Performance Evaluation of Alternative Traffic Signal ... · Performance Evaluation of Alternative...

Performance Evaluation of Alternative Traffic Signal Control Schemes for an Arterial Network by DES Approach-Overview Jennie Lioris 1 Pravin Varaiya 2 Alexander Kurzhanskiy 3 1 ENPC, France, [email protected] 2 California PATH, University of California, Berkeley USA, [email protected] 3 California PATH, University of California, Berkeley USA, [email protected] Abstract Evaluation aspects of alternative traffic signal control strategies for an arterial network are studied. The traffic evolution of a signalized road network is modelled as a Store and Forward (SF) network of queues. The system state is the vector of all queue lengths at all intersections. The signal control at any time permits certain simultane- ous turn movements at each intersection at pre-specified saturation rates. Two control categories, open loop and traffic-responsive policies are compared under fixed and time-varying demand. The behaviour of the underlying queuing network model manifesting asynchronous nature over time while involving concurrence is modelled ac- cording to an event-driven approach virtually reproduced by discrete event simulations. Exploration of the imple- mentation outputs results a pertinent mathematical frame- work for traffic movement, analysis and signal control de- sign. Subsequently, various metric measurements such as queue bounds, delays, trajectory travel times quantify the actual policy. Moreover, aggregate behaviour as in a macroscopic queuing model is also prompted. Experi- ments are performed using real data for a section of the Huntington-Colorado arterial adjacent to the I-210 free- way in Los Angeles. Lastly, the meso-micro simulation issues resulting from the employed decision tool, PointQ, are compared with microsimulation and mesosimulation forms of other traffic simulation programs. Keywords: traffic responsive signal, adaptive control, pre-timed control, max-pressure practical policy, discrete event simulation 1 Introduction The management of an arterial traffic network is consid- ered. Currently open loop plans are frequently employed often associated with optimised offsets aiming to create green waves in order to minimise trajectory delays. (Mu- ralidharan et al., 2015) studies the traffic dynamics in a network of signalised intersections. It is shown that when the control can accommodate the demand then the net- work state converges towards a periodic orbit while any effects of the network initial state disappears. Adaptive controls are expected to improve the network performance since they the current network state is taken into con- sideration in real time. (Varaiya, 2013) studies a traffic- responsive “Max-Pressure” traffic control, (Mirchandani and Head, 2001) proposes an adaptive control predicting demand patterns and queues to compute timings to min- imize average delay. (Aboudolas et al., 2009) suggests an optimal formulation designing a feedback policy. Re- search studies (Gomes et al., 2008) characterise the be- haviour of the cell transmission model of a freeway di- vided into N cells each with one on-ramp and off-ramp. It is shown that ramp metering eliminates wastefulness of freeway resources. The present work, appraises the performance of ver- sions of the adaptive Max-Pressure algorithm under un- predicted demand fluctuation. In particular, feedback sig- nal control designs and their related effectiveness are pre- sented and analysed when applied to a network while they are also compared with open loop schemes. Queueing models are employed when designing closed loop signal control plans evaluated by queue based criteria such as queue delays. Thus, traffic evolution is modelled as a con- trolled store and forward (SF) queuing system. Identified vehicles arrive in iid (independent, identically distributed) streams at entry links, travel along non-saturated (inter- nal) links, join appropriate queues and leave the network upon reaching exit links. At each time and at each inter- section, a set of simultaneously compatible movements or phases is actuated. Vehicles are discharged at a service rate determined by the phase saturation flow rate. When finite internal link capacities are considered, the vertical point queues become horizontal in the sense that interfere in the link vehicle storage capacity and the related link travel times. A separate queue is considered for each turn movement at each intersection. Aiming at evaluating the network performance under different control policies a decision making tool is neces- sary in order to virtually reproduce the considered struc- ture (intersection node and links, vehicle movements and the related control plans) under multiple traffic conditions for both closed and open loop actuation plans. Thus, measurements of various metrics such as delays, travelled times, vehicle queues etc. will be able to quantified ac- cording to the employed strategy. When considering “driver-behaviour”, differential EUROSIM 2016 & SIMS 2016 265 DOI: 10.3384/ecp17142265 Proceedings of the 9th EUROSIM & the 57th SIMS September 12th-16th, 2016, Oulu, Finland

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Page 1: Performance Evaluation of Alternative Traffic Signal ... · Performance Evaluation of Alternative Traffic Signal Control Schemes for an Arterial Network by DES Approach-Overview

