HaveMoved

Page 32: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

FOR SALE 1957 VA UXIIi\l.L VEl. O X. Run svvcl l . Sp,ll:l' d ill dri\ 'l'sh ,li t, gl'<lrbux 99" "co m p le tl'. 5h DO o no . W,1n tl'd ,1IlV p M tS orinfo rm a tio n tor 1')-17 C Sl'l'i l'S Ro v,11 En fie ld .Pho ne To n v H irkc rv. (01) -1-11'6051' Ak-x.i nd r« .Membe r. . ..

. Established1950.




Approved AA RepairerPHONE (03) 667·463

Fax (03) 667·462344 SI Asaph SI Chrislchurch

InsaPremierby Goodyear500-19 $135450-21 $135

}21'"'"til" Iftft { ' >-// 11)(: L(' j(1


JjrutontBlack500·19 $145450·21 $151

1'.0. Box 43-009 MA NGEREPH O N E: 09 - 275-5316

FAX: 09 - 275 6882

Largest stockists of FordModel T & A Parts in NZ,

£lily uni]: confidence[nnutilepcoplc whoknou-.

FOR SALE 1930 CHEV CO U PE. Th isC o lo n ia l Bod v C o u pe is o ffe red forre lu cta n t s,lle . nothi n g to be spe nt , read vto Ra llv. w ith sp,lres.SI?iDDD o no , Sl' lw vi,E\'l' rl't 't, 1-11 Ro lles lo l1 Sl. ){,lk ,l j,1. l'hon«(D1) 1D27 1l9, Me m ber.

ivlO TO RCYCLE PI\ RTS W,lIlted . 13SI\ Sloper3 speed 11l',1\'ywl'igh t gl'~ rb()x or geMs. AJS192 7 500cc O HV barrel o r co m p le te motor.l.ycctt c ty pe sp rung p il lion sea t. LUC,lS Thead lig h t or she ll. l.ucas N l s ing k' Ill,l g nel o .G oo d SW,lpS a vai lab le or wi ll b u y . ContactLy nd a Ma ddock. Kaipar» Fla ts Road , RD J,W,lrkw(1 r th . Ph o ne (OH-Ih) 2571-1. Me mber.

MOTORCYC LE PA RTS to SW,1p . N o rt on rearwh r-cl ,l ssemb ly 19-1h- 52 p lunger mode ls:o ri g in.i l Scrvicc Ma n u a l a nd o r ig i na!H a nd boo k fo r Velocctte Vip er, Venom a ndMSS; l.u cas A ltcttc h volt horn; Velocct tclight wl'ight gi r,k r forks ; o r igin~ 1 O pera tio na nd Ma int e na nce H an d bo o k tor Duug las T35 ;orig ina l Hand bo o k for 192'1 AJS. Swap forC hr on o ruc tric m ot o rcycl e speedos in ,ln yco nd itio n or a ny speedo parts . Con ta ct No rmMad d oc k , Ka i p .ua FI,lb Ro ad , R D1 ,Warkworth . Ph one (OH-I6) 257 1-1 . Member.

CI\ RAC E TO LEASE. l.vt tcl ton . A pprox .60D s q. i t. Ex - I1 H'Ch '1I1 ics works hop .Do ub le tilta-d oo r, leve l ,KCl'SS, Il it. Id c'allong term Stor,lgl' I res tora t ion . I' ionc (03)2HH 6 12


Fur Vi nl ,lgl' ,lIld CJ ,lssi c Enginl's ,n'<lil,lbll'fo r manv mo del -, l~ ,& . A ustin, Hui ck , DeSo to. Ch e vr o 1L't , Chrvslcr. Corn m c r.Da i rn le r, Dod g e , [ssex , Fi,l t , Ford ,H illrn an, Hud son . I lu mbe r, l Iu prn obik-,lu tcrn at ionu l. .I,l g ll" r, I'l vl11lluth , MC,Morri s, 1\) ,ls h , Oldsruobil c. Rilcv, Rover.Sing er, St.i nd.i rd. Studebakcr. Tri u m ph .Vn ux h .i l l. Will vs , W oI SL' k \' . Advi-«.mo de l. ye "" , o vc rs izo n -qui rcd ,l n dd i m c- n si o n-, nt or igil1l11 p is t o n-, forid c nt if ic.iti o n . En q ui r ic-, tu Cc 'orgc'C a ld e r , 107 H o o n I-Ll\' I{'hld ,C h ri st c h u rc h . I'h ul1 l' (D,1l' :I .1H ~:l 72 ,


~XourSpecialist 'Denier ill 'l/illta,!les, C(assics, Collectors andOther 'llnusuals.

If')~JlI Can ': 5e(( it!! . 'VIle Call!! ~)~JlI r ;.~nti ."'l'{astic Car' Co.

Unique exciting premises. Security fenced with infra -redalarm. Exclusive showroom with atmosphere of

yesteryear. Commission selling from

"The Company That Cares About Cars"

Now at "The Castle"374 Jackson Street, Petone.

Phone Wgtn. 685-500A/H Roy Guiness

Phone 651-726

Suppling Carriagesfrom the past,of the present,for the future.

W ,\ \!' IED SC flE BI.FR Dl'l .u\l' C a rb u re-t to ror pa rt -,and one s l'l ui Web b g ird e l' i, Irks , I Ll ),Browl'lt. I'O Bux 2101', I) u ned in . '''lcombL'!'.

FO R 5 ,\ 1.10 I{, 'st o red IlJ2h \()(l(kc l Lirh-vD,t\ 'id,, "1 ,1Ild S idc'" h,l ir. Cont.ut I{ l) ,l ll', -lil(lr l11 ,b\' St. 1l' l11l1k ,1. Plw n l' (O~h l 'ilJ,1 Ih .i\'1l'mb,;r,

vV/\ ;'o;TED BUICK 20" M,lS tl'r Whl'l' ls ,1IldRil11 s . 13u\' o r S\\'"I" 11,1\'L' mu-tlv Fu rd bits .Conl.ld Iiur tun l'lh llll' (0::;0) 2297 1-1 , C " IIl'L·!.

Page 33: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

M G M AGN ETT E MK IV 196 7 lfi22e cMo tor. 4h OOO miles onlv and o n e fami lvOWnL'1' u n t il ILJH!' . 1',&' Blu« wi th blueuplllll st erv in llI'ig in,l l co ndi tio n . N L' \\'r.lll i,ll tVI'!.·s w ith 1lL'1V front shocks . Ap r,lCt i",ll cla ssic in I'pry o rigi n,l l o rder .54000 or C0I1S ldl'r s lVa p tor ,1 l l,ISSICMoto rr vcle o r s m a lh -r C,H. (N u m ber p lat «no t incll l(lL-d but I' m 0PL'1l to of fe rs ). Phon eHob Brvan t (OLl) 45 11H6.


