Periprocedural Evaluation & Management of Nurse Practitioner-led ...

SUE KIM-SAECHAO, RN, DNP, FNP-BC JHOANNA ANURAN-TORRES, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC UCLA INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015 38 TH ANNUAL CANP CONFERENCE NEWPORT BEACH, CA Periprocedural Evaluation & Management of Nurse Practitioner-led Paracentesis & Thoracentesis 1

Transcript of Periprocedural Evaluation & Management of Nurse Practitioner-led ...

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S U E K I M - S A E C H A O , R N , D N P , F N P - B C

J H O A N N A A N U R A N - T O R R E S , R N , M S N , A C N P - B C


F R I D A Y , M A R C H 2 0 , 2 0 1 5

3 8 T H A N N U A L C A N P C O N F E R E N C E

N E W P O R T B E A C H , C A

Periprocedural Evaluation & Management of Nurse Practitioner-led

Paracentesis & Thoracentesis


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Objectives 2

1. Elaborate on the top 3 risks and complications associated with paracentesis and thoracentesis

2. List the pre-procedure laboratory testing utilized in evaluate the patient

3. Evaluate the safety profile of drainages while on anticoagulants

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What is a Paracentesis or Thoracentesis?

1. Paracentesis: therapeutic drainage of abdominal ascites (abnormal fluid from abdomen)

2. Thoracentesis: therapeutic drainage of pleural effusion

(abnormal fluid from between chest wall & lung)

**Most typically performed in decompensated liver & metastatic cancer patients**


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Who and where are paracentesis & thoracentesis’ being performed?

California: UCLA, UCSF

Interventional radiology (IR), hepatology, liver transplant surgery, pulmonology/critical care, internal medicine, family medicine, etc.

USA: Emory University1, Mayo Clinic

Globally: Wales2, United Kingdom


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Benefits of an NP-led paracentesis & thoracentesis program

1. Close proximity to staff physicians & in protocol-defined environments

2. Removes pressure of patients needing to go the ER or being admitted for routine drainages

3. Same day appointments at different locations

4. Few post procedure complications with proceduralists

5. Same day discharge typically within an hour

6. High patient satisfaction with quality NP care

7. Established rappaport with patients & clinicians with follow-up drainages; communication support

8. Foundation for other NP-led programs & educational opportunities for other services


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Utility of NPs vs. MDs for paracentesis’ & thoracentesis’


Academic medical centers: More consistent patient care with NPs vs. resident and fellow physicians Cost effective: physicians can spend more time focusing on less time consuming tasks, such as image interpretation, and staffing complex interventional procedures that NPs are unable to perform Consistent point of facilitation of radiology services Non-academic medical centers: Cost effective, especially with time constraints in outpatient medicine Continuity and consistency of clinical care with time consuming procedure that is relatively repetitive and can be easily mastered

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Similar rates of bleeding, leakage, peritonitis, and pneumothorax

NP-led vs. MD-performed drainages

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Pre-procedure lab testing & preparation

1. H&P: usually within 30d 2. Check labs: CBC w/platelets, INR, PT/PTT, within 1-2

weeks, if on anticoagulants or chemotherapy, no longer than 30d

3. Imaging: review relevant imaging 4. Hold:

a) Anticoagulants or NSAIDS, as directed by charge NP and by schedulers a) Hold diuretics, lactulose, and any other meds interfering with procedure until procedure completed. Anti-hypertensives need to be evaluated

5. NPO: not required for majority of cases, as sedation generally unnecessary


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Strategies to Prevent Bleeding Complications

1. Investigate for any anticoagulants patient is on: hold times vary depending on anticoagulant

Up to 5 days with Plavix and only 1 hr with heparin gtt

2. Severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count <20 × 103/μL) & coagulopathy with INR >2.0) are relative contraindications

3. INR >2.0: receive fresh frozen plasma (FFP) prior to the procedure

One strategy is to infuse 1U FFP before the procedure & then perform the procedure while the 2nd unit is infusing

4. Platelet count <20 × 103/μL:

Receive an infusion of platelets right before/during procedure

5. Utilize imaging guidance to avoid vessels (color doppler)


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General rule of safety with anticoagulants

Hold anticoagulants at least 2.5 half-lives. It takes 5 half-lives to clear the medication completely

