Perfect Memento in Strict Sense Youkai Encyclopedia

序 Foreword 歴史創人間の居閉ざ世界。 A closed world, without any humans that keep historical records. 妖怪は過去の出来事歪記憶、幻想郷は事実見よ。 Youkai remember distorted versions of past events, so Gensokyo could not see the truth particularly well. の所為も、妖怪の実態も判ず、人間は怯か無か。 Because of that, the humans, not knowing the real facts about the youkai, can on ly cower in fear of them. も妖怪の能力対策判、予幻想郷の危険場所判、妖怪退治得 I believe that if humans knew more about the strengths and weaknesses of the you kai, if they knew beforehand what parts of Gensokyo were dangerous, if they knew more about those humans who specialize in defeating youkai, then they wouldn't have to live in fear. 我稗田家は、人間の生活の安全確保に、百二十年か百八十年に一度、幻想郷で目立 We, the Hieda family, decided to collect information about Gensokyo's most promi nent youkai every one hundred twenty to one hundred eighty years in order to ens ure humans' ability to live in safety. この『幻想郷縁起』で。 The result is this. The "Gensokyo Chronicles". 千年以上前の阿一の代か始、でに私で九代目で。 It started more than a thousand years ago, in Aichi's age. And with me, this is already the ninth generation. 幻想郷縁起では、妖怪図鑑、英雄伝、危険区域案内、未解決資料、独白に分け、幻想郷の実態 The Gensokyo Chronicles are divided into a youkai encyclopedia, heroic legends, a guide to dangerous areas, various unresolved matters and a monologue, thus pai nting a picture of contemporary Gensokyo. 妖怪図鑑は、妖怪の種族毎に傾向対策、に現在存在確認取妖怪個別に記録 The youkai encyclopedia describes each type of youkai's characteristics and coun termeasures to take against them; furthermore, youkai that are known to be activ

Transcript of Perfect Memento in Strict Sense Youkai Encyclopedia

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A closed world, without any humans that keep historical records.


Youkai remember distorted versions of past events, so Gensokyo could not see thetruth particularly well.


Because of that, the humans, not knowing the real facts about the youkai, can only cower in fear of them.


I believe that if humans knew more about the strengths and weaknesses of the youkai, if they knew beforehand what parts of Gensokyo were dangerous, if they knewmore about those humans who specialize in defeating youkai, then they wouldn'thave to live in fear.


We, the Hieda family, decided to collect information about Gensokyo's most prominent youkai every one hundred twenty to one hundred eighty years in order to ensure humans' ability to live in safety.


The result is this. The "Gensokyo Chronicles".


It started more than a thousand years ago, in Aichi's age. And with me, this isalready the ninth generation.


The Gensokyo Chronicles are divided into a youkai encyclopedia, heroic legends,a guide to dangerous areas, various unresolved matters and a monologue, thus painting a picture of contemporary Gensokyo.


The youkai encyclopedia describes each type of youkai's characteristics and countermeasures to take against them; furthermore, youkai that are known to be activ

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e today are each treated separately in detail.


This encyclopedia should serve as a guide to avoid both fearing youkai that poselittle threat and provoking particularly strong youkai.


It starts with commonly encountered youkai, such as fairies and phantoms, proceeding to powerful youkai such as vampires and tengu, providing a list of abilities, threat levels, the places and times at which they most commonly appear, and how often they're seen.


All of them are illustrated.


It should be a most useful item to the human villagers.


The heroic legends are introductions to humans not living in the Human Village who engage in youkai extermination and incident resolution.


They are essentially allies of humans, so if you're being harassed by youkai, you may be well served by consulting with one of the humans described here.


There are many mysteries about most of these humans, but I have tried to shed some light on the mysterious points as well.


The dangerous areas guide is a list of key locations in Gensokyo, describing each and giving a sense of how dangerous they are.


If you want to know what kind of preparations are needed in order to go to one of those places, please read this guide beforehand.


When an occasion asks for you to leave the Human Village, please read it careful

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The unresolved matters are articles with incomplete information, articles that appear incompatible with Gensokyo, newspaper articles, and other inserts.


I intend to start gathering material and finish writing those.


The monologue consists of thoughts that I, Hieda no Akyuu, had when compiling this book, as well as my written thoughts about Gensokyo.


It is fine either if you read it or not, but I would be glad if you did.


With this book, the Gensokyo Chronicles have reached their ninth volume.


A new wind of change has swept through Gensokyo since the previous volumes of the Gensokyo Chronicles; I believe that the new volume has been greatly redesignedin the contemporary style, and is much easier to read.


I wanted people who find it difficult to read classic literature, or who wouldn't read the Chronicles because of all the difficult sentences, to read it, too.


Now, please read these Gensokyo Chronicles, and may you have a wonderful and safe life in Gensokyo.


Hieda no Akyuu, the Ninth Maiden of Are

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Youkai encyclopedia

大自然 の具現 

Embodiments of Mother Nature




Usual threat level: Low


Frequency of encounters: Extremely high


Variety: High


Main place of encounters: Anywhere


Main time of encounters: Anytime



自然 現 象のものの正体。

The true identity of natural phenomena themselves.

寒暖か、雨降風吹、草生花 咲、

Fairies live in such phenomena where it gets cold and hot, rain falls and wind blows, grass grows and flowers bloom.


They come in various shapes, but many of them are humanoid with wings like those

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of insects like butterflies and dragonflies.


Their height is uniformly small, from the degree where they can fit in the palmof one's hand, up to the size of a child below ten years of age. There is hardly

any fairy outside of this scope.

生息場所は自然 処 全。

They live wherever there is nature.

幻想郷の何処 でもの姿確認でき。

You can confirm their existence anywhere in Gensokyo.






They especially prefer active places, so when humans and youkai gather you can probably spot lots of them.


On the other hand, in gloomy places their numbers decrease.


They are a kind of youkai you frequently can see even in human villages.


Fairies are active at all hours, so you can probably encounter them both at daytime and in the night.


They don't seem to follow any manner of law or code.


Also, an individual fairy is short-lived(*1), but they immediately resurrect inthe same shape.


Even if they suffer large injuries so that their bodies are in pieces, they healimmediately.


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In a stricter sense, fairies can't die.

か死 恐無鉄砲行動取。

Therefore they take reckless action, without fearing death.

死 の概念人間異為に見、単に頭弱も言。

Since their concept of death appears to differ from that of humans, it is also said that they are simply foolish.


Fairies don't actually need to eat, but they see the way humans enjoy their meals and copy them, eating the same things.


They eat anything which humans do.


They especially like to sneak away that which humans are planning to eat.


Potential Harm


Pranks on a Whim

総じ悪戯 好きで。

They all like pranks.


If they catch sight of a human walking somewhere, they make them lose their way.


When you´re cleaning, they´ll raise the wind to send all your gathered dust flying.


When you are not looking, they put salt in your tea.

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Without thinking of the consequences, they disturb the actions of whomever theysee.

崖か突き落、背中に火付け、時には行きぎ悪戯 もので注意必要

There are also occasionally pranks that go too far, such as when you get pushedoff a cliff, or when your back is set on fire, so it is necessary to be cautious.

対処 法



When you walk down the road while thinking about something else, you lose your way.

友人話に熱 中、の隙に荷物持行か。

When you´re absorbed in conversation with a friend, your bags are carried away when you're not looking.

こは往々に、妖精によ悪戯 原因考。

Things like these are sometimes thought to be caused by fairies.

悪戯 に引掛 か人間は、注意散漫、他 の事に気取人間で。

The people that most easily get pulled into pranks are those that are uncautiousand prone to being preoccupied with other things.

妖精は、注意深 人間には近寄。

Fairies won't go near cautious people.


Therefore, if you usually pay attention to your surroundings, you should be fine.

も、悪戯 に引掛 か場合はどか。

But if you were to be subjected to a prank, what should you do?


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The truth is that while fairies are reckless, they don't like fighting much at all.

人間悪戯 に気付、妖精は一目散に逃げ去。

When a human notices the prank, the fairies will probably run away as fast as th

ey can.


If you were to be successful in catching one, you can freely vent your anger onit since they're not very strong.


A grown human should win easily.

、時例外的に、悪戯 行ずにき攻撃仕掛 け事も。

However, there are also the occasional exceptions where without doing any pranks, they just suddenly attack.


At such times you must be careful.

は、何かの警告で可能 性か。

That is because there is a possibility that it is a warning for something.

特に大勢 の妖精集、騒で時は、の付近にも強力妖怪潜んで

Especially when fairies aggregate in large numbers or start clamoring, there isa possibility that there is an unbelievably powerful youkai lurking about nearby(*2). Therefore, you must be careful.


At such times, I think it's best if you just quietly head back home.


1: Fairies lives differs from that of humans, so it is a mistake to say that they are short-lived.

(*2) 妖精の量凶暴は、付近の危険度表。

2: The number and ferocity of fairies expresses the threat level of the surrounding area.

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Ice Fairy



Ability: Manipulation of cold air


Threat level: Low


Human friendship level: Normal

主活動場所:霧 の湖

Main place of activity: The Misty Lake


Close to the lake, there are times when the temperature lowers drastically evenin summer.


A fairy you are likely to encounter at such times is this ice fairy.




Among the fairies around the lake she has a leader-like presence, and is stronger than the other fairies.

妖精の中では好戦 的部類で、注意必要で。

She belongs to the more belligerent variety of fairies, and so it is necessary to be careful.


She is quite short and dressed in blue with wings of ice.

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She has the ability to manipulate the cold.

小物瞬 間で凍せ事出来ので、普通の妖精よ危険度は高。

Can freeze small objects instantly, so she is a bit more dangerous than regularfairies.


She emits cold air constantly, so her vicinity is always chilly.

何処 に住処 のかは全判為、普段はど暮のか知術。

Since where she lives is totally unknown, there is no way of telling how she spends her everyday life.

チに限ず全の妖精の住処 は、自然 に溶け込んでか人間には見け。

Not just Cirno's, but all fairies' homes blend into nature, preventing them frombeing seen by humans.


Eyewitness Reports

霧 の湖の水面で、一部凍せ氷の上で無防備に(*1)寝の見(彦左衛門)

"I saw her freezing a part of the Misty Lake's surface and sleeping defenselessly(*1) on the ice." (Hikozaemon)

湖の辺で(*2)寝の見。周の草花 凍(匿名)

"I saw her sleeping sloppily(*2) next to the lake. The surrounding flowers werefrozen." (Anonymous)

他 にも霧 の湖近辺での目撃例は多ので、この湖根城に思。

Since there are many other sightings near the Misty Lake as well, it is presumedthat is where her home is located.


It is possible that she has a house in underwater.


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"I saw frozen frogs in the rice fields. I think this is the work of fairies." (Anonymous)

不気味悪戯 で。直截の被害は少……。

An ominous prank. There's little direct harm, but still...

湖で魚 釣上げ既に冷凍。本当に吃驚、魚 は長持美味か(

"When I pulled in some fish from the Misty Lake, it was already frozen. That wasa real surprise, but the fish kept a long time, and was delicious." (Angler with a big appetite)

霧 の湖で釣人間居は思か……。

And here I thought that no humans fished at the Misty Lake...

の辺は他 の妖怪も出危険ので、慣人は真似方良。

There is the danger of other youkai appearing in that area, so inexperience people would do best in not copying this example.



急激に冷き、氷の妖精近に居可能 性。

If it suddenly gets cold, there is a possibility that the ice fairy is nearby.

の時は素直に逃げか、妖精の姿探 せよ。

At such times you should be obedient and flee, or look for the shape of the fairy.

妖精は相手気付判、何も仕掛 けこの普通で。

Fairies usually do nothing and keep their distance when they understand that they are noticed.

チは存在為、余程注意散漫で限被害受 け事は少。

Since Cirno is easily noticed, I assume that as long as one is not very carelessthere is little risk of being injured.


Still, if you are to pass through place where she seems to be around, what's thebest way of doing it?

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松明の火ど熱 触物に弱。

She's weak against fire from torches and other objects too hot to touch.


If you're holding a torch to start with she probably won't go near.

触物瞬 間で凍せ事出来ので、寝も触様に。

Since she can freeze things she touches instantly, refrain from touching her even if she is asleep.


There is a risk of frostbite.

万一、チ攻撃仕掛 けき場合、どん内容でも良か落着話かけ、相手興

If by any chance Cirno should attack, just start to talk calmly about anything,and when she shows interest it is a good time to ask her a riddle.


When you do that, she will start to think of the answer, and that is a good opportunity to escape.


No matter how simple the question, she can certainly not answer it.


1: Really defenselessly.

(*2) 本当に。

2: Really sloppily.


Spring-bearing Fairy


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My child caught her. Perhaps because she immediately said "Let me go!" and my child promptly let her go, there fortunately wasn't any damage. (Anonymous Parent)


This fairy isn't the sort that would usually injure humans, but it's generally s

afer not to get involved with non-humans.




If you don't do anything to her, there's no real danger.


吉兆 で。

In fact, catching sight of her is a good omen.


She simply wants to celebrate the fact that spring has come.

も、攻撃仕掛 けき場合、興奮可能 性為、の場離方よ。

If she happens to attack, it's possible that she's just excited, so the best course of action is to leave the area.


This fairy won't be able to leave any place that is turning to spring.

こ退け追心配 は無。

If you get away from her, there's no need to worry that she might chase after you.


In fact, it could be interesting to set out bait in order to tame her.

花 の種用意、喜んで辺に花 咲かせ。

If you prepare some flower seeds for her, she'll gladly make any nearby flowersbloom.


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Because of this, she's a fairy who's very popular with florists.


1: Including phantoms and ghosts.


2: It may appear that she has a great number of thin, bird-like wings, but in fact, she has two large wings.


3: Youkai Mountain. Mentioned later.

悪戯 好き日の光 Mischievous Sunlightーミク Sunnymilk [sic]


Ability: Ability to refract light


Threat level: Low


Human friendship level: Normal



Main place of activity: Around the Forest of Magic


There are times when you get lost even on not particularly long roads.


And in some severe cases, you return back to where you came from.


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When this happens, eight or nine times out of ten, you would be right to think that it is the work of a fairy. (*1)


Sunny Milk, in particular, is a fairy whose specialty is making people lose their way.


Since it is possible to change how the environment looks from reality through refracting light, it can fool humans.


Also, as she can hide herself behind this diffraction, it can be difficult to capture her.

身長はか低、昆 虫のよ薄羽根持。

Her stature is quite short, and she possesses thin, insect-like wings.

散々悪戯 、人間気付見、一目散に逃げ出イの妖精で。

She's the type of fairy who plays terrible pranks on humans but runs away at ful

l speed when they notice her.

この様妖精は、注意深 人間には寄こ。

Fairies like this won't approach highly cautious humans.

関の、普段か妖精潜んで可能 性考行動必要。

If you don't want to get involved with them, you must behave as if always thinking of the possibility that a fairy is lurking nearby.


Also, she rarely acts alone. She usually moves with a group of three. (*2)

魔法の森に在大木の中に棲んで言、正確住処 の位置は判。

It's said that she lives inside a huge tree in the Forest of Magic, but the precise location is unknown.

基本的に妖精の住処 は、人間には見けの。

Basically, a fairy's dwelling area can't be spotted by humans.

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目撃報告例 Eyewitness Reports

家の屋根の上で日向この見事。慌 逃げ(夢太)

"I saw her basking in the sun on top of my roof. When I poked her, she ran awayin a hurry." (Yumeta)

道で寝よ。怪我み、慌 逃げ(匿名)

"She was sleeping at the side of the road. She looked like she was hurt, but when I poked her, she ran away in a hurry." (Anonymous)

他 にも日向こ姿多 数確認。

She has been seen basking in the sun a great number of times.





And, as at many of these times she looked injured, it can be thought that, for afairy of sunlight, exposure to the sun is the equivalent of medical treatment for injuries.

歩急に地 面無、崖か落。死ぬか思(筍取)

"I was walking, when suddenly the ground disappeared, and I fell off a cliff. Ithought I was going to die." (Bamboo-shoot-hunter)

時には危険悪戯 も。注意。

Occasionally, the pranks become dangerous. Be careful.


"I saw the rain bending in front of me as it fell." (Anonymous)


It can become easier to spot the light diffraction when it's raining.


It's less likely you will lose your way than when it is sunny.対策 Countermeasures

にか注意深 歩か。

In any case, you have to be careful when you walk.


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There is the danger of the road in front of you suddenly turning into a river.

妖精は注意深 人間、敏感犬には近こ。

Fairies will avoid attentive humans, and dogs with acute senses.


If you are in a hurry, you should bring a dog with you.


There is no danger in confronting her, as she will immediately run away. However, even if you want to punish her, it's almost impossible to catch her.

悪戯 に遭場合は、自分の不


呪 か


If you fall victim of a prank, you can only curse your carelessness.(*3)


She's extremely curious (*4), so an experienced person may be able to successfullyset a trap for her.

、美味料理には目、目の錯覚 良事に宴会に潜込んで事多。

She's also apparently very fond of delicious foods, and she frequently tries toslip into feasts hidden by optical illusions.

も、料理に夢 中に姿見こ出来、普段の鬱憤晴チンで。

If you happen to spot her when she's distracted by the food, you have a chance to vent your anger on her.

*1:妖精の仕業にけ、恥 かかで済。

1: You can avoid being humiliated if you blame fairies.


2: The other two are Luna Child and Star Sapphire.


3: It would be best to ignore them, because it would feel awful to think that fairies are laughing somewhere.


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4: A general trait of fairies.


Silent Moonlight


Lunarchild [sic]


Ability: Ability to muffle sound


Threat level: Extremely low


Human friendship level: Average


Main place of activity: Around the Forest of Magic

風の強日、風止んけでものに風の音一瞬 止み、に風の音聞こ

I believe you might have had an experience in which, during a windy day, the wind's sound suddenly vanished, even though the wind hadn't stopped, and then soonafter the sound came back again.


When this happens, eight or nine times out of ten, you would be right to think that it is the work of a fairy. (*1)


Fairies are beings that can't harm nor benefit humans.

の悪戯 、必ずも人間に直截被害及は限。

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Their pranks don't necessarily cause direct harm to people.


Luna Child has the ability to silence the sounds around herself.

自体はん被害及訳ではの、他 の妖精、特にーミクーフイ

This in itself can't cause much harm, but she often joins up with other fairies,particularly Sunny Milk and Star Sapphire, carrying out their pranks as a trio.

身長はか低、昆 虫のよ薄羽根持。

Her stature is quite short, and she possesses thin, insect-like wings.


Out of the red, white and blue trio of fairies, the white one (*2) is Luna Child.


Out of the three fairies, she might be the dumbest one, or maybe she just reliestoo much in her ability to make sound vanish that she's often the only one whofails to escape.

ーミクの光の屈折併せ、姿も音も消恐 怖の隠密生、所詮妖精。

It seems that when her ability is used along with Sunny Milk's light diffraction, it can hide both form and sound, producing a truly fearsome stealthiness. Buteven so, they are still fairies, after all.


They are not very smart.


Eyewitness Reports


"I often see her tripping while walking down the road. She's kinda dull." (Westside woodcutter.)


"Even though she could walk without a sound, she was tip-toeing." (Anonymous)


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One of the characteristics of stupidity.


Frankly, you might not even feel like punishing her any more.


"I saw her flying around by herself in the middle of the night." (Star-watchingpoet)


She's more active at night, so that's when she's most frequently sighted.


On top of that, she will begin to move independently of the others.


Maybe she's in a particularly unusual class of fairies.


"She steals a lot of coffee beans (*3). I wonder what could I do about it." (Teahouse owner)


With no sounds to expose them, it's difficult to guard your belongings from sneaking thieves.


But a counter-measure will be mentioned ahead.




Even though she can cause little real damage, she basically acts with other two,so the same countermeasures mentioned for Sunny Milk can be employed.

、チイ単体の悪戯 には、こ泥の被害も多 数報告。

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Also, out of her solitary pranks, sneak thievery is often reported.


To counteract this, the most reliable method is to be always making sound.


When this fairy gets close to anywhere there is noise, you will know she is there because it will become silent.


That means she won't get caught if she doesn't use her ability, but being a fairy, she will be unable to realize this.



他 に頭


She has associated silencing her surroundings with her thefts. She won't think of doing it any other way.


1: You can avoid worrying about your hearing if you blame fairies.

*2:赤はーミク、青はーフイ。服の色 で。

2: Sunny Milk is red, and Star Sapphire is blue. These are the colors of their clothes.


3: Fairies who love coffee are rare. The preferences of fairies are often the same as that of human children.


Pouring Starlight


Starsapphire [sic]

能力:動物の気配 探 程度の能力

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Ability: Ability to detect movement


Threat level: Extremely low


Human friendship level: Average


Main place of activity: Around the Forest of Magic





When looking at the stars covering the night sky, it may sometimes seem that oneis surrounded by the eyes of countless beasts or youkai.

降注星々の光の、広範囲監視 の目持妖精居。

And there is a fairy with eyes that can survey as far as the light that falls down from the stars.


That is the starlight fairy, Star Sapphire.

攻撃き、人間にょか出事は少、主に他 の妖精(*1)の悪戯 の手

She rarely attacks or disturbs humans, but she mostly causes trouble by helpingwith other fairies' (*1) pranks.


Her stature is quite short, and she possesses large, butterfly-like wings.

この妖精は、物の動気配 に大変聡為、近に。

As this fairy is very attentive to movements, you will soon be found if you tryto approach her.


