Pelimnary Task


Transcript of Pelimnary Task

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Edited FootageOriginal Footage

Here I added three filters: The first is a black & white tint, the second is a film grain or noise, the final is a border with personalised text. This was just to make the shot more interesting and intimate.

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I noticed that on each angle there was a problem with the lighting: on my male actor the blue was deeply exaggerated and on the female actor it was a darker blue, so I used my colour correction to first off change the dull blue into a more interesting green-blue combo, then I darkened the blacks and increased the reds to give my actors a nice colour to their faces.

With the hallway I did the same and used an old Western/Mexican tint to make it more stylised and standout. I think this was effective.

This was tricky. What you see here is three layers; the bottom being the female close up and the second and third being the male(s). The bottom is simple, but what I did with the second and third is firstly reduced their sizes to roughly the same as the glasses width. Then I added a black and white tint and an eight piece matte around the edges of the glasses. Finally I added a fade to about 40% so that the images are only slightly there. I also flipped both images using a 3-d tool to get the mirror effect glasses create. The only problem is the image doesn’t move around with the bottom layer and I should have used a tracking tool to do this, which next time I will. My classmates though did believe this to be a real reflection, which tells me it was successful.

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180* 180*

180* 180*

Edited on Apple Final Cut Pro