Pensacola Bay Eastern Sub-Basin 2015 Action Plan

Pensacola Bay Eastern Sub-Basin 2015 Action Plan Stormwater Flood Reduction Recommendations City of Pensacola|Escambia County This diagram gives an overview of the recommend ations gathered in the Sub-basin Actio n Plan. The actions listed on this page have originated in the basin studies, commun ity plans and reports, and public engagement workshops held in January 2015. For more complete information read the actual Action Plan provided by the City of Pensacola and Escambia County on their respective websites. Delano Street Drainage Improvements should be implemented according to the 2014 study update prepared by HDR. These projects will help to alleviate ooding throughout the sub-basin. A joint City-County Impervious Area Plan has been recommended by Atkins in their Long Hollow Drainage Report. Such a coordinated plan would go a long way toward reducing stormwater run-off throughout the basin in the future. “Chain of parks” and greenway concepts give stormwater places to go during the rain, but can be enjoyed by the public on sunny The City’s 2015 Downtown Drainage Study conducted by HMM-HDR offers a number of potential solutions to downtown ooding, but recommends further coordination to bring about the best option for controlling oodin g at an affordable cost. The Tarragona Street Streambed is a concept that might prove to be useful. A safely constructed dry streambed that can openly convey stormwater during rain events, outfalling into stormwater conveyance systems closer to the bay may help to avoid more costly underground systems. The historic Spring Street spring was once the source of the San Gabriel (Washerwoman) Creek. What if this spring and The San Miguel Creek once owed from a marsh in the eastern part of downtown, through the Gateway area. Flooding still ows along the historic path of the creek, which presents ideas for a green approach. Recommended Policies: Consider adopting a 100-year design ood event Consider adopting a stormwater retrot policy Consider waiving or amending height restrictions under particular circumstances Take every opportunity to incorporate green infrastructure into local projects Restore or re-create historic streams wherever possible The I-110 terminus needs improvement for better trafc ow into the downtown area. This needed trafc project can The Main Street Road Diet proposed by the Community Redevelopment Agency sets the goal of creating a beautiful Englewood CRA recommendations for Pace Blvd. & Englewood Park, include integration of green low-impact development with traditional stormwater management techniques. The Long Hollow retention pond no longer provides the necessary storage for stormwater run-off in this part of the City. After the Delano project is implemented, the new H&H study will offer insight into appropriate solutions for this area. Update stormwater master plans as needed; the City’s plan dates from the late 1980’s, while the County’s plan dates from the early 1990’s. So much development has taken place since then, and a new H&H model will inform the update process. Develop a fully dynamic hydrologic and hydraulic model for the entire eastern sub-basin. The right combination of projects could be phased within the model resulting in proper coordination and savings The Town & Country shop ping center is an under-utilized complex that would benet from low-impact strategies, after the Delano projects have been constructed. An on-site retention program is a basin- wide project that includes everyone! If each property owner does their best to keep rain on their property, there will be less run-off to deal with throughout the entire basin. Downtown drainage projects can include exciting economic revitalization and community- partnerships when green infrastructure is inc luded. The Urban Redevelopmen t Advisory Committee has suggested that the City should “develop and fund a streetscape program