Capturing her is extremely difficult, and she is rarely sighted alone.


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Normally, she is seen in the company of Sunny Milk and Luna Child.


Eyewitness Reports

鳥避けの網に大き蝶引掛 か (野菜一筋)

"I caught this huge butterfly in the bird-warding nets." (Vegetable farmer)


She probably can't notice things that don't move.

蝶の羽根持け、蜘蛛の巣に引掛 かよに見の想像でき。

Since she has butterfly wings, you could imagine her looking as if caught in a spider's web.


"I saw the ice fairy and the light fairies having a fight.(*2) The blue one was just looking and laughing from below." (Anonymous)


Fairies are very self-centered, so they easily come into conflict with each other.


In this case, as the ice fairy is used to fighting, she would likely win by herself even against 3.

の上、ーフイは熱 ず、どの味方のか判戦闘。

In addition, Star Sapphire always keeps calm and avoids fighting so much it canbe hard to tell on what side she is.




Even though she cannot do a great amount of direct damage, she basically acts wi

th with other two fairies, so the same counter-measure mentioned for Sunny Milkcan be employed.

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、他 の妖精の監視 役利用時は脅威。

However, when she is on observation duty for the other fairies, she can be a threat.


Because even if you try, you can't elude her ability.


The best and most reliable counter-measure against it is to use a separate creature.


Star Sapphire's ability can't distinguish between a human and a similarly-sizedanimal.

か、動物の群どに紛移 動、ず気付か。

So, if you slip into a herd of animals and move along with them, she might not even notice you.


In fact, this could be an interesting game as well.


By using animals as decoys, you can lure out Star Sapphire and the others, and catch them at that time.


In other words, this would be fairy-fishing.(*3)

*1 日の光月の光。三匹寄困光の妖精。

1: The sunlight and the moonlight ones. The three troublesome Fairies of Light.

*2 妖精は一の事始、他 の事考。喧嘩始、周には全意識

2: When fairies start something, they can't think of anything else. If they start to fight, they won't pay any attention to their surroundings. So, if you findthem in the middle of a fight, you can place bets on which one will win if you wish.

* キチンーマー。

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3: Catch-and-release is good manners.


The Embodiments of Spirit




Main danger level: Low


Frequency of encounter: High


Variety: High


Main place of activity: Anywhere


Main time of activity: Anytime




They are the very spirits of animals or plants.


Able to convert what they see, hear, touch or taste into thoughts, it can be sai

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d that they're like sense converters.


Having no physical body nor specific form, they're similar to air.

何処 でも通抜け事出来、形もの意思によ自在に変化 。

They can pass through any obstacle, and they can change their shape at will.

死 者のものの具現で亡霊勘違、幽霊は必ずも死 者の霊は限。

They're often confused with ghosts, which are the embodiments of deceased people, but phantoms are not necessarily spirits of the deceased.


Some are even born as phantoms, and remain so until they dissipate into nothing.

亡霊は異、死 者か複数の幽霊生事も。

Also unlike ghosts, a single corpse may spawn several phantoms.

の性質は妖精に近、妖精自然 の具現、幽霊は気質の具現で。

Their characteristics are closer to those of fairies; like how fairies are the e

mbodiment of nature, phantoms are the embodiment of spirit.


They can live (*1) anywhere in Gensokyo.


Phantoms that prefer noisy places gather in noisy places, ones that prefer gloomy places gather in gloomy places, and there are even those that prefer hot springs.


They are usually active at night.


It's assumed that because many of them have their existences on the verge of dissipating, it makes it difficult for them to act under sunlight.


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It's almost ready to be put into practical use, once a method of capturing phantoms is established.

人間の豊か精神社会の未来は、幽霊に掛 か言も過言では。

It's not far-fetched to say that the future of human mentality rests on phantomshoulders.


1: If it can be said they are "living."


2: Their hearts tend to be cold.


3: Thus phantoms are despised in winter.

*4妖精の悪戯 に引掛 か時か。

4: Like when one has just been tricked by fairies.


5: Places such as graveyards. Phantoms often hold live concerts there.


6: But the shrine maiden is not really dependable...


Half-Human Half-Phantom Gardener


Youmu Konpaku


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Power: The ability to use sword techniques


Threat Level: Medium


Human friendship level: High

主活動場所:冥 界

Main place of activity: Netherworld

幽霊は姿形不定の為、純粋 幽霊で個人特定出来者は少。

Since phantoms are formless, most people are unable to distinguish between normal ones.

魂魄家は、純粋 幽霊では幽霊人間のーフの家系で。

The Konpaku family are not simple phantoms, but are a lineage of half-phantom, half-humans.


Her appearance does not differ from that of normal humans.

考方も特に人間変、平熱 はほんの少低言。

Youmu's thought patterns are similar to a normal human's for the most part, butit's said her body temperature is a bit lower.

寿命は人間よ遙 かに長。

Her lifespan is far longer than that of normal humans.


This is probably because she is half phantom, which do not have distinct lifespans.


A large phantom accompanies her human form.


As this phantom has human and phantom attributes, this is one way to easily dist

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It's said that it has the power to kill ten spirits in one stroke, but as one cannot actually kill spirits(*4), it's unknown if this is true(*5).


The other sword, Hakurouken, is the ancestral sword of the Konpaku family, and it's said to have the power to dispel the confusion of those it cuts.

幽霊に使即成仏 で、人間に使斬味悪ょ痛刀で。

That is, using it on ghosts will cause them to rest in peace, and using it on humans will cause them discomfort and a bit of pain.


The exact details of its function are unclear, but it can only be handled by theKonpaku family.


Daily Life

冥 界に存在白玉楼に住んで。

She lives in the Netherworld in Hakugyokurou.


She wakes up early in the morning before the mistress of the estate to patrol the gardens.

昼は庭の手入剣の修行、使頼使に出掛 け。

During the day she tends to the gardens and trains her sword technique, and willgo out on errands if called.







At night, she patrols once again, and supposedly goes to bed only after confirming that the mistress has done so.

この時、侵入者発 見、妖怪人間、直に斬付けの。

If she were to discover an intruder at this time, she would surely cut them downat once whether they were human or youkai.


Eyewitness reports

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冥 界遊に行、も斬付け。相手確認欲(博麗霊 夢)

"When I go to visit the Netherworld, she always swings those swords at me. It'dbe nice if she'd actually saw who was coming." (Reimu Hakurei)

生身の人間冥 界に遊に行のはどか思。

It's questionable why living humans would go to the Netherworld to visit.


"She comes shopping here a lot. It's like someone is coming to take you to the next world, and it feels pretty weird." (Anonymous)


It would be nice if you'd be more tolerant if she's just coming to shop...


"I thought a dangerous, sword-wielding youkai had come, but she looks sort of powerless, and I can't help feeling sorry for her, somehow." (Anonymous)


Her appearance is that of a young girl.




She is a spirit, but she's also half human.




It's possible to come to mutual understanding with her, so conflict can be avoided through discussion.

他 の妖怪のよに、食事暇潰の目的で人間襲事は無。

Like other youkai, she doesn't assault humans without a purpose, such as food orboredom.

こか仕掛 け、挑 発 、相手に不利益行動取け、ず戦闘に

If you don't challenge, provoke or put her in a blatantly disadvantageous situat

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ion, she will likely not attack you.

も、険悪雰 囲気に場合でも、余程修練積ん者で限勝負にので

Even if the situation looks threatening, she will not fight anyone lacking in training, so that will at least make her go easy on you.


If you've done nothing wrong, you can probably talk your way out of a battle.


Even if you've clearly done something wrong, things might work out somehow if you offer a proper apology.


攻撃仕掛 け場合はどのか

Now, what should one do in the unlikely event of being attacked by her?

の時、人間に出来事は、念仏 唱事で(*)。

All normal human can hope to do in such a circumstance is offer a prayer to Buddha(*6).


1: This word is read Hakugyokurou, not Shiratamarou.


2: This world, as opposed to the next world.


3: In the era of the 9th child of Miare, Akyuu.

*4通常は、成仏 、は消滅。

4: Normally they rest in peace or disappear.


5: Supposedly the things it cannot cut are next to none.

*南無阿弥陀 仏 

6: Namo amithaba Buddhaya

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騒霊 ヴイオ

Poltergeist Violinist


Lunasa Prismriver


Ability: The ability to play instruments without using her hands


Threat level: Low


Human friendship level: High


Main place of activity: Festival grounds, etc.

騒霊は、正確に言幽霊では、他 に当は項目無のでここに分類。

Technically speaking, poltergeists are not phantoms, but there are no other appropriate classifications for them so they are described here.

ズムー楽団は、妖怪のパーィどに呼はイブ行、謂幽霊 楽団(*1)で

The Prismriver Ensemble is a so-called phantom ensemble(*1) that are often called to perform at events such as youkai parties.


They're famous for playing vigorous songs with a strong rhythm, so they are themost well-known band in Gensokyo.

楽団は騒霊 三姉妹で構成、はの長女で、ヴイオン得意。

The ensemble is composed of three poltergeist sisters; Lunasa is the oldest of the three and excels at the violin.

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She appears to be the leader of the Prismriver Ensemble.


Her height is around that of a teenaged human girl.


Her appearance does not differ significantly from a human's.


Her violin is said to be the phantom of an instrument that would outclass even a

Stradivarius(*2), but it's unknown whether this is true or not.


In any case, it's a phantom.

騒霊は、別名ポーガイも呼、一言で言単に騒霊 (*)で。

Another word for poltergeists are noisy spirits(*3), as they are spirits which are able to make sounds. (wiki-editor's annotation: The former of this sentence seems just a tautology, but literal translation of 騒霊  is Noisy Spirit, which should b

e translated here into Poltergeist. So this may not become better.)


The noises that poltergeists make are actually the phantoms of sounds.


Since they're perceived by the spirit and not the ears, even beings without bodies can enjoy them.


At the same time, humans should be careful that its effect doesn't overwhelm them.


She is a very collected person, but she is recitent and glum.


The sounds she creates calm the spirit.

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彼女の音の影響受 けぎ、何にも気起き、鬱 にの。

People who are overly influenced by her sounds will lose all motivation and become depressed.


She's said to live in a ruined Western-style mansion a bit farther from the lakethan the Scarlet Devil Manor.


You won't see the sisters there even if you set foot inside.


However, it's said that you will hear the sounds of their practicing.


Eyewitness Reports


"Sometimes I happen to come across a youkai party, but I'll end up joining in ag

ainst my better judgment once I hear the Prismrivers' music playing." (Anonymous)

妖怪も宴会中、人間混 ざも大丈夫で。

Humans should be able to join as well, as long as the youkai are still in the middle of their party.

ズムー楽団呼にはど良のでょか? (フン倶楽部会員No.5)

"How can we call the Prismriver Ensemble to perform at an event?" (Fan club member no. 5)


You might have luck by going to the ruined manor and making a request.

ーーの姉んはょ暗か好きじ (匿名)

"The lead girl's pretty gloomy, so I don't really like her." (Anonymous)


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She isn't human, so something horrible might happen to you if you say things like that too often.




She's very friendly to both humans and youkai, so you have nothing to fear fromher.


It should be noted that the Prismrivers do not manage ticket sales for their live performances. Their clients do, so it is inadvisable complaining to the Prismr

ivers if you can't acquire on a ticket.

演奏には精神に大き影響音混 じので、聞時は万全精神状態で臨も。

Their performances contain many sounds that have a great effect on the spirit, so one should not attend unless one is in perfect mental condition.


Children should not be allowed to listen.


Phantom music is a privilege for adults.

*1 も団員欠席楽団、意味では。

1: This is not meant to mean that its members are always absent.

*2 口上でイブ始。

2: They say this at the beginning of their live performances.

* じ無かも知。騒霊は少女使大魔法の一も言。

3: This may not be true. Poltergeists are said to be one form of magic used by young maidens.

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騒霊 ンペー

Poltergeist Trumpeter


Merlin Prismriver


Ability: The ability to play instruments without using her hands


Threat level: Low


Human friendship level: High


Main place of activity: Festival grounds, etc.

騒霊は、正確に言幽霊では、他 に当は項目無のでここに分類。

Technically speaking, poltergeists are not phantoms, but there are no other appropriate classifications for them so they are described here.


Merlin Prismriver is the middle sister of the Prismriver Ensemble(*1), and her forte is the trumpet.

イブでは花 形で、一番目立。

She is the star of their performances, standing out the most.


She has many fans.


She looks just like a human.

三姉妹の中では、髪の色 明に一番背 高、イブでは中央に居事多。

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Of the three sisters, she is the tallest and her hair is the brightest, and sheoften takes center stage at live events.

持ンペは、多のズペーの生き血吸き、恐 怖のンペの幽

The trumpet she holds is said to be the phantom of a fearful trumpet that's take

n the blood of many jazz trumpeters(*2), but it's unknown if this is true or not.


It is unclear how a trumpet would suck the blood of the living.


She has an incredibly cheerful personality and is never seen depressed.


She's known to sometimes blurt out incomprehensible words.


The sounds she creates are sounds that uplift the spirit.

彼女の音の影響受 けぎ、突然踊出もに会話出来。

People who are overly influenced by her sounds will do things such as break outinto dancing, or become unable to hold a coherent conversation.


It might be perfect for those suffering from depression.


Usually the Prismriver Sisters perform as a group, but Merlin can also be seen acting independently.


It seems she holds solo concerts, but going to see such a performance may be dangerous for the reasons outlined above.


Eyewitness Reports

湖に向か途中に、遠かパの音聞こ事 (匿名)

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"On my way to the lake, I could hear the sound of brass instruments from far off." (Anonymous)


It was thought to be the sounds of Merlin practicing.


It may also have been a call for a tengu assembly.


"I went to see one of her solo performances, but it was a brass ensemble. Most of the time, it wouldn't be possible for one person..." (Cheerful ghost)


The instrument she uses is symbolic, so you shouldn't think that sound actuallycomes out of it.


It's not well understood where the sounds actually come from, but since they seem to actually be phantoms of sound, they probably come from close by.

?メンーーじの? (匿名)

"What? Merlin isn't the leader?" (Anonymous)


She isn't human, so something horrible might happen to you if you say things like that too often.




She is very friendly to both humans and youkai, so you have nothing to fear fromher.


However, it's hard to hold a conversation with her alone, so refrain from talking to her if you see her alone.

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Ability: The ability to play instruments without using her hands


Threat level: Low


Human friendship level: High


Main place of activity: Festival grounds, etc.

騒霊は、正確に言幽霊では、他 に当は項目無のでここに分類。

Technically speaking, poltergeists are not phantoms, but there are no other appropriate classifications for them so they are described here.


The youngest sister of the Prismriver Ensemble(*1), Lyrica Prismriver plays thekeyboard and percussion.


Her body(*2) is the smallest of the three, but her music is dynamic.


Her appearance is no different from that of a human.

三姉妹の中では、一番背 低、イブでは激動き見せ。

She is the shortest of her sisters, and thrashes about during live performances.




音独特に過ぎ売 幻

The keyboard she plays is said to be the phantom of a synthesizer used by a famous artist that created sounds that were too peculiar so it never sold and fadedinto obscurity(*3), but it's unknown if this is true or not.


Her personality is the most human-like among the sisters, so she's easy to converse with.

、狡猾 で世渡上手面も見せ。

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However, she does have a sly, worldly side to her.


The sounds she creates are sounds that don't exist in the present world.

何処 か、ど原理で出のか全想像付か種類の音出。

Her sounds are the sort of sounds one can't imagine where they came from or howthey were created.


Rather than phantoms of sounds, one might say they're phantasmal sounds.

姉ん達に比 、音は聴事の種類の物、精神に響音では、普通に耳か聞こ

Compared to her sisters' sounds, they are unlike anything heard before, but theydon't resonate with the spirit, and are heard normally with the ears.


Since they have no effect on the spirit, you can listen to them without worry.


She normally performs together with her other two sisters.


If she ever acts on her own, she is probably quarreling with her sisters or hassome ulterior purpose in mind.


Eyewitness Reports

イブでは、も小よ見、頑張 (匿名)

"She's so small it's hard to see her at performances, but hang in there, Lyrica!" (Anonymous)

背 低のに楽器大きか、本当に目立。

She's small but her instruments are large, so she really doesn't stand out.


Hang in there.

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イブは行のでょか? (フン倶楽部会員No.1)

"Is Lyrica ever going to hold a solo concert?" (Lyrica fan club member No. 1)


I can't answer that.


But I have never heard of her doing so.

他 の二人は判ん、けはインチキ思。楽器関係じん (匿名)

"The other sisters are fine, but that Lyrica's a cheat. Her instrument can't bedoing that." (Anonymous)


That keyboard somehow creates strange noises.


Nobody understands how it works, but that's how phantoms are.




She is very friendly to both humans and youkai, so you have nothing to fear fromher.


You will probably never come across her on her own, but mutual understanding shouldn't be difficult, so you can avoid any danger by talking to her.


Also, poltergeists can't just sit still quietly.

か相手暴出、捲立も、怒 は限ので、落着

So, even if they're carrying on or talking incessantly, they're not necessarilyangry; just settle down and cope with it.

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万一、敵見場合、三十六計逃げに如かず、死 力尽走。

If you happen to cross her through some off chance, the best thing to do is retreat and run as if the death itself were after you.

*1 ズムー見よ。

1: See the article on Lunasa Prismriver.

*2 霊 体、体は体。

2: Phantom or not, a body is a body.

* 口上でイブ始。

3: They say this at the beginning of their live performances.


Uncontrolled Violent Mystical Power




Main danger level: Varies


Frequency of encounter: Varies

多様性: 極高

Variety: Very high

主遭遇場所: どこでも

Main place of activity: Anywhere

主遭遇時間: でも

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Youkai generally do not move in groups.


Youkai only think of themselves.


Youkai are the most dangerous enemies to humans.

、余にも多様妖怪居為、個々の妖怪の特徴知か妖怪退治に出掛 け必要

However, since they are rather varied, one must be informed of each of their traits before heading out to exterminate them.


Potential Harm


Kidnapping, Prededation, Livestock Theft, Crop Theft


Humans have no greater enemy than youkai.


Youkai attack humans for food.


However, most do not attack when they are full and satisfied.


If the human population drops, youkai will face trouble as well.

、必ずも人間け食のでは、獣鳥、魚 、野菜、果物、酒等、人間食生活は

They do not eat only humans, but animals, birds, fish, vegetables, fruits, alcohol and other things humans normally eat.


Still, they consider humans a delicacy above all else.

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They steal crops and livestock as well.


This is also serious problem.

対処 法



Unless one thoroughly trains in fighting against them, youkai extermination is difficult.

人間妖怪では、肉体的能力差は歴然 で、もに戦 のでは一瞬 で捕食

Youkai have a history of being physically stronger than humans, and trying to fight them may quickly end up as feeding them.


However, the reason most youkai attack humans is because they need prey.


That's why one should offer something else to eat in place of themselves.


Offering a cow will save you from being attacked for a while.


There are many that have a strong sense of duty, and will befriend those who donot turn against them.


But exterminating youkai is a different story.


Humans regularly perform exterminations, but this is a custom passed down from ancestors.

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In Gensokyo, humans must exterminate youkai (*2).


There are those that specialize in youkai extermination.


For example, the Hakurei shrine maiden is the most well-known specialist.


In extermination, one does not use weapons that cause physical damage. Weapons w

ith an "origin" are more preferable.


Youkai are weak to spiritual attacks such as names or traditions.

*1 紛、種族の妖怪は、言フの『の他 』で。の他 一番多

1: It might be confusing, but youkai as a race is similar to the "Others" section of a graph. I suppose there are quite a few graphs where "Others" is the largest category.


2: It is said that the balance of Gensokyo will crumble if they do not.


Youkai of Twilight




Ability: Manipulation of darkness

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Threat level: Medium


Human friendship level: Low


Main place of activity: Unknown


Rumia falls into the weaker category of youkai, but she possesses an ability tha

t makes her surroundings dark whether it is night or day.

この妖怪出闇は、松明も無効化 魔法の闇で、迷込ん人間の視 界はほ無に等

The darkness this youkai emits is a magical darkness that renders even torchlight useless, and humans that wander into this darkness have their field of visionreduce to almost nothing.

この闇に乗じ襲もの、他 の妖怪群で行動事はず無の救

It is simple to drag people into the darkness and attack them, but she does not

move with a group of other youkai, which is a relief.

姿は幼少女で、赤眼に黄色 髪に赤ン、闇に紛為に黒服着、常に暗闇

Her appearance is that of a young girl with red eyes and a red ribbon in her blond hair. It is said that she wears dark clothes to blend in with the darkness, but since it is always dark around her this is difficult to confirm.

暗闇の化 け物知、普段か恐為か、直截姿見者は、余に幼少女

Perhaps because she is known as a monster of darkness and is normally feared, people who have directly seen her form discover a too young girl and are overcomewith relief.


It is possible that she covers herself in darkness to hide her appearance.


Also, it is said that her ability to manipulate darkness is only a supporting ab

ility, and that she uses pure power to attack humans.

見目見目ので、どの位強のか甚疑 問、闇の中では勝負に

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Since she looks like what she looks like you cannot tell if she is really strongor not, but it isn't possible to fight against her in the darkness.

逃げ道見のは恐 怖で。

Not being able to see a way out is frightening.


