Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-10-27 [p...

I I f THE JPEJW5ACOLA JOURNAL WEDNESDAY MORNING OCTOBER 27 1909 J FOUR NEW COPS PASSED GOOD- EXAMINATION BOARD OF SAFETY IN SPECIAL SESSION QUESTIONS FOUR WOULDBE POLICEMEN ON MATTERS OF LOCAL INTEREST RESULT TO BE KNOWN LATER Four tentativelynamed policemen were examined by the board of public safety last night on matters of gen ¬ eral interest this being in line with the new rule adopted by the board in the matter of making additions to the police force Those examined were B H Bryars Elliott Mc Closkey T Q McNalr and S F Bo a general thing questions were answered correctly but some ot I them were not answered at all This was in line with instructions given by the chairman of the board in open meeting that if you dont know the correct reply dont guess at it The gentlemen stumbled over some they attempted to reply to but substantial- ly ¬ their replies were ipassed Mr Bri- ars was not so good in locating offices and new buildings He has been out of the city for two years but always kept his poll tax paid here and al ¬ ways regarded this as his home Things had changed around so much that to correctly locate certain busi- ness ¬ houses confused him to some extent Appointments made in the po ¬ lice department pending satisfactory physical and mental examination A certain weight and height have to be shown then tho intellectual teat comes later Care will be exercised in tho conduct of these examinations- in the future and by this means the marshal expects to get a firstclass force in short order Sixty questions were asked of each candidate for appointment last night- a copy of them being as follows The Questions Asked Who and where is the office of the judge of the criminal court Who is collector ol customs for the port of Pensacola What is the location ot the Puritan laundry 4 Where is the Bay hotel Who and where does the deputy marshal reside Who and where is the oulce of the superintendent of the L N R K CoWho and where is the office of the city attorney Where is the office and residence of Dr IL L Bryan Where is Bass tc Co and in what business are they engaged What steamer plies between New I Orleans and Pensacola What steamers ply between Mobile and Pensacola Where Is the office of Anderson Pierpont Whut official position does Dr An ¬ derson hold Vho is superintendent of the city water works What is the name of the city elec- trician ¬ Where is the office of the Southern States Lumber Co Where is the Bscambla Land Manufacturing Co Where Is Davis street and where does it begin and end How many livery stables in the city Give location of each Where is the Enterprise Carriage Works located What is the number of tho fire phone in the police station Where is Salamanca street and where does it begin and end Where is the bar pilots office lo- cated ¬ 1 Where is the office of the Export Lumber Co Where is the Atlantic Compress CoWhat public square in the city has a band stand Where is the Pensacola Dry Goods CoWho is tho president of the Hu- mane ¬ Society Whore is the office of the Whiddon Construction Co Where Is tho Pensacola Auto Co located Name the hotels of the city and Rive location of each Where is the Western Union and Postal Telegraph Companies locat- ed ¬ Who is the postmaster of the city of Pensacola Name and locate Jive banks In the cityWhere is St Joseph cemetery Where Is tho office of B S Wil- liams ¬ Where does the mayor reside How many members on the Board- of Works The Board of Safety Name three packing houses in the city giving the location of each How many monuments in the city and where are they located Where is the office of the Stand- ard ¬ Oil Co Where does the city marshal live Where is the office of O H Smith Sons What member of the city council- Is a steamboat captain Where is the office of Dr F G Renshaw What official position does he hold Where is the office of R G Dun CoWhere is the business of J E Du buisson Bro located Who is the surveyor of Escanibia county Whore is his office Where is the Griel Trading Co lo- cated ¬ Where are the dental parlors of Dr Wilraer S Hall Where is the grocery business or Jas Hansen Co Where is the Home Bakery locat ¬ edWhere is the office of the National Biscuit Co- Where is the office of Jones Pas coWhat Isthe location of Keyser U4dA CZ Where is the Kentucky Barrel House Where is the Belmont theatre Where is the office of Hooton Watson What is the location of the Pearl Furniture Co What street on the north does Flor- ida ¬ Blanca street run to PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching Blind Bleed ¬ ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded 50c For goodness sake eat Mothers Bread Hugheys 133 West Intendencia Phone 855 Prince Ito Japanese Diplomat AssassinatedCo- ntinued from First Page were supposed to concern affairs of I administration in Manchuria Kokovsoff had previously declined- an invitation to visit Japan for such- a conference and Harbin was agreed upon as a meeting place In accept ¬ ing the invitation the Russian minis ¬ ter said that political questions must be barred as he was competent only- to discuss financial and technical sub ¬ jects these concerning the status of the Manchurian railroad The con- ference ¬ had been announced widely in advance and it was generally known when the diplomats would reach Harbin- AN ORGANIZED PLOT The assassination of Prince Ito ap ¬ pears to have been the outcome of an organized plot The local authorities who antici ¬ pating the arrival of Prince Ito were on the lookout for suspicious charac ¬ ters arrested yesterday three Ko- reans ¬ who were at the station and were found to be armed with re- volvers ¬ However the task of guard- ing ¬ the prlnce was rendered difficult- by reason of Japanese ConsulGeneral Kawakans request that the railway officials permit all Japanese to enter the railroad station to greet the prince The police point out that it was quite impossible to distinguish Koreans from Japanese by their ap- pearance ¬ The Russian minister of finance M Kokovsoff and the Russian military authorities accompanying Prince Ito were exposed to the same danger from flying bullets as was the prince Indeed Kokovsoff was nearer the Japanese envoy at the time of the shooting than were those who were wounded Had the assassin delayed- for a moment the shooting the foreign consuls would have been in much danger as Ito was approaching them and they would have been directly in the line of fire The body of the slain statesman- has already been removed home ¬ ward The coffin before it was placed- on the train was covered with flow- ers ¬ sent by M Kokovsoff and the Rus- sian ¬ and Japanese officials The Rus ¬ sian ambassador to Peking Is accom- panying ¬ the body to Kwan Ching Tsu All along the railroad line honors are being shown to the dead statesman Minister Kokovsoff has telegraphed- his condolences to the Japanese gov- ernment ¬ OFFICIAL WASHINGTON SHOCKED THE NEWS Washington Oct 26 Official Wash- ington ¬ was shocked at the news of the assassination of Princo Ito The Japanese embassy here was plunged- into mourning Officials of