Performance & Talent Management...Performance & Talent Management features for the HR Managers and...

MANAGE Performance & Talent Management Version 28

Transcript of Performance & Talent Management...Performance & Talent Management features for the HR Managers and...

Page 1: Performance & Talent Management...Performance & Talent Management features for the HR Managers and HR professionals using Sage People system. Enhancements in this release are shown:


Performance & Talent


Version 28

Page 2: Performance & Talent Management...Performance & Talent Management features for the HR Managers and HR professionals using Sage People system. Enhancements in this release are shown:

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© Sage 2020. All rights reserved.

This document contains information proprietary to Sage and may not be reproduced, disclosed, or used in

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Sage takes care to ensure that the information in this document is accurate, but Sage does not guarantee the

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Nothing in this document alters the legal obligations, responsibilities or relationship between you and Sage as

set out in the contract existing between us.

This document may contain screenshots captured from a standard Sage system populated with fictional

characters and using licensed personal images. Any resemblance to real people is coincidental and


All trademarks and service marks mentioned in this document belong to their corresponding owners.


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About this Guide 5

Approach to Salesforce Lightning Experience 5

Related Guides 6

Feedback 6

Introduction 7

WX 8

HR Manager Portal 9

Moving Between Portals 10

From HR Manager Portal to WX 10

From WX to HR Manager Portal 11

Adding the Administration Link to WX 11

Localization 12

Logging in to Sage People 13

For the First Time 13

After You Have Changed Your Password 14

Login with Single Sign-On 14

Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal 15

HR Manager Portal Home Page 16

Sage People HCM Terminology 17

HR Manager Portal Tabs 18

Display All Tabs 18

Customize Your Tab Bar 19

Available Tabs 20

Related Lists Available For HR Manager Portal Tabs 24

Viewing Next Due Dates for Team Member Processes 27

Review Your Personal Setup 28

Reviewing Your Outstanding Tasks 31

Performance & Talent Management Overview 32

Examples: Performance cycles 33

Example: Performance Cycle with Formal Review 33

Example: Performance Cycle with Objectives, Feedback, Skills and Competency Assessments 34

Setting up Library items for the first time 35

Setting Up Performance Review Templates 36

Creating a Performance Review Template 37

Defining Constraints 41

Linking Templates and Constraints 43

Editing a Template 45

Copying a Template 46

Deleting a Template 47

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The Job Profile Library 48

Creating a New Job Profile 49

The Scales Library 51

The Skills Library 55

The Competency Library 57

Linking Competencies with Job Needs 58

Manually closing a Competency Assessment 59

The Metrics Library 60

Linking Metrics to a Job Profile 63

The Training Library 65

Performance Review Templates 68

The Template Library 68

The Constraint Library 69

Initiating Bulk Actions 70

Bulk Performance Review 70

Bulk Competency Assessment 73

Maintaining Targets 75

Creating a New Target 75

Approving Manager Notes 77

Glossary of Terms 80

Index 82

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About this Guide

This Manage Performance & Talent Management provides comprehensive how to... guide to Sage People

Performance & Talent Management features for the HR Managers and HR professionals using Sage People


Enhancements in this release are shown:

indicates a completely new feature for this release.

indicates a significantly enhanced feature for this release.

Highlighted text indicates other enhancements.

Approach to Salesforce Lightning Experience

Sage People is migrating all packages from the Salesforce Classic interface to Salesforce Lightning

Experience. We continue to support users accessing Sage People through Salesforce Classic while we add

support for Lightning Experience users, so we are using two approaches in parallel:

• Adding navigation steps and supporting descriptions for Lightning Experience to the existing Salesforce

Classic navigation steps. For example:

o In Salesforce Classic: Setup > Administration Setup > Communication Templates > Classic: Email


o In Salesforce Lightning Experience: Setup > Administration > Email > Classic Email Templates

• Replacing screenshots taken in Salesforce Classic with Lightning Experience screenshots, starting with

topics we are updating for feature enhancements and other improvements. We document new features with

Lightning Experience images only.

This guide, along with all others featuring Salesforce Classic navigation and images, may use both approaches

while we work through the migration.

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About this Guide Related Guides

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Related Guides

Setup Performance & Talent Management

Coverage summary

How to set up, manage, and maintain Performance & Talent Management features in Sage People system.

Includes detailed configuration information.

Typical target audience

You have overall responsibility for the content of the Sage People system within your organization and provide

first line support for HR Managers.

Performance & Talent Management: Guide for Users

Coverage summary

How to use Sage People for participating in Performance and Talent Management processes, entering

objectives, adding feedback and performing assessments.

Typical target audience

You are an employee with no special HR duties, though you may run a team and have operational

responsibility for them. You want quick and easy self service access to the information your organization asks

you to maintain about your performance, objectives, skills and development needs, and those of your direct


Manage HCM

Coverage summary

How to use the Sage People HR Manager's Portal to enter and maintain employment details, including salary,

salary related, and benefits information. How to use the libraries supplied with HCM, and how to use reports

and dashboards to extract and view information held in the system.

Typical target audience

You have responsibility for the HR records of a number of employees and provide first line support on the HR

system for them.


Feedback from you on our products and on our documentation is important to us. We seek to incorporate your

ideas in future enhancements to our products, and only by understanding your requirements can we hope to

meet or exceed your expectations.

• To provide comments and suggestions on any aspect of Sage People please email us:

[email protected]

• To provide specific feedback on our documentation please email our documentation team:

[email protected]

Thank you!

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Sage People HCM (Human Capital Management) is a cloud based application, accessed through your

browser and designed to support your HR processes.

Sage People HCM eases performance and talent management tasks by providing a single source for all

important employee information. It provides time saving, pre-defined reports for reviewing stored employee

information, and the ability to draw on that information to create your own views, reports, and dashboards.

Easy configuration gives you immediate access to new reports and dashboards you might need in the future.

Sage People HCM helps to ensure that HR processes around performance and talent management are

followed consistently by all your employees:

• Making it easy for everyone to understand and fulfil their individual responsibilities for performance and

talent management.

• Communicating clearly what is required of you as both a Team Member and a Manager.

• Making it easier to share information securely.

• Encouraging you to record progress and provide feedback on a regular basis.

• Encouraging Team Members to participate actively in their own development.

There are two faces to the Sage People HCM system, both drawing on the same underlying data:

• Sage People WX

The team member's view, providing configurable access to all the information you want team members to

see, and enabling them to edit just those parts your HR policies allow. All employees have their own, unique

login credentials to give them access.

• HR Manager Portal

Access to employment details, reports and dashboards, and consolidated cross-team, multi-location


HR Managers use Sage People WX, and the HR Manager Portal.

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Introduction WX

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WX provides access to the following information and processes related to Performance and Talent


• Competency Assessment

• Development Plan

• Manager Notes

• Metrics Review

• Objectives

• Performance Overview

• Performance Review

• Recognition

• Skills

• Succession Plan

• Talent Plan

• Targets

• Training

Your organization may not subscribe to the full range of services and some services may have restricted visibility within your organization.

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Introduction HR Manager Portal

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HR Manager Portal

The HR Manager Portal provides access to the following information and processes related to Performance

and Talent Management:

• Setting up Performance Review Templates

• Initiating Performance Reviews and Competency Assessments in bulk

• Maintaining Job Profiles

• Managing libraries for items used to review and measure performance, including

o Scales

o Competencies and Competency Indicators

o Metrics

o Training

o Constraints

• Creating Targets

• Approving Manager Notes

Your organization may not subscribe to the full range of services and some services may have restricted visibility within your organization.

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Introduction Moving Between Portals

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Moving Between Portals

To access Sage People HCM, use your unique login ID and password. Your initial view of the system depends

on your Sage People security profile; the higher your level of access, the more you will be able to see. A

standard employee will access WX and never have any access to the HR Manager Portal. As an HR Manager

you are likely to have access to the HR Manager Portal and WX.

Login to Sage People HCM using your unique login ID and password.

From HR Manager Portal to WX

To move from the HR Manager Portal to WX use one of the following links:

• Select the tab:

• Select Your Profile in the Custom Links panel on

the left of the HR Manager Portal:

• Select Profile on a Team Member Detail page:

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Introduction Moving Between Portals

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• Select a photo icon on the Team Member home page:

From WX to HR Manager Portal

To move from WX to the HR Manager Portal:

• Select Administration at the top right of the WX page:

The Administration link is visible only if your security

profile gives you access to the HR Manager Portal.

If the Administration link is not displayed you can add it (see page 11). To add the Administration link for a

Team Member, the Team Member must be linked to an existing user. or you must create a new user using an

existing User Profile with an available license.

Adding the Administration Link to WX

To enable access from Sage People WX directly to the HR Manager

Portal you can add a link to the Team Member interface:

To add the link:

1. Open the Team Member record for the person you want to grant access.

2. Select Change User.

Sage People displays the Team Member User page.

To add the Administration link, the Team Member must be linked to an existing User, or you must create a

new user using an existing User Profile and an available license.

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Introduction Localization

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3. Select the Salesforce Access checkbox:

4. Select Save.

Next time the Team Member views or refreshes WX, the Administration link is displayed.


Sage People provides a number of features to enable you to localize your org for use with multiple languages

and in multiple countries:

• Multi-language support

• HR Departments and Policies

• Salary Bands

• Multiple Currencies

• Work Days Patterns

For more information, see

Sage People Setup Localization

Select the link to display the guide.

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Logging in to Sage People

For the First Time

As part of Sage People implementation you are sent a welcome email containing:

• A link to your Sage People site.

• Your unique user name.

• A temporary password.

To login for the first time:

1. Select the link in the welcome email.

Sage People displays the Change Password page:

2. Enter a new password. Your password must contain at least 8 characters and include a combination of letters and numbers.