Eyewitness Reports


"I saw a large blob of darkness heading towards the forest. It was scary." (Hiko



The large blob of darkness is believed to be this youkai.


You must not approach it.

で、大き黒塊木にか暫停 止か思、こに向かきので逃げ

"Then the large clump of darkness bumped into a tree and looked like it stoppedmoving for a bit, but it came towards me so I ran away." (Hikozaemon)


She most likely bumped into a tree.


Perhaps she cannot see outside the darkness either (*1).


"I was too slow in escaping and got caught in the darkness, but I didn't encounter the youkai and slipped right through." (Anonymous)


Even if a human enters the darkness, the youkai inside might not notice.


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If that is the case, she most likely cannot see in the darkness she produces (*2).



徒で妖怪に比 非力人間は、松明も無効闇の中勝負に。

Since a human's power can't compare to a youkai's in the first place, it would be impossible to put up a fight within darkness that renders even torchlight useless.


The best way to deal with this would be to not enter the darkness unless you arevery confident in your abilities.


You should also avoid visiting places where the moonlight doesn't shine at night.


Rumia may be lurking there.


Rarely, there are cases of people who have run into Rumia while she was not emitting darkness.


This was on the night of the new moon.




撃情報も後絶 。

This seems to be the most common time when Rumia somehow cannot use her powers,and witness reports flood in.


There aren't many who have exchanged words with her, but it is doubtful you willbe able to talk with her.


It's probably dangerous to attempt a conversation(*3).

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1: Imagining that, the blob of darkness suddenly becomes amusing.


2: Perhaps she really is stupid.


3: Even though she looks young, she eats humans.


Youkai of Winter


Letty Whiterock


Ability: Manipulation of cold


Threat level: Medium


Human friendship level: Low


Main place of activity: Unknown (Winter only)


There is a youkai that has only been seen during winter.

寒場所好み、人間凍せ戦闘不能に陥恐 怖の妖怪、このィイク

A youkai that prefers cold places, Letty Whiterock is feared for ensnaring human

s and freezing them, rendering them powerless to fight back.

判言、雪 女の一種で。

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To keep it simple, she is a type of Yuki-onna.


This youkai appears as a woman wearing light clothing that doesn't seem like itwould protect her from the cold.


She appears during unusually cold days, though it is unknown whether the coldness is due to her appearance instead.

余の寒に戦 意喪失(*1)。

The extreme coldness might make you lose any will to fight(*1).

彼女の術中に嵌、戦 前か勝負見言過言では。

If caught by her tricks, it isn't an exaggeration to say that the fight is overbefore it even began.

直載、風吹かせ雪 降せ訳では無、自然 に冬の効果強事出来為

She doesn't cause wind and snow by herself. However, she can enhance the naturaleffect of winter, so she shows ridiculous powers which seem impossible for one


自然 に左右ものの、の力は強大で。

Despite being determined by nature, her power is extremely strong.


After causing a thorough riot during winter, she suddenly disappears when springcomes.


It seems she hides somewhere until the next winter.


Eyewitness Reports


"I only see her on cold days." (Anonymous)

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Probably because of such reasons, this youkai does not leave a good impression.

外吹雪 、出んじか思外出歩けよ。は暖房

"When there is a snowstorm outside, I can't go outside because I'm afraid she might appear. However, my house is safe because it has good heating." (Owner of Kourindo)

冬は出来け晴日け出掛 けよに。

I would advise that people go out only on clear days during winter, if possible.

、長期間家の中に籠も、家屋根の雪 に潰ので注意。

However, if you shut yourself up in your house for a long time, the snow piled up on the roof will cause your house to collapse, so beware.




The thing called cold air is very troublesome. It is not a physically thrown col

d object (*2), but something that lowers the temperature of the whole area.

健康者も体壊、活動的者も大人、戦 意喪失。

Even healthy people can become sick. Even active people become inactive. They lose their fighting spirit.


There may be no way to completely avoid it.


First and foremost, wear warm clothes.


This is the most important thing.


It is enough if your body can move while you flee.

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In particular, if the extremities of your body become cold, your circulation might worsen, so you should take care to eat well.


If you are careless and happen to see her while wearing light clothes, it is hopelessly difficult to escape, because the coldness extends for a wide range.

寒に強け、生き延 こは出来。

If you are not resistant to the cold, it is unlikely you will survive for long.

、この恐 怖の妖怪も、天下は冬の間けで。

However, even though this youkai is fearsome, she only appears during winter.


When spring comes and it becomes warmer, there is nothing to fear.

も、夏の間にこの妖怪発 見、は鬱憤晴絶 好の機会(*)。

If you find this youkai during summer, it might be your best chance to strike (*3).


1: An example would be your not being able to get out of bed in the morning.


2: Like from that of a certain fairy.


3: However, there has been no report of seeing her when it is not winter.


A Bug of Light Wriggling in the Dark

Wriggle Nightbug

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Ability: Manipulation of insects


Threat level: Medium


Human friendship level: Normal


Main place of activity: Bushes, clumps of grass, etc.


When it comes to youkai humans find unpleasant, Wriggle Nightbug is a good example.


As to why she's considered unpleasant, she always appears with a large number ofbugs and can control them at will.

例百足、毛虫、蛾 、蜘蛛、竈馬一斉に襲事想像みよ。

Just imagine being simultaneously attacked by centipedes, caterpillars, moths, spiders, and cave crickets.


It makes your hair stand on end.



This youkai appears similar as a human child.

幸事に、完全蟲の形訳では、触角羽見程度で、他 は人間変

Fortunately, she doesn't look completely like a bug. She only has antennae and wings but other than that, she doesn't look any different from a human (*1).

は蟲の妖怪で、正確に言蛍 の妖怪で。

Wriggle is a bug youkai, but to be exact, she's a firefly youkai.

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蛍 は、蟲の中では珍、人間に人気の蟲で。

Fireflies, unlike most bugs, are popular with humans.


Since this type of bug can avoid being exterminated by humans, it's easy for them to mature into youkai.

蛍 の他 には、蝶も同様に人気高、妖怪に。

In addition, butterflies are similarly quite popular with humans, so it's easy for them to become youkai.

古来、蟲の妖怪言、鬼天狗並恐 怖の対象、最近はの威厳失久。

Long ago, bug youkai were equal to oni and tengu in terms of inspiring fear, butlately they've lost that prestige.


The fact that this bug youkai, who could be called the bugs' leader, has the appearance of a young girl could be considered a symbol of this.


The reason why the bugs' power has radically declined needs to be investigated.


Eyewitness Reports

大き石持上げ蟲居。気持悪 (匿名)

"I lifted up a big stone and there were a whole bunch of bugs under it. It was gross." (Anonymous)


This may not have much to do with this youkai, but it's technically a report regarding bugs.

軒下に百足居。勘弁欲 (匿名)

"There were a clump of centipedes under the overhang of my roof. I wish they'd go away." (Anonymous)


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This may not have much to do with this youkai.

勝手口に竈馬居。呪  (匿名)

"There was a cave cricket at my back door. I hate those things." (Anonymous)


This has nothing to do with this youkai.



蟲の恐 怖は、ん言もの数に。

The thing that makes bugs frightening is their numbers.

一匹当の力は低、大量に来対処 は難。

Individually they don't have much power, but when they come in large groups they're hard to deal with.

特に、一匹二匹退治所で、何の意味も無言のに、ズメチど人間には一発 で致命傷

This is particularly true for bugs such as hornets; while killing one or two mea

ns nothing, if they land one sting it can kill a human.


The most effective countermeasure is building a fire and using fumigation in order to keep bugs away from a large area (*2).


Also, they're generally weak to the cold.


They're active from spring through fall, but they almost never show up during winter.

、蟲操事恐 怖けで、イ単体対峙もほど恐は。

While her ability to control bugs is frightening, there isn't much to fear in facing Wriggle Nightbug herself.


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If you're trying to exterminate youkai, your best bet is to go after this youkaiduring winter when she's alone.


Also, among the bugs that this youkai controls, the ones you need to be most car

eful of are the harvest mites.


Harvest mites are devil bugs that can't be seen by the human eye, and you don'teven notice that you've been bitten.

後日、小黒刺跡出時は既に遅、高熱 出倒、かの確率で

Later, small black bite marks will appear, but by then it's too late; you'll get

a high fever and collapse, and there is a high probability of death.


There is no effective treatment.


If Wriggle doesn't seem to have any bugs with her and yet looks highly confident, that is when she is the most dangerous.


She could have harvest mites lurking around her (*3).


1: She likely needs to take on a human shape in order to make it more difficultfor humans to exterminate her.


2: Recently, there's also a convenient chemical known as insecticide.


3: Or maybe fleas.


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Night Sparrow Youkai


Mystia Lorelei


Ability: Can drive humans mad with her song


Threat level: Medium


Human friendship level: Poor


Main place of activity: Night Road


There are relatively many youkai who use songs or cries to make humans lose their way at a dark night road or an empty forest.


Mystia Lorelei is one of them.


Without a source in sight, a singing voice from nowhere in particular can be heard, and while one is taken by that voice they lose their way and are attacked byyoukai.


She is not often seen at noon and there are few witness reports, but it is saidthat she is a humanoid youkai with large wings (*1).


Mystia's songs are unexpectedly vibrant, and have an energy that would not normally be expected from youkai.


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Because of this, she is popular amongst the young people (*2).


On the other hand, amongst the elder song youkai, they say, "The young youkai lately are just loud and sing senseless songs, it's such an annoyance, it's nothin

g but noise."


She also possesses an ability to make humans night-blind as well as luring themwith song.


If one continues to follow the faint light and song on a night road, they will m

ost likely be attacked by this youkai.


Eyewitness Reports


"I thought that the Prismriver Ensemble hired some vocals, but when I went closer nothing good came of it." (Anonymous)


Unlike the Prismrivers, her friendliness towards humans is considerably bad.


Even if you hear a singing voice, you should not approach out of curiosity.


"While walking along an animal trail, I saw a single red lantern food cart. Wondering what it was I went closer, turns out it was the night sparrow's cart." (Boozer Rokusuke)


There are rumours that she has started a food cart.


Perhaps youkai also become bored.

は絶 対に夜雀では!(匿名)

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Since there is little chance of winning at night, you must resort to doing it during the day, but since she hides during the day that is not a simple thing to accomplish.

最も有効退治法は、夕方に罠(*)仕掛 け、朝方罠に引掛 かこ退治事

The most effective extermination method is to set up a trap (*3) in the evening,and if you find that she is caught in the trap by morning, extermination follows from there.

この手の妖怪は、定期的に退治図に乗人里で降ので、忘 ずに退治よ。

If you do not regularly exterminate this kind of youkai, they will eventually appear at human villages, so make sure to exterminate them once in a while.


1: If this form were the first to be seen, she might have not been called a night sparrow.


2: It is not good if she is popular, though.


3: Birdlime is effective.


Chinese Girl


Hoan Meirin [sic]


Ability: Manipulation of qi


Threat level: Low


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Human friendship level: Normal


Main place of activity: Scarlet Devil Mansion


Hong Meiling is one of the youkai that lives in the Scarlet Devil Mansion (*1).


She works as a gate guard, and thus meets with humans more than the other residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.


She is skilled in martial arts, and doesn't have many odd youkai-like powers.


Her appearance is no different than a human's. She wears a dress in the Chinesestyle, and her movements are light.

何か一部の能力に特化 妖怪は異、万能 型の妖怪で。

Unlike other youkai, she does not specialize in a single ability, but is an all-around youkai.

の為、妖怪同士では余強方では、人間に対は死 角無。

Because of that, she's not strong among youkai, but she has no blind spots whendealing with humans.

弱点 もこ言無。

Nor has she any particular weak point.


It can be assumed that she was given the job of gate guard because of this.


She is unusually human-like for a youkai, and if you talk to her while she is onthe job, she will idly chat or complain.


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She may threaten you with words, but as long as you don't try to destroy the gate she almost never attacks.

話相手は人間ではか錯覚 。

You would even think that the person you're talking to might be a human.


Eyewitness Reports

紅魔館は恐、の門番のかげで親 近感湧(豆腐屋)

"The Scarlet Devil Mansion is terrifying, but thanks to that gate guard it feelsfriendly." (Tofu shop owner)



Even so, fearsome youkai live inside.


"In the morning, when I looked towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion, I saw the gateguard dancing a strange slow dance." (Anonymous)


It is most likely Tai Chi Chuan.


You must not disturb her.


"When I glanced at the Scarlet Devil Mansion at noon, the gate guard was sleeping." (Anonymous)


She's most likely having a siesta.


You must not disturb her.



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Since her meals are provided by the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she isn't a youkai tobe scared of at all.


As long as you don't provoke her, she isn't dangerous.


You should refrain from breaking through the gate, or sneaking through while she's sleeping.


She'll attack you without mercy in that case.

も、こか謝に退却、相手も深 追は。

If that happens, if you immediately apologize and retreat, she won't chase you.


However, when it comes to extermination, things become extremely difficult.

武術の達人で戦闘能力はか高、弱点 弱点 持。

As a master of martial arts, she is highly proficient in battle, and doesn't have any apparent weak points.

、紅魔館か移 動事も殆ど無為、他 の妖怪応援に来かも知(*2)。

Also, since she seldom moves from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, other youkai may come and support her (*2).


In order to exterminate her, the only way is to request a one on one battle witha time limit (*3), and win by overpowering her through a frontal attack.


In other words, she may be a good opponent to test your skills (*4).


1: The mansion where the devil lives. More on this later.

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2: In reality, youkai helping other youkai is rare. Most just snicker while watching the battle.

*人間妖怪では体力的に絶 対不利ので、形式的試合事大切で。

3: Humans are physically disadvantaged compared to youkai, so a formal match isimportant.

*4実際、輩絶 。紅魔館の主もの試合見愉んで言。

4: In fact, she always gets such challengers. It is said that the master of theScarlet Devil Mansion enjoys watching these matches too.


Little Sweet Poison


Medicin Melancory [sic]


Ability: Manipulation of poison


Threat level: High


Human friendship level: Poor


Main place of activity: Nameless Hill

妖怪は寿命長は、当然 新生事も。

Even though youkai live long, there are of course ones born anew.


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Medicine Melancholy is one of them.


She was a discarded doll changed into youkai after a long time.


Her form is that of a large doll used in ventriloquism.


It is believed that the original doll that became her was about that size.


Even after becoming a youkai her body is still that of a doll.


It is believed that the ability to manipulate poison was naturally attained by being left on the Nameless Hill (*1) with suzuran for a long time.


She pours poison in food.


She uses poison to manipulate humans.

毒の影響受 け(*2)人間には脅威の人形で。

She's a threatening doll to humans that are easily affected by poison (*2).




Being a young youkai, her experience and knowledge is overwhelmingly shallow.


She possesses less knowledge than humans.


Because of this, whether she's dealing with a human or youkai, she doesn't knowthe meaning of holding back.

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She also can't see how strong her opponent is.


Therefore, she is fearsome.


Eyewitness Reports


"I thought it was a doll, but when I touched it my skin became inflamed." (Anony



Merely touching her will cause a bad reaction to one's body.




"The other day, this small youkai dropped by the village and then ran away. Wasthat really a youkai?" (Anonymous)


It is thought that she has not seen a large amount of humans.

、決探 追はけ。

However, you must not pursue her further.

里に毒霧 撒きに戻かも。

She may return to spread a fog of poison over the village.


"I saw a small doll hopping happily at the Nameless Hill. I wonder if the suzuran poison got to her." (Yumetsugu)

無防備印象受 け、は妖怪の経験浅ぎ為。

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Since she gives the impression that she's defenseless, that just shows that herexperience as a youkai is shallow.


You shouldn't carelessly startle her until she matures.




The type of poison is unknown.

花 の毒、蛇 の毒、蜂の毒、蜘蛛の毒、直接触



Flower's poison, snake's poison, bee's poison, spider's poison, poison that causes inflammation just by touching it, poison that knocks you unconscious just bywhiffing it, there are many types of poison.


Because of that, if one is affected by poison there is no definite treatment method.


You will probably understand the true terror of poison when you confront this youkai.


Lately, there have been youkai that have been showered in such strong poison that even they falter, just by being near her.

ずこの時点 で勝負どこでは。

At this point, it's not the time to be thinking about fighting.


Until this youkai develops mentally, refrain from exterminating her.

現在の弱点 は、の経験の浅に。

Her current weak point is her shallow experience.


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She hates humans, but if you skillfully manage your words, you can deceive her easily.


Pretend to be a human that hates humans.


The strength of her poison is fearsome, and aftereffects remain.


Poisons that remain latent for a long time and cause a delayed effect (*3) are a

lso dangerous.


You must avoid battles with her at all cost.


1: It is a hill that goes by the name Nameless Hill. Mentioned later.


2: Drinking too much sake is poison for the body. If you are offered sake, you need the courage to reject.


3: Such as alcohol and nicotine.


Flower Master of the Four Seasons


Yuka Kazami [sic]

能力:花 操程度の能力

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Ability: Manipulation of flowers


Threat level: Very high


Human friendship level: Very poor


Main place of activity: Garden of the Sun

一年中花 に囲生活、人間、妖怪問ず邪魔入絶 大力によ問答無用に滅にか

She lives a life surrounded by flowers all year, and if anyone disturbs her, bethey youkai or human, she eliminates them no matter what.

花 の妖怪よは自然 の権化 み存在、妖精は異、ここで紹介き妖怪

She's more like a manifestation of nature rather than a flower youkai, but unlike fairies, she is far more dangerous than any of the youkai introduced so far.

普段は自然 の花 に囲場所で生活、一見平和他 の生き物に対容赦。

She is usually active in a place surrounded by flowers, and seems peaceful at first glance but is merciless towards other creatures.

明色 服着、人間何変姿。

She wears clothes with bright colours, and her appearance is no different from ahuman.

花 操事出来能力は、花 咲かせみ、向日葵の向き太陽に向け、枯花 

The ability to manipulate flowers consists of being able to make flowers bloom,shift the face of sunflowers towards the sun, or make withered flowers bloom again and such.

実際、この能力はけのよ物で、本当は純粋 に高妖力、身体能力備、妖怪妖怪

This ability is more of an extra; she truly possesses extremely high youkai power and physical abilities, a youkai-like youkai.

人間妖怪戦 事に微塵も恐 怖感じず、人の精神逆撫 での大好きで。

She doesn't feel an atom of fear when fighting humans or youkai, and loves rubbing people the wrong way.

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妖怪は、長生きんん活動活発 では。

As youkai live longer, they become less active.


There are few that take the initiative to attack humans.

この妖怪も、最近はも花 の近か動事は少言。

It is said that recently this youkai hasn't moved from the hill of flowers much.


Combat Ability

能力は関係無に、傘使花 飛み優雅攻撃行。

Completely unrelated to her abilities, she uses a parasol or scatters flowers toperform graceful attacks.

彼女持傘は、紫 外線大幅に特別日傘(*1)言、雨も防げ

It is said that her parasol is a special sun parasol that can largely cut ultraviolet rays (*1) and can block rain as well.


It can even block danmaku.


Rather than relying on youkai abilities or magic, she often performs overwhelming physical attacks.







This class of youkai is not interested in the average human, and only pays attention to equally strong youkai or humans with special abilities.


However, when ones with power clash, both sides are aware that it can't possiblybe settled.

の為、勝負事は先にー決、形式的に戦 事多。

To counter this, before the battle, rules are decided and a formal battle often

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takes place.

ー上で勝負付け、戦 も大人負け認。

By fighting with these rules, even if one could continue after losing, they mustadmit their loss.

相手に負け認場合は深 追。

Once that is done, the other side will not pursue it further.


That is the wisdom of youkai who have lived long.


Eyewitness Reports


"She came to the village to shop. She gives proper greetings, and she didn't seem like a very strong youkai..." (Flower Shop)


The stronger the youkai, the more polite they normally are.

、絶 対に手出はけ。

You must not make a move against her.


"I see her at the shrine a lot. I wonder if that shrine maiden will exterminateher..." (Anonymous)


The shrine maiden there is infamous for not working.


However, it's said that she's defeated this youkai several times (*2).


"I saw her at the Garden of the Sun. Her smile was terrifying, I immediately ranaway." (Anonymous)

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Strong ones are usually smiling (*3).




There are no countermeasures; it's impossible for ordinary humans to exterminateher. They can only be vigilant.

幸、戦闘はので、こか攻撃仕掛 け、罠に嵌、花 畑に火放

Luckily, she isn't interested in boring battles, so as long as you don't attack,set up a trap, or set her flower field on fire, you should be fine.

も、この妖怪他 の誰か戦闘場面に出も、手出はけ。

If you come across this youkai battling with someone else, do not get yourself involved.


However, these fights are based on certain rules, so as long as you do not disturb the fight, she'll be polite.

離所か、見学 のも良。

If you can keep enough distance from the fight, it's also a good idea to watch the show.

人外の戦 は、息飲美に満。

Battles of non-humans are full of breathtaking beauty.

*1香霖堂の説 明によ。

1: As explained by Kourindou.


2: Very doubtful.


3: Established theory.

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Her main time of activity is night, and she sleeps in the daytime.


All in all, she is a typical youkai (*1).

、冬は冬眠言、本人の談けで実際は何処 に棲んでのか確認取

Though she claims to hibernate through the winter, we have only her word on it and it's unknown where she lives, so this is unconfirmed.


Historically, there is an article in the Youkai Encyclopedia from Aichi's (*2) Gensokyo Chronicle that seems to describe her.