the state department expressed great sorrow for the taking off of so distinguished- a personage as Prince Ito whom they looked upon as one of the foremost of the worlds statesmen Despite a denial from Toklo that Prince Itos tour was political It has been made apparent that he was en ¬ trusted with several most important missions by the mikado the foremost being an attempt to forestall the pro ¬ test of America and the other powers by effecting a more complete under- standing ¬ with China Prince Ito played an important part In tho framing of the recent treaty between Japan and China relating to railway construction in Manchuria The treaty was concluded August 31 and has been considered by many diplomats a violation of the treaty of peace concluded between Japan and Russia after the war Japan in the face of her Portsmouth pledge not to obstruct any measures that China might take for the development of commerce and industry in Manchuria forced a specific pledga from China not to build a railroad from Hsinn miutun north without Japans con ¬ sentAnother significant provision is that should China build the Kirin railway- east she must borrow half the re- quired ¬ capital from Japan thus insur- ing ¬ Japanese control of an important branch from Japans main line toward Vladivostok China was compelled to transfer tIle Taishichagonew Chwang- line to Japan Japan also refused to discuss the absorption of sovereignty along the South Ianchurian railway which is far greater than ever charged against Russia Her attitude was in glaring contrast with Russias recognition of Chinas sovereign right In the recent Harbin agreeme- ntSTANLEYS AND HUBS IN GAMET- wo out of three games were taken by the Stanleys against the Hubs last night but the scores were close Pryor made the record score of 204 points Tonight the Stanleys- will bowl with the Pastimes leaders- of the league Individual scores last night were as follows Stanleys Pryor 112 153 204 Griffin 133 117 123 Briggs n 97 100 103 Stanley 146 134 169 Jones 130 130 130 CIS 634 729 Hubs E Frenkel 136 135 95 Kuglentan n n 170 157 US Gugenheim n 111 119 SO Jacoby 130 SS 145 C Frenkel 173 133 111 720 632 579 r FILLING OUT WITH Oil CAKE STEAMSHIP WHITEHALL PART- LY ¬ LOADED AT NEW ORLEANS- IS TAKING LARGE CONSIGN ¬ MENT AT L N WAREHOUSES Loading the British steamship Whitehall at Commandancia dock with oil cake is something of an experi- ment ¬ for upon the time of despatch of the steamer depends a great deal whether or not many millions of pounds of the product will be handled at Pensacola and workmen on the docks are working with success in this line in view tor they know in- creased ¬ exporting here means that much more work at this point- At New Orleans tne Whitehall loaded about 12000 sacks of oil cake for Aarhus and Aalborg but that par ¬ tial cargo did not by any means fill the ship A berth in the tIp was as ¬ signed and yesterday four hatches were easily supplied with the corn pactlyvsacked oil cake It comes to the city in bulk carload lots and from cars is eacked t y hand This is a comparatively slow method but work- men j moved swiftly and supplied I sacks to all hatches thus iceepins four engines on the ship busy Favorable comment by exporting officials was made yesterday on the rapid and smooth manner in which things were carried on and the indications are that the port will be favorable to ex- porters ¬ who are just now sending ai lot to the old country and are look jag to the port which shows the most expeditious method in handling all of- fered ¬ and in any quantity PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMBXT Is guaranteed to care any case of Itching Blind Bleed- ing ¬ or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded 50c SAD DEATH OF E1 KIRCHOFFER MADE BRAVE FIGHT FOR LIFE BUT THE WHITE PLAGUE HAD TOO FIRM A HOLD AND HE SUC- CUMBED LAST NIGHT Eugene Kirchoffer 46 years of age died about 7 o lock last evening at I his home No 225 West Government street His wife two sons and a i daughter were near and they mourn their deep and Irreparable loss The funeral hour had not been de- cided ¬ upon at a late hour last night but it is expected the sad obsequies will take place tomorrow Deceased was a member of Canton Merritt No1 P M Excelsior En ¬ campment No4 Damon Lodge No 13 K of P Hickory Camp No 30 W O W and the United Commercial Travelers In Pensacola where he spent the greater part of his life he was highly esteemed by large num ¬ bers of friends- Mr Kirchoffer made a brave fight for life When the dreaded consump ¬ tion manifested itself unmistakably he went west to gain his former good health but the disease had taken too firm a hold on him He spent weeks- at El Paso Texas receiving every at- tention ¬ Doctors in that place a week ago gave up all hope of saving his life and he started home Word came that death might occur on the train- a painful message to friends He ar- rived ¬ Monday morning with but very little life in his body but evea In such condition his sympathetic friends were glad to greet him They could only wait until the last as It was seen he was beyond human aid It all ended early last evening when he feebly breathed his last breath CURSING AT- WHITE GIRLS SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS MADE AGAINST HENRY CLARK YOUNG NEGRO SENT TO JAIL AT LATE HOUR LAST NIGHT Serious allegations were last night made against Henry Clark colored about IS years of age who was sent to the city jail by Mounted Officer Hall at a late hour Drunkenness and cursing are docketed against the negro but when witnesses tell the re ¬ corder this morning the alleged cir ¬ cumstances the negro will likely come in for a stiff penalty It was alleged that while half drunk Clark stumbled over toward a cottage- at Perdido wharf and seeing young white girls on the front porch began- to make use of very indecent lan- guage ¬ The officer found the negro at the cQrner of Government and E streets and sent him In Clark used I language some of the witnesses al ¬ leged that would Indicate he knew white people were nearby and they asserted the filthy words were used only because of their presence BONIFAY VOTES- TO ISSUE BONDS Bonifay Oct 26Bonifays bond election today passed off quietly with the advocates for bonding the town- in the sum of 15000 victorious A good vote W3 polled 51 favoring bonds 27 against the proposition The money thus derived is to be used m erecting a new school building I CLAUDE LENGlE RESTING A BIT CANDIDATE FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR ARRIVES IN TALLA ¬ HASSEE AFTER INTERVIEWING 9000 VOTERS OF THE STATE Special to the Journal Tallahassee Fla Oct 28 Claude LEngle candidate from Tallahassee for the United States senate is in the city again for a few days rest from the Incessant travel done by him sine he started out upon his campaign In an interview today Mr LEngle made the following statements regarding his desires hopes and plans and the measure of success attending the of forts he is making I want to go to the United States senate with no political nor financial debt to pay to any particular person group combination