Pellau Magazine Issue 18



July 2011 issue of Pellau Magazine

Transcript of Pellau Magazine Issue 18

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20 Things Men should know about

women Keron Frénçhîè Roberts

We all know that the mind of the opposite sex, to some people is like a far off distant planet where

everything is like almost alien to them and some people, they kinda have a small idea of how the op-

posite sex thinks but generally no one has a total idea of how the opposite sex works. And when it

comes to women men have less of an idea of how a woman ticks than how a woman knows how a man

ticks so, using my experience (yes experience), research and help from you ladies (i thank all the girls

Women are way better liars than men so unless you lied your way into getting free tickets from the promoter of the Nikki Minaj or the Trey Songz concert don’t try to lie because you will get caught

W omen expect you most of the time to do the calling. Yeah so your strategy of not calling her for a week to get her to call or to see her reaction wouldn’t al-ways work because by day 3 you’re going to forget and call her anyway. Since I’m a fella and I said this in my previous article.

When a girl asks you how she looks, “fine” and “you look good are not the answers you ought to be giv-ing you’ll make her feel that she not worth that much to you. So if you like how she looks, be a bit more descrip-

If you’ve done something wrong, buying her something nice (Ummm I meant expensive) is your guaranteed “Get Out Of Jail Free Card”

Women like when you hug her from behind and whisper in her ear (please only do this if you’re her man or close to her because Frenchie is-n’t responsible for any damage you may get from misuse)

When a girl likes you like seriously likes you, be prepared to be the constant object of her thoughts. She’s is going to fantasize having sex with you (65% of women masturbate so about 85% think about sex) having children with you, how “perfect” life together with you will be when you get married etc…

Women get really turned on when you sex-text her. I know some you may say I’m lying but it’s true but first you have to think and understand the differ-ence between sexy dirty talk and just be-ing plain perverted rude.

Most women love their mothers but they don’t want to become like her. This is especially true for women who had single mothers or where the mother was taken advantage of in the relationship. They think if they be-come like her they’ll go through some of the same things she went through

Y ou’ll never know how much boyfriends she really had, the standard answer which most girls would give between 3~5 but ap-proximately 65% of them are lying but I don’t give them wrong because it says “I got experience but, I’m not a hoe”

Women like when you greet them with kisses…from the dawn of time kisses had always had their place in history of sealing things together like how a kiss on the lips seals a married couple together or a kiss on the forehead looks cute with 2 friends who both are the opposite sex from each other and how a kiss on the hand seals a man’s ado-ration to a woman. So when you’re greeting her don’t be afraid to plant one on the hand, cheek or if you’re really close, on her lips

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Women “need” to know how you feel about her, so stop the social conditioning of being tough and not showing your feelings. (I’m talking from experience here cuz I lost a girl who had liked me and I liked her for this same reason and I was keeping parts of me, (why I hated my childhood years etc. ) that she wanted to know to myself. So if you’re reading this I’m sorry should of really been more open with you would of made a great couple)

Women hate men who can’t assert himself and take the lead in or out of the bedroom , in public or private. Once you’re not exercising your God given right to be in charge more than likely you’re going to end up cheated on or single (refer to 17 it applies here 2)

The most painless way to end an argument is to let her win unless you have a background in politics or psychology then you are al-lowed to continue but if you both have that background…well the neighbors are going to be up all night and is not because the both of you are having s*x

If a woman is not being nice to you it’s: A) She’s on her periods or just in a bad mood B) She’s just not feeling like being around you today C) She’s blackmailing the weak part of your male psyche to get some-thing she wants (refer to #9)

Girls who say, "I love sports!" 75% of them are lying. Girls who ask you what time the football game starts, without knowing which two teams are playing fall into this cate-gory but if she has an idea that Barcelona and A.C Milan are going to be playing and she asks the time and she able to name 2 players from one of the sides then she’s ac-tually kind of interested in sports.

The first thing most women look at to tell if you’re neat, fashionable or hard-working is your shoes. So wear the right pair for the right occasion.

Women take every statement you say liter-ally. So don’t say something harsh to hurt her E.G “you’re a worthless b**ch” or “you’re only good for s**” whether you meant it or not be-cause that’s going to linger on her mind for a long time and it may result in…please refer to #17 or, you might wake up to her hanging in the bath-room.

