Performance of a Photovoltaic Diesel Hybrid System In...

37 1. Introduction Off-grid power generation is meant to supply remote or rural area, where grid connection is almost impossible in terms of cost and geography, such as island, aborigine's vil- lages, and areas where nature preservation is concern. Harnessing an abundance renewable energy sources using versatile hybrid power systems can offer the best, least-cost alternative solution for extending modern energy services to remote and isolated communities [1, 2] . The conventional method for off-grid power generation is using diesel generator with a renewable energy (RE) techno- logy utilizing solar photovoltaic, wind, biomass, biogas and/or mini/micro hydro. A hybrid technology is a combina- tion of multiple source of energy; such as RE and diesel gene- rator and may also include energy storage such as battery. A hybrid system is a combination of one or more resources of renewable energy such as solar, wind, micro/mini-hydropo- wer and biomass with other technologies such as batteries and diesel generator. Particularly, the solar hybrid system develo- ped with a combination of solar with battery and diesel gene- rator. As an off-grid power generation, the hybrid system offers clean and efficient power that will in many cases be more cost-effective than sole diesel systems. As a result, rene- wable energy options have increasingly become the preferred solution for off-grid power generation [3] . The system has been installed at the middle and top stations at the Langkawi Cable Car facilities. It is a resort area located in the Island of Langkawi, Malaysia. 2. Benefits of Hybrid Systems Improved reliability A robust power supply and downtime minimization during power outages could be achieved by virtue of varying the power sources, which is vital indeed due to its ability to pro- vide backup power. System failure or disruption of diesel sup- ply to the community are factors leading to utilizing an alter- nate generating system encompassing renewable energy / die- sel hybrid system as to encourage continuous and reliability power supply. Photovoltaic and wind energy system attributi- ve to fewer moving parts, requiring less maintenance than die- sel, thus reduces downtime during repairs or routine mainte- nance. In fact, renewable energy sources being indigenous and free, is more secure than diesel thus, beneficial to facilities. Improved energy services The ability of renewable energy working in tandem with diesel, contributes to high quality and dynamic electricity ser- vices for 24 hours / day whilst in a conventional system, the high diesel operating costs limits the power supply only to 12 Abstract T T he benefits of photovol- taic hybrid systems are (a) improved reliability and energy services, (b) reduced emissions and pollution, (c) provide continuos power supply, (d) increased opera- tional life, and (e) reduced cost, and more efficient use of power. A photovoltaic die- sel hybrid has been installed and operated successfully at the middle and top stations of the Langkawi Cable Car resort facilities. The opera- tional concept of the hybrid system is that solar will be the first choice of supplying load and excess energy pro- duced will be stored in batte- ry. Diesel generator set will be a secondary source of energy. A microprocessor- based controller to manage the energy supplied and load demand controls the system. The hybrid system consists of diesel generators with elec- tronic control system, lead- acid battery system, solar PV, inverter module and sys- tem controller with remote monitoring capability. This paper presents the perfor- mance of the hybrid systems. Keywords : Off-grid power supply, Renewable Energy, Solar Hybrid System. Performance of a Photovoltaic Diesel Hybrid System In Malaysia Kamaruzzaman Sopian and Mohd Yusof Othman Department of Mechanical and Material Engineering Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 Bangi Selangor MALAYSIA MohdAzhar Abd. Rahman Tenaga SPL Sdn.Bhd. Level 5, Menara TNB, 19, Jalan Timur Petaling Jaya 46000 Malaysia L Volume 1 - May 2005 (37-39)

Transcript of Performance of a Photovoltaic Diesel Hybrid System In...


1. Introduction

Off-grid power generation is meant to supply remote orrural area, where grid connection is almost impossible interms of cost and geography, such as island, aborigine's vil-lages, and areas where nature preservation is concern.Harnessing an abundance renewable energy sources usingversatile hybrid power systems can offer the best, least-costalternative solution for extending modern energy services toremote and isolated communities [1, 2].

The conventional method for off-grid power generation isusing diesel generator with a renewable energy (RE) techno-logy utilizing solar photovoltaic, wind, biomass, biogasand/or mini/micro hydro. A hybrid technology is a combina-tion of multiple source of energy; such as RE and diesel gene-rator and may also include energy storage such as battery.

A hybrid system is a combination of one or more resourcesof renewable energy such as solar, wind, micro/mini-hydropo-wer and biomass with other technologies such as batteries anddiesel generator. Particularly, the solar hybrid system develo-ped with a combination of solar with battery and diesel gene-rator. As an off-grid power generation, the hybrid systemoffers clean and efficient power that will in many cases bemore cost-effective than sole diesel systems. As a result, rene-wable energy options have increasingly become the preferred

solution for off-grid power generation [3]. The system has beeninstalled at the middle and top stations at the Langkawi CableCar facilities. It is a resort area located in the Island ofLangkawi, Malaysia.