gang or bunch i am determined to owe my election to I everybody in general rather than TO I some few persons particular I am free now nobody hae a string on me I kept free while I ran my paper The I Sun putting in it what I believed would do good to everybody alike 1 wouldnot surrender my freedom for- a seat in the United States senate I 1 am making and until the day of the primary will continue to make al mantoman canvass of the state In the past two and a half months I have I been in 3S counties visited more than i 160 towns and have personally spoken to and delivered my literature to over 9000 voters of Florida As soon as I get through canvassing the remaining nine counties I will at once start out on my second trip which I will make in au automobile WOMAN SAID QIJIL HA BEEN ABDUCTED I Claiming that a negro preacher had abducted her daughter Mary Hill a colored woman last night appeared- at the police station and made appli- cation ¬ for the preachers arrest A- ccompanying ¬ her mother was the al ¬ leged abducted girl who was 15 years old The mother corroborated in de ¬ tail by the daughter raid the preach- er ¬ had persuaded the girl to leavt home by false promises and when found the girl was in the preachers church yard crying with cold and ex ¬ posure She said her daughter was held there against her own free will and the girl said she wanted to leave I but he would not let her Then she I saw children she knew and secretly sent word where her mother could find her The mother found her daughter and the preacher together Besides the mother and daughter an ¬ other colored woman came along and said they were telling tho whole truth Captain Wilde started at once to Investigate their story and will take action if the chUm can be further cor- roborated ¬ I CIRCUIT COURT MEETS AT BONIFAYS- pecial to The Journal Bonifay Oct 23 Circuit court I convened last Monday at 9 oclock- a I m with Judge Wolfe pre ¬ I siding and C L Wilson states attorney with the following law ¬ yers in attendance L J Reeves and J Walter Kehoe of Pensacola I W T Bludworth S K GUlls and A G Campbell of DeFuniak Springs D J Jones L D McRae and Buell Cook of Chlpley and H L Grace and- C M Cox of the local bar Nearly- all of Monday was taken up in paneling the juries and setting time of the trial of the different eases I Tuesday was set for the trial of D Morrison for killing his brother Gus Morrison on Easter Sunday last Judge Wolfe after hearing all the evidence In1 the case directed the jury to bring- In a verdict of not guilty Another case which took the time or the court Monday evening and night and part of Wednesday was that of Mrs Celia Galney vs R J Edwards for breach- of promise which was said by the at ¬ torneys in the case to be the first case of the kind in the history of Florida courts It resulted In a verdict in favor of Mrs GaIney in the sum of one thousand dollars Other cases disposed of were State of Florida- vs W J Smith killing sheep nol prossed State of Florida vs Gus Hagan knowingly marrying another mans wife jury trial verdict guilty State of Florida vs Joel Pate and Rudolph Pate assault with intent to commit murder nol prossed State of Florida vs Lonzo Eldridge driving i cow out of range appeal from county I judges court nol prossed State of Florida vs Lizzie Paul bigamy plea- of guilty no sentence yet has been imposed by the court The trial of Frank Ruth for murder is set this evening at 3 oclock Hon W D Williams of Westville- the veteran newspaper man of Holmes county was In our town Wednesday and we understand will soon locate here We welcome him to our town There is the largest crowd of jurors witnesses and visitors attending court this term of any time since the court- house I was located at Bonifay I We had a nice rain last night after four weeks of drought Cane pota ¬ toes and gardens were suffering Careless EthelI wonder what makes the tide go out- Charlie absently Go out Oh I suppose it goes out to see a man I The Red WhiteA- nd other constituents of your blood are powerfully enriched and vitalized by Hoods Sarsaparilla It increases the red corpuscles and makes strong the white corpuscles and thus protects and restores the health- It cures scrofula eczema eruptions catarrh rheumatism anemia nervons aesa that tired feeling dyspepsia lose jf appetite general debility and builds ap the whole system Get it the Bseal liqafcl foci 0 = in- chocolated tablat rena eaHcd SarsauL All STOMACHI MISERY ENDS I JUST A LITTLE DIAPEPSIN WILL MAKE INDIGESTION HEART- BURN STOMACH GAS OR DYS ¬ PEPSIA GO IN FIVE MINUTES- If I you had some Diapepsin handy ami would take a little now your stomach distress or Indigestion would vanish in five minutes and you would I feel fine This harmless preparation will di- gest ¬ anything you eat and overcome a I sour outoforder stomach before you realize It I If your meals dont tempt you or what little you do eat seems to fill you or lays like a lump of lead In i your stomach or if you have heart ¬ burn that is a sign of Indigestion- Ask your Pharmacist for a 50cent case of Papes DIapepsin and take a little just as soon as you can There will be no sour risings ro belching- of undigested food mixed with acid no stomach gas or heartburn fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach Nau- sea ¬ Debilitating Headaches Dizziness- or Intestinal griping This will alt go and besides there will be no un ¬ digested food left over in the stomach I to poison your breath with nauseous odors Papes Diapepsin is a certain cure for outoforder stomachs because it prevents fermentation and takes hold I of your food and digests It just the same as if your stomach wasnt there I Relief in live minutes from all stom- ach ¬ misery is at any drugstore waiting for you I I These large 50cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly- cure almost any case of Dyspepsia Indigestion or any other stomach dis- turbance i TALLAHASSE- ENEWSNOTES Items of Interest Gathered- at the Capital of Florida Special to the Journal Tallahassee Oct z3The plan suggested to the Tallahassee Chamber- of Commerce by R Griffin Johnson- one of Tallahassees most sucessful- real estate dealers and a live mem- ber ¬ of that organization that the to- bacco of Leon should combine- and establish a cigar factory here is meeting with general approval The tobacco planters of Bainbridge and Attapulgus Ga and Havana and Quincy Fla have resorted to this expedient to keep their tobacco crops from being sacrificed to the greed of the tobacco trusts and are finding it a most satisfactory solution to their problem- For Tallahassee this plan would be easeir than for most towns as there are already at least 150 experienced- cigar makers here recently thrown- out of employment by the removal of the El Provedo factory to Tampa Mr A Wahnlsh an expert in the handling of tobacco and the manu- facture ¬ of cigars is of the opinion that the carrying out of Mr Johnsons suggestion would mean wealth to the tobacco men of Leon He assures them that they would be able to put- on the market an excellent fivecent cigar the sale of which would give them a good profit for their