Vin ta g e C a r C lu b and o ne-m a ke carclub m e m be rs owning Bri tish ve hi clesof any ase, d esc rip tion o r roadworth y

condi tio n Me inv ited to a tte nd theThird Ca nt erbury A ll British Da y on

28 th O c tober, 1990 . Assemble Ricca rtonMa ll bv 9-30am , pub lic di spla y u ntil 10­

30, (o llowed bv a se ries o f rallies toWa ik u ku Domain . En try fee 55 ,00 pe r

ve h icle, collected on the day . Allproceeds to St [ohns Ambulance .

Org a ni ser: Colin Hey, 5 Bygra ve PI,Christ c h urc h 5.

P IS T O N MAN UFACT U R I N GS ER V IC E. ;\ s we ll ,1 S m.inv St'lI1d Md Sl' tSfor po pula r models o f c,l'rs , trucks andmo tor cyc k-» \\'l' C,1I1 a lso sup p l ~ ' one ott or~L~ ts of P I:-;l OI1 S tu sp L'c ll l 1 dimcnsion«.Co n tact Cco r'-\L' C a ld e r. 307 I loo n H ,1I-' . C h ris tch u rch . !'hollL' (()J ) :n SS.' 72.Mem b«r.

E. Parrot t& Son LtdFor :* Sales and Repairs* Speedo Testing & Call ' ~ '

* Auto Inst r ument Repair S* All serviCing carried out by fully t r ained


352 St Asaph StreetChristchurch

PHONE (03) 669-554" /F (' fIu l a SlIl i{ (' Oil your dial""

WA NTED 1946 C HEV 1/2 To n Pickup , ReMfenders a nd ru n ning boards. Als o fro n t fe nd ers,doors , cab a nd bodv p ar ts for sa me. (1941­I94fi). Run Misa, 116 Balmoral Rd , A uckland 3.Pho ne (09) 60S3fi5. Member,

FO R SAL E V ET ERA N 1914-1 :; H U M BER 141-1 1' Chassis. front ,1XJr' , s tee rin g, 2 m otors, 2radiato rs, bonne t, 2 gearboxe», d iff, brakes,lights d e. N o bod v. 1924 Cha nd ler parts . Lis tavai lab le . Phone Br uce [on es (02l) 7B244 o rw r i te 144 M clvlastcr SI. l;w L' rcMg ill. Member.

. Established 1950 ­


Kingpins, layshafts. grinding of newparts, gearsand bearings.

Driveshafts and axles manufactured andrepaired.

Crack Testing,Dynamic Balancing.

Brake. clutch and lIywheel resurlacing.Bead blasting.

Approved AA RepairerPHONE (03) 667·463

Fax (03) 667·462344St Asaph Street, Christchurch



FO R SALE 1911 FO R D MODEL TTou rL'r. l.L'ft ha nd d rive. This e xt reme ly.ittr.ict ivc .i nd verv rnntor.ibl« (\H isOfiL'I'L'd fo r s,l IL' .i t 'ST'illOll, For fur th erdc t.ii ls p le ,l s l' co nt .irt I' ,lul C IM k.l la rnilto n Phone (071 ) 395 192 Bus illL'sS llr((171 ) fi2737 H om e.

In ~ t { ~l" k iH k l il rri\' ing ~ (l()n , 11lll St i t l' ln ~

rL'qu in'd for restor,l tio n; ­, H oodbow Sets, D eck S tr ips" Rear G ua rds, Si ll P la tesEnq u ir ies \\,e\cllm l'.I' l) 13,,, LJ70, C hr is lLh u rch ,

FO R SA LE M O RR IS M I NO RC O N V ERTIB L E 1956. Com p lc t cg ro u nd u p rL'stor,lt ion IYHfi . , /\ 11 part-.rep laced w ith new whc r« po ssib le. -lth III

c1,lSS lntc rm.irq uc Concou rs 191'7 vVillllL'rVe L' Co nc o u rs ( I'WV Se ction} 19!<L) .Rei i .i b l .- .m d cc o no m iC,l J mo to ri ng ,Reluc t,ln t s,lle' owing to o till' I' resto r,lt io nprojec ts , Price S 12000 . includ ing 111,lIl ysp ,m~s . (' ho lle (1l502) 144fi5. Member .

FOR 51\LE 19M RELI A NT REC ;\ L Th reL'W heL' led car. T idy origi na l co nd ition . Mo torneeds work , Sp are mo tor , W'Mbox NOS p artsinclud ed . 46000 genuI ne mi les, WOF. Regd .Workshop m a n ual .md pMls lis t inc lud ed .Rare C,H. S2000 o no , Phone (0653) 25H32,Dannc v ir ke.

HI LLM A N 10 1947 59000 m iles . 5till has theori ginill pain t.ML'chan icallysou nd,dril'l'~we ll ,

A complet e CM for L',lSy restora tion. 52800.Pho ne (OJ) 859 8fiO. Chris tchu rch.

W A NTED MC. ENC IN E Block s) 2 (O .H .C) TF1500 (XPE C ). MC lite rat ur e - 1930 's Co mba t,C ircu it Du s t, G ra nd Prix, 1940 's Wh eelspin .more W hec lspi n, anything, MC toys Diecas t,T in p la te de. C o n tac t C Ful to n . 4 Rye 5 t,Oarnaru. Phone 49M 5 C o llec t. Member.

,- - - - - - - - - - ---








Phone (063) 790MB

K i f tn ctoct o «t o r: A N D C O M I ' I<t H EN SIV F INSII<UCTlO NS


ATTEN T IO N ALL V ET ER A NOWN ERS199 1 D U N ED IN T O BRI C HTO NVETE RA N R/\ LLYWhy no t a tt en d N e w Zea la nds oldestVe tera n Ra lly .. C o m e a nd joi n us on theDun ed in to Brigh ton Run, 9t h February,199I.Enquiries to : Secretar y, 158 Ta ier i Road ,Dun ed in .

