PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM

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Transcript of PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM



    Benefts Administration

    Benefts Administration

    Benefts Administration

    Benefts Administration

    Benefts Administration

    Benefts Administration

    Benefts Administration

    Benefts Administration

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Benefts Administration

    Benefts Administration

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

    General HCM Enhancements

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human ResourcesHuman Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

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    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

    Human Resources

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    Human Resources

    Payroll or North America

    Payroll or North America

    Payroll or North America

    Payroll or North America

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  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Pension Administration

    Succession Plannin

    Succession Plannin

    Succession Plannin

    Succession Plannin

    Succession Plannin

    Succession Plannin

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Succession Plannin






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  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

    eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to!

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  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM








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  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM







    eProfle Manaer "es#to!

    eProfle Manaer "es#to!

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    eProfle Manaer "es#to!

    eProfle Manaer "es#to!

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM



    Confured to allo& o$erae de!endents to remain co$ered in !lans until!olicy says they are no loner elii'le Pro$isions or e$ents to maintainde!endents and co$erae &hen em!loyees are mirated rom one !lan toanother

    Added felds to trac# Medicare entitlements and enrollments and feldsadded to the elii'ility ta'les

    he 'enefts enrollment &or#*o& has 'een enhanced or +ie E$ents ,henan em!loyee starts enrollment- remote calls are initiated to !re!are theem!loyee.s 'eneft o!tions An enrollment summary !ae- su'!aes andrelated hy!erlin#s ena'les easy enrollment o 'enefts 'y the em!loyee

    he 'enefts re$ie& !rocess has 'een enhanced A !o!/u! modal !ae isintroduced to re$ie& an em!loyee.s 'eneft !lan A ne& !reliminary re!ort-

    the Benefts Enrollment Summary Statement in P"% ormat has 'eenintroduced to ena'le em!loyees re$ie& the selected 'eneft o!tions heem!loyee can then o 'ac# to any !re$ious ste!s and ma#e additionalchanes i re0uired- 'eore com!letin the 'enefts enrollment

    Customers can confure &hat inormation should 'e dis!layed or hiddenrom the em!loyees. Benefts Enrollment Summary Statement- a!reliminary re!ort enerated 'y em!loyees to re$ie& their 'eneft o!tionsEm!loyee Enrollment Summary Statement controls ha$e 'een introducedto ena'le customers to customi1e the re!ort

    Em!loyee +ie E$ent "escri!ti$e Paes ha$e 'een introduced to uideem!loyees throuh the acti$ity uide !rocess to com!lete a lie e$ent A&elcome !ae and an e2it !ae are included- &hich customers cancustomi1e to include descri!ti$e and inormati$e te2t usin the e2tCatalo

    Customers can create +ie E$ent Cateories to defne the Em!loyee SelSer$ice +ie E$ent Selection menu (the menu a$aila'le to an em!loyee onthe +ie E$ent main !ae to select &hich lie e$ent to !rocess) Based onthe 'usiness needs- a customer can defne custom lie e$ent cateories(rou!s)- and then s!eciy the menu items (lie e$ents) &ithin a cateory

    Customers can add ne& lie e$ent ty!es in addition to the out/o/the/'o2e$ent ty!es such as Marriae- Birth- "i$orce and Ado!tion Each e$entty!e can ha$e its o&n set o rules accordin to the !ractices esta'lished 'ythe orani1ation %or e2am!le- a Benefts Administrator can indicate&hether a !roo is re0uired or a lie e$ent ty!e

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    A ne& +ie E$ents uided !rocess- the Peo!leools Acti$ity Guide eature-allo&s orani1ations to confure lie e$ents throuh a se0uence o actionitems 3rani1ations are a'le to defne lie e$ent tem!lates to su!!ort endto end HR4Benefts 'usiness !rocesses and ensure uniorm com!liance &ith'usiness !olicy and rules

    he 'enefts enrollment &or#*o& has 'een enhanced or +ie E$entsEm!loyees can com!lete 'enefts enrollment throuh a more user riendlya!!roach usin the start !ae- enrollment summary !ae- su'!aes andrelated hy!erlin#s

    A common document eneration solution used throuhout the Peo!leSotEnter!rise HCM suite that le$eraes 3racle.s 5M+ Pu'lisher technoloy(General HCM Enhancements may not a!!ly to all !roducts)

    6tili1in the A!!ro$al ,or#*o& Enine- users ha$e the a'ility to authori1e

    other users to !erorm manaerial tas#s on their 'ehal 'y deleatinauthority to initiate or a!!ro$e manaerial transactions (General HCMEnhancements may not a!!ly to all !roducts)

    7astly im!ro$ed unctionality to automatically trier &or#*o& notifcationsto inorm the ne2t a!!ro$er in the !rocess o &or# &aitin 6ser/riendly-confura'le- easily maintained and u!raded- and consistent across allado!tin HCM a!!lications throuh the use o the A!!ro$al ,or#*o&Enine (General HCM Enhancements may not a!!ly to all !roducts)

    Ne& ca!a'ilities deli$ered to im!ro$e aent !roducti$ity- enhancea!!lication confuration- and ena'le HR orani1ations to !ro$ide moreconsistent ser$ice/ Case Manaement im!ro$ements ocused on increasin aent!roducti$ity and contact center e8ciency/ Better Peo!leSot Multichannel Communications email res!onsemanaement system (ERMS) interation &ith the Case Manaement!rocesses includin the automatic creation o a case rom an in'oundemail- ena'lin contact center aents to manae all &or# reardless ochannel in a common user interace/ 9no&lede Manaement enhancements includin rich te2t#no&lede'ase solution content- solution security- and searchin osolution attachments !ro$idin increased search accuracy and rele$ancy'enefts or 'oth sel/ser$ice and contact center aents- reducin yourcontact center costs/ Case Cateory- S!ecialty y!e- and "etail administration !ae redesinto ma#e the tas# o creatin and modiyin ar less data/entry intensi$e

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    he Sel/Ser$ice Re!ortin %rame&or# ena'les administrators to !ro$ideem!loyees &ith the a'ility to enerate statutory re!orts throuh sel/ser$ice Em!loyees access the ena'led re!orts throuh a ne& Sel Ser$iceRe!orts !aelet on their home !ae hey can enter !arameters or there!orts- enerate them- and sa$e them to their local dri$es

    "etailed- em'edded hel! no& a!!ears to users &hen they select theinormation icon a$aila'le on rou! 'o2es- rids- or scrolls on a !ae

    hese !ae/s!ecifc instructions are desined to hel! users 0uic#lyunderstand &hat they need to do to com!lete the s!ecifc tas# at hand

    he hel! a!!ears in a modal &indo& that can 'e mo$ed 'ut remains$isi'le as users na$iate throuh the !ae Em'edded hel! is easilyconfura'le- ena'lin orani1ations to create- edit- and !ro$ide their o&nem'edded hel! te2t- ensurin that it fts their !articular 'usiness!rocesses and meets the needs o their users Em'edded hel! &as initiallydeli$ered as !art o the continuous deli$ery model in the Peo!leSot HCMand E+M :; releases or many #ey transactions Em'edded hel! or manyadditional sel ser$ice and administrati$e transactions &ill 'e deli$ered inthe HCM and E+M :< releases

    Peo!leSot Search- &hich le$eraes 3racle SES (Secure Enine Search)-&as introduced in Peo!leools =>

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  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    (%RA) m!ro$ed mere !rocess or %rench !u'lic sector data