Women like when you greet them with kisses…from the dawn of time kisses had always had their place in history of sealing things together like how a kiss on the lips seals a married couple together or a kiss on the forehead looks cute with 2 friends who both are the opposite sex from each other and how a kiss on the hand seals a man’s ado-ration to a woman. So when you’re greeting her don’t be afraid to plant one on the hand, cheek or if you’re really close, on her lips

Women like to know what you’re think-ing even if you don’t know what you’re think-ing yourself. Good time to whip out a Man’s natural talent to think in the moment and start a conversation

Once she’s not feeling loved by you that tight fitting black dress and those 6 inch stiletto heels are going come out from the back of the closet and go “MAN HUNTING” and trust me dressed like that…she going to catch something

Women love surprises whatever it is, if it is a gift, good news, surprise s*x whatever once it come unexpectedly and its good they’re going to love it and love you

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You probably thinking if you still want to be in a relationship with him or her with sum-mer right there, not so? Summer is like a pass to enjoy all the parties and fun that is

available to anyone especially single people. But just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you still can’t have as much fun as oppose to someone who’s single. Here

are 6 tips that can give you and your mate some memories to remember. 1) Plan a getaway for just the two of you alone – Yes it’s summer and you may want to

be with friends but if you feel your getting bored with your significant other then plan a getaway. Trinidad is small yes but there are lots of resorts where the two of you can enjoy each other’s company in more ways than one ;). Also there is our sister isle To-bago where the many activities available around this time can only benefit your rela-tionship.

2) Surprise him or her with something they have always been talking about or what they love – Yes this means being observant of what he or she might talk about a lot. Whatever it is that they love once you surprise them with it they may either feel in-clined to pay you back with a gift just as special.

3) Take him or her out to a fancy restaurant – I know this may sound too cheesy or old timish but this allows time for some good bonding. Apart from scenery this night out can be something fresh for the relationship or it can show him or her that you have good taste in dining. 4) Spend a weekend at their family’s house – This usually could be the make or break factor in a relationship because if the parents don’t accept you, look out

for a torturous time with them until they do or the relationship ends. But on the flip side this can let you be able to spend time with their family in getting to know them better. You may find out some things you never knew before about your significant other or you may make a close ally in the family. 5) Spend an evening on the beach with them – You may be wondering why you should do this. But a relaxing time

on the beach with the sun setting into the night and watching the calm waves approach the shore can do more wonders than you might think. It brings a peace of mind and gives you and your mate to talk about any and any-thing on their mind. Males you can give her a massage and females you can do the same but make sure if you’re going to do this that you can control yourselves to not go the distance if people are around. If alone then by all means let your desires get the best of you.

6) Dedicate a day to go to a landmark site or the zoo – Whether it’s going to witness various animals or viewing some marvelous or memorial structures, this allows learning of new things for both of you guys which make more memories for you all to hold together.

Remember relationships would never be perfect but once the commitment is there and so too is the love then

there is no reason why some of these tips can either revitalize or make this summer a more enjoyable one than

what it may have seemed to be.

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You probably thinking if you still want to be in a relationship with him or her with sum-mer right there, not so? Summer is like a pass to enjoy all the parties and fun that is

available to anyone especially single people. But just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you still can’t have as much fun as oppose to someone who’s single. Here

are 6 tips that can give you and your mate some memories to remember. 1) Plan a getaway for just the two of you alone – Yes it’s summer and you may want to

be with friends but if you feel your getting bored with your significant other then plan a getaway. Trinidad is small yes but there are lots of resorts where the two of you can enjoy each other’s company in more ways than one ;). Also there is our sister isle To-bago where the many activities available around this time can only benefit your rela-tionship.

2) Surprise him or her with something they have always been talking about or what they love – Yes this means being observant of what he or she might talk about a lot. Whatever it is that they love once you surprise them with it they may either feel in-clined to pay you back with a gift just as special.

3) Take him or her out to a fancy restaurant – I know this may sound too cheesy or old timish but this allows time for some good bonding. Apart from scenery this night out can be something fresh for the relationship or it can show him or her that you have good taste in dining. 4) Spend a weekend at their family’s house – This usually could be the make or break factor in a relationship because if the parents don’t accept you, look out

for a torturous time with them until they do or the relationship ends. But on the flip side this can let you be able to spend time with their family in getting to know them better. You may find out some things you never knew before about your significant other or you may make a close ally in the family. 5) Spend an evening on the beach with them – You may be wondering why you should do this. But a relaxing time

on the beach with the sun setting into the night and watching the calm waves approach the shore can do more wonders than you might think. It brings a peace of mind and gives you and your mate to talk about any and any-thing on their mind. Males you can give her a massage and females you can do the same but make sure if you’re going to do this that you can control yourselves to not go the distance if people are around. If alone then by all means let your desires get the best of you.