3. Choose a security question from the picklist and provide your answer. You will be asked for the answer to the security question if you forget your password.

4. Select Save.

You are now ready to login to Sage People using your unique user name and password combination.

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Logging in to Sage People After You Have Changed Your Password

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After You Have Changed Your Password

1. Go to the Sage People login page:

Sage People displays the customer login page:

2. Enter your unique user name and password.

3. Select Login.

Sage People takes you straight to your Sage People system.

Login with Single Sign-On

If your organization uses single sign-on technology your login process is:

1. Go to the web address provided by your organization.

2. Use your company provided single sign-on credentials to get access to Sage People.

Your browser may need additional configuration so that you can take full advantage of single sign-on. Refer to

your System Administrator or HR representative for more information.

When you have successfully logged in you are redirected to the Home Page.

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager


The HR Manager Portal provides access to employment details, including salary, salary related, and benefits information, as well as induction and termination workflows, reports and dashboards, and consolidated cross-team, multi-location


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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Home Page

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HR Manager Portal Home Page

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal Sage People HCM Terminology

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Sage People HCM Terminology

Sage People HCM uses standard Salesforce terms, so if you're familiar with Salesforce you'll find your way

around the HR Manager Portal more easily.

Key terms you will find useful are:

Term Description

Tab Used to organize information stored in Sage People into groups. By selecting a tab at the top of the Portal, you get access to all the data related to that tab.

Record When you select a tab, the page displays information in rows. The information for each row is held in a record. For example, the Team Members tab groups all team member records together, with each record displayed on a separate row.

Related List Information that is not part of a selected record, but is related to it. For example, the employment, objectives, and targets information for a team member record.

Field Each record contains a number of fields, with each field describing an attribute of that record. Each field contains data of a particular kind, such as text, numeric, a picklist, a check box.

Link A hyperlink providing a jump to more information such as another record, a report, or a website.

You will also find brief definitions of many terms in the Glossary - Salesforce, Sage People, and


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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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HR Manager Portal Tabs

Tabs group related information together. Each tab gives access to a group of records and where relevant,

associated information through Related Lists. You can:

• Display a list of all tabs for quick access to those that are not part of your regular view (see page 18).

• Customize your display to show just the tabs you use most often (see page 19).

Display All Tabs

On the right of the Tab bar, select +:

Sage People displays the All Tabs page:

The tabs you can see depend on the packages you have installed and on the Profile assigned to you:

• If you have just Sage People HCM, you can see HCM tabs; with HCM and Recruit you can see the Recruit tabs too.

• The Fairsail Administrator Profile gives access to all tabs.

• The Fairsail HR Manager Profile excludes access to tabs controlling Sage People configuration options such as those enabling you to set up Absence Accrual and Action Event Patterns, the Job Description, Skill, and Training Libraries, and Salary Bands and Projections.

Select any tab in the list to display that page. To add a tab to your tab bar select Customize My Tabs (see

page 19).

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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Customize Your Tab Bar

1. On the All Tabs page (see page 18), select Customize My Tabs:

Sage People displays the Customize My Tabs page:

2. Select the tabs and use Add or Remove to build your list of Selected Tabs.

3. Select a Tab in Selected Tabs and use Up or Down to change the order - Up moves a tab to the left in the Tab Bar, Down moves a tab to the right.

4. Select Save.

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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Available Tabs

Tab visibility is controlled by the Profile assigned to you:

• The Fairsail Administrator Profile gives access to all tabs.

• The Fairsail HR Manager Profile excludes access to tabs controlling Sage People configuration options. In the context of Performance and Talent Management, tabs controlling configuration options include Job Description, Skill, and Training Libraries.

Tab Displays

Key Tabs

Home The landing page when you open the HR Manager Portal. The Home page includes a dashboard, which you can select, the My Tasks list, Items to Approve, and your Calendar (see page 16).

Workforce eXperience Your own view of information about yourself and your team, with options for updating.

Team Members The Team Member records for each employee in your organization. All employee information is accessible through their Team Member records.

Performance & Talent Management tabs, alphabetical order

Competency Library The qualities used to assess how well an individual performs a job for a specific job profile. The Competency Library stores a record for each competency used in defining a job profile. For example, flexibility, initiative, or personal organization (see page 57).

Constraint Library Conditions that can be applied to other items, such as Templates, to restrict availability of those items. For example, Start and End Dates set as Constraints mean that the item using the Constraint is only available between the Start and End Date.

Job Description Library The roles and responsibilities for each job. Job Descriptions are typically prepared in advance and provided as templates to Team Members and Managers.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Job Library

Standard information about jobs such as title, grade, and salary ranges.

Job Profiles Profiles for each job, defined using the competences, skills, and indicators needed to perform a job. For example, the job profile for a Sales Director typically includes flexibility, personal impact, pace setting, initiative, and so on. Competency assessments are performed against job profiles (see page 48).

Metrics Library Items that are measured for a Metrics Review. Metrics can be Number, Scale or Text (see page 60).

Performance Review Templates

Replaces Templates Library tab.

Reusable pages for Performance Review. Templates can be versioned. Templates can share a version number to form Template Version Streams; updating a Template Version updates all templates in the same stream.

Scales The scales used in measuring indicators of competency and skill. For example, the scale used in measuring the frequency of an activity might use the terms Never, Occasionally, Often, Usually, and have the respective scores 1, 2, 3, 4. (see page 51)

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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Tab visibility is controlled by the Profile assigned to you:

• The Fairsail Administrator Profile gives access to all tabs.

• The Fairsail HR Manager Profile excludes access to tabs controlling Sage People configuration options. In the context of Performance and Talent Management, tabs controlling configuration options include Job Description, Skill, and Training Libraries.

Tab Displays

Skill Library The knowledge needed for a job profile. The Skills Library stores a record for each skill used in defining a job profile. Skills can be grouped into areas: a Management area might include mentoring, delegation, coaching, appraising performance (see page 55).

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Training Library All training courses and types of intervention that may be helpful when addressing skill or competency gaps. (see page 65)

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Other Tabs, alphabetical order

Absence Accrual Patterns Sets of rules defining how absence and vacation accrues. Rules can cover each absence type and multiple Patterns can be defined, enabling you to use different models for different groups of employees such as by country or by seniority. Patterns can be assigned to policies or to Employment Records.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Action Event Patterns Action Events are sent to HCM users at various points in a process in response to specific events, and the Action Events are grouped into sets known as Action Event Patterns. Action Event Patterns are linked to policies and you can link one Pattern to multiple policies, or to a single policy. Action Event Patterns can be exported and imported to enable copying between organizations.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Actions Digests Actions Digests are daily emails sent to all Team Members who have process

related actions raised for them. The Actions Digests tab lists the Digests sent, with options to display the number of actions included in each Digest for each process.

Dashboards Pre-defined graphical summaries of underlying reports. A dashboard can have up to 20 component charts or tables, each one providing a visual summary of report data. The Dashboards tab has options for cloning and editing existing dashboards. Use the Reports tab for an option to create your own dashboards.

DocuSign Envelopes DocuSign Envelopes are created when you use DocuSign Templates to send forms to Team Members for completion.

Not displayed by default.

DocuSign Templates Templates available to use as DocuSign forms for sending to Team Members for completion. Data can be extracted automatically from completed forms and added to Team Member records.

Not displayed by default

Exchange Rates The fixed exchange rates used by your organization for calculating currency conversions. Each currency is represented by a rate to enable standardized conversion to a base currency.

Groups Defined groups of Team Members brought together for a range of organizational needs. Groups are visible through the WX People Bar and the Team Absence Calendar.

Group Types A means of classifying Groups. Related Groups can share a Group Type.

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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Tab visibility is controlled by the Profile assigned to you:

• The Fairsail Administrator Profile gives access to all tabs.

• The Fairsail HR Manager Profile excludes access to tabs controlling Sage People configuration options. In the context of Performance and Talent Management, tabs controlling configuration options include Job Description, Skill, and Training Libraries.

Tab Displays

HCM Form Definitions All HCM Form templates set up for your organization, such as exit interview or Equal Employment Opportunity Reporting forms. Every HCM form that you use is based on an HCM Form Definition.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

HCM Forms All HCM Forms set up for use in your organization. Each HCM Form is based on an HCM Form Definition and defines who is to receive the request to complete the form, and the dates applied to start, remind, and close the form.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

HR Departments The Team Member groups. Each HR Department is a group of Team Members managed by an HR Manager. An HR Department can align with an organizational department, or it can be some other grouping such as a site, region or country.

HR Noticeboard The notices you have defined for displaying on specific WX pages.

HR Requests Changes to Team Member records requested by their managers, such as salary or job profile changes. Each request follows an approval process before HR implementation.

Internal Communications The Internal Communications available in your organization.

Internal Communications are WX Processes delivered in text, video, or website form. Each Internal Communication can be associated with one or more WX Services and have localized versions for locale-specific display throughout your organization.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Organization Access to all Team Members in your organization, with options to filter the view on a range of fields and to transfer selected Team Members between HR Departments and managers.

Overtime Rules Supplied with the Sage People Time package.

Collections of one or more Overtime Conditions applying to a specific timespan, such as a day, a week, or that defined by a Timesheet. Overtime Rules are allocated to one or more Timesheet Patterns and used to support the Timesheets process.

Pay Codes Supplied with the Sage People Time package.

Codes allocated to specific pay rate, such as standard time or double time. Each Pay Code has a name, which is used on Timesheets, and a code, which is used within the system.

PDF Templates Pre-configured Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) templates

supporting Sage People functionality enabling you to create and send PDF files from within Sage People packages. PDF files in Sage People are typically used for employment contracts, amendments to terms and conditions, other formal letters to Team Members, branded company-wide announcements and so on. PDF templates can use formulas for conditional and tailored content.

