Pension Member Guide

This Pension Member Guide serves as the combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide for the Labour Union Co-operative Retirement Fund (LUCRF Super) ABN 26 382 680 883. It has been prepared and issued on 29 October 2010 by the Trustee of the Fund, LUCRF Pty Ltd ABN 18 005 502 090. Issued 29 October 2010 Pension Member Guide


Pension Member Guide

Transcript of Pension Member Guide

Page 1: Pension Member Guide

This Pension Member Guide serves as the combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide for the Labour Union Co-operative Retirement Fund (LUCRF Super) ABN 26 382 680 883. It has been prepared and issued on 29 October 2010 by the Trustee of the Fund, LUCRF Pty Ltd ABN 18 005 502 090.

Issued 29 October 2010

PensionMember Guide

Page 2: Pension Member Guide

This Pension Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide) describes the main features of LUCRF Pensions and will help you decide if this product meets your needs when comparing it to others that you might be considering.The Trustee holds Australian Financial Services Licence No. 258481 which authorises it to provide personal financial advice about the Fund and its features. This Pension Member Guide provides you with important information about the main features, benefits, costs and risks of investing in LUCRF Pensions. It has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the information contained in this Pension Member Guide, you should make sure that any choices you make are right for you.

This Pension Member Guide does not take the place of the Trust Deed, which is the legal document governing the operation of the Fund. The Trust Deed is binding on the Trustee, all contributing employers, and all members of the Fund. A copy of the Trust Deed and Rules can be provided on request.

The information contained in this Pension Member Guide is current at the date of preparation. From time to time some information might change. In the event a change is materially adverse, LUCRF Super will replace this publication or issue a supplementary PDS amending some of the content of the Pension Member Guide. Members will also be informed as required by law. You can obtain a copy of a current Pension Member Guide at any time free of charge from, email: [email protected] or phone 1300 130 780. Any other changes that are not materially adverse will be available on our website.

Superannuation and your pension are long-term investments and you should note that if you leave the Fund after a short period, the value of your account may be less than the initial opening balance. This may arise because of fees and taxes deducted (if applicable), any drawdown payments you have received and the value of the investment return you receive whilst a member of the Fund.

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Introducing LUCRF Pensions 7Your pension options 10Joining: A step-by-step guide 14Making your initial deposit

and nominating beneficiaries 18

Investment options 22Pension payments and taxation 34Fees 40Important information 44Financial Services Guide (FSG) 48Forms 51

With thanks

We appreciate the contribution of our members who have given their permission for their quotes and images to appear in this document. At the time of publication, their authority had not been withdrawn.

LUCRF Pensions (Retirement and Transition Pensions) are a product of LUCRF Super, offered by the Trustee LUCRF Pty. Ltd.

Contact LUCRF Super

1300 130 780Web: [email protected]: PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051Fax: (03) 9326 6907

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Issued 29 October 2010


LUCRF Transition Pension LUCRF Retirement PensionWho is eligible? Any person who is still working full or part time and is

between preservation age and 65 years of age (see our ‘Joining’ section for preservation ages).

Any person who has an unrestricted non-preserved benefit and never intends to work again or is permanently incapacitated (generally for people who have retired fully), or over age 65 (you may still be working full or part time).

Why join LUCRF Pensions? y You’re 55+ and want to supplement your income from your super

y You want flexible income

y You’re 55+ and want to salary sacrifice wages to reduce your tax

y You want to stay with LUCRF Super as you wind down towards retirement

y You’re 60+ and want a tax free income stream when you retire

y You want flexible income

y You want to withdraw lump sums

y You want to stay with LUCRF Super when you retire

y You want to maximise your Centrelink aged pension

y You want to reduce tax

Minimum deposit $10,000 (opening balance) $10,000 (opening balance)

Accepted deposits

Pension tip – consolidate your super before you open your pension

y LUCRF Super accumulation amounts

y Rollovers from other super funds

y Employment termination payments (in limited circumstances) and certain disablement settlements

y LUCRF Super accumulation amounts

y Rollovers from other super funds

y Employment termination payments (in limited circumstances) and certain disablement settlements

Timing of your pension paymentsYou can choose how often you receive payments, which investment option you can draw it from, and change your options when needed*

y Twice monthly (14th and 28th of the month)

y Monthly (28th of the month)

y Quarterly (28th of March, June, September and December)

y Twice yearly (28th of June and December)

y Yearly (14th or 28th of the month you choose in the year)

y Twice monthly (14th and 28th of the month)

y Monthly (28th of the month)

y Quarterly (28th of March, June, September and December)

y Twice yearly (28th of June and December)

y Yearly (14th or 28th of the month you choose in the year)

How are payments made? Directly into your bank account. Directly into your bank account.

Are partial lump sum payments available? Only if you have an unrestricted non-preserved benefit (tax may apply).


Minimum annual account balance $1,200 if your account reduces to this, it will be paid out to you. $1,200 if your account reduces to this amount, it will be paid out to you.

Investment options Nine options to choose from Nine options to choose from.

Insurance(see LUCRF Super Member Guide)

Not available on a pension, however, it may be available through a separate LUCRF Super accumulation account

y Death Only – ceases at age 70

y Death and TPD – ceases at age 70

Not available on a pension, however it may be available through a separate LUCRF Super accumulation account

y Death only – ceases at age 70

y Death and TPD – ceases at age 70

Fees See our ‘Fees’ section. See our ‘Fees’ section.

Entry fee Nil Nil

Administration fee $1.25 per week (deducted from your pension account) $1.25 per week (deducted from your pension account)

Management fee (investment fee) Pre-mixed options

Balanced (default) 0.69%Conservative 0.48%Moderate 0.60%High Growth 0.75%

Asset Class options

Cash 0.20%Indexed Shares 0.39%Australian Shares 0.60%International Shares 0.65%Property 0.39%NOte: This fee is deducted from the gross investment earnings, not your account.

Pre-mixed options

Balanced (default) 0.69%Conservative 0.48%Moderate 0.60%High Growth 0.75%

Asset Class options

Cash 0.20%Indexed Shares 0.39%Australian Shares 0.60%International Shares 0.65%Property 0.39%NOte: This fee is deducted from the gross investment earnings, not your account.

Investment switch fee Nil Nil

Payment fee Nil Nil

Withdrawal fee for partial lump sum payments Nil Nil

*Legislation prescribes minimum payments between certain ages. Maximum payments also apply to transition pensions. See our ‘Pension payments and taxation’ section.

Pension summary

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Issued 29 October 2010

LUCRF Transition Pension LUCRF Retirement PensionWho is eligible? Any person who is still working full or part time and is

between preservation age and 65 years of age (see our ‘Joining’ section for preservation ages).

Any person who has an unrestricted non-preserved benefit and never intends to work again or is permanently incapacitated (generally for people who have retired fully), or over age 65 (you may still be working full or part time).

Why join LUCRF Pensions? y You’re 55+ and want to supplement your income from your super

y You want flexible income

y You’re 55+ and want to salary sacrifice wages to reduce your tax

y You want to stay with LUCRF Super as you wind down towards retirement

y You’re 60+ and want a tax free income stream when you retire

y You want flexible income

y You want to withdraw lump sums

y You want to stay with LUCRF Super when you retire

y You want to maximise your Centrelink aged pension

y You want to reduce tax

Minimum deposit $10,000 (opening balance) $10,000 (opening balance)

Accepted deposits

Pension tip – consolidate your super before you open your pension

y LUCRF Super accumulation amounts

y Rollovers from other super funds

y Employment termination payments (in limited circumstances) and certain disablement settlements

y LUCRF Super accumulation amounts

y Rollovers from other super funds

y Employment termination payments (in limited circumstances) and certain disablement settlements

Timing of your pension paymentsYou can choose how often you receive payments, which investment option you can draw it from, and change your options when needed*

y Twice monthly (14th and 28th of the month)

y Monthly (28th of the month)

y Quarterly (28th of March, June, September and December)

y Twice yearly (28th of June and December)

y Yearly (14th or 28th of the month you choose in the year)

y Twice monthly (14th and 28th of the month)

y Monthly (28th of the month)

y Quarterly (28th of March, June, September and December)

y Twice yearly (28th of June and December)

y Yearly (14th or 28th of the month you choose in the year)

How are payments made? Directly into your bank account. Directly into your bank account.

Are partial lump sum payments available? Only if you have an unrestricted non-preserved benefit (tax may apply).


Minimum annual account balance $1,200 if your account reduces to this, it will be paid out to you. $1,200 if your account reduces to this amount, it will be paid out to you.

Investment options Nine options to choose from Nine options to choose from.

Insurance(see LUCRF Super Member Guide)

Not available on a pension, however, it may be available through a separate LUCRF Super accumulation account

y Death Only – ceases at age 70

y Death and TPD – ceases at age 70

Not available on a pension, however it may be available through a separate LUCRF Super accumulation account

y Death only – ceases at age 70

y Death and TPD – ceases at age 70

Fees See our ‘Fees’ section. See our ‘Fees’ section.

Entry fee Nil Nil

Administration fee $1.25 per week (deducted from your pension account) $1.25 per week (deducted from your pension account)

Management fee (investment fee) Pre-mixed options

Balanced (default) 0.69%Conservative 0.48%Moderate 0.60%High Growth 0.75%

Asset Class options

Cash 0.20%Indexed Shares 0.39%Australian Shares 0.60%International Shares 0.65%Property 0.39%NOte: This fee is deducted from the gross investment earnings, not your account.

Pre-mixed options

Balanced (default) 0.69%Conservative 0.48%Moderate 0.60%High Growth 0.75%

Asset Class options

Cash 0.20%Indexed Shares 0.39%Australian Shares 0.60%International Shares 0.65%Property 0.39%NOte: This fee is deducted from the gross investment earnings, not your account.

Investment switch fee Nil Nil

Payment fee Nil Nil

Withdrawal fee for partial lump sum payments Nil Nil

*Legislation prescribes minimum payments between certain ages. Maximum payments also apply to transition pensions. See our ‘Pension payments and taxation’ section.

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Issued 29 October 2010

Introducing LUCRF PensionsIn this section:

y About LUCRF Pensions

y Why choose LUCRF Pensions

y How to join – basics

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Issued 29 October 2010

Introducing LUCRF PensionsPlanning your retirement is an exciting time. You will be able to pursue many of the things you have been meaning to get around to one day and live your life to its fullest.

LUCRF Pensions provides a convenient way for you to convert your superannuation, and any other savings, into a low cost, income stream (regular pension payments), whilst still investing for future growth.

We offer account based pensions that are available to anyone who has reached retirement, reached their preservation age or has access to an immediate (unrestricted) superannuation benefit. You don’t even have to be a member of LUCRF Super to open a LUCRF Pension.

The two pension products we offer are:

1. Transition PensionIf you are still working

2. Retirement PensionIf you are permanently retired from the workforce

About LUCRF PensionsLUCRF Pensions is a part of LUCRF Super. If you are an existing LUCRF Super member, this means you can stay with the Fund you already know and trust when you retire or transition to retirement. If you are not an existing LUCRF Super member, it is easy to join and start your partnership with LUCRF Pensions, see the ‘Joining’ section of this guide.

Pioneering leadersLUCRF Super is Australia’s first industry super fund. We created the foundation for industry super funds as we know them today – funds that are run only to benefit members.

The Labour Union Co-operative Retirement Fund (LUCRF Super) was established in December 1978. Today we partner over 185,000 members, 16,000 employers and have more than $2.5 billion in funds under management.

To learn more about the LUCRF Super story you can watch the historical video on our website

Who runs LUCRF Super?LUCRF Super’s Trustee Board is made up equally of member and employer representatives.

There are currently five of each, as well as two independent directors.

The Trustee acts in the best interests of our members. It employs a management team and specialists in various fields such as investment, compliance, administration, member services, business development, marketing and communications, information technology and finance. The Trustee is committed to providing security for your financial future by being innovative and continuously developing member products and services.

The Trustee has taken out liability insurance to protect the Trustee, its directors and employees, and the Fund assets in the event of any claim or wrongful act.

How to joinJust follow these three steps….

1. Read this Pension Member Guide

2. Personalise your pension

3. Complete and return forms

It’s that easy!

More information about how to join is provided in the ‘Joining’ section of this guide.

It is important you read this Pension Member Guide as it provides key information about the benefits and features of LUCRF Pensions.

If you need more information please call us on 1300 130 780 and speak to a LUCRF Representative for personal financial advice or assistance.

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8 Introducing LUCRF Pensions

Issued 29 October 2010

Superannuation categories explainedSuperannuation benefits can fall into one of three categories as follows:

1. Preserved:Since 1 July 1999, all contributions and fund earnings, regardless of their source, are preserved within the Australian superannuation system until you retire. This means these funds must be retained in a super fund until your retirement, after reaching your preservation age.

Please see the preservation age table in our ‘Joining’ section.

2. Restricted non-preserved:Cannot be cashed in (even though it is not preserved) until you have met conditions of release, such as terminating from the participating employer it was contributed through.

For example, if you had an arrangement with an employer to contribute super for you before 1 July 1999, you may have benefits which are classified as non-preserved. So long as you are employed by that same organisation, access to that benefit is restricted and cannot be paid.

3. Unrestricted non-preserved:Can be paid upon request at any time. Unrestricted non-preserved benefits have no payment restrictions. Provided that the fund allows the payment, these benefits can be paid out to you upon request, irrespective of your age, employment situation or financial position.

NOte: Tax may be payable, see our ‘Pension payments and taxation’ section for more information.

Why choose LUCRF Pensions?

4 Low administration fees – $1.25 per week

4 Proud history of strong returns

4 Investment options to suit your needs

4 Choice of pensions – Transition or Retirement

4 Flexible regular pension payments

4 Inhouse Contact Centre and administration

4 Free information and retirement seminars

4 Tax free investment earnings and tax effective income

4 Award-winning superannuation and pension products

4 Professional and friendly customer service

4 Personal financial advice you can trust

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Issued 29 October 2010

An award-winning fundLUCRF Super has been awarded the highest ratings by independent organisations SuperRatings, Selecting Super and Chant West, for both our superannuation and pension products.

SuperRatingsThe prestigious SuperRatings Platinum award is only given to funds that represent the “best value for money”.

Our super and pension products have received platinum ratings.

AAA Fund Quality RatingOur pensions have been recognised amongst the best pension products in Australia as a finalist in the 2009 Retirement Product of the Year – Value Choice category.

LUCRF Super have the top “AAA” Selecting Super rating.

Five Apples RatingLUCRF Super has received the highly regarded Chant West 5 Apples Rating, for both the Personal Super (Industry Fund and Personal Plan) and Pensions.

Chant West is an independent specialist superannuation research and consultancy firm providing assessment of superannuation funds. The 5 Apples Rating is the highest possible rating (5 highest to 1 lowest), indicating excellence across a range of criteria.

The Chant West rating considers organisational strengths, investments, fees, insurance, administration, member and employer services as the main criteria.

These awards reconfirm the quality of LUCRF Super’s products across their portfolio and provide assurance to our members that our interests are to better serve them.

Disclaimer. The scores used by Chant West to derive the ratings are subjective scores that have been awarded based on data (including historical financial performance information) supplied by third parties. While such information is believed to be accurate, Chant West does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracy in such data. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The Chant West rating does not constitute financial product advice. However to the extent that the information may be considered to be general financial product advice then Chant West warns that: (a) Chant West has not considered any individual’s objectives, financial situation or particular needs; and (b) individuals need to consider whether the advice is appropriate in light of their goals, objectives and current situation.

Chant West has given and has not withdrawn its written consent to the inclusion in this (Product Disclosure Statement) of the references to Chant West and the inclusion of the ratings logo or rating in the form and context in which they are included. Chant West has not authorised or caused the issue of this (Product Disclosure Statement) and does not make, or purport to make, any statement in this (Product Disclosure Statement), other than as noted above.