tobacco besides an extra profit on the manu- facture ¬ of the cigars This tobacco Is of mild and fine quality and susceptible of being fla- vored ¬ if flavoring should be desired The matter is being taken into serious consideration and the prospects are that Leon county cigars will soon be on the market Personal Mention I The Tallahassee Musical Associa ¬ tion has an increased membership- this year and a disposition to make it even more of a success than it was last year is very apparent The weekly rehearsals are well attended- I and the Bridal Chorus from The Rose Maiden by F H Cowen the work chosen for the beginning will be rendered at the November concert Messrs John and Taylor Collins who went over to Savannah last week to purchase a plant for the state printing have returned and now Messrs Smith and Collins are busy preparing space for the machinery which Is expected here In a few days Florida the new weekly published here by John C Trice mad6 its first appearance Thursday It is a l printed spage paper full of Intel Ing news matter i Mr G W Saxtoto president e Capital City BsnkMs returr 1 his recent trip toujSreat BVil Saxtons trip w asr p ma l purpose of transacting b 3 t- he managed to find tin jno sightseeing which he full ed The news ot the death of M Jack Mabry at Tampa was received here with great regret Mr Mabry was an exceptionally fine young man and had I many friends in Tallahassee Miss Edna Grill of Palatka was guest of honor at a beautiful recep ¬ tion given here Friday night by her sister Mrs W H Markham- Mrs Fred T Myers who stopped- over for a fortnights visit to friends- in Jacksonville on her return from New York and Philadelphia is home again Mrs Royal C Dunn who has had a recent severe illness is thought to be gradually improving Governor Gilchrist left Thursday- for St Louis where he will join President Tart and his escort of gov- ernors ¬ on their trip to New Orleans ExGovernor W D Bloxham re- turned ¬ home Wednesday after sjoend P SPECIAL 1909 WONDER BICYCLES Corbin New Departure Coaster Break FULLY GUARANTEED Mens and Boys 2500 Large shipment just received Shipment of skates just received 75c per pa- irWMRJOHNSON SON I Y rr LOL 1 High Grade Porto Rican Cigars Alblumo I 0 cents Comptola 5 cents PRANK REILLY DistributorS- old by all dealers tI Ii Order COAL Now Every advantage is with the consumer in buy ¬ ing his coal early Better service less cost none of the disagreeable features of winter deliveries and the added satisfaction of having the coal in your own bins A discount of 25c per ton allowed on coal deliv ¬ ered and paid for in October Phone us your order Office 93 Yard 6 C A Fl y < l 0 0 14 EAST GOVERNMENT ST We also handle Lime Brick and Cement t ing the Slimmer in Waynesville N C Mrs Bloxham has gone on to Texas- to visit relatives before returning to Tallahassee J W WIdeman of DeLand one of the most successful insurance men in Florida is In the city Mrs W H Covington has returned from a summer outing In North Caro- lina After a three days examination the class of twelve applicants for admis- sion ¬ to the bar of Florida returned home Thursday SNEADSS- pecial to the Journal Sneads Oct 3The farmers are all busy breaking and hauling in their corn also gathering in their forage Cotton will soon all be gathered There is a great deal of sickness In and around our little village at pres ¬ entDr McCloud of Cypress made a flying trip here Tuesday In his new automobile Little Moreno Stokes who has been confined to bed with fever is better and able to be up Little Clyde Evans is somewhat im- proved ¬ after several days serious ill ¬ ness She is greatly missed by her little choolmates Miss Alice Evans who teaching school near ChIpley made her par- ents ¬ a visit last Saturday and Sun ¬ dayMrs Paulsdegraph and little son of River Junction visited relatives here this week Jim Yates is moving his family to Chipley where they will In the future reside He expects to go Into busi- ness ¬ there His many friends wish him much success Will Hamn and family have moved over in Georgia The L N pay car made its an ¬ nual visit here Wednesday making many hearts glad- T J Wright with his gang return- ed ¬ here Saturday and resumed their usual work Mrs Belle Wells of near Chipley made home folks a visit this week BEULAHS- pecial to the Journal Beulah Oct 3This section was visited by the worst wind and rain storm last Wednorday evening that we have experienced since the big hurricane P C Dawkins had several buildings blown over and most of them will have to be rebuilt as they cannot be straightened up Mrs James Snowden has been on the sick list for a few days but Is now able to be about again C E Snowden has moved here from Quintette Mrs C E Snowden has gone to visit a few days with her sister Mrs EL Snowden of near Cottage Hiu C B Bu by Willie Wesner and Will Olesen have Just returned from a fishing trip to Brents ditch on Per dido Bay and report a good time plenty of fish to use while out and a nice lot to bring home Arthur Spare and wife wore the guests of James Snowden and family Thursday- The bird hunters aro plentiful around her3 now and the game war- den ¬ could got in some work here If he should try Will Garrett has moved into the house vacated by James Snowden and seems very much pleased with his lo- cation Thos Barrineau had a number of hay stacks blown down by the storm Wednesday W A Shelby Is hauling and baling native hay and finds ready sale for it In Pensacola at a remunerative price DESTIN Soeclal to The Journal Destin Oct 26Mrs Sarah Manor has teen very ill with fever but we are glad to say she is improving Mrs Douglass and children and her niece Miss Jackson who have been visiting Mrs R J Williams will re ¬ turn to their home at Port Eada La Tuesday morning Fred Williams caught three hundred pounds of mullet yesterday The Donna brought over a crowd Sunday They came for fish Mr Brooks came up from Camp > Walton to spend a while with Win Marler and family Miss Ida Destin is spending a few days with her grandmother- Quite I a large crowd attended church Sunday night Our Sunday school is still going on but the attendance is not as good as it could be Mrs J M Cummings spent Sunday with Mrs T J Nicheteon Fred Williams and crew caught over two hundre snappers Saturday Concerning Rats- A captain of an ocean liner tells the following story Coming from the old country was a very nervous old lady who complained that she was sure there was a rat in her stateroom Keep it there madam said the captain But do you like rats asked she Ive got a nest In my cabin re- torted ¬ the brusque seaman and 1 never disturb them When they leave the ship I do Why you must be superstitious urged the daipe No maam wound up the captain Im not but the rats areEr change i End of the Vacation What are the wild waves saying What is the tale they tell To the sharks of the easy marks Who once by the sea did dwell Oh It is the old old story- A story that is no joke Our time for play has passed away And most of us are broke I Only One BROMO QUININE that is Laxative Bromo Qmnina r3 W on every Cwes Cold in One Day Grip in 2 Days oL 25c

