Permeability of the Berkeley Central Campus Runoff Curve ... · Christina Yeung Runoff Curve...

Christina Yeung Runoff Curve Numbers May 9 2005 p. 1 Permeability of the Berkeley Central Campus Runoff Curve Numbers Christina Yeung Abstract Urbanization changes a watershed’s response to precipitation. Impervious surfaces such as buildings, streets, parking lots, driveways and sidewalks prevent stormwater from soaking into the ground, increase water flow into streams, and degrade aquatic habitats. In support of the Berkeley Long Range Development Plan, my research looked at the runoff curve number, a metric of impermeability based on soil type, land use and vegetation cover. This research provided a necessary first step in the process of moving towards the goal of “no net increase in runoff”. An impervious surface ratio index and a GIS layer of runoff curve numbers were created to aid analysis of the impact of urban development on the UCB campus. Results show that the campus has a composite curve number of 69 and a 30 feet buffer from the creek of 62. Comparing natural land cover and current state of campus impermeability, results indicate that various land use type in developing the Berkeley central campus is significant enough to have an effect in influencing overall surface runoff volume.

Transcript of Permeability of the Berkeley Central Campus Runoff Curve ... · Christina Yeung Runoff Curve...

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Permeability of the Berkeley Central Campus

Runoff Curve Numbers

Christina Yeung

Abstract Urbanization changes a watershed’s response to precipitation. Impervious surfacessuch as buildings, streets, parking lots, driveways and sidewalks prevent stormwater fromsoaking into the ground, increase water flow into streams, and degrade aquatic habitats. Insupport of the Berkeley Long Range Development Plan, my research looked at the runoff curvenumber, a metric of impermeability based on soil type, land use and vegetation cover. Thisresearch provided a necessary first step in the process of moving towards the goal of “no netincrease in runoff”. An impervious surface ratio index and a GIS layer of runoff curve numberswere created to aid analysis of the impact of urban development on the UCB campus. Resultsshow that the campus has a composite curve number of 69 and a 30 feet buffer from the creek of62. Comparing natural land cover and current state of campus impermeability, results indicatethat various land use type in developing the Berkeley central campus is significant enough tohave an effect in influencing overall surface runoff volume.

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Because of urban sprawl, there’s an increase in impervious surfaces with development and

this causes urbanization to change a watershed’s response to precipitation. Impervious surfaces

are a primary cause of reduced infiltration, decreased travel time of water (amount of time it

takes to pass over a surface) and increased volumes and rates of surface runoff (Guay 2002). The

University of California, Berkeley’s Long Range Development Plan has stated a goal to have “no

net increase in runoff” and possibly even reduce the net runoff on the entire university campus

(Karl Hans 2004, personal communication). This research had three objectives: (1) to look at the

runoff curve number, a metric of imperviousness in helping to reach that goal (2) to develop a

baseline map to monitor and track impervious surface area changes on the Berkeley central

campus and (3) to make specific recommendations on impervious cover.

Runoff is determined primarily by the amount of precipitation and infiltration characteristics

such as impervious surfaces and surface retention of water that flows from the land to streams or

other surface waters (Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds 1986). Impervious surfaces are

surfaces that do not allow water or fluids to penetrate into the ground. As cities develop, natural

land covers are replaced with landscaping and impervious surfaces such as buildings, streets,

parking lots, driveways and sidewalks that block stormwater (rain) from soaking into the ground.

These cause a reduction in the amount of rainwater that can infiltrate into the ground to recharge

groundwater levels (Charbonneau 1987) as well as increase the amount of water running into

streams, lakes and other marine waters (City of Olympia 1995). Increased water flow into creeks

can cause pollution, stream bed degradation, bank erosion as well as destruction of aquatic

habitat (Charbonneau 1987).