Policies The sets of Sage People HCM processes defined for your organization. Separate Policies can be defined for each location, HR Department, or other grouping of Team Members. Settings control the visibility of processes in Sage People WX.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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Tab visibility is controlled by the Profile assigned to you:

• The Fairsail Administrator Profile gives access to all tabs.

• The Fairsail HR Manager Profile excludes access to tabs controlling Sage People configuration options. In the context of Performance and Talent Management, tabs controlling configuration options include Job Description, Skill, and Training Libraries.

Tab Displays

Reports Pre-defined reports for reviewing and managing stored employee information. The Reports tab also includes an option for creating your own custom reports and dashboards.

Roles Roles defined to execute actions on behalf of someone else. Roles enable you to map one or more people to act as delegates for one or more others.

Salary Bands Top, bottom and quartile currency amounts used to define the salaries paid in your organization. Bands can be allocated to salary families.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Salary Projections Planned or what-if percentage salary increases by salary band and fiscal quarter, enabling low and high percentage rates to be applied.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Stock Options Patterns Groups of parameters that define how a Stock Option based on the Pattern will behave. Stock Option Patterns support Sage People Stock Options functionality.

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Template Library Replaced by the Performance Review Templates tab.

If you have an existing Template Library tab in your org, you can manually remove it, go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Tabs and select Del next to the tab name.

Timesheet Patterns Supplied with the Sage People Time package.

Definitions of timesheet periods and the time reporting timespan, supporting the Timesheets process. Timesheet Patterns have an associated Overtime Rule which defines the conditions under which overtime is payable to Team Members working under the Pattern. Timesheet Patterns can be assigned to Policies and to individual Team Members.

Timesheets Records of work time over a defined period for Team Members. A Sage People Time timesheet has defined start and end dates and comprises one or more Time Reports. Typically completed through Team Members' WX pages, Timesheets can also be created and edited through the HR Manager Portal. When complete, the timesheet enables calculation of total work duration and amount of pay due.

Work Allocations Tasks, projects, customers or other entities against which Team Members

book their time, supporting the Timesheets process. Sage People enables you to define Work Allocations as a hierarchy, for example from a geographical region, through customers in that region, to projects and sub-projects within customers.

Work Days Patterns Definitions of the working week as used in different parts of your organization, including recurring holidays, such as bank or public holidays, and how vacation days are treated when they fall on public holidays. Typically used to define practices in different countries or regions.

Work Locations Standard information about your organization's locations, such as address, zip or postal code, and country.

Work Schedules Schedules of Working Days with constituent Time Segments. Schedules can be allocated to Policies or to individual Team Member Employment Records, and form an integral part of your organization's time and attendance management.

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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Tab visibility is controlled by the Profile assigned to you:

• The Fairsail Administrator Profile gives access to all tabs.

• The Fairsail HR Manager Profile excludes access to tabs controlling Sage People configuration options. In the context of Performance and Talent Management, tabs controlling configuration options include Job Description, Skill, and Training Libraries.

Tab Displays

Working Days Days defined by overall duration and constituent Time Segment. Working Days are used to define Work Schedules. Each Working Day can be used in multiple Work Schedules.

WX Reports Tabular and graphical reports set up for displaying data through WX. WX Reports are based on underlying Salesforce reports using Sage People data, with field content and filters tailored to your requirements.

WX Services The Sage People WX Services available in your organization.

WX Services host the WX Processes used by your Team Members, and can be named to suit the needs of your organization

Not displayed with the Fairsail HR Manager Profile.

Related Lists Available For HR Manager Portal Tabs

This table gives the key Related Lists available for the records related to Performance and Talent Management

displayed through each of the HR Manager Portal Tabs.

• To add or remove lists from your HR Manager Portal display use the Customize Page link at the top of

each page. Customize Page gives you access to the selectable set of Related Lists that have been made

available through Setup. You can select, deselect, and change the order of those that are displayed.

• To add or remove Related Lists from the Customize Page selectable set you must have Administrator

access and use Setup.

• To add or remove fields displayed as columns in a related list use the Edit Layout link at the top of each


Tab Key Related Lists

Competency Library • Competencies

• Competency Library Languages

• Competency Training Options

• Indicator Library

• Job Needs

• Recognition

Constraint Library • Templates

Job Description Library • Job Library

Job Library

Job Profiles • Job Needs

Metrics Library • Job Needs

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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Tab Key Related Lists

Scales • Indicator Library

• Metrics

• Metrics Library

• Scale Languages

• Scale Responses

• Scale Response Languages

• Skill Library

Skill Library • Job Needs

• Skill Library Languages

• Skill Training Options

• Skills

Team Members • Activity History

• Applications (available if you also subscribe to Sage People Recruit)

• Candidates (available if you also subscribe to Sage People Recruit)

• Competency Assessments

• Dependants

• Development Needs

• Development Needs (Mentor)

• Education

• Emergency Contacts

• Employment

• Experiences

• HCM Forms

• HR Requests

• Internal Communications (for Team Members using Sage People WX)

• Internal Communication Score Results (for Team Members using Sage People WX)

• Job Descriptions

• Management (Cross Reporting)

• Metrics

• Metrics Reviews

• Notes & Attachments

• Objective Reviews

• Objectives

• Open Activities

• Passports

• Performance Reviews

• Recognition (for Team Members using Sage People WX)

• Recognition (Giver) (for Team Members using Sage People WX)

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal HR Manager Portal Tabs

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Tab Key Related Lists

• Resource Needs (for organizations using Resource Manager)

• Resource Needs (Manager) (for organizations using Resource Manager)

• Self Performance Reviews

• Skills

• Skills (Approver)

• Successors (Successor)

• Successors (Team Member)

• Talent Assessments

• Talent Plans

• Targets

• Team Member Pictures

• Team Members

• Training

• Visas

• WX Process Confirmations (for Team Members using Sage People WX)

Template Library • Constraints

• Policies

• Template Versions

Training Library • Competency Training Options

• Notes & Attachments

• Skill Training Options

• Training

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal Viewing Next Due Dates for Team Member Processes

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Viewing Next Due Dates for Team Member Processes

The Team Member Detail page Process Control section includes dates for:

• Next Performance Review

Calculated from the last completed Performance Review for the team Member and the Performance

Review Repeat value on the Policy.

o For Continuous Feedback and combined Continuous Feedback and Formal reviews, the Next

Performance Review Date marks the start of the next review period - Continuous Feedback can start as

soon as the period starts.

o For Formal, point in time reviews, the Next Performance Review Date marks the end of the next review

period - Formal reviews look backwards and review performance over the previous period.

If you are transitioning from Formal reviews to reviews including Continuous Feedback, the Next

Performance Review Date can be used as the end of the Formal review period and the start of the

Continuous Feedback period.

• Next Job Description

Job Descriptions need periodic review to keep them current. Next Job Description Date is calculated from

the date of the last completed Job Description for the Team Member and the Job Description Repeat

value on the Policy.

• Next Skills

Team Member skills need periodic review to keep records up to date. Next Skills Date is calculated from the

Skill Created Date and the Skills Repeat value on the Policy.

• Next Competency Assessment

Calculated from the last completed Competency Assessment and the Competency Assessment Repeat

value on the Policy.

• Next Successors

Where a successor has been nominated for a Team Member, the Next Successor Date is calculated from

the Created Date and the Succession Repeat value on the Policy.

• Next Talent Plan

Where a Talent Plan has been created for a Team Member, the Next Talent Plan Date is calculated from

the Created Date and the Talent Plan Repeat value on the Policy.

• Next Development Needs

Where a Development Plan exists for a Team Member, the Next Development Needs Date is calculated

from the Plan Created Date and the Development Need Repeat value on the Policy.

You can manually set Next... dates for Team Members using Mass Update.

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal Review Your Personal Setup

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Review Your Personal Setup

1. In the HR Manager Portal, select your name towards the top right of the Sage People window and select Setup from the user menu:

2. From the left panel, under Personal Setup select My Personal Information:

You can use the options to review a range of personal information:

Option To review

Personal Information General Information

These fields apply to the User, not the Sage People Team Member. Do not attempt to change Team Member values by editing these fields.

• Name

• Company name, department, division

• Job Title

• Role

• Email address

• Phone numbers

• Start and end of day times

Locale settings

• Time Zone

• Locale

• Language

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal Review Your Personal Setup

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Option To review

Change My Display Tabs. Select Customize My Tabs to change the tabs displayed in your HR Manager Portal. Sage People displays lists of available and selected tabs:

You can access the same Customize My Tabs page from the All Tabs page - select the + at the right of your Tab Bar.

Pages. Customize the Related Lists displayed on a page and the order in which they appear. Select a page from the picklist and select Customize My Pages:

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal Review Your Personal Setup

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Option To review

Sage People displays the available and selected Related Lists for the page you selected:

• Move lists up or down in the Selected List window to change the order in which they are displayed.

• Move a list from the Selected List window to the Available List window to remove it from the page.

• Move a list from the Available List window to the Selected List window to add it to the page.

Pages displays only those Related Lists made available through the full Page Layout dialog. To perform more extensive changes select the Edit Layout link at the top right of Detail pages.

Reminders Alert trigger

Time in advance

Time of day

Sorting by due date

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Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal Reviewing Your Outstanding Tasks

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Reviewing Your Outstanding Tasks

1. Go to the My Tasks list on your Home page:

You can change the view of your task list by using the picklist at the top right of the My Tasks section:

2. Select a link in the Subject column to go to the Task Detail page for that task. Select a name in the Related To column to go to that Team Member's detail page.