の時代に姿で現 。

She is said to look the same now as she appeared back then.



境 界操能力は、全の物事根底か覆恐能力で。

The ability to manipulate boundaries is a terrifying ability capable of fundamentally undermining reality.

知の通、物の存在は境 界存在事で成立。

As you know, everything is built upon the existence of boundaries.



If there was no water surface, there could be no lake.

稜 線無け、山も空も存在。

If there was no sky line, neither mountain nor sky could exist.


Were it not for the Great Barrier, even Gensokyo itself wouldn't exist.

も全の物に境 界存在け、は一の大き物で事で。

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If there were no boundaries, everything would probably exist as a single enormous object.

、境 界操能力は、論理的創造破壊の能力で。

Thus, the ability to manipulate boundaries is an ability of logical creation anddestruction.


It essentially creates a new being, or denies the existence of a being.


Among the abilities youkai are known to possess, this is one of the most dangerous, being comparable even to the power of gods.

、空間の裂け目か自在に何処 にでも瞬 時に移 動、体の一部け別の場所に移 動せ事も

She is also capable of going anywhere through a gap in space, whether it be herentire body or only a part of her.

物理的空間けで、絵の中夢 の中、物語の中等にも移 動事も出来。

It's said that this ability is not limited to physical space, but also applies t

o pictures, others' dreams, and even stories.

他 にも、超 人的(*)頭脳持、特に数字に強。

In addition, she is possessed of superhuman (*3) intellect, and is especially good at mathematics.


Furthermore, due to her long lifespan, she has a broad range of knowledge and experience.


Daily life

本人は意外話屋で、自分幻想郷に関事色 々 教。

She is actually quite talkative, eager to teach you about herself or about Gensokyo.


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However, most of her stories are impossible to prove or confirm, so no one can say if what she says is true.

家は、博麗神社同じで、幻想郷外の世界の境 界に建 、の建 物実際に見者

Her house is said to be located at the boundary between Gensokyo and the outside

world, just like the Hakurei Shrine, but no one has ever actually seen it.

空間の切目使、何処 かも現、何処 か消かで。

This is because her only movements are through gaps in space, so she seems to appear out of nowhere and disappear into nothing.


No one can follow her through the gaps, so it's not known if it's true or not (*



In addition, she rarely acts directly, instead leaving practically all of her work to a beast she controls as a familiar.

特に昼間冬ど、寝時はこの式神紫 の代に行動。

This is especially true in daytime and winter when she is sleeping, and in suchcases that familiar is seen moving around in her stead.


Additionally, as she is an elder being, she has many friends that are also elder.

冥 界に棲西行寺幽々子(後述)、鬼の伊吹萃香(後述)ど、大抵の友人関係最強クの妖怪

Most of her friends are first-class youkai like Yuyuko Saigyouji of the netherworld and the oni Suika Ibuki.


Relationship to Gensokyo


Gensokyo is separated from the outside by a large magical barrier.

この結界のは、中外分け境 界線の事で。

This barrier literally is the boundary between inside and outside.

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、外の世界幻想郷は、物理的には地 続 きで為、結界持境 界論理的に幻想郷場

However, the inside world and the outside world are still physically contiguous,so it can be said that the barrier is logically creating the place that we callGensokyo.

、境 界の妖怪存在けで、幻想郷の様場所創事も壊事も可能言。

That also means that as long as the youkai of boundaries exists, she can createor destroy a place like Gensokyo whenever she desires.

境 界で囲幻想郷に、何処 に住んでのか判境 界の妖怪存在事は、幻想郷の成

It can be argued that the fact that a youkai of boundaries exists in Gensokyo, aland surrounded by an enormous boundary, implies that she must have some extremely significant connection to the origin of Gensokyo.


Strangely, this youkai rarely attacks humans.


A youkai that never attacks humans is by definition not a youkai, so it is likely that she occasionally does attack humans.


As she can freely visit the outside world, it's speculated that she attacks humans in the outside world (*5).

この妖怪に纏 逸 話

Stories about this youkai


Genso-Lunar War

千年以上昔の逸 話で。

This is a story from over 1000 years ago.

実嘘の境 界弄、湖に映月に飛込み月に攻入事。

It is said that she once invaded the moon by modifying the boundary between truth and lie and plunging into the mirrored moon on the lake's surface.


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Although she went in with an army of impudent youkai, they were crushed by the Moon's advanced weaponry.

こ以来、妖怪達は自分のー越 攻入事は少言。

It is since this incident that youkai usually do not choose to attack beyond their territory.

この騒動機に、この境 界の妖怪の力人間の間にも知渡。

The stories of this event are also what made her powers widely known among humans.


Youkai Expansion Project

五百年以上前の逸 話で。

A story from over 500 years ago.

人口の増加によ、人間に押気味幻想郷の妖怪の勢 力回復為に、紫 立案、実行

The project refers to a plan designed and implemented by Yukari in order to restore power to the youkai of Gensokyo, who felt pressured by human expansion.

こ以前の幻想郷は単人里離山奥に過ぎか、幻想郷の周に幻実体の境 界創

Until then Gensokyo was merely an isolated mountain place, but she planned to create the boundary between illusion and reality around Gensokyo, thus logically creating a new world.

幻想郷の中幻の世界、外の世界実体の世界事で、外の世界で勢 力弱き妖怪達

By establishing Gensokyo as an illusionary world, and the outside as the real world, the youkai weakened by the outside world would naturally flock to Gensokyo;this was a truly epochal event.


At this time, it seems that youkai from outside of Japan immigrated to Gensokyo,as well.

境 界の効果は現在も続 。

The effects of the boundary remain even in the present time.


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The cleverness of the plan lies in allowing youkai to disappear in the outside world while permitting them to thrive within Gensokyo.

外の世界人間の天下で以上、幻想郷では妖怪の天下続 。

As long as the outside world remains in the hands of the humans, Gensokyo will b

e the demesne of the youkai.


The Great Barrier Disturbance

今は当然 の様に存在博麗大結界(*)。

This, of course, refers to the Great Hakurei Barrier (*6).





It is said that this youkai was one of those who suggested the creation of the Great Barrier and created what is now Gensokyo.

、最初は数多の妖怪の反発 に合、妖怪同士の闘争よで。

However, it appears that there was some opposition to this plan from a number ofyoukai, and that there was open conflict between youkai.


As this conflict distracted youkai from their normal attacks against humans, theGreat Barrier has received great praise over the period of Gensokyo's existence.


Word of the usefulness of the Great Barrier has now circulated among the youkai,and there are scarcely any that oppose its existence.

幽霊 騒動

The Phantom Disturbance

冥 界顕界の境 界薄、幽霊顕界に、生者冥 界に行き騒動。

The Phantom Disturbance refers to a time when the border between the Netherworldand the world of the living weakened, making it easy for the respective denizens of each to go back and forth.


It is obvious that this youkai would have been involved in such a feat.

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賢妖怪の事ので、妖怪社会に関何か崇高目的可能 性(*7)。

Since this was the act of an extremely wise youkai, there was likely some extraordinary benefit to youkai society in doing this. (*7)


As this is an ongoing incident the matter remains unresolved.


Eyewitness Reports

気付目の前の食物無時の。欲(博麗霊 夢)

"Before I know it, she makes my food disappear right out from under my nose. I wish she'd stop." (Reimu Hakurei)


When you're not looking she can slip her hand through a gap in dimensions and take things from far away.

も家の中か現 のは勘弁欲。ん玄関か入このか(霧 雨

"She keeps just showing up in the middle of my house. Why can't she just use thedoor like other people?" (Marisa Kirisame)


One should exercise restraint when using the power of teleportation.



人里に現 事は滅多に。

She seldom appears in the human village.


To that extent, she likely doesn't attack normal humans very often.


No matter how confident one is in their abilities, it would be wise not to attempt to pursue this youkai.

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(Though, she would likely make allowances for the power of her opponent so as not to allow the battle to become too vicious.)

にか、境 界の能力には防御法も弱点 も一切存在。

In any case, there is not a single defense against or weak point in the abilityto manipulate boundaries.

、知能は人間の想像力遙 かに凌駕、勿論身体能力も妖怪並で。

Her intellect far surpasses the capabilities of humans, and her vitality is whatyou'd expect from a youkai.



Humans probably have no chance of winning against her.


Excepting, of course, the countermeasure of approaching her in a gentlemanly fashion.


1: Recently, as the number of night humans increases, so does the number of daytime youkai.


2: The Gensokyo Chronicles written by the first member of the Hieda line, more than 1200 years ago.

(*)妖怪か超 人のは当前。

3: Well, she's a youkai, so it's no wonder she is superhuman.


4: Some say that her house is located in the outside world.


5: Rumor has it that she is a youkai from outside, and she simply comes to herefor play. Indeed, she may spend the winters and the daytime, when she claims to

be sleeping, in the outside world, and some even say that the outside world is Yukari's dream.

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(*)幻想郷外の世界分け境 界。論理的境 界、人間も妖怪も簡単には行き来出来

6: The boundary separating Gensokyo and the outside world. It is said it is extremely difficult for youkai or humans to pass through, and so essentially it creates a separate world.


7: I have been unable to confirm this while alive.


Otherworldly Magical Being




Usual threat level: Normal


Frequency of encounters: Low


Diversity: Low


Main place of encounters: Anywhere


Main time of encounters: Anytime



魔法に魅 入者で、既に魔法体の原動力妖怪、魔法使で。

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One who was become possessed by magic, such that the person's body itself is powered by magic; this type of youkai is known as a magician.

魔法の研究 生業、日々新魔法の事考。

Magical research is their occupation and they spend their days thinking about new magic.


Among youkai, they are the closest to humans.


There are two types of magicians: those who were born as magicians and humans who became magicians.

完全魔法使に時点 で成長(老化 )止(*1)。

At the point when they become complete magicians, their growth (aging) stops (*1).

生の魔法使も、最初か魔法使けで人間同じよに成長、老化 、寿命迎

Magicians by birth can use magic from the beginning; like humans, they grow, age

, and have a limited lifespan.


Then, when they learn Shachuu [literally, "abandoning temper"] magic (*2), theybecome long-lived, complete magicians.

元人間の場合は、魔法の修行続 け、捨食(ょ)の魔法(*)習得時点 で魔法使

In the case of those who were originally human, when in the course of their study of magic they learn Shashoku [literally, "abandoning food"] magic (*3), they become magicians.


After that, it's the same as for normal magicians.

ずにも、魔法使種族ににはか時間掛 か。

In any case, becoming a member of the magician tribe takes quite a bit of time.

での時間は人間同じ様に成長続 け為、一般的に魔法使魔女は老人多。

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Since they continue to grow old like humans up until that point, in general there are a lot of aged magicians and witches.

、幻想郷では魔法の研究 進んで、魔法の習得も容易で。

However, in Gensokyo, magical research continues to advance and learning magic i

s simple.


Thus, there are more than a few young (childish) magicians in Gensokyo.


There's no way to tell them apart from humans by their appearance.



他 の妖怪に

比 脆弱で。

Their bodies are pretty much the same as humans', so they are frail in comparison to other youkai.

一般に頭良、知識も豊富で勉 強家で、家の中に引きこもで。

They're generally intelligent, studious people with a lot of knowledge, but theytend to be hikikomori and not leave their homes.


Potential Harm

生け贄 、盗難、誘拐、詐欺

Sacrifice, Theft, Kidnapping, Fraud


An area in which they are particularly harmful is theft of livestock.


Living livestock are necessary for large-scale magic, and it seems there is a serious livestock shortage among magicians.

他 にも、酒類始食料、月の石ど珍品盗難に遭。

In addition, they often steal food and drink (especially liquor), and curios such as moon rocks.

酷時は幼児 攫事も(*4)。

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1: There are those who are attempting to create magic to restore their youth, but......

*2 成長止魔法。自分にか使。

2: Magic to stop one's growth. It can only be used on oneself.

* 食事取も、魔力で補よに魔法。自分にか使。

3: Magic that allows you to compensate for not eating food via magic power. It can only be used on oneself.

*4 幼児 はの魔法使の弟子に事も。

4: Sometimes the children become apprentices to the magicians.

七色 の人形遣

Seven-Colored Puppeteer


Alice Margatroid


Ability: Ability to manipulate dolls


Threat level: Low


Human friendship level: High


Main place of activity: Any kind of place

祭に人々の前に現 は、人形芸披露 魔法使言、マーガ

The magician that appears before people during festivals and displays her street

performances with dolls would be Alice Margatroid.


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She is an artistic magician who manipulates dolls with magic and makes it appearas if they were alive.

金髪で肌 の色 は薄、本人も人形み姿。

She has blond hair and pale skin, and looks very much like a doll herself.


She's the type of magician that was originally human and became one through training.


Because of this, she is very understanding towards humans.


However, her history as a magician is shallow, and she is a novice.


She does not need to, but she still eats and sleeps and does everything a humanwould.


She usually lives in a compact western house in the Forest of Magic.

魔法の森で迷、偶然 この家に辿着も、快泊言。

If you happen to wander into the Forest of Magic and lose your way, and end up at her house, it is said that she will welcome you and allow you to stay over.

、泊言も、彼女は魔法の研究 、人形操続 け、余会話

However, while she says that, all she does is research magic and manipulate herdolls without really conversing, which is creepy, so it seems one would want torun away as quickly as possible (*1).




The ability to manipulate dolls with magic is magic that makes it seem as if the

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dolls were alive.


It isn't magic that gives life to the dolls, but magic that allows the user to control them with a thread of magic, so long distance manipulation is very diffic



However, dolls cannot defy orders or harm their user.


The dolls she uses are not all special dolls, there are many normal dolls.



Most of them are made by herself.

手作の人形に魔法の糸 付け、思通に操で(*2)。

She attaches a thread of magic to her handmade dolls and manipulates them freely(*2).


Daily Life

彼女は、炊事、洗濯、清掃 等、家事の大半人形にせ。

It is said that cooking, laundry, cleaning, and other household chores are mostly done by her dolls.


It seems convenient at first, but the dolls are not moving by themselves, if youconsider that she is the one controlling all the dolls, she always seems to have her hands full.


It is said that she can make her dolls move any way a human can.


She can even have her dolls control other dolls.


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Since she was originally human, she most likely rarely attacks humans.

、意外好戦 的で、戦 挑 嬉々応じ思。

However, she unexpectedly enjoys battles, and if you challenge her she will gladly accept.


Since she is accompanied by her dolls, if you challenge her you will be forced into a one versus many battle.

か腕に自信、苦戦 こは必 至。

Unless you are very confident in your abilities, a difficult battle is inevitable.


Also, attempting to destroy her dolls is meaningless and like pouring water overa hot stone.


And at times, she makes her dolls explode.


You must ignore the dolls.

、で手に負妖怪の様弱点 は。

She may seem like a youkai that is difficult to deal with, but she has her weakpoints.


That is Alice herself.


She has her hands full manipulating the dolls, so her movements are dull and her

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fighting ability is low.


If you are ever in a match with her, aim for her directly.

(*1) けど、夜の魔法の森に逃げ出のも恐ので、我慢か。

1: However, running away into the Forest of Magic at night is also scary, so youwould have no choice but to bear with it.

(*2) もの凄器用で。、魔法の糸 は手で動かのでは、魔法で動か。

2: She is very dexterous. However, threads of magic are not controlled by one'shand, but by magic.


形に移 川に流 物。最



3: The act of transferring misfortune and impurity onto dolls and flowing them in a river. Lately it is believed to cause pollution and is not done as often.


Unmoving Great Library


Patchouli Knowledge


Ability: Magic (mainly elemental)


Threat level: Average


Human friendship level: Normal


Main place of activity: Scarlet Devil Mansion


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Patchouli Knowledge is a magician known as the brain of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the manor where devils live.


It is her role to resolve problems that occur in the Scarlet Devil Mansion (*1).


She has long hair, but otherwise her appearance is indistinguishable from a human's.

彼女は、生粋 の魔法使で、既に百年以上生き。

She is a born magician, and it is said she has lived for over a hundred years.


Astonishingly, she has reportedly spent most of the last hundred years reading books.

多の魔法得意、に新魔法の開発 に余念無。

She is proficient in various types of magic and eagerly researches new magic.


Whenever she devises a new spell, she inscribes it into a magic book, expandingthe library.


It's unknown when exactly she settled down in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but judging by the size of the library, it must have been a considerable time ago.




She is a magician's magician, using various sorts of magic in her daily life.


She mainly uses elemental magic.


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Elemental magic primarily borrows on the power of youkai and fairies to try to create great effects from many smaller powers.

彼女主に使属性魔法は、生命目覚 の木」、変化 動きの火」、基礎 不動の土」、実

The elements she uses most frequently are the seven elements: "wood", for life and awakening; "fire", for change and movement; "earth", for foundation and constancy; "metal", for wealth and abundance; "water", for silence and purification;"sun", for activeness and offense; "moon", for passiveness and defense.


On top of being able to use magic from all these elements, surprisingly enough,it is said she is able to cast spells that combine more than two different element types.



、弱点 ー


Moreover, her variations are extraordinarily bountiful. She can combine fire andwood to increase her power, or combine fire and earth to cover her weaknesses,and much more.


Grimoires and the Great Library


Grimoires, or magic books, are not simply books of spells, but are magical itemswith magic power sealed inside.

中身は、魔法の使方書けでは、魔法使為の秘密の鍵 記。

Their contents are not simply how to cast various spells, but indeed the secretkeys to the use of magic itself.

魔導書こに書か魔法使事出来の、の鍵 見け者には書か

In theory, anyone could cast a spell if they had the appropriate magic book, butpeople without the key that magic would not be able to distinguish the lettersin such a book.

鍵 は、魔導書記者同等か、以上の熟 練度無見け事は出来。

One cannot find the key if they do not possess equal or greater skill than the person who wrote the spell in the grimoire.


The letters written in the book are not the system used by humans, but are said

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to be divine-era hiragana, or perhaps the original Japanese writing system.

、紅魔館の地 下には大図書館、魔導書山の様に蓄。

There is a great library beneath the Scarlet Devil Mansion filled with veritablemountains of magic books.

こには、彼女書魔導書、未誰も読 事出来魔導書も多。

There are many magic books that she has written, as well as many that no one hasbeen able to read.


The library holds a great many books besides magic books, as well.






Most of this material consists of books from the other world (*2).


Eyewitness Reports

か臭ん。の図書館は(霧 雨魔理沙 )

"That library reeks of mold." (Marisa Kirisame)


Since Japan is quite humid, archives are typically built in places that are wellventilated.


Since the Scarlet Devil Mansion is a Western-style house, it may not have been built with Japanese climates in mind.

に読本も混 じのよね(博麗霊 夢)

"There's the occasional book that is readable sometimes." (Reimu Hakurei)

外の世界の本は、普通に読 事出来。

One can read a book from the other world just like any other book.


I would also like to try reading one.

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属性魔法の特徴は、小力で大き効果生事に、欠点 も。

The characteristic of elemental magic is to create great effects from smaller ones, but there are flaws to this approach.

は必ず弱点 属性魔法存在事で。

That is because there always exists a weak point to every element.

彼女の魔法にも当然 弱点 。

There are, of course, weaknesses to her magic as well.

万一決闘事に、相手の魔法の属性意識戦 必要。

If by some chance you end up in a battle with her, you must fight while stayingalert to her magic elements.

尤も、彼女は紅魔館か出事殆ど無為、戦 事にのは非常に稀で。

But since she seldom leaves the Scarlet Devil Mansion, battles with her are extr

emely rare.

こか攻入限戦 事は無。

As long as you do not invade, there will be no battle.


In addition, her physical condition is poorer than that of a human's.




Since she is asthmatic (*3), she can't exert herself too much, lest it becomes difficult to breathe.


This places her in an unusual category among youkai.


1: At the same time, it is her role to cause problems as well.

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2: Gensokyo's books are primarily handwritten. There are few properly bound andpublished books.


3: As is characteristic for a magician, she can speak extremely quickly at low volumes. It's suffocating to watch her speak so quickly with her asthma.


Animal with too much Power and Wisdom




Usual threat level: High


Frequency of encounters: Medium


Diversity: High


Main place of encounters: Anywhere


Main time of encounters: Anytime




At first glance they seem to be normal animals, but they are intelligent enoughto understand human speech and have unusually high physical abilities, plus some

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of them can use sorcery.


These kinds of animals are known as Beasts.


Many of them act like leaders for ordinary animals.


Characteristically, we can say they are very physically-orientated.


They hold superior physical powers (*1), but in return it is difficult for themto revive if their bodies are destroyed.


Unlike normal youkai, they're strong against mental attacks (*2).


Usually, their shape, personality, and powers are strongly influenced by the typ

e of animal they originally were.


The unity within their species is strong, and they can't let it pass if a memberof their species faces hardships.


They tend to be omnivores who prefer to eat meat, especially human meat.


It is said that animals that have eaten too many virtuous humans become youkai (*3).


Many of them are very ferocious, and since the frequency of encounters is somewhat high, you must be careful of this type of youkai.

、一般にの数多ほど妖力高、で相手の力量予 測事も可能で。

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Also, in general, more tails means higher youkai power, so you can use this to estimate their strength.


Potential Harm


Injury, Becoming Prey

直截攻撃受 け第一被害殆どで。

Most of the danger comes from their regular attacks.

鋭 爪で引掻か、噛みかけでも、人間には脅威で。

For humans, just being scratched by their sharp claws or being bitten is dangerous.