These 10 Litre Kits a re avai la b le inSatin Nicke l Finish

5148 inc l G ,S 1. and P & P

Semi Bright Nickel Finish5168 inc : G ,S 1. and P & P

CHRYSL ER 1937 Str,l ig h t S i\ ir flo \\' Conw ursCI lnd iti o ~l , O tl.1"".lh ,m rL'p ,l in t ,lnd Ill' \\' c,l rp L'tsth ,s l 'l'hI Cll' Is 111 0 1"1 g 111,1I co nd ,t1(' n , H,lSI"' l'r dri l'l' 5<'1"1'0 I\ ss t br,lkL's . Bu ilt in Re I'Co u n tL' r. Don,' a p p rox IlHIOO mile's s inceco m p "' tL' mo tor o \'L' rh ,n d . N L' \\' r,ld iator ,br,lkes fu ll\' d OIlL' ,m d 1lL'\\' whi tL' \\, ,1 11 t lTl'S.r h is is possibl v till' o n l\' DIlL' on till' I'll,id inN e w ZL',11,lIl d . Pri ce S45000 . Cont,lcl N ' lL,1Bl'L'croi! , Phone (0]) HH13H7 I'ri , ·. HY77 I;:; BusC h ris tc h u rL"!l C o lle'd . ML' nl l", r,

rem SA LE 37 O LDSMO BILE fur restorationm PMts. Also so me 4 1 l"lCk,Hd C lippor pa rts.Phonr (07 1) 294739 .

WA NTED 192 7-2 1' C1 IEV Wooden SpokcdRL',HW heL' 1fm 30 rw t truck . I\lso int er est ed ino tllL'r flM ts includ ing, 1927 hL',ldl ig h ts b uc ketsor rim s . A lso p ,lr ts tor 1<)27 CI1L'I ' RO,ldsler.Phone (07 1) 294 739.

FO R S/\ LE 19] !' M O RRIS HSPORTS co m p le teand in good co nd itio n but unrc -stun-d. S9500ono. For dd,li ls wri te to " Dig ", 5fi Ken t S t,Pirlon . Phone (057 ) ., 7007.

PO :'-!TI ;\ C SED /\ N 19,0 fi Cvl indor. lwin SiLkm o un tc d wi re wh ools , 2 10 C.ll o wner s .overha uled m oto r. Done 200 0 mi les s ince .Excc lk-n t co nd i t ion. Rq~i st ,' red .m d ne wWO ,F. S ISOOO fi rm . Phon e (0]) HH~ SHO

Chri st church . Vlember ,

W A NTED TO BU Y MODEL A Roads ter o rA ustin C h u m rn v . Bot h mus t be in top condi tio na nd fully rest o red , C 1.;;h Buye r. Aus tin Bi!; 71939 Parts required , Complete Diff and alsoRoo f Bows. Ph one Ham ilton (071) 49 74SLJ .

Page 34: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage



We s toc k a 1,1rgl' r,ln g l' o f 2nd h,1I1d pa rt s.both mechanical and bod v pa rts . 1\ 11

re aso na bl y p rice d .

Wc hnvc g ood s to cks of new l'.n~ i nl' parts,Pist ons , !{\I1g s , Valves and G Uid es d e

and good s toc ks of e lec tr ica l partsincluding our righ t hand d rive looms.

N o w in s tock, D iffy a .id Cea rbo x o ils , 1·10a nd 420 El' , so lu b le o il s u ita b le for m ostra d ia tors a nd 30 / 4D Engine Oi l: C as tro l.

I' 0 Box LJ7DC h ris tc h u rc h

A us tra li.u . Mail O rder C u s to mers :Vin tage FordJohn Po r ter

ILJ Wood s to ck A vcTnringa.

Hrisbanc Q ld .·H16RAus tralia .

Ph one: (07) 37 1·Y5LJ '!


-EST 1950-


Car or Motorcycle

Try us if you are having a problem obtaini ng tyresafter you have tried from your normal supplier.

We do not carry stock but usually can supply mostSizes within 14 days.

Approved A.A. RepairerPHONE (03) 667-463FAX (03) 667-462

344 St Asaph Street, Christchurch

FO R S A LE LINCOLN Z EPHY R V12 m otorpa r ts . C r.m ks, pi stons , new rin g s a nd bl'<1ringsotc . Plu -, ,1com pk-to m o to r. ILJ32 Ford VRsho rtblock . I'!34 Ford VHI'ickup D iff. .14-3HFord VH~l'<1 rbl)X ~' .r1.~ ; . C l u~tl' rs pl~iS ~l .)(l il1 :-. l"ktft: ,\ l:--ufirs t gl' ,lr S W,1I1 tl'd I'ord Vi{ Ddf .l H-.1LJ With 3.7or .15 r,l tio . I'ho nl' Ro " ROWl' Oil (07 1) 47:;h4 H.rVk m b,'r. .

" W E I IAVE TO NS OF S P A R ES" . Bothnll'ch,m ic.l 1 ,1I1d p,llll'l ,1I1d ,",1lIid h,ll 'l' th ,lt"it ,,1 p,lrt yo u w"n t. I'k',lSl' sl' nd s t" m fwd,1d d rl' ssl'd, 'nu' lop" lor "ou r repl y , "ist, s kdcho r photo ot pMt " 'quir"er 10 ,l id o u r rl'I·og nitio n .C isbo n ll' V.CC SpMl'S, 1'0 Box .107,C isbo rIle .

1937 D odg e D .6, O ld e r restorat ion. Inve ry good o rd e r. 9R650 miles . O rigi na lpapers , handbook. Workshop m an ua l,Ir ail cr lo ad of s p ,l res . Rea so n for se llin g ,I w ant <o nu - S to fin is h m y D.A. Dodge.[J ,Wl' C a r ter. I' h o u c (OHLJ ) 4 3 6DD32 .M ember.

W /\N TED TO BUY or burrow for p ho to s ta ting1lJ28 Rugbl' M,ln U<1 1or info rmation w hert - top roc u re s,l·n1l'. Al so For Sah- Hl'd d lights forC h rvs lc r- Plvrn o u th ,1pproX 1')]0. C o n tac t DC,r,l \ 'S" n , 14 Pit iroi St. Tau po, Ph one (074 )H3 175 . Mem be r.

FOR S A LE ILJJ: i W ILLYS 77 par ts. Engines ,gl'Mb"x, bo th comple te axles . s tl'l' r ing bo x,wh ee ls ,1I1d tvr cs and fue l tank . I'h onl' (024)5543 12. '

" D C N ED IN 'S 4XO /\ UTO SPEC ! /\ C UL I\ I{ is0 11 ,11 Forrc stcr Pa rk on Hlh Decembe r. ILJLJO.Enq u iries to I' 0 Bm IllLJ!, Duncdi n.