The Task Detail page includes icon links to display your calendar and task list, buttons to help you manage

your tasks, and a link to any attachments associated with the task:

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Performance & Talent Management


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Performance & Talent Management Overview Examples: Performance cycles

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Examples: Performance cycles

Example: Performance Cycle with Formal Review

The example below depicts a basic performance cycle with Objectives, Continuous Feedback and

Performance Reviews.

In the example, Objectives are created at the start of the cycle. During the cycle, Team Member and Manager

regularly review Objectives and add Continuous Feedback. At the end of the cycle Team Member and

Manager complete Performance Review.

Colleagues have the opportunity to add Recognition for Team Members. The next cycle continues in the same


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Performance & Talent Management Overview Examples: Performance cycles

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Example: Performance Cycle with Objectives, Feedback, Skills and

Competency Assessments

The example below shows a performance cycle where Team Members record their Skills and add Objectives

to start the process. Team Member and Manager frequently review Objectives and add Continuous Feedback.

Team Members update their skills periodically. At suitable intervals, the Team Member, Manager, colleagues

and potentially other contacts assess the Team Member's Competencies. The Competency Assessment may

need to Skill updates and new Objectives, so the cycle continues with Objective reviews and Continuous


Colleagues have the option to add Recognition at any time.

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Performance & Talent Management Overview Setting up Library items for the first time

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Setting up Library items for the first time

As Performance & Talent Management Overview (see page 32) indicates, many features associated to

Performance & Talent Management are related. The table below outlines the key dependencies between

these features. The table also suggests the order in which to create these items that avoids issues with


Order Feature Related Example Requires


Scales • Scale Response

• Optional: Scale Language

• Optional: Scale Response Language

Frequency None

2. Competency • Indicator

• Optional: Competency Training Option

Initiative Competency Assessment requires Job Profile. If you are using Competencies for Recognition, Job Profiles are not required.

3. Indicator Optional: Indicator Library

Language Come up with practical ideas to solve problems

Competency, Scale

4. Skill • Optional: Skill Training


• Optional: Skill Library Language

Supply Chain Management


5. Metric None • Number-based metric:

Transcription accuracy

• Scale-based metric: MS Office Proficiency

• Text-based metric: Overall comment

Scale (for scale-based metrics)

6. Training • Optional: Skill Training


• Optional: Competency Training Option

Communicating Effectively None

7. Job Profile Job Need Administration Job Need

8. Job Need None • Competency Need:


• Indicator Need: Come up with practical ideas to solve problems

• Skill Need: Supply Chain Management

• Metrics Need: Transcription accuracy

• Scale

• Competency (for Competency Need)

• Indicator (for Indicator Need)

• Skill (for Skill Need)

• Metrics (for Metrics Need)

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Setting Up Performance Review


Performance Review Templates enable you to create multiple, reusable varieties of Performance Review.

Incorporate the fields you need to capture the data you want to store and analyze for your teams, and maintain

the integrity of historical reviews by creating new versions as your processes evolve. You can apply conditions

- Constraints - to control when Templates are available. Templates are held in the Performance Review

Templates library, Constraints in the Constraint Library.

Performance Review Templates offer a more flexible alternative to Field Sets for configuring the fields

displayed to managers and Team Members through WX Performance Reviews.

Use Templates to support periodic, fixed interval formal reviews, continuous feedback, or a combination of the


To set up Performance Review Templates, follow these steps:

1. Create one or more Performance Review Templates (see page 37).

You can refine your Templates iteratively. When ready publish your draft Templates.

2. Define the Constraints (see page 41).

3. Link Templates to the Constraint(s) you want to apply (see page 43).

4. Set Configure page and Policy options as required.

o Use the Configure page option to switch on Performance Review Templates across your organization

overriding any Policy settings.

o With the Configure page option unchecked, use the Policy option to switch on Performance Review

Templates for users assigned to individual Policies.

You can:

• Edit Templates to change names, fields, or Constraints (see page 45).

Editing a published Template automatically creates a new Template version, including the Manager

Review, Self Review, and Additional Details field definitions, preserving the earlier version.

• Copy Templates and apply changes to the copies to quickly build your Template Library (see page 46).

• Delete Templates when they are no longer required (see page 47).

When completed and published, Templates can be selected by the manager in WX when creating a new

Performance Review.

Performance Review Templates are fully integrated in the Bulk Performance Review process - selected Team

Members are analyzed and legacy or Template Reviews applied as appropriate (see page 70).

You can use templated Performance Reviews in parallel with legacy, non-template Reviews - use Policy

settings to switch on templates for targeted groups of employees. Employees transitioned to templated reviews

can still access their legacy reviews, which remain unchanged.

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Creating a Performance Review Template

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Creating a Performance Review Template

To create a new Template:

1. Select the Performance Review Templates tab.

2. On the Template Library Home page, select New.

Sage People displays the New Template Library Item page:

3. Complete the fields as follows:

Template A name for the Template. The Template Name is displayed in WX for managers and employees to select when running a Performance Review. Use a name that makes the Template easy to identify in a list, such as Full Year Review Finance.

Type Picklist. Select the picklist and choose Performance Review.

Description A brief description of the Template.

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Creating a Performance Review Template

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4. Select Next.

Sage People displays the Performance Review Template Edit page:

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Creating a Performance Review Template

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5. For each section - Manager Review, Self Review, Additional Details, and Continuous Feedback - build the Performance Review Template by dragging Available Fields from the list on the left and dropping them into the Selected Fields list on the right.

Smaller screen sizes may display Selected Fields below Available Fields within each section.

o Drag Selected Fields into the order you want them to appear on the review form.

o Each section - Manager Review, Self Review, Additional Details, and Continuous Feedback - is stored

as a separate and unique Template Version.

o Mark fields that must be completed for the review by checking the Required checkbox:


o When setting up a Template for Continuous Feedback, select exclusively from the Available Fields

displayed in the Continuous Feedback section:

You can add custom fields to the Continuous Feedback section. Custom fields are displayed in the order

you choose in the Performance Overview process in WX. In the Performance Review process in WX,

custom picklist fields are displayed after all other custom field types.

o You can move Selected Fields back into the Available Fields list, but bear in mind that once a Template

has been used as the basis for a Review you cannot delete from the Performance Review object any

custom fields used in a Template. Deleting fields used in Performance Reviews stops the Performance

Review process from working.

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Creating a Performance Review Template

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6. Select Save.

Sage People creates the necessary Template Versions and Template Field objects, and displays the

Template Library Item Detail page:

The Template Versions Related List shows the Manager, Self, and Additional Details component Versions

for the Template.

Newly created Templates are saved in Draft status, and must be published before you can use them for

Performance Reviews. You can edit a template in Draft status (see page 45).

7. When the Template is ready to use for Performance Reviews, select Publish:

The Template is converted to Published status and the Publish button is replaced with Unpublish:

You can now use the Template for Performance Reviews. To add conditions to control when the Template can

be selected, define Constraints (see page 41) and link them to the Template (see page 43).

You can return a published Template to Draft status by selecting Unpublish on the Template Library Item

Detail page.

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Defining Constraints

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Defining Constraints

Constraints apply conditions to Templates enabling you to control when a Template can be used. You can set

up multiple Constraints to apply to a single Template, and you can also use one Constraint for multiple


• All conditions specified in a single Constraint must be satisfied for the Constraint to apply.

• When a Template has multiple Constraints, if any Constraint is satisfied the Template can be selected for a

Performance Review.

Constraints are held in the Constraint Library.

To define Constraints:

1. Select the Constraint Library tab.

2. On the Constraint Library Home page, select New.

Sage People displays the New Constraint Library Item page:

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Defining Constraints

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3. Complete the fields as follows:

Constraint A name for the Constraint. The Constraint Name is displayed in the Constraints Related List on the Template Library Item Detail page. Use a name that makes the Constraint easy to identify in a list.

Start Date The date you want this Constraint to take effect. The constraint is satisfied when today is on or after the Start Date.

Select the picklist and choose from the available values:

• Current Year Start Date As set in the Policy.

• Current Year End Date

• Employment Start Date

• Probation End Date

If the picklist does not display the full set of values, you can add them; in summary:

1. Go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects and select Constraint Library Item.

2. In the list of Custom Fields & Relationships, select the Start Date Field Label.

3. In the Values Related List, select New.

4. Add the missing values exactly as given.

Start Date Modifier Number of days you want added to or subtracted from the Start Date to offset the effective start date for this Constraint. Unsigned numbers are taken as positive offsets. Use - to indicate a negative offset.

End Date The date you want this Constraint to stop taking effect. The constraint is satisfied when today is on or before the End Date.

Select the picklist and choose from the available values:

• Current Year Start Date As set in the Policy.

• Current Year End Date

• Employment Start Date

• Probation End Date

If the picklist does not display the full set of values, you can add them; in summary:

1. Go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects and select Constraint Library Item.

2. In the list of Custom Fields & Relationships, select the End Date Field Label.

3. In the Values Related List, select New.

4. Add the missing values exactly as given.

End Date Modifier Number of days you want added to or subtracted from the End Date to offset the effective end date for this Constraint. Unsigned numbers are taken as positive offsets. Use - (minus sign) to indicate a negative offset.

4. Select:

o Save to save the Constraint and return to the Constraint Library Home page.

o Save & New to save the Constraint and display a blank Constraint Library Item Edit page to create

another Constraint.

o Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Constraint Library Home page.

Saved Constraints are immediately available to use with Templates. To use Constraints with your Templates

you must link them together (see page 43).

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Linking Templates and Constraints

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Linking Templates and Constraints

You can use Performance Review Templates without Constraints, or you can apply one or more Constraints to

act as conditions controlling when the Template can be used. To use Templates with Constraints, make sure

that the Constraints you want to use are defined, then:

1. Select the Performance Review Templates tab.

2. Select the Template you want to link to one or more Constraints.

3. On the Template Library Item Detail page, scroll down to the Constraints Related List and select New Template Constraint Association.