Transcript of Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-10-27 [p...

  • I If










    Four tentativelynamed policemenwere examined by the board of publicsafety last night on matters of gen¬eral interest this being in line withthe new rule adopted by the board inthe matter of making additions to thepolice force Those examined were

    B H Bryars Elliott McCloskey T Q McNalr and S F Bo

    a general thing questionswere answered correctly but some ot

    I them were not answered at all Thiswas in line with instructions givenby the chairman of the board in openmeeting that if you dont know thecorrect reply dont guess at it Thegentlemen stumbled over some theyattempted to reply to but substantial-ly


    their replies were ipassed Mr Bri-ars was not so good in locating officesand new buildings He has been outof the city for two years but alwayskept his poll tax paid here and al ¬ways regarded this as his homeThings had changed around so muchthat to correctly locate certain busi-ness


    houses confused him to someextent

    Appointments made in the po ¬lice department pending satisfactoryphysical and mental examination Acertain weight and height have to beshown then tho intellectual teatcomes later Care will be exercisedin tho conduct of these examinations-in the future and by this means themarshal expects to get a firstclassforce in short order

    Sixty questions were asked of eachcandidate for appointment last night-a copy of them being as follows

    The Questions AskedWho and where is the office of the

    judge of the criminal courtWho is collector ol customs for the

    port of PensacolaWhat is the location ot the Puritan

    laundry 4Where is the Bay hotelWho and where does the deputy

    marshal resideWho and where is the oulce of the

    superintendent of the L N R KCoWho and where is the office of thecity attorney

    Where is the office and residence ofDr IL L Bryan

    Where is Bass tc Co and in whatbusiness are they engaged

    What steamer plies between New IOrleans and Pensacola

    What steamers ply between Mobileand Pensacola

    Where Is the office of AndersonPierpont

    Whut official position does Dr An ¬derson hold

    Vho is superintendent of the citywater works

    What is the name of the city elec-trician


    Where is the office of the SouthernStates Lumber Co

    Where is the Bscambla LandManufacturing Co

    Where Is Davis street and wheredoes it begin and end

    How many livery stables in thecity Give location of each

    Where is the Enterprise CarriageWorks located

    What is the number of tho firephone in the police station

    Where is Salamanca street andwhere does it begin and end

    Where is the bar pilots office lo-cated


    1Where is the office of the Export

    Lumber CoWhere is the Atlantic Compress

    CoWhat public square in the city hasa band stand

    Where is the Pensacola Dry GoodsCoWho is tho president of the Hu-mane


    SocietyWhore is the office of the Whiddon

    Construction CoWhere Is tho Pensacola Auto Co

    locatedName the hotels of the city and

    Rive location of eachWhere is the Western Union and

    Postal Telegraph Companies locat-ed


    Who is the postmaster of the cityof Pensacola

    Name and locate Jive banks In thecityWhere is St Joseph cemetery

    Where Is tho office of B S Wil-liams


    Where does the mayor resideHow many members on the Board-

    of Works The Board of SafetyName three packing houses in the

    city giving the location of eachHow many monuments in the city

    and where are they locatedWhere is the office of the Stand-


    Oil CoWhere does the city marshal liveWhere is the office of O H Smith

    SonsWhat member of the city council-

    Is a steamboat captainWhere is the office of Dr F G

    Renshaw What official position doeshe hold

    Where is the office of R G DunCoWhere is the business of J E Dubuisson Bro located

    Who is the surveyor of Escanibiacounty Whore is his office

    Where is the Griel Trading Co lo-cated


    Where are the dental parlors of DrWilraer S Hall

    Where is the grocery business orJas Hansen Co

    Where is the Home Bakery locat ¬edWhere is the office of the NationalBiscuit Co-

    Where is the office of Jones PascoWhat Isthe location of Keyser

    U4dA CZ

    Where is the Kentucky BarrelHouse

    Where is the Belmont theatreWhere is the office of Hooton

    WatsonWhat is the location of the Pearl

    Furniture CoWhat street on the north does Flor-


    Blanca street run to

    PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYSPAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed tocure any case of Itching Blind Bleed ¬ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14days or money refunded 50c

    For goodness sake eatMothers Bread Hugheys133 West Intendencia Phone855

    Prince Ito JapaneseDiplomat AssassinatedCo-ntinued from First Page

    were supposed to concern affairs of Iadministration in Manchuria

    Kokovsoff had previously declined-an invitation to visit Japan for such-a conference and Harbin was agreedupon as a meeting place In accept ¬ing the invitation the Russian minis ¬ter said that political questions mustbe barred as he was competent only-to discuss financial and technical sub¬jects these concerning the status ofthe Manchurian railroad The con-ference


    had been announced widelyin advance and it was generallyknown when the diplomats wouldreach Harbin-

    AN ORGANIZED PLOTThe assassination of Prince Ito ap¬

    pears to have been the outcome of anorganized plot

    The local authorities who antici ¬pating the arrival of Prince Ito wereon the lookout for suspicious charac ¬ters arrested yesterday three Ko-reans


    who were at the station andwere found to be armed with re-volvers


    However the task of guard-ing


    the prlnce was rendered difficult-by reason of Japanese ConsulGeneralKawakans request that the railwayofficials permit all Japanese to enterthe railroad station to greet theprince The police point out that itwas quite impossible to distinguishKoreans from Japanese by their ap-pearance


    The Russian minister of finance MKokovsoff and the Russian militaryauthorities accompanying Prince Itowere exposed to the same dangerfrom flying bullets as was the princeIndeed Kokovsoff was nearer theJapanese envoy at the time of theshooting than were those who werewounded Had the assassin delayed-for a moment the shooting the foreignconsuls would have been in muchdanger as Ito was approaching themand they would have been directly inthe line of fire

    The body of the slain statesman-has already been removed home ¬ward The coffin before it was placed-on the train was covered with flow-ers


    sent by M Kokovsoff and the Rus-sian


    and Japanese officials The Rus¬sian ambassador to Peking Is accom-panying


    the body to Kwan Ching TsuAll along the railroad line honors arebeing shown to the dead statesmanMinister Kokovsoff has telegraphed-his condolences to the Japanese gov-ernment