2. Benefits of Hybrid Systems

Improved reliability

A robust power supply and downtime minimization duringpower outages could be achieved by virtue of varying thepower sources, which is vital indeed due to its ability to pro-vide backup power. System failure or disruption of diesel sup-ply to the community are factors leading to utilizing an alter-nate generating system encompassing renewable energy / die-sel hybrid system as to encourage continuous and reliabilitypower supply. Photovoltaic and wind energy system attributi-ve to fewer moving parts, requiring less maintenance than die-sel, thus reduces downtime during repairs or routine mainte-nance. In fact, renewable energy sources being indigenous andfree, is more secure than diesel thus, beneficial to facilities.

Improved energy services

The ability of renewable energy working in tandem withdiesel, contributes to high quality and dynamic electricity ser-vices for 24 hours / day whilst in a conventional system, thehigh diesel operating costs limits the power supply only to 12


TThe benefits of photovol-taic hybrid systems are

(a) improved reliability andenergy services, (b) reducedemissions and pollution, (c)provide continuos powersupply, (d) increased opera-tional life, and (e) reducedcost, and more efficient useof power. A photovoltaic die-sel hybrid has been installedand operated successfully atthe middle and top stations ofthe Langkawi Cable Carresort facilities. The opera-tional concept of the hybridsystem is that solar will bethe first choice of supplyingload and excess energy pro-

duced will be stored in batte-ry. Diesel generator set willbe a secondary source ofenergy. A microprocessor-based controller to managethe energy supplied and loaddemand controls the system.The hybrid system consists ofdiesel generators with elec-tronic control system, lead-acid battery system, solarPV, inverter module and sys-tem controller with remotemonitoring capability. Thispaper presents the perfor-mance of the hybrid systems.

Keywords : Off-grid powersupply, Renewable Energy,Solar Hybrid System.

Performance of aPhotovoltaic Diesel Hybrid

System In Malaysia

Kamaruzzaman Sopianand Mohd Yusof Othman

Department of Mechanical and Material EngineeringUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

43600 Bangi SelangorMALAYSIA

MohdAzhar Abd. RahmanTenaga SPL Sdn.Bhd.

Level 5, Menara TNB, 19, Jalan TimurPetaling Jaya 46000

Malaysia L

V o l u m e 1 - M a y 2 0 0 5 ( 3 7 - 3 9 )

Kamaruzzaman Sopian and Mohd Yusof Othman /ISESCO Science and Technology Vision - Volume 1 (May 2005) (37-39)

hours / day. The cost of photovoltaic or wind power genera-tion lies in the form of upfront capital expenditures wherebythe operation and maintenance expenses are low. Therefore,the generating cost via photovoltaic or wind is marginallymore than a conventional system with respect to the additio-nal generating capacity, nevertheless promises customersatisfaction of a continuous electricity supply.

Reduced emissions and noise pollution

Diesel generation emits air / water pollution agents aswell as loud noise, proving the essentiality of renewable ener-gy or diesel retrofits application in power generation whichadopts an environmental-friendly technology. In fact, rene-wable energy system is also substantially quieter than dieselgenerators.

Continuous power

By incorporating diesel generator with renewable energysystem, diesel generator is able to boost up the electricity sup-ply during sudden increase in energy demand or when thebatteries capacity decreases and thus, facilities face no supplyinterruption.

Increased operational life

The alternate operation at regular intervals and specificoccurrences of renewable energy and diesel hybrids couldprolong the life of the overall system on account of the dis-continuous usage of the diesel set. Furthermore, the dischar-ging level of the batteries is optimum, contributing to itsincreased operational life.

Reduced cost

Renewable energy or diesel hybrid system act as the mostcost-effective way of generating electricity with regards tosavings on fuel consumption and lower maintenance cost. Fora conventional diesel system at remote area, the fuel and trans-portation cost is typically very high, as well as the service andspare parts cost which grossly excessive to rural community.

Efficient use of energy

Hybrid system promotes efficient use of power since rene-wable energy system could be configured to cope with baseload whilst the peak load could be met via diesel generator.

3. Components of the Hybrid System

A hybrid power station typically includes (a) Invertermodule with a continuous power rated at 60% of maximumdemand of the community (b) One or two diesel engines,which are usually sized at an equal rating to the inverter to amaximum size of 1.5 times the inverter rating with automaticdiesel generator control system. The system controller inter-faces to the diesel generators via interconnections to the die-sel generator control system. A fully automatic diesel genera-tor control system enables automatic operation and automaticselection of power sources (c) A lead-acid battery storage sys-tem, with a specified minimum storage capacity (d) A solarphotovoltaic array and solar regulator with a specified mini-mum power capacity at a specified temperature and insola-

tion (e) A microprocessor based controller unit to monitor andmanage the system automatically. It is advantageous if thecontroller unit has a remote monitoring capability since anoff-grid power generation station is normally located at avery remote and isolated area.