兎捕妖怪兎に見か報復等、直截妖獣に手出も被害受 け

It's possible to be injured even if you don't directly get involved with beasts;for example, if you catch a rabbit, a youkai rabbit may take revenge on you ifit notices.


Also, you must be even more careful of beasts that can use sorcery.

対処 法



Because of the difference in physical abilities, humans are at an overwhelming disadvantage in a frontal attack.

、一般的に知性に欠け事多ので、人間仕掛 け罠にん嵌事多。

However, since many of them aren't too smart in general, they often fall into traps set by humans.

兎取の仕掛 けに引掛 か事。

Sometimes they'll get caught in rabbit traps.

相手臨戦 態 勢 に入場合、の殆ど空腹状態原因発 生戦闘で。

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If one of them is getting ready for a fight, it's probably because it's hungry.

手持に食物、差出事で逃げき可能 性高。

If you have food on hand, there's a good chance you can escape by giving that to

them and running.

万一、食物持か場合、連続 で遭遇食物げ直後場合

In the worst case, if you don't have any food on hand, or you meet them one after another and you've just given away your food, all you can do is pray.

*1 足速、高跳 、強力持、暗闇でも物見、遠の物見、聞こ、

1: Swift feet, great power, the ability to jump high, being able to see even in

the dark, to see and hear things from afar, having delicious meat etc.

*2 能天気。

2: They're airheads.

* 修行積ん僧侶は格好の的で。

3: Monks who've done a lot of training would be suitable targets.

凶兆 の黒猫

Black Cat of Bad Omens


能力: 妖術扱程度の能力

Ability: Black magical arts


Threat level: Medium


Human friendship level: Normal


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Main place of activity: Animal Trail, Mountain of Youkai

妖獣の中でも最もンーで、かここ危険の化 け猫で。

A ghost cat whose appearance and threat level are the most standard of the youka

i beasts.


Even so, Chen is currently a shikigami (*1) in service to Ran Yakumo (see next article).

鋭 爪、牙二本の長持典型的化 け猫で(*2)。

She is a fairly representative ghost cat with long claws and a long, forked tail



When possessed by the familiar spirit, she can use various black arts and is extremely dangerous, but has an extreme dislike of water.

水被式神外、素の化 け猫に。

If she's doused in water, the familiar spirit leaves, and she becomes a normal phantom cat.

素の化 け猫の状態では、に獣、噛み引掻行動肉体頼みに

When this happens, she'll become more feral and resort to more physical means such as biting and clawing, but she still hates water.

水被行動鈍 。

If you douse her again, her actions will become weaker.


化 け猫でも、見目に


She looks the same as a familiar spirit and as a ghost cat.


She's capable of human speech, and uses various mystic arts when possessed thatmake her appear quite capable, but in reality she possesses the intellect of a human child about the age she appears.


She spends most of her time on the Youkai Mountain, and occasionally comes down

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to the human village to attack people.

、八雲藍の式神時は八雲藍八雲 紫 行動共に事も。

However, it's said she follows the will of Ran Yakumo and Yukari Yakumo when she's possessed by the familiar.


Eyewitness reports

炬燵 の中に大き猫居。人間の背 丈、ほん(匿名)

"A huge cat was sitting inside the kotatsu.It was about as big as a person. No,really!" (Anonymous)

冬の猫は炬燵 で丸 。

Cats grow fat laying in kotatsu in the winter.


"A bunch of cats were gathered together behind our house. We splashed water at them, and they ran off." (Anonymous)


It looks like the cats assemble regularly when people aren't watching.

時のーー、こ化 け猫で。

It appears that the leader of these assemblies is this cat.

家の柱傷んで時、こはは化 け猫の仕業か(匿名)

"Sometimes the pillars on our house are all scratched up. I bet it's because ofthis ghost cat." (Anonymous)

爪研ぎの可能 性も、化 け猫クに、爪切に鋏ど使。

She might be sharpening her claws, but a phantom of her class would probably just use nail clippers or scissors.



化 け猫はこ、力も強。

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Ghost cats are very nimble, and they're also quite strong.


If she faced you seriously in a fight, even running away would be difficult.

、弱点 は多。

However, she has many weaknesses.


For example, she hates water.

雨の日は活発 に動か、河の中で逃げ込んでも追こ。

She won't go out if it's raining, and if you run out to the middle of a river, she probably wouldn't follow you.


She's also weak against catnip.

乾燥マ蒔、戦 意喪失で。

If you sprinkle some dried catnip around, she'll quickly lose all interest in fi



It's probably best to keep some dried catnip with you if you have to walk down animal trails.


The types of magic she uses focus on using speed and tricky movements to confuseher opponents.

視 界の左に消思右か出。

For example, if you think you see her dash off to the left, she'll attack from the right.


This is a technique that relies on speed and precision of movement, so it's verysimilar to sleight of hand(*3).


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1: Shikigami aren't a particular class of youkai, but is more like a status condition. When this condition is in effect, we write that here as being "possessed".


2: It's unknown whether she has paws.

*一定の速度で左に移 動時に、一瞬 高速で右に移 動人間は見失。

3: When she starts moving to the left, and then returns to the right at high speed, she moves so quickly humans lose sight of her, which makes it appear to be instant teleportation.

策士の九 尾

The Scheming Nine-Tailed Fox

八雲 藍

Ran Yakumo


Ability: Ability to use shikigami


Threat level: High


Human friendship level: Normal

主活動場所:何処 でも

Main place of activity: Anywhere


It's said that the more tails a fox youkai has, the more powerful it is, and thelonger they are, the more clever it becomes.

ん妖獣の中で最高峰に君臨の、この九 尾の狐、八雲藍で(*1)。

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The widely regarded authority among fox youkai is this nine-tailed fox, Ran Yakumo (*1).

大き尻尾九付け狐で、輝 か毛並み神々醸出。

A fox with nine large tails, her shining pedigree gives rise to divinity.

この最強の妖獣従、主に雑用命じの最強の妖怪、八雲 紫 で(*2)。

Naturally, the one who has enslaved this strongest of the youkai beasts and usesher for various mundane tasks is the strongest youkai, Yukari Yakumo (*2).

藍は紫 の式神で。

Ran is Yukari's shikigami.

藍は紫 の言通に動式神、ん


As a shikigami, Ran must do whatever Yukari says, but she is also capable of using shikigami of her own.


Ran's shikigami is Chen.


However, Chen is too unreliable for Ran to leave her work to.


Ran is incredibly intelligent, and especially good at mathematics.

人間の想像の遙 か上行計算、瞬 時にのけ。

It is said that she is capable of doing in an instant complex calculations far above the human imagination.

、得意計算は新発 想生よは、既に物分析求事で

However, her forte is the analysis of existing phenomena, rather than that of new concepts (*3).

普段は八雲 紫 同じ家に住み、紫 の代に幻想郷で行動。

She lives in the same house as Yukari Yakumo, and normally goes out into Gensokyo to perform her duties for her.


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Eyewitness Reports


"That fox came here just now to buy some fried tofu. She did it right, even thou

gh she's an animal." (Tofu shop owner)

程度賢、泥棒行為恥 じ様にもので。

Once you reach a certain level of intelligence, you feel ashamed at acts such astheft.


This is true for both humans and youkai.

この間、人里の周九 尾の狐、何か測量の様事。何か妖怪達企んで

"Lately, a nine-tailed fox has been wandering around the edge of the village like it's been sizing up something. I wonder what the youkai are planning; it's scary." (Anonymous)

心配 は要。

There's no need for concern.

この狐は、幻想郷に変化 か、境 界の綻出か、定期的にチェク様で

This fox is merely making sure no untoward changes occur in Gensokyo, that the border experiences no degradation, and performing other such checks.

本来は八雲 紫 行作業、面倒の紫 に代行。

These duties were originally performed by Yukari Yakumo, but it seems that Yukari grew tired of them and Ran now performs them in her stead.


(博麗霊 夢)

"Her tails look so warm ... " (Reimu Hakurei)


Of course they're warm.


She's the strongest youkai beast, after all.


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She's intelligent, extremely powerful, and very quick on her feet.


You should not challenge her unless you're extremely confident in your skills.


Fortunately, her personality is extremely mild, and she takes no pleasure in self-aggrandizing combat, so one is unlikely to be attacked beyond reason.


However, you must be prepared to do battle if you disrupt her work.

弱点 訳では、油揚げ大好物ので、こ差出せ戦闘回避でき。

She has no particular weaknesses, but she is extremely fond of fried tofu, so you may be able to avoid combat by offering her some.


It's probably wise to carry fried tofu with you as a good-luck charm when walking animal trails.


She appears in the human village from time to time, but there's no need to fearher then.


She has only come to do shopping.

*1この名前は使役者で八雲 紫 名付け物。本名は不明。

1: This name is one given to her by the user, Yukari. Her real name is unknown.


2: Truly, they're an unbeatable pair.


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3: Shikigami on the outside world are called computers, and are said to be usedfor similar purposes.


Lunatic Red Eyes

鈴仙優曇 華院イ

Reisen Udongein Inaba

能力: 狂気操程度の能力

Ability: Manipulation of madness


Threat level: Unknown


Human friendship level: Normal


Main place of activity: Bamboo Forest of Lost

他 の妖獣大き性質異、一際特殊妖怪兎鈴仙優曇 華院イ。

Reisen Udongein Inaba, the youkai rabbit whose dissimilitude with other youkai makes her all the more unusual.

獣の少背 筋の伸正姿勢 。

She has an upright posture which is very un-beast-like.

妖獣には緩慢移 動。

Considering she is a youkai beast, her movement is rather slow.


Although she is a youkai beast, she does not attack humans.

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In fact, she avoids them altogether.


She has extremely long ears and hair.

全に他 に類見妖怪兎で。

She is certainly one-of-a-kind among the youkai rabbits in all respects.


Tewi Inaba is basically the leader of the rabbits, but she gives orders to Tewi(*1).


This makes her the de facto leader of the rabbits.


It's said you'll go mad if you look directly into her red eyes.


In addition, her voice is said to have unusual effects as well; for example, youmay be unable to understand what she's saying even if you hear her perfectly, or you may hear her as if she were whispering into your ears, even though she's far away.


Thanks to phenomena such as these, it's hard to have a serious, direct conversation with her.


永遠亭 に住んで。

She normally lives at Eientei in the Bamboo Forest.

こでの行動は不明、時折人里に現 は薬売 。

Her movements there are unknown, but occasionally she can be seen in the human village selling medicine.


She's well known for walking about with large amounts of suspicious-looking medicines(*2).

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Lunatic Ability


The ability to control madness is essentially the power to make you go mad, specifically, the power to control the waves that make up all things.


Increasing the wavelengths, that is, making the subject carefree, results in anapathetic lethargy.波長短、即狂気、情緒不安定で感情的に、人話出来。 

Decreasing the wavelengths, that is, bringing madness to the subject, results inemotional instability, and leaves the subject unable to talk with other people.


Increasing the amplitude results in an excess of existence, which allows her totransmit her will anywhere.


Decreasing the amplitude results in a dilution of existence, in which case one's

voice will never reach another, no matter how close they are.


Synchronizing the waves' phases causes interference to vanish, which makes it impossible to touch anything.


Offsetting the phases negates existence, and completely hides the subject's form.

この様多 彩能力使、人狂ので。

By using various effects such as these, she can induce madness.


Eyewitness reports


"It was early in the morning, and I'd gone to cut bamboo in the forest.

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From out of nowhere, I could see huge amounts of bamboo below me.


My hips started aching, then the rest of my body, too.


Then, I saw a strange youkai rabbit.


She was looking at the sky and muttering under her breath.

誰か話かの様、には沈 前の月か無……。

It looked like she was talking to someone, but there was nothing there but the setting moon ...


I decided to leave because of the eerie atmosphere, but then she turned around and realized I was there.


And all of a sudden, she completely vanished.

は夢 のかの(筍取の翁)

I wonder if it was just a dream ..." (The old woodcutter)

夢 かも知(*)。

Maybe it was, perhaps(*3).


As this youkai rabbit acts in such a mysterious fashion, there is so much that is unknown about her.




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There are no reports of this youkai attacking humans.

友好的かでも、人里に薬売 に来も仕事終、人間避け様

However, she can't exactly be considered friendly, either; for example, whenevershe comes to the human village to sell medicines, she disappears back into theforest as soon as her work has ended.


She seems to prefer the same sorts of foods that humans eat.


Even in this fashion she differs from most youkai.


However, one must make certain not to look directly into her red eyes.


Just like the full moon, they have a strange effect on humans.


1: An as-yet unfounded rumor is that she seems to listen to little of what she says.


2: Such as frighteningly bitter medicines.


3: Or perhaps it was an old man being ...

幸運 の素兎

White Rabbit of Good Fortune


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Tei Inaba [sic]

能力: 人間幸運 に程度の能力

Ability: Can bring fortune to humans


Threat level: Low


Human friendship level: Normal


Main place of activity: Bamboo Forest of Lost

野 生の兎のーー格で妖怪兎、因幡。

Tewi Inaba is the youkai rabbit that serves as the leader of the wild rabbits.


She is a rabbit who has managed to live a long life by taking good care of her health.


She can assume human form and understand human speech.

この妖怪兎、別名幸運 の素兎も言、姿見者には幸せ訪言。

This youkai rabbit is also known as the Rabbit of Good Fortune, and it's said that those who see her have good luck.



However, not only is she very fleet-footed, but she spends much of her time in the Bamboo Forest, so it isn't very easy to find her.

性格は、非常に悪戯 好き臆病所も、狡賢。

She has a very mischievous personality, but can be cowardly, and is shifty.

喜怒 哀楽激、妖精に近性格持。

She is extremely emotional, to the point that her personality is not unlike a fairy's.

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普段は迷の竹林のどこかに言、永遠亭 で暮。

It's said she spends most of her time in the Bamboo Forest and lives at Eientei.

この妖怪兎、実は永遠亭 出来前か存在、幻想郷の中でも最も長生き部類

In fact, she has lived in the Bamboo Forest since before Eientei was constructed, and is said to be one of the longest living youkai in Gensokyo(*1).


Eyewitness reports


"I finally found that rabbit in the bamboo forest just now! I'm sure Lady Luck will be visiting me from now on ..." (Anonymous)

幸運 はんに長持ので、き迷の竹林で迷ず帰 幸運 で終了では無か。

Good fortune isn't all that long-lived, so you may have exhausted your share bysimply making it back safely from the forest.


"Aah, rabbit meat is so light, I wonder what goes with it?" (Kourindou proprietor)


Rabbit meat is just one popular dish in Gensokyo(*2).

兎罠にかけも、中々妖怪兎は掛 かんよね(匿名)

"Even if I catch rabbits in my traps, there are never any youkai rabbits inside." (Anonymous)

流 石に、妖怪兎智慧。

Of course, youkai rabbits are pretty clever.



幸運 授 け、珍人間かの人気高妖怪兎、見けよ一筋縄 では

Due to her reputation as a harbinger of good fortune, she is unusually popular a

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mong humans for a youkai, but one can't find her by ordinary means.


Her inclination to stay in the Bamboo Forest only compounds the problem.


Entering the forest to find this rabbit would certainly be reckless.

竹林での単調風景深 霧 で方向感覚 狂、に多の妖怪棲んで為、不用意に入

The dense fog and monotonous scenery in the bamboo forest confuses your sense ofdirection, and the forest is full of youkai, so it's unwise to enter it unprepared.


時点 で幸運 でも


One might say that it would be good fortune enough to even find her.元々幸運 人間にか幸連は訪のかも知(*)。 

It may be that good fortune only visits those who were fortunate to begin with(*3).

みに、四葉のクーーで喩 、四十葉のクーー程度の幸運 貰言

Compared to a four-leaf clover, it's good fortune on the order of a forty-leaf c



1: Her presence had already been noted at the time the Gensokyo Chronicle was first compiled.


2: It's a favorite of mine, as well.


3: Of course.


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Warped Were-youkai




Usual threat level: Low


Frequency of encounters: Medium


Diversity: Normal


Main place of encounters: Anywhere


Main time of encounters: Anytime



普通は人間生活、環境 下に置か動物化 妖怪獣人で。

Therianthropes are youkai who normally live as humans, but become animals undercertain circumstances.





When they are living as humans, this does not mean they are pretending to be human. Rather, they are practically no different from humans. (*1)


When they become animals, though, their physical abilities abruptly increase, and they become as powerful as beasts.


However, many of them retain human memories, so they are often more intelligent

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than beasts.


While they rarely attack humans, their habitat range is closely related to thatof humans, so caution is necessary.

獣人には先天性後天性、先天性は家系で決のに対、後天性は呪 祟

Therianthropy can be hereditary or acquired. In contrast to the hereditary type,which is decided by lineage, acquired therianthropy occurs by being cursed or enchanted or having a magic spell cast upon one.

先天性の獣人は一度動物化 完全に獣の姿者多、後天性は人間の姿に近

Numerous hereditary therianthropes assume a completely animal form when they ani

malize, but acquired ones often become animals that are nearly human. (*2)

、動物化 起こ条件は様々で、満月見、酒飲、本気で怒 、水被等最

Also, the conditions that cause animalizing vary, but the major ones include looking at a full moon, drinking wine, becoming genuinely angry, and being doused with water. (*3)


Potential Harm


Destructive Activity, Nasal Inflammation


Damage is basically on the low side.

時には興奮獣人に街荒 事も、大抵の場合は、力仕事手伝の能力使

There are times when excited therianthropes lay waste to a village, but in main,most therianthropes coexist peaceably with humans, helping with manual labor projects or using their abilities to drive away youkai.


Befriending them, even as humans, has many advantages, so they are popular youkai.


However, some people suffer nasal inflammation from their animal hair.

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対処 法


隣人突然 獣にも、驚恐はけ。

Do not show surprise or fear if your neighbor suddenly turns into an animal.


If one shows more fear than necessary, even a therianthrope will become agitated, putting one in danger.


At such times, stay calm and attempt to engage in natural conversation, such as"My, your fur coat looks even better than usual today," or "Say, who did your magnificent horns? Not THE Jinbei Echigoya?" (*4)


There is certainly no disadvantage to being friendly with a therianthrope.


If you suffer from nasal inflammation, tea is moderately effective, so you should drink it daily.

*1 若干、成長遅、寿命も長程度で。

1: Some mature late in life and have protracted life spans.

*2 角牙尻尾生。

2: Save for having horns, fangs, and/or tails.

* 動物も、犬狼、猫、パン、子豚んか多。

3: The resulting animals are often dogs, wolves, cats, pandas or piglets.

*4 適当。

4: Whatever is appropriate.

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History Eating Half Beast


Keine Kamishirasawa

能力:歴史食程度の能力(人間時)歴史創程度の能力(動物化 時)

Ability: Power of consuming history (when human)Power of creating history (when animal)


Threat level: Low


Human friendship level: High


Main place of activity: Human Village


Abundant in knowledge, the wisest of the half-beasts is Keine Kamishirasawa.


Upon seeing the full moon, she will transform into a hakutaku (*1).

白沢は、国治有徳王者の元に現 、未来の厄災教正道に導妖怪で

A hakutaku is a youkai which appears to virtuous rulers at the beginning of their reign, warning them of future calamities and guiding them on the proper way.


She can erase history when human, and when she becomes a hakutaku, she can create history as well.


The history of Gensokyo is that which is created by her (*2).


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Speaking of history, things do not become history merely by happening.


Things do not become history unless they are made history by someone's hands.


She can fabricate history that didn't happen, or conversely, erase from historyincidents which actually did happen.

事実一視 点 か見物歴史の。

History is reality, seen from a single point of view.


This power of the hakutaku is also used for the circumstances of virtuous rulers.


She lives in a human village, where she runs a school and compiles history thereevery day (*3).


Such is her profession.


Eyewitness Reports

寺子屋の授 業は難解で退屈でんよ。何か欲(棟梁の息子)

"The school lessons are hard, boring and a real pain! Can't you do something?" (Leader's son)


It seems she is not good at keeping people entertained.


"Speaking of that, why doesn't Akyuu-chan come to school?" (Florist's daughter)

私授 業方き面白けどね。

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If I taught a lesson, it would certainly be an interesting one.

でも、楽けじ授 業は意味。

But a lesson is meaningless if it's just for fun.

じ、授 業受 け側よ(花屋の娘)

"No, that's not what I mean, come as a student!" (Florist's daughter)


Well, I already know so much of this...


It's mostly a summary of my records, anyway...




Although she's a little hard to deal with, since she has no ill will towards hum

ans, there's no need to be afraid.

、宿題忘 恐罰待(*4)。

However, if you forget your homework, a fearful punishment is waiting (*4).


She is often seen, since she normally lives in the human village.



At that time, you should greet her.


It seems that she dislikes people who are discourteous.


Also, she becomes a hakutaku on the night of the full moon.


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As she has a month of work to catch up to at this time, she is often on edge.


Therefore, refrain from visiting her on the night of the full moon (*5).


1: Incidentally, it's an acquired characteristic.


2: Her powers have no effect on the histories passed down by the Hieda family. Thus, over time it becomes not her history, but ours.

*稗田家の繋も深 。千年以上に及んで纏き稗田家の膨大資料は、彼女の授 業に

3: She also has close relations with the Hieda family. The vast quantity of information the Hieda family has collected over a thousand years is useful for her lessons.


4: Headbutt.