C RO YNES MOT EL , 21lJ [o h n s Rd ,C h ri s tch urc h 5 . S t ill h a s b u d g et,lCCOI11 moda tion av.u 1,1b '" 22-24 FL'bruMI' , '19LJ Ifor 12th N a tio na l Motorcvc le R,lIlV. Stud io,m d fa m ilv u ni ts . l' Ie nt v (If se cu re f) ,Hk il1g.C losl' 10 i\ 1c Ll' ,l n s Is la'nd . EM II' book in g -,,' lh isl'd. YOU,-jHlSlsBl'tl v .md Rl'g kil1 g . I'honl'(Ol ) 23Hh40 .

W A NTED Pai r of rea r rnud guards for ,) I'J] HSl' ril's III Mo rri s Ten . Co n tac t Re x Tind a ll. 50Ka ih ua Rd . Tnu po or l'h" nl' C olI ,'c t (074 ) HLJ35h.Member.

\V ANTED TO Be y . Sho ck Ab sorbers to fitI LJ 10 S t u d d ) ,1kc r P rc- id cn l. Ho ud a i l l,'l lvd ic. .j"" d ia . Rot ,lr v. M,hI<, hv I loud"Elig . C o rp. Buff ,llo . 1'-:.Y. f; lu s S lm m ljl'r g UU2C u b ,m l1 m an I' in fo . I'h "nl' J),lI'id L 1I1l' (OLJ)6H') I:iH (OLJ ) hOJi)1>2 Rl's Ml'mlwr.

VV:\ N TED I'" D J1\ :\ 74 1-1l pMts. 1',1 iI' o f t,1I1 ks ,sl't of fo rk d "m pl'r pl a te's , 11l',ldli g ht s lll' ll, ,m yl''''c trics. I'lu s ,>ill' o lh"r pMls. l ol1l,1CtB Il ills ,2LJ Du kl' St , l." lin . I' ho n, ' (Dh')) HH7 17.

W/\ V IT D 1\.1'. Sn,lh b ll' g ,lm l'. S l IH)OOof!<-!"l'dfo r Il'tll'r " B" tll n ,mp ll'l l' 1111 ' word . 1'11l111l' (D.l )3.126704 ("" Ilec l. :Vh '!11 bl' r.

rOR SALE BY T END ER193 LJ Buick Stra ig h t Eig h t Side Mo u ntedSp ilre. Full y resto red . M ar oon C~l l o u r.

Crev Vel our Up ho ls te ry . O n di s p layCa ntc rburv Bran ch Swap Meet , Mcl. ca nsIs land , 121 13 /141h O c tober, 19')0 o r ca nbe v iewed b y p honing th e un d e rsi.g ncd.Tenders close l ') th O ctobe r, ILJ90 . Hi ghestor ,lil Y Tender not necessari ly acce p ted .Reply 10 : [) J Edc r. Fulle rs Road , Ka iapo iRD1. Ph one Kaiap oi (03) 277933.

WAN TE D T O SELL: 1929 FOR DM OD EL A Trucke'd Roadst cr. W .O .F.Regi stl' red , no w c lu tch, king -p ins , 2\ in chw h ite w a ll ty res . va l ve gu id,'s , n e whard wood deck . N o ru st. A good runne r.O ffe rs . Con tact R T K it ch in g, (04) 28672 1.Me mbe r.

WA NTED H UD SON "STEPDO WN"48- 54 H o rn et , W ,l Sp , Whilt -h ,lI' l'- yo u .M ust be d rive ab le . ,111o ld e r res to ra tio n oro rig inal ca r accepta bl e . Wr ite 10 Lind sa yWo g a n , 27 Ik lfi l'l d S t , Da l l i n g ton ,C h ri s lc h u rc h 6 o r l ' hone (03 ) H57 DH6 .Member.

r OR SA LE or Tr,1Lk 1'J24 Vilu xh,1111 4/ 4ll L.M .Prin ccton To u re r full v res to red . Fo u r whee lbrake's , fo u r speed. wi re w hee ls, tw in sid emo unts , blue, b lack g u.nds , po lish ed bo nn et.Plenty o f s p ilrl's . Cood tour ing ca r. Wou ldtrade tor 4 cv! motor.ibl « restored vete-ran o r50' s - 6D's (o nl'<' rl,1bl<- . I' h o n l' HOI VM dKingsford-Smi th. (D2 1) 3D4H7LJ .M,' m I1l'r.

WI\ NTED WI NDSC REEr\,1 for !lJ60 Han saSta tion \t\itlgon o r a nv in fo rm a tio n (IS to w he n..·on« mav be avai lnb lo. I' '''asl' Ph on e C o llec tMorr in-ivi llc HHlJ62lJ6. Me-mber.

FOR 51\ LE MORR IS M I 'O R CON VERT IBl.E ,1954 l-artorv Modvl , Fitt l'd with IOOD mot or.recond ition ed C l' ,lrbox, I1l'W lyn's, I{l'g is l<'rl'd& W .O .F. Exce lle n t co nd itio n . Re luc tant s ,l ll'567::;0 ono. Con t.ict l., 's S,lIl d s , :; Ou rbrid ge St.K" in gil, C h ris tchu rc h LJ . I'h om - (0.1) 2370Gb.Member.

FO RS AL E C I IEV RO LE I Maste-r I)l' Lu \ l' ILJ.1LJ .N l' ':'" pa int . (BI,1C k ). Ne w upho ls ll' ry ,origind lra d io . wh i t» \\' .1 11 tvrcs . (lll ',]I" new) . l:xCl,lll' nlmotor . Rq~i s1<'red ' .ind w.i rr.uuc-d. A 1'""11,,n ,, " for t.,,~ r l' I,lm il v tour in g CM . () p ,'n tilse ns ib lc olll'rs. Ro, "i, rl 'qu irl'cl for Ill' \\' projl'cl .I'hom' W hd k,tl,lI1\' (07 b) H5h5 I . \1 ,'mlw l" .

IA,' M -!IT DIO BUY Cl I RYSLEl{ W INDSORC3 H 1l)47- 4H I' M ls re q u ire d to co mp ll' I,'!"l'Slor,lt ion . /\ n v p,HtS, li tl'r ,ltur l' or 1lL'lpre g.lrdi ng thi s n\(,,1<,1 ,1lIIonwb iil' g r" d ll ydp pl"l'ci, t tcd . I'honl' l Fr,lsl ' r, I h ll1\'d ill (024)544')07 C" II,'d. M " Ill11('r.


·EST 1950·

VINTAGE AND CLASSIC ENGINESWilh us or recently with us for attention or

rebu ilding.

If we can be of any help to you no matter howsmall the lob or supply paris for VlI1 lage or

Modern please call us lor friendly no obliga:ionservice.