Performance Evaluation of Alternative Traffic Signal ControlSchemes for an Arterial Network by DES Approach-Overview

Jennie Lioris1 Pravin Varaiya2 Alexander Kurzhanskiy3

1ENPC, France, [email protected] PATH, University of California, Berkeley USA, [email protected]

3California PATH, University of California, Berkeley USA, [email protected]

AbstractEvaluation aspects of alternative traffic signal controlstrategies for an arterial network are studied. The trafficevolution of a signalized road network is modelled as aStore and Forward (SF) network of queues. The systemstate is the vector of all queue lengths at all intersections.The signal control at any time permits certain simultane-ous turn movements at each intersection at pre-specifiedsaturation rates. Two control categories, open loop andtraffic-responsive policies are compared under fixed andtime-varying demand. The behaviour of the underlyingqueuing network model manifesting asynchronous natureover time while involving concurrence is modelled ac-cording to an event-driven approach virtually reproducedby discrete event simulations. Exploration of the imple-mentation outputs results a pertinent mathematical frame-work for traffic movement, analysis and signal control de-sign. Subsequently, various metric measurements suchas queue bounds, delays, trajectory travel times quantifythe actual policy. Moreover, aggregate behaviour as ina macroscopic queuing model is also prompted. Experi-ments are performed using real data for a section of theHuntington-Colorado arterial adjacent to the I-210 free-way in Los Angeles. Lastly, the meso-micro simulationissues resulting from the employed decision tool, PointQ,are compared with microsimulation and mesosimulationforms of other traffic simulation programs.Keywords: traffic responsive signal, adaptive control,pre-timed control, max-pressure practical policy, discreteevent simulation

1 IntroductionThe management of an arterial traffic network is consid-ered. Currently open loop plans are frequently employedoften associated with optimised offsets aiming to creategreen waves in order to minimise trajectory delays. (Mu-ralidharan et al., 2015) studies the traffic dynamics in anetwork of signalised intersections. It is shown that whenthe control can accommodate the demand then the net-work state converges towards a periodic orbit while anyeffects of the network initial state disappears. Adaptivecontrols are expected to improve the network performancesince they the current network state is taken into con-

sideration in real time. (Varaiya, 2013) studies a traffic-responsive “Max-Pressure” traffic control, (Mirchandaniand Head, 2001) proposes an adaptive control predictingdemand patterns and queues to compute timings to min-imize average delay. (Aboudolas et al., 2009) suggestsan optimal formulation designing a feedback policy. Re-search studies (Gomes et al., 2008) characterise the be-haviour of the cell transmission model of a freeway di-vided into N cells each with one on-ramp and off-ramp.It is shown that ramp metering eliminates wastefulness offreeway resources.

The present work, appraises the performance of ver-sions of the adaptive Max-Pressure algorithm under un-predicted demand fluctuation. In particular, feedback sig-nal control designs and their related effectiveness are pre-sented and analysed when applied to a network while theyare also compared with open loop schemes. Queueingmodels are employed when designing closed loop signalcontrol plans evaluated by queue based criteria such asqueue delays. Thus, traffic evolution is modelled as a con-trolled store and forward (SF) queuing system. Identifiedvehicles arrive in iid (independent, identically distributed)streams at entry links, travel along non-saturated (inter-nal) links, join appropriate queues and leave the networkupon reaching exit links. At each time and at each inter-section, a set of simultaneously compatible movements orphases is actuated. Vehicles are discharged at a servicerate determined by the phase saturation flow rate. Whenfinite internal link capacities are considered, the verticalpoint queues become horizontal in the sense that interferein the link vehicle storage capacity and the related linktravel times.

A separate queue is considered for each turn movementat each intersection.

Aiming at evaluating the network performance underdifferent control policies a decision making tool is neces-sary in order to virtually reproduce the considered struc-ture (intersection node and links, vehicle movements andthe related control plans) under multiple traffic conditionsfor both closed and open loop actuation plans. Thus,measurements of various metrics such as delays, travelledtimes, vehicle queues etc. will be able to quantified ac-cording to the employed strategy.

When considering “driver-behaviour”, differential

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equations are required, emulating “car-following” and“lane-changing” aspects. Microsimulation models arenecessary for which queue sizes are not state variables andsaturation flow rates are not input data. Instead, they arederived from the simulation analysis. Consequently, it isnot possible to relate delays to timing schemes and thesemodels are unsuitable for traffic control conception.