5: When she has grown horns, her headbutts are painful.


The Embodiments of Charisma




Main danger level: Very high


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Frequency of encounter: Low


Variety: Very low


Main place of activity: Anywhere


Main time of activity: Night



初現 か数百年程度比較的歴史は浅妖怪の中で、最も強大力持、今幻想郷の

Of the newer youkai that have emerged only within the last few centuries, vampires are among the strongest of them, strong enough to take part in the power-balance of Gensokyo (*1) by now.

昼間は屋敷の中で大人暮、日沈 暴出、夜の帝 王。

During the day they spend their time in their mansion, and once night comes theybecome active; they are the Lords of the Night.


Their main diet is human's blood. Those who are sucked to death will neither dienor become a ghost; they will move around as a zombie for a while, then evaporate under sunlight.

初幻想郷に現 当時は、縦横無尽に暴、強大力持妖怪達一悶着起

They went on a rampage when they first appeared in Gensokyo, lost against powerful youkai, and a settlement was reached as they finally made a contract (*2).


The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo.


Of course, even now, the contract remains in effect.

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吸血鬼は驚異的身体能力魔力誇、樹齢千年超 大木片手で掴んで持上げ、瞬 き

Vampires have marvelous physical performance and magical power: they are able tolift up a thousand-year-old tree single-handedly, to run through a human village within the blink of an eye, to summon many demons with a single word, to disso

lve themselves into bats or even a pale mist to intrude into anywhere, and theycan recover even when their body is blown away in a night, as long as their headis undamaged.

個々の能力他 の妖怪でも同等の持者は居、全兼ね備妖怪は、この

Some youkai have abilities similar to each of these, but only vampires are knownto possess all of them.

故に最大級の魅 力持。

This makes them very fascinating.

、の驚異的能力故か弱点 は多。

However, perhaps due to their extraordinary abilities, they have many weaknesses.


First, they are weak against sunlight, so they are docile during the day.

流 水渡ので雨の日も大人、河も渡。

Neither can they go across flowing water, so they are docile on rainy days. Also, they can't cross rivers.


They can't approach a sardine head or a shattered holly branch.



Their skin will be burnt if someone throws roasted soybeans upon them (*4).


Potential Harm




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For someone as powerful as a vampire, they are usually forbidden to directly assault humans.


So, they aren't so dangerous even if you happen to face one.


Instead, they usually choose to cause a disaster that affects the whole of Gensokyo.

自分の都合で、自然 現 象か何か巻き込ん変化 も、によ有無言ず、人間

They create change in everything, including natural phenomena, for selfish reasons, which will always lead to endangering human life no matter what is affected.


Most of these reasons are out of outright curiosity, and once they're bored, itwill cease.

対処 法

How To Deal With Them

異変起こ場合は、も異変解決の能力持専門家に願か他 。

Once a disaster has occurred, there's no choice but to seek help from a specialist who has the power to settle the incident.

能力持人間は、何か生き延 道見けのみで。

The only thing an average human can do is find a way to survive.



Aside from these times, vampires are relatively gentle and polite.


They pose little threat in such case.

か怒 せはけ。

But that doesn't mean you should anger them.

間違も弱点 突方よ。

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You shouldn't do something that strikes one of their weaknesses, even by accident.


A halfhearted attack will only result in enraging them.

の為にも、相手の弱点 熟 知必要。

In order not to unintentionally offend them, it's advised to know their weaknesses.

*1他 は、単独の妖怪、山の妖怪(天狗河童等)、人間動物辺でン取。

1: Others consist of individual youkai, youkai living in the mountains (Tengu, Kappa and such), humans and animals.

*2悪魔の契約は絶 対で、破行動取事出来。

2: A devil's contract is absolute, thus one can never betray it.


3: It's said they are outside humans whose deaths are of no consequence (suicides, etc.)


4: However, it is said that they like natto.


Scarlet Devil


Remilia Scarlet

能力:運 命操程度の能力

Ability: Ability to manipulate fate.

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Threat level: Very High


Human friendship level: Very Low


Main place of activity: Around the Scarlet Devil Mansion


If one refers to vampires that are known to exist in Gensokyo, they must be the

Scarlet family living in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.


Its master is the Scarlet Devil (*1), Remilia Scarlet.

姿考方は幼、実際は五百年以上生き続 け、吸血鬼驚異的身体能力誇。

Her appearance and behavior might seem childish, but she has actually lived formore than 500 years and possesses amazing physical powers, as do other vampires.

身長は低、で十にも満幼児 の様、背中に自分の身長よも大き羽根携、

She's short and looks like a little girl under the age of ten, but she has wingsthat span wider than her height, and by looking at her silhouette, she may seemquite large.


Her ego is large as well.





爆発 も

Her actions are like a child's, which combines with her amazing strength and unlimited curiosity to make her a threatening devil that may explode at any time.


She sleeps during the daytime in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. At night she takes awalk or hosts a party and has as much fun as she can. After getting tired, shesleeps again.

能力の運 命操事は、本人は意識かでか、周に数奇運 命辿よに、

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It is not sure whether or not she is not using it consciously, but her ability to manipulate fate can make people just being around her have a lot of ups and downs in future, and just speaking to her even once could sometimes change the fates drastically.


As a start, you become more likely to encounter rare things (*2).

この妖怪に纏 逸 話

Stories about this youkai

紅霧 異変

Red Mist Disaster


This incident led to many humans knowing the existence of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

幻想郷紅深 霧 に包、地 上は日の光も届かず、夏のに気温も上異変

There was an incident where Gensokyo was covered in deep red mist and the sunlight could not reach the Earth, leading to a summer with low temperatures.

この霧 は吸けで気分悪、人間達は数日間に渡、人里どこか家かももに出

This mist persisted for a few days, and led to people being unable to leave notonly the human village, but even their homes.

結局、霧 の原因はミで、単に幻想郷か日光奪、昼間でも騒げんじか

It was found out that Remilia was the cause of this mist, with the self-centeredintent of removing the sunlight so that she could party during the day as well.






It's said that in the end, the shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine punished herin order to end this incident.


Eyewitness Reports

この間花 見の見よ。日傘差。日光に弱のに夜桜じん(

"I saw her watching flowers. She was using a parasol. Even though she's weak tosunlight, she didn't choose to see the night sakura instead." (Anonymous)

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She is a vampire who is often spotted in the daytime as well.

日傘は紫 外線防のに最適。

It is believed that parasols are ideal for her to block UV rays.


"I saw her watching night sakura. I guess she watches night sakura since she's weak to sunlight." (Anonymous)

結局、一日中花 見可能 性高。

So it's highly likely that she was watching sakura for the whole day.


"Having been wounded, I passed out, and someone from the Scarlet Devil Mansion helped me and let me lodge in. The place was called the Devil's Mansion, but unexpectedly she was gentle. Well, since there wasn't anything much to eat, and since it was very noisy during the night, I couldn't sleep, so I ran away." (Anonymous)


Vampires are surprisingly polite.


Especially since they try not to eat the humans in Gensokyo.

、の死ぬ筈の運 命、別の運 命に変可能 性も(*)。

However, it might be that your fate to 'just die in the streets' has been altered (*3).



多の弱点 抱妖怪、の弱点 突刺激のは得策では。

Although she is a youkai with many weak points, it is not a good idea to exploitthem and excite her.

生半可事では退治きので、怒 買、も簡単に消飛

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Since she cannot be exterminated under normal circumstances, you will most likely anger her and simply be blown away.


Since she has abundant curiosity, she may choose to invite humans to her partiesor play in the human villages out of nowhere.


However, because she is childish, you must be careful not to render her in a badmood. Otherwise, there may be terrifying consequences.


You will have to put up with her selfishness.

人間けでは、妖怪に対も自分よ優 奴は居」考。

She thinks that nobody is superior to her, not only among humans but among youkai as well.


Because of her high-handed attitude, she is friendly to none.


1: She was called the Scarlet Devil before coming to Gensokyo. This came from the fact that she often spills blood and stains her white clothes.


2: Maybe it isn't like that, but it's an ability whose effects cannot be seen bythe human eye.


運 命次第では、人妖に事も。

3: Depending on how she changed fate, you might even become a half-human-half-youkai.


Sister of the Devil

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Frandle Scarlet [sic!]


Ability: Destruction of anything and everything


Threat level: Extremely High


Human friendship level: Very Low


Main place of activity: Scarlet Devil Mansion


There are two vampires in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.


The older sister, Remilia Scarlet, who is also the Mansion's mistress, and her younger sister, Flandre Scarlet.


Flandre generally does not leave the Scarlet Devil Mansion(*1), but her existence has been occasionally confirmed by humans that enter it.

七色 に光不思議翼持、髪は薄黄色 、背 丈年齢は姉のミ同程度に見

She has unusual seven-colored wings, and her hair is a dazzling golden color, but her build and apparent age are similar to that of her older sister, Remilia.

背 に具二対の翼は、他 のどの生物、妖怪、幽霊も想像でき歪造形。

The two wings on her back are of an irregular shape unlike those of any living creature, youkai, or ghost.


She has few friends even among the youkai of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and spends most of her time in isolation.

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Even her big sister Remilia is seldom seen together with her.


Perhaps as a result, much about her is shrouded in mystery.


She possesses the ability to destroy any and all things even with or without touching them.


Everything that is made for her to play with ends up broken, so she probably doesn't have many playmates.


Her method of destroying things so effortlessly involves pouring her power intothe "eyes" of any material where its tension is the highest.

彼女はの目」移 動せ、自分の手の中に作事出来。

She can use her ability to cause these "eyes" to move into the palm of her hand.


In other words, by crushing the "eye" held within her hand(*2), she causes things to break.


It's a truly frightening ability with no real weaknesses.


Eyewitness reports


"Sometimes when I sneak into the Scarlet Devil Mansion I run into the little sister. I had to sneak by without arousing her, but I was hoping she wouldn't showup since I'd finally snuck in." (Marisa Kirisame)


What a terribly selfish report.

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の翼じ跳 でょに(博麗霊 夢)

"I doubt she can fly with those wings." (Reimu Hakurei)


This likely isn't incorrect(*3).

紅魔館の野 外パーィに参加時に、館見妹様影見よ。恐

"I saw her figure wandering around the mansion while I was at an outdoor party at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It was truly frightening. I knew it was her just from the silhouette; she probably doesn't get to many parties." (Anonymous)


Really, a horror.




Since it's unlikely anyone will ever see or meet her, there isn't really anythin

g one can do to prepare, but all you need to remember is that there are two vampires that live in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.


Even if her older sister Remilia is away, you should remember that there's another vampire inside the mansion, and not sneak in unprepared.


There are many mysteries to her abilities, and such simple things as the operating distance of her ability and how to defeat her are unknown.


The one thing that can be said is that it is an extremely dangerous ability.

に加吸血鬼の持超 人的身体能力も当然 持、間違勝負に

On top of that, she also possesses the usual superhuman strength attributed to vampires, so it would surely be impossible to put up a fight against her.

*1 閉じこ、もは引き籠も噂。

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1: Perhaps she's locked away, but it's also rumored she's a shut-in.

*2 拳握対象破壊。

2: When she clenches her fist, the subject of her attention breaks.

* 大丈夫、みん翼も無のに飛んで。

3: Don't worry, even without wings we can all fly.

純粋 人間の精神

Spirit of Pure Human




Usual threat level: Extremely High


Frequency of encounters: Low


Diversity: Low


Main place of encounters: Anywhere


Main time of encounters: Anytime



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死 者の霊の、死 ん事に気付か、死 認念強過ぎ、成仏 出来

The souls of the dead who don't realize that they're dead or whose unwillingnessto recognize death is too strong will be unable to rest in peace, becoming ghosts.

亡霊は幽霊は違、生き頃の姿取、触事も話事も出来、傍 目には人間区別

Ghosts are different from phantoms, since they have the appearance they did while alive, can touch and speak, and an outside observer can't tell them apart froma normal human.


Their body temperature isn't lower than normal, and living things other than humans can't become ghosts.

多の亡霊河渡ずにの顕界に留か、冥 界地獄に渡者で。

To prevent large numbers of ghosts from being able to traverse the River and tohave them remain in the realms of the living, there are those who've crossed over to the realms of the dead, as well as to Hell.

のでは輪廻 転生事は絶 対に無。

They definitely won't enter the cycle of death and rebirth like that.

一日亡霊に、目的成就か、自分の肉体供養で成仏 事は(*

If you become a ghost one day, until you accomplish your objective or your bodyis given a memorial service, you won't rest in peace (*1).


Ghosts can easily influence the human heart with just their voices; it's dangerous to carelessly talk to one.



体(*2)探 、


Ghosts who carry grudges are a particularly big threat, so you should somehow find the body (*2) and hold a memorial service.

反対に、亡霊の弱点 は本体(*)で。

On the other hand, a ghost's weak point is its body (*3).

亡霊は自分の死 体隠、人前に事は無。

Ghosts hide their corpses and never reveal them to people.

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肉体持、幽霊 程希薄ではので触事出来。

They don't have flesh, but they aren't as insubstantial as phantoms, so they cantouch things.


On the other hand, they find it difficult to pass through things (*4).


However, since they don't have physical bodies, even if they touch you, it won'thurt you.


Potential Harm

発 狂、幽霊 化 

Madness, Being Turned into a Phantom

人間に紛暮、傍 目には亡霊判所最も恐。

The scariest thing is that they live alongside humans and an outside observer can't tell that they're ghosts.

亡霊本人に悪気無も、死 者に触にの間にか死 誘。

Even if the ghost doesn't have any ill will, if you're touched by one of the dead, before you know it you'll be beckoned by death.


Also, there are cases in which the ghost is a family member or friend, so peoplehesitate to hold a memorial service and instead go on living together.

一見、死 ん後も一緒に暮せ幸せ、の亡霊は輪廻 転生か外、永遠に彷徨続 け

At first, it may seem like a happy thing to continue living together after someone dies, but the ghost is disconnected from the cycle of death and rebirth; notonly will they wander for eternity, but they'll soon realize that their entire family has died.


Even more frightening are ghosts who carry grudges.


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Taking on the form of humans and deceiving living persons, until the grudge is fulfilled they will haunt people to death.

対処 法



If you're targeted by a ghost, the only way to ward it off is to ask a specialist to hold a memorial service.

、亡霊の恐 怖は、被害者亡霊受 け入事に。

But the truly scary thing about ghosts is that sometimes their victims accept th


どんに見知顔でも、死 ん筈の人間の顔心鬼に供養依頼よ。

No matter how familiar the face may be, if it's the face of a person who's supposed to be dead, you must harden your heart and request a memorial service.


Also, try not to create grudges.


In particular, if you accidentally killed someone, you must quickly have a memorial service and repent.


Though if you intentionally murdered someone, being haunted to death is reapingwhat you sow......

*1 死 ん事に


死 体見


1: If they haven't realized that they're dead, they sometimes vanish upon finding their bodies.

*2 死 体。

2: The corpse.

* 死 体は動けか。

3: Since the corpse can't move.

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*4 自分生き人間信じ場合多か。

4: Because many of them believe that they are living humans.

華胥 の亡霊 

The Elegant Ghost


Yuyuko Saigyouzi

能力:死 の操程度の能力

Ability: Ability to manipulate death


Threat level: Very High


Human friendship level: High

主活動場所:冥 界

Main place of activity: Netherworld

冥 界に白玉楼に住西行寺家の嬢様で。

The mistress of the Saigyouji family who resides in Hakugyokurou in the Netherworld.


It is said that she died over 1000 years ago, so she is a spirit with an extremely unusual lifespan (*1).

人怨事も無上に、幽霊の統 制取事出来能力買、閻魔様か幽霊 管理命じ

Impressed by her unwillingness to curse people and her ability to control spirit

s, she was appointed by the great Yama to manage the souls of the dead.

引き替に冥 界での永住許。

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In return she was permitted eternal residence in the Netherworld.


She is not different from the human in the appearance and shape.

生き頃比 、若干肌 の色 髪の色 薄言。

It is said that the color of her skin and hair is quite lighter than those whenshe lived.

肉体も冥 界の白玉楼に封印為、永久に供養出来言。

As her body is sealed away within Hakugyokurou, it is said to be impossible to h

old a service for her.


Thus, she will live (*2) eternally in the form of a ghost.

彼女の性格は非常に暢気で、自分冥 界に来かどの位経のか覚 。

Her personality is so extraordinarily easygoing that it is said she doesn't remember how long she's been in the Netherworld.

どこか、朝食内容も覚 (*)。

It seems she doesn't even remember what she had for breakfast (*3).



死 操能力は、文字通抵抗無人殺事出来能力で。

The ability to manipulate death literally means the ability to kill someone withno resistance.

、死 ん後の幽霊も操事出来。

Of course, once they're dead, she would be able to control their spirit, as well.


Nothing good can come out of challenging her.

この妖怪に纏 逸 話

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Stories about this youkai


The Sakura Called Saigyou Ayakashi

彼女の父親 、多の人間に慕歌聖で、自分の要望通桜の下で眠に。

Her father was a widely admired poet, and eventually fell into eternal rest beneath a cherry tree, as he'd always wanted.

死 後も慕続 け、現在は神格化 天界に住。

His adoration continued after his death, and now he has ascended into heaven.

の桜の木では、満開に咲幽々子の父親 同じ様にこで死 んで者例年後絶 か

Every year some grand personage would die beneath that tree when it was in fullbloom, just like Yuyuko's father.

の血吸続 け桜の木は、後に人死 に誘妖怪桜、西行妖呼様に。

The tree that continued to suck their blood eventually became a youkai cherry tree with the ability to lure people to their death, and it was called the SaigyouAyakashi.

現在の西行妖は冥 界の白玉楼に存在、彼女の肉体も多の人間共にの西行妖の下で眠、西行

It is said that the Saigyou Ayakashi is now kept in Hakugyokurou in the Netherworld, sealed thanks to the bodies of countless people, including Yuyuko, who sleep beneath it.


So, it never reaches full bloom.

幽霊 移民計画

The Ghostly Emigration Project


This is a story of twenty or thirty years ago.

成仏 制限(*4)か冥 界に留幽霊多。

The number of spirits in the Netherworld increased due to limits on ascension (*4).

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次第に広大冥 界も幽霊によ圧迫始、彼女は顕界のこ(*5)に幽霊 達

As the already-vast Netherworld beginning to expand due to the pressure of all the spirits, she allowed them to inhabit various places (*5) in the world of theliving as they were waiting to reincarnate.


The places she chose included closed schools and hospitals, abandoned buildings,and places people don't usually visit, but some curious person on the outside caught sight of one of the ghosts, so people started flocking to them (*6).


Eventually, the Yama became aware of this plan and decreed that ghosts shouldn't

be seen, so it was put to rest.

最終的に、閻魔様に冥 界の土地 拡張貰、移民の必要無。

Finally, the Yama increased the size of the Netherworld, thereby removing the necessity for the emigration plan.

現在の冥 界は地獄よ広言。

It's said that the Netherworld today is larger than Hell.


Eyewitness Reports

、今年も冥 界に花 見に行か(霧 雨魔理沙 )

"Hmm, maybe I should go to the Netherworld for flower-viewing again this year..." (Marisa Kirisame)

冥 界の桜は生き人間にも大人気。

The flowers in the Netherworld are extremely popular even among the living.

ん大き屋敷に住ん、掃除大変よね。羨(博麗霊 夢)

"Cleaning up a place with that much space would be a pain. Still, it must be nice." (Reimu Hakurei)


It seems the housework is left to the spirits.


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First of all, you will likely not meet her normally.

普通は冥 界に居、何か幻想郷に用事も、使で幽霊 達代に来用事済。

She stays in the Netherworld most of the time, and if she has business in Gensokyo, she usually has one of the spirits go in her stead.


There is one major exception.

は死 ん後の話で。

You can speak with her after your death.

普通に死 んで、中有の道進み、三途の河渡、彼岸で十王の裁き受 け後、悪事

Normally when you die, after you set out on the road to rebirth, cross the Sanzuriver, and receive the judgement of the ten lords during Higan, even if you'vedone no wrong, you go to the Netherworld and await reincarnation or enlightenment.


You will definitely see her there.

の時、彼女の怒 に触恐事待。

Surely something dreadful will await you if you manage to incur her wrath.

ず、魂魄の剣は一振で輪廻 転生断、の上で彼女に彼岸に送返、も後は地獄に

Her assistant Konpaku can sever the cycle of transmigration with her sword, andif Yuyuko sent you back to Higan from the Netherworld, you'd surely be sent to Hell.

死ぬ前に彼女の事勉 強良。

It's probably best to read about her before you die.


1: "Lifespan"?

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2: "Live"?


3: Perhaps senility is setting in.

*4天界は輪廻 転生断切者行ので、現在飽和状態で。

4: As the heavens receive all those who have broken from the cycle of transmigration, they've reached their capacity.


5: Including the outside world.


6: People like mysterious places.


Windcausing Mountain God




Usual threat level: Extremely High


Frequency of encounters: Medium


Diversity: Normal


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天狗の特徴は、全体的に陽気で酒豪 で。

One characteristic of Tengu is that they're pretty much all cheerful heavy drinkers.


When they drink sake, they don't hold back in terms of quantity; it's said thatas a greeting, they'll drink 18 liters of sake in one gulp.

仲間意識高、味方確実に敵対姿勢 取。

They also have a strong sense of community, and if one of their friends is attacked, they'll certainly react with hostility.