Approved A.A. Repall erPHONE (03) 667-463FAX (03) 667-462

344 St Asaph Street, Chri slch u.~h

REPRODUC TION LEi\:SES. I'.Ht linH'bus in l'ssfor S,l le . S I(lOD. T hi s includl's ol'l'r hDm ould s ofobs o ldl' 1,'nSl' s . ()"l'r50 0ri \.iin ,1I k'nSl's .Cu r i n~

O" l'n and so m e d1l'n1lC ,11s. S,l l,' ISdUl' 10 I,K" 0 1tin ll' to ,kl'l' lop its pot l'nli ,ll. I' ho nl' Rich ,lrdC o,l tl'S (067) 51.126h. \: ,' w I'l v nw u th .

FOR SA LE E.l r ly ILJ3()'s :\'Iorri s Ill / h. :\·1.1jorrl'~toJ\ltioll o r s u-it,lb k for parh e,l l" S I:i{). T\\'o"Mlv 50 's Fo rd I'rl'fl'cts S2:;D ""ch " r 5400 till'p<1 i,:. :VLlrlbo ro ugh Br,lIlch , r 0 Bu \ 422,Bk'l1lll'im .

FOR SA LE FORD ILJ1LJ J'i c ku p I TOilV,~ . [: l1 g il1 l',m d ch,)ss is rl'storl'd 1',lIwl w m k to fil1ish . A llp <Hts incl ud ed . ;\ 11 '''lS y emi" ct. C' >i l tdct I)Ca ll11'ro l1 , I'hol1 l' (OLJ) 444 5/ D2. :Vk m l", r.

W A i\!TE D 1lJ25 HAR IEY DfWIDSO"i IDI)()PM ts . Fron l forks , w hl'e l hubs , c lu tch dssl' mb ly .Yo u r p rice p ,"d . I' ll',lSl' COl1t ,Kt A I,m \V\·11 1<' , 12Ml' l lo n SI, T i m M u . I' hon e C o llec l H4 2DI>t·v l· ll i llg~ .

IN DI A N 1"1\\"('rp lu s ILJ2.1 / 24 s p r in g fr,ll11 l'p tHt s \\' ,lllh'd , \\ ' idl' g UtH d In ~ kh 'L tl l1 ythingwou ld h" lp o r " '"u ld co ns ld ,' r co m p ld l'I11 ,K hin l' or b ,lSkl't ,·,lSl' . 1."11 Sou th w ,lrd , :VI ,linRO,ld North , 1'"r" p ,H,ll II11U . I'h o n ,' (O::;H) 7 122 1o r (O:;S) K-lh27 l·\ · l' ni Il g~ .

W.-\ \:TED TYRES 10 1' :\·1 ('; S:\ &, V 1\ . :;:iOx IH":47:i-:iIlO \ I q " · l'hol1l' l'I,'nil1g s ({I70) 7:iOm On rwr it" (" r"i g H icksoo , RD2 , I I" s til1 g s.

I'O VIIM.- S II.VER SIRI: ,'\K Il).17 TourillgSl'd ,111, h ( \ '1. Suu lld Cdr , 11l ' l 'cb r l' ~t(l ril1g . SOIlIC'

SPMl'S illc lud ed . O t ll'r s 01" sw ,' p lo r prl' IlJ::;2\1,llI\h,,1l V,llIXh,lll pMls ,1nd ,lCCl'SSo l" il's1\'d ll1<'d . " " ,l k- Rl d e r, :i2 I.i,l rde r s t, Vogl' ltow l1 ,Wellingtl 'n . Phone (ll4) H5llLJl)lJ (W ) ~'!34hll (11)~vkmbl>r.

FOR S A I.F I VV() 1l)7b II\ W A .1 ~(kc T wi ll:Vlo to rc l'c k s . 1.0 11' Km ',;. C "ing co nd ilio ll bu tnl,,'d ni in"r cos nw lil' \\ ·ork. S 12llll fo r bo th .Enq u iri, '" 10 I' () Ilo \ Ih3ll, Rol oru,l.

1913 Ford Model T1929 Ford Model A1929 Rol ls Royce, 937 Seott MiC

1939 Nash1946 Lagonda1955 Hudson1955 Ford

Page 35: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage


VINTAGE / CLASSIC CAR OWNERS.Wc olf er a f ull specialist engine reconditioning service, Aiivjobjrom one rod. /()afull IOllg motor. My staffhave over 1)0 r ears of

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Page 36: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage


Wr ite to :

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If your VETERAN, VINTAGE OR POST VINTAGEengineneed altenlion wecanhelp. Froma small job

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FAX (03) 667·462344 SI Asaph SI Chrislchurch

Harlcv Dav idson )'i0I7501 1000 1 1200 , Allmodels Ro"d .m d Track . Abo parts . Am'l'ng li ~h bi kes Vin cent, Vl'lo '~ , Tri umph, BSA.No rto n, A ri cls , Ind ians w ,1I1 Il'd .To p c.u- h p ricepa id : I' k'" ",' phone (0)) hh'l2fl ) bw;in,'ss ho u r- .l .Indsav o r [),1\ ' t..' ,

W I\ NT FD AME RICA N COUPl'~ , Roads tcrs,SI'nK' Sed,m s e.g . Cadi llac, Huirk. C he v. Ford

. H udson , etc . vtc. Top c,lSh [,r in' p" id . 1'1e,1S"pholw (tn) 66'J2fl) bu"in l'~~ ' Ollr~ , ,b,l~ ' orD,H',',

[3SI\ 1'))4 IOHI' f'our d oo r S"loon C,lr ior "" le .M,'ch,mic,,1 r,'stor"lion nll11pll'tl'd including" I~ gi n,' ",', 'rh,ltd . 1" ',llu r, 's in clud,' i,1Ctory~hdll1g ~un ro o t. WIr,' w lw l'b a nd -I ~ pl'l'd

p n ,,,,,k-dg" ,lr bo x, [ xt"llSi \'t ' bod ~' Wllr\.. d onebu t nol f ll1l~lwd . ThIS roH, ' bUI p r,K tK,ll CM ISWO"·.. co m p ll't " " nd origi l1<ll in ," ','n' d"t,l il.E,lSil\' co m pll' t, 'd fo r 1'1'12 1'.1111 '.K iiie. R, 'lu cl,1I11Sail' ' S) HOO ono. I' ho n l' C h ris lc hu rc h (ll))) 'iH2H)4,

1'))0 C H RYSI.ER 77 - I "till m ,,'d ,1 h li ll' I,lillig h l o r just Ihl' I,'n",'s . Does ,1I1\'\1I1<' k""ww h,'rl' I c,l n g l't n"t ribb ,'d rllbb,' r m ,'ll ing to rflo o r m"b? I\ I" , IWl'd ,I goo d r" di ,l lo r~u rrou nd , I'I' rso l1<, li", 'd pl "t ,.,,' io r s,lk': Model1'; Ford A; V Eight. Con t,K t Stl' \'t' Troll . Il,,,H7226. M""dowb,mk. Aurk l,md .l'h,"w ColI,'c!(O'J) 52 1)-IIl-l, Mem ber.