for the central core.” The Aragon Court Drainage Basin Concept Report prepared by Atkins in 2014 demonstrates the difculty of dealing with the amount of stormwater that enters the lower portion of the sub- basin. The dynamic H &H model recommended may help to focus efforts for Aragon more effectively. The Palafox- Maxwell intersection is a depressed area that holds water during even average rain events. Atkins recommends raising this intersection and surrounding roads to eliminate the sump condition. B M F L K N C G  J A D E H I N   P  A  L  A  F  O  X   S  T  N   D  A  V  I  S   H  W  Y  N   7  T  H  A  V  E   N   E   S  T N   9  T  H   A  V  E  N   8  T  H  A  V  E   N   F  S  T I  N  T  E  R  S  T  A  T  E   1  1  0   N   G   S  T  N   P  A  C  E   B  L  V  D  N   D   S  T N  H  A  Y  N  E  S  T   N   H   S  T  E  LA  R  UA S  T  N   L   S  T N   1  1  T  H   A  V  E   E C  HA  S  E  S  T  N   A   S  T D  R   M  A  R  T  I  N   L  U  T  H  E  R   K  I  N  G    J  R   D  R   E  T  E  XA  R  D  R  E C  E  R  VA  N  T  E  S  S  T W Y ONGE ST  N   B  S  T  E  L  LO  Y  D  S  T W    L  E   O  N   A  R  D   S   T    E  D  E  SO  TO  S  T  E S  T  RO  NG  S  T W  HERMAN AV E W  JORDAN ST W  BOBE ST  E RO  MA  NA S  T  N   Q    S  T W LAK EV IEW  AV E N   1  2  T  H   A  V  E   E GA  D  S  D  E  N  S  T  E A  V  E  R  Y  S  T  E C  RO  S  S S  T  E  B  RA  I  N  E  R  D  S  T W  HERNANDEZ ST CLAY  ST  E  J  O  R  DA  N  S  T W SCOTT  ST R  O  O  S  E  V  E  L  T   S  T  N   S   S  T   N   P  S  T  E  G  R  E  G  O  R  Y S  T  E  MA  L  LO  R  Y S  T S  B  A  Y  L  E  N   S  T  N   S  P  R  I  N  G   S  T  S    J  E  F  F  E  R  S  O  N   S  T   W  L  E  E  S  T  E W  R  IG  H  T S  T N  1    T  H  A  V  E  N   M  I  L  L  E  R   S  T  W  F AIRF IELD DR W  C ROSS ST  E  SCO  T  T S  T  E  JAC  K  SO  N  S  T  E GO  V  E  R  N  M  E  N  T S  T N  B  A  Y  L  E  N  S  T   E  I  N  T  E  N  D  E  NC  IA  S  T  E  L  E  E S  T N  T  A  R  R  A  G  O  N  A  S  T   W  A  V  E  R  Y  S  T N   1  0  T  H   A  V  E   E  ZA  R  RAGO  S  SA S  T  W  B  L  O  U  N  T  S  T  E GO  N  ZA  L  E  Z  S  T W  T EX AR DR N   R  E  U  S   S  T   W   L  LO  Y  D  S  T DELANO ST C LARINDA LN  W  M  O  R  E  N  O  S  T  E  BAA  R  S S  T  E  B  E  L  M  O  N  T  S  T ST  MARY  AV E   W       2   N   D    L   N  W   MA  L  LO  R  Y  S  T   L   U   R   T   O   N    S   T  W GA  R  D  E  N  S  T  N   N   S  T   P   E  A   R   L   A   V   E W  BAARS ST  N   K  S  T  N   M   S  T P  A  L  A  F  O  X   P  L  N   B  A  R  C  E  L  O  N  A   S  T   E  B  LO  U  N  T  S  T S  9  T  H   A  V  E  W  HAY ES ST  W  M A  X  W  E  L  L  S  T S   S  P  R  I  N  G   S  T   E F  I  S  H  E  R  S  T M  A  R  C  U  S   D  R   W   M A  I  N   S  T  W   LA R  UA  S  T W  F ISHER ST S   R  E  U  S   S  T  ST   JOSEPH AV E   W    L   O   R   E   T   T  A   S   T N  G  U  I  L  L  E  M  A  R  D  S  T  B  E  R  W  I  C  K   S  T    E    H   E   R   M  A   N   A   V   E  E YO  NG  E  S  T  E  SA  LA  MA  NCA  S  T  E  BO  B  E S  T  N   R   S  T  E HA  T  T  O  N  S  T  JOHN GRAY RD   E    F  A   I   R   F   I   E   L   D    D   R N     T  H  A  V  E   E GA  R  D  E  N  S  T  E  MA  X  W  E  L  L S  T  N   C   S  T   W       0   T   H    L   N  E      T  H  S  T  W C  E  DA  R  S  T  W  LA  K  E  V  I  E  W A  V  E  E  B  E  L  MO  N  T S  T N   T  A  R  R  A  G  O  N  A   S  T   W   H  E  R  NA  N  D  E  Z S  T  E  B  RA  I  N  E  R  D  S  T N  B  A  Y  L  E  N  S  T   E  L  LO  Y  D  S  T  W   J  O  R  DA  N  S  T  E  B  E  L  MO  N  T  S  T W AV ERY  ST  N   N   S  T N  1  1  T  H  A  V  E  I  N  T  E  R  S  T  A  T  E   1  1  0   N   L  S  T N  G  U  I  L  L  E  M  A  R  D  S  T   N   N   S  T  N   M   S  T W  MAX W ELL ST  E  BO  B  E  S  T  E  JAC  K  SO  N  S  T  E  B  LO  U  N  T  S  T N   H  A  Y  N  E   S  T   E  L  E  E  S  T  E YO  NG  E S  T  E SCO  T  T  S  T N  1  0  T  H   A  V  E   E  L  E  E S  T O D  J L N B C F H P Q R M I