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Issued 29 October 2010

Your pension optionsIn this section:

y Transition and Retirement Pension

y What’s the difference between them?

y Other benefits

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We offer two account based pension optionsThese are outlined below to help you determine which pension suits your circumstances.

Option 1Transition Pension

The Transition Pension is available if:

• You are still working full or part time, and

• You are between your preservation age and 65 years of age, and

• You have a superannuation benefit of at least $10,000 to convert to a pension.

Transition Pension facts

• You can receive regular pension payments to boost your current income, when reducing your working hours

• Tax free investment earnings

• Tax is payable at your marginal tax rate on some regular pension payments for members 55 to 59 years of age

• No tax is payable on regular pension payments for members aged 60 and over

• No income tax payable on the exempt (tax free) component

• A 15% tax offset is available for members aged under 60

• Minimum annual pension payments

• Maximum 10% of your pension balance annually can be paid as a regular pension payment (up to 65 years of age)

• Flexible payment frequencies

• Choose the investment option your pension payments are drawn from (if you have selected a mix of options)

• Member online account access available 24 hours a day

• Generally no lump sum payments (non commutable)

• Can be used in conjunction with salary sacrifice* in order to save tax and grow your wealth, and

• Personal financial advice available.

Option 2Retirement Pension

The Retirement Pension is available if:

• You are retired from the workforce and you have reached your preservation age, or

• You are 65 years of age or over, or

• You are permanently incapacitated at any age, and

• You wish to receive regular pension payments with the flexibility of choosing lump sum payments if required, and

• You have an unrestricted superannuation benefit of at least $10,000 to convert to a pension.

Retirement Pension facts

• You can receive regular pension payments to boost any other income

• Tax free investment earnings

• Tax is payable at your marginal tax rate on some pension payments for members aged 55 to 59 years of age

• No income tax payable on the exempt (tax free) component

• A 15% tax offset is available for members aged under 60

• Minimum annual pension payments

• No income tax is payable on income payments for members aged 60 and over

• No maximum limit to pension payments

• Flexible payment frequencies

• Choose the investment option your pension payments are drawn from (if you have selected a mix of options)

• Member online account access available 24 hours a day

• Commutable to lump sum payment

• Income is concessionally treated by Centrelink, and

• Personal financial advice available.

*Salary sacrificing is having an arrangement with your employer to pay part of your future gross pay directly into your super account, before it is taxed. This could help grow your super for a more comfortable retirement whilst reducing your personal income tax.

To find out more, please call us on 1300 130 780 or go to

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12 Your pension options

Issued 29 October 2010

What is the difference between the two pension options?The benefits and features are generally the same for both a Transition Pension and Retirement Pension, however more restrictions apply to a Transition Pension on lump sum withdrawals (commutations) whilst you are still working, and there is a maximum annual income limit (10% of your balance as at 1 July each year).

A Transition Pension may be more suitable for people who are approaching retirement, but still working and want to start taking out part of their superannuation savings as regular pension payments (up to the annual limit).

The Retirement Pension is generally only available to those who have fully retired from the workforce or reached age 65. Both pensions are assessable in the same way under the Government’s income and asset tests for social security.

How your pension works

Your initial contribution (deposit)Consolidate your deposit before opening your pension

y Fees and other charges

y Government taxes (if applicable)

y Regular pension payments

y Lump sum payments (if applicable)

y Net investment returns (if negative)

Net investment returns (if positive)

Your pension account balance (each year)

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Other benefitsPersonal service We pride ourselves on providing exceptional personal service. When you call us, you’ll speak to a person not a machine. Our LUCRF Representatives are available to assist you with your superannuation and retirement needs. They are on the road every day, helping members just like you. If you would like a LUCRF Representative to assist you personally or come to your workplace or home, please call 1300 130 780.

Free retirement and education seminarsSometimes superannuation and retirement strategies can be difficult to understand. We offer free retirement and information seminars to assist you. Our free seminars are held at different venues nationally and are also available at your workplace, call us for further details or visit

InsuranceInsurance for Death Only, Death and Total & Permanent Disablement or Income Protection is not available through our Pensions. However, you may continue to enjoy the security of insurance by maintaining a LUCRF Super accumulation account with a balance of at least $1,500. To find out more about insurance eligibility and benefits, contact us on 1300 130 780 or visit for a LUCRF Super Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide).

Financial planning and adviceDid you know that LUCRF Representatives can provide you with personal financial advice regarding your superannuation and pension arrangements?

Our qualified staff can help with questions you may have and can provide advice about your superannuation and pension options. We can also help you complete the appropriate forms required to open your account.

Retirement planning and selecting the right structure for your pension can be complex. If you require personal financial advice and assistance call us on 1300 130 780.

Home loans and other banking productsHome loans and other banking products are available through ME Bank. LUCRF Super has had an association with ME Bank since 1994. During this time, over $170 million in loans have been made to our members. LUCRF Super has an equity interest in ME Bank.

y Members Equity Bank Pty Ltd ABN 56 070 887 679 AFS Licence 229500

For further information, please call ME Bank on 13 15 63 or visit their website at

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Issued 29 October 2010

Joining: A step-by-step guide y Read this Pension Member Guide

y Personalise your pension

y Complete and return the forms

It’s that easy!

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Step 1 Read this guideIt is important you read this Pension Member Guide as it provides key information about the benefits and features of LUCRF Pensions. It will help you decide if a pension is right for you, which type is suitable and whether or not you are eligible. Call us on 1300 130 780 if you need personal financial advice or assistance.

Are you eligible for a pension?To be eligible to purchase a LUCRF Pension you must be an Australian permanent resident or hold an appropriate retirement visa.

Transition Pension – is available if: y You have a superannuation benefit of at least

$10,000 to convert to a pension, and

y You are still working full or part time and you are between your preservation age (see table) and 65 years of age.

Retirement Pension – is available if:

y You have an unrestricted non-preserved benefit of at least $10,000 to convert to a pension, and

y You are retired from the workforce and have reached your preservation age (see table), or

y You are 65 years of age or over, or

y You are permanently incapacitated at any age, and

y You wish to receive income payments with the flexibility of choosing lump sum payments if required.

Preservation age A general requirement for purchasing a pension is that you have reached your preservation age.

Date of birth Preservation age

Before July 1960 55

July 1960-June 1961 56

July 1961-June 1962 57

July 1962-June 1963 58

July 1963-June 1964 59

After June 1964 60

Step 2 Personalise your pensionThere are several things you need to consider when starting a LUCRF Pension. You make the decisions and personalise your pension by selecting the options most suitable for you.

Your initial contribution (deposit)A minimum initial deposit of $10,000 is required to open a LUCRF Pension. You can choose either the full amount or nominate a partial amount of your consolidated super to open your pension. See our ‘Making your initial deposit and nominating beneficiaries’ section of this guide.

Select the payment amount and frequency of your pension paymentsYou decide how often and how much money you get paid from your pension (minimum and maximum limits apply to a Transition Pension and minimum limits only apply to a Retirement Pension). See our ‘Pension Payments and tax’ for more information.

Choose your investment optionsYou can choose from nine different investment options – you can select one option or a mix of several. If you don’t make a choice then your pension will automatically be invested in the Balanced (default) option. If you choose more than one investment option, then you can also choose which option you receive your pension payments from. For more information, see the ‘Your investment options’ section of this guide, or complete our Member Investment Profile Questionnaire available from or call 1300 130 780.

Nominate beneficiaries or reversionaryWhen you open your LUCRF Pension, you may nominate someone to receive your remaining funds in the unfortunate circumstance of your death. This person is called a beneficiary. You can nominate more than one person in some cases. We offer three types of nominations : Non-binding, binding and reversionary. For further details, see our ‘Making your initial deposit and nominating beneficiaries’ section of this guide.

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16 Joining – a step-by-step guide

Issued 29 October 2010

Step 3 Complete & return the formsOnce you’ve determined your eligibility, chosen your pension product and personalised your pension features, you need to complete the appropriate forms and send them back to us. Below is a checklist for you to help determine which forms you need to send us (see back of guide for forms).

4 Complete the Pension Membership Application Form to join as a Transition or Retirement Pension Member.

4 Complete the Member Investment Choice Form if you wish to choose or mix any investment options. If you do not complete this form, you will be invested in the Balanced (default) option. You may wish to complete our Member Investment Profile Questionnaire or call us for personal financial advice or assistance.

4 Provide a certified copy of your identification (the next page for more details).

4 Complete the Transfer Between Funds Form# or Partial Rollover Form (ImPORtaNt: See the ‘Consolidation’ section of this guide).

4 If you wish to add further money prior to opening your pension, please contact us directly.

4 Complete the Tax File Number Declaration Form* if you are aged between 55 and 59, and

4 Return your completed form/s, cheque (if applicable) and certified identification to: LUCRF Super, PO Box 211, North Melbourne VIC 3051.

Please remember that if you send a Transfer Between Funds Form# or Partial Rollover Form to start your pension, your account will not be opened until all the rollover money is received from the other fund/s.

Remember you are unable to add to a pension account after it is opened, however you can open another pension.

If you require personal financial advice, or assistance with completing the forms, please call us on 1300 130 780.

*Instructions for completion are available from the ATO website

#Request to transfer whole balance of superannuation benefits between funds.

It’s that easy!We will send you a Welcome Kit once we have set up your pension account. Sometimes this may take a few weeks if you are rolling over or transferring benefits from other funds to start your pension. You will then start to receive regular pension payments on your chosen payment frequency.

Cooling-off periodThere is a cooling-off period during which you can cancel your pension in writing.

The cooling-off period applies:

y Within 19 days of us receiving your application, or

y Within 14 days of us issuing your Welcome Kit advising you of your pension details.

If you cancel your membership during the cooling-off period, we will have to transfer any preserved and restricted non-preserved benefits to another complying Australian superannuation fund or pension. You will not be entitled to receive any investment earnings and there is a possibility that the initial deposit amount could be reduced by any taxation deductions (if applicable).

If you have any questions or need help with any of these steps, please contact us on 1300 130 780.

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Proof of identificationProof of your identification is needed when applying for a pension as well as to arrange the transfer of other super benefits to open your pension. You will need to provide a certified copy of your proof of identification using the following legally acceptable documents:

EithErOne of these documents only

y Driver’s licence issued under State or Territory law, or

y Passport

OrOne of the documents in Section 1, and

One of the documents in Section 2.

Section 1 y Birth certificate or birth extract

y Citizenship certificate issued by the Commonwealth, or

y Pension card issued by Centrelink that entitles the person to financial benefits.


Section 2 y Letter from Centrelink regarding a Government

assistance payment, or

y Notice issued by a Commonwealth, State or Territory Government or local council within the past 12 months that contains your name and residential address.

For example:

• Tax Office Notice of Assessment, or

• Rates notice from local council

Certification of personal documentsAll copied pages of ORIGINAL proof of identification (including all linking documents) need to be certified as true copies of the original document by a person authorised to do so.

The person who is authorised to certify the documents must sight the original and the copy to make sure that both documents are identical. They then must ensure that all pages are certified as true copies by writing or stamping ‘certified true copy’, followed by their signature, printed name, qualifications and the date.

In accordance with Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Rules Instrument 2007 (No. 1), persons that can certify copies of the originals as true and correct for these purposes include:

y A Pharmacist

y A registered Medical Practitioner

y A Police officer

y A Registrar or Deputy Registrar of a court

y A Justice of the Peace

y A permanent employee of Australia Post with two or more years continuous service

y A Finance Company officer with two or more years of continuous service (with one or more finance companies)

y An officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), having two or more years of continuous service

y A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia or the National Institute of Accountants with two or more years continuous service

y A notary public officer

y A Judge of a court

y A Magistrate, or

y A Chief Executive Officer of a Commonwealth court.

example:This is a typical example of the details required for a certified copy of identification. It shows what is required on each document with an original signature.


this is a true and correct copy of the original document

Name: ______________________________________

Qualification: _________________________________

(e.g. Pharmacist, Police Officer, etc.)

Registration Number: __________________________

Signature: ____________________________________

Date: ___/___/_____

Page 18: Pension Member Guide

Making your initial deposit and nominating beneficiariesIn this section:

y Your initial deposit

y Consolidating your super

y Finding your lost (unclaimed) super

y Beneficiaries

y Nominating one or more beneficiaries

Issued 29 October 2010

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Issued 29 October 2010

Your initial depositTo open your pension account, you need an initial deposit of at least $10,000. This amount may be made up of a consolidation of your superannuation.

Consolidating your superIf you are like most Australians, you will have had more than one job during your working life and you will most likely have more than one super account. If this is the case you may want to consolidate your super accounts before opening your pension.

Consolidating your super (and any other non-super savings you wish to use) into one fund before you open your pension account allows all of your retirement savings to be easily transferred into one pension. As with superannuation, the benefit of having only one pension account is that you only pay one set of fees.

Remember that once your pension account is open, you cannot add any extra amounts to it. You can open another pension account with further deposits at a later stage if you wish, however getting everything together beforehand and having one pension account will be easier for you to maintain.

Consolidating is a lot easier than you think! If you already have a LUCRF Super accumulation account and you need to consolidate other funds, simply complete the Transfer Between Funds Form* or Partial Rollover Form and send them directly to LUCRF Super with a certified copy of identification for each fund you wish to transfer.

If you do not have a LUCRF Super account, don’t worry. Call us on 1300 130 780 and we will help you consolidate before you open your pension. Our LUCRF Representatives are available to help by phone or they can visit your workplace or home.

That’s it. We will do all the hard work and chasing around for you. We will notify you when your other super money has been received by LUCRF Super, or if your request cannot be completed for any reason.

Once your super is consolidated then we will open your pension account. Your pension will be opened with the total amount of your super or a portion of it if you are still working and wish to continue any insurance cover. You may still receive contributions into your existing super account.

Please note that if you wish to maintain any insurance cover through your LUCRF Super accumulation account, you will need to leave at least $1,500 in that account to cover the cost of future deductions.

Finding your lost (unclaimed) superBefore you open a pension account, it’s a good idea to find out if you have any ‘lost’ super, so you can consolidate your deposit.

Australian superannuation funds, including Eligible Rollover Funds (ERF), hold billions of dollars in lost and unclaimed super. Some of this money could be yours!

If you have changed address without notifying your super fund, it is likely they have been unable to contact you and you have therefore become a lost member.

the atO wants to help you!The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) wants to help people find their lost and unclaimed super. Their SuperSeeker website holds details of all lost super members (excluding those from self managed super funds).

Simply visit to use SuperSeeker online, or call 13 28 65. You will need your full name, tax file number and date of birth ready to access your super details.

ImportantIf you find any lost or unclaimed super accounts, you can easily consolidate them into your LUCRF Super accumulation account before opening your pension.

* Request to transfer whole balance of superannuation

benefits between funds.

Page 20: Pension Member Guide

20 Making your initial deposit and nominating beneficiaries

Issued 29 October 2010

BeneficiariesA nominated beneficiary is a person/s that you wish to receive your pension benefits in the event of your death.

You can make the following types of nominations:

Non-binding nominationThis type of nomination is used as a guide for the Trustee when deciding how your death benefit will be distributed.

To advise the Trustee of your preferred nomination, please complete the relevant section in our Pension Member Application Form which can be found at the back of this guide, or a Change of Details Form if you are already a member.

Binding nominationThis type of nomination means the Trustee must pay your death benefit to the person/s you have nominated (subject to superannuation law). Binding nominations are valid for three years and you will need to confirm your nomination within this period for it to remain valid. You can change or cancel your nomination at any time.

To advise the Trustee of your binding nomination, please complete the Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form available at or by calling us on 1300 130 780.

Who can i nominate?You may nominate your dependants or your legal personal representative (LPR). Your LPR is someone who has been selected to manage your estate.

Dependants can include:

y Your spouse (wife, husband or de facto of same or different sex)

y Your child (including a child from a same or different sex relationship of any age, a child of your spouse or from a previous association brought into a relationship, adopted child, step child or ex-nuptial child)

y A person with whom you have an interdependency relationship, or

y Someone financially dependent.