    (KPN) ,e$e ena'led the im!ort o cs$ ormat fles o !ostal code data thatare su!!lied 'y Ka!an Post to u!date !ostal code data smoothly

    (GBR) o su!!ort the nland Re$enue re0uirement that em!loyers year/end

    re!ortin contains $alid national insurance !ref2es only- &e ha$eintroduced a ne& setu! !ae that defnes national insurance !ref2es

    9ey elements o the ne& !rofle manaement eature are@/rac# Do'4orani1ation and !erson !rofle attri'utes &ith the ne&lydesined- *e2i'le/setu! content catalo he content catalo Doins thee2istin com!etency manaement and Do' !rofles data structures/+in# Do' or orani1ation !rofles to a num'er o diFerent entities such as

    Do' code- !osition- de!artment- and so on Also defne entities 'ased onyour 'usiness needs/Streamline !rofle administration 'y co!yin items 'et&een !rofles %ore2am!le- em!loyee !rofles can contain !rofle items that also a!!ear in

    Do' code or salary rade !rofles/Control &ho can $ie& or chane !rofles 'y ena'lin !rofle a!!ro$al!rocessin 6se the security settins or each content section to control&ho can $ie& and u!date the section/Perorm tareted analysis throuh !o&erul search and com!are tools/nterate &ith ePerormance- Recruitin Solutions- and Enter!rise+earnin Manaement and other Peo!leSot a!!lications- such as%inancials and CRM

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Manae Base Benefts 'usiness !rocess enhancements@/ Reorani1ed rate ta'le unctionality 3ne rate structure re!laces the

    !re$ious ser$ice rate ta'les Common architecture standardi1es rate ta'ledefnition/ Reorani1ed the Calculation Rules com!onent- #ee!in only feldsdirectly related to rate calculation A sim!le interace or calculation rulescontains felds that im!act the co$erae calculation/ Centrali1ed the attri'utes calculatin lie insurance and disa'ility !lanco$erae in a common ormula/'ased com!onent Select e2istin ormulasto calculate lie insurance co$erae or create your o&n ormula/ Esta'lished sim!le Rate Plans to hel! you set u! lon/term careinsurance- em!loyee assistance !lans- leal !lans- and other ty!es oinsurances that only re0uire an associated rate/ Sim!lifed many de!endent relationshi!s and ma!!ed them to 'eneft

    elii'le statuses/ Streamlined se$eral Sa$ins Plan com!onents to increase usa'ility and*e2i'ility to limit !rocessin and o$errides

    o ma#e code reuse more manaea'le- &e !ro$ide a reistry that ena'lesyou to reister HCM interaces or Ser$ice 3riented Architecture (S3A) heHCM Reistry holds all the interace s!ecifcations or a$aila'le ser$ices tstores contracts rom ser$ice !ro$iders and !ro$ides those contracts tointerested ser$ice consumers he ser$ice !ro$ider reisters the interace-the ser$ice consumer locates the interace in the reistry and uses the

    inormation to 'ind and e2ecute the contract 'et&een the consumer andthe !ro$ider

    HCM E$ent Manaer is a rame&or# that ena'les you to defne- im!lement-and run 'usiness loic or 'usiness e$ents 6sin the E$ent Manaerrame&or#- you can defne the 'usiness e$ents that the system raises&hen you chane certain data in a!!lication com!onents or run certainPeo!leools A!!lication Enine !rocesses ou can also defne the e$enthandlers that the E$ent Manaer rame&or# e2ecutes to react to theses!ecifc e$ent instances Raisin an e$ent is the act o creatin an e$entinstance an e$ent is raised- the E$ent Manaer rame&or# automaticallye2ecutes the 'usiness loic or the reistered e$ent handlers o the e$ent

    Stroner credit card encry!tion solution that com!lies &ith the cardholderdata !rotection re0uirements o the Payment Card ndustry (PC) "ataSecurity Standard and &ith 7isas Cardholder normation Security Proram(CSP)

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Mass 6!date eature ena'les you to ma#e chanes to the data o larerou!s o !eo!le Mass 6!date Manaer is the ront end module &here youdefne- create- manae- re!ort- e2ecute and delete mass u!dates he

    ransaction Processor is the 'ac#/end module that consists o theConfure Processor com!onent or settin u! and manain system datathat is a$aila'le or mass u!dates and an a!!lication class that !ro$idesaccess to transaction !rocessin unctionality he E2ecution Manaer is a'ac#/end module that is a mechanism in the 'atch mass u!date !rocess

    (%RA) m!ro$ed trac#in and re$ie&in o !ension and continency undinormation or %rench em!loyers

    (%RA) Additional o!tions or %rench com!anies to trac# their trainin costsand com!ly &ith reulations

    (ESP) Contract !rintin ca!a'ilities ena'les you to load the orms into the

    system- ma! data to the orm felds- enter data into the felds to com!letethe orms- and !rint the orms Em!loyers can then ha$e em!loyees sinthe !rinted orms and return them to the human resources administrator-&ho can then su'mit the com!leted orms to the o$ernment

    (ESP) m!ro$ements to A% *at fle eneration that com!anies must send tothe social security aency

    (ESP) "elta communication manaement ena'les you to e8cientlycommunicate to manaement entities inormation a'out industrialaccidents Hel!s s!eed the distri'ution o inormation- reduce costs- andsim!lifes communications &hile uaranteein the confdentiality o thecontent o documents

    (ESP) Contrata communication manaement ena'les you to trac# multi!le!ersons la'or contract data and to enerate an 5M+ *at fle to send toNEM his eature com'ined &ith the ContratL &e' ser$ice eliminatesthe !a!er communication 'et&een com!anies and NEM and ena'lescom!anies to communicate data or multi!le !ersons at once- thusreducin time and costs

    (ARG) A'ility to defne country/s!ecifc inormation a'out your com!anythat the system uses as deault settins in other areas o the a!!lication

    he system ena'les you to@/ Enter C6 (Cdio nico de dentifcacin ri'utaria) inormation/ Enter amily allo&ance rates/ Maintain de!artments

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    (ARG) ou can easily handle em!loyee and de!endent inormation such as@/ Enterin CA inormation/ "eclarin health !ro$ider data/ Manain SKP data/ Enterin de!endent inormation

    Pro$ide the ca!a'ility to su!!ort the collection and re!ortin o ele&or#"ata

    Em!loyment Record Num'er (ERN) "elete !rocess A ne& A!! Enine!rocess that deletes all data related to an Em!loyment nstance(re!resented 'y the Em!l Rcd N'r)

    Continent ,or#er4Person enhancements added to urther ta#e ad$antaeo the =: Person Model chanes ,e can no& trac# security clearances-'ades or all !eo!le in your Peo!leSot HCM data'ase he !re$ious Ko'Summary has 'een enhanced or any !erson &ith a Ko'- and renamed to

    ,or#orce Ko' Summary ,ith the addition o se$eral e2!iration dates-there is no& an online e2!iration in0uiry !ae- as &ell as a 'atch !rocessto notiy manaers and other roles desinated 'y the users

    Military Ran# enhancements can 'e a!!lied lo'ally and !ro$ideconsidera'le $alue to lo'al military customers in se$eral &ays A num'ero ne& and e2istin !aes no& dis!lay military/s!ecifc felds and sections&hen the Military unctionality is ena'led on the nstallation ta'le Ne&com!onents are defned to su!!ort the defnition and ma#e u! o military

    ser$ices- as &ell as trac#in and !ersonal inormation o indi$idual ser$icemem'ers his eature interates &ith the Human Resources ManaeProfles 'usiness !rocess to u!date ser$ice mem'er &orn ran# chanesthrouh ser$ices defned in the HCM E$ent Manaer

    o 'etter com!ly &ith the 6nited States mmiration and Nationality Act-&e ena'le your com!any to collect and store all /: inormation %eaturesinclude &or#*o&/dri$en sel/ser$ice unctionality to com!lete /:inormation- &ith the a'ility or em!loyers to com!lete and su'mit there0uired sections