Sage People displays the Template Constraint Association Edit page:

4. In the Constraint field, select Constraint Lookup , find and select the Constraint you want to associate with this Template.

5. Select:

o Save to save this association and display the Template Constraint Association Detail page:

o Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Template Library Item Detail page.

o Create New Template to open a tab for you to create a new Template. The original tab remains open for

your return, enabling you to select the new Template.

o Create New Constraint to open a tab for you to create a new Constraint. The original tab remains open

for your return, enabling you to select the new Constraint.

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Linking Templates and Constraints

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When you next display the Template Library Item Detail page, the Constraints Related List includes the

Constraints you have associated with the Template:

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Editing a Template

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Editing a Template

1. Select the Performance Review Templates tab.

2. On the Template Library Home page, select the Template you want to edit. Draft Templates have the Published checkbox unchecked:

3. On the Template Library Item Detail page, select Edit:

Sage People displays the Performance Review Template Edit page.

4. Make the changes you want - edit the Template name or Description, or move fields between Selected and Available lists.

5. When you have completed your changes, select Save.

If the Template is Published, a new version of the Template is created, including the Manager Review, Self

Review, and Additional Details field definitions, preserving the earlier version:

Do not delete Custom Fields from the Performance Review object if they are included in a Template used as the basis for one or more Performance Reviews. Deleting fields used in Performance Reviews stops the Performance Review process from working.

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Copying a Template

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Copying a Template

You can copy Templates in Draft and Published status.

Copying a Template creates a Draft copy of the original Template including new versions of the Manager

Review, Self Review, and Additional Details fields as defined for the original. Constraints are not copied - you

must associate the Constraints you wish to apply to the new Template.

To copy a Template:

1. Select the Performance Review Templates tab.

2. On the Template Library Home page, select the Template you want to copy.

3. On the Template Library Item Detail page, select Clone:

Sage People displays the Performance Review Template Edit page with the Template name selected.

4. Enter a new name for the copied Template. The new name enables you to easily identify the copy.

5. Change any of the Manager Review, Self Review, and Additional Details field content you want to use for the new Template.

6. Select Save to Save the new Template. The new Template includes unique versions of the Manager Review, Self Review, and Additional Details fields, even if you have not changed the field content for the copy.

You can now link Constraints to the Template (see page 43) - Constraints are not copied as part of the clone.

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Setting Up Performance Review Templates Deleting a Template

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Deleting a Template

You can delete unused Draft and Published Templates. An unused Template:

• Has no current or previous Performance Reviews based on it.

• Is not assigned to a Policy as the Default Performance Review Template.

You cannot delete a Template when it has been used for a Performance Review that still exists - all associated

Reviews must first be deleted.

To delete a Template:

1. Select the Performance Review Templates tab.

2. On the Template Library Home page, select the Template you want to Delete.

Sage People displays the Template Library Item Detail page.

3. Check you have selected the right Template, then select Delete:

The Template is deleted and the Template Library home page redisplayed with the deleted Template removed.

Do not delete Custom Fields from the Performance Review object if they are included in a Template used as the basis for one or more Performance Reviews. Deleting fields used in Performance Reviews stops the Performance Review process from working.

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The Job Profile Library Deleting a Template

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The Job Profile Library

The Job Profile Library stores the lists of skills, competencies, indicators and metrics required for each job

type. Each Job Profile is defined in terms of the needs of the job, where a need can be:

• A specific competency, such as initiative, or managing customers.

• An indicator for a specific competency, such as coming up with practical ideas to solve problems as an

indicator of initiative. Indicators can also be used directly to help define a job profile and do not have to be

assigned to a competency.

• A specific skill, such as delegation or coaching.

• A metric, such as a measure of productivity for a production line worker.

Use Job Profiles as the basis for Competency Assessments or Metrics Reviews - an assessment or review

uses the job needs defined in the Profile as the qualities to be measured.

The competencies, skills, and metrics are stored as separate items in the competencies, skills, and metrics


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The Job Profile Library Creating a New Job Profile

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Creating a New Job Profile

To create a new job profile:

1. Select the Job Profile Library tab.

Sage People displays the Job Profile Library Home page.

2. Select New Job Profile:

Sage People displays the New Job Profile page:

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The Job Profile Library Creating a New Job Profile

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3. Complete the fields as follows:

Field Description

Job Profile Name Mandatory. Enter a name for the Job Profile.

Family Optional. Text, up to 255 characters. The Job Family where the Job Profile sits. Job Families are groups of related Job Profiles, typically with similar competencies, indicators, skills, or metrics.

If your organization uses Job Families, enter the name of the Family.

Level Optional. Text, up to 80 characters. The level of the job within the Family. A Job Family can contain related Job Profiles at several different levels.

If your organization uses Job Families with multiple Levels, enter the name of the Level.

Active Checkbox. Check to make this job profile visible to those completing a Competency Assessment or Metrics Review.

Form Definition fields

If you are using this Job Profile for Competency Assessments, complete the Form Definition fields to assign the predefined HCM Forms to be used by the multiple assessors.

Complete just those fields for the Forms to be used. Select Lookup for each field to find and select the predefined Form Definition.

Start Form Definition The HCM Form Definition used to request assessors before starting a Competency Assessment.

Self Form Definition The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member to complete their own, self assessment.

Manager Form Definition

The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member's manager to complete an assessment.

Colleague Form Definition

The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member's peers to complete an assessment.

Mentor Form Definition

The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member's mentor(s) to complete an assessment.

Direct Report Form Definition

The HCM Form Definition used by the Team Member's direct reports to complete an assessment.

Customer Form Definition

The HCM Form Definition used by customers - internal or external - to complete an assessment of the Team Member.

Other Form Definition The HCM Form Definition used by assessors not classified as one of the alternative categories.

4. Select:

o Save to save and close the Job Profile Edit page.

o Save & New to add another Job Profile.

o Cancel to discard your edits and return to the Job Profile Home page.

When you have saved the Job Profile, the Job Needs related list is displayed below the new Job profile:

5. Select New Job Need and add the skills, competencies, and indicators relevant to the new profile.

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The Scales Library

The Scales Library stores rating scales for use with competencies, skills, and metrics. For example, a scale

can be Frequency, used to measure how often a Team Member exhibits a particular skill or competency. By

defining Frequency as an established scale you help to ensure consistency when measuring that skill or

competency. You can name and define scales to meet the requirements of your organization.

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When adding a new scale bear in mind that the scale is likely to be used by more than one skill, competency, or

metric. As a guide, the following three scales can be used to apply measures for most skills, competencies,

and metrics requiring consistent measurement:

• Frequency

How often does a Team Member demonstrate a quality?

• Proficiency

How well does a Team Member demonstrate a quality? Alternatively called Expertise.

• Agreeability

To what extent does a Team Member agree with a statement about a quality?

To add a new scale:

1. Select the Scales tab.

Sage People displays the Scales Home page.

2. Select New Scale:

Sage People displays the New Scale page:

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3. Complete the fields as follows:

Field Description

Information section

Scale Name Enter a name for the new scale to be used throughout Sage People.

Format The format to be used when displaying the scale for a skill, competency, or metric.

Select the picklist and select from:

• Vertical Radio Buttons

• Horizontal Radio Buttons

• Drop Down Menu

Has Comments Checkbox. Check to enable comments to be entered with a response.

Does not apply to a scale when used for Metrics Review.

Permit No Response Checkbox. Check to allow assessors not to respond to this scale.

Does not apply to a scale when used for Metrics Review.

Lowest First Checkbox. Check to order the rating scale with the lowest value first, that is at the top of the list or on the left.

Does not apply to a scale when used for Metrics Review.

NA First Checkbox. Check to order the rating scale with a Not Applicable rating first: at the top of the list or on the left.

If Lowest First and NA First are both checked, the scale list starts with NA and then runs from lowest to highest.

Does not apply to a scale when used for Metrics Review.

Prompts section

Prompts entered in this section are not displayed when the scales are used for Metrics Reviews.

Above Prompt Enter the text that appears before the thing you are trying to measure.

In WX, the Above Prompt associated with the scale used to assess the first competency in a competency assessment appears as a section heading in the Competency Assessment dialog.

Scale Prompt Enter the text that appears immediately before the rating scale.

Comment Prompt Enter the text that appears before the comment.

Below Prompt Enter the text that appears after the thing you are trying to measure.

Self... Four prompts mirroring the previous four, used for self assessments and enabling you to use different prompting text. Complete these fields appropriately.

4. Select:

o Save to save and close the Scale Edit page.

o Save & New to add another scale.

Sage People displays the Scale Detail page for the scale you have just created. To enable assessment

against the scale you have created, you must add possible responses. To ensure assessments are scored

correctly, add the responses before associating the scale with a competency, skill or a metric.

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5. In the Scale Responses section, select New Scale Response:

Sage People displays the Scale Response Edit page:

6. Complete the fields as follows:

Field Description

Score The score to be awarded for this response:

• Enter -1 for a Does not apply, Not applicable or N/A response.

• Use low scores for poor correlation with the purpose of the scale. For example, 1 for Does not agree, Never (for a frequency scale), Unacceptable (for a proficiency scale).

• Scale responses for scales to be used for skills - now or in the future - must start from 1 and not 0.

• Use high scores for close correlation with the purpose of the scale. For example, 4 for Completely agree, Always (for a frequency scale), Outstanding (for a proficiency scale).

Scale The name of the scale for which you are editing this response. Automatically completed by Sage People.

Prompt The text you want to appear on screen for this response. For example, Does not apply, Expert (for a proficiency scale), or Frequently (for a frequency scale).

Label The brief description you want to appear on charts for this response. Space is likely to be limited, so keep the label short.