It is important to change your nomination if there is a significant change (death, marriage, divorce or birth of a child) in your personal circumstances so that it continues to reflect your wishes.

interdependency relationshipsTwo people have an interdependency relationship if:

y They have a close personal relationship (whether or not related by family), and

y They live together, and

y One or each of them provides the other with financial support, and

y One or each of them provides the other with domestic support and personal care.


y They have a close personal relationship (whether or not related by family), and

y They do not live together nor provide financial, domestic or personal care to the other because one or both of them suffer from a disability.


y They have a close personal relationship (whether or not related by family), and

y They do not live together, nor provide each other with domestic support and personal care because they are temporarily living apart.

Close personal relationshipsA close personal relationship is one that involves a demonstrated and ongoing commitment to the emotional support and well-being of the person. It excludes those who provide domestic support and personal care under an employment contract or a contract for services, or on behalf of another person or organisation such as a government agency, a body corporate, or a benevolent or charitable organisation.

If you do not make any nomination, your death benefit will be distributed at the Trustee’s discretion.

Reversionary (binding) nominationA reversionary beneficiary is nominated at the time you open your Pension, instructing the Trustee to whom the remainder of your benefit will be paid as either a continuing pension payment or as a lump sum.

You can only choose one person to whom your pension would revert to in the event of your death. That person must either be your spouse (legal or de-facto, of same or opposite sex), someone with whom you have an interdependency relationship, or another person who is a financial dependant at the date of your death.

This is your directive that is irrevocable for the term of your pension, the only way to change your reversionary beneficiary is to close your pension and open another one.

Family LawGovernment legislation allows married and de facto couples of same or different sex to make binding arrangements or obtain court orders detailing how each partner’s super and pension will be divided upon marriage or de-facto relationship break-up. It also gives the Family Court a say in how the couple’s super or pension is divided upon marriage or de-facto relationship break-up.

ImportantPlease ensure you keep your nominated beneficiary/ies and will up to date whenever your personal circumstances change.

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Beneficiaries and nominationsThe table below provides commonly asked questions and answers regarding nominating beneficiaries.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Fund on 1300 130 780 or email [email protected].

How your pension is investedNon-binding nomination Binding nominationReversionary (binding) nomination

What is the difference between each nomination?

This type of nomination is used only as a guide for the Trustee when deciding how your death benefit will be distributed. Please note that the Trustee will also take into consideration your circumstances at the time of your death, including other eligible people that you may not have nominated. Your benefit is typically paid to your dependant/s or LPR.

This type of nomination requires the Trustee to follow your instructions on how you want your death benefit to be distributed. It is important to ensure your nomination is valid and those nominated are your dependants or LPR. The form must be signed in the presence of two witnesses that are over 18 years of age and are not nominated as a beneficiary.

This type of nomination requires the Trustee to follow your instructions on how you want your death benefit to be distributed. It is important to ensure your nomination is valid and those nominated are your dependants.

How many beneficiary/ies can you choose?

There is no restriction on how many people you can nominate as preferred beneficiaries.

There is no restriction on how many people you can nominate, but they must be a dependant or LPR.

You can only choose one reversionary beneficiary (usually your spouse) to receive your ongoing pension payments1.

Who can you nominate as beneficiary/ies?

A death benefit can generally only be paid directly to a member’s dependant/s or LPR. You can nominate someone else (e.g. a friend), however the Trustee must be satisfied that all of your possible dependants are considered when making a decision on who should be paid your death benefit.

You can only nominate your dependant/s or LPR.

Your nomination must be your spouse, a person who is financially dependent on you or a child.

A child can be nominated as a reversionary beneficiary if2:

y They are less than 18 years of age, or

y They are aged 18 to 25 years of age and are financially dependent upon you, or

y They are over 18 years of age and have a permanent disability and need ongoing support services.

How long does your nomination last?

A non-binding nomination is valid for the duration that you are a member of the Fund.

A binding nomination is valid for three years from the date of your signature, providing the form has been received and accepted by the Trustee. The Trustee will write to you when your nomination is about to expire. If left to expire, your nomination is no longer binding and will be used as a guide for the Trustee when distributing your death benefit.

Your nomination lasts for the term of your pension. It is irrevocable and cannot be changed, altered or removed once accepted by the Trustee2.

Can you change your choice or nomination?

Yes, you can change your nominated beneficiaries or your type of nomination at any time. Simply complete a Change of Details Form for non-binding nominations, or a Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form to make a binding nomination.

Yes, you can change or cancel your binding nomination at any time. You must complete a Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form.

No, your choice is irrevocable and it cannot be changed, altered or removed once accepted by the Trustee2.

What happens if your nominated beneficiary/ies die?

You can change your nomination at any time by completing a Change of Details Form.

You can change your binding nomination at any time by completing a new Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form.

You can close your pension and open a new account nominating another reversionary beneficiary or other beneficiary option.

1A reversionary beneficiary can only be changed if the pension is closed and a new pension is opened.

2Pension payments can be reverted to a lump sum by the reversionary beneficiary. The pension being paid to a child must be commuted to a lump sum when the child turns 25 years of age.

Page 22: Pension Member Guide

Investment optionsIn this section:

y How your pension is invested

y Understanding different asset classes

y Understanding risk and return

y Choosing the right investment option

y Investment options available

y Our Balanced (default) investment option

y Investment options in detail

y Managing investments

y Past investment performance

y Socially responsible investment, and

y Changing your investment option.

Issued 29 October 2010

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Issued 29 October 2010

How your pension is investedWe invest and manage your money with a strategy of providing long-term growth over your working life and retirement. The investment of your pension is a very important factor in determining the benefit that will be available during your retirement. When you join LUCRF Pensions, you are automatically invested in the Balanced (default) option, unless you nominate your own choice of investment.

If you wish to choose your own investment option – or mix a range of the options, please complete the Member Investment Choice Form (at the back of this guide). This form can be used to make your initial investment choice when you join our pension. It can also be used to amend your investment choice during your membership to suit your changing circumstances or attitude to risk and return. This form is also available on our website at

Understanding different asset classesWe invest members’ money in various ways, according to the investment choices you make and the way those options are structured. Asset classes are simply different types of investments. Some are riskier than others. Asset classes generally fall into one of two categories – defensive or growth. These are are outlined below:

DefensiveDefensive investments are types of investments used to protect or reduce the chance of a negative return. They generally provide more income and have lower capital growth and tend to provide a lower long-term return but are more stable. The types of assets that are generally regarded as defensive are:

CashWhen we think of cash we think of notes and coins, this differs with investments. Cash represents deposits held in very short-term fixed interest investments or the short-term money market.

Fixed interest Many governments and corporations often borrow money from investors at a set interest rate and term. These loans are often referred to as fixed interest securities and are usually in the form of bonds.

PropertyDefensive property investments are generally those that have high quality tenant agreements with fixed rental growth structures within their leases. This provides a higher level of income security, which can be important during market downturns. These investments typically have lower returns, but also have lower levels of risk.

GrowthGrowth investments are investments such as shares, property, private equity and alternatives. They are likely to go up and down in terms of performance from year to year but have the potential to grow over the longer term and usually have large capital growth potential. The types of assets that are generally regarded as growth are:

Australian and international sharesShares (or equities) represent ownership of a company. The value of shares and the return on investment can be influenced by a number of factors including:

y A company’s profit or loss

y Market conditions for the industry in which the company operates

y General economic conditions including fluctuations, interest rates etc., and

y The value of the Australian dollar.

Property Growth property investments are normally those that are targeted because of the opportunity they provide over a short to medium time frame to create value through development, refurbishment and on-sale.

During unstable market conditions, growth property investments may experience a sharper decline in value in comparison to defensive property. Although growth investments carry a higher risk, there is also a greater potential to achieve higher returns. The factors that influence the return on property include:

y Location

y Cost and quality of property

y Income from the property (e.g. rent)

y General economic conditions, and

y Manager performance.

Private equityThis is usually defined as investments in privately-owned companies that are not listed on the stock market.

Currency hedging Is investing in futures in order to offset any change in the valuation of foreign currency. Currency hedging for the Balanced (default) investment option is 50% of the current foreign currency exposure derived from the investments in international markets.

AlternativesThey are non-traditional assets, investments other than stocks or bonds. Alternatives aim to provide long-term returns which are not as sensitive to market fluctuations.

Page 24: Pension Member Guide

24 Investment options

Issued 29 October 2010

Understanding risk and returnYour investment decision should be based upon your own risk profile and the time horizon you invest over.

A Member Investment Profile Questionnaire is available from the Fund. It will assist you in assessing your attitude to risk and return.

Financial and investment markets are made up of many different aspects, all of which can affect each other in different ways.

Factors that can affect your balanceLike any investment, the returns on your pension can fluctuate from year to year, depending on the financial markets and the economic situation at the time. The investment return can be positive or negative. Risk is defined as the probability your benefit has of losing value, or your investment not meeting your investment objective over the desired period. LUCRF Pensions invest in various asset classes, which all carry different levels and types of risk.

Currency riskWe may hold assets or cash in other currencies and the returns on these can be impacted by the value of both currencies. Hedging aims to reduce this risk.

Market risksThe value of stocks and other securities are driven by supply and demand. If more people want to buy stock than sell, its value increases. Conversely, if more people want to sell than buy stock, the value will naturally decrease.

inflationInflation is generally understood as the cost of living increasing, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). If your investment returns do not keep up with inflation, your money will lose its buying power over time.

investor confidenceWhen investor confidence is high and the economy is growing, greater returns can generally be expected. Conversely, low investor confidence and stagnant (or shrinking) economies may see negative returns resulting in balances decreasing.

Long-term investment Super and pension returns fluctuate each year, depending on the type of investment, the global economy and many other contributing factors. Negative returns happen from time to time and are not inconsistent with successful long-term returns. As long-term investors, super and pension funds carefully examine how asset classes are expected to perform over many decades.

The good news is that with a variety of investment options available to our members, you can decide the amount of risk associated with your money. Our investment options are detailed later in this section.

Choosing the right investment optionYour pension is your retirement nest egg. It can allow you to live a more comfortable life in retirement without having to rely solely on Government support.

It is important that you take some time to carefully consider exactly how you would like your money invested, as the difference between options can be significant depending on the performance of the financial markets. Even a 1% difference in annual returns can have a large impact over the long-term.

Read the rest of this section and consider the investment options, strategies and objectives detailed in the following pages.

The more you know about investment options and the asset classes, the easier it will be to make your investment choice.

Before making a decision relating to investments, you should consider which choice is right for you.

Pension tipImportant facts you should keep in mind:

y Just like any other asset, super and pensions do have a level of risk

y Investment returns can be volatile and may fluctuate from year to year

y You should consider what level of risk you are comfortable with and what return you want your investment to achieve, and

y Past performance is not an indicator of future investment returns

y Complete our Member Investment Profile Questionnaire available at or call us on 1300 130 780.

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Issued 29 October 2010

Investment options availableWe offer you a selection of nine investment options to choose from. Each of these provides different objectives and risk levels. We don’t restrict you to one investment option, you can mix and match as many of the options as you like.

You may wish to complete our Member Investment Profile Questionnaire to assess your attitude to risk and return to help determine investment choice/s that may suit your risk profile. Visit for a copy, or speak to a LUCRF Representative on 1300 130 780 for financial advice or assistance.

We also offer you the choice to select which investment option your pension payments are drawn from if you choose a mix of options.

The investment options you can choose from are:

Pre-mixed options y Balanced (default)

y Conservative

y Moderate, and

y High Growth.

Asset Class options y Cash

y Indexed Shares

y Australian Shares

y International Shares, and

y Property.

More information about each of these options is detailed further in this section.

Our Balanced (default) investment optionOur Balanced (default) investment option is designed to offer both growth and protection over the long-term. This option mixes ‘growth’ and ‘defensive’ assets. It gives you a broad range of investments with the majority in shares, property, fixed interest and alternative investments. Alternatives are included to further diversify the asset mix.

The Balanced (default) investment approach allows the Fund to capture growth as the markets rise, whilst providing a measure of stability when the markets are volatile or in decline. Since our inception in 1978, the LUCRF Super Balanced (default) option has produced an average annual return of 10.03% (1978 to 2010). Whilst past returns are no guarantee of future performance, our history over more than 30 years shows that despite investment markets moving up and down, our Balanced (default) option has provided a healthy return over the long-term.

RiskGenerally means the volatility of returns, e.g. how often and how much they go up and down in value.

Time horizonMeans how long the funds will be invested. Either short, medium or long-term.

Pre-mixed optionsAre made up of a mix of asset classes and are also known as diversified options. Each choice has a different amount of growth and defensive assets that spread the risk, so you are not putting all your eggs in one basket. These options are pre-defined by our investment team.

Asset Class optionsAll Asset Class options invest solely in one asset class, e.g. invests all in Australian shares or invests all in property, etc.

Page 26: Pension Member Guide

26 Investment options

Issued 29 October 2010

Investment options

Pre-mixed oPtions Each option contains a mix of growth and defensive asset classes (diversified)

Balanced (default )This is the investment option that most members are in and the option to which your super automatically invests in (defaults to), unless you instruct us otherwise.

Investment strategy

To invest in a diversified range of investments, with approximately 73% in shares, growth property and alternative investments, and approximately 27% in cash, fixed income and defensive property.

Growth . . . . . . . . . . 73%

Defensive . . . . . . . . 27%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (net of tax and investment expenses) that exceeds the increase in the CPI by at least 4% p.a. over moving 10 year periods, and to limit the probability of achieving a negative return to approximately 1 year in 5.

Risk of short-term negative return

Moderate The return obtained each year will fluctuate and will be negative from time to time. There is a moderate chance that the return in any 1 year will be negative.

Investment fee#


ModerateInvestment strategy

To invest in a diversified range of investments, with approximately 50% in shares, growth property and alternative investments, and approximately 50% in cash, fixed income and defensive property.

Growth . . . . . . . . . . 50%

Defensive . . . . . . . . 50%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (net of tax and investment expenses) that exceeds the increase in the CPI by at least 3% p.a. over moving 5 year periods, and to limit the probability of achieving a negative return to approximately 1 year in 7.

Risk of short-term negative return

Low to moderate The return obtained each year will fluctuate and will be negative from time to time. There is a low to moderate chance that the return in any 1 year will be negative.

Investment fee#


ConservativeInvestment strategy

To invest in a diversified range of investments, with approximately 30% in shares, growth property and alternative investments, and approximately 70% in cash, fixed income and defensive property.

Growth . . . . . . . . . . 30%

Defensive . . . . . . . . 70%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (net of tax and investment expenses) that exceeds the increase in the CPI by at least 2% p.a. over moving 5 year periods, and to limit the probability of achieving a negative return to approximately 1 year in 14.

Risk of short-term negative return

Low The return obtained each year will fluctuate and will be negative from time to time. There is a low chance that the return in any 1 year will be negative.

Investment fee#


% Ranges

Australian shares 26% 22–36%

International shares 26% 22–36%

Property 10% 3–15%

Alternatives 22% 8–25%

Fixed interest 14% 5–20%

Cash 2% 0–10%

% Ranges

Australian shares 11.5% 5–15%

International shares 11.5% 5–15%

Property 10% 4–17%

Alternatives 6% 2–12%

Fixed interest 40% 20–55%

Cash 21% 15–35%

% Ranges

Australian shares 17.5% 10–25%

International shares 17.5% 10–25%

Property 7% 2–15%

Alternatives 15% 6–18%

Fixed interest 37% 25–50%

Cash 6% 0–15%

Strategic asset allocation ^

Strategic asset allocation ^




















































Strategic asset allocation ^

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Issued 29 October 2010

Pre-mixed oPtions Each option contains a mix of growth and defensive asset classes (diversified)

#The investment fee is a measure of the fees deducted from investments. These fees include the cost of the Fund’s investment managers, custodian and investment advisor and certain other costs of the Fund. The investment fee is the total of these costs, divided by the net asset value of the Fund. These fees are deducted directly from the investment earnings before they are allocated to member accounts. They are therefore not deducted from your super account directly.