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    he Person Model ena'les a sinle source o truth or em!loyee data and&or# history StaF !roducti$ity im!ro$es 'y enterin data only once-instead o se$eral times in multi!le systems Enhancements to PersonModel include@

    / m!ro$ed *e2i'ility to su!!ort the ro&in continent &or#er sement othe &or#orce/ Batch !rocess or deletin Em!loyee "s su!!orts the deletion o s!ecifcEm!loyee Records i$in orani1ations the *e2i'ility to manae em!loyeerecords at a more ranular and accurate le$el- leadin to 'etter datainterity and re!ortin or terminations and turno$er analysis/ 3rani1ations ha$e more o!tions or the ty!es o non/&or#ers &ho can'e !aid or recei$e 'enefts Possi'le Persons o nterest &ho may recei$e!ayments or 'enefts rom an orani1ation include sur$i$in s!ouses orormer de!endents

    em!late/Based Hire (also called SmartHire) ena'les a tem!lateadministrator to confure hirin !aes accordin to an orani1ationsuni0ue on'oardin !rocesses that oten diFer 'y Do's- eora!hies- &or#erty!es- industries- and so orth Confuration o!tions include feld and !aelayout- as &ell as security and automatic u!dates %ield attri'ution eaturesinclude the a'ility to deault and hide $alues- o$erride deaulted $alues- orre0uire felds at the user interace le$el ,ith tem!lates that deault alldata common to a Do'- a !erson !erormin entry only needs to enter$aria'le data such as name or address his sinifcantly reduces the time

    it ta#es to enter hire data- and ensures that the data sa$ed to the data'aseis correct and com!lete t also is !ossi'le to allo& or disallo& users romo$erridin tem!late data so that orani1ations can determine the le$el o!olicy *e2i'ility ranted to users

    (KPN) Mass 3rani1ational Chane has 'een enhanced $isually in order toease o!eration

    (N+") he ,et Administratie$e +asten 7erlichtin n1a#eSociale$er1e#erins&etten (,A+7S) Act introduced chanes to re!ortinre0uirements or "utch em!loyers Modifcations ha$e 'een made tosu!!ort these reulatory re0uirements (in 'oth Human Resources andGlo'al Payroll or the Netherlands

    (N+") Administer Salaries or the Netherlands has 'een u!dated to meetleislati$e chanes to sa$ins !lans and com!any car ta2ation

    (N+") Administer Salaries or the Netherlands includes enhancements tothe Ban#4Giro !ae or multi!le Do's and to su!!ort diFerent currencycodes

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    (N+") he Administer Salaries or the Netherlands 'enefts unctionalityhas 'een enhanced in line &ith enhancements made to Manae BaseBenefts 9ey chanes are the introduction o the Beneft Rate ta'le thatena'les you to defne more *e2i'le insurance 'eneft !lans than the Ae/Graded Rate ta'le- &hich it re!laces- and the Current Benefts Summary

    com!onent re!laces the Benefts Summary !ae and the BeneftsSummary (P "edCalc) !ae

    (6nited States %ederal Go$ernment) %ederal customers can no& easily hiree2istin continent &or#ers defned in their Peo!leSot HCM data'ase he!ersonal inormation is deaulted into the %ederal PAR hire com!onents

    (6nited States %ederal Go$ernment) 6S %ederal Go$ernment customersno& see that all the felds re0uired 'y National %inance Center (N%C)re!ortin re0uirements ha$e 'een added to core HR Do' and !osition

    ta'les- in addition to %ederal !ersonnel action re0uest (PAR) !rocessin

    (6nited States %ederal Go$ernment) A ne& N%C SNO m!ort !rocess has'een desined to im!ort a daily SNO error fle Based on the last user &homodifed the SNO transaction- the user is notifed throuh &or#*o& o theSNOed transaction a&aitin their attention m!ort and &or#*o&!rocesses or N%C flesSNO- PAC- and PMS3 errors resultin rom theN%C Personnel Edit Su'system (PNE)

    (6nited States %ederal Go$ernment) 6S %ederal Go$ernment customerscan no& edit indi$idual em!loyee PAR transactions he e2istin 3PM

    Reulatory Editin !rocess (CP"% !rocess) has 'een modifed to ena'leN%C/s!ecifc edits to 'e defned

    he Military Ran# Chane !rocess ena'les you to trac# the $arious stateso military ser$ice mem'er ran# chanes- notiy sta#eholders- ena'lesta#eholders to a!!ro$e or deny a ran# chane re0uest- and enerateo8cial documentation Create ran# chane tem!lates to e2!edite themem'er ran# chane re0uest Automatic u!date to ser$ice mem'ers Ko'"ata to re*ect the ran# chane &ith or &ithout ran# a!!ro$al !rocessint also !ro$ides the a'ility to enerate o8cial sinle or multi!le ran#chane documents

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    Em!loyee sel ser$ice ena'les you to $ie& your current !rofle content-includin@/ Perormance history- ratins- and manaer re$ie&s/ "e$elo!ment !lan and current status/ Current role com!etencies and !rofciency le$els and a!s 'et&eendesired and actual !rofciency le$els/ Rele$ant !ersonal and Do' inormation such as name- location- 'irth date-

    Do' title- Do' code- time in !osition or Do'- com!ensation rate- cost center-orani1ation unit- email- !hone- and a !icture- i one is a$aila'le

    nteration &ith 3,S to eliminate du!licate data entry and the need tomaintain multi!le sources o &or#er data HR !u'lishes an em!loyees!ersonal- Do'- contract and !rofle inormation to 3,S HCM E$ent Manaer!u'lishes inormation to 3,S $ia Peo!leSot nteration Bro#er messain,hen any o the felds re0uired 'y 3,S in the Personal- Ko'- Contract- and

    Profle contri'utin com!onents are u!dated- the inormation is !u'lishedto 3,S

    Enhancements to the SmartHire (tem!late/'ased hire) eature include ne&section inormation to su!!ort the interation &ith 3racle ,or#orceSchedulin (3,S) and reion/s!ecifc re0uirements (address- nationalidentifcation num'er- ethnic rou!- and reliion) to su!!ort China and

    hailand data A ne& chec# 'o2 in the tem!late setu! !aes ena'les youto include a lin# to the Contract !aes rom the em!late/Based Hire!aes

    Enhancements to !rofle ty!e- includin the a'ility to desinate a deault!rofle ty!e to retrie$e and u!date data or !erson and non!erson !rofles-and the a'ility to i$e interatin !roducts more *e2i'ility in the !roflecontent that is retrie$ed and u!dated

    A redesin o the Search and Com!are !rocess in Manae Profles as a!lua'le module- interated &ith Plan Successions- Plan Careers- andnterest +ists

    6sa'ility im!ro$ements in the area o !rofle maintenance- !ro$idin 'etterna$iation and a more intuiti$e !ae desin or 'oth administrators and

    sel/ser$ice users his includes the use o current and historicalcom!onents to maintain !ersonal and team !rofles- the a'ility ormanaers to create and maintain !rofles or Do's- !ositions and other'usiness entities- and the a'ility to defne security u!date access to acontent sections in a !rofle 'y role