Each college campus in the University of California system is required by the Board of

Regents to create a new Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) and environmental analysis

every 15 to 20 years. The University of California, Berkeley (UCB) has developed and released a

draft of the Long Range Development Plan and Environmental Impact Report that was adopted

in 1990 (Janet Brewster 2004, personal communication). The plan provides detailed information

on how the campus may change in the coming decades, including identification of planned land

use changes and policies for development. The 2020 Long Range Development Plan Fact Sheet

states that building space for academic and support programs could grow by up to 18 percent,

with as much as 2.2 million new square feet of total impervious surface area over the campus.

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The increase in impervious surfaces and reduction of natural land cover for infiltration could

increase water runoff on campus and has the potential of greatly impacting Strawberry creek,

which runs through the central campus. In addition, the LRDP has stated this goal: “Continuing

Best Practice HYD-4-e: UC Berkeley shall continue to manage runoff into storm drain systems

such that the aggregate effect of projects implementing the 2020 LRDP is no net increase in

runoff over existing conditions.”

Although drafts of the Long Range Development Plan and Environmental Impact Report

have been written, there is no good existing method or data to track the development changes in

campus impervious surface space or the high flow rates of Strawberry Creek (Steve Maranzana

2004, personal communication). Pre-existing data only give information on seasonal conditions,

but no per storm data exists to calculate runoff. Capital Projects is a unit within the UC Berkeley

Department of Facilities Services which manages all campus buildings, including planning,

design, construction, retrofitting, and restoration. Staff in the Capital Projects office uses an

outline map of campus buildings and surrounding landscapes to help guide them in the spatial

planning and decision making of development on campus, but the map contains no further

information (Janet Brewster 2004, personal communication). An analysis on land use cover

would result in information that would aid researchers and project managers in better campus

improvement, planning and design.

For the LRDP, a GIS analysis done by UCB showed the central campus is a little less than

60% covered by impervious surfaces based on the degree of impervious surfaces and vegetative

ground cover (LRDP 2004). This information can be used with a runoff coefficient in assessing

the impact of development on runoff over an area. The runoff coefficient is a ratio of the amount

of water that is not absorbed by the surface to the total amount of water that falls during a

rainstorm. The scale runs from 0 to 1.0, the closer to 1.0, the greater the amount of impervious

surface over an area. A runoff coefficient is developed for the entire central campus to be 0.80

(LRDP 2004). However, there is no baseline map of specific landscape data (such as runoff

coefficients) of the campus to assist the work of planners, designers and analysts (Janet Brewster

2004, personal communication). A runoff curve number (RCN) is similar to a runoff coefficient,

but reflects the impermeability of a given land use. It is based on a scale of 0 (high permeability)

to 100 (low permeability) and is commonly used in the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve

number method for calculating surface runoff from precipitation. The parameters for determining

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the curve number are more defined than the ones given in the runoff coefficient and therefore is

the preferred method over the runoff coefficient.1 This study created polygon maps in GIS of

impervious surfaces, runoff curve number data, and uncertainties for the various campus surface

spaces to help campus planners and designers calculate surface runoff and evaluate the impact of

development on the Berkeley central campus.


Study Site The study site for this project was UC Berkeley’s central campus in northern

California, located on the Strawberry Creek watershed. Data was collected in the months of

March and April of 2005 in collaboration with the Office of Environment, Health and Safety

Department and the Capital Projects Department of the University of California, Berkeley.

Materials Developed empirically by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS), the Runoff Curve

Number Procedure is a simple and commonly used method to gather data for small, urban

watersheds (Hans 2004 and Viesmann 1996). Data requirements for this project include soil data,

land use, and drainage area (Roberts 2003). The classification charts, tables and graphs in the

Technical Release 55 by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) were used to help

determine the RCN. Vector polygon layers for use in GIS were obtained from Janet Brewster in

UCB Capital Projects in order to develop new map layer of runoff curve numbers. Input layers

included city blocks, campus hardscape (outline of campus driveways, walkways, patios,

buildings, etc.), buildings (campus buildings), athletic fields (campus sports fields), green layer

(campus vegetation), natural areas (campus designated nature areas), and streams (Strawberry

Creek). ArcGIS software is needed to record and compile the data into a map.