Even more of a concern with the newer irreversible anticoagulants, as there are no reversal agents


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Safety profile of drainages with anticoagulants

Heparin: subQ qd-bid or IV; half-life 1-6h, IV half-life 0.5-1.5h. Reversal with protamine sulfate

Hold at least 12h before procedure w/subQ,

1h with IV

Warfarin (Coumadin): PO; half-life 20-60h. Reversal with vitamin K, prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC), Factor VIIa. Do not hold unless INR is too high

Check INR


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Safety profile of drainages with anticoagulants

Anti-platelet agents:

Aspirin: PO; half-life 2-4.5 hrs with 150 mg qd, 15-30h with >4g. Reversal with platelets Clopidogrel (Plavix): half-life 7-10 hrs. FFP, cryoprecipitate used, potential reversal with methylprednisolone and desmopressin Dipyridamole (Persantine, Aggrenox): half-life 7-10 hrs. Platelets prn Prasugrel (Effient): half-life 7-10 hrs. Platelets prn Ticagrelor (Brillinta): half-life 7-10 hrs. Platelets, FFP, cryo prn

Hold ideally 5-10d before procedure


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Safety profile of drainages with anticoagulants

Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)

1. Enoxaparin (Lovenox): subQ or IV; half-life 4.5-7h. Reversal with vitamin K, PCC or FFP. Hold 24h prior to procedure

2. Fondaparinux (Arixtra): subQ; half-life 17-21h. Reversal with vitamin K, PCC or FFP. Hold at least 48h prior to procedure

3. Dalteparin (Fragmin): subQ; half-life 5.7+/- 2h. Reversal with vitamin K, PCC or FFP. Hold at least 2.5 half lives

4. Tinzaparin (Innohep): subQ; half-life 3-4h. Reversal with vitamin K, PCC or FFP. Hold at least 2.5 half lives


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Safety profile with newer anticoagulants

Direct thrombin inhibitors

1. Dabigatran (Pradaxa): PO qd-bid; half-life 12-17h. No reversal agent.

Insufficient evidence of FFP, HD (60% removal of drug) may be used as majority of dabigtran is unbound to protein

Hold 24-48h or 3-5d with renal impairment

2. Argatroban: IV; half-life 39-51 min. Monitor by PTT (INR inaccurate). No reversal agent. Hold at least 2.5 half lives

3. Bivalirudin (Angiomax): IV, half-life 22 min. No reversal agent

Modified ultrafiltration (45-89% removal) and HD (25% removal) may facilitate the removal of bivalirudin; Factor VII 90 mcg/kg IV; FFP or cryoprecipitate may also

help displace bivalirudin from thrombin. Hold at least 2.5 half lives


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Safety profile with newer anticoagulants

Direct Factor Xa inhibitor

1. Apixaban (Eliquis): PO bid; half-life 12-17h. No reversal agent. Hold at least 24-48h

2. Rivoroxaban (Xarelto): PO qd-bid; half-life 5-9h, 9-13h in elderly. No reversal agent with acute bleed: use factor VII and prothrombin complex concentrate. Hold 24h for healthy pts to 48h for renal/elderly

Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors:

1. Abciximab (Reopro): IV; half life 30 min. No reversal agent. Hold 24h

2. Eptifibatide (Integrilin): IV; half-life 2.5h. No reversal agent. Hold at least 2.5 half lives

3. Tirofiban (Aggrastat): IV; half-life 2h. No reversal agent. HD, platelets for supportive management. Hold at least 2.5 half lives


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Paracentesis 16

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Why does ascites develop?

Most common causes:


Hepatitis –infectious and autoimmune

End stage liver disease (ESLD)

Malignancies and metastasis

Portal vein thrombosis


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Symptoms of ascites

Abdominal distention

Abdominal discomfort/pain

Abdominal compartment syndrome

Early satiety



Back pain

Respiratory compromise

Lower extremity edema

Testicular or vulvar edema


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General management of ascites


Ascites: Dietary sodium restriction Diuretics

Dietary sodium restriction & diuretics don’t often provide symptomatic relief of refractory ascites in patients with advanced cancer

Paracentesis indications: Diagnostic: rule out spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), abdominal TB, malignancy with new onset ascites Therapeutic: Ascites causing abdominal pain or abdominal compartment syndrome, early satiety, nausea, vomiting, or respiratory compromise First drainage: often dual indication (diagnostic & therapeutic)

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Contraindications to Paracentesis

Mild hematologic abnormalities do not increase the risk of bleeding.