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  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    he Com!any "irectory ena'les em!loyees to search or !eo!le across theorani1ation- see !eo!le.s relationshi!s throuh a three/le$eled $isualre!resentation o your com!any.s defned hierarchical structure- andaccess !rofle data to $ie& detailed inormation a'out a !erson- such ascontact inormation- com!any details- and !ersonali1ed lin#s ,ithunctionality !ro$ided in Peo!leools =>;< or hiher- this orani1ational$isuali1ation and na$iation directory oFers unctionality 'eyond a ty!icalorani1ation chart 'y su!!ortin &or#er colla'oration and ena'lin usersto initiate em!loyee sel ser$ice transactions rom the orani1ational $ie&

    (GBR) n the 69- ne& leislation has come into eFect reardin maternitylea$e Em!loyees can return to &or# durin maternity lea$e to #ee! intouch &ith the &or#!lace &ithout re$o#in their lea$e status ,e aredeli$erin ne& unctionality to su!!ort this leislation allo&in users toenter 9ee! n ouch (9) days Error messaes &ill 'e dis!layed or 9days entered &ithin t&o &ee#s o the childs 'irth and only ; 9 daysmay 'e ta#en Also deli$ered is Chane in Start "ate- an enhancement tosu!!ort the u!date to 69 maternity lea$e !olicies that no& allo&s lea$e tostart on any day o the &ee#

    (CHN) 6!dates to Personal "ata to trac# Hu#ou y!e and +ocation- and,or#in +ie 6!dates made to the National " ormattin o!tions orChina to su!!ort the a'ility to trac# the 3ld National dentifcation Num'eras &ell as the Pass normation

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    (Commitment Accountin) Su!!ort Real/ime Budet Chec#in (RBC) / ou

    must 'e on %inancials Release : or hiher to use this unctionality &hichena'les you to send online 'udet chec#in transactions to Peo!leSot%inancials Commitment Control Budet Processor so that you can reconi1ethe estimated cost o ne& !ositions- the salary oFerins to ne&em!loyees- and chanes in salaries or em!loyees on an onoin 'asis inreal time At the system le$el- you choose &hether to enorce real/time'udet chec#in %le2i'ility has 'een !ro$ided at the de!artment le$el toconfure the system to either !erorm or 'y!ass a real/time online 'udechec# Real/time 'udet chec#in can 'e done@/ !rior to sa$in the HR/related transactions- there'y minimi1in o$erdratson accountsQ/ on encum'rances to ensure that undin is a$aila'le or salary and rou!

    rine e2!enses li#e em!loyer/!aid 'enefts and ta2esQ/ or !ersonnel actions such as creatin ne& !ositions- ne& hires and ne&concurrent Do's- as &ell as !rocessin !osition- salary- de!artment andundin source chanes

    he 3r Chart 7ie&er ena'les your em!loyees and manaers to search or!eo!le across the orani1ation- to see a $isual re!resentation o theorani1ation 'ased on diFerent ty!es o hierarchical structures (a com!anydirectory- your direct/ and dotted/line re!ortin structures i you are amanaer- and matri2 teams- sometimes called dotted line re!orts)- and to

    ena'le sel ser$ice actions rom the $isuali1ation 6sers can colla'orate&ith co/&or#ers 'y selectin the communication methods a$aila'le &ithinthe orani1ation includin email- instant messain (M)- tele!honeo!tions- lin#s to social net&or#s- and a ree orm te2t feld to includeadditional !ersonali1ed inormation

    ,ith confura'le !rofle actions- you can no& selecti$ely acti$ate diFerent!rofle actions or administrators- manaers- and em!loyees in ProfleManaement ou can also modiy the descri!tion o each actionAdditionally- t&o ne& !rofle actions are no& a$aila'le to ena'lecom!arisons 'et&een an em!loyees !rofle and the em!loyees current


    3racle !ro$ides Peo!leSot Career and Succession Plannin :; toPeo!leSot HCM nterations to connect our alent Manaement :; ande2istin Human Resources : a!!lications

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    3racle !ro$ides Peo!leSot Career and Succession Plannin :; toPeo!leSot HCM nterations to connect our alent Manaement :; and

    e2istin Human Resources =: a!!lications

    A lare num'er o Crystal re!orts &ere con$erted to 5M+ Pu'lisher (5M+P)ormat 5M+P se!arates the data e2traction !rocess rom the re!ort layout5M+P !ro$ides the a'ility to desin and create re!ort layout tem!lates &iththe more common des#to! a!!lications o Microsot ,ord and Ado'eAcro'at- and renders 5M+ data 'ased on those tem!lates ,ith a sinletem!late- you can enerate re!orts in many ormats (P"%- R%- E2cel-HM+- and so on) and in many lanuaes Con$erted re!orts include

    Human Resources Core and %ederal as &ell as re!orts s!ecifc to Canada-%rance- Germany- and 6nited 9indom

    (Commitment Accountin) Ne& encum'rance rine setu! ta'les ena'leyou to defne diFerent encum'rance !ercentaes and additional deductionencum'rance amounts or diFerent salary ranes

    (Commitment Accountin) Su!!ort Multi ear Encum'rancesEncum'rances are created or the entire undin source 'eyond thecurrent fscal year Multiyear encum'rances are s!lit across multi!le

    'udet years &hen sent to the %inancials Manaement system nterates&ith Real/ime Budet Chec#in unctionality

    Manaer Sel Ser$ice ena'les manaers to !erorm the same acti$ities ortheir direct re!orts that em!loyees !erorm or themsel$es E2ce!t or theem!loyees !ersonal career !ath- manaers can access an em!loyees!rofle and career !lans Manaers can alse enter ratins o !otential andorced ran#in or em!loyees 'y usin the manaer sel/ser$ice career!lannin !aes

    Generate a !ersonali1ed resume to consolidate all &or#/relatedinormation 6se the internal resume to a!!ly or an o!en Do' or !osition&ithin the orani1ation

    6se the Career Proression Chart to $isuali1e your career !ath and !erorma !rofle com!arison 'et&een yoursel and any role in your career !ath

    his com!arison enerates an o$erall total match- &hich can 'e acom'ination o re0uired 'ac#round- s#ills- and com!etencies

    Add trainin courses or !rorams 'ased on data rom either raininAdministration or Enter!rise +earnin Manaement

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Career "e$elo!mental Areas ena'les you to identiy !ersonal strenthty!es and sel/ratins his inormation is a$aila'le to the manaer toacilitate de$elo!ment documentation and discussion As an em!loyee-you can add de$elo!ment areas- documentin the areas on &hich you&ould li#e to ocus

    Career Mentorin is a #ey to creatin a to!/!erormin &or#orce PlanCareers :; ena'les you to identiy !eo!le as mentors that are internal ore2ternal to the orani1ation- and identiy oals related to each mentor

    Career oals ena'le you to $ie& your current Do' !rofles- $ie& there0uirements o !rofles in $arious career !aths- and com!are your currents#ills- com!etencies- and 0ualifcations to tareted !rofles ou can im!orta taret !rofle into your de$elo!ment !lan to Dum!/start the creation ooals and actions 'ased on a!s 'et&een your s#ills- com!etencies- and0ualifcations and those in the taret !rofle

    Career !aths ena'le you to $ie& and u!date your career !ath 'y selectinthe desired !ositions or roles ,hen one or more roles are !laced on yourcareer !ath- you can see the re0uired Do' s#ills- com!etencies- ande2!eriences or each !osition or role- and the a! 'et&een your current!rofle and the !rofle re0uirements or the desired !osition

    ou can defne multi!le career !aths- o!erational or !ersonal- and identiythe sinle !ath that the orani1ation uses in e$aluatin your !otential andcreatin a !erormance and de$elo!ment !lan 'ased on this !ath