山に侵入者現総出でに排除に当等も、他 の妖怪に無特徴。

If an intruder appears on the mountain, they'll quickly all show up together toremove that person, which is a characteristic not seen in other youkai.

普段は、事件有最速の足で駆けけ、写 真撮記事に、印刷出版

Usually, if there's an incident, they'll show up with their amazing speed, takea photograph and turn it into an article, then print and publish it.


Potential Harm

天狗風、風説の流 布、盗撮等

Sudden gusts, Spreading of Rumors, Paparazzi Photography etc.


The wind that occurs in the wake of a Tengu is strong enough that it might senda child flying.

滅多に無、天狗の怒 に触、竜 巻で壊滅せ事も有。

It doesn't happen often, but it's said that if you anger a Tengu, you'll be annihilated by a tornado.


What's even more frightening is that they'll spread half-truths and weird rumors.


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There are cases where the rumors being spread by Tengu will literally become thewind, and will thus be conveyed to human ears.


Thereby, it becomes difficult to properly notify villages.


Because this is something against which there can be utterly no defense, there is nothing more dreadful than this.

対処 法



First, you mustn't go to the mountain unprepared.


Tengu really hate it when someone trespasses on their territory.

風の噂には正直防ぎ様無ので、変噂流 も、他 人は噂」思様生

There's honestly no way to defend against the rumors on the wind, so even if they circulate strange rumors, all you can do is live your life assuming that otherpeople will think "That's just a rumor."

噂全嘘でも、他 人の人ょ」思のは、普段か疚所有か

Even if the rumors are complete lies, strangers will think "if it's 'that person' then maybe...", and things will slowly change from a normal everyday life towards a place of guilt.



諦 よ


Also, the paparazzi photography is terrible, but to a degree, you just have to accept your losses (*2).

*1 吸血鬼か。

1: Probably only a vampire could.

*2 正直、今のこ天狗に敵手段無。

2: To be honest, at the moment there is no way to compete with Tengu.

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伝統 の幻想ブン屋

Traditional Reporter of Fantasy

射命丸 文

Aya Syameimaru [sic]

能力: 風操程度の能力

Ability: Manipulation of Wind


Threat level: High


Human friendship level: Normal


Main place of activity: Mountain of Youkai

射命丸 文は天狗の中でもこ鴉天狗で。

Aya Shameimaru is a crow tengu who is considered to be quite fast, even among other tengu.

写 真機片手に幻想郷のこ飛回、面白事件見け写 真に収帰 行。

She flies around Gensokyo with her camera in hand, and when she finds an interesting event, she leaves with a few pictures.


Though she is a crow tengu, she looks basically the same as any human.

肌 身離ず持道具は、団扇写 真機文花帖で。

She is never seen without her fan, her camera, or her bunkacho.


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Her fan is a tool that allows her to summon wind; one sweep of the fan can blowover a house, two sweeps can blow over a large tree, and three sweeps can causea traveler's cloak to fly away.

写 真機はも一の天狗の武器で、の瞬 間切抜絵に必 殺の武器(*1)。

Her camera is another powerful tengu weapon which can capture a moment in time and display it as a picture(*1).

撮写 真は後に新聞の記事に。

The pictures she takes are later used for her newspaper articles.


Her bunkacho is a tengu notebook where she writes down material she thinks couldmake interesting articles.

中は幾多の写 真手書きの文字で埋(*2)。

It is filled with innumerable photographs and handwritten notes(*2).

風操能力は、風起こ突然 風止、竜 巻起こー能力で

Her wind manipulation power is a very straightforward ability that allows her tocreate and suddenly stop winds, as well as creating tornadoes.


Bunbunmaru Newspaper


The newspaper that she writes articles based on the data she gathers is the Bunbunmaru Newspaper(*3).




She normally writes about the unusual events caused by girls of Gensokyo.


Currently, even humans and non-tengu youkai can subscribe to it.

、発 行は不定期で、多時でも月に五回程度の発 行で。

However, its publication dates are irregular, and she may have about five issuesin a month during a busy period.

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As the volume of articles in one newspaper is small, it's not very useful for gathering information.

この新聞は、ンイ午後送幻想郷の妖怪人間、紅茶片手に眺 様ん

This is rather the sort of newspaper that is more suited for a human or youkai that wishes to while away a lazy afternoon perusing its pages while sipping a cupof tea(*4).


Eyewitness reports

新聞溜困のよ。ほん。購読のに(博麗霊 夢)

"I can't believe how all my copies of her newspaper are piled up. Really. Even though I'm not subscribed." (Reimu Hakurei)

号外山の様に配 ので。

She delivers a mountain of extras.


To tell the truth, I also have a lot of extras piling up.


"It's such a pain how the crows gather around when we throw out our garbage." (Sakuya Izayoi)


Those aren't tengu, but normal crows.




The pen is mightier than the sword.


If they're written up in her newspaper, even the mightiest youkai can't competewith her.

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Every inhabitant of Gensokyo dislikes her presence, with that fearsome weapon, the "newspaper", along with her natural strength.


She will come politely asking interviews of humans and youkai alike if she seesthem worth writing an article about, but will forcefully drive away any who stand in her path.


She is generally the sort of youkai we do not wish to oppose, but if one somehowmanages to cross her, her strength is practically unrivaled.


You likely won't have anything to lose by cooperating with her news-gathering.


1: It also has an amazing shutter speed.

*2天狗のに意外可愛 文字書。

2: It's said her handwriting is unexpectedly cute even though she's a tengu.


3: There are many in tengu society who create newspapers on their own. As a result, the newspapers tend to be biased.


4: It is popular in cafes.


The Strongest Kidnappers

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Usual threat level: Extremely High


Frequency of encounters: Extremely Low


Diversity: Normal


Main place of encounters: Unknown


Main time of encounters: Unknown




They are the strongest enemies of humans in Gensokyo.


Their livelihood is to kidnap humans, their superhuman strength surpasses the strength of all other youkai, and in Gensokyo they possess the strongest physicalcapabilities.





In antiquity, they lived on Youkai Mountain and, employing the Tengu as servants, built up an oni society.


From then on and at regular fixed intervals, they would kidnap humans, and thusthreaten the existence of villages.


However, since several hundred years ago, the number of oni has decreased little

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by little, and from the time a large magical barrier was built, it's no longerthe case that they'll show themselves at all, anywhere in Gensokyo.

自分退治に来人間も少様、のん幻想郷の世界気に入ず、何処 にも判

Unlike humans who might resort to self-extermination, but because they were not

too pleased with the way in which the societies of Gensokyo had become so carefree, they simply went to a different world that nobody knew of. Since then, contact of any kind with the Oni has ceased.


Oni can have a wide variety of physiques, from huge builds all the way down to short and petite.

皆 、角持、に牙持鬼も。

But all of them have horns, and furthermore some have fangs.

人間よ若干手長、姿勢 悪。

A few have longer arms than humans or tougher attitudes.

性格は陽気で獰猛、気に入者に対は好戦 的、一旦仲間認情厚、

Their personalities can range from cheerful to ferocious, they can randomly become belligerent with those they don't care for; however, if even for a single mom

ent one gains recognition as a friend, then their feelings will become intenselywarm and affectionate, and the idea of betraying or double-crossing you would become inconceivable.


What they most strongly hate are gossiping, cowardice, malice, or unfairness.


Always honoring their promises, they can think of no other way to behave than tobe fair and square.

鬼ほど誠 実妖怪は居。

There are no youkai who are more honest than the oni.

、精神的にか鍛 、禅に精通鬼も少。

Also, their emotional and mental discipline is considerably strong, and very fewoni are not well-versed in the principles of Zen.

、他 に類見程の酒好きで、極強、一度酔 寝何も目

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Because oni are different from regular youkai, the means of extermination and the tools necessary are particular and specialized; furthermore if these specialized means are not used then it would be hopeless.


The black magics to exterminate oni have already been lost by humans, thus it would appear that meeting an oni nowadays would be too much for anyone to deal with.

事実、追儺等、鬼追払 為の儀式の方は既に正確では。

In reality, the way in which things like the Tsuina ceremonies or other oni-repelling rituals are conducted are already inaccurate.


But then, the chances of meeting an oni are already mostly non-existent so it should be ok but...

*1 現在の天狗の社会は、元は鬼達築 社会の名残も言。

1: It is said that the present society of tengu is built upon the vestiges of the original oni society.

*2 幻想郷では、行き先鬼の国呼んで。地獄かも知。

2: In Gensokyo, we call where they went the Land of the Oni. Possibly Hell, or somewhere.


The Little Pandemonium


Suika Ibuki


Ability: Ability to manipulate density


Threat level: Very High

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Human friendship level: Ordinary


Main place of activity: Mountain of Youkai


A long time has passed since oni were last seen in Gensokyo.


However, there have been recent confirmed reports of oni sightings.


Those are of Suika Ibuki.

彼女は、突然 現 、何故か幻想郷に居着(*1)。

She suddenly dropped in and settled down in Gensokyo for some reason (*1).


Her body is small, and the two long horns on her head stand out in contrast fromher short stature.

見目け他 の妖怪に比 も恐事は、こは鬼で。

She may not look terribly frightening compared to other youkai, but she is an oni.

恐怪力の持主で、の気に一人で妖怪の山崩せ豪 語(*2)。

She is possessed of enormous strength, and boasts that if she wanted to, she could tear down the Mountain of Youkai by herself (*2).


A drinker without peer, she always carries around a gourd (*3) filled with sake,from which she constantly imbibes.


As a result, there are no reports of her behaviour when sober.

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Power of Manipulating Density


This is the power to alter the density and thickness of anything.

密度薄ゆ物霧 状に、反対に高密度に熱 持、溶解。

All things become a fine mist if their density becomes low; conversely, dense objects have higher temperatures and melt, etc.


Because she loves the bustle of festivals and merrymaking, she would periodically cause humans and youkai to assemble and hold festivals.


This ability to cause humans and youkai to assemble is a manifestation of her power over density.


Eyewitness Reports

力仕事も出来、麈集、便利言便利んけどね(霊 夢博麗)

"She can do physical work, she collects the garbage, she is useful in a sense."(Reimu Hakurei)


Even oni and scissors can be useful by a clever way.



If you can build a relationship of mutual trust with them, oni are not that fearsome.


"I wonder if she could help me gather unusual things." (Sakuya Izayoi)

こで露骨 に利用よ危かも。

It may be dangerous to be that frank about your desires, though.

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As knowledge about oni and methods of their extermination have lost in modern times, it's best not to even attempt to destroy them.


There is absolutely no chance for victory.


However, tentatively, there are a few methods of protecting yourself from an oni.


For example, you can run a holly branch through a sardine head and place it in front of the entrance to your house.


It's said this will prevent an oni from coming near you, but it's unknown how ef

fective this is (*4).


1: This is particularly problematic given that no-one knows how to wipe out oni.


2: This isn't entirely impossible, given that she's an oni. And after all, oni don't lie.


3: A bottomless gourd of sake.


4: With faith, even the head of a sardine can be a charm.

Unidentified creature

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The Highest God of Illusion



Usual threat level: Extremely high


Frequency of encounter: Extremely low


Variety: Unknown


Main place of activity: Unknown


Main time of activity: Unknown




The highest-order god of Gensokyo.


Dragon is worshipped by humans and youkai alike, in fact, by all living creatures.


It is said to live in the ocean, or the heaven, or in the rain (*1), but few have been able to confirm its existence as such.

手角付蛇 の様姿、太は樹齢数千年の大木遥かに上回、長は空覆程

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It's said that a dragon looks like a serpent with hands and horns, that it is thicker than a great tree that's thousands of years old, and so long that it blocks out the sky.

聲 は天割、地 上に雷 雨も。

Its cry rends the heavens and causes thunderstorms.

体ね山崩、地震 起き。

When it stirs about, mountains crumble and earthquakes occur.


Who knows what would happen to Gensokyo if someone were to invoke its wrath.


However, dragon is also the Gensokyo's god of creation.

雨降のも、河流 のも、豊か緑に包のも、全龍の陰で。

It is thanks to the dragon that the rain falls, the rivers flow, and that Gensokyo is forever enveloped in a verdant green.

姿現 事は殆ど無、幻想郷の一大事の時け現、空覆。

Dragon rarely appears, and is said to show up only in Gensokyo's greatest timesof need, blocking out the sky.


When it appears, rainbows and rivers trail after it, which we can see to confirmits existence on usual days.


The Dragon at the Creation of the Great Hakurei Barrier


The last time the dragon appeared in Gensokyo was when the Great Hakurei Barrierwas created.

天割んかの雷 鳴、水没か思程の豪 雨に包、暫の間、昼も光差

The sky was rent with constant thunder, the land was engulfed in a flood that threatened to submerge it, and for an instant, the skies were completely dark.

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妖怪の賢者達は、自分の存在賭け龍に永遠の平和誓、水は瞬 間に引き、空は割、地 上

The youkai sages staked their existence on pledging eternal peace to the dragon,and in an instant the waters drew back, the sky was torn asunder, and light wasreturned to the heavens.


Since then, there has been a statue enshrining the dragon at the center of the human village, which is worshiped every day.


The Dragon God's Statue

人間の里に龍神の石像は、の目の色 見今日の天気判優 もので。

It's said the dragon god's statue in the human village is an amazing artifact that can tell you what the day's weather will be with the color of its eyes.

目の色 白時は晴。青時は雨降。灰色 の時は曇 ので。非常に便利(*2)。

When its eyes are white, it will be sunny. When they're blue, it will rain. Whenthey're grey, it will be cloudy. It's very convenient (*2).


But beware when the eyes turn red.

こは予 測不能時に出色 で、何か幻想郷に異常出時で。

Since this is the color reserved for indeterminate predictions, it appears whenever something truly strange is happening in Gensokyo.


Youkai-related incidents have caused this many times.

みに、この天気予 報の的中確率は、七割程度で。

Incidentally, this weather forecast is correct 70% of the time.

*1みに、龍は大結界も関係無、何処 でも行事出来。外の世界も冥 界も天界も地獄

1: Incidentally, the dragon can go anywhere, regardless of the great border. Itis said that it moves its body freely even to the outside world, the Netherworld, or Hell.


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2: It should be convenient, or the humans wouldn't come to worship it — it is saidthat the kappa, the chiseler of the statue, thought so and sneaked a weathercast device into the statue.


The Craftsman Youkai of the Water




Usual threat level: Average


Frequency of encounter: Low


Variety: Low


Main place of activity: Mountain of Youkai


Main time of activity: Any time




They are river-dwelling youkai living in the Mountain of Youkai.


They are youkai that produce various tools with skillful hands.

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天狗共に独自の社会築 き、高度生活送。

They have built an own society together with the tengu, and are said to live anadvanced life there.

姿は人型、鼈 の甲羅背 負、頭に皿載せ。

Their appearance is human, but on their back they have a turtle shell, and on their head a plate is placed.

泳ぎ得意、水の中では魚 よ早動け、地 上では人間の身体能力大差無。

Swimming is their forte, and in the water they can move faster than a fish, buton dry land there is no big difference from the power of a human.



姿現 。

Their battle skills are also comparatively low, so they seldom show themselves in front of humans.


Furthermore, since they run away when noticed by humans, their behavior is shrouded in mystery.

目撃、に河流 間抜け河童けで。

When they are spotted, it is just the occasional stupid kappa that has been washed away with the river.


The Tools of Kappa


The tools created by kappa are together with the tools of the outer world treasured as the two great brands of tools of today.


However, it is unknown how to use most of the tools.

天狗使写 真機んか良例で。

The photographing devices used by tengu are a good example of this.


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Even if you push the button it remains silent for some reason.

他 にも、何故か狂で正確に時刻時計、遠の人会話出来道具。

Others are the clock that somehow tells time correctly, and a device capable of

talking to people over great distances.

離場所に映像送送信機受 信機等、様々道具生み出(*)、山の社会高度物に

Having produced devices for transmitting images to other places, as well as receiving them, the mountain society is said to become very advanced with their various devices(*3).


Everyday Life of Kappa


Swimming may be the strong point of kappa, but it is not as if they actually live in the water.

普段は地 上に暮、道具作のも地 上で。

Usually they live on land, where they also make their tools.


If an enemy approaches they dive into the water and hide.

、人間よ長水の中に居、無限に息続 訳では、は時折息継ぎ(*

However, while they can stay under water longer than a human, it is not as if they can go on breathing. Occasionally they must get up for air(*4).


Kappa clothing have good drainage, is possible to keep on as you jump into the water, and won't get in the way when swimming.

* 外の世界の道具見よ見ねで作も言、防水効果は抜群。

3: It is also said that they are created by copying devices of the outer world,but the water-proof effect is outstanding.

*4 一息で数時間は持。

4: They can hold their breath for several hours.

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The Most Carefree Humans




Usual threat level: Extremely low


Frequency of encounter: Extremely low


Variety: Normal


Main place of activity: Unknown


Main time of activity: Unknown




Humans that live in Heaven.

俗世間に完全に別告げ、輪廻 転生の輪かも外、永遠に天界に住。

They live forever in heaven, separated from the world of daily cares, and even from the cycle of death and rebirth.

暢気で明、歌踊釣好きで、毎日音楽聴、魚 釣、碁打

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As they are bright and carefree, and love song, dance and fishing, they spend their days on activities such as listening to music, fishing, and playing go.

天人は修行積ん仙人、不老不死 得生き天界に行天人(*5)、死 後、成仏 

Celestials are essentially hermits who have long pursued ascetic knowledge, butthey can be divided into those who have achieved immortality and ascended to heaven(*5), and those who have attained enlightenment and entered Nirvana.

前者は、肉体持為、地 上に姿現 事出来、後者は誰かの肉体借地 上

The former have physical bodies, so they can appear on earth with ease, but thelatter cannot descend from the heavens without borrowing somebody's body.

時折、地 上に降立は、ンチンン事言人間困せ天に帰 行。

Sometimes they descend to earth, say absurd things that trouble normal humans, and return to heaven.

天人の肉は妖怪には毒で、妖怪に襲事はず無為、地 上では恐物は無。

A celestial's body is like poison to youkai; as a result, youkai almost never attack celestials, so they have nothing to fear on earth.


Even the most ferocious of beasts would be filled with admiration for them if they only held out their hand.

に雲 に乗事出来、の姿は恐でに神々。

They are able to ride on clouds, which gives them a frightening, god-like appearance.


Conditions for Becoming a Celestial


Celestials spend their days listening to music, fishing, and playing go, never bothered with the need to do work, and always able to eat the highest quality food.

ん夢 の様生活に憧人間も少(*)。

Certainly, no small number of people would like to live a dream-like lifestyle s

uch as this(*6).


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However, to become a celestial, humans must free themselves of worldly desires.


In other words, the first requirement is certainly to not be the sort of personwho would yearn to lead such a life.

大抵の人間は、の段階 で弾か。

Likely, most people would not meet this requirement.


The World of the Celestials

天界は雲 の上に存在言、本当はでは。

The celestial world is said to exist over the clouds, but in reality this is notthe case.

冥 界の中に存在、冥 界の遥か空の上に存在ので。

It actually exists far above the Netherworld.

本来は死 ん人間行場所、死 んで人間天人に成事も。

The dead, of course, can visit it, but it's also possible for living people to go there.

は、欲捨事は、生き欲も捨事でも、生きに死 者変

This is because throwing away all desires includes freeing oneself of the desireto live, in which case one essentially becomes a living dead.

*5 早数百年~数千年は修行積必要言。

5: It's said one would need to pursue enlightenment for hundreds, or thousands,of years.


6: Of course, I'd like to, as well.


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Somewhat Peculiar Humans




Usual threat level: Extremely low


Frequency of encounter: Low



Variety: Average


Main place of activity: Unknown


Main time of activity: Unknown



修行積み、超 人的能力得人間。

Training according to the principles of "Shuugyou"[1], these persons have acquired superhuman-like capabilities.


However, not all of their worldly desires have been completely cast aside, rather, they are separated from the drudgeries of needing to work, and now reside inGensokyo.

歳は百歳~数千歳ほど長寿、不老不死 では。

Their age and longevity may be in the hundreds or even thousands of years, but they do not have eternal youth or eternal life.


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If they become carelessly negligent in the pursuit of Shuugyou, their bodies will immediately decay to ashes and simply vanish.


Unlike celestials, which are poisonous to youkai, hermits are the number one favorite food for youkai. [Translators' Note: cf. Wikipedia:Xuanzang (fictional character)


Youkai who consume a hermit may be promoted to a higher rank or ascend to a higher form.


Furthermore, if an ordinary beast consumes the flesh of a hermit, they will become enchanted with youkai powers.


In other words, to be a hermit is to become one who is the target of countless youkai.


As if that weren't enough, hermits are always beset by misfortune, the worst ofwhich is that about once every hundred years, an assassin will come from Hell(*7).

この間、少でも修行怠、能力鈍 追返事出来ずに地獄堕。

During this time, if they are even a little careless in their pursuit of Shuugyou, and their powers weaken even a little, they will be unable to repel the threat and will be dragged to Hell.

仙人生き続 け事も難、天人に成事も難。

It's difficult to continue living as a hermit, to say nothing of attempting to live as a celestial.


That group of human-like beings, as I suspected, there are many among them who are a little peculiar.


Their everyday habits really stand out, and people who don't understand the situation will mutter hostilities among themselves, eventually leading the hermits to leave from places where humans live.