Figure 1. Step-by-step summary of methods.

1 The runoff coefficient is commonly used in urban environments where as the runoff curve number is morecommonly used in suburban and agricultural areas. UC Berkeley is classified between urban and suburbanenvironments with its classification closer to suburban.

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5:

Obtain Divide map into Go to field to Assemble map Analyze map to determineVector layers quadrants determine curve relations with intense

numbers runoff and imperviousness.

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Soil type - C

Land use

Good > 75%Fair 50-75%Poor < 50%

Curve Number


Procedures Methods for use in this study are summarized in Figure 1. A campus map was

compiled from the given vector polygon layers and the map was divided into 10 smaller

quadrants for more accurate field data collection. Each land use space was represented by a

polygon shape in the map. Figure 2 summarizes the procedure in determining the curve number.

Because the SCS Runoff Curve Number Method was empirically developed, assumptions were

made in all areas of data collection not clearly defined.

Figure 2. Procedure for determining runoff curve number.

Hydrologic soil groups defined by the SCS were used to estimate runoff potential of each soil

type in the watershed based upon its infiltration capacity. Infiltration rates decrease and surface

runoff potential increases as soil types are classified A through D (Urban Hydrology for Small

Watersheds 1986). Soil type was determined through the Western Alameda Soil Survey (Welch,

Lawrence 1981) with help from Ronald Amundson and Cristina Castanha. Soil type for the

Berkeley central campus was assumed to be clay loams.

Field identification of land uses were either classified as impervious (buildings, roads,

sidewalks, etc.) pavers (concrete bricks), open space (lawns, vegetation landscaping, parks, etc.),

bare soil (no vegetation), pools or fountains in “urban areas”. Open space land uses were further

identified based on percentage of vegetation cover out in the field. Vegetation cover was either

considered in good (>75% vegetation cover), fair (50-75% vegetation cover), or poor condition

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(<50% vegetation cover). All plots of vegetation except for natural-areas were assumed to fall

under ‘open space’. All vegetation cover was assumed to be the same as grass. Mulched areas

were assumed to be bare soil or newly graded areas. Natural-areas were assumed to be the same

as Oak-aspen in “arid and semi-arid rangelands”. Synthetic athletic fields were assumed to be the

same as grass. Tennis courts were assumed to be the same as impervious cover.

The appropriate hydrologic soil group (Appendix B) and land use were cross-referenced on a

table developed by SCS to determine the RCN (Appendix A). Determination of drainage area

was done by ArcGIS. All data collected were then inputted into ArcGIS software.

Technique of Analysis GIS technology enables data from the entire study site to be viewed

clearly and easily through visual maps that allow for ease in interpretation and analysis. ArcGIS

8.3 software was used to assemble a polygonal layer of runoff curve numbers.


The Western Alameda Soil Survey revealed the soil of the central campus to be urban

(disturbed) soil. The hydrologic soil group classification for the Berkeley central campus is C

with clay loams (Castanha 2005 and Amundson 2005, personal communication).

Table 1. Runoff curve numbers used for UC Berkeley campus surfaces.

Cover Type RCNImpervious (Buildings, pavement, etc.) 98Pavers

(Poor condition) 97(Good condition) 96

Athletic FieldsTennis Courts 98Grass Fields/Synthetic Turf (Good condition) 74

Bare Soil 91Open Space

(Poor condition) 86(Fair condition) 79(Good condition) 74

Natural Areas(Poor condition) 75(Fair condition) 58(Good condition) 42

Pools and Fountains 1

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Table 1 shows the curve numbers for the different land uses in this study. All impervious

surfaces such as buildings and roads on campus were found to have a RCN of 98. Pavers in good

condition were found to have a RCN of 96; fair condition with 97. Bare soil or newly graded

areas had a RCN of 91. Good condition open spaces have a RCN of 74, fair condition have a

RCN of 79, and poor condition have a RCN of 86. Athletic fields were divided into two groups:

pervious and impervious. Pervious fields were considered the same as grass with RCNs of 74

and impervious fields had a RCN of 98. Natural areas included Grinnell, Wickson, and

Goodspeed, which had a runoff curve number of 49. Pools and fountains had a RCN of 1.