W I\ NT ED 1'!2 2 M /\X WE I.I. Crown wh" ,'l ,1I1df'inion, R,llio H 10 .1) o r dift tholt sl: lils trolllr ,' n t r, ' , I'h o n l' (02 1) )6057H or w rrll' I.lo\'t1H u bb,' r. K,HI,m" . No 2RI). W in to n , .

WA NTED RO YA L Eniil' ld :;00 singk 1' )47 ortl"'r,' ,,bolll, ,',Hbu rl'tto r , ,' Iu tc h , fro l]lm ud g lhu d ,In d ,m \' o tl1<'r ,,\, ,'1'" p,lrls . I' ho ", '(1l21»)61l'i7Horwri ll' l.\'nton Il u b l", r. K,ltl ,lIl ,l,No 2J{I), Win toll .

FO R SAL E MORR IS HSeries 2 I 'JJ H2 door forre~I ~ l ral i o ll ,. Mo~ 1 o i b~dywork d one. Enginectc In runn mg order, Could be driven bef ore'restoration started . Comp lete with ownershippapers and workshop manuals. 5 1000 ,00 ,Co n tac t Brucc Pct erson. 22 Waltc r Na s h l' lncc,W"nganui . l'h oru : (06-1) 52424,

FOR SAL E I\ UST IN III Sa loo n abou t 1'))-1,So u nd rust free Ca n tc rbu rv ca r, ')5"·" completea nd stored under 1'0"" 1': Id " " I res to ra tionproject. 5 1100. Con tac t Collee n Dunnc, Phon e(0)) 427157.

WA NT ED Overdr ive un it bv Ilorg Warner.Vlo,h'l of ca r immatcrla l. Con tac t C Moore.Phon e (OJ) ) 4HH7hJ,

W A!\TED ['ORD MODEL T. Prefer op,'n C,HbUI not cs- cn tia l. \-Vould prefe r rnotor.ible ca rbut wou ld r o ns ili , 'r ol der rcstorat ion Zca rrl'qui ring minor o r work. Ikp l ~' ICopp ing , I) ') Tot,l r" Drive. H ,H11 i!tOIl. l' Iuuu ­(07 1) 4'J) H5h . Member.

AJS M id 1'I211',, ) 'iO-50(k r part-, \\-.111 led , wheel».ge,H lever. han dl e ba r leve r». ioot pl'd" I~,c1 u tch,

1')2H 500 ir,H11" , ,m y p,lrls ,,1 ~, I L C r" h,l mA ndcrson. 54 Mcli r.ituev-, Rd . C h rl" tc h u rch .l'h o n« (m) t' 'i7HJ:i . Member.

Zeni th Ca rbu ret to r wa n ted . Upd l,,' ug h l pum ptvp e IO'i IlChokl'di ,I, 26 m m Th roa Idia . )hm m .(; r,' h ,lI11 1\ n dc rson. 'i-l M I' Il1',1 t IH' \' S Rd .Ch ris tchur r h. I'h onl' (0:"1 ) t'5 7H)'i . .

WA:-';T FD , l'.Ht ~ ior I'J J) Ch,llnll'rs .16h \, .p.n t iculMl y Illl' ch,, w hich i". d ou b "dropp,'d , h,lS )14. l'l llp tlc,, ' rL'M spnngs ,md~ub l r,1I1w ("I' I'ngll1l'. A ) Oh p ch ,lS"' s wouldd o . /\ b o Ill,,'d LT,mkC,I"''' iront ,1' ll' ,md,m yth ing l'bt,. Co n taet I'.1lII I li,'b , H,'E'~' ur~,('n,,'k Rd , W,l rkwo rth , I' hlllw (0')) 42~ /O h.

:Vh'mbl' r.

W /\:\:TED TO IlUY I" s u il n1\' 1' )2H Dl'SotoSl'd ,H' , 1',HIs C,l t,llog u,' , O' \' Il, ' rs m ,lllu ,,1,wo rks ho p m,1I111,11 ,1Ild s,IIl'S b rllr h u n 's . :\l soSlromburg L'-Ic,Hburl'ttor ,m d wll1g, 'd r,1d1<11ll rC,lp. Co n l,let I'<'l,' r Il opkin~ , ~'J SI ' I~'~ ni'l Dri",,,VI,lIlh ' , 1,111r,mg,1. I'hollL' (07:,,)h2 -1 :-- / " 'Tn mg ' .Vh'mb,'r.

I'OR SA LE hHd l 1')2) RI I r" ,lI'i~uMd , cyl illd ,'rhl' lld , ~\lnlp . ~l' nl' r,l t () r , tr,lll~n)i":-.hlll ,l ndbon ll<'l. 1\ lso I' ll I'd Vt' 1'))2 IS" whl'L'l s . ,\ IsoSuper Snip" Iq:;: g, '"rb,,, . ,\I so l h 'l'r l,mdI'ri or IlJl -' irllll l ,l\ IL' ,lI1d hubs. ,\ 11\ r" ,lslln ,lb il'll ifl'r. Cllntolet F Knight , I I l )w,'n s Rd , W"i uku ,S,'uth Aurkl ,lIhl. l' h," 1<' (Ot':;) :;' ):;HII. \1<-m bl'r .

FOR S,\ I.F I'n~ C II I ' \ ' FAC I F SUM:\:Strippl 'd lor I'l ·...f(ll\ltil .ll. S(H1H' \ \'( lrk d Olle.C1"'s, j" ,1I1dbl,lsl ed ,1I 1d f' r1Illl'd . l ;u ,lf,b p,lIl,' 1b l ' ,lh' IL SPllll' l.' n gilll' ,,' ( I r k d PI H ' , '\l'\\\ \·hih,' \ ' ·,lll t\ re ... Spnlv ...p ,Hl·... . S :1(}(HhHllL 11hUIll'

nK I ~ ,l - 71 )~() .

WA NTED Mid Thirties Burrnan 4 speed gearbo x. A I"o ,1I' y cycle parts ior 1':13-1 Nmtonespecia lly rear h ub brake assem bly, J br us hgen,'ra to r and H" head lam p . Buy or may haveN o r to n parts to e xc h a n j;« . Con ta c t Iva nHa pper , Dunsandel, Ca n terbu ry . l'hone (03 )254 175, Member.