4. Operational Concepts of the HybridSystem

The solar hybrid power system makes use of the solar PVto produce electricity that can be supplemented by dieselgenerators. The configuration of solar hybrid system is ana-lyzed for various photovoltaic array sizes with respect to adiesel generator to operate in tandem with the battery system.The power controller unit will determine the AC conversionof the DC power in relation to optimum diesel generator ope-ration following the load profile. The charge controller willcharge the batteries with energy from solar modules as wellas from the diesel generator.The main objective of solarhybrid system is to reduce the cost of operation and mainte-nance and cost of logistic by minimizing diesel runtime andfuel consumption. To achieve this the generator only runs asneeded to recharge the battery and to supply excess load. It isstarted when the battery reaches a preset discharge level andis run at full capacity until the battery is fully recharged andthen shut down. A schematic of normal daily operation of atypical solar hybrid system can be shown in a series of dia-gram in Figure 1.













Bi- Inverter










Figure 1 (c) System operation during shortfall

Figure 1 (b) System operation during night time

Figure 1 (a) System operation during daytime

During day time

In Figure 1(a), solar is the first choice and only source ofenergy while the generator is off. The inverter converts DCpower from the solar PV to AC power for the load. The extrapower produced is stored in battery system.

During night time

In Figure 1(b), battery is the only source of energy whilethe generator and solar PV are both off. The inverter convertsDC power from the battery to AC power for the load. The bat-tery will supply the load to its maximum discharge level.

During shortfall

Shortfall normally happens at night time. During short-fall, the battery reaches its maximum discharge level and the-refore, the generator is on, as in Figure 1(c). At this time, thegenerator serves the load as well as charges the battery. Thebattery charge rate is adjusted to maintain the generator at fulloutput.

The operations, which activate or deactivate genset andcharging or discharging battery are managed and done by amicro-processor-based controller unit. The controller unitmonitors and manages the load demand and energy supplied.

5. Performance of System

The solar hybrid system installed at Middle and TopStations of Langkawi Cable Car at Gunung Machinchang asshown in Figure 2. is the first Solar Renewable EnergyProject for a tourist complex in the country. The main objec-tive of installing the system are to generate electricity whilepreserving the nature by avoiding trees cutting if a conven-tional grid system is used, reducing CO2 emission an noisepollution if diesel generator is used. The minimum runninghours also reduces the maintenance cost of a diesel generator.The stations serve the electrical load for the cable car stationssuch as water pumps, cable car controller system, air-condi-tioners and lights. The project is owned by LangkawiDevelopment Authority (LADA) and operated by PanoramaLangkawi Sdn. Bhd. The capacity for each station is :

To date, the system has been operating for 6 months.During this period, the stations have been getting 24-hourssupply with genset running for only 300 hours. The gensethas been started for 35 times. The genset only starts once aweek with average running hours for about 8 hours.Currently, the load at Middle Station is about 60 kWh per daywhile the load at Top Station is about 40 kWh per day.

Figure 3 shows the actual performance of the MiddleStation of the Langkawi solar hybrid systems. The 1 and 1/2-day performance curve represents the block diagrams as inFigure 1. The curves give a better picture on how each sys-tem component behaves at specific time.

References[1] Eliasson, B. .2000, The Road to Renewables: Opportunities and Challenges,

World Renewable Energy Congress VI, Brighton, 1 - 7 July, pp 64-68.

[2] Miller, E.W., 2002, Renewable Energy’s Place in the Global Energy Market,in Renewable Energy: Trends and Prospects, Mujumdar et al (editors),Pennsylania Academy of Sciences. Chap 1 pp 1- 18.

[3] Tayati W., P. Kruangpradit and W. Assatranon, 2000, An Experience on aRemote Island Electrification Using a Hybrid PV/Diesel Power System,

World Renewable Energy Congress VI, 1 –7 July, Brighton, , pp 852


Kamaruzzaman Sopian and Mohd Yusof Othman /ISESCO Science and Technology Vision - Volume 1 (May 2005) (37-39)

Middle Station

n 8 kW

n 60 kVA

n 269 kWh

n 30 kVA

Top Station

n 8 kW

n 60 kVA

n 250 kWh

n 30 kVA

PV Array

Diesel Generator



Figure 2 Langkawi Cable Car Solar Hybrid System,Langkawi, Kedah – Middle and Top Station

Figure 3 System performance of Solar Hybrid Systemat Middle Station at Langkawi Cable Car

6. Conclusions

Solar hybrid system has a great potential as one ofrenewable energy technologies for off-grid power gene-ration. The hybrid technology offers solution to off-gridpower generation in terms of reducing operation, main-tenance and logistics problem and cost, providing 24-hours reliable supply at an effective cost as well as pre-serving the nature.