Macroscopic simulators often based on the cell trans-mission model (CTM) (Lo, 2001) represent traffic flow asa fluid. Spatial density is required as a state variable whichis hard to measure. Furthermore, modelling turns, sharedlanes, queues or introducing sensor behaviour for actuatedsignal control, under such approach is rather a hard work.

A made-to-measure micro-meso simulation decisionmaking tool called PointQ maintaining the identity of eachsingle vehicle while ignores the vehicle interaction is in-troduced. It has minimal data requirements and receivessaturation flow rates as explicit input values. The PointQdecision tool is developed according to discrete event ap-proach (Baccelli et al., 1992) in order to accurately repro-duce the evolution of the asynchronous system while itis appropriate for modelling open and closed loop timingcontrol schemes.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2presents the problem formulation and briefly recalls theutilised control schemes. Section 5 introduces PointQ andreasons the employed model approach. Section 5 and Sec-tion 6 discuss the performed experiences. Finally, Sec-tion 7 compares PointQ with other micro and mesosimu-lation modes.

2 Traffic Regulation: Stage selectionThe simultaneously compatible movements of an intersec-tion are represented by a binary matrix U , the intersectionstage of which the (i, j) entry equals one if the correspond-ing phase is actuated, zero otherwise. Let U be the set ofadmissible stages of a given intersection and γ(l,m) theturning ratio of phase (l,m), expressed as the probabilityof a vehicle to choose as destination link m when joininglink l. The optimisation horizon is divided into intervals orcycles of fixed width, each one comprising of T periods.Within each cycle, there exist T −L available planning pe-riods where L < T represents the idle time correspondingto pedestrian movements, amber lights, etc. Let q be thearray of which the (i, j) entry is the length of queue relatedto phase (i, j). The system state at time t,X(t) is definedby X(t) = q(t). A control stabilises the network, if thetime-average of every mean queue length is bounded. Ata given time stage u(t) = U,U ∈ U and λu(t) cycle pro-portion have to be decided such that:

• u(t) stabilises X(t)

• if c̃(l,m) denotes the service rate of phase (l,m) andfl represents the vehicle flow in link l, then the fol-lowing stability condition has to be verified,

c̃(l,m)> flγ(l,m), (1)

• ∑u∈U

λuT +L≤ T .

3 Signal Control SchemesA brief description of the utilised traffic control algorithmsis now presented. The related theory is explicitly devel-oped and analysed in (Varaiya, 2013).

3.1 Pre-timed network controlA fixed-time control (FT) is a periodic sequence,{λU , U ∈U }, actuating each stage u(t) =U i, U i ∈Ufor a fixed duration λU iT within every cycle of T periods.

3.2 Max-Pressure Practical (MPract)Max-Pressure is a distributed policy selecting a stage toactuate as a function of the upstream and downstreamqueue lengths. The pressure w(q(t),U) exerted by stageU ∈U , is defined by

w(q(t),U) = ∑(l,m)

ς(l,m)(t)S◦U(l,m)(t) (2)


ς(l,m)(t) =

q(l,m)(t)− ∑



if q(l,m)(t)> 0,0, otherwise.

(3)At time t, Max-Pressure control, selects to actuate thestage exerting the higher pressure to the network,

U∗(q)(t) = argmax{w(q(t),U),U ∈U },MP stage (4)

The MPract algorithm applies the new selected MPstage if significantly larger pressure w,


w(U,q(t))≥ (1+η)w(U∗,q(t)). (5)

Parameter η is related to the desired degree of stageswitches.

4 Modelling and Simulation Overview4.1 An event-driven approachTraffic control constitutes an asynchronous, complexstructure where uncertainty and concurrence are naturallyinherent. Many theoretical questions related to whichmodels and methods are best to utilise for evaluating thenetwork performance exist. However, one observes thatthere are queue-based models and car-following models.To our knowledge, all signal control algorithms use queue-based models. Since, we are concerned by signal con-trol designs, a queue-based approach is appropriate to theneeds of the study. Queueing theory is intended to be de-scriptive, given a model and control policies, after anal-ysis, verification issues examine whether the desired ob-jectives are attained and (potentially) performance is ob-tained.