6) Dedicate a day to go to a landmark site or the zoo – Whether it’s going to witness various animals or viewing some marvelous or memorial structures, this allows learning of new things for both of you guys which make more memories for you all to hold together.

Remember relationships would never be perfect but once the commitment is there and so too is the love then

there is no reason why some of these tips can either revitalize or make this summer a more enjoyable one than

what it may have seemed to be.

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The Annual Mr. & Miss India Trinidad & Tobago, after been pushed back for three weeks from its original date of 21st May 2011 with Indian guest singer INDAR KHANHAI, was eventually a great success on June 11th 2011, at the Divali Nagar Auditorium. The eleven contestants modelled across the stage in different garment portraying beauty, poise, and techniques in modelling. The judging crite-ria consisted Oriental wear-Indian wear, Evening wear/ gown, Talent and Intelligence . Winners: Ms. India Trinidad and Tobago 2011 - Miss India Arima - Hassiba Mohammed 1st runner up - Miss India Fyzabad - Usha Sooknanan 2nd runner up - Miss India Couva - Farrah Hosein Mr. India Trinidad and Tobago 2011 - Mr. India Tunapuna - Leston Paul 1st runner up - Mr. India Penal - Rishard Khan 2nd runner up - Mr. India Belmont - Avinash Mutroo The winners of Mr. and Miss India Trinidad & Tobago will represent this beautiful country in separate international pageants in Jamaica and USA, of this year. The runners up also were given the opportunity to rep-resent Trinidad in Guadeloupe in July for Indian garment competition. Amongst the prizes that were won there were also many special prizes that were taken away by contestants and winners for their involvement and commitment towards the show. Special awards:

Miss India Photogenic - Miss India Couva Farrah Hosein Mr. India Photogenic - Mr. India Penal Rishard Khan Miss India Best Gown - Miss India Couva Farrah Hosein Mr. India Best Suit - Mr. India Belmont Avinash Mutroo – Miss India People's Choice - Miss India Fyzabad Usha Sooknanan Mr. India People's Choice - Mr. India Penal Rishard Khan Miss India Congeniality - Miss India Fyzabad Usha Sooknanan Mr. India Nice Guy - Mr. India San Juan Roland Kalloo Miss India Best Oriental Wear - Miss India Fyzabad Usha Sooknanan Mr. India Best Oriental Wear - Mr. India Tunapuna Leston Paul Miss India Best Talent - Miss India San Fernando Samantha Samantha Mungroo Mr. India Best Talent - Mr. India Belmont Avinash Mutroo

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One Step Forward, Two steps Back… Obstacles and depressions adolescences

are forced to face alone due to

unfortunate circumstances

He was drunk! I knew it! He had to

be! As my battered body lay on the floor,

my heart pounding within my chest. In a

loud and demanding voice he ordered me

to his bed. I was too scared to feel any

pain. In disbelief I started to beseech, this

was answered with a sharp kick to my

left rib. Bruised, I gradually dragged

myself hesitantly to the bed, as he

roughly tore my clothes from my body I

felt less than naught.

To imagine, the man I call father was doing this to me, I had to mean nothing. I was promptly

snapped out of my thoughts with an indescribable throbbing to my vagina. As an ear-piercing

scream escaped from my lips, he placed his extremely large hands over my mouth and in the

process to muffle my cries covered my nose as well. This troubled my breathing, as I started to

fight his hand away from my nose; he in turn repeatedly pounded me, hitting my head, neck and

face. Closing my eyes and putting my hand up to block was the last thing I remembered.

This started two months after my mother’s death. I was age eight. The first time I stepped for-

ward I was thirteen. I tried to reach out for help but the repercussion was worst than before. I told my

guidance consular at school, who in turn thought it was a cry for help and told my dad. My father

pretended to be astounded and promised to get me assistance. I am sixteen years old, my father is

dead. He died from cancer and I felt like I’ve been dead since I was eight years old.