VET ERA N lvl0 TO RC YC LE TENDE I{, Ro1r"Killg Dick Twi n, Appro x 1':1 10, be ll drive,Iw,1\'y g" <1r,'d rear hub,'J ')'';, there p lus most 01ann thcr c ng inc. Rcqu ires co m p let e rcstorat ron .H ighest or a ny tender not n,'r,'ss,H ily accep ted .Ccn uine en quir ies for photo" o r fur the r d eta ilsw ith S,A,E. T,'nd,' r~ d o",' 27th Octobe r. I'N O,c/ - 1\',111 Hopper. cl , Cante rbu ry .Phon e tuJ) 25-1 17'i , Member .

FOR SA LE TWO 1':14 7 A u ST IN 10 SA LO ONSplus "P<1l',,~ , Id ea l for restorat ion . Urgen t ~"Ie

due to Sp,le<' neecled ior a no ther project. $10000110 till' lot , Con tac t R A Stev enson, 8 Ma rt inRd . C isbo rru-. Pho rn- (Oh) H6H6)2 " \'l'n ing'"MemL1I'r.

['()J{ SA LEC1w\To l l't)~1I'ts new I';' lhl71. Br,I,k,'d rums ILJlh12 2 Il)) h :,,-1 1'J'i 'i / 6H. Oldsrnobih­1'J3LJ lef t gUMd bon net . ILJ) 'JI -It' cv lind cr I,W'ld ,l lurrn onic b"I ,lIl Cl'r 1' ).14 / .16 D ld s H cv li, C ri l l«Shell ,Il I..,k,' Dr u m ". I L) J';nfl Ol d ~

ReM I1 1I b~ Dr ums SlL'l'r ing Box bit", Ca rns h.i f].C W I' ILJ ,17n H Br.ike Dr u ms, St"l'ring R,' 1 ,1~"

l'iston-, Kin g l,'ins . 1'~)n t i,K s 19 34 / ) 6 cv lindcr11L'" d , 1'),17 / ) H I'ontl,' c 6 cv lindcr head ,1I1dg ,lskl'l". V,Hlxh" II, B,'diord , 0 us tin, Morris ,llui ck VH 1'J)11/';4 parts . (,I" l''''"' MotorSllppli,'~ Lld , CMI,I,' St , N,l p il' r.

\-V /\ NTF I) i,'r \Jorm,1I1 1l2S 1l1010rc\'c1,', R"Mc h, ' ing u .H d ,lI lli ,lny ~l IHlto~ or wrilll'niniorm,ltion to d o with IhlS t"pl' ot motorcycl ,'.I. Il Tr ip g,'r , 23 Ill<lgdon Rd , N,'w 1' 1~'moul h ,l' ho l1<' :,, 12) 17. M,'m be r. .

W /\ N '! El) fo r 1')2'J Ford jI,.!<" lc-I I\ 'I o u n ' r, rl'Md o ors, h 'p i ro n " ,In d I,lll,'d bo \\' s " g,'odw il1,bn" ,'n ,m d st ,ltll1Chllllls , good S,'d ,1I1 1Toun'r 1',',11' gUM'\';, 11l',ld lig h ts . I' h ,"1l' (0;;7WiO.j3 llll'nlw inl , Member.

rOR S:\I.F 14271)01)( ; [ F.",t4 . 'f obl' restl 'rl'd ,(', 'n t,Kt l )Ii\'t' C,1I1w w n, 1' 1- S,llon RosL'M,1ri,',:; Ih M., in Rd , S toke. N,'bon ,

Fl)R SA LEAR IELSquolr" Four 1'151 /52 1000cr,['u lll ' n "tor,'d , le, s th ,1I1 1000 mil es on rl'builtnl\lt~ )r. Fu ll hishll,), ,1\·,l il,lb le . An ,",cL'lIen t" ",mpll' o i Ih is u'ni' jU" c1,lss ic n l\l t o n~' cl l' .S IOO()I!. l' I" ,l s , ' p WIll' (0 7 2H ) 1;,, 3 70W,lipukur,llI . /v·l, 'mb,'r .

O\.l)S ,\ 1011 11. 1: 19 ,1 I ln l ,,\\' I1<'rs . Origill,,11',1int w o r"- Iw o hll1l' br"w n ,1I1d b l,K k. .I\\'<,sid" - IlHllln h . Ho d , ' \\ 'ork in "" I'\' gl\(,dcp ndi tion . Lf,lll,l , t", :y "",'d , ,om,' , \\ , r~ . "pibl'l 'll nn till' rtl l ld lor .... lll lH' \ ' l· \H .... 1 1l ~l ll l '

r, 'qu ir," Ill' \\' , ·"h·t.' g ui d,< S I o; lltlli pr1'l',IS' " I,lb ll' " fin . Cont ,K t 11,1ns,' n , t'h \\ 'igg insSI. l' h ri, td lll r,'h S. I'holl" (1)\) 2hh 17-1.

Page 37: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

From page14

The crews were divided intoth ree gro u ps for the cafe walk s o weheaded off to Planters' Cafe whereentree wa s partaken. We then walkedto Ziggurats ' for ou r main co u rse,This res taurant h a s a real Art Decointerior with bla ck and ch ro me fit­ti ngs .

Then it was on to Harston'sCafe for dess erts . Nevill e Harstons upp lied s hee t musi c , mus ical in­stru ments of a ll k inds in cludingpianos , a ll ove r New Zealan d for m a nyyears . a nd I h av e humped many ap iano in a nd ou t of th is s hop when Iworke d for the firm whose name isa dvert ised on "Old Lou is". Manyth anks to Robin Strachan a nd h isteam for thi s unique a nd very inte r­esting day .

The wi nners were:

Overall winnerThe Hurley fa mily in"Old Lou is ",

Post VintageN Purdie 1936 Morris 8 .

Longest distanceJ Callagher 1938 Buick,Au ckland.

Period DressReg a nd Olive Kilbey.

.il ·.,.Rachel Cashmere with Reg and Olive Kilbey's Chrvslcr 77.

Hard luckW Bailey 193 5 M.G. Cl

Tern/ Farmer's 1936 Cheorolet,Hank Hurley and "Old Louis", Allan and Dot Harris 1929 Chcurolet.

Page 38: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage








23rd - 24th - 25th NOVEMBER 1990.T his ye a r based a t ou r c1ubroom s a t :39 Fairfax Ave, Pen rose .