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A Discrete Event System (DES) is a dynamical systemthe behaviour of which is ruled by occurrences of differ-ent types of events over time rather than fixed time steps.Although time evolves within two consecutive events, thesole responsible for state transitions is the event realisa-tion. Differential equations (developed for the analysis oftime-driven systems) form no longer an adequate setting.Simulation means consist a reliable way to describe theDES dynamics.

For the study of the arterial management a mesoscopic-microscopic discrete event decision tool, “PointQ”, isdeveloped. Vehicle identities are preserved but driver-interaction is intentionally ignored. Vehicle routes are ob-served and travel times are measured. Moreover, PointQrequires similar model parameters as macroscopic ap-proaches (network geometry, demand and signal control).Since elementary calibration is required based on com-monly available field data, PointQ can efficiently evaluatethe influence of traffic control algorithms to the network.However, PointQ is inadequate for studies related to driverbehaviour effects or specific network geometry.

In a DES approach the system evolution is repre-sented as a chronological sequence of events of the form{. . . ,si,ei,si+1,ei+1, . . .}, where si is the system state attime ti and ei is an event occurring at time ti markingchanges to the system bringing it to state si+1 and soforth. It is assumed that the system is deterministic inthe sense the state resulting from an event realisation isunique. PointQ model involves events on vehicle arrivals,departures and signal actuation.

4.2 PointQ designThe entire structure is split into two independent but alsoclosely interacting parts according to the task nature. Themechanical part virtually represents the system entity in-teractions. It receives tow types of entries:

• input data such as network geometry (link capacity,speed limit or mean travel time, turn pocket capacity,phase saturation flow rates which can either be mea-sured or estimated during implementations), initialtraffic state, sensors etc.

• controls ruling the system.

On the other hand, the real time management comprisedof all the decision algorithms required by the mechani-cal part involving signal controls, vehicle arrival/departuredecisions, demand patterns, routing algorithms, queue es-timation models etc.

5 Case Study-Data descriptionA section of the Huntington-Colorado arterial near the 1-210 freeway in Los-Angeles, comprised of 16 signalisedintersections, 76 links and 179 turn movements, is consid-ered. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the network map and its ab-straction as a directed graph. Stochastic (Poisson) externalarrivals are employed, generating approximatively 14,500

Observationsin real-time

Performance evaluation(service quality,

statistical loggingand post-analysis…)

stochastic inputs: demand, traffic conditions…

Optimisation ofreal-time management


decisions:choice of stages,...


Virtual system(network, vehicules,..)

Real TimeManagement

(control algorithms,..)

Figure 1. The simulator in two parts.

vehicles per hour. Utilisation of an identical demand con-tributes to the accuracy of measurements related to the in-fluence of each control scheme on the network. Vehiclerouting is based on turning probabilities. The Fixed-Timeplan and the turn ratio values are provided by the localtraffic agency. The cycle T is of 120 seconds (with someexceptions at two nodes where the cycle is of 90 and 145secs). The idle duration corresponding to each cycle is be-tween 0 and 2 seconds. Internal links are of finite vehiclestorage capacity. Stochastic travel times based on the freeflow speed and the current link state are considered. Timegranularity is taken equal to 0.1 seconds while the networkevolution is reproduced over a period of 3 hours.

Figure 2. Huntington-Colorado site map.


114 113 112



108 107 106 105109 104 103 102


















147 164 145163

162146 144


161143 141


136142 138


















221 220



117 114












Figure 3. Directed Network graph.

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6 From theory to applicationsIn what follows, we focus on the network performanceevaluation for both timing plans, FT Offset and MPract.Metrics on queue lengths, travel times and delays are in-vestigated for two demand patterns, the baseline demandprovided by the data and a time-varying one.

6.1 System StabilityFigure 4 plots the network state evolution for both thePre-timed and MPract signal controls. The theoreticallyexpected demand accommodation is also experimentallyverified. Moreover, one observes that the feedback plan(blue curve) maintains lower queue values.

Figure 4. Sum network queues: MPract 8-blue curve, FT Offs-purple curve.

6.2 Trajectory Delay MeasurementFor each realised trajectory (sequence of entry, internaland exit links) delays faced by all vehicles followed therelated path are measured. The corresponding distributionis computed and the CDF function is represented in Figure5. MPract (purple curve) reduces delays almost four timesin comparison with the fixed time plan (green plot).

Figure 5. CDF Trajectory Delays: MPract (purple), FT-Offs(green).