Now that my father is dead who will listen to me, an adolescent teen. I attempted to step forward

again; this time to my aunt, my father’s sister, the response to which my complaint was met, to

my surprise was that of unbelief. She slapped me and accused me of making false allegation

against her deceased brother in the attempt to stain his name.

Everyday all around the world young girls are going through what I went through. Some

mothers know what their daughters are going through and turn a blind eye. If you know a young

boy or girl in this situation please step forward and make a stand for those who can’t stand on

their own.

Sparkle Lee Andrews

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Its summer time again guys and I’m excited 1: Because I’m a summer baby, 2: the weather is always perfect and 3: the place to be is either on the beach or poolside. Ladies I know that you have worked long and hard to ensure that you summer body is on point, so the only thing missing is the ef-fortless, beach make up that lasts and makes you stand out.

I know its going to be hot and the last thing is want as a face full of caked on makeup, so this article will provide the tips and tricks that will make your summer look effortless while polished at the same time. The steps for two looks will be highlighted: A day time beach look and the transition to a night time look, maybe for a party or bonfire on the beach at night. This summer is going to be a scorcher and here are the tips to make your make up look the part!

Must Haves Sun block/Sunscreen- SPF 15 or above- because protecting your skin is a must! (Can be used in the place of moisturizer) Light Foundation- Chose a water based, or liquid foundation for your summer look. Liquid foundations, do not cake the face, it allows the skin to breath in hot weather, while offering coverage if needed. (Cover only areas that are dark and need coverage, no need for a full face of make-up in this heat!) Bronzer/Bronzer-toned eye shadows- Bronzer is a girl’s best friend in the summer months. It offers much needed colour and definition to the face, giving it the appearance of sun kissed skin. Use bronze, brown, peachy and gold tones on the eyes, these colours warm up the eyelids adds a touch of colour to the face. Waterproof mascara/eyeliner- If you have to use mascara or eyeliner at all ladies, please use a good waterproof one, we don’t want to look like a raccoon when we come out of the water! Lip stains instead of lip glosses- we want to have lips that last all day so a lip stain is your best bet. It stains the lips slightly, and gives the lips a pop of colour that endures through water or sweat! A simple tinted lip balm is also great for hot weather.

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By: Tenille T. Quamina

Fix-it Spray- Sasha, Mac and many other makeup brands offer a fix-it spray the can be used on the face to set make-up and make it last all day. Summer time calls for this product use it after applying foundation to ensure that your make up does not smug with water or sweat. Look #1- Bronzed Beach Goddess Step 1- Apply slight foundation to cover any imperfections. Step 2- Apply bronze or gold toned eye shadow to the eyes and finish with a coat or two of waterproof mascara. For a summery finish use a waterproof coloured eyeliner for a pop of colour. Step 3- Contour the hollows of the cheeks with your favourite bronzer (quick tip for dewy skin: apply a highlighter or a small amount of Vaseline on the cheek bones) Step 4- Finish you look with a lip stain or tinted lip balm to warm and plump the lips. (Set everything with a fix-it spray to ensure longevity) Look 2- Sun-kissed Night time Diva This look is an extension to the Bronzed beach goddess, adding a few more products we can transition from a daytime look to one that is appropriate for the night Step 1: On your already bronze eyes, add a touch of dark brown (not black) to the outer corner of the eyes for a smoky ef-fect. Add more bronzer on the cheeks if needed. Step 2: Amp up your lips with a bit more colour and add a gloss over it for extra sheen. Step 3: Finish up with some more fix-it spray to set your night-time look. Summer is here and we have to look great even thought it’s hot. Try these looks and tips out and have a great and happy summer. Have a great month!!! F.A.C.E Inc. Provides make up application for all occasions, wed-dings, parties, graduations, you name it! This organization is geared at educating as well as providing professional makeup suited especially for Caribbean skin. Contact F.A.C.E. Inc.’s Freelance Make-up Artiste – Tenille T. Quamina at 1-876-390-6802 or [email protected] or for more information.

