Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary...

Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience Dr. Galindo Dr. Rothman

Transcript of Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary...

Page 1: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great




Page 2: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l Allowflowinonlyonedirection:

l Opentoallowflowwithoutobstruction

l Closetokeepflowfromgoingbackwards

Page 3: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l AtrioventricularValvesTricuspidMitral

l SemilunarValvesPulmonaryAortic

Page 4: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l Stenosis(obstruction)l Gradient>35mmHgl RVsystolicpressures>75%ofsystemicwithnormalPApressures

l RVhypertrophyl Insufficiency

l Moderatetoseverepulmonaryinsufficiencyl DilatedRV

Page 5: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l Stenosisl Post-operativeconduitstenosis

l Insufficiencyl Post-operativeconduitinsufficiencyl Post-operativeTetralogyofFallotrepair–transannularpatch

l Followingpulmonaryballoonvalvuloplasty

Page 6: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


Page 7: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l SevereTetralogyofFallotl PulmonaryatresiawithVSDl Rossprocedureforaorticvalvediseasel TranspositionofgreatarterieswithpulmonarystenosisandVSD(Rastelliprocedure)

l Truncusarteriosusl Someformsofdouble-outletrightventricleassociatedwithpulmonarystenosisoratresia

Page 8: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


Page 9: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l Surgicall OpenheartsurgerytoplaceaconduitorbioprostheticvalvebetweentheRVandPA

l Percutaneousortransapicalpulmonaryvalvel MelodyValvel SapienValve

Page 10: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l Mayberequiredevery5–10yearsl Patientgrowthl Homograftstenosis/insufficiency

l Open-heartsurgeryoncardiopulmonarybypass

l Riskofmorbidityormortality~3%l Attimeofsurgerythereissignificantriskofhemorrhageifhomograftadherenttosternum

Page 11: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l 18mmModifiedContegraBovineJugularVeinValve

l SuturedonaCPPlatinumIridiumFramel 28mmlength(outofthejar)l Hand-crimpeddownto6mml Re-expanded18mmupto22mm

Page 12: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


l ProprietaryBalloon-In-Balloon(BIB)deliverysysteml RetractablesheathcoversMelodyvalveonceitiscrimpedovertheballoon(balloonsizes:18,20,22mm)

l 100cmlengthl 22Frsize(outerdiameter)

Page 13: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


Page 14: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


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Page 16: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


Internal use only

Unique Design for Low Profile Delivery� Edwards SAPIEN XT THV is initially crimped

off the balloon during preparation� NovaFlex+ Delivery System allows the

Edwards SAPIEN XT THV to be alignedonto the balloon

� Compatible with 16 / 18 / 20 French eSheaths

NovaFlex+ Delivery SystemCobalt-chromium Alloy Frame

Tissue LeafletsGuidewire Lumen

Valve Crimp Section


Page 17: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


Internal use only


23 mm 26 mm 29 mm

Tissue Bovine Pericardium, Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix1 Anti-Calcification

Frame Cobalt-Chromium Alloy

Tissue Thickness 0.3 mm - 0.4 mm 0.3 mm - 0.4 mm 0.4 mm - 0.5 mm

Pulmonic THV sizing: Non-Compliant Landing Zone Diameter During

Balloon Predilation20 – 23 mm 23 – 26 mm 26 – 29 mm

Crimped Height 17 mm 20 mm 22 mm

Expanded Height 14 mm 17 mm 19 mm

Foreshortening 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm

Fabric Skirt Height2 6 mm 8 mm 11 mm

14 mm 17 mm 19 mm

6 mm 8 mm 11 mm

1No clinical data is available with which to evaluate the long-term impact of the Carpentier-Edwards ThermaFix tissue process in patients2Fabric skirt height for bottom zigzag


Page 18: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


Page 19: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


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Page 22: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


•  PercutaneouspulmonaryvalveprogrambeganwiththeMelodyValve10/07/10

•  Sapienvalveintroduced8/02/13•  Bothvalvesinusefrom8/13to8/15•  Inlast2yearswehavebeenusingtheSapienvalveexclusively

Page 23: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great
Page 24: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great
Page 25: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great
Page 26: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great
Page 27: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great
Page 28: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great
Page 29: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great
Page 30: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great
Page 31: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great














Page 32: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great

Endocarditis•  HasonlyoccurredwithuseofMelodyvalve•  Timefromvalveimplanttoendocarditis

–  Rangefrom17monthsto76months– Averagetimeframe44.2months

•  Bacteria:EnterococcusfaecalisStaphylococcusaureusStreptococcus(gamellasanguis)StreptococcusviridansAlpha-hemolyticstreptococcus

Page 33: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


•  MelodyValve•  Stentfracture/stenosis•  Hemodialysis•  Homograft

Page 34: Percutaneous Pulmonary Valves: The Nevada Experience...l Severe Tetralogy of Fallot l Pulmonary atresia with VSD l Ross procedure for aortic valve disease l Transposition of great


•  Systemstoaddressdilatedoutflowtracts:– Diameters>29mm

•  Useinaorticposition•  Useinmitralandtricuspidpositions