Bleeding may be increased if:

Prothrombin time (PTT) > 21 seconds

International normalized ratio (INR) > 1.6

Platelet count < 50,000 per cubic millimeter

Absolute contraindication: acute abdomen requiring surgery, i.e.) bowel perforation

Relative contraindications are:

Pregnancy Distended urinary bladder

Abdominal wall cellulitis Distended bowel

Intra-abdominal adhesions Abdominal masses at insertion site


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Paracentesis Complication Risks

1. Bleeding 0-2.7%

2. Local leakage of ascitic fluid 0.36%-2.35%

3. Abdominal wall hematoma 0.9%

Wound infection 0.83%

Post-paracentesis Hypotension: can be >12 hrs post procedure*

Hepatorenal syndrome, acute kidney injury

Failed attempt to collect peritoneal fluid

Bowel Perforation

Spontaneous hemoperitonium: rare; dt mesenteric variceal bleeding after large ascites >4L

Dilutional hyponatremia



*With large volume paracentesis

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1. Review indication and perform time-out 2. Consent status: screen prior to scheduling to determine if patient is

consentable or if it needs to be obtained from the DPOA 3. Patient consent: patient must be A & O X 4 (must be able to state their

name, DOB, time, place, and be able to understand and elaborate risks of procedure they are undergoing)

4. Make sure patient has voided bladder 5. Obtain consent: risks, benefits, and alternatives 6. Baseline BP status evaluation: monitoring for hypotensive

patients or those on midodrine 7. Patient must be cooperative or sedation may be arranged if



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1. Position patient: generally supine or sitting for paras & sitting with support on bedside table for thoras

2. Pre-procedural imaging performed to confirm fluid 3. Insertion area marked with permanent marker; patient must maintain

position throughout procedure to prevent fluid shifting 4. Procedure kit opened and sterile gloves donned 5. Procedural area prepped sterilely, typically with chlorhexidine, allowing to

fully dry and drapes applied 6. Procedure kit prepped, including drawing up lidocaine and prepping catheter 7. Ultrasound probe covered with sterile probe cover* 8. Insertion site confirmed again with imaging* 9. Local anesthetic given, typically 1% lidocaine or buffered with sodium

bicarbonate, with or without imaging guidance 10. Catheter inserted with or w/o imaging guidance. Stylet removed once fluid

noted 11. Drain fluid & obtain diagnostic samples, if indicated 12. Remove catheter & apply bandage for hemostasis and to prevent infection and



Procedure technique

*Optional based on provider preference

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Paracentesis sites: avoid inferior epigastric arteries


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Ascites on Ultrasound 25

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Cleaning skin 26

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Sterile draping 27

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Prepping kit 28

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Local anesthesia administration 29

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Nicking for catheter insertion 30

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Catheter insertion 31

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Confirm catheter is in the fluid 32

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Remove stylet once catheter is inserted


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Connect to drainage tubing 34

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Drain into negative pressure evacuation containers


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Remove catheter when drainage completed


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Label & send specimens to lab for analysis


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Evidence Findings: Albumin Infusions

A meta-analysis from Kwok et al (2013) suggests that the use of albumin in cirrhotic patients undergoing paracentesis reduces paracentesis-induced circulatory dysfunction & reduces death

and renal impairment

Large volume fluid removal: more than 5 liters Intravenous serum albumin (25% albumin, 6-8 gms/L) to prevent hypotension may be indicated for some patients, i.e.) hypotensive, low albumin

Small volume initial paracentesis, followed by large volume with albumin and hemodynamic support, inpatient or outpatient, may be considered


Kwok CS, Krupa L, Mahtani A, et al. Albumin Reduces Paracentesis-Induced Circulatory Dysfunction and Reduces Death and Renal Impairment among Patients with Cirrhosis and Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:295153.