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PELLAU PROFILE Interview with Shawnell Dickson A.K.A Shawni D

Age: 21 yrs old A Trinidad born independent artist- rapper, singer, chanter, producer, song writer. Currently resides in the area of Powder Magazine, Cocorite. Major Artist influences: Tupac, Eminem, Buju Banton, Usher, Jay-Z Producer influences: Timbaland, Dr. Dre, StarBlu ENT Other likes and activities: poetry, theatre, swimming, martial arts and the ladies lol. Q: Do you have a musical background? A: Well, I have been involved in musical groups like church choir and primary choir when I was younger. My aunt used to write songs and sing at church. I think that had an impact on my passion from music, be-ing exposed to her music. She wrote and sang some unique songs. Q: What are some of the challenges you face on your musical journey? A: Getting people to like your style, everyone have their own preference in music and also getting money to invest in it with studio time etc. Q: You have tasted almost all the genres music and it shows s deep love for music, how would you describe this feeling? A: To me it’s like part of my life, I’m attached to it literally as part of me. Q: Most of your songs have a storyline to it, why do you use this method and how do you expect it to affect listeners? A: When I was younger I liked hearing a piece an artiste talk about their stories what went on in their lives and I learned from them. E.g. Tupac and Eminem. Q: From a young age you have been involved in group activities, how has it help you to grow and what has it taught you? A: It has taught me how to face a crowd and how to use my vocals properly…it was a long time ago but it also help me to be more confident. Q: How do you go about creating a hit, i.e. sound writing and beats? A: Like if I’m thinking about something that is going on in my mind maybe a rough day or thinking of an issue I write it down like a poem and my head automatically creates a melody and use the beats to go with it. Sometimes the chorus maybe a particular topic or it may be really intense and there is a rush, I will write it as a verse. Q: Spirituality is important, how has having a spiritual upbringing helped you? A: It has taught me values, I try to be connected to God because of course he gives me the strength to do everything, I’m not very religious but I am religious. Q: How did you feel when your first recording sound was finished? A: I felt like I was an artiste not just a boy with a pen and paper with a taught, I felt like I can go far with it, it gave me a sense of purpose, this is what I wanted to do and I felt a little more accomplished. Q: How has setting goals and accomplishing them affected your focus on future endeavors? A: Well after I achieved one goal I realized I could do more, if I am capable of doing this then I could do anything else so it has definitely helped me.

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Interview with Shawnell Dickson A.K.A Shawni D

Q: Being involved in other hobbies helped you develop valuable skills, how has these other activities as-sisted you? A: In theater… learning to face the stage and crowd and to make people hear your voice on stage, swim-ming, it helps with breathing a lot not that I have perfected it yet but practice makes perfect. Q: What future goals have you set for yourself? A: I like business and music so opening my own business again it was closed last time because of unfore-seen circumstances but I would love to make it in the music industry otherwise opening my own record la-bel, a guest house or hotel because I had experience in that before. Q: What has your experience with different music agencies taught you and helped you produce better mu-sic? A: I’ve learnt a lot..where I was first, they really taught me if I want to accomplish my goals I need to in-vest my own time, energy and money also how difficult to make it as an artiste especially dealing with dif-ferent genres in Trinidad…the new one, StarBlu Ent taught me the skills I need as an artiste, like when it comes to performance and help me to learn to excite the crowd and also how to make my record more inter-esting. Q: Most influential local artiste? A: Kes and Bunji Q: What qualities you look for in a woman? A: Haha, beauty, someone who I can have a conversation with, she has to be supportive… someone who won’t want me shut down my dreams for her, who respects herself, has to be classy …you know cliché haha Q: What word of advice has touched you the most? A: My Mom J feels like my biggest motivation, she raised me without my dad I always try to please her and do what she says, she encourages me and tells me to always copyright my music and to do my intros which I haven’t finish yet..she always pushes me, she doesn’t allow me to slack off…since she knows I’m serious about my music she supports me and I appreciate that. Q: If you had to do a collaboration with any rapper who will it be and why? A: Eminem…he inspires me! His energy levels he doesn’t hold back you have to feel what he is saying and he is real. Q: If you had to choose another career choice what will it be? A: Haha… umm… well besides being an entrepreneur I would say a pediatrician. Q: What gives you inspiration to write your music? A: I want to have a positive influence on the minds of young people since there is a lot of negativity around I want to have that impact on them. Q: Do you aspire to be a music mogul? A: Yes! I really want to be (goes on to explain to the interviewer what a music mogul is) what’s interesting about these people is that they don’t get rich off of just music they invest in other things also Q: Do you think that more should be done to develop music in this country for the youths?

A: More music programs should be put on television and have a variety instead of one type of music.

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Q: Firstly what is the name of your drama company and how did the idea of having

one come about?

A: The name of the company is Drama Making a Difference (D Mad) company and we

started 5 years ago in St. Augustine Senior Comprehensive School and did a school

drama competition festival in 2008. That was the ground start in making a charita-

ble company which is more for the people.