^Strategic asset allocation as at 18 August 2010.

PLeaSe NOte: The Conservative, Moderate and High Growth options commenced on 1 September 2010. Income earned from

investments that support LUCRF Pensions are exempt from tax.

High GrowthInvestment strategy

To invest in a diversified range of investments, with approximately 95% in shares, growth property and alternative investments, and approximately 5% in defensive property.

Growth . . . . . . . . . . 95%

Defensive . . . . . . . . 5%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (net of tax and investment expenses) that exceeds the increase in the CPI by at least 5% p.a. over moving 10 year periods, and to limit the probability of achieving a negative return to approximately 1 year in 4.

Risk of short-term negative return

Moderate to high The return obtained each year will fluctuate significantly and will be negative from time to time. There is a moderate to high chance that the return in any 1 year will be negative.

Investment fee#


Strategic asset allocation ^

% Ranges

Australian shares 34.5% 25–45%

International shares 34.5% 25–45%

Property 7% 2–15%

Alternatives 24% 10–30%

Fixed interest 0% 0–5%

Cash 0% 0–5%


















Page 28: Pension Member Guide

28 Investment options

Issued 29 October 2010

Investment options

Asset clAss oPtions Each option invests in a single asset class

CashInvestment strategy

To invest in a portfolio consisting primarily of bank deposits, but which may include other short-term securities.

Growth ........................ 0%

Defensive............... 100%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (gross of tax and investment expenses) that is equal to the UBSA Bank Bill Index and to eliminate the probability of a negative return.

Risk of short-term negative return

Very low The chance of a negative return in any 1 year is very low.

Investment fee#


Cash 100%

Indexed SharesInvestment strategy

To invest in shares on a passive basis, with approximately half in Australian shares and the balance in international shares.

Growth ................... 100%

Defensive.................... 0%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (gross of tax and investment expenses) that matches the change in a 50%/50% combination

of the S&P/ASX300 Accumulation Index and the MSCI World (ex-Australia) Accumulation Index over moving 3 year periods, and to limit the probability of achieving a negative return to approximately 1 year in 4.

Risk of short-term negative return

High The return obtained each year will fluctuate significantly and will be negative from time to time. There is a high chance that the return in any 1 year will be negative.

Investment fee#


% Ranges

Australian shares 50% 48–52%*

International shares 50% 48–52%*

Australian SharesInvestment strategy

To invest in Australian shares on an actively managed basis.

Growth ................... 100%

Defensive.................... 0%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (gross of tax and investment expenses) that exceeds the change in the S&P/ASX300 Accumulation Index over moving 3 year periods, and

to limit the probability of achieving a negative return to approximately 1 year in 3.

Risk of short-term negative return

High The return obtained each year will fluctuate significantly and will be negative from time to time. There is a high chance that the return in any 1 year will be negative.

Investment fee#


Australian shares 100%*



















Strategic asset allocation ^

Strategic asset allocation ^

Strategic asset allocation ^

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Issued 29 October 2010

Asset clAss oPtions Each option invests in a single asset class

PropertyInvestment strategy

To invest in listed property trusts on a passive basis.

Growth ................... 100%

Defensive.................... 0%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (gross of tax and investment expenses) that equals the change in the S&P/ASX300 Property Trust

Index over moving 3 year periods, and to limit the probability of achieving a negative return to approximately 1 year in 3.

Risk of short-term negative return

High The return obtained each year will fluctuate significantly and will be negative from time to time. There is a high chance that the return in any 1 year will be negative.

Investment fee#


Listed property trusts 100%*

#The investment fee is a measure of the fees deducted from investments. These fees include the cost of the Fund’s investment managers, custodian and investment advisor and certain other costs of the Fund. The investment fee is the total of these costs, divided by the net asset value of the Fund. These fees are deducted directly from the investment earnings before they are allocated to member accounts. They are therefore not deducted from your pension account directly.

*From time to time the Investment Mangers may hold cash.

^Strategic asset allocation as at 18 August 2010.

PLeaSe NOte: The Australian Shares, International Shares and Property options commenced on 22 July 2005. Income earned from

investments that support LUCRF Pensions are exempt from tax.

International SharesInvestment strategy

To invest in international shares on an actively managed basis.

Growth ................... 100%

Defensive.................... 0%

Investment objective

To achieve a return (gross of tax and investment expenses) that exceeds the change in the MSCI World (ex-Australia) Accumulation Index over moving 3 year

periods, and to limit the probability of achieving a negative return to approximately 1 year in 3.

Risk of short-term negative return

High The return obtained each year will fluctuate significantly and will be negative from time to time. There is a high chance that the return in any 1 year will be negative.

Investment fee#


International shares 100%*

Strategic asset allocation ^

Strategic asset allocation ^













Page 30: Pension Member Guide

30 Investment options

Issued 29 October 2010

Past investment performance

Investment option2006/07





3 year average(2008/10)


Average since inception

15 May 2007%

Balanced*(default) 12.16 (6.20) (14.06) 8.71 (4.31) (0.43)




6.67 4.56 4.62 5.28



Indexed Shares (17.10) (17.02) 9.03 (9.14)

Australian Shares (12.33) (17.59) 19.02 (4.91)

International Shares

(20.52) (18.13) 8.98 (10.82)

Property (37.49) (37.92) 19.55 (22.59)

Past returns are not an indicator of future investment performance.LUCRF Pension and LUCRF Super (accumulation) returns differ because income earned from investments that support LUCRF Pensions are exempt from tax.

*This is the default investment option which your pension investment automatically defaults to, unless you make you own choice.

PLeaSe NOte: LUCRF Pensions was introduced on 15 May 2007. No LUCRF pensioners were invested in any options other than the Balanced (default) option up to 30 June 2007, hence there were no declared rates available for these other options. The Conservative, Moderate and High Growth options were introduced on 1 September 2010, therefore limited performance information is available.

Managing investmentsTo help your investments perform as effectively as possible we work with a wide range of experts and specialists, both internally (LUCRF Super staff) and externally (Investment Managers).

The three groups who look after your investments (outlined below) ensure that we carefully monitor investment performance and are mindful of different ways we can try to maximise the returns for our members.

Investment CommitteeA sub-committee of the LUCRF Super Trustee Board, the Investment Committee has

responsibility for monitoring and managing the way our members’ funds are invested.

Investment Oversight Group

The Fund employs staff to provide technical knowledge and support to carry out decisions of the Investment Committee. This department is responsible for working with our Investment Managers to achieve the goals and objectives as determined by the Committee.

Investment Managers

External Investment Managers are responsible for the performance of our members’ funds. To provide greater security, we don’t just have one person looking after everything – each investment manager is allocated a set amount of member funds.

We also diversify the Investment Managers within each asset class. For example, we might have two different investment managers looking after the Australian Shares asset class, while two others invest in cash and fixed interest only.

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Issued 29 October 2010

Socially responsible investment (SRI)When making investment decisions, the Trustee does not currently take into account labour standards or environmental, social and ethical considerations when selecting, retaining or realising investments. The Trustee has adopted the Principles of UNPRI (see below) and we are developing policies to incorporate socially responsible issues into our investment decision-making processes over the long-term in the best interests of our members.

Many organisations talk about individual products and options as being ‘ethical’ or ‘responsible’. LUCRF Super strongly believes that to be truly ethical and responsible, this commitment must be more broadly applied to investment products and practices, rather than just offering a fashionable investment option.

It is for exactly this reason that LUCRF Super has signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), joining other global investors with funds under management of over $13 trillion.

LUCRF Super believes that environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues can affect the performance of investment portfolios. We also recognise that applying these Principles may continue the Fund’s commitment to being aligned with the broader objectives of society.

Signing the UNPRI means that LUCRF Super is committed to the long-term development and implementation of investment policies that:

y Incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes

y Be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our policies and practices

y Seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest

y Promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry

y Work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles, and

y Report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.

Signing these Principles publicly highlights our ongoing commitment to the promotion of more sustainable markets and long-term investments using ESG issues to improve investment practices.

These Principles will in time be considered part of our criteria for all investment decisions that the Fund makes on behalf of our members.

For further information on the UNPRI visit


An investor initiative in partnership with UNEP FI and the UN Global Compact

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32 Investment options

Issued 29 October 2010

Changing your investment choiceYou can change your investment option at any time by completing a Member Investment Choice Form, available at the back of this guide, at or by calling us on 1300 130 780.

You may wish to complete our Member Investment Profile Questionnaire to assess your attitude to risk and return to help determine investment choice/s that may suit your risk profile.

Visit for a copy or speak to a LUCRF Representative on 1300 130 780 for advice specific to your needs. We also offer you the choice to select which investment option your pension payments are drawn from if you choose a mix of options.

Is there a fee for making an investment switch?No. There is no fee for making an investment switch to one or a mix of options, and there is no limit to the amount of switches you can make in any given year.

When will my change of investment option take effect?Your application to change investment option is effective the day after the valuation of assets, for those request forms received by 5pm EST on the day of valuation. Assets are typically valued on a Monday (see ‘Calculating investment returns’ at right).

Calculating returns when changing your investment choiceRequests to change investment options will receive net investment earnings using the next declared rates (post date of receipt of the application form). The new investment options will apply from the day after valuation day.

Annual investment returns – updating your balanceAt the end of each financial year, we calculate the final return on investment for our members. This percentage (positive if your option has made money, negative if it has not) is then applied to your balance and adjusted accordingly.

This process takes a couple of months after 30 June. Once finalised, we send you a statement outlining how your account balance has performed over the course of the year (or since you joined if you are a relatively new member).

Calculating investment returns1. LUCRF Super values assets weekly and uses

weekly rates to allocate net investment earnings to members.

2. Valuations typically occur each Monday during the month and at month end.

3. Valuations may not occur on a Monday for the following reasons:

• When the first Monday of the month is within the first three business days of the month, the valuation is typically deferred to the following Monday

• When the last Monday of the month is within the last three business days of the month, the valuation is typically deferred to month end, or

• Where Monday is a public holiday, investments will be valued on the next business day.

4. The valuation process uses the closing prices in the Australian and overseas markets in which we have investments. Unlisted investments and real estate assets are valued less frequently. We use the most recent valuation available.

5. These rates allocate net investment earnings to members based on daily account balances. Investment returns are applied to members’ accounts when (the earliest of):

• A benefit is paid

• An accumulation balance is transferred to a pension account

• A change to investment options is processed, or

• 30 June each year.

6. Financial year-to-date and historical rates are shown on our website at

Rollovers and other benefit paymentsWhere you request to rollover your balance to other superannuation or pension funds, full or partial benefit payments (commutations) and Death and Total & Permanent Disablement payments, you will receive the latest rates (post date of receipt of the benefit payment request) and then the net cash rate to the date of payment.

Compassionate (APRA approved) and financial hardship paymentsThese payments will receive the most recent rate and then the net cash rate to the date of payment.

PLeaSe NOte: The net cash rate is the after-tax rate determined by LUCRF Super.

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Issued 29 October 2010

FREE investment education for LUCRF Pensions membersThere are many factors you should consider when making an investment choice. Part of our commitment to members is to provide as much information as you need about your pension and investment options. We aim to equip you with the education and knowledge to make your own informed decisions.

We do this in several ways.

Free seminarsWe offer free information seminars that cover topics such as investments and retirement. These seminars are delivered nationally at workplaces, as well as at our head office in Docklands, Melbourne. Call us on 1300 130 780 for further details.

Written communications General information is contained in this Pension Member Guide, on our website at and in editions of MySuper and MyPension, our member newsletters. We also have fact sheets covering a range of financial topics in English and several other languages. These are also available on our website.

LUCRF RepresentativesOur LUCRF Representatives are always happy to assist you, provide information and impart their knowledge.

LUCRF Representatives include:

y Business Development Managers (BDM’s)

y Member Education Managers

y Financial advisers

y Contact Centre Consultants

All our LUCRF Representatives can be contacted on 1300 130 780.

There are many factors you should consider when determining the benefit that will be paid out to you upon retirement. The Trustee or the staff of the Trustee are licensed to give personal financial product advice to any members of our Fund and by law are permitted to make recommendations about which investment choice is suitable for you. Before making a decision relating to investments you should consider which choice is right for you.

You may wish to complete our Member Investment Profile Questionnaire to assess your attitude to risk and return to help determine investment choice/s that may suit your risk profile. Visit for a copy or speak to a LUCRF Representative on 1300 130 780 for personal financial advice or assistance.

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Issued 29 October 2010

Pension payments and taxationIn this section:

y How are pension payments made?

y Minimum and maximum income stream payments

y Tax on pension payments

y Tax file numbers

y Social security and your pension

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How are pension payments made?All pension payments are paid directly via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) into your nominated bank or financial institution account.

Regular pension paymentsYou can choose the frequency of your regular pension payments, and which investment option your payments are drawn from if you choose a mix of investment options. However, you must receive at least one payment each year that meets the minimum and maximum payment requirements for your age and type of pension.

Your payments may be paid directly into your nominated bank or financial institution account at any of the following payment frequencies:

y Twice monthly (14th and 28th of the month)

y Monthly (28th of the month)

y Quarterly (28th of March, June, September and December)

y Twice yearly (28th of June and December)

y Yearly (14th or 28th of the month you choose in the year)

Payments will be made on the day specified, however if the payment due date falls on a public holiday or weekend, then the payment will be made on the previous business day.

PLeaSe NOte: The amount of pension payments received must be above the Government prescribed minimum percentage limits of your account balance, and remain below the maximum limits if you have a Transition Pension.

If you start receiving regular pension payments part way through a financial year, the minimum payment limits will be determined on a pro-rata basis (except for the maximum). This means that the percentage amount payable will only be calculated in proportion to the number of remaining days in a financial year.

You can change your instructions regarding the frequency of regular pension payments whenever you wish by completing a Change of Pension Payment Form.

Regular pension payments will continue until your account balance reduces to $1,200 (at which time you will be paid out in full) or you pass away, then the benefit (remaining account balance) may revert to your nominated (at the Trustee’s discretion), reversionary or binding beneficiary or be paid as a lump sum. See our ‘Beneficiary’ section.

Lump sum (commutation) paymentsYou have the option to choose to receive lump sum (commutation) payments from your Retirement Pension as and when you need, and which investment option your payments are drawn from if you choose a mix of investment options. There are no lump sum limitations for retirement pensions. Lump sum payments are paid into your nominated bank or financial institution account.

Lump sum payments are generally not available through a transition Pension, however there are certain circumstances where a lump sum payment may be available. These are:

y If you have an unrestricted non-preserved benefit (available at any time)

y To pay a superannuation contribution surcharge (from previous years)

y For a payment split under Family Law

y To purchase another non-commutable pension (income stream)

y As a payout on the death of the retirement income product holder, or

y To pay certain tax liabilities.

ImportantWhen any lump sum payment or regular pension payments are paid from a pension, they will be split between both exempt and taxable components (see component explanation later in this section) in the same proportion that they are split in your account. This means your account will always maintain the same taxable and exempt (tax-free) proportions.

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36 Pension payments and taxation

Issued 29 October 2010

Minimum and maximum regular pension paymentsA temporary reduction to the minimum drawdown requirements of a pension is currently in place until 30 June 2011.

You can alter your pension drawdown amount at any time provided you are paid at least the prescribed minimum percentage and have not exceeded any maximum. If you want to change your payment amounts or schedule in any way after starting your pension, please call us on 1300 130 780 and we will send a Change Pension Payment Form.

If you join part way through the financial year the minimum drawdown percentage is calculated over the remaining days in the financial year.

The standard minimum drawdown requires the following:

y Minimum pension payments must be made at least annually. If you commence your pension after 1 June you do not need to take a payment in that financial year.

y A maximum 10% of the annual account value can be made for a Transition Pension, up to age 65 or earlier if you retire fully

y No residual amount or percentage when the pension ceases

y A pension can be transferred only on the death of a pensioner to one of their eligible dependants, or

y Cashed as a lump sum to the pensioner’s estate or beneficiary.