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、仙人同士の繋は深 、新に仙人候補現に自分の弟子に、独立出来

However, the bonds of fellowship between hermits is profound, as soon as a new candidate for hermitry appears, he is taken in as a disciple, and in a manner ofspeaking, will be taken care of until he "can stand up for himself"(*8).


Everyday Life of Hermits


Everyday life is extremely modest and frugal, only eating the absolute minimum amount of food needed.




On the first day of the month, they will gnaw on several fruits and nuts from various trees and in this way, survive (*9).

に五百歳越 、食事は殆ど不要に、霞 食暮。

Furthermore, upon reaching the age of 500, eating of any kind will become unnecessary, in other words, simply ingesting fog or haze will be enough.

目覚 日の出に向か真言何万回も唱(*10)、昼間に少け自由に出歩、日

From the moment their eyes open, they turn towards the sunrise and will recite sutras countless thousands of times (*10), only briefly during the day will they freelout, as the sun sets, they will once again be engaged in reciting sutras.


Abilities of Hermits

妖怪に最も魅 力的人間で仙人、当然 、妖怪に匹敵力持。

These hermits who are the most alluring and fascinating of humans to youkai naturally possess comparable levels of power.


Also, there are many situations where hermits who, simply being what they are, make a living working as youkai exterminators.


Because their physical bodies are those of aged elders, they may appear to be extremely fragile or vulnerable, and there are many instances of hermits taking ca

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re of themselves with natural cures, even though it could be said that their bodies are tougher than steel.


Furthermore, various kinds of sorcery may be applied to the body.

人間に危険迫の見、に助け親 切面も見せ。

If they see something dangerous drawing near to a human, they will immediately come to the aid of the person and will display the utmost kindness.

*7 生きけで罪負。長寿でほど罪は大き為、の分功徳も積けけ

7: To live is to be burdened with sin. If one lives long, then because the list ofsins will grow large, it wouldn't be right to not perform pious acts to compens

ate for them.

*8 雑用任せ為も言。

8: They are also entrusted with unusual or strange tasks.

*9 栗鼠の様に。

9: Like squirrels.

*10 転読方法使。

10: They will use reading techniques that rotate the sutras to be recited.


Gods in Saturation


The Eight Million Gods


Usual threat level: Low

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Frequency of encounter: High


Variety: High


Main place of activity: Anywhere


Main time of activity: Anytime



何処 にでも居、人間にも馴染 み深 神で。

These are spirits that are found everywhere and have an especially deep relationship with humans.


Here, "eight million" is taken in its sense of "myriads"; a true count would probably be much higher.


Since they're formless, you can't touch or converse with them.


Their true form is roughly in the existence of all things before they are givena name.


Even when given a name, this spirit's effects are barely perceptible.


These spirits inhabit many different objects, but don't inhabit anything without

a physical form.

畏多き神か親 み神、高貴神か下賤神等、ピンかキで居。

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They run the full gamut from the fearful to the friendly, from the noble to thehumble, etc.


It's said that tools that host such spirits are increased in utility according to the level of the inhabiting spirit(*11).


Rites for the Spirit Inhabiting a Tool


When you buy a new tool, you should pray to its spirit, and investigate ways tokeep it from breaking(*12).

この段階 で壊初期不良祟神宿。

If it breaks at this early stage, it's said to be inhabited by the cursed god of"early failures".


If you tell the shopkeeper about it, they may be able to exorcise the spirit.

毎日使時も、埃払 大切に使。

Try using it every day, cleaning it well and treating it carefully.


If you do this, good feeling of the spirit will increase.


If it breaks and you buy a replacement, the spirit will become angry, and you will become cursed.


To avoid this, you must hold a proper memorial and get rid of it.


If you neglect to do so, the spirit may become a tsukumogami and begin to move on its own and inflict some sort of evil on its owner.

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道具に宿神は、長間使続 け、使用者の念受 け次第に神性変化 。

The spirit of a tool that's used continuously for a long period of time may takeon the desires of its owners and gradually attain divinity.


If it's cast aside without a proper memorial, it may not become the original god, but a tsukumogami, and it may move on its own in an attempt to inflict harm onits owner in a matter which it couldn't in its original form.


These spirits are more like youkai than gods, and can wreak real havoc against people, with no real positive points.


Please remember to properly memorialize well-used tools.


11: It wouldn't be incorrect to say that the spirit's grade is increased throughuse, either.

*12この間、神の畏敬の念は忘 。

12: Don't forget to be respectful towards the spirit.


Spirits of the Gods


Divine Spirit


Usual threat level: Extremely Low

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Frequency of encounters: Extremely Low


Variety: Unknown


Main place of encounters: Shrines


Main time of encounters: Unknown



亡霊の内、神崇者神霊呼。生き神に成者、死 後、神に成

Among the dead, those who are revered as gods are called divine spirits.[1] There are those who lived as gods, and also those who, after death, ascended to godhood.


Having no connection to the 8 million gods, here there are no memorial servicesfor the dead, and nothing like death, one will simply extinguish as is.


Divine spirits, not possessing a body, usually live in a Shinto shrine or in a smaller shrine, and only during festivals will emerge to ride and have a good time on a portable Shinto shrine, seeing humans in this state will reassure them.


The powers of the divine spirits are the powers of faith, if there are many faithful then it will become the case that with regard to humans or youkai, the divine spirits will have considerable powers of influence, and the Shinto shrine will also become greater. (*13)


Conversely, when faith decreases, their powers of influence will become insignificant, and their Shinto shrine will begin to decline.

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基本的に他 力本願で。

Basically this is relying on the actions of others.[2]


Shrine Maidens


There is a considerable lack of spirits in a Shinto shrine, so revealing their forms to the public is something that mostly never happens.

発 言葉も幽かで普通の人間には聞き取事出来。

Words are spoken so faintly that ordinary humans can't catch them.


For this reason, and having heard of this, those who carry the duty of facilitating communication are shrine maidens.


Shrine maidens can, utilizing peculiar methods(*14), hear the words of the divine spirits and communicate this to the people.


Shinto Shrine


Shinto shrines are not constructed by divine spirits, but rather by humans.

実在神霊祀、自然 神霊宿。

If actual existing divine spirits are enshrined there, then divine spirits willspontaneously take lodging.


However, from here on in, there is a problem.

神霊宿こで、神社は普通の建 物変。

Simply because and even though this is a place of divine spirits, the Shinto shrine looks no different from any ordinary building.

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There are those who will come to worship at this Shinto shrine, from whom a plentiful amount of faith will be acquired for the first time by the divine spirits.


As the number of visiting worshippers increases, expansions and renovations to to the Shinto shrine become an important matter, and a great amount of money willbecome necessary.


In other words, the goal of a Shinto shrine is to expend all acquired monetary offerings from visiting worshippers.

*1 賽銭


13: Because monetary offerings will increase.

*14 踊か酒か、酒呑んで踊か色 々 。

14: Such as dancing, drinking alcohol, dancing alcoholics, and various other methods.

地獄の観 光案内人

Tour Guides to Hell

死 神

Death Gods


Usual threat level: Low


Frequency of encounters: Low


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Main Jobs of a Death God


Administration of Life Span


Keeping watch over the life spans of living humans, if something happens that wasn't in the plans, a recalculation of one's life span is performed (*2).

膨大資料に囲計算繰返職業ので、事務職に向死 神従事。

Because even when surrounded by massive bulks of data and documents, one has tofurther do repeat calculations, shinigami who are cut out for such a job are alw

ays being sought after.

地獄の受 付嬢

Receptionist of Hell

地獄のムに不慣幽霊ので、の幽霊に説 明、行き先案内

Because spirits who don't know about how the system works in Hell will come around, they will explain the details to the spirits and present them with directions to various destinations.

見目地獄向け死 神担当。

Appearances show that the Hell-oriented shinigami are in charge of this role.


Ferrymen for the Sanzu River


Taking the fare paid by the spirits who come to the Sanzu River, they then havethe job of ferrying the spirits to Higan.

外勤で肉体労 働の為、人気は低。

Because this involves hard manual labor away from the office, it's not very popular.

か、仕事は一人で行、自分のペーで仕事出来、色 ん幽霊話出来、好き

But because you work by yourself, at your own pace, and can meet and talk with all kinds of spirits, those who can like this kind of work will come to thoroughl

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y enjoy it.


Judicial Clerk


Sitting in at the court of the Lord Yamas, this work further involves documenting the minutes of the proceedings.

死 神の中で最もー従事仕事で、内容は地 味。

Only the elite among the shinigami are sought for this position, but the actualwork itself is fairly simple.

*1 割好評。

1: Reputed as a relative favorite.

*2 記録けので、予定に変更も殺は。

2: Because this only involves records keeping, even if something deviates from the plans, the shinigami may not kill.


Guide of the Sanzu no Kawa

小野塚 小町

Komachi Onoduka [sic]


Ability: Manipulation of Distance


Threat level: Low


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Human friendship level: Normal

主活動場所: 三途の河

Main place of activity: Sanzu no Kawa

三途の河で船頭 死 神で。

A death god captaining a boat that plies the Sanzu no Kawa.

同じよに船頭死 神は多、彼女は幻想郷の人間の魂担当事多(*1)。

There are many such captain death gods, but she is responsible for ferrying mostof the souls of Gensokyo humans(*1).


It's perhaps for this reason that she can often be seen in Gensokyo(*2).


Her tall geta and enormous sickle give her an imposing stature.


Since she's so overwhelming if you see her in life, she must be all the more imp

osing after you've died and become a ghost.

、話好きで口調も威勢 良、河渡間に一方的に話掛 け(*)。

As she loves to talk, and is possessed of impressive tone and power, she likelycarries a number of one-sided conversations while ferrying souls(*3).


Surely, one must sit patiently and endure until they have reached the other sideof the river.


Distance Manipulation Ability


It's said the width of the Sanzu no Kawa changes according to the person that'scrossing it.

の長は、死 神に渡渡賃によ決、大金で有ほど短。

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Its length is determined by the toll paid to ferrying death god, and can be madeshorter with large payments.

渡賃は全財産で、の財産は自分の財産では、生前親 き者本人の為に使

It is said that the ferriage can be paid out of one's own assets - but not the p

ersonal assets collected over one's life, but rather the money spent by close relations in behalf of the deceased.


If by some chance this figure is negative, then the ferry will never reach the other side, and the deceased will likely be thrown out into the river.

向こ岸に着も着かも、全死 神握ので。

Whether one makes it or not is all up to the attending death god.


Komachi's boat which crosses the Sanzu no Kawa

三途の河では風吹かず、舟には帆 は付全手漕ぎで。

There are no winds over the Sanzu no Kawa, so the ships that cross it have no sails, and are all rowed by hand.

彼女の舟は本人の派手に比 、飾気も非常に質素物で。

Compared to her own flashiness, her ship is actually a very austere affair withno decoration.

他 の死 神の舟も同様に質素で所か推測、この舟は地獄か支給舟思

If you assume that all the other death god's ships are similarly modestly furnished, one might suppose they are provisioned from hell.






As hell's facilities must naturally expand to accommodate rising populations, it's said hell is currently experiencing a period of financial difficulty.


Thus, the death gods likely have no choice but to use antiquated ferries.


1: She will even do the same for humans from the outside world if she has free time.

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2: Is she slacking?


3: Of course, ghosts can't talk back.


King of Hell




Usual threat level: Extremely High


Frequency of encounters: Low


Diversity: Low


Main place of encounters: Higan


Main time of encounters: Unknown




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Because the Yama are not any of the youkai who reside in Gensokyo, and also because they rarely appear in Gensokyo, they will herein be given an introduction.


In times past, when there were comparatively fewer humans, the cycles of spiritu

al transmigration were operated with great reliability. The policy of crossing over seven times (plus 3 additional times)(*1) was carried out by the Ten Kings (*2). If the first judgement was succesful, then the cycles of spiritual transmigration would be as gratifying as the sweetest of desserts.


However, the number of humans increased little by little, leading to a lack of judicial manpower, at which point the Ten Kings called upon the most powerful ofYamas of the day to reduce the number of pending trials insofar as was possible.And thus the shortage in personnel was resolved.

、全国の地 蔵んか閻魔様の仕事者集、地 蔵ん場所の死 者の審判Additionally, from all over the country, those who arrived via Jizou (th

e bodhisvattas for children, travellers, and the underworld) and were interestedin serving as Lord Yamas had a meeting, wherein the deceased who had died in proximity to Jizou were entrusted with the vocation of being judges.

殆どの閻魔様は、古地 蔵んで。

As it was, the Lord Yamas became mostly composed of old Jizou.

今では、閻魔の人数非常に多為、死 神、地獄の鬼共に地獄の公的組織是非曲直庁」

In present times, to address the issue of humans outnumbering judges, shinigami,oni from Hell, together with the official organization The Ministry of What's Right and What's Wrong」 have taken up the business of operations and oversight.


The Ministry of What's Right and What's Wrong


At the top of this organization, there preside 10 yamas.(*3)

の下には裁判官鬼神長居、各裁判官には数人の死 神付き、鬼神長は数名の鬼付。

Below them are lesser judges and fierce administrative demons. Each and every judge also commands several shinigami, while each of the fierce administrative demons similarly commands a number of lesser oni.


Within this place, all lower ranks including lesser judges may consult with theyamas.

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ず、死 神によ彼岸に連こ幽霊は、自分の住んで場所担当裁判官の所

First, for the spirits who have been brought along by shinigami via Higan, theywill be taken to the court of the lesser judge who matches up with the spirit'sprevious station in life.

審判は裁判官一人で行、死 者の意見聞事無(*4)独自の判断で判決下、冥 界か天界

Each shall have only one lesser judge presiding, who will pass judgement withoutheeding the testimony of the deceased (*4), and thus divide the souls towards Heaven, Hell, or the Netherworld as each outcome dictates.


The fierce administrative demons will take charge as the souls fall down to Hell

and will command the lesser oni in their torment of the deceased.


A wide array of torture devices could be used, but current economic conditions mean that many of these contraptions are in serious need of maintenance and repair.


The organization's primary sources of income will be fares from those crossing t

he Sanzu River, as well as confection stands and food carts operating on the Road of Liminality.


The Judgement of Yama


Misdeeds committed while still living will be read loudly and clearly, the details and the numbers will be considered, and the judgement will then be announced.


Once the judgement has been passed down, there's nothing along the lines of revoking or appealing the decision.


While this judgement will determine the final destination of the spirit, there are often lies (those who lie to the Lord Yama have their tongues pulled out) spo

ken in the process, the Lord Yama keeps at his side an extensive archive of pastlies with which to threaten the deceased regarding risks and dangers.

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死 者の数多過ぎ為、審判は流 作業で行、非常に簡潔に終。

To address the issue of an excess of deceased subjects, the judging proceeds inan assembly-line fashion, executed with extraordinary speed.

二交代制で絶 間審判行、休みの時間はのん彼岸イフ楽ので。

Two alternating shifts unceasingly pass down judgements, with a carefree and enjoyable break during the religious observances of Equinoctial Week.

*1 元々は七回、七回全で問題有判断も、三回の追加審判。

1: The number was originally seven times, but all of these "seven times" cases had problems, and so three additional judgements were implemented.

*2 秦広王初江王栄 帝 王五官王閻魔王変成王泰山王等王都市王五道転輪王の十

2: King Shinkou the Immovable, King Shoukou the Enlightened One, King Soutei theWisest, King Fukan of Virtuous Conduct, King Enma the Merciful Savior, King Henjyou of the Future, King Taizan of Medicine and Healing, King Byoudou of Mercy and Compassion, King Toshi of Strength and Wisdom, and King Gotoutenrin of Limitless Light and Life make up the Ten Kings.

* 沢山時点 で、組織どのか。

3: When the number of those holding the top position start becoming too numerous, what will the Ministry do then?

*4 死 人に口。

4: Dead men tell no tales. [Translators' Note: Possibly meaning that the deceased can say nothing that the judges don't already know of.]


Supreme Judge of Hell


Shikieiki Yamaxanadu

能力: 白黒はき付け程度の能力

Ability: Judging things clearly as right or wrong

危険度: 極低

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Threat level: Extremely low

人間友好度: 普通

Human friendship level: Normal

主に活動場所: 彼岸

Main place of activity: Higan


One of the many Yamas.


死 者裁事で、我


関係深 閻魔様で。


In charge of judging the dead of Gensokyo, she's the Yama with the closest tiesto us. (*1)

非常に説 教臭、に間違事言事は無為、ょ近寄雰 囲気醸出

Since she is extremely preachy and never says anything wrong, she seems a littlehard to approach.

、の説 教も基本は幻想郷の人間の為思事で、素直気持で耳傾け。

However, her teachings are basically for the benefit of the people of Gensokyo,so she wants us to listen to her seriously and obediently.


This Yama is famous in Gensokyo, and particularly long-lived youkai have been helped by her at least once.

、妖怪に閻魔様居場所は居心地 悪、閻魔様幻想郷に現どん妖怪も姿隠

Nevertheless, youkai feel uncomfortable around Yamas, so whenever a Yama comes to Gensokyo, all youkai go into hiding.


In this sense, Yamas are allies of honest people.

、寿命者でも今の段階 で罪負過ぎ、地獄に堕事確実で場合、休暇中

Moreover, whenever a living person's karma level is so bad that it becomes certain that he will go to Hell, she will go directly to warn that person during herwork break, and may even "urge" the person to better himself. (*2)

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Cleansed Crystal Mirror

閻魔様持鏡 。

A mirror that the Yama possesses.

この鏡 に照、過去の行全判。

By looking into the mirror, he/she sees all your past deeds.

この鏡 の陰で公正審判出来共に、閻魔様倦厭理由に。

Although the mirror enables the Yama to make fair judgments, it also tires him/her out.

この鏡 の前ではイーもも無、個人情報漏放題恐地獄(*

In front of the mirror, there is no privacy, and the Yama can learn any personalinformation as he/she pleases. It is one hellish (*3) device, indeed.

大きは閻魔様によで、彼女の鏡 は手鏡 程度の大き言。

The mirror's size varies among Yamas, but it is said that hers is as large as a

hand mirror.


Rod of Remorse


The rod which the Yama always has in the hand.




This is the rod on which she writes charges and with which she beats the guilty.

悪事人間は、罪の数に比 例何度も叩か、悔改で叩か続 け。

People who have done wrong are beaten many, many times in direct proportion to their sins, and she keeps beating them until they repent.


The weight of rod is the heaviness of the sins written on it.

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みに、罪は現世での犯罪は異、法に準拠 は一切関係。

In fact, sins are distinct from the living world's crimes, and have nothing to do with whether or not they are based on any law.


Sins are determined purely at a Yama's discretion.

昔は、一霊 魂に付き一使、環境 の影響考、今は何度も書き直出来新素材

At one time, one rod was used per ghost, but after considering the influence onthe environment, now it is made of a new material which can be written on many times.

*1 マザゥは是非曲直庁での役職名、意味はの、楽園の閻魔。

1: Yamaxanadu is actually a job title at the Ministry of What's Right and What'sWrong. The meaning is literal: the Yama of Paradise.

*2 受 け罰誇張脅も。

2: Perhaps by exaggerating the punishment that the person will receive.


3: Both literally and figuratively.


Spirited-away Human




Usual threat level: Unknown


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Frequency of encounters: Low


Diversity: Low

主遭遇場所:博麗神社、再思の道、無縁塚 近辺

Main place of encounters: Near Hakurei Shrine, Road of Reconsideration or Muendzuka


Main time of encounters: Unknown




They are the humans that live in the outside world.


Although called humans of the outside world, and while their clothing, hairstyles and pattern of speech is different, there is no clearly defined difference from the people of Gensokyo.

殆どの人間パク状態に陥、は当然 。

Most humans are in a panic, but it should be natural.

外の人間の知識は、我々よ遥かに深 、未知の道具使こ。

The knowledge of outsiders is far more profound than ours, and they handle toolsyet unknown.

幻想郷の人間も妖怪も、外の世界の影響受 け、外来人か新事学 、

Both the humans and youkai of Gensokyo are easily influenced by the outside world, and when they learn something new from an outsider, that will be in vogue fora while(*1).


Most outsiders that get caught by youkai either get eaten at once, or get eatenonce the youkai lose interest in them.

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運 良人間の里に辿着場合は、博麗神社に連行け、無事に外の世界に帰 事出来。

If an outsider has the luck to reach the Human Village, he can be returned safely to the outside world if he goes to the Hakurei Shrine.


However, there are also rare cases where outsiders settle down in Gensokyo.


Such outsiders are treasured, since they hold unique knowledge.


Common Characteristics among Outsiders

に携帯電 話道具耳に当、の後途方に暮。

They immediately put the tool called "mobile phone" to their ears, and afterthat they are at a loss of what to do next.


Is this since the tool emitted sinister sounds?

妖怪見も逃げ、戦 。

Even if they see youkai, they will neither run nor fight.


They are ready to get eaten.


In spite of this, if they see a ghost they´ll run away at full speed.


It´s not like they are more dangerous than youkai, but...


They hold little knowledge of the outside world.


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Despite using tools, they know little of the theory and construction of them.

例携帯電 話んかもの一で。

The mobile phone is an example of this.


Therefore there is regrettably no way to reproduce the tools of the outside world in Gensokyo.

*1 最近では、ーポー流 行。ん感じで、幻想郷は中途半端で外

1: Lately, a sport called "soccer" has become popular. Like that, Gensokyo is halfway infected with the outside world.