    Washington Oct 26 Official Wash-ington


    was shocked at the news ofthe assassination of Princo Ito TheJapanese embassy here was plunged-into mourning Officials of the statedepartment expressed great sorrowfor the taking off of so distinguished-a personage as Prince Ito whom theylooked upon as one of the foremost ofthe worlds statesmen

    Despite a denial from Toklo thatPrince Itos tour was political It hasbeen made apparent that he was en ¬trusted with several most importantmissions by the mikado the foremostbeing an attempt to forestall the pro ¬test of America and the other powersby effecting a more complete under-standing


    with ChinaPrince Ito played an important part

    In tho framing of the recent treatybetween Japan and China relating torailway construction in ManchuriaThe treaty was concluded August 31and has been considered by manydiplomats a violation of the treaty ofpeace concluded between Japan andRussia after the war Japan in theface of her Portsmouth pledge not toobstruct any measures that Chinamight take for the development ofcommerce and industry in Manchuriaforced a specific pledga from Chinanot to build a railroad from Hsinnmiutun north without Japans con ¬sentAnother significant provision is thatshould China build the Kirin railway-east she must borrow half the re-quired


    capital from Japan thus insur-ing


    Japanese control of an importantbranch from Japans main line towardVladivostok China was compelled totransfer tIle Taishichagonew Chwang-line to Japan

    Japan also refused to discuss theabsorption of sovereignty along theSouth Ianchurian railway which isfar greater than ever charged againstRussia Her attitude was in glaringcontrast with Russias recognition ofChinas sovereign right In the recentHarbin agreeme-


    wo out of three games weretaken by the Stanleys against theHubs last night but the scores wereclose Pryor made the record scoreof 204 points Tonight the Stanleys-will bowl with the Pastimes leaders-of the league

    Individual scores last night were asfollows

    StanleysPryor 112 153 204Griffin 133 117 123Briggs n 97 100 103Stanley 146 134 169Jones 130 130 130

    CIS 634 729Hubs

    E Frenkel 136 135 95Kuglentan n n 170 157 USGugenheim n 111 119 SOJacoby 130 SS 145C Frenkel 173 133 111

    720 632 579










    Loading the British steamshipWhitehall at Commandancia dock withoil cake is something of an experi-ment


    for upon the time of despatchof the steamer depends a great dealwhether or not many millions ofpounds of the product will be handledat Pensacola and workmen on thedocks are working with success inthis line in view tor they know in-creased


    exporting here means thatmuch more work at this point-

    At New Orleans tne Whitehallloaded about 12000 sacks of oil cakefor Aarhus and Aalborg but that par ¬tial cargo did not by any means fillthe ship A berth in the tIp was as ¬signed and yesterday four hatcheswere easily supplied with the cornpactlyvsacked oil cake It comes tothe city in bulk carload lots and fromcars is eacked t y hand This is acomparatively slow method but work-men


    moved swiftly and suppliedI

    sacks to all hatches thus iceepins fourengines on the ship busy Favorablecomment by exporting officials wasmade yesterday on the rapid andsmooth manner in which things werecarried on and the indications arethat the port will be favorable to ex-porters


    who are just now sending ailot to the old country and are lookjag to the port which shows the mostexpeditious method in handling all of-fered


    and in any quantity

    PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYSPAZO OINTMBXT Is guaranteed tocare any case of Itching Blind Bleed-ing


    or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14days or money refunded 50c






    Eugene Kirchoffer 46 years of agedied about 7 o lock last evening at


    his home No 225 West Governmentstreet His wife two sons and a idaughter were near and they mourntheir deep and Irreparable loss

    The funeral hour had not been de-cided


    upon at a late hour last nightbut it is expected the sad obsequieswill take place tomorrow

    Deceased was a member of CantonMerritt No1 P M Excelsior En ¬campment No4 Damon Lodge No 13K of P Hickory Camp No 30 W OW and the United CommercialTravelers In Pensacola where hespent the greater part of his life hewas highly esteemed by large num ¬bers of friends-

    Mr Kirchoffer made a brave fightfor life When the dreaded consump¬tion manifested itself unmistakably hewent west to gain his former goodhealth but the disease had taken toofirm a hold on him He spent weeks-at El Paso Texas receiving every at-tention


    Doctors in that place a weekago gave up all hope of saving his lifeand he started home Word camethat death might occur on the train-a painful message to friends He ar-rived


    Monday morning with but verylittle life in his body but evea Insuch condition his sympathetic friendswere glad to greet him They couldonly wait until the last as It wasseen he was beyond human aid Itall ended early last evening when hefeebly breathed his last breath






    Serious allegations were last nightmade against Henry Clark coloredabout IS years of age who was sentto the city jail by Mounted OfficerHall at a late hour Drunkenness andcursing are docketed against thenegro but when witnesses tell the re ¬corder this morning the alleged cir¬cumstances the negro will likely comein for a stiff penalty

    It was alleged that while half drunkClark stumbled over toward a cottage-at Perdido wharf and seeing youngwhite girls on the front porch began-to make use of very indecent lan-guage


    The officer found the negro atthe cQrner of Government and Estreets and sent him In Clark usedI language some of the witnesses al ¬leged that would Indicate he knewwhite people were nearby and theyasserted the filthy words were usedonly because of their presence


    Bonifay Oct 26Bonifays bondelection today passed off quietly withthe advocates for bonding the town-in the sum of 15000 victorious Agood vote W3 polled 51 favoringbonds 27 against the proposition Themoney thus derived is to be used merecting a new school building







    Special to the JournalTallahassee Fla Oct 28 Claude

    LEngle candidate from Tallahasseefor the United States senate is in thecity again for a few days rest fromthe Incessant travel done by him sinehe started out upon his campaign Inan interview today Mr LEngle madethe following statements regardinghis desires hopes and plans and themeasure of success attending the offorts he is making

    I want to go to the United Statessenate with no political nor financialdebt to pay to any particular persongroup combination gang or bunch iam determined to owe my election to Ieverybody in general rather than TO Isome few persons particular I amfree now nobody hae a string on meI kept free while I ran my paper The ISun putting in it what I believedwould do good to everybody alike 1wouldnot surrender my freedom for-a seat in the United States senate I

    1 am making and until the day ofthe primary will continue to make almantoman canvass of the state Inthe past two and a half months I have Ibeen in 3S counties visited more than i160 towns and have personallyspoken to and delivered my literatureto over 9000 voters of Florida Assoon as I get through canvassing theremaining nine counties I will at oncestart out on my second trip which Iwill make in au automobile