Transcript of Pensacola Bay Eastern Sub-Basin 2015 Action Plan

8/8/2019 Pensacola Bay Eastern Sub-Basin 2015 Action Plan 1/1

Pensacola Bay Eastern Sub-Basin2015 Action Plan

Stormwater Flood Reduction RecommendationsCity of Pensacola|Escambia County

This diagram gives an overview of the recommendations gathered in the Sub-basin Action Plan. The actions listed on this pagehave originated in the basin studies, community plans and reports, and public engagement workshops held in January 2015. Formore complete information read the actual Action Plan provided by the City of Pensacola and Escambia County on their respectivewebsites.

Delano Street DrainageImprovements shouldbe implemented according

to the 2014 study updateprepared by HDR. Theseprojects will help to alleviateflooding throughout thesub-basin.

A joint City-County Impervious

Area Plan has been recommended byAtkins in their Long Hollow DrainageReport. Such a coordinated planwould go a long way toward reducingstormwater run-off throughout thebasin in the future.

“Chain of parks” and greenwayconcepts give stormwater placesto go during the rain, but can beenjoyed by the public on sunnydays. These project types are highlyfavored by the community, andshould be incorporated into as manytraditional projects as possible.

The City’s 2015 DowntownDrainage Study conducted byHMM-HDR offers a number ofpotential solutions to downtownflooding, but recommends furthercoordination to bring about thebest option for controlling floodingat an affordable cost.

The Tarragona Street Streambedis a concept that might prove tobe useful. A safely constructeddry streambed that can openlyconvey stormwater during rainevents, outfalling into stormwaterconveyance systems closer to thebay may help to avoid more costlyunderground systems.

The historic Spring Streetspring was once the source ofthe San Gabriel (Washerwoman)Creek. What if this spring andcreek could once again movevisibly through the downtownarea, with pretty streamside cafesand shops?


MiguelCreek once flowed froma marsh in the eastern part ofdowntown, through the Gatewayarea. Flooding still flows along thehistoric path of the creek, whichpresents ideas for a green approach.

Recommended Policies:• Consider adopting a 100-year design flood event• Consider adopting a stormwater retrofit policy• Consider waiving or amending height restrictions

under particular circumstances• Take every opportunity to incorporate green

infrastructure into local projects• Restore or re-create historic streams wherever


The I-110 terminus needsimprovement for better trafficflow into the downtown area.This needed traffic project canbe a catalyst for a number ofgreen low-impact projects suchas greenways or a chain of parks,incorporated into traditionalstormwater conveyance systems.

The Main Street Road Dietproposed by the CommunityRedevelopment Agency setsthe goal of creating a beautifuleastern gateway to the City. Howattractive to enter the downtownarea by crossing a perfect bridgeover the restored estuary of greenmarshes and blue bay waters!

Englewood CRArecommendations for PaceBlvd. & Englewood Park, includeintegration of green low-impactdevelopment with traditionalstormwater managementtechniques.

The Long Hollow retentionpond no longer provides thenecessary storage for stormwaterrun-off in this part of the City.After the Delano project isimplemented, the new H&H studywill offer insight into appropriatesolutions for this area.

Update stormwater masterplans as needed; the City’splan dates from the late 1980’s,while the County’s plan datesfrom the early 1990’s. So muchdevelopment has taken place since

then, and a new H&H model willinform the update process.

Develop a fully dynamichydrologic and hydraulicmodel for the entire easternsub-basin. The rightcombination of projects could

be phased within the modelresulting in propercoordinationand savings

The Town & Country shoppingcenter is an under-utilizedcomplex that would benefitfrom low-impact strategies, afterthe Delano projects have beenconstructed.

An on-site retentionprogram is a basin-wide project that includeseveryone! If each propertyowner does their best to keeprain on their property, therewill be less run-off to deal withthroughout the entire basin.

Downtown drainage projectscan include exciting economic

revitalization and community-partnerships when greeninfrastructure is included. The UrbanRedevelopment Advisory Committeehas suggested that the City should“develop and fund a streetscapeprogram for the central core.”

The Aragon Court DrainageBasin Concept Report prepared

by Atkins in 2014 demonstratesthe difficulty of dealing with theamount of stormwater that entersthe lower portion of the sub-basin. The dynamic H&H modelrecommended may help to focusefforts for Aragon more effectively.

The Palafox- Maxwellintersection is a depressedarea that holds water duringeven average rain events.Atkins recommends raising thisintersection and surroundingroads to eliminate the sump













N                 P                A                L               A                F                O                X                 S                T                 

N                    D                   A                  V                    I                   S                    H                   W                   Y                    

N                    7                   T                   H                   A                  V                    E                   

                                     N                                      E                                     S


N                 9                T                 H                 A                V                 E                

N                    8                   T                   H                   A                  V                    E                   

                                     N                                      F

                                    S                                     T

I                    N                    T                    E                    R                   S                    T                    A                   T                    E                     1                   1                   0                    

                                     N                                     G                                     S


                                                                                                       N                                                                                                         P

                                                                                                        A                                                                                                        C                                                                                                        E

                                                                                                         B                                                                                                        L                                                                                                          V                                                                                                       D