Tax on pension paymentsThe Government provides some great tax benefits for persons receiving pension payments.

Your pension is made up of two components:

y Taxable component, and

y Exempt (tax free) component.

Your exempt (tax free) componentWhen you initially open your pension account, a calculation based upon your opening balance is used to determine your exempt component percentage that will apply to all future regular pension payments and any lump sum payments (if applicable). The calculation is your initial tax-free component, divided by your total opening balance, multiplied by 100.

ImportantHow often you receive your regular pension payments is your choice (within legislative requirements and LUCRF Pension payment dates).

Example: Robyn is 58 years old and opens a LUCRF Pension with a deposit/rollover of $500,000. $50,000 of this is classified as the exempt (tax free) component.

($50,000 ÷ $500,000) x 100 = 10%

y Therefore, all future regular pension and lump sum payments until age 60 will include a 10% exempt component.

Minimum & maximun pension drawdownsThe table below shows the legislated standard minimum and maximum drawdown amount and the temporary minimum drawdown levels available until 30 June 2011.


Transition Pension Retirement Pension

Standard minimum

Temporary minimum Maximum

Standard minimum

Temporary minimum Maximum

Under 65 years of age 4% 2.0% 10% 4% 2.0% N/A

65 to 74 years of age 5% 2.5% N/A 5% 2.5% N/A

75 to 79 years of age 6% 3.0% N/A 6% 3.0% N/A

80 to 84 years of age 7% 3.5% N/A 7% 3.5% N/A

85 to 89 years of age 9% 4.5% N/A 9% 4.5% N/A

90 to 94 years of age 11% 5.5% N/A 11% 5.5% N/A

95 years of age or over 14% 7.0% N/A 14% 7.0% N/A

NOte: The minimum pension percentage is rounded to the next $10.00. The percentage refers to that proportion of your benefit on joining the Fund and at 30 June each year thereafter.

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Tax on your deposit (initial contribution)Generally, you do not pay tax on the funds you use to open your pension account.

If you rolled in a benefit that contained an untaxed component, then the Trustee must deduct 15% tax from this component when you open your pension and pay it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Note: If you had any previously undischarged contribution surcharge tax liability from a previous super fund, then that liability will be transferred to your pension account.

Description Tax applicable

Initial deposit or roll in (transfer) to open your LUCRF Pension account

Nil – tax is payable only if you have an un-taxed component in the roll in

Tax on regular pension paymentsAny applicable income tax is deducted from your pension payments made to you through the Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding system. Pension payments drawn from the taxable component will be taxed at your marginal tax rate (plus 1.5% Medicare levy), if aged under 60, and you will be eligible to receive the 15% tax offset.

We will provide a PAYG certificate at the end of each financial year, together with further information you need to complete your tax return.

Tax on lump sum (commutation) paymentsIf you have a partial or full payment (commutation) from your LUCRF Pension, the taxable component of the payment will be taxed accordingly if you are under 60 years of age, and will be tax free if you are 60 years or over.

If you have reached your preservation age and are under 60 years of age, you are allowed a one-off tax-free threshold. The first $160,000* of the taxable component paid from your pension will be tax free and the balance (after the $160,000* is paid) is taxed at 15% (plus 1.5% Medicare levy).

*The one-off tax-free threshold amount of $160,000 relates to 2010/11, this amount is indexed annually. Any amounts previously received from super or pensions will reduce this amount.

If you have not reached your preservation age and are under 60 years of age, your taxable benefit is taxed at 20% (plus 1.5% Medicare levy)

Tax offsetThe ATO allows a tax offset (rebate) for regular pension payments paid to individuals between preservation age and 60 years of age from complying super funds.

The taxable component of regular pension payments is subject to the payment of tax at your personal marginal tax rate plus Medicare levy. However, we will only deduct tax for the amount applying to your actual pension payments, which may be below your personal marginal tax rate (if you receive any other sources of income).

y A tax offset of 15% is applied to each payment (thus reducing your tax) if you have provided LUCRF Super with a fully completed Tax Declaration Form (at the back of this guide).

Explanation of taxation components

Exempt component is tax freeIncludes any:

y Personal (after tax) non-concessional contributions

y Government co-contributions

y Previous pre-July 1983 amount calculated as at 30/06/2007

y Previous capital gains tax (CGT) exempt component, and

y Previous post 1 June 1994 invalidity component.

Taxable component is dependent on age up to 60 years, after 60 it is tax freeIncludes any:

y Employer Superannuation Guarantee (SG) concessional contributions

y Salary sacrifice (before tax) concessional contributions

y Personal (after tax) contributions where a tax deduction was claimed, and

y Investment earnings.

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38 Pension payments and taxation

Issued 29 October 2010

Tax on investment earningsThere is no tax payable on the investment earnings of accounts held with LUCRF Pensions whilst the benefit remains in your pension account.

Description Tax applicable

Investment earnings on your pension

Nil – no tax payable on the investment earnings whilst the benefit remains in your pension account

Tax on death benefitsA reversionary pension (death benefit) is tax free if paid to a reversionary beneficiary aged 60 or over. If the beneficiary is under 60 years of age at the time of death, then the pension, less any exempt (tax free) amount, will be taxed at the tax rate applicable to the payment amount, until the beneficiary reaches age 60 (at which time it becomes tax exempt).

Non-dependants are not entitled to receive a death benefit as a pension but can be paid a lump sum.

Description Tax applicable

Death benefits y Dependants – no tax (tax may apply for children over 18 years of age)

y Non-dependants – 15% tax plus 1.5% Medicare levy payable on the taxable component

y Reversionary pension – dependent upon the age of the primary and reversionary beneficiary

Tax file numbersThe Fund is authorised to seek your tax file number (TFN) under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. We will use your TFN in confidence and only for legal purposes.These purposes may change if legislation changes in the future. We may also provide it to the Trustee of any other superannuation fund to which benefits may be transferred. We will not pass your TFN on to another fund if you advise us in writing not to, except to the Tax Commissioner.

It is not an offence to not quote your TFN. However, if you do not quote your TFN, you cannot open a LUCRF Pension account.

Under 60 years of age:If you are under 60 years of age, when you join LUCRF Pensions, you will need to complete a Tax File Number Declaration Form and return it with your Pension Member Application Form, certified identification and initial payment or Rollover Transfer Form to open your pension.

Summary of tax on pension payments The table below shows how the tax components apply to regular pension payments and lump sum (commutation) payments.

Tax component Pension income stream payments Lump sum (commutation) payments

Exempt (tax free) component Tax free Tax free

Taxable component y Age 60 years and over – tax free

y Age 55 to 59 years (attained preservation age) Taxed at members marginal rate Plus Medicare levy# 15% pension tax offset available

y Age up to 55 years (under preservation age) Taxed at members marginal rate Plus Medicare levy# No tax offset available

y Age 60 years and over – tax free

y Age 55 to 59 years (attained preservation age) The first $160,000* is tax free The balance in excess of $160,000* is taxed at 15% Plus Medicare levy#

y Age up to 55 years (under preservation age) Taxed at 20% tax Plus Medicare levy#

*The $160,000 one off tax free threshold is for the 2010/2011 financial year and is indexed annually #The Medicare levy is currently 1.5%, this must be added to the tax rates where detailed

NOte: All tax rates supplied assume your tax file number (TFN) has been received, you cannot open a LUCRF Pension without supplying your TFN.

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Issued 29 October 2010

Social security and your pensionThe balance you have in your pension and the amounts you receive as regular pension payments may affect your social security (Centrelink) benefit entitlements. Pension payment (income stream) accounts receive favourable treatment by Centrelink and having one may help you qualify for a Centrelink pension.

Government Age Pension – qualification requirementsTo qualify for Centrelink’s Age Pension, there are certain criteria that must be fulfilled. Firstly, you must qualify by age and then by applying the income and assets tests. The assessment that applies for the income and assets tests is whichever test entitles you to the lower pension amount.

Age requirementMen and women have different age requirements. The Government has recently amended these qualifying levels and they are detailed in the table below.

Income testCentrelink count the total amount you receive each year from your pension income stream, less the Centrelink deductible amount (calculated by your account balance at the time your pension commenced, divided by your life expectancy).

Assets testYour income stream account balance is considered an asset for social security purposes. Your account balance is reassessed every six months, unless your income stream is paid annually, in which case it is reassessed each year.

For further information about Centrelink, go to:


y For retirement enquiries and financial information, call 13 23 00, or

y For information in languages other than English, call 13 12 02.

Date of birth

Up to 30 June 2017 From 1 July 2017

Men Women Men Women

Prior to 30/06/1944 65 63 65 63

1/7/1944 to 31/12/1945 65 63 ½ 65 63 ½

1/1/1946 to 30/6/1947 65 64 65 64

1/7/1947 to 31/12/1948 65 64 ½ 65 64 ½

1/1/1949 to 30/6/1952 65 65 65 65

1/7/1952 to 31/12/1953

Not applicable

65 ½ 65 ½

1/1/1954 to 30/6/1955 66 66

1/7/1955 to 31/12/1956 66 ½ 66 ½

1/1/1957 forward 67 67

ImportantThe information in this Pension Member Guide is general information only. The Trustee, or the staff of the Trustee are licensed to give personal financial product advice to any members of our Fund. The information provided in this guide does not take into account your personal financial situation, objectives or needs.

You may wish to speak to a LUCRF Representative on 1300 130 780 for personal financial advice or assistance.

NOte: This table only applies to Government pensions.

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Issued 29 October 2010

FeesIn this section:

y Fees and other costs

y Consumer Advisory Warning

y Example of fees

y Additional explanation of fees and costs

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Issued 29 October 2010

Fees and other costsKnowing the impact of fees and costs to your pension benefit is important. You should read all the information in this section to understand how LUCRF Pensions compares to other products.

This section shows fees and other costs that you may be charged. They may be deducted from your money, from returns on your investment or from the Fund assets as a whole.

Please note that the Consumer Advisory Warning is a Government prescribed warning for every Product Disclosure Statement and is not relevant to LUCRF Pensions in relation to negotiating fees.

The fees for LUCRF Pensions are the same for all members and cannot be negotiated.

Consumer Advisory WarningDid you know?Small differences in both investment performance and fees and costs can have a substantial impact on your long-term returns.

For example, total annual fees and costs of 2% of your fund balance rather than 1% could reduce your final return by up to 20% over a 30 year period (for example, reduce it from $100,000 to $80,000).

You should consider features such as superior investment performance or the provision of better member services to justify higher fees and costs.

You may be able to negotiate to pay lower contribution fees and management costs where applicable. Ask the Fund or your financial advisor.

To find out moreIf you would like to find out more, or see the impact of the fees based on your own circumstances, the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) website has a superannuation calculator to help you check out different fee options.

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42 Fees

Issued 29 October 2010

Fees and costs at a glanceThis section shows fees and other costs that you may be charged. They may be deducted from your account, from the returns on your investment or from the Fund assets as a whole. Taxes are set out in the Pension payments and Taxation section.

Type of fee or cost Amount How and when paid

entry/establishment feeThe fee to open your account.

Nil Not applicable

Roll in or initial contribution feeThe fee on each amount rolled in from another fund or your initial deposit at the time of opening your account.

Nil Not applicable

Withdrawal/termination fee The fee on each amount you take out of your investment.

Nil Not applicable

management costs The fees and costs for managing your investment.LUCRF Super does not charge buy/sell spreads.

Management costs consist of:

administration fee – $1.25 per week


management fee – percentage of your account balance, may change from time to time – correct fee will always be listed at

Pre-mixed options

Balanced (default) 0.69%Conservative 0.48%Moderate 0.60%High Growth 0.75%

Asset Class options

Cash 0.20%Indexed Shares 0.39%Australian Shares 0.60%International Shares 0.65%Property 0.39%

The administration fee of $1.25 per week is deducted from your account balance every three months or on a pro-rata basis when you close your account.

The management fee is deducted from the gross earnings of the Fund (not your account).

member Benefit Protection fee This covers the cost to protect members with low account balances from having their money eaten away by fees.

Nil Not applicable

Change of Investment Option fee Nil Not applicable

Family Law enquiry fee The fee charged to the non-member spouse for a request for information (Form 6 Declaration) under the Family Law Act.

$50 Paid by the non-member spouse for information relating to a Form 6 Declaration request for information under the Family Law Act.

Family Law Split fee The fee charged when a benefit is split between a member and spouse under the Family Law Act in divorce or separation.

$35 $35 deducted from the member’s account and $35 deducted from the non-member’s account when the split is completed.

Requests for additional information LUCRF Super will provide you with all information you would reasonably need to make an informed assessment of the manage-ment and financial condition of the Fund.

Nil Not applicable

Goods and Services tax (GSt) All fee calculations are inclusive of GST

NOte: You may also be charged other service fees or special request fees for specific services. Refer to ‘Additional explanation of fees and costs’ on the following page for further information.

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Issued 29 October 2010

Example of annual fees and costs for a Balanced investment option with LUCRF PensionsThis table gives you an example of how the fees and costs in the Balanced investment option for this product can affect your pension investment over a one year period. You should use this table to compare this product with other pension products.


LUCRF Pensions Balanced (default) investment option

Balance of $50,000 with total contributions of $5,000 during the year

Contribution fees Nil For every $5,000 you put in, you will be charged $0.

PlusManagement costs

0.69% + $65 ($1.25 per week)

For every $50,000 you have in the Fund, you will be charged $345 each year, plus a $65 administration fee (regardless of your balance).

EqualsCost of fund/pension

If you put in $5,000 during a year and your balance was $50,000, then for the year you will be charged $410*.

What it costs will depend on the investment option you choose and the fees you negotiate with your fund or financial advisor#.

*Additional fees may apply.

#This statement is required by law. LUCRF Pensions does not pay commissions to advisors or negotiate fees.

NOte: Investment management costs used in this example are based on actual costs for financial year ended 2010. Actual costs will vary from year to year.

Additional explanation of fees and costsManagement costs The management costs shown on the previous page are made up of two components:

1. Those that are deducted directly from members’ account balances, eg: $1.25 per week, and

2. Costs that are not deducted directly from members’ account balances, but are instead deducted from the investment earnings, these are called Other Management Costs and include investment management, asset custody, trustee and secretariat, legal and general operational costs.

The management fee for investments is regularly reviewed and may change from time to time. If you have more than one investment option, the fee is deducted from the gross investment earnings before the net rate is applied to your funds.

Transactional costsIn addition to the management costs shown, transactional costs, such as brokerage, may be deducted from investments when they are bought or sold. We estimate that these costs could be up to 0.50%.

Fee changesAll fees are current at the time of publication and may be revised or adjusted by the Fund from time to time. If there is a new or increased fee, the Trustee will notify you at least 30 days in advance of the change commencing.

Member Benefit ProtectionMember Benefit Protection does not apply to LUCRF Pensions. Once your account reduces to $1,200, your entire account balance is paid out to you.

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Issued 29 October 2010

Important informationIn this section:

y Communicating with you

y Protecting your privacy

y Anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing

y Enquiries and complaints

y Members online

y Unclaimed money

y Reserves policy

y Further information

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Issued 29 October 2010

Communicating with youLUCRF Pensions provides you with information regularly in a number of ways. If you change your mailing or email address, please advise LUCRF Pensions at your earliest convenience so we can ensure you still receive all of this material. During your membership with LUCRF Pensions, you can expect to receive the following, or have access to:

y An initial Welcome Kit

y Confirmation of any change of details (e.g. change of name, address, nominated bank account etc.)

y A consolidation statement each financial year showing all transactions, as well as our Annual Report

y A Change Pension Payment Form

y A Centrelink schedule yearly, or as requested

y A PAYG payment summary in relation to retirement income paid and tax deducted during each financial year (ages 55-59 only), and

y Member newsletters and information updates.

