pentavalent operational guidleines design

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction

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Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction

Key Facts about Haemophilus Influenzae

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine IntroductionHaemophilus influenzae is a bacteria first described in 1892 during an influenza pandemic Important cause of invasive disease causing pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media, sinusitis, epiglottitis mainly in childrenIt has six serotypes from a to f, type b is most invasiveHaemophilus Influenzae B (Hib)Haemophilus Influenzae

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine IntroductionAcute respiratory infections (2 million deaths each year) are the leading infectious cause of death in children 1 mo to 5 years of age. S. pneumo causes approximately 800,000 of those deaths, Hib accounts for almost 400K. Diarrheal diseases are the second leading cause of death with 1.7 million deaths 500K are estimated to be due to rotavirus. Other leading causes of death include Malaria (853), Measles (395) HIV aids (321)Meningitis case fatality rates in developing countries >20%. For pneumonia, Hib case fatality rates can be 5-15%.15- 35% of survivors of meningitis suffer permanent neurologic damage

Hib bacteria live in the nose and throat area. Like measles, Hib bacteria are passed from child to child in air droplets when an infected child coughs or sneezes.

Spreads mainly by coughing or sneezing with air droplets

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction55The pneumococcus is spread by contact with respiratory droplets containing the bacteria.Any person carrying the pneumococcus in their nasopharynx and some persons with disease (such as pneumonia who can cough up secretions containing bacteria) can spread the bacteria to others.

Some persons exposed will not become a carrier nor infected

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction66Not everyone exposed to contaminated respiratory droplets will develop disease.Some persons exposed will become carriers of the pneumococcus, and a subset of these persons will progress from NP colonization to disease manifestation.

A subset of those exposed will develop disease

Insight into Operational Guidelines on Pentavalent Vaccine Introduction77

Hib incidence rate (per 100,000 children under age 5)