Pentaho BI

 A Project Report on Pentaho Business Intelligence Academic Session 2011-13 INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT T ECHNOLOG Y Subject: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Submitted By: Aabhas Rastogi 11DCP053 Abhishek Gupta 11DCP055 Nikhar Gupta 11DCP084 Paras Arora 11DCP086

Transcript of Pentaho BI

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A Project Report on Pentaho Business


Academic Session 2011-13



Submitted By:

Aabhas Rastogi 11DCP053

Abhishek Gupta 11DCP055

Nikhar Gupta 11DCP084

Paras Arora 11DCP086

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Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise Edition allows you to deploy the worlds most

popular open source BI suite with confidence, security, and far lower total cost

of ownership than proprietary alternatives. Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise Edition

provides additional capabilities including a comprehensive professional

technical support program, software maintenance, enhanced software

functionality, certified software, product expertise, and the best software

assurance program in the industry .The Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise Edition

extends Pentahos best-in-class open source business intelligence (BI)

capabilities with additional software and services designed to help you and

your organization:

y  Achieve BI success

y  Save time, resources, and money

y  Mitigate risk

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The Pentaho BI Platform is a Web-based framework that leverages elements

of Pentaho Analysis and Pentaho Reporting to provide easy-to-use tools for

creating and sharing Pentaho Analyzer reports, ad hoc reports, and

dashboards. It is the heart of the BI Suite, which also includes powerful

software to prepare your data and create detailed reports. The BI PlatformEnterprise Edition includes two graphical user interfaces: The Pentaho User

Console, which helps you discover patterns, trends, and other hidden

information about your data; and the Pentaho Enterprise Console, which gives

sysadmins, IT managers, CIOs, and database administrators fine-grained

control over every aspect of BI Platform configuration, management, and

security. This major release gives power to the user with new interactive

reporting, rich data discovery capabilities, and a completely redesigned user

interface. Pentaho now delivers dramatic progress in the ability for businessusers to access, report, and analyze data from more sources, more easily, and

quicker than ever before.

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The Challenges of Business Intelligence

There are multiple problems encountered by the traditional approach to BI

projects.These problems can be grouped into categories:

People and skills required 

Many projects never start because the number and diversity of the people

required is too great.

Lack of iterations  

Many projects fail because the initial prototype, if done at all,is the only

iteration of requirements and design.

Suitability of the tools 

The usability and productivity of the existing BI tools are impediments

for many BI

projects, as are the hardware requirements for the combined tool set.


The pricing and licensing of BI Software and the cost of the necessary

hardware increases the risk of undertaking a BI project.

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Pentaho Reporting

Pentaho Reporting is a suite of tools for creating pixel perfect reports. With

Pentaho Reporting you are able to transform data into meaningful information

tailored to your audience. You can create HTML, Excel, PDF, Text or printed

reports. If you are a developer, you can also produce CSV and XML reports to

feed other systems.

Pentaho Reporting's development is driven by the goal to create a flexible yet

simple to use reporting engine. Using the reporting engine gives you

unmatched flexibility to create reports that adapt to your data as almost every

property can be computed during report generation. Your reports can include

data from virtually any data-source due to Pentaho Reporting's large selectionof data-sources, including SQL-databases, OLAP data sources and even the

Pentaho Data-Integration ETL tool.

With high performance at low memory consumption the report processing can

scale from small footprint embedded scenarios to large-scale enterprise

reporting scenarios. Pentaho Reporting integrates perfectly with the Pentaho

BI-Server to share your reports with your co-workers and peers.

y  Level of difficulty for business users to use, execute, interact with: Easy -

-> Medium 

y  Level of difficulty for developer to create: Easy --> Medium 

y  No training is necessary for business users to execute and understand

y  At the minimum, report queries and report layout defintions are created

using the Pentaho Report Designer

y  Uses standard RDBMS table structures

y  A developer usually develops the query and the report definition

(layout,structure) in the Pentaho Report Designery  The query can be a SQL or Stored Procedure (JNDI), MQL, XQuery, or

Mondrian MDX query

y  You can create summary and detail level reports and link them together

via drill downs and parameter passing via hyper-linking or style


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y  Summary and Detail reports need to be published to BI Server and then

linked together - you need to know the URL of the detail report and its

parms to pass

y  Can have additional parameters added if necessary to change the

structure of the report as well as filtersy  Developer creating a drill down to detail from the summary report,

needs to know the detail report action sequence name, the proper URL

to call and the parameter names to pass

y  Can be emailed or distributed in a number of different means by editing

the published action sequences with Pentaho Design Studio

y  Can be customized to desired look and feel very easily using the Pentaho

Report Designer



ormally the structure of report is relatively left unchanged but can bemade dynamic with certain design techniques used for Guided Ad hoc

y  Can be used as Structured or Guided Ad hoc report templates by utilizing

parametrized Pentaho Report Definitions and parametrized action


Ad Hoc Reporting

Pentaho Report Designer is the most comprehensive report design tool in the

Pentaho BI Suite Enterprise Edition, but for preliminary report exploration or

to generate a report quickly use the ad hoc report wizard built into the

platform. Ad hoc reporting helps you quickly identify and group interesting and

relevant data, apply constraints to it, and generate a report. The resulting

reports are viewable through the built-in preview feature; through a Pentaho

Reporting-based Web application; or as a standalone PDF, XLS, CSV, or HTML

file.The processes performed are:

1) Creating a new Ad Hoc report.