You can access information regarding LUCRF Pensions and LUCRF Super, your benefits and our Annual Report via our website For further details or to register for Members Online, please contact us directly on 1300 130 780 or email us at [email protected]

Protecting your privacyThe Trustee for LUCRF Super understands the importance of looking after the privacy of its members and takes every care to protect it. Our Privacy Policy outlines why LUCRF Super needs your personal information, how it is used and how we protect it.

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as amended, regulates through a set of requirements known as the National Privacy Principles, the way a fund and its service providers collect, store, use and disclose information in its possession and how the information is made known to others. The National Privacy Principles, as embedded in the Act, forms part of our procedures and policies in managing participation in the Fund.

Our full Privacy Policy is available at or by calling us on 1300 130 780.

Information collected by LUCRF SuperLUCRF Super collects personal information lawfully and by fair means. We only collect information that is relevant for the purposes detailed in our Privacy Policy.

We are a self administered fund using an administration system that contains records exclusively of LUCRF Super members and employers. Our database is not shared with an external administrator or with other outsourced superannuation funds. Employees of the Trustee have

varying degrees of access to information appropriate to the role of the individual and specific functions they are authorised to perform.

Providing information to other organisationsFrom time to time, LUCRF Super uses external organisations to support some functions connected with the administration of super and pension accounts. Whenever your personal information is made available to other organisations (as detailed in our Privacy Policy), the Trustee ensures it is kept secure, confidential, and is only accessed by authorised personnel and handled in accordance with the National Privacy Principles.

On occasion, the Trustee commissions research consultants to undertake random opinion surveys of fund participants. Only your name and contact information is provided for these purposes. This research helps us to improve our services and offerings to members.

Although LUCRF Super does not engage in direct marketing, we may contact you about products and services that are available to you (e.g. retirement planning, seminars, newsletters or information about third party services).

If you do not wish to receive information of this type, please contact us.

Visiting our web and internet accessLUCRF Super maintains a website,, providing electronic access to educational material, forms and general information about the Fund. We collate statistical information about the areas of our site accessed and pages downloaded to understand the areas that are of most interest to site visitors. Our website is cookie-free and we do not collect, store or track any personal information about you when browsing or accessing our website.

If you communicate with LUCRF Super by email, we will record your email address and use this as a means to contact you, but will only use it for the purposes communicated in our Privacy Policy.

Maintaining and accessing your personal informationYou have the right to know and can access the personal information LUCRF Super has about you to make sure it is correct.

To find out about how to obtain a copy of your personal information from LUCRF Super, please contact us on 1300 130 780.

Making a complaintIf you believe your privacy rights have been breached, you can make a complaint by contacting us, contact details are available on our full Privacy Policy which is available at or by calling us on 1300 130 780.

Page 46: Pension Member Guide

46 Important information

Issued 29 October 2010

Anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financingThe Government has enacted the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act) which applies to most financial services providers including superannuation and pension funds.

The Trustee has implemented controls to fulfil its compliance obligations, under the legislation, to protect member benefits. These controls are monitored and reviewed on an ongoing basis, as required.

The purpose of the AML/CTF Act is the regulation of financial services and transactions in a way that will help detect and prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. You should be aware that as part of our compliance with these laws:

y The Trustee may need to obtain additional information when you make a withdrawal from your account including proof of identification, and

y You should also be aware that under the legislation the Trustee is required to disclose information about suspicious transactions to the regulator and/or law enforcement agencies. The legislation prevents the Trustee from informing you when any such reporting has taken place.

Enquiries and complaintsThe Trustee treats complaints seriously and has a formal procedure for handling your enquiries and complaints fairly and confidentially.

How can I make an enquiry or complaint?Complaints can be made in a variety of ways (e.g. in a letter, by email, by telephone, or in person).

Any written complaint should be addressed to:

the Complaints Officer PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051 Email: my [email protected]

To assist, please provide details of your full name, membership number and current address. We will endeavour to deal with your complaint as promptly as possible and certainly within 90 days as required by Government legislation. All complaints are formally recorded and reported to the Trustee.

What if I am not satisfied with LUCRF Pension’s handling of my complaint?If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint is handled or with its resolution, you may be able to take your complaint to the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT).

The SCT is an independent body set up by the Federal Government to assist members or their beneficiaries to resolve certain superannuation complaints. The SCT may be able to assist you to resolve your complaint, but will only become involved after you have made use of the Trustee’s own complaint-handling process. To find out whether the SCT can handle your complaint and the type of information you need to provide. You can contact the SCT as follows:

Superannuation Complaints tribunalLocked Bag 3060 Melbourne VIC 3001 Phone: 1300 884 114 Web:

If your complaint is outside the jurisdiction of the SCT and you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint, or you have not received a response within 45 days, you may then be able to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

You can contact FOS as follows:

Financial Ombudsman Service GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001 Phone: 1300 780 808 Web:

Members Online – secure access to your super and pension information. Our members have secure, online access to key super and pension information, call us to join.

Members Online allows you to:

y Check your balance history

y Update your contact details

y See what payments have been made out of your account

y Check your investment options, and

y Look at who your beneficiaries are.

NoteWe will be introducing further enhancements to Members Online soon.

Page 47: Pension Member Guide






Issued 29 October 2010

Unclaimed money The Trustee of LUCRF Pensions is required to transfer your entire benefit to the ATO as unclaimed money in certain circumstances. This will occur within four months of the end of each half-calendar year if:

y You reach eligibility age of 65 years, your account has been inactive for two years or more, and we have not had contact with you for five years, or

y You have died and the Trustee is unable to locate a beneficiary in order to pay your benefit (after reasonable endeavour), or

y You were in Australia as a temporary resident and you have not claimed your benefit after six months from your visa expiry or cancellation date, or

y You are a lost member of the Fund (because two items of mail we sent to you have been returned undelivered) and:

• The balance of your account is below $200.

Lost membersYou may be classified as a lost member if we have received two pieces of returned mail, which is why it is so important to notify us of any changes to your circumstances (e.g. change of address or banking details, etc.) Complete a Change of Details Form which is available by calling 1300 130 780 or visiting

Reserves policyThe Trustee maintains three reserves. This makes no difference to the fees or charges you pay as a member of LUCRF Super or LUCRF Pensions.

Trustee reserveThe difference between fees charged to members and the administration and investment expenses incurred in the management of the Fund are credited to the Trustee Reserve. This reserve is maintained to supplement funds required to meet future Trustee expenses.

Fund administration reserveThe after-tax value of any insurance rebate received and tax benefit received in the payment of insurance premiums are both credited to this reserve. Earnings at the cash rate on reserve balances and on assets that support unpaid liabilities that cannot be directly referable to a member investment choice are also credited to this reserve. It is maintained to meet additional significant expenses of LUCRF Super and LUCRF Pensions.

Fund operational risk reserveThis reserve is funded through rounding of the crediting rate process. It is maintained to meet unfunded liabilities as they arise during the administration and operation of the Fund.

If you require further information regarding LUCRF Pensions or our services, please contact us:

address: 833 Bourke Street Docklands VIC 3008 Post: PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051Phone: 1300 130 780 or (03) 9320-5300Fax: (03) 9326-6907email: [email protected]:

Page 48: Pension Member Guide

Financial Services Guide (FSG)This Financial Services Guide (FSG) for the Labour Union Co-operative Retirement Fund (LUCRF Pensions) ABN 26 382 680 883 was prepared and issued on 29 October 2010 for the purpose of providing information about:

y Our services

y Remuneration of our representatives

y Complaint management and dispute resolution arrangements

y Your rights as a member or anyone thinking about becoming a member of the fund.

Issued 29 October 2010

Page 49: Pension Member Guide










Issued 29 October 2010

Our FSG is an important document prepared to assist you in deciding whether to use any of the financial services or products we are authorised to provide.

If you require further information or clarification about this FSG please contact us.

What are the financial services LUCRF Pty Ltd is authorised to provide?Under our Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL 258481), LUCRF Super is licensed to advise and deal in the following products:

y Deposit (basic and non-cash payment)

y General insurance

y Life insurance (investment and risk)

y Managed investment schemes, including investor directed portfolios

y Superannuation and retirement savings accounts

y Securities, and

y Government debentures, stocks or bonds.

Will you give me advice tailored to my personal investment needs or financial circumstances?Our Representatives are authorised to provide advice within a tiered structure:

y Tier 1 can provide information or facts only. This means that they are not permitted to try to influence any decision you may make.

y Tier 2 can provide general financial product advice. This means that they can try to influence any decisions you make, however they cannot take into consideration your personal circumstances or objectives when doing so. Advice at this tier will usually be verbal and must be accompanied by a warning that your personal circumstances have not been considered.

y Tier 3 can provide personal advice on LUCRF Super. This means they can make recommendations that are appropriate or specific to your needs or objectives, however this advice can only relate to LUCRF Super. Advice at this tier will be provided via a written Statement of Advice.

y Tier 4 can provide personal advice on the entire suite of products authorised by our licence. Advice at this tier will be provided by a written Statement of Advice.

Each Representative will inform you regarding the tier that they can operate under. If they are unable to provide the service at the tier that you require, they will refer you to a Representative who is permitted to do so.

How will I pay for this service?The cost of providing financial product advice in Tiers 1 to 3 is included in the general administration fee charged for membership of LUCRF Super; we do not charge any additional fees or obtain any commissions

for the advice provided to you. For advice provided at Tier 4, a fee may apply, however this will be agreed with you prior to providing the advice. Details of fees charged for membership of LUCRF Super can be found in the Member Guide – Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

How are Representatives paid?All LUCRF Super Representatives are salaried employees and they do not receive commissions, fees or bonuses for the services provided to you.

Licence and contact detailsWho will be responsible for the services provided to me?The Trustee of LUCRF Super is LUCRF Pty Ltd (ABN 18 005 502 090) and all Representatives of LUCRF Super are employees of the Trustee. The Trustee is responsible for all Representatives and it can be contacted as follows.

address: 833 Bourke Street, Docklands VIC 8003Post: PO Box 211, North Melbourne VIC 3051Phone: 1300 130 780email: [email protected]:

Do any relationships or associations exist that might influence the advice or services provided to me?The National Union of Workers (NUW) which owns all of the shares in L.U.C.R.F. Pty Ltd also owns 100% of LUCRF Super’s insurance broker, Labour Union Insurance (Brokers) Pty Ltd. LUCRF Super holds shares (but not a controlling interest) in Industry Super Holdings Pty Ltd (ABN 71 119 748 060) which owns ME Bank Pty Ltd.

If LUCRF Super engages these organisations to provide services, then this is done on a commercial basis as all service providers are. LUCRF Super does not receive commissions from these or any other organisations.

What compensation arrangements does the Trustee have in place?The Trustee has a Trustee Liability Insurance Policy which includes professional indemnity to compensate third parties such as members or beneficiaries for loss or damages suffered because of breaches to any relevant financial services obligations by LUCRF Super or its Representative either current or former.

What to do if you have a complaintThe Trustee of LUCRF Super treats complaints in the strictest of confidence and is committed to handling such concerns promptly and fairly.

Page 50: Pension Member Guide

50 Financial Services Guide (FSG)

Issued 29 October 2010

You can raise your complaint either with your Representative or write to:

The Complaints Officer PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051

LUCRF Super has an internal complaints management procedure. However, if you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint or you have not received a response within 90 days, you may be able to take your complaint to the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal (SCT).

Superannuation Complaints Tribunal

Locked Bag 3060 Melbourne VIC 3001 Phone: 1300 884 114 Web:

This is a free service.

If your complaint is outside the jurisdiction of the SCT and you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint, or you have not received a response within 45 days, you may be able to take your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

Financial Ombudsman Service

GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001 Phone: 1300 780 808 Web:

This is a free service.

The Australian Securities and Investment Service (ASIC) also has an infoline on 1300 300 630 which you may use to make a complaint and obtain information about your rights.

Page 51: Pension Member Guide












Issued 29 October 2010


FormsIf you need help completing any of these forms, please call us on 1300 130 780 and request a LUCRF Super staff member to visit your workplace to help you.

This is part of our commitment to personal and friendly service for our members.

Return your completed forms to LUCRF Super, at the below address.

LUCRF Super Reply Paid 211 North melbourne VIC 3051

No stamp required if posted in Australia.


Member Application

Partial Rollover (including Notice of Compliance)

Transfer Between Funds Form*

Member Investment Choice

Tax File Number Declaration

*Request to transfer whole balance of superannuation benefits between funds






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Please complete all relevant sections using CAPITAL LETTERS and a bLACk or bLUE pen.




Issued by LUCRF Pty Ltd AbN 18 005 502 090 AFSL 258481 as Trustee of LUCRF Super AbN 26 382 680 883

Pension Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide), 29 October 2010.

Step 2 Your personal details

Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /

Please cross [X] the appropriate box: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please specify)


First name/s

Residential/Street address (compulsory)

Unit/Street number Street name

Suburb/City/Town State/Territory Postcode

Postal address – if different to residential

Unit/Street/PO box number Street name

Suburb/City/Town State/Territory Postcode

Please send all correspondence to (please cross [X]): Residential address Postal address

Contact details

Home Work

Mobile Fax

Email address

Pension Member Application Form

Please complete this form to set up a LUCRF Transition Pension or Retirement Pension account.

Step 1 Your LUCRF Super membership details

Please cross [X] the appropriate box:

I AM a member of LUCRF Super. My membership number is: (if known)

I AM NOT currently a member of LUCRF Super and would like to open a LUCRF Pension account.


Pension Member Application Form Page 1 of 5

Page 54: Pension Member Guide

Pension Member Application Form Page 2 of 5

Step 3 Your LUCRF Pension options

Please cross [X] the appropriate box:

Transition Pension – I am aged at least 55 and below 65, and currently working.

Retirement Pension – I have fully retired and I will not be returning to work, or I am aged 65 or over and currently working.

Step 4 Tax file number (TFN)

The Fund is authorised to seek your TFN under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993.

I agree to provide my TFN for the purpose outlined in the Pension Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide) that accompanies this application.

I advise that my TFN is:


Step 5 Amount to be transferred

To set up a LUCRF Pension account, you must have a minimum starting balance of $10,000.

From my LUCRF Super account

Complete this section if you would like to transfer money from your LUCRF Super account into your new LUCRF Pension account.

Please select and complete the relevant details below

The whole amount of my LUCRF Super account Approximate value $

Partial amount from my LUCRF Super account Value to be transferred $

Leave minimum amount allowed in my LUCRF Super account ($1,500).

From my other Super Fund account(s)

Complete this section if you would like to transfer money from your other Super Fund account(s) into your new LUCRF Pension account.

Please select and complete the relevant details below.

Partial amount of my other Super Fund account(s) You must complete a Pension Partial Rollover Form for each partial transfer from another Super Fund.

Fund Name Membership number Value to be transferred




The whole amount of my other Super Fund account(s) You must complete a Request to transfer whole balance of superannuation benefits between funds form for each whole transfer from another Super Fund.

Fund Name Membership number Value to be transferred




Member investment choice

When you open a LUCRF Pension account your funds are automatically invested in the balanced (default) investment option. This option has a diversified mixture of growth assets such as shares and property, and defensive assets like cash and fixed interest.

If you want your pension invested differently to the default option, you will need to complete a Pension Member Investment Choice Form.

Page 55: Pension Member Guide

Pension Member Application Form Page 3 of 5


Step 6 Your beneficiary details

When opening a LUCRF Pension account, it is important that you carefully consider who will receive your remaining pension funds in the event of your death. LUCRF Pensions offers three beneficiary options.

Please select the type of beneficiary option you would like applied to your pension account (please cross [X] one box only). If you choose Option 3, you will also need to complete a Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form.

Option 1: Non-binding nomination

You can nominate one or more beneficiaries to receive a lump sum payment in the event of your death or select to pay your benefit to your estate/legal personal representative/executor. This beneficiary option is non-binding. This means the Trustees will take into account your wishes for the disbursement of your benefit, however it is paid at the Trustee’s discretion and they take into account all relevant circumstances and it is usually paid to your dependant/s, executor, legal personal representative or estate.

You must list your beneficiary(ies) below or select to pay your benefit to your estate/legal personal representative/executor.