Composite RCN for the central campus is 69. All numbers can be visually seen on the map

created (Fig. 3). The composite RCN of the buffer around Strawberry Creek is 62 (Fig 4).

A total of 886 polygons were used in this study. Buildings had a total of 128 polygons and

campus pavement had a total of 95 polygons. Pavers had a total of 10 polygons, athletic fields

had a total of 20 polygons and green layer had a total of 621 polygons. Natural areas had 4

polygons and pools and fountains had 8 polygons.

Imperviousness of th

The UC Berkeley

follows: 29.3% occupie

athletic fields, 29.4% by

fountains (Table 2). Re

were plotted (Fig. 6).

Vector Layer Area (sq ft)Buildings 2,589,496Campus pavement 2,435,937Pavers 75,881Athletic fields 736,966Green layer 2,598,005Natural Areas 383,727Pools and Fountains 24,478Total 8,844,490

Table 2. Area distribution of land use on UC

Berkeley central campus.

p. 7

e Berkeley central campus is calculated to be about 61% (Fig. 5).

central campus is comprised of 8,844,490 square feet, distributed as

d by buildings, 27.5% by campus pavement, 0.9% by pavers, 8.3% by

green layer (vegetation), 4.3% by natural areas, and 0.3% by pools and

lative amount of space and number of polygons for each curve number

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Map created by Christina Yeung 5.9.05

Runoff Curve Numbers

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 3031 - 4041 - 5051 - 6061 - 7071 - 8081 - 9091 - 100

Figure 3. Curve number of the Berkeley central campus.

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Figure 4. Curve numbers of buffered creek Map created by Christina Yeung 5.9.05

Runoff Curve Numbers

4243 - 7475 - 7980 - 8687 - 98

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Figure 5. Permeability of the Berkeley central campus Map created by Christina Yeung 5.9.05




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Figure 6. Frequency distribution showing number of polygons by curve number (left) and area by curve number (right).









a (s

q ft)

1 42 74 79 86 91 96 97 98

Runoff Curve Number

RCN 1 42 74 79 86 91 96 97 98







ber o

f Pol



1 42 74 79 86 91 96 97 98

Runoff Curve Number

RCN 1 42 74 79 86 91 96 97 98








a (s

q ft)

Pervious Impervious


Infiltration Pervious Impervious









ber o

f Pol



Pervious Impervious


Infiltration Pervious Impervious

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The map layer of runoff curve numbers generated by this study will be used by University

researchers, planners and designers to determine how patterns of intense runoff distribution

correlate with the streams, city blocks, buildings, and vegetation layers of the Berkeley campus.

The map will track the development of impervious surface cover and be used as a gauge to

assess runoff patterns and areas of most influence and impact based on concentration of high and

low curve numbers. These patterns will guide policy, regulations and plans in the development

projects on campus. Runoff curve numbers will also indicate percent of impervious surface cover

and the new map will be useful for research and planning analyses of the Berkeley central


Native soil characteristics do not accurately represent the soil profile under Berkeley’s

central campus because the soils have been greatly disturbed due to development. The

classification of “urban land” under the central campus from soil surveys gives little to no

information as to what the soil properties are. This makes it difficult to assess the hydrologic

group appropriate for this study. Based on estimation of infiltration rate and a general description

of the soil to be a clay loam, an assumption was made for the central campus soil to be classified

as hydrologic soil group C. A limitation to this assumption is that the actual behavior of the soil

may be closer to hydrologic soil group D because the level of disturbance and compaction of soil

from development may cause the infiltration rate of the central campus to be lower than

expected. An unexpected result of this study was that landscaping is a huge factor in changing

the soil properties of the campus. Landscaped areas have a general compaction of 85% (Kate

