Perioperative Care in Emergency Case

PERIOPERATIVE CARE IN EMERGENCY CASE 1. Airway & ventilaion optimalization to assure tissue oxygenation 2. How to read & implement Blood Gas Analysis 3. Volume replacement in acute emergency cases 4. Blood tranfusion – Risk & Benefit 5. Understanding further Trias of Death in trauma patient 6. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome 7. Intraabdominal infection & sepsis management



Transcript of Perioperative Care in Emergency Case

PERIOPERATIVE CARE IN EMERGENCY CASE1. Airway & ventilaion optimalization to assure tissue oxygenation2. How to read & implement Blood Gas Analysis 3. Volume replacement in acute emergency cases. Blood tran!usion " #is$ & Bene!it%. &nderstanding !urt'er (rias o! )eat' in trauma patient *. A+dominal ,ompartment -yndrome7. .ntraa+dominal in!ection & sepsis management