First name and initial (e.g. John D) Relationship to you

Surname % share

First name and initial (e.g. John D) Relationship to you

Surname % share

MUST ToTaL 100%

Pay benefit to my estate/legal personal representative/executor

If you would like to nominate more beneficiaries, attach your own list to this form, or call a LUCRF Representative on 1300 130 780 to obtain a Change of Details Form.

Option 2: Reversionary (binding) nomination

You may only nominate one beneficiary to receive your LUCRF Pension as continuing pension payments in the event of your death. A reversionary beneficiary (usually your spouse) can only be nominated at the time you open your pension and is binding on the Trustee to continue your pension payments to your chosen reversionary beneficiary.

a reversionary beneficiary nomination when accepted by the Trustee is irrevocable. This means that once you have nominated a reversionary beneficiary you cannot alter or remove the nomination. You must list only one reversionary beneficiary below.

First name and initial (e.g. John D) Relationship to you

Surname Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyyy)

/ /

IMPoRTaNT: Please read ‘Nominating beneficiaries’ in the Pension Member Guide to ensure you fully understand the conditions of nominating a reversionary beneficiary and you nominate a valid person.

Option 3 Binding nomination

This type of nomination means the Trustee must pay your death benefit to the person/s you have nominated (subject to superannuation law). binding nominations are valid for three years and you will need to confirm your nomination within this period for it to remain valid. You can change or cancel your nomination at any time.

IMPoRTaNT: If you would like to choose this option, you must complete a Binding Death Benefit Nomination Form available by calling us on 1300 130 780, or by visiting

Page 56: Pension Member Guide

Pension Member Application Form Page 4 of 5

Step 7 Your payment instructions

There are three different methods to choose from when selecting how much of your LUCRF Pension you would like to receive each year.

I would like to receive:

Please cross [X] one option only.

The minimum amount of my account balance allowed under Government legislation

A percentage amount of my account balance % per annum (or pro-rata’d), or

A nominated amount of my account balance $ .00 per payment frequency.

Payment frequency

Please nominate the payment frequency you would like to receive your pension payments (please cross [X] one option only).

Twice monthly (Paid on 14th and 28th of the month)

Monthly (Paid on the 28th of the month)

Quarterly (Paid on 28th of March, June, September and December)

Twice yearly (Paid on 28th of June and December)

Yearly Please select your annual payment date below

Month / /

Day 14th of selected month, or

28th of selected month

Your bank account details

Your pension payments are paid directly via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) into your nominated bank or financial institution account.

Name of bank/building society/credit union

Branch address

Unit/Street number Street name

Suburb/City/Town State/Territory Postcode

Account holder’s name (Must include name of pension account holder)

branch number (bSb) Account number

Step 8 Members Online access

Members Online provides you with instant access to check your balance history, update your contact details, and view your payment, investment options and beneficiaries 24 hours a day.

If you would like access to Members Online, please cross [X] the box below and you will be sent a separate letter with your Members Online details.

I would like access to Members Online

Step 9 Your communication choices

We will send your annual statement, newsletter updates and other important information as required by legislation, however if you do not wish to receive additional information from time to time, please indicate this below (you can alter your preference at any time by contacting the Fund).

I do not wish to receive additional information from LUCRF Super


Page 57: Pension Member Guide

Step 11 Sign and date this form

• I hereby apply to the Trustee to join LUCRF Super upon the terms and conditions contained in the Trust Deed (as amended from time to time)

• I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information in the Pension Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide) and this Pension Member Application Form, including the collection and use of my personal information, and

• I confirm that all of the details given in this Pension Member Application Form are accurate and complete. I undertake to inform the Trustee if any of my information changes and will provide further information as requested.

Sign (member signature) Date


7 / /

PRIVaCY: LUCRF Super is committed to the National Privacy Principles set down by the Federal Government (see and has produced a Privacy Policy. For a copy of the LUCRF Super Privacy Policy, call us on 1300 130 780 or visit

Pension Member Application Form Page 5 of 5

Step 10 Proof of identification


When you open a LUCRF Pension account, you will need to provide a certified copy of proof of identification. The following are legally accepted documents:


One of these documents only:

• Driver’s licence issued under State or Territory law

• Passport


One of the documents in Section 1, and one of the documents in Section 2:

Section 1• birth certificate or birth extract

• Citizenship certificate issued by the Commonwealth

• Pension card issued by Centrelink that entitles the person to financial benefits


Section 2• A letter from Centrelink regarding a Government assistance

payment notice issued by Commonwealth, State or Territory Government or local Council within the past 12 months that contains your name and residential address.

For example:

- Tax Office Notice of Assessment

- Rates notice from local Council

Certification of personal documents

All copied pages of ORIGINAL proof of identification (including all linking documents) need to be certified as true copies of the original document by a person authorised to do so. The person who is authorised to certify the documents must sight the original and the copy and make sure that both documents are identical. They then must ensure that all pages are certified as true copies by writing or stamping ‘certified true copy’ followed by their signature, printed name, qualifications and the date.

In accordance with Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Rules Instrument 2007 (No.1), persons who can certify copies of the originals as true and correct for these purposes include:

• A Pharmacist

• A registered Medical Practitioner

• A Police officer

• A registrar or deputy registrar of a court

• A Justice of the Peace

• A permanent employee of Australia Post with two or more years continuous service

• A Finance Company officer with two or more years of continuous service (with one or more finance companies)

• An officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), having two or more years of continuous service

• A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia or the National Institute of Accountants with two or more years continuous service

• A Notary public officer

• A Judge of a court

• A Magistrate, or

• A Chief Executive Officer of a Commonwealth court.

Selected your pension option in Step 3

Attached certified copy of proof of identification

Sign and dated this form

ChecklistLUCRF Super PO box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051

Fax: (03) 9326 6907email: [email protected]

Before you send the form to us, make sure you have:

If you need any help completing this form, please call us on 1300 130 780 or email [email protected]

Send this form to:




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Page 59: Pension Member Guide

Member Details form




Issued by LUCRF Pty Ltd ABN 18 005 502 090 AFSL 258481 as Trustee of LUCRF Super ABN 26 382 680 883

Pension Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide), 29 October 2010.

Pension Partial Rollover Form

Pension Partial Rollover Form Page 1 of 4

Please complete all relevant sections using CAPITAL LETTERS and a BLACk or BLUE pen.

Step 2 Your personal details

Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /

Please cross [X] the appropriate box: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please specify)


First name/s

Residential/Street address (compulsory)

Unit/Street number Street name

Suburb/City/Town State/Territory Postcode

Postal address – if different to residential

Unit/Street/PO Box number Street name

Suburb/City/Town State/Territory Postcode

Please send all correspondence to (please cross [X]): Residential address Postal address

Contact details

Home Work

Mobile Fax

Email address

Complete this form if you want to make a partial rollover from another super fund into LUCRF Pensions.w

Step 1 Your LUCRF Super membership details

Please cross [X] the appropriate box:

I AM a member of LUCRF Super. My membership number is: (if known)

I AM NOT currently a member of LUCRF Super and would like to open a LUCRF Pension account.

Page 60: Pension Member Guide

Pension Partial Rollover Form Page 2 of 4

Step 3 Your investment choice

Complete this section to rollover a partial amount from your other Super Fund into LUCRF Pensions. You will need to complete a separate Pension Partial Rollover Form for each rollover you would like to make.

From other Super Fund

Fund name

Membership number

Amount to be transferred to LUCRF Super


Fund phone number

Fund Superannuation Product Identification Number (SPIN)

Fund Australian Business Number (ABN)

To LUCRF Super

Fund name


LUCRF Super membership number

(if known)

Fund phone number

1 3 0 0 1 3 0 7 8 0

Fund Superannuation Product Identification Number (SPIN)

L U C 0 0 0 1 A U

Fund Australian Business Number (ABN)

2 6 3 8 2 6 8 0 8 8 3


Page 61: Pension Member Guide

Step 5 Sign and date this form

By signing this request form I am making the following statements:

• I declare I have fully read this form and the information completed is true and correct

• I am aware I may ask my superannuation provider for information about any fees or charges that may apply, or any other information about the effect this transfer may have on my benefits, and do not require any further information, and

• I discharge the superannuation provider of my from fund of all further liability in respect of the benefits paid and transferred to LUCRF Super. I request and consent to the transfer of superannuation as described in this form, and authorise the superannuation provider of each fund to give effect to this transfer.

Sign (member signature) Date


7 / /

PRIVACY: LUCRF Super is committed to the National Privacy Principles set down by the Federal Government (see and has produced a Privacy Policy. For a copy of the LUCRF Super Privacy Policy, call us on 1300 130 780 or visit

Pension Partial Rollover Form Page 3 of 4

Completed and signed this form

Attached certified copy of proof of identification

Attached a copy of your most recent statement from other Super Fund (if available)

ChecklistLUCRF Super PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051

Fax: (03) 9326 6907Email: [email protected]

Before you send the form to us, make sure you have:

If you need any help completing this form, please call us on 1300 130 780 or email [email protected]

Send this form to:





Step 4 Proof of identification

When you open a LUCRF Pension account, you will need to provide a certified copy of proof of identification. The following are legally accepted documents:


OnE of these documents only:

• Driver’s licence issued under State or Territory law

• Passport


One of the documents in Section 1, and one of the documents in Section 2:

Section 1• Birth certificate or birth extract

• Citizenship certificate issued by the Commonwealth

• Pension card issued by Centrelink that entitles the person to financial benefits


Section 2• A letter from Centrelink regarding a Government assistance

payment notice issued by Commonwealth, State or Territory Government or local Council within the past 12 months that contains your name and residential address.

For example:

- Tax Office Notice of Assessment

- Rates notice from local Council

Certification of personal documents

All copied pages of ORIGINAL proof of identification (including all linking documents) need to be certified as true copies of the original document by a person authorised to do so. The person who is authorised to certify the documents must sight the original and the copy and make sure that both documents are identical. They then must ensure that all pages are certified as true copies by writing or stamping ‘certified true copy’ followed by their signature, printed name, qualifications and the date.

In accordance with Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Rules Instrument 2007 (No.1), persons who can certify copies of the originals as true and correct for these purposes include:

• A Pharmacist

• A registered Medical Practitioner

• A Police officer

• A registrar or deputy registrar of a court

• A Justice of the Peace

• A permanent employee of Australia Post with two or more years continuous service

• A Finance Company officer with two or more years of continuous service (with one or more finance companies)

• An officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), having two or more years of continuous service

• A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia or the National Institute of Accountants with two or more years continuous service

• A Notary public officer

• A Judge of a court

• A Magistrate, or

• A Chief Executive Officer of a Commonwealth court.

Page 62: Pension Member Guide

Notice of ComplianceLUCRF Super SFN: 1397 049 48

LUCRF Super ABN: 26 382 680 883

LUCRF Super Superannuation Product Identification Number (SPIN): LUC0001AU

To whom it may concern

I confirm the following details on behalf of LUCRF Pty Ltd, the Trustee for the Labour Union Co-Operative Retirement Fund (LUCRF Super):

1. The registered office of the Fund is: 833 Bourke Street, Docklands, Victoria 3008

2. LUCRF Super is a complying superannuation fund within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS) Act.

3. LUCRF Super is able to accept superannuation contributions for eligible persons. These contributions are maintained and subsequently paid only in accordance with the SIS regulations.

4. The LUCRF Super Trust Deed allows benefits of any amount to be accepted as rollovers. Any unrestricted non-preserved portion of the rollover will remain unrestricted and may be cashed out by the member at any time.

5. LUCRF Super has never been subject to a direction under Section 63 of the SIS Act.

6. LUCRF Super meets the insurance requirements to be chosen as a default fund by employers for the pur-poses of the Choice of Superannuation Fund legislation.

7. LUCRF Super is able to accept contributions from employers. The Trustee approves all employer-sponsors to pay on such frequency that they choose, provided that they meet their statutory obligations. Contribu-tions can be remitted by cheque, electronic funds transfer (EFT) and BPAY.

Any further queries regarding this notification should be directed to this office.

Yours faithfully

Greg Sword AMChief Executive Officer

Phone 1300 130 780 Fax (03) 9326 6907 Web E-mail [email protected] Post PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051

Head Office833 Bourke StreetDocklands VIC 3008

new South WalesLvl 1, 1 Bridge StreetGranville NSW 2142

Queensland17 Cribb StreetMilton QLD 4064

South Australia46 Greenhill RoadWayville SA 5034

Office Locations (please use Postal Address for all correspondence)

LUCRF Pty Ltd ABN 18 005 502 090 AFSL 258481 as Trustee for LUCRF Super ABN 26 382 680 883.

An award-winning fund

Pension Partial Rollover Form Page 4 of 4


Page 63: Pension Member Guide

Request to transfer whole balance of superannuation benefits between funds under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993

JS 6676‑03.2007 IN-CONFIDENCE – when completed Page �

cOMPlETINg THIS FORMn Read the important information pagesn Refer to instructions where indicated with a n This form is only for whole (not part) balance transfers.

AFTER cOMPlETINg THIS FORMn Sign the authorisationn Send form and certified proof of identity documents to either

your FROM or TO fund.

* Denotes mandatory field. If you do not complete all of the mandatory fields, there may be a delay in processing your request.


Day Month Year



*Name (Print in BLOCK LETTERS)By signing this request form I am making the following statements:n I declare I have fully read this form and the information completed is true and correctn I am aware I may ask my superannuation provider for information about any fees or

charges that may apply, or any other information about the effect this transfer may have on my benefits, and do not require any further information.

n If the TO fund is a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF), I confirm that I am a member, trustee or director of a corporate trustee of the SMSF.

n I discharge the superannuation provider of my FROM fund of all further liability in respect of the benefits paid and transferred to my TO fund.

I request and consent to the transfer of superannuation as described above and authorise the superannuation provider of each fund to give effect to this transfer.

I have attached a certified copy of my driver’s licence or passportOR

Birth/Citizenship Certificate or Centrelink Pension Card

Centrelink payment letter or Government or local council notice (<1 year old) with name and address

I have attached certified copies of both:


*Proof of identity See ‘Completing proof of identity’

Personal detailsResidential address


*State/territory *Postcode

*Address*Family name

Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other

*Given names

Other/previous names

*Date of birth

Day Month Year

Tax file number

*Gender FemaleMale

*Contact phone number

Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, you are not obliged to disclose your tax file number, but there may be tax consequences.

See ‘What happens if I do not quote my tax file number?’

Previous address


State/territory Postcode


If you know that the address held by your FROM fund is different to your current residential address, please give details below.

Fund details

*Fund phone numberFund phone number

Membership or account number

Superannuation Product Identification Number (SPIN)

FROM*Fund name

If you have multiple account numbers with this fund, you must complete a separate form for each account you wish to transfer.

Australian business number (ABN)

*Membership or account number

Superannuation Product Identification Number (SPIN)

TO*Fund name

You must check with your TO fund to ensure they can accept this transfer.

Australian business number (ABN)



26 382 680 883

1 3 0 0 1 3 0 7 8 0

PO Box 211, North Melbourne VIC 3051


Page 64: Pension Member Guide

IN-CONFIDENCE – when completed

BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORMnRead the important information below. nCheck that the fund you are transferring your benefits TO

can accept this transfer.

WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORMnRefer to these instructions where a question shows a

message like this: nPrint clearly in BLOCK LETTERS.

AFTER COMPLETING THIS FORMnSign the authorisation. nAttach the appropriately certified proof of identity documents.nReview the checklist below. nSend the request form to your fund.


This transfer may close your account (you will need to check this with your FROM fund).

This form can NOT be used to:n transfer part of the balance of your superannuation benefitsn transfer benefits if you don’t know where your

superannuation isn transfer benefits from multiple funds on this one form – a

separate form must be completed for each fund you wish to transfer superannuation from

nchange the fund to which your employer pays contributions on your behalf

nopen a superannuation account, orn transfer benefits under certain conditions or circumstances,

for example if there is a superannuation agreement under the Family Law Act 1975 in place.

