Persepolis Webquest IA World Factbook page and find...

ELL Government Name: ___________________________ Persepolis Webquest Part I: Go to the CIA World Factbook page and find the following information. Website: 1) Read the description of the flag and write 2 facts about this flag (colors, symbols, etc. ) and 1 inference about this country. 2) What are all the ethnic groups in Iran? What religions do Iranian practice? 3) What is the official name of the country? What type of government does it have? 4) When is the independence day in Iran? When is the national holiday celebrated? 5) Find the section about the political pressure groups and leaders and write the first two organizations. a) Groups that generally support the Islamic Republic b) Opposition groups:

Transcript of Persepolis Webquest IA World Factbook page and find...

ELL Government Name: ___________________________

Persepolis Webquest

Part I: Go to the CIA World Factbook page and find the following information. Website:

1) Read the description of the flag and write 2 facts about this flag (colors, symbols, etc. ) and 1 inference about this country.

2) What are all the ethnic groups in Iran? What religions do Iranian practice?

3) What is the official name of the country? What type of government does it have?

4) When is the independence day in Iran? When is the national holiday celebrated?

5) Find the section about the political pressure groups and leaders and write the first two organizations.

a) Groups that generally support the Islamic Republic

b) Opposition groups:

Part II: Go the the BBC Iranian Revolution page and skim the information of the pictures. Write one sentence describing the events of each picture. Website:

Part III: Research the biography of Marjane Satrapi and write five sentences about her life.