Bolton, personal communication) perhaps to keep the land leveled enough for heavy

lawnmowers to maintain the grass without modifying the natural hills and bumps on the campus


The rate of infiltration of all vegetation was assumed to be similar to grass. In actuality,

different types of vegetation take up different amounts of water at different times and this

variability will therefore add some degree of uncertainty to the map. Another limitation to this

study is the range of uncertainty due to seasonal change. All data collected represent only a

snapshot in time, not an accurate representation of the average RCN over the year. Years with

more rain may produce better vegetation cover than years with less rain. This study quantified

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the range of uncertainties (Fig. 7). Further research should however be done to reduce these


Since campus runoff flows into Strawberry Creek, its health is especially sensitive to the

surrounding area. The composite curve number of central campus was compared to that of the

buffered area of 30 feet taken around Strawberry Creek, which was assumed to represent an area

with naturally high infiltration. The composite RCN around the creek was 62, however, which is

high compared to the overall campus curve number (69). This suggests that the areas around the

creek are fairly impacted by impervious cover and any increases in impervious surfaces in these

areas can have major effects on the curve number. Further research needs to be made around the

creek buffer to see if tree vegetation will mitigate the problem of bare ground cover and help to

reduce the uncertainty level of each land cover. However, because of the small amount of

impervious surface area present 30 feet around the creek, there are few recommendations that

can be made to reduce the RCN.

Recommendations Because the level of imperviousness for the Berkeley central campus is

high, best management practices such as using pavers should be implemented during all

construction projects on campus. These permeable surfaces can influence the level of runoff into

the stream during small storms. Implementation of these practices would be a small step towards

maintaining the level of runoff from increasing. More research in mapping vegetation data onto

the map would help in decreasing some of the uncertainties in the runoff curve number and

account for more accurate assessment of runoff. Continuous monitoring of land use cover would

eventually decrease the uncertainty of seasonal changes.

Based on the high RCN of the buffer around the creek, few changes would have a high

impact in increasing infiltration and decreasing the RCN. Suggestion of similar research on

mapping of sewer intakes that drain into the creek would be a step in seeing if major reduction of

runoff is possible.

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Figure 7. Uncertainty of runoff curve numbers Map created by Christina Yeung 5.09.05

RCN Variability0

1 - 15

16 - 38

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2020 Long Range Development Plan. University of California Facilities Services. Updated 14 April 2004.Accessed October 17, 2004.

2020 Long Range Development Plan Fact Sheet. October 16, 2004.

Charbonneau, Robert B. 1987. Strawberry Creek Management Plan. Office of EnvironmentalHealth and Safety. University of California, Berkeley. 159 pp.

City of Olympia, Public Works Department and Water Resources Program. Impervious SurfaceReduction Study. 1995. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. 207 pp.

Conservation Engineering Division, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United StatesDepartment of Agriculture. 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds TR-55 SecondEdition. United States Department of Agriculture. 164 pp. Accessed October 16, 2004.

Dekalb County Stormwater Management. Hydrology. Dekalb County Stormwater ManagementManual. Dekalb County. 37 pp. Accessed November 16,2004.

Guay, Joel. R. 2002. Rainfall-runoff characteristics and effects of increased urban density onstreamflow and infiltration in the eastern part of the San Jacinto River basin, RiversideCounty, California. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Sacramento, CA. 125pp.

Roberts, B.C. 2003. Design of Stormwater Management Systems. Water Resources LearningCenter, Fairfax, VA.

Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Technical Release 55. 1986. 2nd Edition. ConservationEngineering Division, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department ofAgriculture. 164 pp. accessed October16, 2004

Viessman, W. 1996. Introduction to Hydrology. Harper Collins, Glenview, Ill. 760 pp.