Description A meaningful summary of the response for someone completing the online questionnaire.

7. Select:

o Save & New to save your edits and enter another response for this scale

o Save if this is the last response you want to enter for this scale.

When you have finished entering all the responses you want to be available for this scale, Sage People

displays the Scale Detail page for the scale you have just created.

8. Check that the Maximum Score and Minimum Score values are in line with your requirements.

The scale is now ready for use.

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The Skills Library

The Skills Library stores the skills required by job profiles and identified as development needs for Team

Members. The Skills WX process also draws on the Skills Library to populate the picklist where WX users

select a Skill to add. Each skill is classified by the area of your business or human activity to which it applies,

such as business law, finance, or languages. Skills are linked to the scales used to measure them. Scales are

stored in the Scales Library.

To add a new skill:

1. Select the Skills Library tab.

Sage People displays the Skill Library Home page.

2. Select New or, in Salesforce Classic, select New Skill Library Item:

Sage People displays the New Skill Library Item page:

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3. Complete the fields as follows:

Field Description

Skill Enter a name for the Skill.

Area The name of the group of skills to which the new skill belongs, such as languages or project management.

Enter an Area name if required by your organization or if you are using the Skills WX process.

Description An expansion of the skill name and area.

Enter a Description if required by your organization.

Not shown in the Skills WX Process.

Scale The rating scale used to assess the level of the skill held by a Team Member or required by

a Job Profile. Select Scale Lookup to find and select the scale.

Scales are defined for your organization and stored in the Scales Library.

Active Checkbox. Check to make the skill available for use.

Approver Type The type of Team Member required to provide approval when adding this skill to a Team Member's profile through Sage People WX.

Approver Type overrides the Manager Confirms Skills setting in the Policy.

Select the picklist and select from:

• None No approval is required. Team Members and their managers can add skills to their profiles without seeking approval.

• Self Team Members can approve additions to their own skills profiles.

• Manager Additions to a Team Member's skills profile must be approved by the Team Member's manager.

• Qualified Assessor Additions to a Team Member's skills profile must be approved by a Qualified Assessor. An Assessor is qualified if their profiles show that they possess the skill at the Minimum Level Of Approver or above.

If you select Qualified Assessor, complete Minimum Level Of Approver as well.

Minimum Level Of Approver

Required if you select Qualified Assessor as Approver Type.

The level of skill required by an Approver before they can be selected to approve the addition of a skill to a Team Member's profile.

Select Minimum Level Of Approver Lookup and choose an appropriate level for the Scale used for this Skill. For example:

• If the Skill uses an Expertise scale, select Fully Skilled or Expert as the Minimum Level of Approver.

• If the skill uses a Frequency scale, select Always as the Minimum Level of Approver.

When using WX, Sage People searches the skills database and populates the Approver picklist with Team Members who possess the skill to the minimum level or above.

4. Select:

o Save to save and close the New Skill Library Item page

o Save & New to add another Skill.

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The Competency Library

The Competency Library stores competencies for assessments and development needs.

To create a new competency:

1. Select the Competency Library tab.

Sage People displays the competency Library Home page.

2. Select New Competency Library Item:

Sage People displays the New Competency Library Item Edit page:

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3. Complete the fields as follows:

Field Description

Competency A name for the competency.

Prompt A brief description of the competency to be displayed as a prompt when entering an assessment of the competency in an online questionnaire.

Area The name of the group hosting the competency. Enter the name of the Area if these are used by your organization.

Description A text description of the competency. This is typically an expanded version of the content of Prompt.

Level The level of this competency within a job family. Enter a level if these are used by your organization.

Order A number assigned to the competency to control the order in which it is displayed in an online questionnaire. 1 for first, 2 for second and so on.

Picture The unique identifier for an image associated with this competency. Pictures can be displayed next to the competency, for example in the WX Recognition process.

Pictures must be available to your Sage People org.

• To use an image you already have available in your org, navigate to the image and copy the unique identifier. Paste the identifier in Picture.

• To use a new image:

a. On the Competency Library Item go to the Notes & Attachments Related List. If Notes & Attachments is not displayed, go to Edit Layout, select Related Lists and drag and drop Notes & Attachments into place.

b. Select Attach File.

c. Find and select the image file you want to use.

d. When the file has loaded, select Done. The file is added to Notes & Attachments.

e. Select View in the Action column for the file. Sage People displays a preview of the file.

f. In the address bar of the preview window copy the unique identifier for the file from

the URL. This is the string of characters following the file= fragment, for example


g. Paste the unique identifier for the file in Picture.

4. Select:

o Save to save and close the New Competency Library Item Edit page.

o Save & New to add another competency.

Linking Competencies with Job Needs

You can link a Competency or an individual Competency Indicator with a Job Need. To ensure that

assessment scores are correctly calculated, follow this order:

1. Create a Competency (The Competency Library (see page 57))

2. Add Indicators to the Competency

3. Add Scales to the Indicators

4. Ensure that each Scale has Scale Responses (The Scales Library (see page 51))

5. Link the Competency or Competency Indicator to a Job Need (Adding Job Needs to a Job Profile)

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Manually closing a Competency Assessment

The End Date of a Competency Assessment is the final day when Assessors can complete their assessments.

When the Competency Assessment is in progress and the End Date is not yet in the past, the assessment

cannot be closed. The Manager can add further assessors to the Competency Assessment in WX. As the HR

Manager you can add and remove assessors, and change the Competency Assessment dates in HR Manager


On the Close Date, the Close button appears to the Manager in WX. If the Policy option Auto-Complete

Competency Assessment is enabled in your org, the Competency Assessment automatically closes and

completes when all Assessors have completed their assessments. If a Competency Assessment has

Assessors who have not completed their assessments at the Close Date or the Policy option is not enabled,

the Manager needs to close the Competency Assessment manually in WX by selecting the Close button.

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The Metrics Library

The Metrics Library stores items that are measured for a Metrics Review. Metrics can be:

• Number

The library stores:

o The minimum and maximum values permitted for the number.

o A required value.

o Any margin between the required value and the rating needed to earn an Achieved rating.

When conducting a Metrics Review, a manager must enter a value for the metric between the minimum and

maximum values. Entered values are also assessed against the required value and the optional margin,

and can be marked:

o Achieved - above required + margin.

o Partially Achieved - within the margin above the required value.

o Not Achieved - below the required value.

• Scale

The library stores:

o The options available on the scale.

o A required level.

o Any margin between the required level and the rating needed to earn an Achieved rating.

When conducting a Metrics Review, a manager must select one of the available options. Selected options

are assessed against the required level and the optional margin, and can be marked:

o Achieved - above required + margin

o Partially Achieved - within the margin above the required level.

o Not Achieved - below the required level.

• Text

Text metrics require a text comment from the manager at review time.

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To add a new metric:

1. Select the Metrics Library tab.

Sage People displays the Metrics Library Home page.

2. Select New Metrics Library Item:

Sage People displays the New Metrics Library Item Edit page:

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3. Complete the fields as follows:

Metrics Library Item Name A unique name for the metric.

Area Not used.

Active Checkbox. If checked this item can be used in Metrics Reviews.

Description A brief description of the metric.

Measure Picklist. Select from:

• Text

• Number

• Scale

Scale The controlling scale for Required Level. Scales are stored in the Scale Library.

Use Scale Lookup to find and select the correct scale for this metric.

Minimum Number. For a Number measure, the lowest permitted value that can be entered by a manager when conducting a Metrics Review.

Maximum Number. For a Number measure, the highest permitted value that can be entered by a manager when conducting a Metrics Review.

Required Value For a Number measure, the lowest value a Team Member needs to be awarded to avoid a Not Achieved rating.

Required Value applies as a default to this Metric Library Item and is overridden by a value specified for a Job Need associated with a Job Profile (see page 63).

Margin For a Number measure, the separation between the Required Value and the value a Team Member needs to earn an Achieved rating. Scores above the Required Value and within the additional margin value earn a Partly Achieved rating.

For a Scale measure, the separation between the Required Level and the level a Team Member needs to earn an Achieved rating. Scores above the Required Level and within the additional margin earn a Partly Achieved rating.

For example a number measure set up with these values:

Minimum 10 Maximum 80 Required Value 40 Margin 10 these results:

Team Member score: below 40 = rating Not Achieved Team Member score: 40 to 49 = rating Partly Achieved Team Member score: 50 and above = rating Achieved

Required Level For a Scale measure, the level a Team Member needs to be awarded to get an Achieved rating.

Use Required Level lookup to find and select the level from the appropriate set of scale responses. These are the responses associated with the Scale in the Scale Library.

Required Level applies as a default to this Metric Library Item and is overridden by a level specified for a Job Need assigned to a Job Profile (see page 63).

Order The order in which you want this metric to be displayed on the Team Member Metric Review page, relative to other metrics.

4. Select:

o Save to save the item and close Metrics Library Item Edit page

o Save & New to save the item and create another

o Cancel to discard your changes.

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Linking Metrics to a Job Profile

When the metrics have been defined, you can link them to a Job Profile:

1. Select the Job Profiles tab.

Sage People displays the Job Profiles home page.

2. Select a view that shows the Job Profile you want to link to metrics, and select the Job Profile Name:

Sage People displays the Job Profile Detail page.

3. In the Job Needs related list, select New Job Need:

Sage People displays the New Job Need page for you to select the Job Need Record Type:

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4. In Record Type of new record select the picklist and choose Metrics Need.

5. Select Continue.

Sage People displays the Job Need Edit page for the new job need:

Complete the fields as follows:

Job Profile Profile name. Automatically completed for you when you enter this page from the Job Profile.

To change the Job Profile, select Job Profile lookup to find and select the profile.

Metrics Library Item The metric you want to link to the Job Profile as a Job Need. Select Metric Library Item

lookup to find and select the item you want.