                                     N                                      D                                     S


N                   H                   A                  Y                    N                   E                   

S                   T                   

                                                                                         N                                                                                         H 

                                                                                        S                                                                                       T

 E  LA  R UA  S T

                                                                                                                      N                                                                                                                       L                                                                                                                       S


N                 1                1                T                 H                 A                V                 E                

 E C HA S E  S T

                                     N                                     A                                     S


D                   R                    M                   A                  R                   T                   I                   N                    L                  U                   T                   H                   E                   R                    K                   I                   N                   G                          J                   R                    D                   R                   

 E  T E XA R  D R


  S T


                                     N                                      B

                                    S                                     T

 E  L LO Y D  S T

W    L  E   O  

N   A  R  D   S   T   

 E  D E SO TO  S T

 E  S T RO NG  S T





                                                                                                 N                                                                                                  Q                                                                                                                         S



N                 1                2                T                 H                 A                V                 E                

 E GA D S D E N  S T

 E A V E R Y  S T

 E C RO S S  S T

 E  B RA I N E R D  S T



 E  J O R DA N  S T


R                   O                   O                   S                   E                   V                    E                   L                  

T                    S                   T                   

N           S           S          T          

                                     N                                      P

                                    S                                     T

 E  G R E G O R Y  S T

 E  MA L LO R Y  S T

S                B                A                Y                 L               E                N                 S                T                 

N                 S                P                R               I                N                G                 S                T                

S                      J                E                F                F                E                R                S                O                N                 S                T                

 W  L E E  S T

 E  W R IG H T  S T

N                1                               T                H                A               V                E                

N                    M                   

I                   L                  L                  E                   R                   

 S                   T                   



 E  SCO T T  S T



 T  S T

N                B               A               Y                L               E                N                S                T                


  S T

 E  L E E  S T

N                   T                   A                  R                   R                   A                  G                   O                   N                   

A                  S                   T                   

 W A V E R Y  S T

N                    1                   0                   T                   H                    A                  V                    E                   


A  S T

 W  B L O U N T  S T



N                 R                E                U                S                 S                T                

 W  L LO Y D  S T



 W  M O R E N O  S T

 E  BAA R S  S T

 E  B E L M O N T  S T


  W     2  N

  D   L  N

 W  MA L LO R Y  S T

  L  U  R  T  O  N

   S  T

 W GA R D E N  S T

                                     N                                      N                                     S


  P  E A  R  L  A

  V  E


                                     N                                      K

                                    S                                     T

                                    N                                     M

                                     S                                     T

P                A               L               A               F                O               X                 P                L               

N                 B               A               R                C                E                L               O                N                A                S                T                

 E  B LO U N T  S T

S                9                T                 H                 A                V                 E                


 W  MA X W E L L  S


S                 S                P                R               I                N                G                 S                T                

 E  F I S H E R  S T

M         A        R         C         U         S          D        R         

 W  MA I N  S T

 W  LA  R UA  S T


S                 R                E                U                S                 S                T                


  W   L  O

  R  E  T  T

 A   S  T

N                   G                   U                   I                   L                  L                  E                   M                   A                  R                   D                   

S                   T                   

B                   E                   R                   W                   I                   C                   K                   

 S                   T                   

  E   H  E  R  M A

  N  A  V  E

 E  YO NG E  S T


  S T

 E  BO B E  S T

                                                                                                       N                                                                                                         R

                                                                                                         S                                                                                                          T

 E  HA T T O N  S T


  E   F A  I  R  F

  I  E  L  D   D  R

N                                       T                   H                   A                  V                    E                   

 E GA R D E N  S T

 E  MA X W E L L  S


                                     N                                     C 

                                    S                                     T

  W     0  T  H   L


 E    T H  S T


  S T

 W  LA K E V I E W A V E

 E  B E L MO N T  S T

N                 T                A               R               R               A               G                O               N                A                S                T                

 W  H E R NA N D E Z  S


 E  B RA I N E R D  S T

N                B               A               Y                L               E                N                S                T                

 E  L LO Y D  S T

 W  J O R DA N  S T

 E  B E L MO N T

  S T


                                    N                                     N                                     S


N                1               1               T                H                A               V                E                

I                         N                        T                        E                        R                       S                        T                        A                       T                        E                         1                       1                       0                        

                                     N                                      L

                                    S                                     T

N                G                U                I                L               L               E                M                A               R               D               S                T                

                                        N                                         N                                         S


                                                                                               N                                                                                                M                                                                                                S



 E  BO B E  S T


 E  B LO U N T  S T

N                    H                   A                  Y                    N                   E                    S                   T                   

 E  L E E  S T

 E  YO NG E  S T

 E  SCO T T  S T

N                 1               0                T                H                 A               V                E                

 E  L E E  S T

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