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Laboratory tests: Ascitic fluid

1. Cell count with differential: infection

2. Albumin: calculate SAAG

3. Protein: calculate SAAG

4. Bacterial culture: infection

5. Glucose level

6. Gram stain: rarely provides clinically useful information for the detection of SBP

7. Triglyceride levels (elevated in chylous ascites)

8. Bilirubin level (may be elevated in bowel perforation)

9. Amylase level (elevation suggests pancreatic source)

10. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level

11. Cytology: rule out malignancies


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Ascitic fluid analysis: Cell Count


Cell count with differential: elevated counts suggest infection, such as spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP). Anaerobic bacteria not associated with SBP Primary SBP: infection of ascitic fluid without intra-abdominal infection with chronic liver disease due to translocation of enteric bacteria, such as e. coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, enterococcal species, and steptococcus pneumoniae Higher risk for SBP: renal failure patients using peritoneal dialysis, SLE patients, and children with nephrosis Ascitic fluid polymorphonclear leukocyte (PMN) count >250/uL with >50% PMNs in fluid is presumptive for SBP => treat empirically, regardless of sxs Secondary SBP: infected ascitic fluid associated with an intra-abdominal infection

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Ascitic fluid analysis: SAAG

Serum ascites albumin gradient (SAAG): can be calculated to determine the cause of ascites. Draw serum albumin same day as fluid albumin & protein Normal = <1.7 High gradient ascites (>1.1 g/dL): dt portal HTN from liver or non-liver dz w/97% accuracy Causes: Budd-Chiari syndrome, CHF, or cirrhosis Low gradient ascites (<1.1 g/dL): not dt portal pressure Causes: peritoneal carcinomatosis, TB, pancreatitis, nephrotic syndrome, serositis

SAAG is preferred method for characterizing ascites More discriminant than older methods of classifying fluid as

transudative vs. exudative


SAAG = (serum albumin) – (albumin level of ascitic fluid)

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Thoracentesis 42

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Why does pleural fluid develop?

Normally, only small amounts of pleural fluid exist for lubrication (~10mL)

Liquid (pleural effusion) or air (pneumothorax) can accumulate due to different conditions

1. Transudative (CHF, 5-10% of cirrhosis pts develop hepatic hydrothorax)

2. Exudative (PNA, CA, PE, viral infx, recent chest or cardiac surgery)

Malignancy: most common cause of pleural fluid accumulation as a complication of cancer


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Symptoms of pleural effusion

Dry, nonproductive cough

Breathing difficulty

Chest pain



Weight loss


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General management of pleural effusions

Pleural effusion:

Observation & monitoring

Diuretics, if indicated

Antibiotics, if clinically indicated

Thoracentesis indications:

Diagnostic: rule out infection, malignancy with new onset or unilateral pleural effusion

Therapeutic: pleural effusions causing respiratory compromise or significantly increasing in volume

First drainage: often dual indication (diagnostic & therapeutic)


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Thoracentesis Complication Risks

1. Bleeding/Hematoma

2. Infection (2%)

3. Limited coughing, dyspnea, or chest discomfort with post-procedural lung expansion


Re-expansion pulmonary edema after 1L: limit to <2 liters

Dry tap (no free fluid); may need chest tube if empyema present

Vasovagal syncope/hypotension



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Contraindications to Thoracentesis

Mild hematologic abnormalities do not increase the risk of bleeding.

Bleeding may be increased if:

1. Prothrombin time (PTT) > 21 seconds

2. International normalized ratio (INR) > 1.6

3. Platelet count < 50,000 per cubic millimeter

Absolute contraindication: acute chest requiring surgery, i.e.) trauma

Relative contraindications are:

Local cutaneous condition

Severe coagulopathy

Bronchial obstruction: mediastinal shift toward effusion -> bronchoscopy recommended


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Pleural effusion on CXR 48

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Pleural fluid on CT 49

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Pleural effusion on ultrasound 50

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Technique for thoracentesis 51

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Prep the skin 52

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Drape the back 53

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Administer local lidocaine 54

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Nick the skin 55

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Close look at pleural space 56

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Align catheter device 57

Advance device over the superior aspect of the rib

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Insert catheter device 58

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Advance catheter over stylet & remove stylet


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Collect diagnostic samples 60

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Drain into negative pressure evacuation containers


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Post-Thoracentesis CXR Indications

1. Not required unless otherwise indicated by symptoms or signs of complication

1. Signs of pneumothorax post-procedure

Progressive post-procedure chest pain and dyspnea

Voice transmission absent superior to thoracentesis site

Tactile fremitus absent superior to thoracentesis site


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Pneumothorax (air between lung and chest wall):