6.3 Queue Delay MeasurementDelays on distinct queues on link 114 (incoming link atnode 106, Huntington region) are now measured.

Three phases are associated with link 114. Figures 8,9 and 10 depict the evolution of cumulative delay val-ues for each phase according to the Pre-timed and MPract

policies. Observe that for phase (114,145) the pre-timedscheme implies lower delays. Mainly, this is due to thefact that q(114,145) and q(114,145) head vehicles to-wards exit links. More precisely, phases (114,145) and(217,214) are simultaneously actuated by stage 1. Sim-ilarly phases (114,117) and (217,214) are actuated by aconcurrent stage 2. At any decision time the MPract stageis the one exerting the higher pressure. According to equa-tion 2 and since no output queues are associated with theexit links 145, 162, the pressure exerted by stage 2 is de-termined by the queue lengths of the related phases. Tak-ing into consideration the flows and queue demand on link114, stage 2 often exerts higher pressure regarding stage 1.Thus, it receives increased green time duration. Figures 6,7 plot the evolution of queues q(114,145) and q(114,117)for both policies. Lower queues result under MPract forphases of stage 2. The evolution of cumulative delay val-ues for each phase of link 114 is represented in Figures 8,9 and 10 (saturation flow rates remain unchanged for bothpolicies).

Tables 1, 2 resume the mean time spent by vehiclesin four queues and the average vehicle sojourn time inall queues respectively. Obviously, MPract appears morerefined although for phase(170,173) FT-Offset impliessmaller delays. Table 3 presents the total travel time be-tween three entry-exit links.

Figure 6. Evolution q(114,117), FT Offs-MPract 8.

Figure 7. Evolution q(114,145), FT Offs-MPract 8.

6.4 Varying Traffic ConditionsThe network stability is now examined under time-varyingtraffic intensity. During a given period, demand gradu-

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Figure 8. Cumulative Delay q(114,117), FT Offs-MPract 8.

Figure 9. Cumulative Delay q(114,145), FT Offs-MPract 8.

Figure 10. Cumulative Delay q(114,162), FT Offs-MPract 8.

Table 1. Mean Time spent by vehicles in queue.

Mean MeanVeh. Sojourn Veh. Sojourn

Que ID Time Time(secs) (secs)MPract FT Offs

164 1020 49.96 79.72167 228 12.16 51.32117 120 10.72 33.35170 173 78.46 49.61

Table 2. Average Mean Time spent by vehicles in all queues.


(secs) (secs)IN QUEUES

12.05 22.32

Table 3. Travel Time Entry-Exit Link.

Entry Exit Travel Travellink link ttime (secs) time (secs)

MP FT Offs127 145 204.4 230.8164 173 364.7 462.2138 1069 395.2 519.6

ally increases and potentially temporary congested condi-tions may result (representing peak hours or unpredicteddemand variation). Thus, within period [0,36,000] exter-nal demand increases every two hours by a factor c1 equalto 1.05,1.15,1.3,1.5. For the following two hours, thatis from t = 36000.1 to t = 43,200 seconds, demand de-creases every half an hour by a factor c2 taking progres-sively values 1.3,1.15,1.05,1.

Figure 11 illustrates the evolution of all the networkqueues when the pre-timed actuation durations are em-ployed. While demand remains inferior to 1.15d (d is theinitial demand level), that is while time t < 14,000 secsthe system remains stable. Congestion spreads during pe-riod [14,400,36,800] when the current demand intensityvalues 1.15d, 1.3d, 1.5d. During this time a significantportion of the network links become congested, stronglyincreasing the number of vehicles in the network. Obvi-ously, this Fixed-Time plan cannot accommodate the newdemand intensity. The resulting FT behaviour is theoreti-cally expected from the stability condition presented in §2.When the demand level decreases link saturation progres-sively diminishes (from t = 36,000 to 43,200 seconds).

Figure 11. Evolution sum queues, varying demand level, FTOffset.

In contrast, the network behaviour differs when aMPract policy defines signal plans. Figure 12 depicts thesum of the network queues for the cid, i = 1,2 demandintensities. Clearly, the feedback policy prohibits link sat-uration. The sum of all the network queues rises duringperiod [21,600,36,000] when a 30% and 50% increase ofthe initial demand takes place but still the network remainsstable.