Required Score Number. The minimum acceptable score for this metric for someone working in the role defined by the Job Profile.

The value you specify overrides the default specified for the metric and stored in the Metrics Library. If you leave this field blank Sage People uses the default required score stored for the metric in the Metrics Library.

Required Level Used for Scale metrics. The minimum acceptable level for this metric for someone working in the role defined by the Job Profile.

Select Required Level lookup to find and select the level you want. Required Level lookup links to the levels stored against the metric in the Metrics Library.

The value you specify overrides the default specified for the metric and stored in the Metrics Library. If you leave this field blank Sage People uses the default required level stored for the metric in the Metrics Library.

6. Select:

o Save to save and display the Job Need Detail page.

o Save & New to define a link to another Metrics Need.

o Cancel to discard your changes.

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The Training Library

The Training Library stores lists of training options, such as courses, events, or books. Each item is linked to

the skills and competencies it develops. Training options are suggested when entering a development need for

skills and competencies.

To add a new item to the Training Library:

1. Select the Training Library tab.

Sage People displays the Training Library Home page.

2. Select New Training Library Item:

Sage People displays the New Training Library Item page:

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3. Complete the fields as follows:

Field Description

Training Name The name of the item. This can be the name of the course, event, book, or other training item.

Type The type of training item, such as website, video, training event, or course. Select the picklist and select the type.

Description A description of the training item that makes it easy for potential users to decide if it is what they are looking for.

Supplier The name of the supplier if this is appropriate to the training item and required by your organization.

URL A link to the training item if this is appropriate to the training item and required by your organization.

Active Checkbox. Check to make this training item visible in your organization.

4. Select:

o Save to save and close the New Training Library Item page.

o Save & New to add another item.

When you have saved the Training Library Item, the Skill Training Options, Competency Training

Options, and Notes & Attachments related lists are displayed below the new item.

5. In the Notes & Attachments related list add course outlines or any related training materials.

To link Training items to Skills:

1. Open the training item you want to link to a skill.

2. Go to the Skill Training Options related list.

3. Select New Skill Training:

Sage People displays the New Skill Training page:

4. Select Skill Library Item Lookup to find and select the skill to which you want to link this training item.

5. Select Save to save and close the Skill Training Edit page, or select Save & New to link the training item to another skill.

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To link Training items to competencies:

1. Open the training item you want to link to a competency.

2. Go to the Competency Training Options related list.

3. Select New Competency Training:

Sage People displays the New Competency Training page:

4. Select Competency Library Item Lookup to find and select the competency to which you want to link this training item.

5. Select:

o Save to save and close the Competency Training Edit page.

o Save & New to link the training item to another competency.

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Performance Review Templates

The Template Library stores the templates used to create Performance Reviews (see page 37). Each template

records the fields you want to appear on reviews based on it, with the option to mark fields as mandatory.

An organization can have multiple active templates, with each template used to create a Review for a different

target audience, for a different point in the business year, or for on a date related to an employee's start date or

probation end date.

Templates can be versioned as your processes or requirements change. Earlier template versions and all

reviews based on them are preserved as generated, ensuring the integrity of historical reviews.

You can apply Constraints to templates, enabling you to control when a template can be used (see page 41).

Constraints are stored in the Constraint Library (see page 69).

The Template Library

The Template Library tab in HR Manager Portal has been replaced by Performance Review Templates tab.

This change has no impact on the way Performance Review Templates are configured.

To remove a redundant Template Library tab from an org, select Setup > App Setup > Create > Tabs to

access the Custom Tabs page, then select Del next to the Template Library tab.

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The Constraint Library

The Constraint Library stores the conditions applied to Templates (see page 41). Each constraint defines a

start date or an end date, or both start and end dates to control when an associated template can be used.

All conditions applied in a single constraint must be satisfied for the constraint to apply.

Multiple constraints can apply to a single template, in which case the template can be used when any of the

constraints is satisfied.

Templates are stored in the Performance Review Templates (see page 68) library.

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Initiating Bulk Actions

You can initiate Bulk Performance Review and Bulk Competency Assessment from Team Member view.

Bulk Performance Review

Bulk Performance Review enables you to start Performance Reviews for up to 200 Team Members in a

single operation. Bulk Performance Review enables you to use the single operation to combine reviews using

Performance Review Templates and legacy (non-Template) reviews.

Team Members cannot have more than one active performance review at any one time, so make sure that the

Team Members you select for Bulk Performance Review have no reviews in Draft, Approved, or Revealed


If Conversations Beta release is available and enabled in Policies in your org, you can only use Bulk

Performance Review to create formal reviews for Team Members associated with Policies where

Conversations is enabled. If you select a Template that includes Continuous Feedback, either with or without

formal review, Bulk Performance Review excludes the Team Members whose Policies enable Conversations

before creating the performance reviews.

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To use Bulk Performance Review:

1. Select the people you want to review or create a Team Member View to display the people you want, then select them. You can select all by selecting the Action check box at the head of the list.

2. Select Bulk Performance Review:

Sage People displays the Start Performance Review page:

The Start Performance Review page enables you to control the Reviews, and summarizes the type of

Review - Legacy or Performance Review Template - to be used for each of the people you have selected.

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3. Complete the fields as follows:

Manager Review Only Checkbox. If checked, the Self Performance Review is not created. Only the manager participates in the performance review. Team Members you want to participate must be registered users of Sage People.

If not checked and the Team Member is a registered user of Sage People, the self performance review is created for the team member.

Mid-Year Review Checkbox. If checked, the performance reviews use the Mid-Year Review process. Overridden by a Template selected in Template Library Item.

Performance Review Template

Picklist. If you are using Performance Review Templates, select the picklist and choose the Template.

A Template selected here overrides:

• The Mid-Year Review checkbox; the Template is used in preference to the Mid-Year Review process.

• Any Default Performance Review Templates defined on the Policies assigned to the Team Members selected for Review.

If you are using Performance Review Templates for any of the people you have selected for Review, you must select a Template. Until you select a Template, the Summary (Templates) section carries the message:

The following Team Members will be skipped (no Template selected):

When you select a Template, the Summary (Templates) section is updated:

4. Select Initiate.

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Bulk Competency Assessment

Bulk Competency Assessment enables you to start Competency Assessments for up to 200 Team Members

in a single operation. You can use Bulk Competency Assessment for Team Members with no active

Competency Assessment. Competency Assessments are made against the competencies held in a Job Profile

- when using Bulk Competency Assessment you can choose the Job Profile to use:

• The Job Profile assigned to each Team Member.

• A single Job Profile for all Team Members.

All assessments are assigned common End and Close Dates, so make sure the dates can be met by all


To use Bulk Competency Assessment:

1. Select or create a Team Member View to display the people you want to assess.

2. Select Team Members from the displayed View, or select all by selecting the Action check box at the head of the list.

3. Select Bulk Competency Assessment.

Sage People displays the Start Competency Assessment page:

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4. Complete the fields as follows:

Job Profile Picklist. Select the picklist and choose from:

• Use Default Team Member Profile. Assessments are made using the competencies held in the Job Profile assigned to each Team Member selected for Bulk Competency Assessment.

o If the Team Member has no directly assigned Job Profile, the Assessment uses the default Job Profile assigned to the Policy used by the Team Member.

o If the Policy has no default Job Profile, the Assessment uses the default Job Profile assigned to the Team Member's HR Department.

If no Job Profile can be found for the Team Member, the process displays an error message with the record IDs of all Team Members without Job Profiles; to link to a Team Member, copy and paste each record ID into the browser address bar.

• Any of the listed Job Profiles. Assessments are made using the competencies held in the single Job Profile you choose for all Team Members selected for Bulk Competency Assessment.

Job profile containing the competencies and indicators to be assessed.

End Date Date when assessors are asked to complete feedback. Set this a few days before the Close Date to give time to chase stragglers.

The Sage People configurable workflow can send reminders before and immediately after the End Date.

Close Date Date after which the competency assessment may be completed and outstanding feedback requests canceled. Make this shortly after the End Date to give a grace period for feedback to be completed.

The Close Date is not normally revealed to the assessors but it is the date up to which you will wait for them to supply feedback.

You cannot cancel assessments to see your results until the Close Date, but you can see the results before the close date if all assessments are complete.

5. Select Initiate.

Sage People creates actions for the Team Member's managers to start the Competency Assessments.

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Maintaining Targets

If enabled through the Policy, WX enables managers to enter, and Team Members to confirm financial targets.

Actuals are recorded against targets as the financial year progresses. Targets can be linked to Salesforce

Opportunities so that closed Opportunities contribute to actuals.

As an HR Manager you can enter and maintain Targets through the HR Manager Portal. If the Policy option

Manager View Only Targets is set on, Managers can view but not create or edit Targets for their Team

Members through WX, and all creation and editing must be done through the HR Manager Portal.

Creating a New Target

To create a Target for a Team Member through the HR Manager Portal:

1. On the Team Member record, select the Targets Related List.

2. Select New Target:

3. If you are prompted to select a Target Record Type, select New then select Continue.

4. On the New Target Edit page, complete the fields as follows:

Field Description

Information section

Target Text, up to 80 characters. Enter a name for the Target, such as New product sales, Service contracts, or Upgrades.

Start Date The date you want the Team Member to start work towards this set of targets. Defaults to the start of the financial year as defined in the Policy, and subject to the rollover period, also defined in the Policy.

Select the field to display a calendar for date picking, or select today's date next to the field.

Currency The currency used to measure the target. May be the local currency for the Team Member or the reporting currency used by your organization.

Select Currency Lookup , find and select the currency.

Calculate Salesforce Opportunities


If checked, this Target is linked to Salesforce Opportunities and Closed Opportunities contribute to actuals.