We ha ve lots of Bill e t s availa b le , th ere' a re ple nty of motels nea rby , or yo u m ay use ou r C luh roo ms as a s lee ping bag a lley .

Friday 23rd - BBQ & Noggin & NatterSaturday 24th· Road Rally on country roads South of Auckland

Sunday 25th - Motor cycle Swap Meet at our new venue Alexandra Park Raceway

For furthe r de tails and entry forms contac t: Nev ille Olse n

2 Austin Road Greenhithe Auckland Phon e: (09) 4139508

W,\ NlED for 2h Ind ia n Sco u t Specd lll1w ll'rdriv« c,lb il' .ind l'<1~ i ng o r p .irb- of for Co rbinBrow n ~ [ll'l'd o , rear rin g ge M H'; tooth , ExtL'nl,lIbrake b,1I1d p lu-. ,lilY l'il'ct rk,l! p .i rt -, I'k',bl'con tact Kelvin E r ick~o n. I'lw nl' (0.1 ) nHLJ10C h ris tch u rcl , Co llec t. :YIl' I11 I11'r.

I'IJH SS 'd gUM I Inl itr l' dll ~ t l ' l' l s,ll oo n (177';<"-,' . O .II .\! . l."l' r~ i (1 n ) . C irCUl11 s t,l llCl'S s,H:III·llb ligL' owru-r tll d o n l"L'stor ,lti on . Mucl:work Ull11p ll'l l'd. S 1 .1~l1(). 1l1l . Ikl dib t .u lf M ot orBlldil's . I' hllJ1L' (Ill) ) ~~~ "h Ih.

Iln:; I'onti .n Sill-e r Sln"l k s tr" ig h l l' ig h t SL'd,1I1 .t )Wl1l' r tr.m storrcd '}\"l'rSL','S. Dec ide d to St,1I tllIll's I o ffc r~ ovvr S I:;IlO.Ill1. D ct .ul -, C ulf \ IlltorBodi l's . Ph on e (l1'1) ~ ~ ~ :;h lh .

IL(,7 Fi"t To po li no tu l lv n-built ,1I1d cOl11 p it'll'wit h lc .i th or trirn . Vv rv few mi lc-. co \"t'rl'ds inc«. S I:;::;OO.Ol1 . I) d ,l il:" Cu lt .\iolo r Ilod iL" .Phono (OL}) ~~ ~::;h Ih.

Il)2H Oakl.iru! 1.,1I1d ,1lI1 l'tt e . Co.ich wo rk. trima nd pa int h,b been co m p k-tcd by u - to <"OIl<"OUrss t.indard . O w ner w islws l<l sol lt o Iu nd Iu rthcrproject S:;:;O()().1l1l Dd" ib C u lf M o to r B"d ies .Phone (0'1) ~~~ :; (, If,.

0/\ Kl.A \:' 1) pMh \\" " 11 tL'd Iu com p let e 1111· IlCIlRp <1 lbkr [' roiL'Lt: !) ruf' -MI11 , IW,ldli gh h ,~L ll t l lt- , bo n ne t ,1I1 d 1l1lI d gll <1 rd s, ,1111· co ndit ion,111\'\\'hL'rc . I\ lso w. i n t .m v fo ur or ~i \ l.."\'lindl' r"Sc rip ps lioot h" p. i rt-, l' k',lSt' co n 1,1<"1 Bi'elldullFux,HI W,lL'rL'ng<1 Rd ,O t,lki . l' hu IW(I)(,lJH HLJ HO.Member.

t )1.1) C LU IC l I (Ko rk ) fur m ot o rcvck- .md C,l rsrck o rk .ind n -m.ic hinc d . Fu r frel' Liuo tL'~ p hon el" ·l'llillg ( ()~) h~hIlL)2 o r write- 10 R Ru,,·IH', Il)I h ·dl ' SI. \\ ',lil1 u iOI11 ,l l<1 .

W :\ i\ I FI) .vxI T Sh.ift to!" I L) 27 DudgL' h ,\,1in c., 1 1/2 inch IUll g. <.." ,", t,,<"I S II<1 rn <1r"d , 1' 10!1l'(tn), ,2, g,7

H UC F Sf' I.FC n O N <If I'nst -WM I3rilis hivl<l t<l rcl"c ll' .m d 1'<1 l"1 s :\1,1I1U"b. Xero xed .m dbound 'fro m f,lCtor l' nr ig ill" b . Sl'lld S/\ E forlist ,1I1d tl'stimnn i,lls. W,lI1tl'd tn Sw,' p/ Buy /Se ll :;,l l,'s Bro churc« ,1I1d m,lg,l/.illes. Contac tStl' p lw n I{,H', .1 ~ :; ,1 Brl'l'/l's Rd , C h ris tch u rc h 7.l'horu- (1l .1) HgI-HLJ :;.

Wi\ 0.!T ED pn' ILJ2:; i\ l'\\' l. l',11,1I1 d Lin'lll"e1'1,1tl'S b v ,111 .i vid col hxto r. 'vV ill hUI' o r tr.u l«.I' ll',l'l' c'u n t" et [ im Fn" , 1Il1 7h I',ige Drive,Mentor, O hio ~ ~ IlI,1l 5. i\ .

FO R Si\ LE ]L)2LJ Mod e l 1\ Sports CUUpL'. i\ tfo il ing C h,b~ i~ ~ t,l g t' , - ub d <1I1l', so nu ­p.mel wo rk st,1l"ll'd , gO"" co m p lete . Sl O(H) 0110.ILJ J O MOlk l ,\ ~ d o o r ·1o urv r ill rL 1ug hu n l"l.'s (ored Cl llld iti, 1Il . S IOl1l h lllll .Co nt.ic t l ),1\·L'Kl'lld,l ll, Phon « W,lllg,\Ilui 277(,2. M em ber

! I





Page 39: PERSONAL · 2019. 9. 11. · PERSONAL INSURANCE PLAN A Group Insurance Scheme developed for members ofthe Vintage

Class ic St yle - $112.00Touring f: lassBad ge .\lOlln tin g B a r


M.ot or C arRacing M irror

GBNo 430 G.D. LettersChromed BrassScrew Mount edS20.00

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22 Mamari RoadWhenuapai, Auckland.

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8~6~d @M.irror No 320 G.B. Plate

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Firestone is the nameyou've grown up to trust.


1927 3 litre BENTLEYVintage Car Club Inaugural Mount Hutt Run, March 1989

Photograph kindly reproduced by courtesy of Brian Wright

The respected name That's what makesof Firestone is almost as Firestone tyres better I

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Because Firestone putquality first. And havedone so since the earlydays of the automobile.