CHECKLISTHave you read the important information?

Have you considered where your future employer contributions will be paid?

Have you checked your TO fund can accept the transfer?

Have you completed all of the mandatory fields on the form?

Have you signed and dated the form?

Have you attached the certified documentation including any linking documents if applicable?

WHAT HAPPENS TO MY FUTURE EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS? Using this form to transfer your benefits will not change the fund to which your employer pays your contributions and may close the account you are transferring your benefits FROM.

If you wish to change the fund into which your contributions are being paid, you will need to speak to your employer about Choice. For the appropriate forms and information about whether you are eligible to choose the fund to which your employer contributions are made, visit or call the Australian Taxation Office on 13 10 20.

THINGS YOU NEED TO CONSIDER WHEN TRANSFERRING YOUR SUPERANNUATIONWhen you transfer your superannuation, your entitlements under that fund may cease. You need to consider all relevant information before you make a decision to transfer your superannuation. If you ask for information, your superannuation provider must give it to you. Some of the points you may consider are:nFees – your FROM fund must give you information about

any exit or withdrawal fees. If you are not aware of the fees that may apply, you should contact your fund for further information before completing this form. The fees could include administration fees as well as exit or withdrawal fees. Your TO fund may also charge entry or deposit fees on transfer.

Differences in fees funds charge can have a significant effect on what you will have to retire on. For example, a 1% increase in fees may significantly reduce your final benefit.

nDeath and disability benefits – your FROM fund may insure you against death, illness or an accident which leaves you unable to return to work. If you choose to leave your current fund, you may lose any insurance entitlements you have. Other funds may not offer insurance, or may require you to pass a medical examination before they cover you. When considering a new fund, you may wish to check the costs and amount of any cover offered.

WHAT HAPPENS IF I DO NOT QUOTE MY TAX FILE NUMBER (TFN)?You are not obligated to provide your TFN to your superannuation fund. However, if you do not provide your TFN, your fund may be taxed at the highest marginal tax rate plus the Medicare levy on contributions made to your account in the year, compared to the concessional tax rate of 15%. Your fund may deduct this additional tax from your account.

If your superannuation fund does not have your TFN, you will not be able to make personal contributions to your superannuation account. Choosing to quote your TFN will also make it easier to keep track of your superannuation in the future.

Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, your superannuation fund is authorised to collect your TFN, which will only be used for lawful purposes. These purposes may change in the future as a result of legislative change. The TFN may be disclosed to another superannuation provider, when your benefits are being transferred, unless you request in writing that your TFN is not to be disclosed to any other trustee.

TRANSFERS TO SELF MANAGED SUPERANNUATION FUNDSYou may use this form to transfer your benefits to your own self managed superannuation fund (SMSF).

You should be aware that SMSFs are subject to the same rules and restrictions as other funds, when benefits are to be paid out. In particular, superannuation benefits in a SMSF are required to be ‘preserved’, meaning they are not generally able to be accessed until you are over age 55 and retired.

The trustee of your FROM fund may be able to request further information from you about your status as a member, a trustee or a director of a corporate trustee of your SMSF, if there are multiple transfer requests to your SMSF. Penalties may apply for providing false or misleading information.

Completing the request to transfer whole balance of superannuation benefits between funds form

JS 6676‑03.2007 Page 1

By completing this form, you will request the transfer of the WHOLE balance of your superannuation benefits between funds. This form can NOT be used to transfer part of the balance of your superannuation benefits.This form will NOT change the fund to which your employer pays your contributions. The Standard Choice Form must be used by you to change funds.

Page 65: Pension Member Guide

IN-CONFIDENCE – when completed

Completing proof of identityYou will need to provide documentation with this transfer request to prove you are the person to whom the superannuation entitlements belong.

ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS The following documents may be used.


One of the following documents only:n driver’s licence issued under State or Territory lawn passport.


One of the following documents:n birth certificate or

birth extractn citizenship

certificate issued by the Commonwealth

n pension card issued by Centrelink that entitles the person to financial benefits.


One of the following documents:n letter from Centrelink

regarding a Government assistance payment

n notice issued by Commonwealth, State or Territory Government or local council within the past twelve months that contains your name and residential address. For example:– Tax Office Notice of

Assessment– Rates notice from local


HAvE YOU CHANGED YOUR NAME OR ARE YOU SIGNING ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON? If you have changed your name or are signing on behalf of the applicant, you will need to provide a certified linking document. A linking document is a document that proves a relationship exists between two (or more) names.

The following table contains information about suitable linking documents.

Purpose Suitable linking documents

Change of name

Marriage certificate, deed poll or change of name certificate from the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Office.

Signed on behalf of the applicant

Guardianship papers or Power of Attorney.

CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL DOCUMENTSAll copied pages of ORIGINAL proof of identification documents (including any linking documents) need to be certified as true copies by any individual approved to do so (see below).

The person who is authorised to certify documents must sight the original and the copy and make sure both documents are identical, then make sure all pages have been certified as true copies by writing or stamping ‘certified true copy’ followed by their signature, printed name, qualification (eg Justice of the Peace, Australia Post employee, etc) and date.

The following can certify copies of the originals as true and correct copies: na permanent employee of Australia Post with five or more

years of continuous service na finance company officer with five or more years of

continuous service (with one or more finance companies)nan officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an

Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), having five or more years continuous service with one or more licensees

na notary public officerna police officerna registrar or deputy registrar of a courtna Justice of the Peacena person enrolled on the roll of a State or Territory Supreme

Court or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitionernan Australian consular officer or an Australian diplomatic officer na judge of a courtna magistrate, orna Chief Executive Officer of a Commonwealth court.

WHERE DO I SEND THE FORM? You can send your completed and signed form with your certified proof of identity documents to either fund.

MORE INFORMATIONFor more information about superannuation, visit the:n Australian Securities and Investments Commission website

at, orn Australian Taxation Office website at

For more information about this form, phone the Australian Taxation Office on 13 10 20.

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Page 66: Pension Member Guide

IN-CONFIDENCE – when completed

Completing proof of identityYou will need to provide documentation with this transfer request to prove you are the person to whom the superannuation entitlements belong.

ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS The following documents may be used.


One of the following documents only:n driver’s licence issued under State or Territory lawn passport.


One of the following documents:n birth certificate or

birth extractn citizenship

certificate issued by the Commonwealth

n pension card issued by Centrelink that entitles the person to financial benefits.


One of the following documents:n letter from Centrelink

regarding a Government assistance payment

n notice issued by Commonwealth, State or Territory Government or local council within the past twelve months that contains your name and residential address. For example:– Tax Office Notice of

Assessment– Rates notice from local


HAvE YOU CHANGED YOUR NAME OR ARE YOU SIGNING ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON? If you have changed your name or are signing on behalf of the applicant, you will need to provide a certified linking document. A linking document is a document that proves a relationship exists between two (or more) names.

The following table contains information about suitable linking documents.

Purpose Suitable linking documents

Change of name

Marriage certificate, deed poll or change of name certificate from the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Office.

Signed on behalf of the applicant

Guardianship papers or Power of Attorney.

CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL DOCUMENTSAll copied pages of ORIGINAL proof of identification documents (including any linking documents) need to be certified as true copies by any individual approved to do so (see below).

The person who is authorised to certify documents must sight the original and the copy and make sure both documents are identical, then make sure all pages have been certified as true copies by writing or stamping ‘certified true copy’ followed by their signature, printed name, qualification (eg Justice of the Peace, Australia Post employee, etc) and date.

The following can certify copies of the originals as true and correct copies: na permanent employee of Australia Post with five or more

years of continuous service na finance company officer with five or more years of

continuous service (with one or more finance companies)nan officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an

Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), having five or more years continuous service with one or more licensees

na notary public officerna police officerna registrar or deputy registrar of a courtna Justice of the Peacena person enrolled on the roll of a State or Territory Supreme

Court or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitionernan Australian consular officer or an Australian diplomatic officer na judge of a courtna magistrate, orna Chief Executive Officer of a Commonwealth court.

WHERE DO I SEND THE FORM? You can send your completed and signed form with your certified proof of identity documents to either fund.

MORE INFORMATIONFor more information about superannuation, visit the:n Australian Securities and Investments Commission website

at, orn Australian Taxation Office website at

For more information about this form, phone the Australian Taxation Office on 13 10 20.

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Notice of ComplianceLUCRF Super SFN: 1397 049 48

LUCRF Super ABN: 26 382 680 883

LUCRF Super Superannuation Product Identification Number (SPIN): LUC0001AU

To whom it may concern

I confirm the following details on behalf of LUCRF Pty Ltd, the Trustee for the Labour Union Co-operative Retirement Fund (LUCRF Super):

1. The registered office of the Fund is: 833 Bourke Street, Docklands, Victoria 3008

2. LUCRF Super is a complying superannuation fund within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision)Act 1993 (SIS Act)

3. LUCRF Super is able to accept superannuation contributions for eligible persons. These contributions are maintained and subsequently paid only in accordance with the SIS regulations

4. The LUCRF Super Trust Deed allows benefits of any amount to be accepted as rollovers. Any unrestricted non-preserved portion of the rollover will remain unrestricted and may be cashed out by the member at any time

5. LUCRF Super has never been subject to a direction under Section 63 of the SIS Act

6. LUCRF Super meets the insurance requirements to be chosen as a default fund by employers for the purposes of the Choice of Superannuation Fund legislation

7. LUCRF Super is able to accept contributions from employers. The Trustee approves all employer-sponsors to pay on such frequency that they choose, provided that they meet their statutory obligations. Contributions can be remitted by cheque, electronic funds transfer (EFT) and BPAY.

Any further queries regarding this notification should be directed to this office.

Yours faithfully

Greg Sword AMChief Executive Officer

Phone 1300 130 780 Fax (03) 9326 6907 Web E-mail [email protected] Post PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051

Head Office833 Bourke StreetDocklands VIC 3008

New South WalesLvl 1, 1 Bridge StreetGranville NSW 2142

Queensland17 Cribb StreetMilton QLD 4064

South Australia46 Greenhill RoadWayville SA 5034

Office Locations (please use Postal Address for all correspondence)

LUCRF Pty Ltd ABN 18 005 502 090 AFSL 258481 as Trustee for LUCRF Super ABN 26 382 680 883.

An award-winning fund

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Member Details form




Issued by LUCRF Pty Ltd ABN 18 005 502 090 AFSL 258481 as Trustee of LUCRF Super ABN 26 382 680 883

Pension Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide), 29 October 2010.

Step 1 Your personal details

LUCRF Pension membership number (if known) Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ /

Please cross [X] the appropriate box: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please specify)


First name/s

Residential/Street address (compulsory)

Unit/Street number Street name

Suburb/City/Town State/Territory Postcode

Postal address – if different to residential

Unit/Street/PO Box number Street name

Suburb/City/Town State/Territory Postcode

Please send all correspondence to (please cross [X]): Residential address Postal address

Contact details

Home Work

Mobile Fax

Email address

Pension Member Investment Choice Form

Pension Member Investment Choice Form Page 1 of 3

Please complete all relevant sections using CAPITAL LETTERS and a BLACk or BLUE pen.

Please complete this form if you want change the way your pension account is invested.

When you open a LUCRF Pension account, your funds are automatically invested in the Balanced (default) investment option. This option has a diversified mixture of growth assets such as shares and property and defensive assets like cash and fixed interest.


Page 70: Pension Member Guide

Pension Member Investment Choice Form Page 2 of 3

Step 2 Your investment choice

Complete this section if you would like to nominate or change the way your account is invested.

There are nine different investment options you can choose from. You can choose one option or a mix of options.

Please invest my existing LUCRF Pension account balance as indicated below: (use whole numbers only – no fractions)

Pre-mixed investment options

Balanced (default) %

Conservative %

Moderate %

High Growth %

Asset Class investment options

Cash %

Indexed Shares %

Australian Shares %

International Shares %

Property %


When you open a LUCRF Pension account, your funds are automatically invested in the Balanced (default) investment option. This option has a diversified mixture of growth assets such as shares and property, and defensive assets like cash and fixed interest.

Step 3 Pension payment allocation

Please complete the section below to indicate how you would like to draw down your pension payments. If no selection is made, your pension payments will be withdrawn proportionally (pro-rata) from each investment option you have selected (Step 2).

Option 1 – Pro-rata (default) method

Select this option if you would like your pension payments withdrawn proportionally (pro-rata) from each investment option you have selected in step 2. If you do not make a pension payment selection, you will be automatically allocated this method.

Option 2 – Defined proportion method

Select this option to specify the proportion (percentage) you would like to draw down your pension payments from each investment option you have selected in step 2.

Pre-mixed investment options

Balanced (default) %

Conservative %

Moderate %

High Growth %

Asset Class investment options

Cash %

Indexed Shares %

Australian Shares %

International Shares %

Property %


NoTe: once an investment option has been drawn down to zero balance, your pension payment allocation will revert to the pro-rata (default) method.

You can change your pension payment allocation at anytime by completing a Pension Member Investment Choice Form.


Page 71: Pension Member Guide

Member investment switches

Pension account investment switches received take effect as follows:

An application to change investment option for a pension account is effective the day after the valuation of assets for those requests received by 5pm EST on the day of valuation. Assets are typically valued on a Monday.

Calculating investment returns1. LUCRF values assets weekly and uses weekly crediting rates to allocate net investment earnings to members.

2. Valuations typically occur each Monday during the month and at month end.

3. Valuations may not occur on a Monday for the following reasons:

• When the first Monday of the month is within the first three business days of the month, the valuation is typically deferred to the following Monday

• When the last Monday of the month is within the last three business days of the month, the valuation is typically deferred to month end, or

• Where Monday is a public holiday, investments will be valued on the next business day.

4. The valuation process uses the closing prices in the Australian and overseas markets in which we have investments. Unlisted investments and real estate assets are valued less frequently. We use the most recent valuation available.

5. Crediting rates allocate net investment earnings to members based on daily account balances. Investment returns are applied to members’ accounts.

When (the earliest of):

• When a benefit is paid

• When a change to investment options is processed

• Effective 30 June each year.

6. Financial year to date and historical crediting rates are shown on LUCRF Super’s website,

Step 4 Sign and date this form

• I acknowledge that I have read and understand the information contained in the current Pension Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide) in respect of investment choices, and

• I understand that my request to select or change an investment option will be processed and investment returns applied in accordance with the procedures set out above.

Sign (member signature) Date


7 / /

Completed all relevant steps

Ensured your investment allocations add up to 100%

Signed and dated this form

ChecklistLUCRF Super PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051

Fax: (03) 9326 6907email: [email protected]

Before you send the form to us, make sure you have:

If you need any help completing this form, please call us on 1300 130 780 or email [email protected]

Send this form to:



PRIVACY: LUCRF Super is committed to the National Privacy Principles set down by the Federal Government (see and has produced a Privacy Policy. For a copy of the LUCRF Super Privacy Policy, call us on 1300 130 780 or visit

Pension Member Investment Choice Form Page 3 of 3



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Contact LUCRF Super

1300 130 780

Disclaimer This is not an offer document. Whilst it provides some information about the fund and its features, if you are not an existing member of lUcrF you should obtain and read our Pension Member Guide (combined Product Disclosure Statement and Financial Services Guide) to decide if the lUcrF Pension Fund meets your needs. To obtain a current Pension Member Guide contact 1300 130 780, ask your BDm or download a copy from our website at

This document dated 29 October 2010 is issued by lUcrF Pty ltd aBN 18 005 502 090 aFsl 258481 as Trustee for labour Union co-operative retirement Fund (lUcrF super) aBN 26 382 680 883. The information contained in the document is general in nature only. it does not take into account your financial situation, objectives or needs, so you should look at your own financial position and requirements before making a decision. should you require advice that addresses your personal circumstances, it is recommended you contact a person who is authorised to provide personal financial product advice. 00



Web: [email protected]: PO Box 211 North Melbourne VIC 3051Fax: (03) 9326 6907

an award-winning fund