Figures 13 and 14 plot the aggregate entry (blue

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Figure 12. Evolution sum queues, varying demand intensity,MPract 8.

curve) end exit flows (red, purple curves) during period[29,000,31,000] for FT and MPract policies respectively.Since, the pre-timed control cannot accommodate c1d,demand for c1 = 1.3,1.5 the number of vehicles exitingthe network drops below the external arrivals. This phe-nomenon disappears under MPract.

Figure 13. Aggregate entries-exits, varying demand, FT Offs.

Figure 14. Aggregate entries-exits, varying demand, MPract 8.

7 PointQ versus AIMSUN NetworkPerformance

As previously discussed, PointQ is a micro-meso decisiontool, approaching a SF network queue model by a discreteevent technique.

AIMSUN is a vehicle traffic software offering meso-scopic, microscopic and hybrid simulation approaches.

Aiming at a comparison of the two simulation tools,the section of Huntington-Colorado arterial is modelledin AIMSUN. Both approaches employ stochastic demandof intensity d (baseline demand), Pre-timed signal plan asgoverning control and consider the turn ratio values andlink free flow speeds as provided by the data. Microscopicand Mesoscopic AIMSUN simulations are performed fora three hours duration. The state of intersection 101 (firstnode at the Huntington area) is investigated according toPointQ and AIMSUN implementations.

Five controlled movements exist at node 101 corre-sponding to queues q(137,154), q(153,154), q(153,237),q(254,237) and q(254,253). We focus on the behaviorof two representative movements. Phase (137,154) bringsvehicles into the network from the entry link 137 and headthem towards the internal link 154 while phase (254,237)moves vehicles from the internal link 254 towards the exitlink 237.

7.1 Evolution of phase (137,154)Figure 15 represents the evolution of queue q(137,154)under a PointQ simulation. Figures 16 and 17 illustratethe queue behaviour when micro and meso AIMSUN sim-ulations are performed.

Figure 15. Evolution of q(137,154), PointQ.

Figure 16. Evolution of q(137,154), AIMSUN Micro.

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Figure 17. Evolution of q(137,154), AIMSUN Meso.

Although stochastic external demand and link traveltimes are considered, one observes that the three ap-proaches, PointQ model and AIMSUN micro and mesoversions provide close results. Queues resulting from thethree simulation modes verify the theoretically resultingstability. Furthermore, queue lengths vary within similarbound values over time.

7.2 Evolution of phase (254,237)Figure 18 plots the behaviour of queue q(254,237) whenPointQ while Figures 19 and 20 describe the resultingqueue state under micro and meso AIMSUN approaches.

Figure 18. Evolution of q(254,237), PointQ.

As in the case of phase (137,154), queue q(254,237)shows the same behaviour for both PointQ and AIMSUNmodels and all modes (micro-meso, micro and meso).

An extended analysis of all the network queues impliesthat the resulting network state is similar under the twomodels.

8 ConclusionsAiming at a further improvement of traffic, new signalschemes are designed, evaluated and potentially optimisedbefore a real time application. The key contribution of thispaper is to present the extended options of a microscopic-mesoscopic decision tool, called PointQ destined for an

Figure 19. Evolution of q(254,237), AIMSUN Micro.

Figure 20. Evolution of q(254,237), AIMSUN Meso.

an ameliorated study of arterial traffic. PointQ relies onthe principle of discrete events and models arterials as aStore and Forward queuing network. Thus, queues formstate variables of the system. Minimal explicit input infor-mation is needed amongst which the saturation flow rates.These values are necessary to signal control developmentsince most feedback algorithms follow queue-based ap-proaches. Experiments are performed under real datafor a section of Huntington-Colorado near Los Angeles.Two control policies are employed, Pre-timed and Max-Pressure Practical plans under fixed and time-varying de-mand intensity. The expected theoretical results concern-ing the network stability are verified and the network per-formance is quantified in terms of queue bounds, delaymetrics and travel times. Finally, PointQ accuracy is ob-served in comparison with a simulation program provid-ing both micro and meso simulation modes. Useful di-rections of future work worthing to be pursuing is thedevelopment of queue estimation algorithms, employedin feedback controllers (e.g. versions of MP algorithm)and actuated controls as well. Moreover, introducing ad-ditional modes of sensor behaviour the combination ofwhich would improve precision in the computational re-sults (actuated controls).

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EUROSIM 2016 & SIMS 2016

272DOI: 10.3384/ecp17142265 Proceedings of the 9th EUROSIM & the 57th SIMSSeptember 12th-16th, 2016, Oulu, Finland