    Claiming that a negro preacher hadabducted her daughter Mary Hill acolored woman last night appeared-at the police station and made appli-cation


    for the preachers arrest A-ccompanying


    her mother was the al ¬leged abducted girl who was 15 yearsold The mother corroborated in de ¬tail by the daughter raid the preach-er


    had persuaded the girl to leavthome by false promises and whenfound the girl was in the preacherschurch yard crying with cold and ex ¬posure She said her daughter washeld there against her own free willand the girl said she wanted to leave Ibut he would not let her Then she Isaw children she knew and secretlysent word where her mother couldfind her The mother found herdaughter and the preacher togetherBesides the mother and daughter an ¬other colored woman came along andsaid they were telling tho wholetruth Captain Wilde started at onceto Investigate their story and will takeaction if the chUm can be further cor-roborated




    pecial to The JournalBonifay Oct 23 Circuit court I

    convened last Monday at 9 oclock-a


    m with Judge Wolfe pre¬ Isiding and C L Wilson statesattorney with the following law ¬yers in attendance L J Reevesand J Walter Kehoe of Pensacola IW T Bludworth S K GUlls and AG Campbell of DeFuniak Springs DJ Jones L D McRae and BuellCook of Chlpley and H L Grace and-C M Cox of the local bar Nearly-all of Monday was taken up inpaneling the juries and setting timeof the trial of the different eases ITuesday was set for the trial of DMorrison for killing his brother GusMorrison on Easter Sunday last JudgeWolfe after hearing all the evidenceIn1 the case directed the jury to bring-In a verdict of not guilty Anothercase which took the time or the courtMonday evening and night and part ofWednesday was that of Mrs CeliaGalney vs R J Edwards for breach-of promise which was said by the at ¬torneys in the case to be the first caseof the kind in the history of Floridacourts It resulted In a verdict infavor of Mrs GaIney in the sum ofone thousand dollars Other casesdisposed of were State of Florida-vs W J Smith killing sheep nolprossed State of Florida vs GusHagan knowingly marrying anothermans wife jury trial verdict guiltyState of Florida vs Joel Pate andRudolph Pate assault with intent tocommit murder nol prossed State ofFlorida vs Lonzo Eldridge drivingicow out of range appeal from county

    I judges court nol prossed State ofFlorida vs Lizzie Paul bigamy plea-of guilty no sentence yet has beenimposed by the court The trial ofFrank Ruth for murder is set thisevening at 3 oclock

    Hon W D Williams of Westville-the veteran newspaper man of Holmescounty was In our town Wednesdayand we understand will soon locatehere We welcome him to our town

    There is the largest crowd of jurorswitnesses and visitors attending courtthis term of any time since the court-houseI was located at BonifayI

    We had a nice rain last night afterfour weeks of drought Cane pota¬toes and gardens were suffering

    CarelessEthelI wonder what makes the

    tide go out-Charlie absently Go out Oh I

    suppose it goes out to see a manI

    The Red WhiteA-nd other constituents of yourblood are powerfully enriched andvitalized by Hoods Sarsaparilla

    It increases the red corpuscles andmakes strong the white corpuscles andthus protects and restores the health-

    It cures scrofula eczema eruptionscatarrh rheumatism anemia nervonsaesa that tired feeling dyspepsia losejf appetite general debility and buildsap the whole system

    Get it the Bseal liqafcl foci 0= in-chocolated tablat rena eaHcd SarsauL








    you had some Diapepsin handyami would take a little now yourstomach distress or Indigestion wouldvanish in five minutes and you would Ifeel fine

    This harmless preparation will di-gest


    anything you eat and overcome a Isour outoforder stomach before yourealize It I

    If your meals dont tempt you orwhat little you do eat seems to fillyou or lays like a lump of lead In iyour stomach or if you have heart¬burn that is a sign of Indigestion-

    Ask your Pharmacist for a 50centcase of Papes DIapepsin and take alittle just as soon as you can Therewill be no sour risings ro belching-of undigested food mixed with acidno stomach gas or heartburn fullnessor heavy feeling in the stomach Nau-sea


    Debilitating Headaches Dizziness-or Intestinal griping This will altgo and besides there will be no un ¬digested food left over in the stomach Ito poison your breath with nauseousodors

    Papes Diapepsin is a certain curefor outoforder stomachs because itprevents fermentation and takes hold Iof your food and digests It just thesame as if your stomach wasnt there I

    Relief in live minutes from all stom-ach


    misery is at any drugstore waitingfor you



    These large 50cent cases containmore than sufficient to thoroughly-cure almost any case of DyspepsiaIndigestion or any other stomach dis-turbance




    Items of Interest Gathered-at the Capital of


    Special to the JournalTallahassee Oct z3The plan

    suggested to the Tallahassee Chamber-of Commerce by R Griffin Johnson-one of Tallahassees most sucessful-real estate dealers and a live mem-ber


    of that organization that the to-bacco of Leon should combine-and establish a cigar factory here ismeeting with general approval Thetobacco planters of Bainbridge andAttapulgus Ga and Havana andQuincy Fla have resorted to thisexpedient to keep their tobacco cropsfrom being sacrificed to the greed ofthe tobacco trusts and are finding ita most satisfactory solution to theirproblem-

    For Tallahassee this plan would beeaseir than for most towns as thereare already at least 150 experienced-cigar makers here recently thrown-out of employment by the removal ofthe El Provedo factory to TampaMr A Wahnlsh an expert in thehandling of tobacco and the manu-facture


    of cigars is of the opinionthat the carrying out of Mr Johnsonssuggestion would mean wealth to thetobacco men of Leon He assuresthem that they would be able to put-on the market an excellent fivecentcigar the sale of which would givethem a good profit for their tobaccobesides an extra profit on the manu-facture


    of the cigarsThis tobacco Is of mild and fine

    quality and susceptible of being fla-vored


    if flavoring should be desiredThe matter is being taken into seriousconsideration and the prospects arethat Leon county cigars will soon beon the market

    Personal MentionI The Tallahassee Musical Associa ¬tion has an increased membership-this year and a disposition to makeit even more of a success than it waslast year is very apparent Theweekly rehearsals are well attended-

    I and the Bridal Chorus from TheRose Maiden by F H Cowen thework chosen for the beginning willbe rendered at the November concert