    ("E6) German Pu'lic Sector (GPS) !ro$ides ca!a'ilities to su!!ort!ersonnel administration in the German !u'lic sector t includesenhancements to HR Core and &or#orce administration to su!!ort GPS'usiness !rocesses as &ell as the hirin and manaement o GPSem!loyees n addition- a ne& eature is 'uilt or !ost !lannin andadministration- &hich !ro$ides GPS orani1ations the a'ility to !lan ortheir sta8n needs and e2ecute their !lans throuh !ost !lans GPSca!tures and manaes data o em!loyees de!endents and amilies heHCM system and A"P PAS interate toether to ulfll German Pu'licSector re0uirements and address collecti$e la'or areements

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    A user can add the Com!any "irectory a!!lication to the ta'let andsmart!hone home screens to easily in$o#e the a!!lication he mo'ileCom!any "irectory unctionality is similar to the des#to! $ersion o thePeo!leSot Com!any "irectory t uses the same setu! !aes to confurethe Com!any "irectory !aes he Peo!leSot Mo'ile Com!any "irectoryena'les you to !erorm the ollo&in rom your mo'ile de$ice@/ Search or !eo!le in the com!any directory and $ie& inormation a'outthem- such as contact details- re!ortin structure- and !ersonalinormation/ Ouic#ly access !eo!le you ha$e recently $ie&ed- that are !art o youra$orites list- or $ie& direct re!orts and !eers- i a!!lica'le/ Send an email to a co/&or#er 'y ta!!in the email address- ma#e a callusin your smart!hone- or send a te2t messae 'y ta!!in on the !honenum'er/ Access an interacti$e orani1ational chart &hen usin your ta'let

    he ollo&in 3r 7ie& y!e o!tions are deli$ered to su!!ort the setu! orthe ta'let and smart!hone@/ Com!any "irectory / a'let (or the ta'let)/ Com!any "irectory / Phone (or the smart!hone)

    he a'ility to manae !rofle rou! ty!es throuh an automated !rocessor maintainin !rofle rou! !o!ulations

    An administrator can delete any incom!lete lie e$ent usin the Manae+ie E$ent nstance !ae- in addition to manually na$iatin to the lie

    e$ent and cancelin it An em!loyee can cancel rom &ithin the +ie E$ent!rocess

    An automated lie e$ent document a!!ro$al !rocess ena'les timelya!!ro$al o an u!loaded lie e$ent document 'y the Benefts AdministratorAn e/mail notifcation is triered to the Benefts Administrator &hen anem!loyee u!loads a lie e$ent document ,hen the Benefts Administratora!!ro$es or denies a document- an e/mail notifcation is sent to theem!loyee to ta#e urther action

    A Benefts Clone 6tility is introduced to sim!liy the !rocess o creatin ane& lie e$ent rom scratch he ne& eature ena'les customers to createa ne& lie e$ent 'y du!licatin another e2istin lie e$ent- in addition tocreatin a lie e$ent manually he customer can then modiy a cloned liee$ent to suit the 'usiness needs

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    An automated lie e$ent document a!!ro$al !rocess ena'les timelya!!ro$al o an u!loaded lie e$ent document 'y the Benefts AdministratorAn e/mail notifcation is triered to the Benefts Administrator &hen anem!loyee u!loads a lie e$ent document ,hen the Benefts Administratora!!ro$es or denies a document- an e/mail notifcation is sent to the

    em!loyee to ta#e urther action

    (ESP) he A% eature in HR locali1ation or S!ain streamlines the 'usiness!rocesses related to hirin he ne& 6!date Contracts ESP com!onentena'les the user to@/ Manae the contract actions/ Manae the contract clauses/ Manae contract sinature data/ Print a co!y o the contract directly/ Enter the data or A% re!orts/ Enter the !ayroll datan line &ith the data entry chanes- the ollo&in !rocesses are modifed@/ A% !rocess/ ContratL 5M+ eneration/ Contracts !rintin !rocess/ "eltL and I%undacin ri!artitaJ re!ortin

    Peo!leSot :< !ro$ides interation 'et&een Profle Manaement !roflesand Smart HR ou can no& enter and u!date a !ersons !rofle data usinthe Smart HR ransaction tem!lates and !aes

    A Manae +ie E$ent nstance eature is introduced to ena'le em!loyees todelete any incom!lete lie e$ent instance stored in the system

    A Benefts Clone 6tility is introduced to sim!liy the !rocess o creatin ane& lie e$ent rom scratch he ne& eature ena'les customers to createa ne& lie e$ent 'y du!licatin another e2istin lie e$ent- in addition tocreatin a lie e$ent manually he customer can then modiy a cloned liee$ent to suit the 'usiness needs

    n :

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Em!loyee Profle Matchin re!laces the Person to Role match eature inProfle Manaement :

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Peo!leSot HCM :< deli$ers our !i$ot rids to $ie& and analy1eheadcount@ a Headcount Mo$ement rid and a Current Headcount Proflerid or 'oth the administrator and the manaer he user can enerate!i$ot rid headcount re!orts to $ie& headcount inormation in a ra!hicalormat as &ell as !i$ot and flter data to !resent data rom diFerent $ie&sAdministrators can com!are the orani1ational !o!ulation 'y date as &ellas all Do' actions that occurred durin a s!ecifc re!ortin !eriod Manaerscan $ie& the distri'ution o Do' codes or Do' actions or their em!loyees ora i$en re!ortin !eriod

    6sa'ility Enhancements in the Succession !ae utili1e secondary!aes that acilitate the addin o candidates and reduce the num'er ona$iations Assin Ratins 'utton is added to assin 'o2 ratins to theunrated candidates

    ePerormance interates &ith the Career Plannin unctionality inSuccession Plannin to !ro$ide manaers easy access to em! and de$elo!ment data rom the ne& Career Plan Summary sectionin documents his section sho&s the em!loyee.s current career !lan at ahih le$el and includes a lin# to u!date this inormation in the ManaerSel Ser$ice menu Manaers can $ie& the o$erall !erormance ratin romePerormance and the career !otential ratin rom Career Plannin todeault into the a!!ro!riate ratin 'o2es in Succession Plannin

    HCM Benefts has 'een enhanced to account or the ne& de!endentrelationshi! 6S same/se2 s!ouse- and $alidate 'enefts elii'ility o!tions'ased on this ne& relationshi! he ollo&in unctionality has 'een added@/ A ne& de!endent relationshi! 6S same/se2 s!ouse/ A ne& co$ered !erson ty!e 6S same/se2 s!ouse/ A ne& set o health co$erae codes or 6S same/se2 s!ouse/ he a'ility or a user to add the ne& same/se2 s!ouse relationshi! tohis4her !ersonal data

    he a'ility to chec# or s!ousal &ai$er is also a$aila'le or 6S same/se2s!ouses similar to s!ouses- e2/s!ouses- and children o em!loyees

    HM+ Email A!!ro$als ,hen manaers su'mit a ranser- Promotion- orRe!ortin Chane re0uest or a!!ro$al- the Peo!leSot a!!lication sendsemail notifcations to the a!!ro$ers he email contains summaryinormation a'out the transaction re0uest and a!!ro$ers can a!!ro$e-deny- or !ush 'ac# documents directly rom the email 'y clic#in thea!!ro!riate lin#