Rates up to 20-39% - without imaging guidance

Rates up to 11%; 2% needing chest tubes - with imaging guidance

1. Can be spontaneous

2. Through hole between the ribs/lungs: trauma

3. Iatrogenic: ‘ex vacuo’ related to lack of post-procedural lung re-expansion related to disease


CXR: No lung markings

compared to contralateral chest

CT: Black airspace compared to

contralateral chest

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Pneumothorax management

I. Stable Patients with Small Pneumothoraces

1. Observation for up to 3 to 6 hours

2. Discharge home if a repeat chest radiograph excludes progression

3. Follow up within 12-48 hours with repeat chest radiograph to document resolution, if clinically indicated

II. Patients with Large Pneumothoraces

1. Hospitalization

2. Re-expansion of lung using a small-bore catheter or placing a 16-22 F chest tube

3. Suction if lung fails to re-expand


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Transudative vs. Exudative Fluid

Transudates: thin, watery fluid oozing into cavity due to loss of osmotic pressure or back pressure from the circulation. Systemic disease

Causes: CHF, hypoalbuminemic states such as cirrhosis and liver failure, portal vein thrombosis, nephrosis, PE, myxedema, etc.

Exudate s: thicker, more viscous fluid usu. due to tissue damage, allowing albumin & water to seep out. Local disease

Causes: malignancies, pneumonia, PE, peritoneal carcinomatosis, nephrotic syndrome, TB, autoimmune dz (RA, SLE), esophageal perforation, pancreatic or biliary disease, pericarditis, radiation (accidental or therapeutic), peritonitis, ischemic or obstructed bowel, medication SE’s, rare conditions


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Other types of fluid

Blood (sanguinous):

Related to trauma severing blood vessels, malignancies

Evaluate hematocrit (Hct): Hemothorax if >50% of the serum Hct

Chyle (chylous):

Related to trauma from surgery, MVA, malignancies,

idiopathic, intestinal lymphgiectasia, subclavian venous

thrombosis, tumors, filarasis, lymphangiomyomatosis

White or milky in color due triglycerides from

digestion (erosion of thoracic duct carrying lymph

fluid from intestines to the heart)


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Laboratory tests: Pleural fluid

1. Cell count with differential: WBCs indicate infection and subtypes gives clues as to type of infection. RBCs indicate bleeding

2. Cultures & gram stains: may yield infectious organism prior to other cxs, including blood & sputum, including TB

3. Amylase: 2X’s serum level or absolute value >160 indicative of pancreatitis, dissected or ruptured pancreatic pseudocyst, cancer, or esophageal rupture

4. Glucose: low if pleural fluid value <50% of normal serum value; differential includes RA, SLE, bacterial empyema, malignancy, TB, and esophageal rupture

5. pH: normal is 7.60. <7.3 with normal arterial blood pH has same differential as low pleural glucose

6. Triglyceride & cholesterol: >110 mg/dL and presence of chylomicrons indicates chylous effusion from rupture of thoracic duct most frequently resulting from trauma or malignancy, such as lymphoma

7. Adenosine deaminase: high for empyema, RA. >70 U/L for TB

8. Cytology: rule out malignancy, such as lung cancer, pleural meothelioma, and metastasis


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Pleural effusion management 68

Pleural Anatomy

Pleural Fluid Bacteriology

Pleural Fluid Chemistry

Need for Drainage

Minimal effusion (<10 mm on lateral

decubitus view); free-flowing

Cx and GS unknown

pH unknown


Small to moderate effusion

(>10 mm to <one half of hemithorax on lateral decubitus view); free-


Negative Cx and GS

pH > 7.20


Large effusion (>one half of hemithorax on lateral decubitus view)

or loculated fluid or thickened pleura

Positive Cx or GS

pH < 7.20


Any Pus pH < 7.0 Yes

Dweik (2010). Pleural disease. Cleveland Clinic

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Conclusion: Key to Positive Outcomes 69

1. Check labs 2. Review H&P 3. Manage anticoagulants, if applicable 4. Use imaging guidance 5. Monitor appropriately for complications 6. Patients: Live long & prosper!

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Questions & Comments? 70