Q: Was it difficult at first starting this company?

A: No it wasn’t difficult because coming out of the competition the students really

bonded and came together as a unit so it was like a smooth transition from the com-

petition into making the company.

Q: How long have you been involved in drama?

A: Deona – From since in church when I was small

Jevon – For seven years

Q: What inspired you to get into drama?

A: Deona – I just love it

Jevon – It’s an escape from everyday life where you can just get away from every-


Q: When and where was your first performance?

A: Deona – It was back in 2008 and the name of it was “The Ninth Child”, that was

my first performance

Jevon – “I Am a Human Being 2” was my first performance when I was in school

Q: What to you was your favorite play performed i.e. either by you or someone else?

A: Deona – Well I would have to say it was my first play with the company because

writing it and seeing it was something special.

Jevon – It would have to be “I Am a Human Being 2”, not just because I did it but

because it was an excellent play and I had improve parts with no scripts so that ex-

perience was really good for me.

Q: Is this company open to all ages or is there spe-

cific age group?

A: Actually yes. You must have written CXC in or-

der to join and also one must show a certain

amount of commitment, interest and discipline.

Deona Ferdinad and Jevon Jeffery, the founders OF

D Mad Company located at St. Augustine

Senior Comprehensive

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Q: What is the purpose you intend to achieve a decade from now with D Mad


A: Collectively on a whole we want to reach a point where we’re not exactly fa-

mous but that we’re recognized and respected for the work that we do because

we are trying to make a difference. So the recognition would be really good

along with having a theater building to stage the actual dramas.

Q: In your opinion do you believe drama to be very popular in Trinidad?

A: We won’t say very popular but it’s heading there. For a while it’s not prop-

erly represented because it’s used as more of a business venture and not because

of a passion for a drama but at the moment people are recognizing the passion

and they are embracing drama so it’s coming up.

Q: Should more be done to further expand drama in the country?

A: Yes because some schools have never gotten to really see a drama before

Q: Who is your inspiration?

A: Deona – God is my inspiration

Jevon – Andre Dillon who is one of the directors of the D Mad Company is my


Q: Do you believe there are morals and ethics applied to drama?

A: Well yeah, in some parts it is but in the theater we do, but we see it to be very

ethical and morally well based.

Q: Are you the only one in your family involved in drama or are there others?

A: Deona – No I’m not the only one because my brother is also involved in it.

Jevon – Well my family is more music based but I’m the only one who really

branched off into drama.

Q: What would you say is the most challenging thing in drama?

A: The most challenging thing is bringing everyone together because everyone

would have their different issues so getting everyone together is the most diffi-


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Q: Are there members who have come from other Caribbean or American


A: No, we are more localized but we have performed in St. Thomas already.

Q: What are your thoughts about the recently constructed NAPA building?

A: Jevon – It’s nice but I don’t think it’s being used properly enough in terms

of, it’s a very nice structure and it’s lovely but in terms of usage I think its be-

ing under used and the functions is not really what it should be used for.

Q: Do you think more buildings like NAPA should be constructed to further

allow access to these places around the country?

A: Deona – Not really because the funding would be difficult as the cost to use

the theaters would be demanding unless it’s smaller and more affordable.

Jevon - No not really because we already have places like Queen’s Hall and

compared to international drama these places won’t be used to its full poten-


Q: Is there a slogan or quote you live by that is a driving force you probably

share with your company?

A: Yes “If you can help one along life’s way then your living would not be in


Q: What is something many people don’t know about you?

A: Deona – I think I have two brains or I have too much information for one

brain because so many things are going on all at once.

Jevon – I can be a lil emotional at times.

Q: What is your favorite dish?

A: Deona – Crab and Dumpling

Jevon – Can’t make up my mind between Split peas pelau with pigtail or

an Oil Down

Q: Has there been any time you felt that you weren’t meant to be in drama?

A: Deona – No

Jevon – No

Q: If you had to choose another career what would it be?

A: Deona – I don’t think there is any other career I would choose apart from


Jevon – I would have to say a motivational speaker

Q: What advice would you have for young upcoming performers?

A: Deona – Find what your strength in drama is and use it to your advantage.

Jevon – Being appreciative of the art and don’t forget your passion because

if you’re doing it because you think you should do it, you would never really

make it so you need to have a certain passion.

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