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Streamlined menu structure or year/end re!orts or ease o use

    Peo!leSot HCM interation &ith aleo Recruitin ena'les the customers toutili1e the recruitment unctionality defned &ithin aleo A!!lication- &hilethey continue to use Peo!leSot or their day/to/day HCM 'usiness!rocesses he interation model allo&s the customers to create andmanae Do' re0uisitions in the aleo a!!lication usin 3rani1ation-

    +ocation and Ko' %ields (3+%) defned &ithin Peo!leSot

    m!ro$ed *e2i'ility or arnishment !rocessin 'y le$erain the Canadianrules/'ased enine to meet the e$er/chanin reulatory re0uirements inthe 6nited States his i$es customers com!lete control o$er all as!ectso their arnishment calculations 'y !ro$idin users more *e2i'ility indefnin the a!!lica'le earnins and e2em!tions hese chanes increasestaF !roducti$ity 'y reducin the amount o manual la'or re0uired tocom!ute arnishments- &hich also im!ro$es data accuracy Business*e2i'ility is also im!ro$ed

    Enhanced interation 'et&een Payroll or North America and ime and+a'or- includin reconcilin re!orted and !aya'le time- !aya'le timestatus and reason codes- +oad ime and +a'or flters- and chec# re$ersals

    ,e increased the si1e o monetary felds or $arious 'alance ta'les andre!orts he ma2imum 'alance amount that can 'e stored in the systemhas 'een increased to T::-:::-:::-::::: (;;

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  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Enhanced the Retroacti$e Pay (Retro Pay) system to !ro$ide more

    unctionality- *e2i'ility and control or our customers/ Pro$ide a ne& confura'le- user/defned rier a'le that allo&s theuser to determine &hat felds should create a Retro Re0uest/ Sho& and #ee! the history o all riers created/ MaDor unctionality chane or Retro on Retro &hich includes chanes tothe Retro Calculation ou &ill ha$e the a'ility to see the !rior !aid retro/ ihtened u! all !rocesses around retro to ensure accurate RetroCalculations/ ,e ha$e i$en you lin#s to the !aychec# rom the Retro Pay CalculationResults !ae as &ell as lin#s rom the Paychec# to the 'ac# to Retro PayCalculation Results/ E2!anded the %ield Si1e or the Retro Pay Se0uence Num'er/ Made chane to Retro Pay Messaes !rocess or 'etter usa'ility/ m!ro$ed the Retro Re!orts and selection Criteria/ Com!onent nteraces &ill no& create Retro Pay riers/ %i2ed $arious re!orted 'u4enhancement issues/ 6sa'ility chanes or a 'etter user e2!erience

    Enhancements to the +oad Paysheets !rocess ena'le you to@/ Add multi!le source codes or U3ther Source y!e $ia addin ne&translate $alues in A!!lication "esiner

    / Added Source %la on the Payline/ +oad !aysheet data &ith an E2cel S!readsheet usin com!onentinterace/ nacti$ate !aysheet transactions online so that you no loner ha$e to useSO+ to u!date the record/ +oad one/time arnishment o$errides/ Neati$e earnins are allo&ed or transaction ty!e IEJ/ Added additional felds A""+VNBR and CHEC9V" to the PSH6PV5Nta'le

    Peo!leSot :< introduces Paychec# Modeler- &hich is a$aila'le throuhePay- Payroll or North Americas sel/ser$ice module Em!loyees can usethe sel/ser$ice Paychec# Modeler to in$estiate their o&n &hat/isituations and simulate their o&n !aychec#s &ithout u!datin !roductionta'les and &ithout callin the !ayroll de!artment or hel! des# Payrolladministrators can also use it Paychec# Modeler increases em!loyeesatisaction &hile reducin the &or#load o your !ayroll de!artment

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Pension Administration :< eatures an end to end solution or ser$ice!urchase !rocessin Confura'le rules allo& an administrator to tailorthe system to match an orani1ation.s ser$ice !urchase !rocess- allo&s ormodelin o cost and !ayment estimates and interation to the Peo!leSot%inancials system

    "e$elo! succession !lans &ith and &ithout !osition manaement andcreate !lans or indi$idual em!loyees- Do' codes- and !ositionsSearch or and analy1e candidates &ithin a s!ecifc succession !lan 6secareer !ath inormation to !lan successions and indicate candidatereadiness to mo$e into a ne& !ositionPerorm a side/'y/side readiness com!arison o a rou! o candidates &itha !lan incum'ent

    3racle !ro$ides Peo!leSot Career and Succession Plannin :; toPeo!leSot HCM nterations to connect our alent Manaement :; ande2istin Human Resources : a!!lications

    3racle !ro$ides Peo!leSot Career and Succession Plannin :; to

    Peo!leSot HCM nterations to connect our alent Manaement :; ande2istin Human Resources =: a!!lications

    Manually add internal and e2ternal indi$iduals to talent !ools 'ased onnominations- !rocess/'ased recommendations- or !erormance and!otential analysis Add internal indi$iduals automatically usin ProfleManaers search and match eature ou can s!eciy each em!loyeesreadiness 'ased on criteria esta'lished 'y your orani1ation

    nteration &ith Profle Manaer to su!!ort the matchin and identifcationo s#ill a!s 'et&een !otential successors and incum'ents or Do' !rofles

    Confura'le 5/ rids or ratin 'o2- or :/'o2- &hich trac#s user/defnedcriteria such as !erormance- !otential- readiness- and so on- and to ratetalent !ool mem'ers or successors

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    3!tional &or#*o& to hel! manae sel/re!orted de!endent data

    he Succession W eature ena'les you to $isually re$ie& and manae a!erson or role &ithin the conte2t o the orani1ation

    he Succession W eature athers and dis!lays a $ariety o !ertinent HRdata ou can !erorm the ollo&in unctions@/ Search or !eo!le- succession !lans- and !ositions or Do' codes

    / Create ra!hical re!resentations o re!ortin hierarchies/ 7ie& !rofle summaries/ 7ie& succession !lans or !eo!le- !ositions- or Do' codes/ Edit succession !lans

    he Succession W eature e2chanes succession !lan data rom thesuccession !lan record and u!dates the inormation in the !lan record asyou ma#e chanes in either the Succession W com!onent or theSuccession Plan !aes

    A'ility to associate certifcation 0uestionnaires &ith certain de!endentrelationshi!s or &ith certain !lan ty!es Certifcates are 'uilt usin the

    Certifcation "efnition !ae m!lement certifcations usin either E$entRules or "e!endent Relationshi!s his certifcate- i assined to a!articular 'eneft !lan or de!endent relationshi!- a!!ears in eBenefts sel/ser$ice to the !artici!ant

    A ne& +ie E$ents uided !rocess- the Peo!leools Acti$ity Guide eature-allo&s orani1ations to !rocess lie e$ents throuh a se0uence o actionitems 3rani1ations are a'le to defne lie e$ent tem!lates to su!!ort end

    to end HR4Benefts 'usiness !rocesses and ensure uniorm com!liance &ith'usiness !olicy and rules

