Performance management model and Performance management system

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Transcript of Performance management model and Performance management system

  • 8/8/2019 Performance management model and Performance management system



    Maintaining interrelations is complex It depends upon various factors

    1. Nature of industry

    2. Its size3. Nature of leadership

    4. Orgn culture

    5.Environment of competitiveness

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    !.Industrial environment2. Resources

    Desired performance Employees perception

    & attitudes Actual performance Employees behaviour &


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    Gap analysis Individual, Team, Orgn Cause analysis

    1. Reward and compensation

    2. Data and information3. Resources - Tools Environment

    4. Individual copetence

    5. Motives and expectations

    6. Skills and knowledge

    7. Ethics in behaviour and action

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    1. Feedback and counseling

    2. Change management

    3. Team building

    4. Talent MGT5. T & D

    6. Reward MGT

    7. Competency mapping and Learning8. Ethical performance`

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    H R outcomes

    1. Quality work

    2. Tangible rewards

    3. Future growth

    4. Enabling environment & inspiration

    Orgnal performance improvement

    Orgnal effectiveness

    Competitive advantage

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    Helps to clarify the vision, mission ,strategy and values of the orgn.

    Help to improve various business process

    Help to attract and retain talent Facilitates competency mapping and T&D

    Assist to validate the recruitment &

    selection process Help employees to attain full potential and

    balance between work and personal life

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    I R to Individual relations

    Enables sustainable orgnal.

    Competitiveness , innovation , low

    employee turnover

    Builds intellectual capital at all levels

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    PMS is a process of linking an employee jobobjectives to the orgn.s objectives and strategy

    Every system will have its objectives/

    components/elements and a process Every orgn. Needs a well defined and well

    established system

    It ensures effective management

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    PMS enables realisation of the orgn.s strategy PMS is to boost employees performance and

    ultimately the productivity of the orgn.

    The purpose of setting PMS is to becomebetter

    It refers to a set of orgnal. Managerial, team

    and individual matrics used

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    Orgnal. Objectives and strategy

    1. Ultimate goal achievement

    2. Competitive position

    3. Comparing orgn. Strengths with changing


    4. Examining critical issues of the orgn.

    5. Analysing opportunities of the orgn.

    6. Exploring best approaches- resources


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    Assessment of orgnal. Performance

    1. Identifying competencies for achieving

    the best

    2. Determining new and future performance

    needs3. Prioritising performance improvement


    4. Recognizing core values of the orgn.

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    Setting orgnal. Perf expectations

    1. Determining required Vs desired

    2. Determining the current status

    3. Understanding , aligning and agreeing on perfexpectations

    4. Formulating key performance indicators

    5. Evolving job objectives

    6. Aligning individual goals with orgnal.


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    Establishing PFM process1. Designing a frame work

    2. Performance planning

    3. Performance execution4. Performance monitoring

    5. Performance assessment

    6. Performance review

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    Measuring effectiveness of PFM1. Identifying opportunities for performance


    2. Providing performance counseling including

    360 degree feedback

    3. Developing reward strategy and implementing

    4. Instituting PFM audit

    5. Improvement in competitive position of the


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    To leverage performance of the orgn. To create role clarity and clarify

    performance objectives

    To promote high performance workculture

    To encourage teamwork , a sense of

    belongingness and ownership To develop employees by identifying

    T&D needs

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    To improve relationships through two- way


    To bring out the hidden potential and

    capabilities of the employees

    To focus more on process

    Initiating, developing and implementing a

    follow up action

    To recognise, reward and compensateemployees achievement in a more

    objective. Transparent and equitable way

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    Recruitment and promotion of employees

    into roles that fit their talent

    Creating a supporting work environment

    to develop to the fullest

    A systematic measure of an employees

    value to the orgn.

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  • 8/8/2019 Performance management model and Performance management system



    .Each one of you is physically ready. Now go there and doyour best . No one can ever ask more than that

    You should strive to achieve 95% in your board exam

    In the late 1960s Edwin Locke proposed that intentions to

    work toward a goal is a major source of work motivation. Goals tell-what needs to be done and how much effort need

    to be put.

    This theory tells about the goal value.

    1. Specific goals increase performance.2.difficult goals when accepted result high performance

    than easy goals.

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    3.Feedback leads to higher performance.

    4.Specific goals------General goals

    5 .Accepted goals acts as internal stimulus.

    6.Generally people accept easy goals.

    7.Positive feedback work better.

    8.Self generated feedback is more powerful.

    9.Participative goal setting and assigned goals.

    10. Difficult goals --Resistance greater.11.Participative --Difficult goals will be accepted.

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    The other factors influencing goal


    1. Goal commitment.

    2.Self efficacy-

    a) Individual belief.b)Higher self efficacy-more confidence in

    ability to succeed ,try hard goals andrespond to negative feedback.

    c) Lower self efficacy---less effort, may giveup, negative feed back lesser effort.

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    3.Task characteristics:

    a)Individuel goal setting does not work equally

    well on all tasks.

    b) Goals have more substantial effort on

    performance:Simple complex,

    Learned rather than novel,

    Independent rather than dependent.

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    According to this theory an employee will be

    motivated to exert a high level of effort when

    he or she believes that effort will lead to

    A good performance appraisal (Expectancy)

    That a good performance appraisal will lead to

    orgnal rewards such as bonus, a salary

    increase ,or a promotion (Instrumentality) That the reward will satisfy the employees

    personal needs/ goal (Valence)

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    It focuses on three relationships:

    1.Effortperformance relationship

    Believes that exerting a given amount of effort will

    lead to performance.

    2.Performance--- reward relationship

    Believes that performing at a particular level will lead to theattainment of a desired outcome and will be rewarded.

    3. Reward----personal goal relationship.

    The degree to which orgnal rewards satisfy individualspersonal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those

    potential rewards for the individual.