2) Editing an existing report.

3) Running the Ad Hoc repor

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Analyzer Reporting

Pentaho Analyzer report

  Pentaho Analysis models need to be created by BI Admins using the SchemaWorkbench or PDI Agile BI method. 

  Pentaho Analysis models use standard RDBMS table structures accessed

through the native JDBC RDBMS driver

  The RDBMS Data structure is commonly in a fact / dimension data model

star schema, however single tables can be used

  MDX is used as the underlying query language and is dynamically created

using the Pentaho Analyzer you do not need to know MDX but can use it if 

needed  Business models are accessed by users easily in the Pentaho User Console

using the Analyzer Report tool

  View and structure is completely dynamic by using the Pentaho Report


  Filters are completely dynamic

  Drilling, navigating hierarchies, sorting, ranking, pivoting, filtering, charting,

calculating and exporting.

The processes performed are:

1) Creating a new Analyzer report.

2) Enhancing an Analyzer report.

3) Adding Filters to Analyzer report.

4) Adding Query parameters to Analyzer report.

5) Exporting the Analyzer report.

6) Filtering by member properties.

7) Configuring drill down links.

Pentaho Report Designer

The Pentaho Report Designer is the primary design tool to create report

definitions. Its state of the art user interface allows you to spell out your data

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flow in the report and to define the visual appearance of your report. With the

Pentaho Report Designer you are able to create pixel perfect reports quick and


The Pentaho Report Designer offers complete access to all settings and

configuration options of the Pentaho Reporting Engine. Its high number of 

possibilities and extreme flexibility can make it overwhelming to novice users.

The Pentaho Report Designer is aimed at technically skilled power users

Pentaho Reporting Engine

The Pentaho Reporting Engine is the underlying technology that creates the

reports from your report definitions. The Pentaho Reporting Engine is used

both in the Pentaho Report Designer and the Pentaho BI-Platform to drive thereport generation.

Pentaho BI-Server

The Pentaho BI-Server is a web-application for sharing and managing reports.

With the BI-Platform you are able to make report available to a wider

audience. You can automatically send reports by E-Mail to a list of recipients

via a process called "bursting". You can schedule large reports to run at night-

time so that you get up-to-date information in the morning.

Pentaho Reporting Web Viewer

The Pentaho Reporting Web Viewer is a web-based application that allows

direct access to Pentaho Reports (*.prpt) saved within content repository of 

the Pentaho BI Server. It can be decomposed into two sections: the report

prompt and the rendered report content. The report prompt leverages thepower of Pentaho CDF to dynamically create a collection of input controls for

users to change report parameters values for a given report.

The prompting piece of the equation is implemented as part of the Pentaho

Common UI project. This JavaScript API allows the developer to build a

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collection of input components that work together to provide prompts for the

parameters defined in a Parameter XML Specification.

Demonstration of our working on Pentaho

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By delivering key performance indicators in a highly graphical visual interface,

Pentaho dashboards gives business users the critical information they need to

understand and improve organizational performance. 

y  Rich graphical visualizations with navigation, drilling and a rich library of 

filter control

y  Web-based drag and drop dashboard designer for business users

y  Portal and mash-up integration to seamlessly integrate business

analytics with other applications, including Google Maps

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Few of the important features and attributes of a Dashboard are:

y  Modification of the external aspects of Graphs and charts

y  Q uery Editor

y  Adding templates and filtering the required data to be viewed

y  Linking up with the browser

y  Viewing and Exporting reports

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Pentaho Professional Open Source Advantages

y  Open Source Licensing

Software code is free

Dramatically lower up-front and ongoing costs

y  Superior relationship

Complete transparency

Relationship based 100% on quality of customer support

No vendor lock in simply based on access to future upgrades

y  Reduced risk

Delivering whole product using an open source core support,

training, documentation,

global partner network, consulting, product management, quality

assurance, longevity

y  Enterprise Development Methodology

Innovative, enterprise-quality products via a professional methodology

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Superior development productivity and commercial quality via extensive


Continuous testing in diverse environments by a huge global community

Transparent, detailed roadmap

Product roadmap, core development, and project contributionsmanaged by Pentaho

y  Enterprise Support Methodology

Delivered via Subscription Service 9 X 5 or 24 X 7

20% of Core Developers time allocated to delivering Services

Pentaho Architectural Advantages


  100% J2EE server-side application for scalability, manageability,integration

y  Lack of legacy architectural issues, acquisition baggage, or

cumbersome migrations

y  Aggressive support of open standards wherever available J2EE, JDBC,

MDX, SQL, JSR-170, etc.

y  Designed for embeddability and Service-Oriented-Architectures (SOA)

not a monolithic, hardwired


 stack exposed via a thin web services layer

y  Componentized and modular for flexibility and easy customization

y  Completely exposed via AJAX and Web Services.


The Pentaho Business Intelligence Project provides a comprehensive Business

Intelligence suite and comprises of various tools such as reporting, analysis,

dashboards, data mining, and a BI platform necessary for true productiondeployment. The Pentaho Business Intelligence provides superior relationship

and complete transparency with the client Many other projects that exist

address a specific function like reporting, but not the entire BI spectrum. Most

also lack the necessary infrastructure like security, administration, auditing,

fail-over, scalability features, portal, and other key framework functionality.

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Beyond that, some projects offer open source reporting, but require an

upgrade to an expensive, closed-source offering for web-based deployment or

other BI platform functionality.