    A rid $ie& has 'een introduced to ena'le 0uic# determination o &hethera !erson is an em!loyee.s 'enefciary- de!endant- or 'oth

    he +ie E$ent document a!!ro$al &or#*o& interates &ith the HCM"eleation %rame&or#- ena'lin Benefts Administrators to deleateauthority o +ie E$ent document a!!ro$al A Benefts Administrator candeleate the authority to a!!ro$e +ie E$ent documents u!loaded 'yem!loyees to another user i re0uired he Benefts Administrator cancreate a deleation re0uest to authori1e a !ro2y to a!!ro$e documents onhis4her 'ehal he !ro2y can acce!t or reDect the deleation re0uest- andcan a!!ro$e- deny- or !ush 'ac# +ie E$ent documents on 'ehal o thedeleator he deleator can re$o#e or &ithdra& the deleated authority&hen re0uired Email notifcations &ill 'e sent to the deleator &hen ne&deleation re0uests are made he !ro2y &ill in turn 'e notifed o any!endin a!!ro$al re0uests throuh email

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    A ne& Health Beneft Enrollment Statistics confura'le !aelet has 'eenintroduced to dis!lay Medical Plan enrollments 'y Beneft Plan hisena'les an administrator to see a hih le$el $ie& at a 0uic# lance and!ro$ides the a'ility to drill into the enrollment details and $ie& the countsor each !lan

    A ne& Health Beneft Enrollment Statistics confura'le !aelet has 'eenintroduced to dis!lay Medical Plan enrollments 'y Beneft Plan hisena'les an administrator to see a hih le$el $ie& at a 0uic# lance and!ro$ides the a'ility to drill into the enrollment details and $ie& the countsor each !lan

    Em!loyees can automatically u!load documents re0uired to !rocess a liee$ent Based on the ty!e o the em!loyee lie e$ent 'ein !rocessed- thesystem dis!lays the re0uired document ty!e(s) to 'e u!loaded

    Em!loyee Sel Ser$ice standard !ae desin or lie e$ent !rocessin has'een enhanced An acti$ity uide !aelet to the let o the action item

    !ae- corres!ondin 'uttons or na$iatin action items- and an automatic&arnin mechanism alertin the em!loyee to sa$e any re0uiredinormation ena'le an em!loyee to easily na$iate throuh and com!letethe lie e$ent

    Customers can confure &hat inormation should 'e dis!layed or hiddenrom the em!loyees. Benefts Enrollment Summary Statement- a!reliminary re!ort enerated 'y em!loyees to re$ie& their 'eneft o!tionsEm!loyee Enrollment Summary Statement controls ha$e 'een introducedto ena'le customers to customi1e the re!ort

    Em!loyee +ie E$ent "escri!ti$e Paes ha$e 'een introduced to uideem!loyees throuh the acti$ity uide !rocess to com!lete a lie e$ent A&elcome !ae is introduced- &hich can 'e customi1ed to include a anyinormation the em!loyee &ould need to read 'eore !roceedin to theactual e$ent An e2it !ae has 'een introduced to include conclusion te2tor the lie e$ent Customers ha$e the *e2i'ility to customi1e these !aesusin the e2t Catalo

    Customers can create +ie E$ent Cateories to defne the Em!loyee Sel

    Ser$ice +ie E$ent Selection menu (the menu a$aila'le to an em!loyee onthe +ie E$ent main !ae to select &hich lie e$ent to !rocess) Based onthe 'usiness needs- a customer can defne custom lie e$ent cateories(rou!s)- and then s!eciy the menu items (lie e$ents) &ithin a cateory

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Customers can add ne& lie e$ent ty!es in addition to the out/o/the/'o2e$ent ty!es such as Marriae- Birth- "i$orce and Ado!tion Each e$entty!e can ha$e its o&n set o rules accordin to the !ractices esta'lished 'ythe orani1ation %or e2am!le- a Benefts Administrator can indicate&hether a !roo is re0uired or a lie e$ent ty!e

    Manaers can use the enhanced sel/ser$ice unctionality to !lan- und'udets- allocate com!ensation- and a!!ro$e multi!le !ay adDustmentsincludin 'ase and $aria'le com!ensation com!onents such as cash- non/cash- and stoc#

    he otal Re&ards Statement is used to increase the em!loyeesa&areness o the total $alue o com!ensation ('oth salary and 'enefts) tsho&s the em!loyees ull $alue o their re&ards includin em!loyer

    contri'utions to 'enefts- cash com!ensation- non/cash com!ensation-!er#s- and more Re&ard data sources that you can currently use include@North American Payroll earnins- deductions- and ta2esQ 'eneft lea$e'alancesQ stoc# administrationQ and e2ternal com!ensation data he My

    otal Re&ards sel ser$ice !ae !ro$ides a summary o an em!loyees totalre&ards at a lance as &ell as a 'rea#do&n o an em!loyees totalre&ards- includin e2!lanations and content inormation t !ro$ides lin#sto e2istin em!loyee re&ard details- third !arty $endors- analytic charts- a$ie& o all re&ards (includin non/cash com!ensation)- and the a'ility toenerate and !rint a total re&ards statement

    3racle !ro$ides Peo!leSot eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to! :; toPeo!leSot HCM nterations to connect our alent Manaement :; ande2istin Human Resources : a!!lications

    3racle !ro$ides Peo!leSot eCom!ensation Manaer "es#to! :; toPeo!leSot HCM nterations to connect our alent Manaement :; ande2istin Human Resources =: a!!lications

    eCom!ensation !ro$ides an interated com!ensation solution thatincludes all o the !ay !racticesQ the allocation o 'onuses- e0uity and non/cash 'onuses- and modifcation o 'ase !ay as &ell as modifcation o othercom!onents o !ay

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    A'ility to dis!lay Profciency "escri!tions to su!!ort numeric ratins

    Enhanced Payroll or North America and ePay unctionality to ena'lecustomers to use 5M+ Pu'lisher (5M+P) to !roduce ,/

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    Senior leaders and orani1ation heads can use 'usiness o'Decti$es to trac#!roress to&ard achie$ement to ensure that critical o'Decti$es are 'einacted u!on

    Manaers and em!loyees can alin an indi$idual !erormance oal to a'usiness o'Decti$e

    Em!loyees &ith multi!le Do's in diFerent de!artments or em!loyees that

    re!ort to a su!er$isor in a diFerent de!artment can na$iate theorani1ation chart to $ie& 'usiness o'Decti$es or each de!artment orsu!er$isor !osition

    Em!loyees and manaers can access !u'lished 'usiness o'Decti$esthrouh sel/ser$ice he 'usiness o'Decti$e !ae closest to the usersde!artment or !osition in the hierarchy is dis!layed automatically to usersu!on initiation

    Gra!hical re!orts can no& ena'le orani1ation o&ners or administrators tore$ie& the num'er o em!loyee oals alined to a 'usiness o'Decti$e as

    &ell as !ro$ide com!letion !roress details

    ePerormance Administrators can create a line/o/siht alinment chain'et&een multi!le 'usiness o'Decti$es to ensure clear $isi'ility o 'usinessstrateies and the o'Decti$es su!!ortin them

    ePerormance Administrators can administer multi!le Business 3'Decti$es!aes at once By selectin an action- the administrator can com!lete$arious tas#s such as loc#in !aes rom u!dates- unloc#in loc#ed !aes-inacti$atin !aes so that they cant 'e $ie&ed or u!dated- deletininacti$e !aes- and re$ie&in !aes 'y status

    ePerormance Administrator can defne email notifcations that &ill 'e sentto de!artment heads- manaers- or em!loyees &hen $arious ste!s in the3'Decti$es Manaement 'usiness !rocess are triered

    o defne 'usiness o'Decti$es- ePerormance Administrators can ollo& a!rocess similar to &hat is used to set u! other ePerormance documentstoday he ste!s include defnin the o'Decti$e !lan- defnin o'Decti$esections and defnin o'Decti$e tem!lates

    he ne& Business 3'Decti$es Manaement unctionality ena'les you tocreate and !u'lish 'usiness o'Decti$es- dis!lay o'Decti$es in anorani1ation chart $ie&- and tie indi$idual oals and acti$ities to the oalsand initiati$es o de!artments- 'usiness units- and ultimately to the o$erallorani1ational stratey