If unchecked, there is no automatic link to Salesforce Opportunities.

Contributes To If this Target contributes to a higher level target, typically one held by the Team Member's manager, enter the name of the higher level target.

Select Contributes To Lookup , find and select the Target name.

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Field Description

Basis Picklist. The time basis used for setting Targets and measuring actuals. A default value can be set in the Policy; you can override the default displayed here if you need to.

Select the picklist and choose from:

• Month

• Quarter

• Year

Team Member The Team Member holding this Target. Automatically completed by Sage People with the name of the Team Member you selected. You can change to another Team Member if you

need to - select Team Member Lookup , find and select the Team, Member.

Is Private Checkbox.

If checked, this Target is visible through WX to the Team Member and their upward management chain only.

If unchecked, this Target is visible to anyone who can view the Team Member's

Quarterly Amounts section

Target Q1


Target Q4

The currency amounts to be used as revenue targets by the Team Member for each of the four quarters of the financial year.

After saving, any changes to these amounts must be confirmed by the Team Member.

Actual Q1


Actual Q4

The currency amounts actually realized by the Team Member for each of the four quarters of the financial year.

Progress section

Progress Picklist. The current status of work towards this target.

Select the picklist and choose from:

• Ongoing: Above Track

• Ongoing: On Track

• Ongoing: Below Track

Manager Comments Text. Comments by the manager on the Team Member's progress towards this target.

Team Member Comments

Text. Comments made by the Team Member on their own progress towards this target.

5. Select:

o Save to save the Target and display the Target Detail page.

o Save & New to save the target and enter a new target.

o Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Team Member record.

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Approving Manager Notes

The Manager Notes process enables managers to add notes to Team Member's profiles. A Manager Note is

typically an informal record of some interaction between a manager and a team member that is not covered or

required by any of the more formal HR-related processes, or that can be used to contribute to one of those


If WX is set up to require HR approval before a Manager Note created by the manager is visible to the Team

Member, each new Note must be submitted for approval before it can be displayed to the Team Member.

As an HR Manager you can approve or reject submitted Manager Notes through WX or the HR Manager


When a Note is submitted for approval, as an HR Manager you receive:

• An Action in WX.

• An email with the subject Approval Request containing a link to the Approve/Reject page in the HR

Manager Portal.

You can also reply to the email:

To approve the Manager Note: Include one of the following words in the first line of the email message:




To reject the Manager Note: Include one of the following words in the first line of the email message:




To add comments to the Manager Note: Enter your comments on the second line of the email message.

Comments are stored with the Manager Note as HR Comments.

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To approve or reject the Manager Note in the HR Manager Portal:

1. Select the link in the Approval Request email.

Sage People displays the Approval Request Approve/Reject page:

2. Enter any comments you want to add.

3. Select:

o Approve to approve the Manager Note.

The Manager Note is made visible to the manager and Team Member in WX - in line with Policy settings

- in read only form.

Approval History for the Manager Note is updated to show Overall Status as Approved.

o Reject to reject the Manager Note.

The Manager Note remains hidden in WX.

Approval History for the Manager Note is updated to show Overall Status as Rejected.

The email link destination is removed.

o Cancel to discard any changes you have made and close the Request.

The Manager Note remains hidden in WX.

Approval History for the Manager Note is not updated and the Overall Status remains Pending.

The email link destination remains available.

You can access all Manager Notes for a Team Member - Approved or Rejected - through the Manager Notes

Related List on the Employment Record.

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To approve or reject a Manager Note through the HR Manager Portal if you do not have access to the Approval

Request email:

1. Go to the Team Member's Employment Record and select or scroll down to the Manager Notes Related List.

2. In the list of Manager Notes select the Manager Note number:

Sage People displays the Manager Note Detail page:

3. In the Approval History Related List select:

o Reassign to assign the Approval Request to another user.

o Approve/Reject to display the Approval Request Approve/Reject page.

You can then enter any comments you want to add and Approve or Reject the Note.

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Glossary of Terms

Competency Assessment

A means of assessing a team member's

job-relevant knowledge and skills, as

demonstrated through the work they do. Each item

to be assessed - knowledge, skill, behavior, or

indicator - is stored as a competency in a

competency library. Stored competencies are used

to build a job profile, and team members can then

be assessed against a relevant profile. Results can

contribute to employee development and

succession planning.

Development Plan

A group of development needs for a Team

Member, comprising some combination of skills,

competencies and objectives. Each development

need has an action plan and a target date.


A single aspect of behavior or personal value that

contributes to a competency. When conducting a

competency assessment, each question in the

online form seeks to measure an indicator. For

example, in measuring the competency problem

solving an assessment could seek responses to

the indicators I deal rationally with problems, I

deal with problems as soon as they arise, I am

decisive in making decisions and so on.

Manager Note

An informal record of an interaction between a

manager and a team member, not covered or

required by any of the more formal HR processes.

A manager note can be used to contribute to a

formal HR process such as a performance or

metrics review, a competency assessment, or a

development plan. Manager notes include records

of notable achievements, coaching sessions, or

counseling sessions.

Metrics Need

A specific type of Job Need used to define a Job

Profile and to assess a Team Member through a

Metrics Review.

Metrics Review

A simplified form of a performance review in which

a Team Member's performance is assessed

against a number of measurable indicators. A

Metrics Review produces a set of scores and levels

of achievement which can be used for comparison

with other Team Members.

Typically used for helping to assess Team Member

performance of repetitive tasks against a set of

standardized measures.


An activity or task that a Team Member strives to

accomplish. Objectives can be set a time span and

can have one or more milestones. Objectives for a

Team Member can be recorded and reviewed in

the Objectives Process.

Performance Overview

Provides a consolidated view of a Team Member's

performance by bringing together Objectives,

Performance Overview and Continuous Feedback

information in a single screen.


A type of WX Process enabling you to use social

performance management within your

organization. Team members use Recognition to

provide immediate positive feedback to others on

tasks, events, or actions that demonstrate core

values or competencies. Feedback takes the form

of a Recognition award recorded on the system

and visible to Team Members through WX.

Also known as Shout Outs, Badging,

Crowdsourced Performance Review.

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A technical ability or knowledge required to

perform a job. The Skills process enables Team

Members' skills to be recorded for use in career

planning and succession planning. Skills are

defined in the Skill Library by the HR Manager.

Team Members and managers set the level of

ability of team members against skills selected

from the Skill Library.

Succession Plan

Identifying potential successors within your

organization for a Team Member, along with an

indication of the readiness of each potential

successor. A succession plan is good business

practice for all key roles, enabling you to develop

individuals to take on larger or different roles in the

future and providing a measure of security if a key

team member should leave. Succession Plans are

typically entered by a manager or HR and not

disclosed to the Team Members.

Talent Plan

An assessment of a Team Member comprising

their current performance, potential, risk of leaving,

and the impact on your organization if they leave.

Typically entered by a manager and not disclosed

to the Team Member.


Financial targets for a Team Member to achieve in

a given time period. Typically used to set revenue

generation targets for sales staff and aligned with

an organization's financial year, targets are broken

down into quarterly amounts. Actuals can be

recorded against each quarter, and managers can

record status and comments as the year


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About this Guide • 5 Adding the Administration Link to WX • 11 After You Have Changed Your Password • 14 Approach to Salesforce Lightning Experience • 5 Approving Manager Notes • 77 Available Tabs • 20


Bulk Competency Assessment • 73 Bulk Performance Review • 36, 70


Competency Assessment • 80 Copying a Template • 36, 46 Creating a New Job Profile • 49 Creating a New Target • 75 Creating a Performance Review Template • 36, 37,

68 Customize Your Tab Bar • 18, 19


Defining Constraints • 36, 40, 41, 68, 69 Deleting a Template • 36, 47 Development Plan • 80 Display All Tabs • 18, 19


Editing a Template • 36, 40, 45 Example

Performance Cycle with Formal Review • 33 Performance Cycle with Objectives, Feedback,

Skills and Competency Assessments • 34 Examples

Performance cycles • 33


Feedback • 6 Finding Your Way Around the HR Manager Portal •

15 For the First Time • 13 From HR Manager Portal to WX • 10 From WX to HR Manager Portal • 11


HR Manager Portal • 9 HR Manager Portal Home Page • 16, 20 HR Manager Portal Tabs • 18


Indicator • 80 Initiating Bulk Actions • 70 Introduction • 7


Linking Competencies with Job Needs • 58 Linking Metrics to a Job Profile • 62, 63 Linking Templates and Constraints • 36, 40, 42, 43,

46 Localization • 12 Logging in to Sage People • 13 Login with Single Sign-On • 14


Maintaining Targets • 75 Manage HCM • 6 Manager Note • 80 Manually closing a Competency Assessment • 59 Metrics Need • 80 Metrics Review • 80 Moving Between Portals • 10


Objective • 80


Performance & Talent Management Guide for Users • 6

Performance & Talent Management Overview • 32, 35

Performance Overview • 80 Performance Review Templates • 68, 69


Recognition • 80 Related Guides • 6 Related Lists Available For HR Manager Portal

Tabs • 24 Review Your Personal Setup • 28 Reviewing Your Outstanding Tasks • 31


Sage People HCM Terminology • 17 Setting up Library items for the first time • 35 Setting Up Performance Review Templates • 36 Setup Performance & Talent Management • 6 Skill • 81 Succession Plan • 81

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Talent Plan • 81 Targets • 81 The Competency Library • 20, 57, 58 The Constraint Library • 68, 69 The Job Profile Library • 20, 48 The Metrics Library • 20, 60 The Scales Library • 20, 51, 58 The Skills Library • 21, 55 The Template Library • 68 The Training Library • 21, 65


Viewing Next Due Dates for Team Member Processes • 27


WX • 8