    Messrs John and Taylor Collinswho went over to Savannah last weekto purchase a plant for the stateprinting have returned and nowMessrs Smith and Collins are busypreparing space for the machinerywhich Is expected here In a few days

    Florida the new weekly publishedhere by John C Trice mad6 its firstappearance Thursday It is a lprinted spage paper full of IntelIng news matter i

    Mr G W Saxtoto president eCapital City BsnkMs returr 1his recent trip toujSreat BVilSaxtons trip wasr p ma lpurpose of transacting b 3 t-he managed to find tin jnosightseeing which he full ed

    The news ot the death of M JackMabry at Tampa was received herewith great regret Mr Mabry was anexceptionally fine young man and had

    I many friends in TallahasseeMiss Edna Grill of Palatka was

    guest of honor at a beautiful recep ¬tion given here Friday night by hersister Mrs W H Markham-

    Mrs Fred T Myers who stopped-over for a fortnights visit to friends-in Jacksonville on her return fromNew York and Philadelphia is homeagain

    Mrs Royal C Dunn who has had arecent severe illness is thought to begradually improving

    Governor Gilchrist left Thursday-for St Louis where he will joinPresident Tart and his escort of gov-ernors


    on their trip to New OrleansExGovernor W D Bloxham re-


    home Wednesday after sjoend



    Corbin New Departure Coaster Break


    Mens and Boys 2500Large shipment just received Shipment of

    skates just received 75c per pa-



    High Grade

    Porto Rican CigarsAlblumo I 0 centsComptola 5 cents

    PRANK REILLY DistributorS-old by all dealers


    Order COAL NowEvery advantage is with the consumer in buy¬

    ing his coal early Better service less cost none ofthe disagreeable features of winter deliveries andthe added satisfaction of having the coal in your ownbins

    A discount of 25c per ton allowed on coal deliv ¬ered and paid for in October

    Phone us your order Office 93 Yard 6

    C A Fl y < l 0014 EAST GOVERNMENT STWe also handle Lime Brick and Cement t

    ing the Slimmer in Waynesville N CMrs Bloxham has gone on to Texas-to visit relatives before returning toTallahassee

    J W WIdeman of DeLand one ofthe most successful insurance men inFlorida is In the city

    Mrs W H Covington has returnedfrom a summer outing In North Caro-lina

    After a three days examination theclass of twelve applicants for admis-sion


    to the bar of Florida returnedhome Thursday


    pecial to the JournalSneads Oct 3The farmers are

    all busy breaking and hauling in theircorn also gathering in their forageCotton will soon all be gathered

    There is a great deal of sickness Inand around our little village at pres ¬entDr McCloud of Cypress made aflying trip here Tuesday In his newautomobile

    Little Moreno Stokes who has beenconfined to bed with fever is betterand able to be up

    Little Clyde Evans is somewhat im-proved


    after several days serious ill ¬ness She is greatly missed by herlittle choolmates

    Miss Alice Evans who teachingschool near ChIpley made her par-ents


    a visit last Saturday and Sun ¬dayMrs Paulsdegraph and little sonof River Junction visited relativeshere this week

    Jim Yates is moving his family toChipley where they will In the futurereside He expects to go Into busi-ness


    there His many friends wishhim much success

    Will Hamn and family have movedover in Georgia

    The L N pay car made its an ¬nual visit here Wednesday makingmany hearts glad-

    T J Wright with his gang return-ed


    here Saturday and resumed theirusual work

    Mrs Belle Wells of near Chipleymade home folks a visit this week

    BEULAHS-pecial to the Journal

    Beulah Oct 3This section wasvisited by the worst wind and rainstorm last Wednorday evening thatwe have experienced since the bighurricane P C Dawkins had severalbuildings blown over and most ofthem will have to be rebuilt as theycannot be straightened up

    Mrs James Snowden has been onthe sick list for a few days but Isnow able to be about again

    C E Snowden has moved herefrom Quintette

    Mrs C E Snowden has gone tovisit a few days with her sister MrsE L Snowden of near Cottage Hiu

    C B Bu by Willie Wesner andWill Olesen have Just returned from afishing trip to Brents ditch on Per

    dido Bay and report a good timeplenty of fish to use while out and anice lot to bring home

    Arthur Spare and wife wore theguests of James Snowden and familyThursday-

    The bird hunters aro plentifularound her3 now and the game war-den


    could got in some work here Ifhe should try

    Will Garrett has moved into thehouse vacated by James Snowden andseems very much pleased with his lo-cation

    Thos Barrineau had a number ofhay stacks blown down by the stormWednesday

    W A Shelby Is hauling and balingnative hay and finds ready sale for itIn Pensacola at a remunerative price

    DESTINSoeclal to The Journal

    Destin Oct 26Mrs Sarah Manorhas teen very ill with fever but weare glad to say she is improving

    Mrs Douglass and children and herniece Miss Jackson who have beenvisiting Mrs R J Williams will re ¬turn to their home at Port Eada LaTuesday morning

    Fred Williams caught three hundredpounds of mullet yesterday

    The Donna brought over a crowdSunday They came for fish

    Mr Brooks came up from Camp >Walton to spend a while with WinMarler and family

    Miss Ida Destin is spending a fewdays with her grandmother-

    QuiteI a large crowd attendedchurch Sunday night

    Our Sunday school is still going onbut the attendance is not as good as itcould be

    Mrs J M Cummings spent Sundaywith Mrs T J Nicheteon

    Fred Williams and crew caught overtwo hundre snappers Saturday

    Concerning Rats-A captain of an ocean liner tells the

    following story Coming from theold country was a very nervous oldlady who complained that she wassure there was a rat in her stateroom

    Keep it there madam said thecaptain

    But do you like rats asked sheIve got a nest In my cabin re-


    the brusque seaman and 1never disturb them When they leavethe ship I do

    Why you must be superstitiousurged the daipe

    No maam wound up the captainIm not but the rats areErchange iEnd of the Vacation

    What are the wild waves sayingWhat is the tale they tell

    To the sharks of the easy marksWho once by the sea did dwell

    Oh It is the old old story-A story that is no joke

    Our time for play has passed awayAnd most of us are broke


    Only One BROMO QUININE that is

    Laxative Bromo Qmnina r3 W on everyCwes Cold in One Day Grip in 2 Days oL 25c