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    An eSinature section ena'les em!loyees and manaers to sin oFelectronically on !erormance and de$elo!ment documents- allo&inorani1ations to ca!ture document ac#no&ledements &ithout eneratin!a!er co!ies his o!tional !rocess ena'les orani1ations to ca!ture thedate and time that a !erormance document &as ac#no&leded 'y

    em!loyees- manaers- or 'oth %or those &antin to enerate !a!erco!ies- eSinature inormation &ill 'e added to the sinature 'loc# on any!rinted $ersions o the document that are enerated

    Administrators can ena'le or disa'le the document attachment ca!a'ility&ithin the manaer document- allo&in manaers to attach documents&hen the e$aluation is in !roress he attachment section may 'e made$isi'le to any user ha$in access to the manaer document or mar#ed asmanaer/only to !re$ent other users rom $ie&in the content 3nlymanaers &ill 'e a'le to add or delete attachments

    A le$el o di8culty (Basic- ntermediate- and Ad$anced) can 'e associated&ith !erormance criteria esta'lished or an indi$idual

    3n a !erormance document or &ithin a !erormance tem!late- users canlimit a$aila'le content items to those &ithin a defned content rou! %ore2am!le- you can defne com!etencies that are then rou!ed intocateories- such as leadershi! com!etencies or rou!s related to certain&or# classifcations By associatin a com!etency content rou! &ith a

    !erormance document- the list o a$aila'le com!etencies &ill 'e limited tothose contained in the identifed rou!- ma#in it easier or users to fndrele$ant content or inclusion in the !erormance a!!raisal

    Header content or $arious document ty!es can 'e 'ased u!on the role othe document user %or e2am!le- an administrator may choose to includesalary rade and ste! in an annual !erormance document- 'ut may &antto ma#e that a$aila'le only to manaers- e2cludin any !eer raters romaccessin that data

    3racle !ro$ides Peo!leSot ePerormance :; to Peo!leSot HCMnterations to connect our alent Manaement :; and e2istin HumanResources =: a!!lications

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    Perormance Notes created 'y manaers and em!loyees can no& 'eassociated &ith a s!ecifc item &ithin a !erormance document rather thansim!ly associated &ith the !erormance section in eneral Manaers andem!loyees can record !erormance notes that are rele$ant to a s!ecifcitem &ithin the !erormance document- then retrie$e those notes &hen

    com!letin the comments or that item in the !erormance e$aluation!rocess

    A data archi$e tem!late or ePerormance documents ena'lesorani1ations to select rom si2 diFerent 0ueries to defne the documentsthat they &ant to archi$e he deli$ered 0ueries defne archi$e !o!ulations'ased on com'inations o country- document ty!e- document usae-document end date- and em!loyee " 3nce !o!ulations are defned-orani1ations can use the "ata Archi$e Manaer to archi$e !erormancedocuments and all associated !aes or com!onents- such as e$aluation

    criteria- em!loyee sel/e$aluation- and manaer e$aluation

    nterated ePeormance ,or#center streamlines the !erormance re$ie&!rocess usin the ,or#center rame&or# 3n the let side o the,or#center- users are !resented the !rocess ste! list- &hich sho&s theones that are com!leted- the ones that are let to com!lete and the currentste! that theyre on he riht side o the ,or#center sho&s the documentsection that corres!onds to the current ste!- and it is &here users should&or# on in the re$ie& !rocess

    ePerormance deli$ers a ne& ste! in the re$ie& !rocess he rac#Proress ste!- &hen ena'led- allo& manaers and em!loyees entercomments throuh chec#!oints durin the re$ie& cycle- !ro$idin usersmore o!!ortunities to add eed'ac# to re$ie&s %eed'ac# is ca!tured andstored in the system- i$in users more materials to &or# in the %inali1eE$aluation ste!

    nteration &ith 3utloo# !ro$ides the a'ility create 3utloo# tas#s or duedates in $arious ste!s in the re$ie& cycle- remindin users &hat need to 'edone and 'y &hen these tas#s should 'e done he interation alsosu!!orts the creation o !erormance notes in documents rom 3utloo#email content- so #udos and eed'ac# in the orm o email can 'e inserteddirectly to documents easily

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    nteration o ePerormance and Career Plannin !ro$ides manaers 0uic#access to em!loyees career de$elo!ment data &hile &or#in on re$ie&s&ithout lea$in the ,or#center his interation also !ro$ides succession!lannin !ersonnel easy access to em!loyees !erormance data rom theManae Succession Plans com!onent- i$in them the rele$ant inormation

    they need to ma#e &ell/inormed succession !lannin decisions andrecommendations

    Additional ePerormance related actions to !ro$ide manaers andem!loyees the a'ility to o!en and edit current !erormance andde$elo!ment documents throuh related actions

    HM+ Email A!!ro$als ,hen manaers su'mit a Perormance "ocumentor a!!ro$al- the Peo!leSot a!!lication sends email notifcations to thea!!ro$ers he email contains summary inormation a'out the transaction

    re0uest and a!!ro$ers can a!!ro$e- deny- or !ush 'ac# documents directlyrom the email 'y clic#in the a!!ro!riate lin#

    Sel/ser$ice unctionality !ro$ided to ena'le em!loyee to com!lete andsu'mit an electronic/'ased 6S /: orm

    6S %ederal sel/ser$ice transactions that are deli$ered &ith a!!ro$al!rocessin ha$e 'een con$erted rom older &or#*o& technoloy to themore usa'le and confura'le A!!ro$al %rame&or# Althouh themechanism or manain a!!ro$als has chaned- the deli$ered a!!ro$al*o& and routin or these transactions has not chaned

    6S %ederal sel/ser$ice transactions that are deli$ered &ith a!!ro$al!rocessin ha$e 'een con$erted rom older &or#*o& technoloy to themore usa'le and confura'le A!!ro$al %rame&or# Althouh themechanism or manain a!!ro$als has chaned- the deli$ered a!!ro$al*o& and routin or these transactions has not chaned

    he Manaer "ash'oard is a set o !aelets that ena'les manaers to0uic#ly and easily $ie& and u!date human resource inormation or theirteams hese !aelets !ro$ide actiona'le summaries o inormation ordirect and indirect re!orts- i$in manaers the a'ility to ocus on itemsneedin their attention and to act on those items 'y !ro$idin animmediate u!date rom &ithin the dash'oard or 'y transerrin to as!ecifc a!!lication com!onent %or e2am!le- they can com!lete a!!ro$alre0uests or initiate manaer sel ser$ice transactions or a s!ecifcem!loyee 'y clic#in on the Actions lin# all rom the Manaer "ash'oard

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    Additional normation 7%3 +in#



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    his unctionality &asdeli$ered or HCM :< inPeo!leSot HCM mae:

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM




    :< htt!@44youtu'e4HDeCYdPeBs



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    :: ncluded in HRMS:; %eature Pac#

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM










    ntroduced in Peo!leSotHRMS :; Bundle ? My3racle Su!!ort 6!date "=;:

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM







    ntroduced as indi$idual!ostin (My 3racle Su!!ortPatch Num'er ;::

  • 8/10/2019 PeopleSoft Cumulative Feature Report HCM


    :; htt!@44youtu'e4;"CuuOcY2c



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