penetration testing

Introduction To Penetration Testing Paul Asadoorian, GCIA, GCIH PaulDotCom Enterprises, LLC


penetration testing

Transcript of penetration testing

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Introduction To Penetration Testing

Paul Asadoorian, GCIA, GCIHPaulDotCom Enterprises, LLC

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• Why should we perform assessments?

• Security Assessment classifications

• Future of security assessments

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Why Hack Yourself?

• Security assessments help organizations to:

• Understand threats for better defense

• Determine risk to make informed IT decisions

• Test incident handling procedures, intrusion detection systems, and other security

• TSA is a good example

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Risk = Threat x Vulnerability

“Risk is a function of the likelihood of a given threat-source's exercising a particular potential vulnerability, and the resulting impact of that adverse event on the organization.”

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Assessment Classifications

• Target Identification

• Portscanning

• Vulnerability Scanning

• Penetration Testing

• Web Application Testing

• Client-Side Exploits

• Source Code Auditing

• “Ethical Hacking” Components

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Target Identification

• Local scans, use ARP

• Remote test, use common ports, be sneaky

• RDP (!), SSH known_hosts, netstat, DNS

• Tools

• Nmap - ARP scanning

• nbtscan - NetBIOS scanner, fast!

• Cain & Abel - ARP Scanner

• Superscan - Foundstone tool

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• Find open ports on a host

• Often includes service and OS fingerprinting

• Tools include Nmap & Nessus

PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC445/tcp open microsoft-ds Microsoft Windows XP microsoft-ds3052/tcp open powerchute APC PowerChute Agent 6.X

Nmap In The Movies!

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Vulnerability Scanning

• Looks at the open port

• Determines the service running

• Performs more actions to determine if a service contains known vulnerabilities

• Tools include Nessus and other specialized applications

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Vulnerability Scanning

• Looks at the open port

• Determines the service running

• Performs more actions to determine if a service contains known vulnerabilities

• Tools include Nessus and other specialized applications

IT Staff can perform this testing on their own with inProtect

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Penetration Testing

• Takes and identified port, associated service which contains vulnerabilities

• Uses an exploit to gain unauthorized access to the target system

• Tools include Metasploit, CANVAS, & Core IMPACT

• Used to find and compile random exploits

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Web Application Testing

• Looks for vulnerabilities in web applications on the web server

• SQL Injection

• Remote File Include

• Cross-Site Scripting

• Manipulate the applications to gain unauthorized access

• Commercial tools include AppScan and WebInspect

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Client-Side Penetration Testing

• Attempts to exploit applications on a users desktop system

• Sending email to the user with hopes they will click a link or open an attachment

• Requires the users email address and a server reachable from the clients

• Core IMPACT is able to automate this testing

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Fun to put images on user’s desktops!

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Fun to put images on user’s desktops!

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Source Code Auditing

• Analyze the source code of applications, looking for vulnerabilities

• Tools include DevInspect and Ounce

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Ethical Hacking

• Information Gathering

• Social Engineering

• Password Cracking (remote & local)

• War Dialing

• Wireless (WifI, Bluetooth)

• VoIP, Blackberry, Smartphones, etc...

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Future Tactics

• Attacking mobile devices, printers, cameras, access points, wireless routers

• Protocol Attacks (WiMax, Bluetooth, EVDO, GSM)

Assessments must always continue to help analyze risk!

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/* End */

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• Web: - Podcast, Blog, Mailing List, IRC Channel, Wiki